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Cosmogenic 21Ne was utilised to determine exposure ages of young subaerial basaltic lava flows from the Newer Volcanic Province, western Victoria, Australia. The ages (36–53 ka) determined from co-existing cosmogenic 21Ne and 3He in olivines separated from basalts are consistent within analytical uncertainties with ages previously determined by cosmogenic 36Cl exposure dating. This paper illustrates the potential of cosmogenic neon exposure ages in studying the eruption, surface morphology, and erosion history of young volcanic rocks, which are difficult to date using other conventional methods, such as K-Ar or 40Ar/39Ar dating. The present study demonstrates that combined cosmogenic 3He and 21Ne dating, specifically measured cosmogenic 3He/21Ne ratios, on the same samples, is powerful for evaluating the validity of calculated cosmogenic 3He and 21Ne surface exposure ages.  相似文献   

In-situ cosmogenic 3He exposure ages of pyroxene phenocrysts from basalts from the Upper Neostromboli formation in southwest Stromboli date its eruption at 7.0 ± 0.3 ka (1σ, n = 3, Ginostra site) and 6.8 ± 0.2 ka (1σ, n = 10, Timpone del Fuoco site) respectively. Correlation of our new data to previous K/Ar and palaeomagnetic ages from the northwestern Neostromboli phase suggests that it erupted within a confined period between roughly 6 and 14 ka. The low uncertainty on the 3Hecos ages as well as on individual exposure ages (4.4–8.7%) demonstrates that 3Hecos exposure dating is a viable tool for dating Holocene basalt lavas. The ages compare favourably to uncertainties obtained for radiocarbon dating of similar rocks.  相似文献   

In-situ cosmogenic 36Cl production rates from spallation of Ca and K determined in several previously published calibration studies differ by up to 50%. In this study we compare whole rock 36Cl exposure ages with 36Cl exposure ages evaluated in Ca-rich plagioclase in the same 10 ± 3 ka lava sample taken from Mt. Etna (Sicily, 38° N). The exposure age of the sample was determined by K–Ar and corroborated by cosmogenic 3He measurements on cogenetic pyroxene phenocrysts. Sequential dissolution experiments showed that high Cl concentrations in plagioclase grains could be reduced from 450 ppm to less than 3 ppm after 16% dissolution. 36Cl exposure ages calculated from the successive dissolution steps of this leached plagioclase sample are in good agreement with K–Ar and 3He age. Stepwise dissolution of whole rock grains, on the other hand, is not as effective in reducing high Cl concentrations as it is for the plagioclase. 330 ppm Cl still remains after 85% dissolution. The 36Cl exposure ages derived are systematically about 30% higher than the ages calculated from the plagioclase. We could exclude contamination by atmospheric 36Cl as an explanation for this overestimate. Magmatic 36Cl was estimated by measuring a totally shielded sample, but was found to account for only an insignificant amount of 36Cl in the case of the 10 ka whole rock sample. We suspect that the overestimate of the whole rock exposure age is due to the difficulty in accurately assessing all the factors which control production of 36Cl by low-energy neutron capture on 35Cl, particularly variable water content and variable snow cover. We conclude that some of the published 36Cl spallation production rates might be overestimated due to high Cl concentrations in the calibration samples. The use of rigorously pretreated mineral separates reduces Cl concentrations, allowing better estimates of the spallation production rates.In the Appendix of this paper we document in detail the equations used. These equations are also incorporated into a 36Cl calculation spreadsheet made available in the supplementary data.  相似文献   

K–Ar ages of young basalts (<500 ka) are often higher than the actual eruption age, due to low potassium contents and the frequent presence of excess Ar in olivine and pyroxene phenocrysts. Geological studies in the San Francisco and Uinkaret volcanic fields in Arizona have documented the presence of excess 40Ar and have concluded that K–Ar ages of young basalts in these fields tend to be inaccurate. This new study in the San Francisco volcanic field presents 3Hec and 21Nec ages yielded by olivine and pyroxene collected from three Pleistocene basalt flows – the South Sheba (∼190 ka), SP (∼70 ka), and Doney Mountain (∼67 ka) lava flows, – and from one Holocene basalt, the Bonito Lava Flow (∼1.4 ka) at Sunset Crater. These data indicate that, in two of three cases, 40Ar/39Ar and K–Ar ages of the young basalts agree well with cosmic-ray surface exposure ages of the same lava flow, thus suggesting that excess 40Ar is not always a problem in young basalt flows in the San Francisco volcanic field. The exposure age of the Bonito lava flow agrees within uncertainty with dendrochronological and archeological age determinations. K–Ar and cosmogenic 3He and 21Ne ages from the SP flow are in agreement and much older than the OSL age (5.5–6 ka) reported for this lava flow. Furthermore, if the non-cosmogenic ages are assumed to be accurate, the subsequent calculated production rates at South Sheba and SP flow sample sites agree well with values in the literature.  相似文献   

The chronology and origin of volcanism of Ascension Island, South Atlantic Ocean, is poorly resolved. Here we use in situ produced cosmogenic 3He in olivine and pyroxene phenocrysts from well-preserved lava flows to date the main sub-aerial basalt volcanism on the island. Etching olivine separates in HF/HNO3 appears to remove a significant proportion of the implanted radiogenic 4He contribution. Average exposure ages of each flow corrected for radiogenic He range from 328 ka to 186 ka and are used to refine the chronology and stratigraphy of the island. Magmatic 3He/4He ratios derived from in vacuo crushing are in the range of 6.3–7.3 RA. This range is lower than the neighbouring Mid-Atlantic Ridge segment (6–8°S) but slightly higher than measured in regional ocean islands of St. Helena, Tristan da Cunha and Gough. Combining these data with new trace element data and published radiogenic isotope ratios it appears that the Ascension Island magmatism is a mix of HIMU mantle material, typified by basalts from St. Helena, and depleted MORB-source mantle.  相似文献   

Combining cosmogenic 3He and 21Ne (3Hec and 21Nec) measurements on both pyroxene and olivine from the Pleistocene Bar Ten flows (85–107 ka) greatly increases our ability to evaluate the accuracy of 3Hec and 21Nec production rates and, therefore, 3Hec and 21Nec surface exposure ages. Comparison of 3Hec and 21Nec age-pairs yielded by experimentally determined production rates and composition-based model calculations indicates that the former give more accurate surface exposure ages than the latter in this study. However, experimental production rates should be adjusted to the composition of the minerals being analyzed to obtain the best agreement between 3Hec and 21Nec ages for any given sample. 21Nec/3Hec values are 0.400 ± 0.029 and 0.204 ± 0.014 for olivine and pyroxene, respectively, in Bar Ten lava flows, in agreement with previously published values, and indicate that 21Nec/3Hec in olivine and pyroxene is not affected by erosion and remains constant with latitude, elevation, and time (up to 10 Myr). Samples with 21Nec/3Hec that do not agree with these values may indicate the presence of non-cosmogenic helium and/or neon. The neon three-isotope diagram can also indicate whether or not all excess neon in mineral separates comes from cosmogenic sources. An error-weighted regression for olivine defines a spallation line [y = (1.033 ± 0.031)x + (0.09876 ± 0.00033)], which is indistinguishable from that for pyroxene (Schäfer et al., 1999). We have derived a production rate of 25 ± 8 at/g/yr for 21Nec in clinopyroxene (En43–44) based on the 40Ar/39Ar age of the upper Bar Ten flow. Our study indicates that the production rate of 21Nec in olivine may be slightly higher than previously determined. Cosmogenic 3He and 21Ne remain extremely useful, particularly when paired, in determining accurate eruption ages of young olivine- and pyroxene-rich basaltic lava flows.  相似文献   

Six new 40Ar/39Ar and three cosmogenic 36Cl age determinations provide new insight into the late Quaternary eruptive history of Erebus volcano. Anorthoclase from 3 lava flows on the caldera rim have 40Ar/39Ar ages of 23 ± 12, 81 ± 3 and 172 ± 10 ka (all uncertainties 2σ). The ages confirm the presence of a second, younger, superimposed caldera near the southwestern margin of the summit plateau and show that eruptive activity has occurred in the summit region for 77 ± 13 ka longer than previously thought. Trachyte from “Ice Station” on the eastern flank is 159 ± 2 ka, similar in age to those at Bomb Peak and Aurora Cliffs. The widespread occurrences of trachyte on the eastern flank of Erebus suggest a major previously unrecognized episode of trachytic volcanism. The trachyte lavas are chemically and isotopically distinct from alkaline lavas erupted contemporaneously in the summit region < 5 km away.  相似文献   

Precise 40Ar/39Ar age determinations made on basalt groundmass collected from the SP and upper and lower Bar Ten lava flows in the San Francisco and Uinkaret volcanic fields of Arizona, USA, yield ages of 72 ± 4, 97 ± 10, and 123 ± 12 ka (2σ; relative to Renne et al., 2010, 2011, full external precision), respectively. Previous ages of the SP lava flow include a K–Ar age of 70 ± 8 ka and OSL ages of 5.5–6 ka. 40Ar/39Ar age constraints, relative to the optimization model of Renne et al. (2010, 2011), of 81 ± 50 and 118 ± 64 ka (2σ; full external precision) were previously reported for the upper and lower Bar Ten lava flows, respectively. The new 40Ar/39Ar ages are within uncertainty of previous age constraints, and are more robust, accurate, and precise. Preliminary cosmogenic 3He and 21Ne production rates from the Bar Ten flows reported by Fenton et al. (2009) are updated here, to account for the improved quality of the 40Ar/39Ar data. The new 40Ar/39Ar age for the SP flow yields cosmogenic 3He and 21Ne production rates for pyroxene (119 ± 8 and 26.8 ± 1.9 at/g/yr; error-weighted mean, 2σ uncertainty; Dunai (2000) scaling method) that are consistent with production rate values reported throughout the literature. The 40Ar/39Ar and cosmogenic 3He and 21Ne data support field observations indicating the SP flow has undergone negligible erosion. The SP flow contains co-existing phenocrysts of olivine and pyroxene, as well as xenocrysts of quartz in a fine-grained groundmass facilitating cross-calibration of cosmogenic production rates and production-rate (3He, 10Be, 14C, 21Ne, 26Al, and 36Cl). Thus, we propose the SP flow is an excellent location for a cosmogenic nuclide production-rate calibration site (SPICE: the SP Flow Production-Rate Inter-Calibration Site for Cosmogenic-Nuclide Evaluations).  相似文献   

The Alleret maar (Massif Central, France) is part of the few Western European early middle Pleistocene lacustrine sequences. In the AL3 core several new ash layers were recovered in the 10 first meters of the sedimentary filling. We obtained three 40Ar/39Ar ages, which range from 683 ± 5 ka (MSWD: 1.2, n = 17) to 722 ± 6 ka (MSWD: 3.2, n = 18). All the studied ash layers belong to the Super-Besse eruptive cycle of the Sancy volcano. Based on the chronostratigraphy that we have derived we estimate that the age of the main eruption could correspond to the Sancy volcano caldera formation at 725 ka close to the end of MIS 18 and that the Super-Besse explosive episode duration lasted only about 40 ka. The time framework we build evidences that the Alleret lacustrine sequence represents a time interval of probably 180 ka spanning from MIS 18 to MIS 14. This sequence offers the first well constrained comparison between terrestrial environmental history and that preserved in marine sediments during the Mid-Pleistocene Revolution.  相似文献   

In situ Terrestrial Cosmogenic Nuclides (hereafter TCNs) are increasingly important for absolutely dating terrestrial events and processes. This study aimed at improving our knowledge of the production rate of Terrestrial Cosmogenic 3He formed in situ in rock surfaces at low latitude and sea level as well as re-evaluation of the Canary Islands as a calibration site for TCNs. For this purpose, we sampled basaltic lava flows from some of the youngest and yet undated volcanic sites and used the 40Ar/39Ar incremental heating method on groundmass samples and in situ cosmogenic 3He on olivine and clinopyroxene phenocrysts. 40Ar/39Ar analysis was done on a Hiden HAL Series 1000 triple filter quadrupole mass spectrometer with extraction furnace. Incremental heating data shows ages in the Late Pleistocene from 52.7 ± 21.6 ka to 398.6 ± 27.6 ka.We measured cosmogenic 3He concentrations in olivine and clinopyroxene phenocrysts from flow top samples on a MAP 215-50 sector mass spectrometer with a crushing device and a diode laser extraction system. Exposure age calculations yielded ages in the range 38.9 ± 4.0 ka to 62.3 ± 6.7 ka for the youngest lava flow and the data series is in broad agreement with the argon data up to 250 ka and reveals a more continuous time line of volcanism during the late Pleistocene on the island. However, the dataset was not sufficient for calculation of production rates for in situ Terrestrial Cosmogenic 3He as many samples showed signs of erosion. Calculated erosion rates range from none to as high as 7.3 mm/kyr assuming a rock density of 2.9 g/cm2. This finding puts a constraint on the use of Fuerteventura as a calibration site for exposure histories older than 50–100 ka. A comparison with cosmogenic 36Cl data supports these findings and indicates substantial weathering.  相似文献   

We have measured 36Cl in three rock surfaces of the Yenicekale building complex in Hattusha (Bo?azköy, Turkey). Hattusha was the capital of Hittite Empire which lasted from about 1650/1600 to 1200 BC. At Yenicekale, Hittite masons flattened the summit of an outcropping limestone knoll to form an artificial platform as the foundation for a building. Next they built a circuit wall along the lateral precipices of the flattened bedrock platform. We took one sample from the limestone bedrock platform and two samples from limestone building blocks of the circuit wall for cosmogenic 36Cl analysis. Calculated exposure ages are 20 ± 1 ka for the sample from the bedrock platform and 24 ± 1 ka and 52 ± 2 ka for the circuit wall blocks. These exposure ages are significantly older than the age expected based on the estimated time of construction between 3.2 ka and 3.7 ka. We conclude that the sampled surfaces contain significant inherited cosmogenic 36Cl. We cannot directly determine exposure ages for the building complex based on these three samples. On the other hand we may use the measured concentrations to determine how much of the rock was removed from the platform during flattening. To this end we modeled the variation of 36Cl production with depth at Yenicekale using the results from the bedrock sample. We conclude that the Hittite masons removed only around 3 m from top of the limestone block. This means that the volume of rock removed from the bedrock platform is significantly less than the volume in the circuit wall atop the platform. They did not gain enough rock from this flattening to make the building. In agreement with this, the first results of our detailed microfacies analysis indicate that many of the building blocks are not of the same facies as the underlying limestone and must have been quarried elsewhere. Although we were not able to exposure date the Yenicekale complex due to the presence of inherited 36Cl, our data suggest that Hittite masons excavated (most of) the building stones not at Yenicekale, but in quarries outside of Hattusha and then transported them to the construction site. These quarries have not yet been identified.  相似文献   

We present 23 new ages from three volcanic complexes of the Lesser Antilles arc in Martinique Island (French West Indies). These ages obtained with the K–Ar Cassignol–Gillot technique are distributed within the whole Quaternary. They allowed us to reconstruct a detailed history of successive volcanic growth and flank collapse stages. Trois Ilets Volcanism has been active during at least 2 Ma, between 2.35 ± 0.03 Ma and 346 ± 27 ka, with monogenetic volcanoes of basaltic-andesite to andesitic compositions. We here propose that magma mixing, which characterizes this volcanism, could have been initiated between 617 and 346 ka by the activation of arc-parallel and arc-transverse fault systems. Meanwhile, the Carbet complex was active 25 km to the north from 998 ± 14 to 322 ± 6 ka, and was partially destroyed by a flank collapse after 602 ± 10 ka. Together with geochemical data, our ages show that Mount Conil and Mount Pelée volcanoes are parts of the same edifice sharing a single magmatic reservoir. Mount Conil started to emerge before 543 ± 8 ka, and andesites erupted until 127 ± 2 ka, when a flank collapse destroyed the western flank of the edifice, probably triggering the emplacement of Piton Marcel, the last eruption of this first stage. We note that this collapse occurred during the transition from oxygen stages 6 to 5, i.e. during glacial to interglacial change, when eustatic level rapidly increased. After that, and until present, Mount Pelée volcano was built with periods of cone growth intercalated by flank collapse events. We here show that a peak of activity occurred between 550 and 330 ka in western Martinique within the three complexes, which are spaced of 15–25 km. Since 330 ka volcanic activity is limited to the northernmost Mount Conil–Mount Pelée complex. Our data are in agreement with the regional scale observations that the whole recent Lesser Antilles arc was subject to a high volcanic activity since 600 ka, probably linked to an increase in magma production. This permanent establishment of rising magma in regularly spaced batches and tectonically controlled, could explain the individual chemical evolution of each edifice and the different eruptive dynamisms occurring at the same time along the recent arc.  相似文献   

We present sub-crystal-scale 238U–230Th zircon ages and 238U–230Th–226Ra plagioclase ages of bulk mineral separates from the Holocene (2.0–2.3 ka) eruptions of the Rock Mesa (RM) and Devil's Hills (DH) rhyolites at South Sister volcano, Oregon. We link these age data with sub-crystal trace-element analyses of zircon and plagioclase to provide insight into the subvolcanic system at South Sister, as an example of a small-volume continental arc volcano. Our results document the presence of coeval yet physically-distinct regions within the magma reservoir and constrain the timescales over which these heterogeneities existed. Zircons from the RM and DH dominantly record ages from 20 to 80 ka, with some grains recording ages > 350 ka, whereas plagioclase records 230Th–226Ra ages of 2.3–6.8 ka (RM) and 4.0–9.6 ka (DH-3) and a 238U–230Th age of 10 ± 34 ka (DH-3). We interpret zircons with ages < 350 ka as antecrysts inherited from a longer lived upper-crustal magma reservoir from which the rhyolites were generated, based on crystallization ages coeval with earlier periods of silicic volcanism at South Sister, the undersaturated nature of the RM and DH magmas with respect to zircon, and Ti-in-zircon temperatures consistent with low-temperature (< 815 °C) crystallization. In contrast, plagioclase ages are near the eruption age and dominantly preserve information about the recent (< 10 ka), higher-temperature evolution of the host magmas. Although zircon and plagioclase record different crystallization ages, each phase crystallized over the same time period in the RM compared to DH rhyolites. Linking these crystal age data with sub-crystal trace-element analyses demonstrates that zircon and plagioclase have distinct trace-element characteristics between eruptions, which require that the RM and DH crystals (and therefore magmas) were derived from distinct regions that had evolved independently for > 50 ka within a heterogeneous magmatic system and coexisted as physically-distinct, dominantly-liquid bodies prior to eruption. Thus, we favor a model where rhyolites are generated in independent batches by accumulation of evolved liquids in a heterogeneous, largely crystalline reservoir. Similarities in crystal age and chemical data to that at other young silicic systems (e.g., Mount St. Helens, Okataina Caldera Complex) suggest that this model may be more generally applicable to silicic magmas.  相似文献   

Geological surveys, tephrostratigraphic study, and 40Ar/39Ar age determinations have allowed us to chronologically constrain the geological evolution of the lower NW flank of Etna volcano and to reconstruct the eruptive style of the Mt Barca flank eruption. This peripheral sector of the Mt Etna edifice, corresponding to the upper Simeto valley, was invaded by the Ellittico volcano lava flows between 41 and 29 ka ago when the Mt Barca eruption occurred. The vent of this flank eruption is located at about 15 km away from the summit craters, close to the town of Bronte. The Mt Barca eruption was characterized by a vigorous explosive activity that produced pyroclastic deposits dispersed eastward and minor effusive activity with the emission of a 1.1-km-long lava flow. Explosive activity was characterized by a phreatomagmatic phase followed by a magmatic one. The geological setting of this peripheral sector of the volcano favors the interaction between the rising magma and the shallow groundwater hosted in the volcanic pile resting on the impermeable sedimentary basement. This process produced phreatomagmatic activity in the first phase of the eruption, forming a pyroclastic fall deposit made of high-density, poorly vesicular scoria lapilli and lithic clasts. Conversely, during the second phase, a typical strombolian fall deposit formed. In terms of hazard assessment, the possible occurrence of this type of highly explosive flank eruption, at lower elevation in the densely inhabited areas, increases the volcanic risk in the Etnean region and widens the already known hazard scenario.  相似文献   

The production rate of cosmogenic 3He in apatite, zircon, kyanite and garnet was obtained by cross-calibration against 10Be in co-existing quartz in glacial moraine boulders from the Nepalese Himalaya. The boulders have 10Be ages between 6 and 16 kyr and span elevations from 3200 to 4800 m. In all of these minerals 3He correlates with 10Be and is dominantly cosmogenic in origin. After modest correction for non-cosmogenic components, 3He/10Be systematics imply apparent sea-level high-latitude (SLHL) apparent production rates for 3He of 226 atoms g? 1 yr? 1 in zircon, 254 atoms g? 1 yr? 1 in apatite, 177 atoms g? 1 yr? 1 in kyanite, and 153 atoms g? 1 yr? 1 in garnet. These production rates are unexpectedly high compared with rates measured elsewhere in the world, and also compared with proposed element-specific production rates. For apatite and zircon, the data are sufficient to conclude that the 3He/10Be ratio increases with elevation. If this reflects different altitudinal scaling between production rates for the two isotopes then the SLHL production rates estimated by our approach are overestimates. We consider several hypotheses to explain these observations, including production of 3He via thermal neutron capture on 6Li, altitudinal variations in the energy spectrum of cosmic-ray neutrons, and the effects of snow cover. Because all of these effects are small, we conclude that the altitudinal variations in production rates of cosmogenic 3He and 10Be are distinct from each other at least at this location over the last ~ 10 kyr. This conclusion calls into question commonly adopted geographic scaling laws for at least some cosmogenic nuclides. If confirmed, this distinction may provide a mechanism by which to obtain paleoelevation estimates.  相似文献   

The Pliocene-Holocene Newer Volcanic Province (NVP) of southeastern Australia is an extensive, relatively well-preserved, intra-plate basaltic lava field containing more than 400 eruptive centres. This study reports new, high-precision 40Ar/39Ar ages for six young (300–600 ka) basalt flows from the NVP and is part of a broader initiative to constrain the extent, duration, episodicity and causation of NVP volcanism. Six fresh, holocrystalline alkali basalt flows were selected from the Warrnambool-Port Fairy area in the Western Plains sub-province for 40Ar/39Ar dating. These flows were chosen on the basis of pre-existing K-Ar age constraints, which, although variable, indicated eruption during a period of apparent relative volcanic quiescence (0.8–0.06 Ma).40Ar/39Ar ages were measured on multiple aliquots of whole rock basalt samples. Three separate flows from the Mount Rouse volcanic field yielded concordant 40Ar/39Ar age results, with a mean eruption age of 303 ± 13 ka (95% CI). An older weighted mean age of 382 ± 24 ka (2σ) was obtained for one sample from the central Rouse-Port Fairy Flow, suggesting extraneous argon contamination. Two basalt flows from the Mount Warrnambool volcano also yielded analogous results, with an average 40Ar/39Ar age of 542 ± 17 ka (95% CI). The results confirm volcanic activity during the interval of relative quiescence. Most previous K-Ar ages for these flows are generally older than the weighted mean 40Ar/39Ar ages, suggesting the presence of extraneous 40Ar. This study demonstrates the suitability of the 40Ar/39Ar incremental-heating method to obtain precise eruption ages for young, holocrystalline alkali basalt samples in the NVP.  相似文献   

Absolute palaeointensity results were obtained from 392 samples (166 of 241 flows) from the upper 779 m of the Scientific Observation Hole 1 (SOH1) basalt core, Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, using the microwave palaeointensity technique. Based on K–Ar dates and a previously published age model, this covers the last 45 ka thus giving a high-resolution record of geomagnetic intensity in Hawaii. Comparisons with other Hawaiian absolute palaeointensity data show similar trend of higher intensity than present day for the last 3 ka and then a general decrease in intensity over the last 45 ka, though this study reports consistently lower palaeointensity values. Direct comparison with previous Thellier data from the SOH1 core shows some discrepancies between the two methods, with the Thellier data yielding generally higher palaeointensity estimates than the microwave data. In view of these discrepancies between the two methods, the introduction of raw palaeointensity data into the public domain is suggested.  相似文献   

The Grande Découverte Volcanic Complex (GDVC), active since at least 0.2 Ma, is the most recent volcanic complex of the Basse-Terre Island (Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles Arc). A detailed geochronological study using the K–Ar Cassignol–Gillot technique has been undertaken in order to reconstruct the history of effusive activity of this long-lived volcanic system. Twenty new ages permit to suggest that the GDVC experienced at least six main effusive stages, from 200 ka to present time. To the north of the GDVC, the GDS (Grande Découverte–Soufrière volcano) has been active since at least 200 ka, and to the south, the TRMF (Trois-Rivières–Madeleine Field), started to be emplaced 100 ka. Morphological investigations suggest that the whole TRMF volcanism was emitted from vents distinct from the GDS, most probably a large E–W fissure network linked to the Marie-Galante rift. The mean age of 62 ± 5 ka, obtained for the E–W Madeleine–Le Palmiste alignment suggests that a fissure-opening event occurred at that time. However, whole-rock major and trace element signatures are similar for both systems, suggesting that a common complex magma-plumbing system has fed the overall GDVC. We report very young ages for lava flows from the TRMF, which implies that < 10 ka volcanic activity is now identified for both massifs. Although hazards associated with such effusive volcanism are much lower than those associated with potential flank-collapse of the Soufrière lava dome or a magmatic dome eruption with explosive phases within the GDS, the emplacement of relatively large Holocene age lava flows (3–1 × 108 m3) suggests that a revised integrated volcanic hazard assessment for Southern Basse-Terre should now consider the potential for renewed future activity from two Holocene volcanic centers including the TRMF.  相似文献   

Stable cosmogenic isotopes such as 3He and 21Ne are useful for dating of diverse lithologies, quantifying erosion rates and ages of ancient surfaces and sediments, and for assessing complex burial histories. Although many minerals are potentially suitable targets for 3He and 21Ne dating, complex production systematics require calibration of each mineral–isotope pair. We present new results from a drill core in a high-elevation ignimbrite surface, which demonstrates that cosmogenic 3He and 21Ne can be readily measured in biotite and hornblende. 21Ne production rates in hornblende and biotite are similar, and are higher than that in quartz due to production from light elements such as Mg and Al. We measure 21Nehbl/21Neqtz = 1.35 ± 0.03 and 21Nebio/21Neqtz = 1.3 ± 0.02, which yield production rates of 25.6 ± 3.0 and 24.7 ± 2.9 at g? 1 yr? 1 relative to a 21Neqtz production rate of 19.0 ± 1.8 at g? 1 yr? 1. We show that nucleogenic 21Ne concentrations produced via the reaction 18O(α,n)21Ne are manageably small in this setting, and we present a new approach to deconvolve nucleogenic 21Ne by comparison to nucleogenic 22Ne produced from the reaction 19F(α,n)22Ne in F-rich phases such as biotite. Our results show that hornblende is a suitable target phase for cosmogenic 3He dating, but that 3He is lost from biotite at Earth surface temperatures. Comparison of 3He concentrations in hornblende with previously measured mineral phases such as apatite and zircon provides unambiguous evidence for 3He production via the reaction 6Li(n,α)3H  3He. Due to the atypically high Li content in the hornblende (~ 160 ppm) we estimate that Li-produced 3He represents ~ 40% of total 3He production in our samples, and must be considered on a sample-specific basis if 3He dating in hornblende is to be widely implemented.  相似文献   

Maderas volcano is a small, andesitic stratovolcano located on the island of Ometepe in Lake Nicaragua, Nicaragua, with no record of historic activity. Twenty-one samples were collected in 2010 from lava flows of Maderas. The selected samples were analyzed for whole-rock geochemistry using ICP-AES and/or were dated using the 40Ar/39Ar method. The results of these analyses were combined with previously collected data from Maderas as well as field observations to determine the eruptive history of the volcano and create a geologic map. The results of the geochemical analyses indicate that Maderas has higher concentrations of alkalies than most Nicaraguan and Costa Rican volcanoes including its nearest neighbor, Concepción volcano. It is also different from Concepción in that it displays higher incompatible elements. Determined age dates range from 179.2?±?16.4?ka to 70.5?±?6.1?ka. Based on these ages and the geomorphology of the volcano which is characterized by a bisecting graben, it is proposed that Maderas experienced two generations of development: initial build-up of the older cone including pre-graben lava flows, followed by post-graben lava flows. The ages also indicate that Maderas is markedly older than Concepción which is historically active. Volcanic hazards were also assessed. The 40Ar/39Ar ages indicate that Maderas has likely been inactive for tens of thousands of years and future volcanic eruptions are not considered an immediate hazard. However, earthquake and lahar hazards exist for the communities around the volcano. The steep slopes of the eroded older cone are the most likely sources of lahar hazards.  相似文献   

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