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以生态系统管理为工具开展海岸带综合管理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文从海岸带和海岸带综合管理的几大特征出发 (包括海岸带的中心地带———海 陆生态交错带、海岸带综合管理需要解决的主要问题———生态环境危机、海岸带综合管理的管理对象———社会 经济 自然复合生态系统等方面 ),提出生态学应成为海岸带综合管理的主要科学依据,海岸带综合管理应遵循并且充分运用生态学的理念和方法;文章通过对生态系统管理与海岸带综合管理的比较分析,指出生态系统管理正是生态学中有助于海岸带综合管理的最佳工具,海岸带综合管理应以生态系统管理为基础,并进一步阐述了生态系统管理在海岸带综合管理规划中的具体运用.  相似文献   

唐议  邹伟红 《海洋科学》2009,33(3):65-70
海洋渔业对海洋生态系统的影响越来越受到人们的重视,考虑生态系统的管理已经成为海洋渔业管理的发展趋势.作者分析了海洋渔业对海洋生态系统产生的影响,包括捕捞活动对目标和非目标种产生的危害、渔业资源栖息地和环境破坏、生物多样性降低等;分析了国际上考虑生态系统的海洋渔业管理的法律框架、国际组织和有关国家的实践及其具体措施,指出了中国在此方面存在的问题:海洋生态系统的基础科学研究缺乏系统性和全面性;基于生态系统的海洋渔业管理的理论研究比较缺乏;相关的法律框架不够完善等.讨论了应用生态系统方法的海洋渔业管理与传统的海洋渔业管理间的关系,指出生态系统方法在其实践中将存在各种问题,认为生态系统方法应有选择地应用.对中国海洋渔业管理如何应用生态系统方法,建议:(1)加强海洋生态系统的基础科学研究;(2)开展基于生态系统的海洋渔业管理理论和方法研究;(3)逐步建立相关的法律和制度框架;(4)开展广泛的多部门合作和国际合作.  相似文献   

起源于传统自然资源管理和利用过程,形成于20世纪90年代的生态系统管理不仅具有丰富的科学内涵,而且还具有迫切的社会需求和广阔的应用前景。1992年以来逐渐成为美国等国家的一些政府机关和非政府机构所采用的自然资源管理模式。20世纪90年代后期引入我国后,学者们展开了一系列理论探讨,主要内容为陆地生态系统管理的理论与实践,在海洋领域仅涉及海岸带综合管理和大海洋生态系统,但尚未在海洋政策中确立以生态系统为基础的海洋管理模式。文章在综述生态系统管理相关研究进展的基础上,结合我国海洋生态系统特点及其开发利用特征,系统阐述了在我国实施海洋生态系统管理的必要性与紧迫性,提出了我国建立以生态系统为基础的海洋管理新战略与行动,为我国制定海洋区域化管理模式提供参考。  相似文献   

基于生态系统的海洋综合管理是海洋管理的新理念和新模式,其倡导从海洋生态系统角度开展环境资源保护,并以促进海洋生态系统与人类开发活动的协调可持续发展为终极目标。美国大沼泽湿地项目是基于生态系统的海洋综合管理的经典范例。基于生态系统的海洋综合管理的核心理念是将整个生态系统纳入海洋综合管理范畴,颠覆传统的单一对象保护理念,实现海洋生态保护与人类生存发展协调可持续。美国大沼泽湿地项目采用了基于生态系统的海洋综合管理理念,将整个大沼泽湿地视为一个整体生态系统,实现联邦政府、州政府和社会组织协作,合力促进大沼泽湿地的绿色生态可持续发展。美国大沼泽湿地项目全面贯彻基于生态系统的海洋综合管理理念,采用联合管理模式,重视水资源环境治理取得一定成效,但也暴露出管理模式有待改进、公众宣传参与不到位、区域间联系不紧密等问题。  相似文献   

文章评述了海南省海草床生态系统的分布、海草保护与管理、科学研究等各个方面的现状,以及生态系统修复与研究进展.指出海草生态系统具有特殊的资源价值和生态效益,对热带海岸社会经济可持续发展十分重要;另一方面对日益频繁的人类开发活动和自然环境变异十分敏感和脆弱,随着海南的开发建设,人口、资源环境压力加剧,海草资源已经受到开发活动的影响而急需保护.尽管政府采取了保护管理的各种措施,包括相关法律和海洋保护区、科学研究,但海草床生态系统仍然面临威胁.海草床生态系统在我国热带海洋生态环境变化和资源可持续利用研究中具有特别重要的意义.应当加强海草生态系统的调查、监测、评估、研究,以适应海草生态系统的保护、管理、恢复、重建和可持续发展的要求.  相似文献   

我国海岛开发目前处于起步阶段,海岛资源未能合理利用。为了加强我国海岛的综合管理和实现海岛的可持续发展,我们必须对海岛进行有效的生态系统管理。文章在分析我国海岛生态系统管理现状的基础上,针对不同类型的海岛,从海岛开发的法制建设、可持续发展和海岛退化生态系统恢复等方面,尝试性地提出我国海岛生态系统管理对策。  相似文献   

基于生态系统的海洋综合管理是目前全球大型海洋生态系统管理的重要理念。墨西哥湾是美国大型海洋生态系统之一,也是美国实施基于生态系统的海洋综合管理的典型案例之一。基于生态系统的墨西哥湾海洋综合管理面临着国内外双重压力。国内:生态修复政策法规不够完善、联邦和州政府相互掣肘;国外:因美国、墨西哥和古巴三国的意识形态和经济水平差异巨大,很难协调三国以合作治理墨西哥湾海洋生态系统。虽面临国内外双重压力,但是基于生态系统的墨西哥湾海洋综合管理仍取得一定成效,如制定了相关政策法规体系、建立了生态评估体系、实施了海洋空间规划等。今后美国应继续推进海洋生态系统修复专门立法、健全部门协调机制、加强海湾三国合作,以促进基于生态系统的海洋综合管理的理论完善与实践发展。  相似文献   

基于生态系统的海洋综合管理是海洋管理的新理念和新模式,其颠覆了单一保护对象的传统海洋管理理念,倡导从海洋生态系统角度开展海洋环境资源保护,目标是实现海洋生态系统养护与人类开发活动的协调与可持续发展。中国厦门海岸带综合管理计划和美国佛罗里达大沼泽湿地项目都采用了基于生态系统的海洋综合管理,通过对比两者在基本情况、政策法规、管理模式和管理措施方面的联系和区别,分析中国厦门海岸带综合管理计划和美国佛罗里达大沼泽湿地项目为中美两国其他区域实施基于生态系统的海洋综合管理提供的有益经验,以及实践中存在问题,并据此提出中美两国今后实施基于生态系统的海洋综合管理的具体建议,包括深化管理理念、制定专门立法、设立专职部门、落实公众参与等。  相似文献   

为满足新形势下我国海洋空间规划的需求,保障我国海洋生态安全,文章系统总结近年来国际上基于生态系统的海洋空间规划原则、方法和应用进展,并提出展望和启示。研究结果表明:由部门管理上升至空间管理是基于生态系统的海洋空间规划的基本特点,在规划过程中应遵循生态系统管理原则;目前主流的规划工具包括生态系统服务评估和情景分析、权衡取舍分析、博弈论决策以及空间制图和系统规划;将生态系统方法运用于海洋空间规划,可在维持生态系统服务和功能的前提下实现科学的海域空间分配,从而达成多目标的可持续管理,对我国现阶段的海洋空间规划具有重要的启示作用。  相似文献   

文章充分考虑了养殖区养殖产品品质及其对环境压力的响应关系,按照生态系统管理的思路,基于压力-状态-响应技术框架,初步构建海水养殖区生态系统健康评价指标体系和模型,为海水养殖区环境管理提供重要支撑技术。  相似文献   

Ecosystem-based management is now widely accepted as the standard strategy for achieving sustainable delivery of marine and estuarine ecosystem services. The ubiquity and rate of change in marine ecosystems necessitate incorporating visions of future ecosystem states into ecosystem management strategies. Creating visions of the future enables policy makers to set realistic objectives and targets, and to explore the consequences of potential management decisions on ecosystems under multiple potential scenarios of change. Several classes of futures are used in marine ecosystem management program, and three are highlighted here: visioning, predictive models, and scenario analysis. Each approach is briefly described, and their use in current marine ecosystem management programs in North America is reviewed. In particular, the importance of using scenario analysis to identify and incorporate the influence of exogenous drivers into management strategies is highlighted. Then, some of the perils and promises associated with each approach are described, and a way forward is proposed that incorporates multiple types of future envisioning approaches into management programs. Key contributions of future analyses include highlighting connections and trade-offs among ecosystem components, setting realistic targets, and incorporating exogenous drivers, and their uncertainties, into ecosystem management programs.  相似文献   

The ecosystem approach for fisheries management is a widely accepted concept and various international instruments require its application. However, there are various interpretations of the ecosystem approach and its application almost always brings about confrontations and resistance among managers, proponents, and stakeholders. This paper categorizes the ecosystem approach into four distinguishable types: bycatch mitigation, multi-species management, protection of vulnerable ecosystems, and integrated approach. Furthermore, the lack of identification and understanding of specific management goals is hampering the application of the ecosystem approach. Unless the stakeholders understand and accept the goals, the ecosystem approach will not succeed.  相似文献   

Ecosystem-based management is an increasingly prominent paradigm for the management of living marine resources with a focus on maintaining ecosystem level properties and processes. Although highly migratory marine and anadromous fish species often disproportionately contribute to the structure and function of ecosystems, incorporating these species into ecosystem-based management policies remains difficult because they spend a considerable portion of time outside the boundaries that define a particular management area. In this paper, two case studies are used to examine how the challenges of ecosystem openness, imperfect information, and ecosystem complexity can impede efforts to integrate highly migratory Pacific salmon into ecosystem-based management policies. This analysis highlights three main factors that hinder more effective integration: (1) uncertainties about impacts of human activities and ecological processes that occur in geographically distant jurisdictional areas or at spatial scales larger than the ecosystem-based management area, (2) spatial asymmetries in the distribution of costs and benefits associated with management decisions (i.e., positive or negative externalities), and (3) static management policies that prevent updating management decisions in a timely manner when ecosystem conditions change or new information becomes available. Given these factors, two potential strategies to address migratory challenges are suggested. First, the creation of an international ecosystem synthesis group is recommended to facilitate the collection, analysis, and dissemination of ecological, social, and policy information across national and other jurisdictional boundaries. Second, the expanded use of dynamic in-season management policies is recommended, which allow for rapid updating of management decisions based on evolving information about ecosystem conditions.  相似文献   

For decades, the scientific community has conducted essential background research and developed appropriate modeling tools in support of an ecosystem-based approach to natural resource management. Resource managers and the public, however, lack a clear roadmap for working with scientists to move beyond the traditional single-species approach. With current management processes so strongly focused on working in a species-by-species framework, there are entrenched cultural and institutional challenges to shifting those processes toward ecosystem-based management. We propose using the integrated ecosystem assessment process to both develop new management ideas for a particular ecosystem, and to help shift public policy processes and perceptions to embrace ecosystem approaches to management.  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》1999,42(2-4):283-317
The Amatique Bay is an estuarine ecosystem with great ecological and socioeconomics value due to its diversity of environments, biotic resources and the human activities it supports. However, until the mid-1990’s, the absense of planning and use of ecological criteria in its development have resulted in the environmental deterioration of the ecosystem and its resources. In this constribution the most important ecological aspects of the ecosystem, its economical development, environmental problems, and guidelines for its management are analyzed, putting the ecosystem as focus for planning and management of the Atlantic Coast of Guatemala. The approach enables the analysis of the sectorial levels including tourism, hunting and fishing, agriculture and livestock farming, urbanization, oil-related activities, ports and means of communications, and finally the integration of these activities into the ecosystem and habitats in the region providing management guidelines. In conclusion, it is recommended that the integrated management plan for the Atlantic Coast of Guatemala be grounded in a development strategy based on scientific knowledge, integrating the ecosystem, the economics, and the policy, geared towards the solutions of the priority problem and definition of planning and development policies.  相似文献   

《Marine Policy》2005,29(1):57-68
Although many jurisdictions have embraced ecosystem-based management for the marine environment, it is unclear what this entails in terms of both theory and practical action. I examine the management of complex systems in industrial control as a source of practical guidance on how to approach the ideals of marine ecosystem management. Industrial control systems focus on objectives and outcomes, are hierarchical and localise and distribute control tasks. The principles of hierarchical control systems and focussing on ecosystem services helps overcome the conceptual difficulties with ecosystem management while retaining the idea of a holistic approach to managing human impacts.  相似文献   

Marine resource crises have initiated a search for alternative approaches to resource assessment and management that has culminated in a global focus on ecosystem approaches to management (EAM). Here, the ecosystem extends to humans as drivers and recipients of ecosystem change. More specifically, attention is being paid to identifying specific qualities of local resource users' experiences and knowledge that might productively inform resource management, while also providing local users with substantial “voice” in shaping new management policies and practices. Here an evaluation is provided of the extent to which local ecological knowledge (LEK) can provide advice for an ecosystem approach to inshore coastal management, specifically, the identification of ecologically and biologically significant areas, based on the results of two comprehensive studies of coastal Nova Scotian commercial harvesters' local ecological knowledge. While spatially explicit, local ecological knowledge displays strengths and limitations that must be explicated for it to prove useful for strengthening “voice” and providing EAM inputs.  相似文献   

Marine legislation is becoming more complex and marine ecosystem-based management is specified in national and regional legislative frameworks. Shelf-seas community and ecosystem models (hereafter termed ecosystem models) are central to the delivery of ecosystem-based management, but there is limited uptake and use of model products by decision makers in Europe and the UK in comparison with other countries. In this study, the challenges to the uptake and use of ecosystem models in support of marine environmental management are assessed using the UK capability as an example. The UK has a broad capability in marine ecosystem modelling, with at least 14 different models that support management, but few examples exist of ecosystem modelling that underpin policy or management decisions. To improve understanding of policy and management issues that can be addressed using ecosystem models, a workshop was convened that brought together advisors, assessors, biologists, social scientists, economists, modellers, statisticians, policy makers, and funders. Some policy requirements were identified that can be addressed without further model development including: attribution of environmental change to underlying drivers, integration of models and observations to develop more efficient monitoring programmes, assessment of indicator performance for different management goals, and the costs and benefit of legislation. Multi-model ensembles are being developed in cases where many models exist, but model structures are very diverse making a standardised approach of combining outputs a significant challenge, and there is a need for new methodologies for describing, analysing, and visualising uncertainties. A stronger link to social and economic systems is needed to increase the range of policy-related questions that can be addressed. It is also important to improve communication between policy and modelling communities so that there is a shared understanding of the strengths and limitations of ecosystem models.  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》2003,46(6-7):527-545
In this paper, we address the implications of changing social-ecological feedback links for a sustainable management of coastal regions applying an ecosystem management perspective. This case study focuses on user patterns of fish resources in the Central Baltic Sea archipelago consisting of three sub-regions: Stockholm archipelago, Sweden, the Åland islands and the archipelago of SW Finland. The transition from a region, mainly relying on a mixture of local natural resources towards a region more dominated by the recreational demands of nearby large urban areas, has altered user patterns of fish resources. This transition has partly followed different pathways in the three sub-regions depending on how socio-economic driving forces have been manifested in management actions. Nevertheless, functioning ecosystems are still the basis for the delivery of ecosystem services and a living archipelago system. The significance of capturing and (re)building feedback links into management regarding knowledge on ecosystem services for a sustainable ecosystem management is discussed.  相似文献   

A critical issue in marine ecosystem-based management is addressing the compatibility of extractive use with ecosystem protection. Analysis of the protected area planning process for the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands suggests the key elements of an ecosystem-based approach to protected area management include establishing a common understanding among decision makers of ecosystem boundaries and ecosystem condition, informed by the best available science. A participatory process is proposed that relies on an informed assessment of whether extractive use compromises ecological integrity and is consistent with conservation objectives. Best practices for compatibility determinations are proposed for multi-agency protected area management and planning.  相似文献   

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