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Core recovered from IGS Borehole 78/9 is described and suhsamples have been examined for geotechnical properties, palaeomagnelic events and microfauna content. It was hoped that this approach would provide a Quaternary stratigraphy for the area by assuming that significant geological events correlate with simultaneous changes in the lithology, gcotechnical properties, geomagnetic polarity and climatic regime. The magnetic reversals observed were linked to the existing palaeomagnelic time scale and stratigraphic ages assigned to the various units obtained on a 'best fit' to this time scale. The stratigraphic succession and geological history deduced for the borehole are compatible with other borehole and vibrocore data available from the area.  相似文献   

Paleoenvironments and stratigraphy have been interpreted from 4380 km of seismic profiling collected during a geological and geophysical cruise on the continental shelf of the East China Sea (ECS) undertaken in 1996. The geophysical data are correlated with a borehole situated on the outer shelf obtained by Shanghai Marine Geology Bureau, indicating that six seismic units have been preserved since oxygen-isotope stage 6, including four regressive–transgressive cycles. Seismic units U2, U3+U4+U5, U6, and U7 are interpreted to correspond respectively to oxygen-isotope stages 1, 3, 5, and 6, implying that sediment partitioning and sequence architecture in the ECS have been controlled by glacio-eustasy and global climate changes. Alternating continental and marine strata corresponding to glaciation and interglaciation are well preserved on the outer shelf of the ECS. Most of the cold environment strata, which formed on the outer shelf during oxygen-isotope stages 2 and 4, are too thin to be recognized on SIG 600J because of resolution, but corresponding erosion surfaces exist. Seismic unit U7 is widespread over the shelf, extending to the continental edge and showing little variation in thickness, as the regression was pronounced and lasted a long time. Thus, U7 can be used as a marker layer for correlation of Quaternary strata on the shelf of the ECS. Post-glacial transgression is obvious in the ECS. Marine strata with varied thickness were developed in the shallow sea of the inner shelf, thinning toward the outer shelf. The continental shelf of the ECS has been influenced by Pacific tide-wave systems for a long time, forming tidal sand-ridge sequences, developed during transgressions, corresponding to oxygen-isotope stages 7 (or 9), 5, 3 and 1.  相似文献   

Studies of the paleontology and stratigraphy of the Triassic strata from the Lena–Olenek interfluve area and Kotelny Island have important implications for improving the accuracy of interregional and global correlations, refining the Boreal standard and international stratigraphic scale for the Triassic System. The importance of this study is also underlined by the necessity of refining the stratigraphic basis for regional geological exploration in Arctic zone that now became the focus for building the country’s strategic resource base. Analysis of recent paleontological and stratigraphic data from key Triassic sections in the Laptev Sea coastal region provides new age constraints for the Triassic strata based on different faunal groups. The Triassic stratigraphic scheme for the region has been refined using new data on the paleontology, thickness variations, and boundaries of local stratigraphic subdivisions.  相似文献   

Jurassic strata are widespread through Arctic Siberia and host oil and gas fields. However, in most cases, the geology of such vast areas still remains unexplored, and study of the Jurassic stratigraphy and reconstructions of geologic history are possible only through analysis of sediment cores. In this connection, there is a clear need for detailed studies of microfaunas (foraminifera, ostracods) and palynomorphs (dinocysts, spores, and pollen). The studied reference section of the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous is located on the left side of Anabar Bay of the Laptev Sea (Nordvik Peninsula, Cape Urdyuk-Khaya). An uninterrupted and continuous section from the Upper Oxfordian to the Lower Valanginian is exposed in coastal cliffs and consists mainly of silty clay deposits with abundant macro- and microfossils. Integrated field studies (biostratigraphy, lithostratigraphy, sedimentology) allow a more detailed characterization of the regional geologic framework. A detailed subdivision of the section is based on the systematic composition of ammonites from Upper Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian deposits. Several foraminiferal zones of the Upper Oxfordian and Lower Volgian are defined, and some of them are denfined for the first time. The distribution of ostracods in the section is analyzed for the first time. The section is also studied using palynological analysis, that results in its detailed subdivision on palynological data and recognition of two sequences of palynostratigraphic units. The integrated stratigraphy is used to establish the precise position of stage and substage boundaries. The continuity of the section is defined based on micropaleontological and palynological data.  相似文献   

Results of the complex analysis of the unique natural territory of Greater Sochi from the point of view of physical geography are considered. The region of Greater Sochi is located on the S slopes of the Main Caucasus chain on the eastern coast of the Black Sea. Morphometrical analysis of the relief and analysis air surface temperature and precipitation allowed to distinguish four specific subregions within the whole territory. It is demonstrated that the period of stable snow cover in the two subregions which occupy more than half of the region's area is sufficient for successful development of winter tourism. Peculiar combination of the mild climate of the coast with stable snow cover in the mountains till the beginning of summer provide strong attractivity of the region for all-the-year-round tourists inflow to the most modern recreational centre of Russia. The work provides the methodology for similar studies.  相似文献   

The Quaternary geology of the Black Sea — Caspi region is reconstructed in a sequential series of maps. Over the past 400 000 years the total subsidence in the former shallow basins can be as high as 3 km, resulting in the Black Sea and Caspian deep basins of today with water depths ofca. 2000 and 1000 m, respectively. In relation to such dimensions, eustatic sea level changes have only a minor impact on bathymetry.
Zusammenfassung Die tektonische und paläogeographische Entwicklung im Schwarzmeer — Kaspi Gebiet während des Quartärs ist in einer zeitlich gestaffelten Serie von Karten dargestellt und erläutert. Absenkungen bis zu 3 km haben im Verlauf der letzten 400 000 Jahre aus altquartären Flachmeerbecken das heutige Schwarze und Kaspische Meer mit Wassertiefen von ca. 2000 bzw. 1000 m geprägt. Gemessen an dieser Größe sind die durch eustatische Meeresspiegelschwankungen verursachten Veränderungen der Bathymetrie unbedeutend.

Résumé La géologie quaternaire de la région Mer Noire — Caspienne a été représentée dans une série de cartes successives; depuis 400 000 ans l'affaissement total dans ces bassins, à l'origine peu profonds, est important: jusqu'à 3 km. En conséquence, les bassins des Mers Noire et Caspienne sont profonds, avec des bathymétries d'environ 2000 et 1000 m respectivement. En comparaison, les variations eustatiques d'ordre climatique sont mineures.

, , : - . 3 400000 2000 1000 . , , .

A 140.2 m deep boring (BH 81/29) from the central North Sea (British sector) has been investigated for its foraminiferal content. Fourteen assemblage zones are identified, and these are correlated with other records from the North Sea region. The stratigraphical interpretation of BH 81/29 is supported by palaeomagnetic data and by amino acid dates and thermoluminescence dates from the same boring. Foraminiferal zones 14 to 8, from the bottom of the core, have been referred to the Early Pleistocene. Zones 7 to 4, which occur above the Bruhnes/Matuyama boundary, seem to belonged in the Middle Pleistocene, and zones 3 to 1 are referred to the Late Pleistocene. A characteristic feature of the present sequence is that a major part of the Quaternary record seems to be missing. As is also known from other areas of the North Sea, interglacial deposits are especially badly represented.  相似文献   

Based on detailed stratigraphic investigations on a 200.6m long core (BGS borehole No. 81/26) from the Fladen Ground area (British sector), core material from the Sleipner field (Norwegian sector) and shallow seismic profiles between the core-sites, the following conclusions are drawn: (1) The North Sea was glaciated sometime during th elaterpart of Matuyama reversed period. A complete glacial-interglacial-glacial cycle is recorded in these sediments. (2) In a period of marine sedimentation in the Middle Pleistocene, a transgression-regression cycle under boreal-arctic regime is recorded. (3) The Fladen area has subsided between 0.9 and 0.6 m/ka through the later parts of the Quaternary (4) A major glacial event dated at between 130 and 200 ka is recorded as a thick till unit in 81/26. This till, which was deposited by ice moving from the southwest (Scotland), probably represents a period when the Scandinavian and British ice sheets coalesced in the North Sea. (5) Based on the seismic data and the stratigraphy of the Sleipner core, an ice-free, open embayment/dry land is favoured for the central North Sea during the Late Weichselian. (6) From the amino-acid data, it is shown that there has been an episodic style of sedimentation through the Quaternary. (7) of the investigated sediments (which span the last 1 mill. year) ca 98% have been deposited under arctic to boreal-arctic conditions.  相似文献   

兰州-民和盆地第四纪地层学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在野外调查和室内分析的基础上,对兰州-民和盆地的晚新生代地层和环境进行了较系统的研究,对第四纪地层进行了地貌学、岩石学、年代学、土壤地层学和古气候学研究,查明了研究区各地貌单元形成时代与物质组成特点、侵蚀期与堆积期的旋回过程及黄土中1.9MaB.P.以来磁化率与古气候、古土壤事件(S26-S0)、古气候演化的周期(45ka、100ka)、特点和黄土中15万年以来短尺度气候事件(H1-9及DO1-10).  相似文献   

KIM M. COHEN 《Sedimentology》2011,58(6):1453-1485
This study presents a detailed reconstruction of the palaeogeography of the Rhine valley (western Netherlands) during the Holocene transgression with systems tracts placed in a precise sea‐level context. This approach permits comparison of actual versus conceptual boundaries of the lowstand, transgressive and highstand systems tracts. The inland position of the highstand Rhine river mouth on a wide, low‐gradient continental shelf meant that base‐level changes were the dominant control on sedimentation for a relatively short period of the last glacial cycle. Systems in such inland positions predominantly record changes in the balance between river discharge and sediment load, and preserve excellent records of climatic changes or other catchment‐induced forcing. It is shown here that the transgressive systems tract‐part of the coastal prism formed in three stages: (i) the millennium before 8·45 ka bp , when the area was dominated by fluvial environments with extensive wetlands; (ii) the millennium after 8·45 ka, characterized by strong erosion, increasing tidal amplitudes and bay‐head delta development; and (iii) the period between 7·5 and 6·3 ka bp when the Rhine avulsed multiple times and the maximum flooding surface formed. The diachroneity of the transgressive surface is strongly suppressed because of a pulse of accelerated sea‐level rise at 8·45 ka bp . That event not only had a strong effect on preservation, but has circum‐oceanic stratigraphical relevance as it divides the early and middle Holocene parts of coastal successions worldwide. The palaeogeographical reconstruction offers a unique full spatial–temporal view on the coastal and fluvial dynamics of a major river mouth under brief rapid forced transgression. This reconstruction is of relevance for Holocene and ancient transgressive systems worldwide, and for next‐century natural coasts that are predicted to experience a 1 m sea‐level rise.  相似文献   

渤海是一个仅通过渤海海峡与北黄海相接的半封闭陆架浅海,晚第四纪以来的地层演化过程复杂,目前尚不清楚,且海相地层的形成时代存在争议.为了研究渤海西部晚第四纪以来的地层层序,对高分辨率浅地层剖面声学地层与典型钻孔沉积地层的进行对比分析.研究表明:高分辨率浅地层剖面自下而上划定的7个声学地层单元(U5、U4-2、U4-1、U3、U2、U1-2、U1-1)与钻孔岩心划分的沉积地层单元具有良好的对应关系.与MIS4期、MIS2期低海面时期的沉积间断密切相关的两个层序界面R5、R3,将渤海西部晚第四纪(MIS5期)以来的地层层序自下而上划分为3个层序(SQ3、SQ2、SQ1):SQ3识别出下部海侵体系域与高水位体系域、上部海退体系域,分别对应MIS5期海平面相对较高时期的滨-浅海相交替沉积(U5)、MIS4期早期滨海相沉积(U4-2);SQ2自下而上由低水位体系域[MIS4期中晚期与黄河、滦河相关的河湖相沉积(U4-1)]与海侵体系域[MIS3期早中期滨海相沉积(U3)]组成;SQ1自下而上包括低水位体系域[末次冰盛期与滦河相关的河湖相沉积(U2)]、海侵体系域[全新世早中期滨海相沉积(U1-2)]高水位体系域[全新世高海面以来的浅海相沉积(U1-1)].研究区的地层发育受控于海平面变化、沉积物供应、渤海海峡地形及活动构造的共同作用.   相似文献   

In order to assess pollutants and impact of environmental changes along the Egyptian Red Sea coast, seven recent and Pleistocene coral species have been analyzed for Zn, Pb, Mn, Fe, Cr, Co, Ni, and Cu. Results show that the concentration of trace elements in recent coral skeletons is higher than those of Pleistocene counterpart except for Mn and Ni. In comparison with recent worldwide reefs, the present values are less than those of Central America coast (iron), Gulf of Aqaba, Jordan (lead, copper), Gulf of Mannar, India (chromium, zinc, manganese), Costa Rica, Panama (chromium, nickel), North-west coast of Venezuela and Saudi Arabia (copper). The present values are higher than those of Gulf of Aqaba, Jordan (iron, zinc, manganese), Gulf of Mannar, India (lead, cobalt, nickel), North-west coast of Venezuela (lead, zinc, chromium, manganese), Australia (copper, nickel, zinc, manganese). The highest values were recorded in Stylophora pistillata (iron, lead and copper), Acropora cytherea (cobalt), Pocillopora verrucosa (zinc) and the lowest concentrations were recorded in Goniastrea pectinata (iron, chromium, copper and nickel), Favites pentagona (lead, zinc and manganese), and Porites lutea (cobalt). The differences in metals content among the studied species are attributed to differences in microstructure and microarchitecture.  相似文献   

Foraminifera from four boreholes through Quaternary deposits at Roar, Skjold and Dan in the central North Sea have been examined. Shallow marine Eemian deposits were represented over the whole area, and at Roar marine deposits from an older glacial period were found below the Eemian. A glaciolacustrinc sequence occurred above the Eemian in all the boreholes, and at Roar this unit was succeeded by marine sediments containing arctic to boreo-arctic foraminiferal faunas. Both the non-marine and overlying marine units are referred to the Weichselian. Marine Flandrian deposits occur in the upper part of the borings and the faunal succession through this sequence is described.  相似文献   

<正> 1963—1964年,在陕西蓝田第四纪地层内发现了猿人化石,吴汝康(1964、1966)命名为蓝田猿人。化石采自两个不同的地点:头盖骨、上颌骨及3颗牙齿产于公王岭(34°11′06″N,109°29′22″E),下颌骨则采自陈家窝(34°14′05″,109°15′07″E)。  相似文献   

We present the results of work on the compilation of a fuller and more comprehensive historical catalogue of earthquakes and tsunamis in the basin of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, an area of primary importance for the Russian Federation. In the 20th century, there were no significant tsunamis in the Black Sea; therefore, its coast was not considered tsunami-prone. A systematic search for new data sources, a revision of earlier ones, and the use of new approaches to the identification of tsunamigenic events resulted in a more than doubling of the number of known tsunamigenic events in this basin, bringing it up to 50. The total length of the new tsunami catalogue reached 3000 years, which makes it the second longest after the Mediterranean tsunami catalogue (about 4000 years). Taking into account the seismotectonic features of the Black Sea region, we processed data on historical tsunamis and analyzed the geographical and temporal distributions of their sources. For all tsunamigenic events we performed a parameterization of available information about their sources and coastal manifestations, evaluated the tsunami intensity based on the Soloviev-Imamura scale, and proposed a classification of tsunami and tsunami-like water wave disturbances based on their genesis. Tsunami run-up heights, inland penetration, and damage were estimated with regard for the newly found data. Among the identified historical events, there are devastating tsunamis with run-ups of 4-5 m, sometimes up to 6-8 m, which resulted in disastrous consequences for several ancient cities (Dioscuria, Sebastopolis, Bizone, and Panticapaeum) and many coastal settlements. Expert assessments of the most tsunami-prone areas of the coasts are given.  相似文献   

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