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Dynamic behavior of offshore spar platforms under regular sea waves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many innovative floating offshore structures have been proposed for cost effectiveness of oil and gas exploration and production in water depths exceeding one thousand meters in recent years. One such type of platform is the offshore floating Spar platform. The Spar platform is modelled as a rigid body with six degrees-of-freedom, connected to the sea floor by multi-component catenary mooring lines, which are attached to the Spar platform at the fairleads. The response dependent stiffness matrix consists of two parts (a) the hydrostatics provide restoring force in heave, roll and pitch, (b) the mooring lines provide the restoring force which are represented here by nonlinear horizontal springs. A unidirectional regular wave model is used for computing the incident wave kinematics by Airy’s wave theory and force by Morison’s equation. The response analysis is performed in time domain to solve the dynamic behavior of the moored Spar platform as an integrated system using the iterative incremental Newmark’s Beta approach. Numerical studies are conducted for sea state conditions with and without coupling of degrees-of-freedom.  相似文献   

在复杂的风浪流海洋环境中,Spar及其系泊系统的耦合作用受多方面的影响。对极限海况下的某Classic-Spar平台及其系泊缆索的动力响应做了时域非线性耦合研究。重点分析了极限海况下一根或者多根系泊缆索断裂时平台运动及其缆索张力动力响应的统计特性。分析结果表明,在风浪流同向且共线的极限海况下,不同位置处的系泊缆索发生断裂,对整个平台系泊系统安全的影响程度不尽相同,尤其以迎浪方向系泊缆索的断裂影响显著。  相似文献   

Among the compliant platforms, the tension leg platform (TLP) is a vertically moored structure with excess buoyancy. The TLP is designed to behave in the same way as any other moored structure in horizontal plane, at the same time inheriting the stiffness of a fixed platform in the vertical plane. Dynamic response analysis of a TLP to deterministic first order wave forces is presented, considering coupling between the degrees-of-freedom surge, sway, heave, roll, pitch and yaw. The analysis considers nonlinearities produced due to changes in cable tension and due to nonlinear hydrodynamic drag forces. The wave forces on the elements of the pontoon structure are calculated using Airy's wave theory and Morison's equation ignoring diffraction effects. The nonlinear equation of motion is solved in the time domain by Newmark's beta integration scheme. The effects of different parameters that influence the response of the TLP are then investigated.  相似文献   

畸形波作用下JIP Spar平台波浪力分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用时域高阶边界元法研究畸形波、系泊系统与浮式结构物耦合作用问题,运用四阶Runge-Kutta方法更新下一时间步的波面和速度势,采用非线性有限元法模拟系泊缆索的各种受力及缆索的弹性变形。以Longuet Hinggins模型为基础,调整组成波的初相位,在很短的波列中得到满足畸形波定义的波形。分析了聚焦位置、初始相位、谱峰周期、谱宽以及水流参数等对系泊JIP Spar平台缆绳力和波浪荷载的影响。将入射波浪的聚焦点分别设置在平台的迎浪侧和背浪侧,分析缆绳力和波浪荷载聚焦峰值,模拟结果发现其最大值产生在聚焦点为迎浪侧的情况。当聚焦点在迎浪侧时,缆绳力和波浪荷载聚焦峰值随着初相位的增加而减小,随着谱宽的增加而减小,而随着谱峰周期的增加而增加。  相似文献   

A numerical procedure is described for predicting the motion and structural responses of tension leg platforms (TLPs) in waves. The developed numerical approach, in a TLP is assumed to be flexible instead of rigid, is based on a combination of the three dimensional source distribution method and the finite-element method. The hydrodynamic interactions among TLP members, such as columns and pontoons, are included in the motion and structural response analysis. Numerical results are compared with the experimental and numerical ones. The results of comparison confirmed the validity of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

对三维复杂结构Spar平台垂荡板进行垂荡运动的数值模拟,并对垂荡板附近流场及水动力系数进行对比分析。结果表明:在主板尺寸相同情况下,主板边缘附近较小的角钢结构会对垂荡板流场产生明显影响,并导致水动力性能的较大差距;水动力系数计算结果与流场分析的结论一致。虽然复杂板架结构的三维建模及网格划分难度很大,但是在Spar平台垂荡板工程设计中不能完全采用简化光滑平板代替真实、复杂结构形式的垂荡板进行水动力性能的计算。  相似文献   

内孤立波作用下Spar平台的运动响应   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
建立了内孤立波作用下Spar平台运动响应的时域数值模型,并利用这一模型计算了内孤立波作用下Spar平台的运动响应。其中根据K-dv方程解出内孤立波的波面及水质点速度表达式,应用Morison公式求出内孤立波对Spar平台的水平作用力;由伯努力方程求解压强,通过在平台底面积分求出内孤立波对Spar平台的垂向作用力;在悬链线理论的基础上,分析锚链对平台的作用力,采用四阶Runge-Kutta方法求解运动方程。数值结果表明,当内孤立波不断接近海洋平台时,Spar平台受到的作用力随之增大,海洋平台会产生远大于表面波作用下的水平位移,从而证实了内孤立波是影响海洋平台稳定的重要因素,在海洋平台的设计和评估中内孤立波的作用是不可忽略的。  相似文献   

Monitoring offshore platforms, long span bridges, high rise buildings, TV towers and other similar structures is essential for ensuring their safety in service. Continuous monitoring assumes even greater significance in the case of offshore platforms, which are highly susceptible to damage due to the corrosive environment and the continuous action of waves. Also, since a major part of the structure is under water and covered by marine growth, even a trained diver cannot easily detect damage in the structure. In the present work, vibration criterion is adopted for structural monitoring of jacket platforms. Artificial excitation of these structures is not always practicable and ambient excitation due to wind and waves may not be sufficient for collecting the required vibration data. Alternate methods can be adopted for the same purpose, for example, the application of an impact or a sudden relaxation of an applied force for exciting the structure. For jacket platforms, impact can be applied by gently pushing the structure at the fender while relaxation can be accomplished by pulling the structure and then suddenly releasing it using a tug or a supply vessel in both cases. The present study is an experimental investigation on a laboratory model of a jacket platform, for exploring the feasibility of adapting vibration responses due to impulse and relaxation, for structural monitoring. Effects of damage in six members of the platform as well as changes in deck masses were studied. A finite element model of the structure was used to analyze all the cases for comparison of the results as well as system identification. A data acquisition and analysis procedure for obtaining the response signatures of the platform due to the impulse and relaxation procedure was also developed for possible adoption in on-line monitoring of offshore platforms. From the study, it has been concluded that both impulse and relaxation responses are useful tools for monitoring offshore jacket platforms. The present work forms the basis for the development of an automated, on-line monitoring system for offshore platforms, using neural networks.  相似文献   

研究两层流体中Spar平台在内波作用下的运动响应问题。在线性势流理论框架,提出在内波作用下Spar平台运动响应及分段式悬链线系泊张力特性的计算方法。数值分析两层流体内界面位置、入射内波的波长以及系泊索初始预张力对Spar平台运动响应及其系泊索张力特性的影响规律,结果表明内波对Spar平台纵摇运动响应的影响是小的,但对Spar平台纵荡与垂荡运动响应及其系泊索张力的影响是不可忽视的。因此,在Spar平台的设计中,考虑内波的影响是重要的。  相似文献   

由于聚酯缆绳具备优异的力学性能,促使以其为主体系缆的绷紧式系泊系统得以广泛应用和发展。但聚酯系缆具有复杂的黏弹性和黏塑性,且由于在安装和使用过程中可能产生不同程度的损伤,使得聚酯系缆的动刚度特性发生演变,从而对系泊系统的动力响应产生直接影响。以一系泊于1 020 m水深的Spar平台为例,运用ABAQUS软件建立了由聚酯缆绳组成的系泊系统有限元模型,并利用ABAQUS子程序将损伤缆绳动刚度经验公式进行导入计算,以更好地反映系缆真实的动刚度变化。基于该有限元模型,计算了在相同水流、波浪工况下,不同损伤度、不同损伤系缆的系缆张力历程和平台的横荡、纵荡位移响应,分析了不同损伤度、不同损伤系缆对系缆张力及平台位移的影响。这些成果对把握绷紧式系泊系统在聚酯系缆有损伤情况下的非线性动力响应及其安全应用具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

浮体运动是引起钢悬链式立管(steel catenary riser,简称SCR)动态响应和疲劳损伤的关键因素,目前研究SCR问题时,为简化计算往往仅考虑平台一阶运动,忽略二阶运动影响。而实际上不同浮体结构的二阶运动响应特征明显,拟以SCR服役张力腿平台(tension leg platform,简称TLP)为例,探讨浮体二阶运动对SCR触地区动态响应的影响。建立考虑海床刚度退化的管土作用模型以改进现有的CABLE3D RSI程序,通过编写程序接口,将有限元分析得到的平台实际运动响应导入,研究平台不同运动作用下SCR触地区的位移、动力响应及疲劳分布情况。根据波流作用方向将TLP二阶慢漂运动分为近端和远端漂移两种工况,发现二阶运动下立管与海床的作用范围会增大,且触地区不仅发生高频小幅振荡运动,同时伴随低频大幅运动响应;平台远端漂移时,管内张力敏感程度高,而近端漂移时触地区的弯矩显著增大,都会不同程度提高触地区的疲劳损伤率。研究可为服役不同浮体的SCR响应预测与疲劳分析提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to provide a better understanding of the hydrodynamic behaviour of a floating multi-resonant oscillating column wave energy device which combines the concept of a floating breakwater and a wave energy device. Experiments were conducted on a 1:20 scale model of the floating wave energy device moored by six mooring lines to study the dynamics of the device under regular waves for various scopes. The effect of non-dimensionalized wave frequency parameter on the motion response and mooring force are reported and discussed in detail in this paper.  相似文献   

海洋平台结构动力响应优化设计与灵敏度分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
研究了海洋平台结构动力响应优化设计以结构动力响应的灵敏度计算方法。给出了结构稳态频率响应和瞬态时程响应的灵敏度分析算法,并通过数值试验讨论了瞬态响应灵敏度分析算法的精度和差分法中变量摄动量的影响。在JIFEX软件中实现了结构动力响应灵敏度计算,建立海洋平台结构优化模型和求解方法。数值算例表明了本文方法和程序的有效性。  相似文献   

张力腿平台(TLP)是一种垂直系泊的半顺应半刚度式平台,预报平台的运动响应及锚泊系统的张力是张力腿平台结构设计的重要基础。应用挪威船级社SESAM软件在频域和时域内研究了张力腿平台在随机波浪中的非线性运动响应及系泊系统特性,并在试验室中通过缩尺比为1∶40的模型进行了试验验证。在试验验证的基础上,将仅考虑浪与考虑浪、流联合作用下的张力腿的张力平均值、幅值及标准差作了对比。结果表明,在较低海况时,考虑浪和流时的张力腿与不考虑流的情况变化不大;在较大海况时,流的影响不可忽略,考虑流的张力腿变化幅度要略大于不考虑流的情况。  相似文献   

In this study, a two-dimensional floating pier consists of single rectangular impermeable pontoon with side supporting pile-columns is studied. The purpose of this study is to present a theoretical solution for the linearized problem of incident waves exerting on a floating pier with pile-restrained. All boundary conditions are linearized in the problem, which is incorporated into a scattering problem and radiation problem with unit displacement. The method of separation of variables is used to solve for velocity potentials. For the radiation problem with unit heave and pitch amplitude, the boundary value problem with non-homogeneous boundary condition beneath the structure is solved by using a solution scheme. By calculating the wave force from velocity potential and solving the equation of motion of the floating structure simultaneously a close form theoretical solution for the problem is developed. The finite element method was also applied to calculate the dynamic responses on the supporting piles subjected to the pontoon motions and incident waves.  相似文献   

Wind and wave induced behaviour of offshore guyed tower platforms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Offshore guyed tower platforms belong to the group of compliant offshore platforms which are most suited for deep water exploration. The basic feature of compliant offshore platforms is that they are designed to move with the waves, in at least some degrees-of-freedom. As far as excitation of wave frequencies is concerned, the system opposes wave forces by inertial effects. The offshore guyed tower derives its stability against lateral movement from its mooring system.In this study, the response of offshore guyed towers to random forces generated by wind and wave is investigated. The exposed portion of the tower is subjected to the action of turbulent wind, while the submerged portion is acted upon by random wave forces. The analysis includes the nonlinearities due to the Morison equation of drag force, the variable submergence effect due to waves, the instantaneous position of the tower and force excursion relation of the mooring lines. A parametric study is conducted to investigate the behaviour of the tower under waves, and the combined effect of wind and wave forces.  相似文献   

我国南海海域海洋环境条件复杂且海水密度垂直层化现象显著,内孤立波活动频繁,因内孤立波而造成海洋开采平台破坏的案例屡见不鲜。依托水动力计算软件AQWA二次开发功能,采用Kdv方程,借助Fortran语言将深水半潜式平台立柱、浮箱、系泊系统3部分的内孤立波作用力叠加到外力项中,联合求解半潜式平台的6自由度动力响应特性。数值模拟结果表明,在内孤立波作用下,半潜式平台的运动及系泊线张力均受到了显著的影响。在不考虑系泊系统受内孤立波作用时,平台在纵荡和横荡方向上产生较大的漂移运动,最大偏移量较无内孤立波情况下增加了8倍;系泊线最大张力提高了17%,增加了系泊线断裂的风险。在考虑系泊系统受内孤立波作用时,平台的纵荡和横荡运动响应在原响应基础上继续提高15%,但是系泊线张力变化不大。内孤立波不同浪向下的平台纵荡和横荡响应相差也很明显;系泊系统合力在不同方向上的大小决定了平台不同方向上运动的大小。  相似文献   

Global warming is expected to change the wind and wave patterns at a significant level, which may lead to conditions outside current design criteria of monopile supported offshore wind turbine (OWT). This study examines the impact of climate change on the dynamic behavior and future safety of an OWT founded in clay incorporating dynamic soil–structure interaction. A statistical downscaling model is used to generate the time series of future wind speed and wave height at local level. The responses and fatigue life of OWT are estimated for present and future periods and extent of change in design is investigated at offshore location along the west coast of India. Wind speed, wave height, and wave period data are collected from the buoy deployed by Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services and the future climate for the next 30 years is simulated using the general circulation model corresponding to Special Report on Emission Scenarios A1B scenario. The OWT is modeled as Euler–Bernoulli beam and soil–structure interaction is incorporated using nonlinear p-y springs. This study shows that changes in design of OWT are needed due to increased responses owing to the effect of climate change. Fatigue life is found to be decreased because of climate change.  相似文献   

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