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Although the sea breeze at Venice and on her hinterland is influenced by orography - mainly the Alps — to the north and the Po Valley to the west, the search for a correlation between the frequency of development of the sea breeze and the daily global solar radiation seems to be desirable, and may be useful for the management of emissions from the industrial area near Venice. Three different cases are examined: (i) the sea breeze occuring in the absence of any appreciable gradient wind; (ii) the sea breeze superimposed on a prevailing wind; (iii) the sea breeze not developing at all. The frequency distributions of these cases related to the global solar radiation at Venice are discussed.  相似文献   

Solar radiation is an important variable for studies related to solar energy applications, meteorology, climatology, hydrology, and agricultural meteorology. However, solar radiation is not routinely measured at meteorological stations; therefore, it is often required to estimate it using other techniques such as retrieving from satellite data or estimating using other geophysical variables. Over the years, many models have been developed to estimate solar radiation from other geophysical variables such as temperature, rainfall, and sunshine duration. The aim of this study was to evaluate six of these models using data measured at four independent worldwide networks. The dataset included 13 stations from Australia, 25 stations from Germany, 12 stations from Saudi Arabia, and 48 stations from the USA. The models require either sunshine duration hours (Ångstrom) or daily range of air temperature (Bristow and Campbell, Donatelli and Bellocchi, Donatelli and Campbell, Hargreaves, and Hargreaves and Samani) as input. According to the statistical parameters, Ångstrom and Bristow and Campbell indicated a better performance than the other models. The bias and root mean square error for the Ångstrom model were less than 0.25 MJ m2 day?1 and 2.25 MJ m2 day?1, respectively, and the correlation coefficient was always greater than 95 %. Statistical analysis using Student’s t test indicated that the residuals for Ångstrom, Bristow and Campbell, Hargreaves, and Hargreaves and Samani are not statistically significant at the 5 % level. In other words, the estimated values by these models are statistically consistent with the measured data. Overall, given the simplicity and performance, the Ångstrom model is the best choice for estimating solar radiation when sunshine duration measurements are available; otherwise, Bristow and Campbell can be used to estimate solar radiation using daily range of air temperature.  相似文献   

Summary Daily values of global radiation from 10 stations for the period 1950–1960 are used as a base to describe the distribution of the global radiation of solar energy in the Intermontane Basin and Plateau Region of the western United States (including areas of the States from Washington and Idaho in the North to the Mexican frontier in the south). The empirical relations between radiation and more commonly available climatic and geographic variables—percent of possible sunshine, mean daily cloud cover, presence or absence of snow on the ground, optical air mass, and station elevation and latitude—are established through regression and correlation analysis for these stations and used to estimate radiation at 16 additional locations where radiation data are not collected. This provides better geographic coverage than could be obtained from use of radiation data alone. The technique also permits the filling-in of missing data in the records of the 10 stations to provide each with a complete record for the study period. Selected monthly maps of mean daily global radiation are presented for the region.
Zusammenfassung Tagessummen der Globalstrahlung von 10 Stationen aus der Periode 1950 bis 1960 werden verwendet, um die Verteilung der Globalstrahlung von Sonne und Himmel im Westen der Vereinigten Staaten (Intermontane Basin und Plateau Region, umfassend Gebiete der Staaten von Washington und Idaho im Norden bis zur mexikanischen Grenze, jedoch unter Ausschluß der tieferen Lagen von Kalifornien) darzustellen. Die empirischen Beziehungen zwischen Strahlung und anderen, allgemeiner verfügbaren klimatischen und geographischen Variabeln — wie relative Sonnenscheindauer, Tagesmittel der Himmelsbedeckung, Vorhandensein oder Fehlen einer Schneedecke, optische Luftmasse, Meereshöhe und Breite der Station —werden durch Regressions- und Korrelationsanalyse für diese Stationen aufgestellt und dazu benützt, um für weitere 16 Orte, für welche keine Strahlungsbeobachtungen vorliegen, die Strahlungswerte abzuschätzen. Dadurch wird die geographische Verteilung besser erfaßt als lediglich durch die vorhandenen Strahlungsdaten. Das gleiche Verfahren gestattet auch, fehlende Werte in den Aufzeichnungen der Ausgangsstationen zu ergänzen und dadurch die Reihen zu vervollständigen. Eine Auswahl von Monatskarten der mittleren Tagessumen der Globalstrahlung für das Gebiet wird vorgelegt.

Résumé Pour représenter la répartition du rayonnement global du soleil et du ciel dans l'ouest des Etats-Unis, on s'est servi des sommes journalières du dit rayonnement recueillies à 10 stations pendant la période allant de 1950 à 1960. La région considérée comprend les bassins versants et les hauts plateaux s'étendant des Etats de Washington et de l'Idaho au nord jusqu'à la frontière du Méxique au sud, mais à l'exception des terres basses de la Californie. Afin d'estimer les valeurs de la radiation globale en 16 stations différentes, mais où elle n'est pas mesurée, on s'est servi de rapports empiriques entre la dite radiation et les éléments météorologiques ou géographiques généralement disponibles. Ceux-ci sont: la durée d'insolation relative, la nébulosité journalière moyenne, la présence ou l'absence d'une couche de neige, l'épaisseur optique de la masse d'air, l'altitude et la latitude du lieu. Les rapports empiriques utilisés sont calculés au moyen d'une analyse en régressions et en corrélations. On peut alors mieux se rendre compte de la répartition géographique réelle de la radiation globale qu'en se servant des seuls relevés effectués. Les mêmes procédés permettent en outre de combler les lacunes que présentent les mesures faites aux stations de base afin d'obtenir des séries complètes pour la période entière. On présente enfin un choix de cartes de la région, cartes contenant les moyennes mensuelles de la somme journalière de la radiation globale.

With 12 Figures  相似文献   

Active layer plays a key role in regulating the dynamics of hydrothermal processes and ecosystems that are sensitive to the changing climate in permafrost regions. However, little is known about the hydrothermal dynamics during freeze-thaw processes in permafrost regions with different vegetation types on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP). In the present study, the freezing and thawing processes at four sites (QT01, 03, 04, and 05) with different vegetation types on the QTP was analyzed. The results indicated that the impact on the soil water and heat during the summer thawing process was markedly greater than that during the autumn freezing process. Furthermore, the thermal-orbit regression slopes for all sites exhibited a homologous variation as the depth increased, with the slowest attenuation for the meadow sites (QT01 and QT03) and a slightly faster attenuation for the desert steppe site (QT05). The air and ground surface temperatures were similar in winter, but the ground surface temperature was significantly higher than the air temperature in summer in the radiation-rich environment at all sites on the QTP. The results also indicated that the n-factors were between 0.36 and 0.55 during the thawing season, and the annual mean temperature near the permafrost table was between − 1.26 and − 1.84 °C. In the alpine desert steppe region, the thermal conditions exhibited to show a warming trend, with a current permafrost table temperature of − 0.22 °C. The annual changing amplitude of the ground temperature at the permafrost table was different for different vegetation types.  相似文献   

The performance of two models,Jam and Baig,based on the modified version of Gaussian distribution function in estimating the daily total of global solar radiation and its distribution through the hours of the day from sunrise to sunset al any clear day is evaluated with our own measured data in the period from June 1992 to May 1993 in Qena Egypt The results show a high relative deviation of calculated values from measured ones,especially for Jain model,in the most hours of the day,except for those near to local noon.This misfit behavior is quite obvious in the early morning and late afternoon A new approach has been proposed in this paper to estimate the daily and hourly global solar radiation This model performs with very high accuracy on the recorded data in our region.The validity of this approach was verified with new measurements in some clear days in June and August 1994.The resultant very low relative deviation of the calculated values of global solar radiation from the measured ones confirms the  相似文献   

Solar radiation is the most important parameter in defining the energy budget at the surface thereby influencing the hydroclimate. Several empirical models based on air temperature are developed and used in several decision-making needs such as agriculture and energy sector. However, a calibration against direct observations is a priori for implementing such models. A calibrated model is developed for Saudi Arabia (Madinah) based on observations during 2007–2011. The model $ \left( {\mathrm{Rs}=A+B\cdot \mathrm{R}{{\mathrm{s}}_0}{{{\left( {{T_{\max }}-{T_{\min }}} \right)}}^C}} \right) $ is used to estimate daily solar radiation and results show a correlation coefficient of 0.94. The calibrated model outperforms the uncalibrated model available for this location. To increase the confidence, the calibrated model is also compared with a simple artificial neural network.  相似文献   

Summary Measurements of the global radiation on the CCGS St. Catharines during the period January 1959 to August 1961 are related to average daytime cloudiness by regression techniques. The regression equations are presented and evidence for increased depletion by clouds at low sun-heights is discussed. The effects of visibility and precipitation are indicated.
Zusammenfassung Messungen der Globalsstrahlung auf dem Ozean-Wetterschiff P während der Periode von Januar 1959 bis August 1961 werden mittels Regressionsformeln in Beziehung zur mittleren Tagesbewölkung gesetzt. Die Regressionsgleichungen werden aufgestellt und die Beweise für eine gesteigerte Streuung durch Wolken und tiefen Sonnenstand diskutiert. Auf die Wirkungen der Sichtweite und des Niederschlags wird hingewiesen.

Résumé On recherche au moyen des formules de régression la relation existant entre la nébulosité journalière moyenne et la radiation globale. On se base pour cela sur des mesures effectuées de janvier 1959 à août 1961 à bord du bateau météorologique P. On établit tout d'abord les formules de régression, puis on discute les preuves apportées au fait que la dispersion de cette relation augmente par forte nébulosité ou par un soleil bas sur l'horizon. On mentionne également l'influence de la visibilité et des précipitations sur le dit rapport.

With 6 Figures

Published by permission of the Director, Meteorological Branch, department of Transport, Toronto, Canada.  相似文献   

Summary The flux of radiation emerging at the top and bottom of a realistic model of a cloud-free, plane-parallel, vertically inhomogeneous turbid atmosphere has been computed for different values of atmospheric turbidity and surface albedo in 83 unequal spectral intervals over the short-wave or solar radiation (0.285–2.5 m) regime. These computations have been utilized to determine the diffusely reflected radiation at the top of the atmosphere in the spectral interval 0.535–0.7035 m (which covers the visible channels of the radiometers onboard the Geosynchronous Operational Environmental Satellites and the NOAA polar orbiting satellites) and in the spectral interval 0.375–0.7035 m. The total global solar radiation (0.285–2.5 m) reaching the surface has also been determined. Simple linear regression relationships have been established between (i) the reflected radiation at the top and atmospheric turbidity and (ii) between the global radiation at the surface and the reflected radiation at the top. These regression relationships yield coefficients of determination very close to unity. The implications of this strong linear dependence of the reflected radiation on atmospheric turbidity and of the global radiation at the surface on the reflected radiation at the top to satellite-based studies of the feasibility of estimation of the insolation (global radiation) at the surface are briefly mentioned.With 3 Figures  相似文献   

Estimating global solar radiation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A model is presented to calculate daily totals of global solar radiation. First, cloudless sky radiation is evaluated from transmission due to absorption and scattering. Cloud effects are added using cloud layer transmission. A simple expression to account for additional radiation due to reflection between the ground surface and cloud bases is also included. Atmospheric transmissions are obtained from previous studies. Precipitable water and observations of cloud type and amount for different layers in the atmosphere are the only meteorological variables required. The model is evaluated and tested with data collected at stations in and around Lake Ontario: a lake station near Grimsby in 1969 and land stations at Burlington, Scarborough, Peterborough, Trenton and Kingston, Ontario in 1972 and 1973 during the International Field Year for the Great Lakes. Good agreement between calculated and measured radiation was obtained at all stations, particularly for 5- and 10-day means. Model performance was largely independent of both cloud amount and season.  相似文献   

以较为精确的大气辐射传输模式为基础,研制出晴天地表总辐射和净辐射瞬时值的计算方案。与以往的经验计算方法不同,该方案将辐射传输带模式的思路引入地面太阳辐射计算,并尽可能将大气中吸收和散射物质对太阳辐射的影响考虑进去,从而使该方法具有较好的精确性和普适性。在此基础上采用了Kokhanovsky等人提出的大气气溶胶反射率和透过率参数化方案,使得气溶胶对地面总辐射和净辐射的影响得到较好的处理。采用的自变量都是数值预报模式或卫星观测能提供的气象要素,因此该方案即可用于数值预报模式或陆面过程模式计算地表辐射平衡,又可以利用卫星观测或再分析资料估算地面太阳能资源分布。利用美国能源部三个大气辐射观测站点2005年全年的观测资料及欧洲宇航局提供的卫星反演气溶胶资料对计算方案进行了检验。结果表明,该方法十分精确,所有点的平均相对误差都小于6%,误差的均方差都小于0.3 W•m-2。  相似文献   

云天地表总辐射和净辐射瞬时值的计算方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为减少计算机时,满足实时预报要求,全球数值预报模式中的辐射计算频率通常设定为三小时。这样处理会大大减少计算量,但也同时导致较大辐射日变化偏差,并影响模式对地面能量平衡,对流及降水的模拟。为改进这一缺陷,我们开发了一种辐射快速计算方案,可用于计算瞬时地面太阳总辐射和净辐射,使到达地面的太阳辐射计算可与模式积分同步进行,从而改善地面太阳辐射日变化模拟。本文介绍云天的计算方法。该方案所用的输入变量均为预报模式或卫星观测所能提供的量。结果表明:该方案既可用于数值预报模式也可利用观测资料独立计算地面太阳辐射。经与美国能源部大气辐射观测资料检验,该方案的精度很高,地面总辐射瞬时值的平均计算误差小于7%。  相似文献   

Summary The observed relationship between global radiation and actinic flux in a radiation experiment above grassland corresponds well with the theoretical relationship expressed by Madronich.As a direct consequence of this relationship the photosynthetic light compensation point, determined in the field with an actinic flux sensor, must occur earlier in the morning and later in the evening than when determined with a global radiation sensor. For plants, an actinic flux day is longer than a global radiation day.With 1 Figure  相似文献   

STAR (System for Transfer of Atmospheric Radiation) was developed to calculate accurately and efficiently the irradiance, the actinic flux, and the radiance in the troposphere. Additionally a very efficient calculation scheme to computer photolysis frequencies for 21 different gases was evolved. STAR includes representative data bases for atmospheric constituents, especially aerosol particles. With this model package a sensitivity study of the influence of different parameter on photolysis frequencies in particular of O3 to Singlet D oxygen atoms, of NO2, and of HCHO was performed. The results show the quantitative effects of the influence of the solar zenith angle, the ozone concentration and vertical profile, the aerosol particles, the surface albedo, the temperature, the pressure, the concentration of NO2, and different types of clouds on the photolysis frequencies.Notation I A(, ) actinic flux - I H(, ) irradiance - L(, , , ) radiance - wavelength - azimuth angle - cosine of zenith angle - s cosine of solar zenith angle - optical depth - s scattering coefficient - c extinction coefficient - o single scattering albedo - p mix mixed phase function - g mix mixed asymmetry factor - J gas photolysis frequency  相似文献   

利用IAP九层大气环流模式模拟全球季风系统   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
用IAP九层大气环流模式模拟了全球季风系统。结果表明,模式成功模拟出对流层低层的季风系统,包括经典的热季风以及副热带季风和温寒带季风。此外,模式也真实再现了对流层高层的行星季风。另一方面,平流层季风的模拟效果则较差,这与模式中西风系统性偏强有关。  相似文献   

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