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Résumé Les auteurs ont étudié la stabilité des suspensions colloïdales d'or, leur transport, leur floculation, ainsi que la synthèse des pépites à partir des gels d'or, dans des conditions géologiques de surface. — Les mesures des paramètres tels que le pH, le Eh, et la concentration des ions or, démontrent que la possibilité de transport de l'or dans la nature sous forme ionique a été surestimée. Sous forme ionique ou même métallique l'or peut donner des suspensions colloïdales stables. Il peut être fluculé facilement et par compaction donner naissance à des pépites d'or similaires aux pépites naturelles. — Par diffusion des solutions auriques dans du gel de silice nous avons obtenu la formation directe des films d'or et reproduit des structures très fréquentes dans de nombreux gisements d'or.
The stability of colloidal suspensions of gold, their transport and flocculation have been investigated; in addition, the experimental formation of gold nuggets under natural conditions was studied. — The measurements of pH, Eh and the concentration of ionic gold, proved that the possibility of transportation of ionic gold in nature was overestimated. Ionic or even metallic gold may give stable colloidal suspensions. It may be easily flocculated and give by compaction gold nuts similar to natural gold nuts. — By diffusion of gold solutions in silica gel we obtained direct gold films and also some textures frequently present in gold deposits.

《Geodinamica Acta》2001,14(6):373-385
The Early Cryogenian groups of Sidi Flah, Kelaat Mgouna and Boumalne (Saghro, Anti-Atlas, Morocco) are constituted by turbiditic deposits and interbedded lavas, accumulated in tectonic basins. At Sidi Flah, volcanics are transitional showing initial rift tholeiites (IRT) fingerprint and alkali basalts of oceanic island basalt (OIB) compositions. At Kelaat Mgouna, volcanics consist of low-Nb continental tholeiites. At Boumalne, basalts are of IRT composition. The volcanic and sedimentary formations belong to a nascent rift caused by thermal doming along a SW-NE axis, the Saghro rift. The continental break-up occurred in the early Neoproterozoic and during the Rodinia supercontinent dislocation, within a continent called “Ibero-saharian Craton” which was in front of the West-African Craton located near the South Pole. The Saghro rift is contemporaneous to the opening of an oceanic domain represented by Central Anti-Atlas ophiolites and related to the extension of the Brazialiano Ocean.  相似文献   

Résumé L'une des voies actuelles de la recherche menée pour comprendre les caractéristiques des gisements minéraux est de les considérer comme des anomalies de l'écorce terrestre.Une approache nettement plus fertile peut être entrevue dans un contexte géochimique. Un gisement de fer apparait comme l'impact de phénomènes géologiques élémentaires favorables situés à diverses échelles, sur les propriétés spécifiques du fer. Les gisements n'apparaissent que parce qu'il existe une hétérogénéité de la distribution des éléments chimiques dans l'écorce terrestre. L'analyse de cette hétérogénéité doit être regardée comme l'analyse des différentes formes de dilution. Cependant, chaque niveau de dilution est sous la dépendance de causes particulières et la poursuite de la concentration vers des échelles géométriques de plus en plus grandes est déterminée par ces causes favorables de plus en plus nombreuses dont la probabilité de rencontre est de plus en plus faible.
Many geologists want today to explain the characteristics of mineral deposits as anomalies in the earths crust. A more fruitful approach may be the consideration of the geochemical context. An iron deposit appears thus as the combination of favourable elementary geological phenomena with the specific properties of iron. There are deposits which may be attributed only to the heterogeneity in the distribution of elements through the earths crust. The analysis of this heterogeneity is an analysis of the different features of dilution. However, for each dilution level there are particular causes, and the continuation of a certain concentration towards larger geometric scales is determined by a growingly larger number of favourable causes and thus by causes whose probability of coincidence is increasingly smaller.

Résumé Des seuils peu profonds et stables, balayés par des courants (stabiliseuils) séparaient en France pendant le Jurassique supérieur des aires subsidentes où s'accumulaient les sédiments; des récifs coralliens pouvaient s'y développer lorsque la subsidence était comprise entre 30 et 70 m. par zone paléontologique, et constituer alors de véritables barrières: la localisation des régions où la subsidence optima était réalisée est par conséquent un élément essentiel de l'abondance et de la répartition des sédiments calcaires.Les variations locales de la subsidence constituent donc un facteur important de la sédimentation, non seulement au point de vue quantitatif, mais encore en ce qui concerne la nature des dépôts.  相似文献   

Résumé Revue des connaissances sur le régime thermique du Globe. Esquisse d'une théorie du refroidissement; influence de la radioactivité. Hypothèse du «modèle froid », objections qu'elle appelle. Esquisse d'une théorie d'un « modèle chaud ». Energie disponble pour les phénomènes tectoniques, par contraction et par courants de convection. Hypothèses sur la solidification progressive du manteau.  相似文献   

Paléocène-Early Eocene phosphate outcrop in the Ras-Draâ deposit (Tunisia) comprises alternances of P-rich strata (P2O5 ≥ 18%) and P-poor ones (P2O5 ≤ 2%). In phosphate rich strata, P is concentrated in rounded grains—so-called pellets—(28% ≤ P2O5 ≤ 38%) embedded in a matrix—so-called exogangue—much poorer in P (P2O5 # 7%) than pellets. The study of pellets (whose size lies mainly between 100 and 500 μm), of their surrounding matrix and of poorly phosphatic sediments, interlayered between the phosphatic strata, has been performed by optical microscopy and various chemical analyses, ICP-AES (Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy) and punctual chemical analyses by EDS (Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy). Mineralogical and chemical studies of the Tunisian phosphatic pellets show that the basic mineralogical component of these grains is carbonate-fluor-apatite, or francolite. The structural formula of a representative specimen of francolite in the basin is as follows: (Ca4.63Mg0.13Na0.22)(PO4)2.51(CO3)0.48(OH0.77F0.23). The mineralogy of the constituents of the sediment surrounding pellets comprises carbonates, clays, silica (opal, quartz). Microscopic observations of Ras-Draâ phosphorites, added to geochemical results, establish that pellets are small bodies, allochtonous to their matrix and whose composition is independent of that of this matrix. Fecal cylindrical bodies and subspherical pellets, the latest being supposed to proceed from the fecal bodies by fragmentation, are considered to have been formed by fishes, as P-rich and organic matter-rich faeces. These faeces turn out to be resistant to mechanical dispersion and to chemical diffusion of soluble elements from and in direction of sea water. This closeness is responsible for the strong reducing conditions having prevailed inside and during the pellets diagenesis.  相似文献   


La question de la capture de la Meuse lorraine est abordée par le biais de l’étude des sables tertiaires qui jalonnent les plateaux de l’Ardenne méridionale. Toujours polygéniques, ces sables ont une histoire plus ou moins longue qui débute à l’Éocène où l’altération poussée du socle produit un épais manteau sableux. Certains gisements in situ fossilisés sont restés quasiment intacts (Régniowez) tandis que d’autres (Doisches) portent la marque de remaniements successifs (marins et/ou continentaux) qui se suivent jusqu’au Miocène sans que leur filiation avec le matériau d’origine, attestée par la nature de leurs barylites, ne se perde. Comme les sables fluviatiles miocènes (in fine) du plateau ardennais ne portent pas la signature minéralogique d’une Meuse lorraine, à l’inverse de la Traînée mosane (datée du Miocène moyen), la capture se trouve à la fois confirmée et datée. L’ancien réseau de la Meuse lorraine, quant à lui, n’a pu se mettre en place qu’après l’Oligocène, époque à laquelle un glacis incliné de l’Ardenne vers le Bassin parisien fonctionnait encore. © 2000 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2000,13(1):45-54
The study of the often polygenic Tertiary sands of southern Ardennes allows the local evolution of the drainage pattern during the Paleogene and the Neogene to be traced. The history of these sands starts with a strong Eocene weathering and the formation of a deep ferruginized quartzose saprolite. Some fossilized outcrops remain unchanged: the outcrop of Régniowez is interpreted as a thick colluvium on which a ferruginous pedogenesis took place during the Eocene, resulting in an allothigenous cuirasse protecting the sands from erosion. Others undergo a complex evolution: the outcrop of Doische represents the rehandling of the same kind of Eocene sands, first in a marine Oligocene environment, then by continental Miocene streams. In that case, nevertheless, the heavy minerals assemblage shows the link with the almost in situ sands such as those of Régniowez, and therefore the local origin of the material. The lack of allogenic heavy minerals (characteristic of the Meuse lorraine) in the fluvial sands of the Ardennes plateau prior to the Traînée mosane (attributed to the Middle Miocene) confirms the Miocene capture of the Meuse lorraine, flowing westward so far, between the Paleozoic basement and the Sormonne valley, as assumed by Pissart in the early sixties. On the other hand, as the topographic glacis between the Ardennes and the Paris Basin was still active during the Stampian, the drainage pattern of the Meuse lorraine before the capture is post-Oligocene.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2005,337(1-2):193-202
At the planetary scale, the models consistently simulate an intensification of the hydrological cycle in a future climate, warmer than the present-day one. However, this intensification might be accompanied by its slowing down due to an increase of the residence time of water vapour in the atmosphere. The impact of climate change on extreme events is even more difficult to evaluate, as results are dependent on methods, emission scenarios and, above all, on models. However, the increase of extreme winter precipitation over northern Europe is a common feature of these evaluations. The hydrological cycle, through the geographical distribution of continental surface humidity, seems to play a key role on the possibility to detect the warming in France. To cite this article: S. Planton et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

Résumé Dans ce travail on fait l'étude minéralogique des matériaux sédimentaires de deux formations du Tertiaire continental de la Péninsule Ibérique: la masse miocène du Tertiaire de Castille et l'ensemble miocène — oligocène du Tertiaire d'Estrémadoure.Des résultats obtenus par l'étude des minéraux lourds, on deduit: 1. la provenance des matériaux et leurs caractéristiques; 2. on etablit, pour le Tertiaire de Castille, des cycles locaux dans le procès général sédimentaire; 3. on définit deux formations: autochtone et allochtone, dans l'ensemble sédimentaire de l'Estrémadoure; 4. on reconnait des possibles variations paléoclimatiques.  相似文献   


The Early Cryogenian groups of Sidi Flah, Kelaat Mgouna and Boumalne (Saghro, Anti-Atlas, Morocco) are constituted by turbiditic deposits and interbedded lavas, accumulated in tectonic basins. At Sidi Flah, volcanics are transitional showing initial rift tholeiites (IRT) fingerprint and alkali basalts of oceanic island basalt (OIB) compositions. At Kelaat Mgouna, volcanics consist of low-Nb continental tholeiites. At Boumalne, basalts are of IRT composition. The volcanic and sedimentary formations belong to a nascent rift caused by thermal doming along a SW-NE axis, the Saghro rift. The continental break-up occurred in the early Neopro- terozoic and during the Rodinia supercontinent dislocation, within a continent called “Ibero-saharian Craton” which was in front of the West-African Craton located near the South Pole. The Saghro rift is contemporaneous to the opening of an oceanic domain represented by Central Anti-Atlas ophiolites and related to the extension of the Brazialiano Ocean. © 2001 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   

The measurement of the horizontal component, H, of the geomagnetic field represents an important part of geomagneticians work from 1830 to the end of the 19th century. This measurement remained difficult at the required accuracy of 10?9T (1 nT or 1γ), till the advent of proton and optical pumping magnetometers in geomagnetic observatories, around 1955. The measurement of H consisted in determining the mutual torque between two cylindrical magnets, by measuring either oscillation periods or angular deviations. Poisson was the first, indisputably, to propose the general principle of the measurement, in 1825. But Gauss, some years later (1832), successfully operated his famous oscillation–deviation method, described since then in all the elementary manuals of physics. The computation of the mutual torque depends on the tri-dimensional distribution of the magnetization in each one of the magnets. In the absence of an accurate-enough knowledge of these distributions, Poisson, Gauss, and their successors showed how to make the computations with a minimum number of hypotheses on them. Nevertheless physicists, in particular French ones, worked on the ‘distribution of magnetism’ in magnets; the first of them was Coulomb. We come back to this question through experiments conducted in the magnetic observatory of Chambon-la-Forêt, France. To cite this article: B. Leprêtre, J.-L. Le Mouël, C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of calcite from the stalagmitic floor E of the Lazaret Cave is interpreted as proxy of atmospheric circulation and vegetal cover changes during IOS 5. The δ18O variations could indicate change in precipitation sources, which could originate from the Mediterranean Sea during warm periods and from the Atlantic Ocean during colder periods. The δ13C variations could be related to vegetal cover and soil type. Tree cover appears to be dominant according to pollen spectra, and organic molecules trapped into calcite (sterols, terpenoids, humic acids). To cite this article: L. Rousseau et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

Les minéralisations aurifères du massif de Bohême sont représentées par plusieurs types morphologiques et paragénétiques, dont l'origine est expliquée par trois modèles genétiques: I — un modèle volcanogénique pour les minéralisations sulfurés stratiformes, II — un modèle hydrothermal-métamorphique pour les minéralisations de quartz aurifères synmétamorphiques, de morphologie très variable et caractérisées par la présence de minéraux de Bi, Te, Mo et W (scheelite), III — un modèle hydrothermal de shear zones aurifères, pour les minéralisations postmétamorphiques, caractérisées par des teneurs en argent plus élevées (electrum) ou par une minéralisation complexe à stibine et or.Les complexes volcanosédimentaires, principalement protérozoiques, sont considérés comme les sources de l'or pour les minéralisations plus tardives, liées à la cratonisation du massif de Bohême. Au course de l'évolution géotectonique et métallogenique du massif de Bohême les conditions de mis en place des minéralisations aurifères ont évolué d'un contrôle initialement lithologique vers un contrôle lithologique et structural pour aboutir à un contrôle exclusivement structural. Ce développement a été accompagné par une augmentation de la taille des particules d'or et par leur pépitisation dans les minéralisations tradives.  相似文献   

Résumé Le Permien inférieur de la Sarre renferme un horizon de schistes bitumineux dont la Constance et l'étendue sont remarquables.Les schistes finement varvés correspondent à une sédimentation cyclique en eau calme et peu profonde. La schistosité semble liée à la présence de lits calcaires d'origine en partie organique.L'origine des carbures peut être recherchée dans les débris de poissons très abondants les schistes. Mais l'aspect varvé de la répartition des carbures conduit à admettre l'influence cyclique des phénomènes qui ont provoqué la formation des schistes et à attribuer un rôle important au plankton.  相似文献   

Two deep scientific boreholes, named Poigny 701 and Sainte-Colombe 702, located in the Paris Basin near Provins (Seine-et-Marne, France), recovered a complete Upper Cretaceous chalk succession. A correlation between the boreholes lithostratigraphy, reflexion seismic profiles and diagenetic patterns shows that major velocity variations measured in the seismic reflection profiles correspond to dolomitized chalk intervals. Dolomitisations occurred during early and burial diagenesis. The understanding of these complex diagenetic events has an important economic consequence on the static correction of the chalk formation in the Paris Basin. Optimisation of petroleum prospecting below chalk cover is thus possible. The chalk series of the 701 and 702 boreholes range from the Cenomanian to the upper Campanian. In this succession, micrite has a primarily biogenic origin; it consists of pelagic organisms, indicative of warm seawater with values around 25°C. Several hiatuses occur in the 701 borehole. These hiatuses indicate the existence of particular hydrodynamic conditions. Deep-water channels were locally recognised in the Paris Basin as in Normandy and Picardy. In the 702 borehole, massive dolomitisation affected the upper meters of sediment below the sea floor. This early phase of massive dolomitisation was induced by slow circulation of a magnesium-rich seawater mass, along the seawater/sediment interface. Thus, this area was a zone of intense marine circulation between the North-West infralittoral and the South-West bathyal domains, across the London-Paris Basin. Magnesium-rich seawater had as origin the recrystallisation of the biogenic peri-plateform carbonates. During both dolomitisation and dissolution of the calcite matrix of the massive dolomite, the calcite had cemented chalk around the massive dolomite body. After deposition, the chalk series was progressively compacted and lithified by burial calcite cement. During the late Campanian-Maastrichtian, the burial compaction of the chalk and thermal gradient reached their maximum, as compressive stresses from the Pyrenean orogenesis affected the Paris Basin. At this time, compaction of the massive dolomite induced the expulsion of magnesian-rich fluids into the underlying already compacted chalk series. In 702 borehole, a diffuse dolomitisation then affected strongly underlying the chalk series. In 701 borehole, this diffuse dolomitisation affected slightly the lower half of the chalk series. Laterally, dolomitisation decreases gradually and affected a only smaller thickness of the chalk series, disappearing laterally. During the progressive emergence of the Paris Basin, from the Paleogene to the Quaternary, the chalk series were partially invaded by continental fresh water. Thus partial dedolomitisation affected the massive dolomite, whereas total dedolomitisation affected only the upper first meters of it.Manuscrit reçu le 20 juin 2003 Révision acceptée le 9 septembre 2004  相似文献   

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