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南大别山碧溪岭榴辉岩加里东期 Ar-Ar年代学信息   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
笔者曾尝试把热液矿床流体包裹体 Ar- Ar定年技术应用于碧溪岭超高压变质榴辉岩石榴子石流体包裹体定年研究 , 并获得了石榴子石流体包裹体 Ar- Ar等时线年龄~ 450Ma.为了探索这个年龄信息的地质意义 , 继续开展了更广泛的研究工作 , 结果表明,加里东期年龄信息也记录于碧溪岭其他榴辉岩露头的石榴子石流体包裹体中 , 它们的 Ar- Ar年龄谱和等时线非常相似 ; 而碧溪岭榴辉岩体中的花岗片麻岩之角闪石和黑云母的 Ar- Ar年龄谱平坦 , 其等时线年龄分别为 (275± 18) Ma和 (273± 4) Ma, 明显早于当前主流学术观点的超高压峰期变质年龄 240~ 220 Ma.这些 Ar- Ar年龄将有助于进一步认识大别-苏鲁地区超高压变质作用历史.  相似文献   

分步淋洗方法研究碧溪岭榴辉岩Pb同位素组成及其演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据大量年代学、地球化学和岩石学等方面的研究,前人对碧溪岭榴辉岩的形成及变质历史有了较明确的认识,但这些研究对超高压变质前后过程中元素和同位素的变化涉及较少。通过分步淋洗方法对碧溪岭榴辉岩中石榴石的Pb同位素研究发现,不同淋洗步骤的Pb同位素组成明显不同,但对不同的石榴石样品以及同一样品用不同的淋洗流程,得到的淋洗规律以及Pb同位素组成变化范围基本一致。不同淋洗步骤的Pb同位素组成构成等时线,给出表面年龄为30亿年左右,与前人报道的碧溪岭地区榴辉岩原岩形成及超高压变质的年龄数据有明显差异。结合前人研究可以判断,这些年龄不具有明确的地质意义,属于假等时线。但分步淋洗结果能反映碧溪岭榴辉岩中Pb同位素的来源可能由地幔组分和上地壳组分混合而成,地幔组分的Pb反映了碧溪岭榴辉岩的原岩是地幔成因的,上地壳组分的Pb表明在榴辉岩快速折返过程中,受到具有上地壳Pb同位素组成的含水流体交代  相似文献   

大别山榴辉岩氢氧同位素组成及其地球动力学意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
碧溪岭榴辉岩石至少经历了5个阶段的变质作用,矿物对氧同位素地质测温结果与通过岩石学方法计算的温度吻合得非常好,表明碧溪岭榴辉岩体中大部分同位素体系接近或达到平衡,且退变质作用未明显破坏这种平衡,榴辉岩全岩δ^18O为3‰~5‰指示其母岩玄武岩曾与地表水在变质作用之前发生过一定程度的交换作用。  相似文献   

大别山碧溪岭地区超高压变质岩构造分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
大比例尺 (1∶10 0 0 0 )构造制图及构造分析表明 ,碧溪岭地区超高压变质岩石含有丰富的构造演化历史记录。同碰撞或挤压组构只保留于榴辉岩及其它超高压变质岩透镜体内部 ,表现为高角度网络状超高压剪切带与弱应变透镜体域规律组合格式。前者由面理或糜棱岩化榴辉岩组成 ,后者由块状榴辉岩及石榴橄榄岩组成。碰撞期后伸展构造表现为区域性的假单斜状 ,内部呈低缓角度的网络状强应变带及所环绕的透镜状弱应变域组合格式 ,强应变带的岩石为由榴辉岩退变成的角闪岩相高压片麻岩及部分熔融形成的含榴花岗岩 ,透镜状弱应变域的岩石为弱角闪相改造的榴辉岩及石榴橄榄岩。不同尺度上同碰撞或挤压组构及碰撞期后伸展组构所显示的这种残斑基质流变学结构样式 ,虽然与先期原岩成分、结构、流变学的不均一性有关 ,但主要是多期递进应变分解作用的结果 ,支持榴辉岩“原地”成因模式。依据构造学证据和可利用的岩石学及同位素年代学资料 ,分析了超高压变质岩石的形成及折返过程 ,指出碧溪岭地区超高压变质岩石是在 2 45~ 2 10Ma形成的 ,碰撞期后伸展作用主要发生在 2 0 0~ 170Ma。在超高压变质岩石向地壳表层折返过程中 ,张扭作用可能有重要功能 ,不支持碧溪岭地区遭受过多期超高压变质作用的推论。  相似文献   

榴辉岩石榴石-单斜辉石(Gt-Cpx)地质温度计常用于研究超高压变质作用p-t条件。业已存在多种Gt-Cpx温度计算公式和绿辉石Fe2+校正方法,本文通过碧溪岭地区浅色及深色2种榴辉岩p-t条件计算,对几种常见温度计算公式和绿辉石Fe2+校正方法进行比较,认为Droop(1987)电价平衡法和Ravna(2000)温度计算公式最适合榴辉岩的温度计算。计算结果表明,碧溪岭地区浅色榴辉岩峰期变质p-t条件为3.0~3.4GPa和660~731℃。  相似文献   

高压超高压变质作用中的流体   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
韩郁菁  张泽明 《地学前缘》1996,3(4):222-229
文章强调了高压和超高压变质岩中流体包裹体的研究意义,重点论述了几个问题:(1)高压和超高压变质岩中流体包裹体的成分以含N2量高为特点,在大别山含柯石英榴辉岩中找到的高压榴辉岩阶段捕获的原生包裹体,其中气相组分含CO(摩尔分数)为14%,表明流体来源于深部。原生流体包裹体的保存,要求在p-T区间内的抬升轨迹与等容线近于平行。(2)在大别山高压和超高压榴辉岩中首次确认熔融包裹体的存在,由硅酸盐玻相和以CO2为主要成分的气相组成,并发现熔融包裹体中的玻相成分与主矿物相近。(3)高压和超高压变质期间的局部流体迁移可由榴辉岩中流体包裹体和矿物同位素成分(H-C-O)来显示。(4)高压和超高压变质中流体-熔体-岩石(矿物)相互作用是一个非常复杂的过程,并证实在榴辉岩相p-T条件下岩石的部分熔融。(5)变质流体的成分与变质级之间存在着相关关系。  相似文献   

根据矿物成分及其结构演变,将大别山榴辉岩的退变质过程分为三个阶段:贫流体阶段、弱流体阶段和富流体阶段。贫流体阶段发生于榴辉岩相环境中,其主要作用是柯石英-石英和文石- 方解石等同质多象转变、石榴子石和绿辉石等的重结晶,以及绿辉石中硬玉和钠长石的固溶体出溶等。弱流体阶段发生于榴辉岩相退变质的晚期,含水矿物闪石、绿帘石和云母,以及钠长石等低压矿物大量形成之前,其标志是蓝晶石变斑晶和金红石脉的形成,以及浸染状金红石的富集成矿。富流体阶段始于低级角闪岩相退变质环境,并可能一直持续到近地表处。该阶段以出现大量含水和挥发份的矿物(如闪石、绿帘石、多硅白云母、钠云母、黑云母、磷灰石和碳酸盐等)为特征。围绕石榴子石和绿辉石的闪石次变边、闪  相似文献   

确定超高压高压岩体的大小、分布、构造关系及变质演化,是理解超高压变质岩形成和折返动力学过程的关键。在大别-苏鲁超高压变质带内,榴辉岩及变质的镁铁质-超镁铁质岩石,一般成厘米至公里尺度的布丁或透镜体,散布于片麻岩及面理化含榴花岗岩内。区域系统性的岩石学及构造学观察,尤其是在安徽省碧溪岭区1:1万比例尺的精细制图中证实,榴辉岩及其它超高压变质岩透镜体群的形成,主要是多期及递进变形分解作用的结果,造成了网络状线形强应变带与透镜状弱应变域流变学组合型式。榴辉岩与围岩片麻岩的过渡关系也证实,超高压变质的榴辉岩体是“原地”形成的。榴辉岩体的形态、大小及空间分布规律特征,不支持超高压变质带岩石属构造混杂岩的推论,而是反映了超高压及角闪岩相条件下不均匀韧性流动的应变图像。  相似文献   

大别山东部榴辉岩同位素体系和变质作用的关系   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
简平 《地球学报》1999,20(4):341-348
大别山东部榴辉岩同位素地质年代学研究反映出三方面的问题:(1)Sm-Nd两点等时线的不确定性;(2)部分高压-超高压变质年龄实际是片麻岩的分析结果;(3)首批发表的"C型榴辉岩"Sm-Nd年龄,测定岩石不是榴辉岩.大别山东部榴辉岩年龄反映的是加里东期高压-超高压变质的年代学信息.进一步研究应着重于榴辉岩锆石成因及Sm-Nd体系适用性.岩相学是研究榴辉岩锆石成因的重要方法.  相似文献   

贾望鲁  高山等 《地球科学》2003,28(2):121-128
俯冲玄武质洋壳的部分熔融作用是一种重要的大陆生长作用,但是陆壳物质在俯冲过程中能否发生部分熔融缺少直接的证据。笔者利用已有的微量元素分配系数,讨论了岛弧玄武岩在脱水和部分熔融2种过程中微量元素行为和铅同位素演化的差异。Pb在2种过程中都属于不相容元素,但在脱水过程中其不相容性明显高于Rb、Ba、Th、U,而在熔融过程中则低于上述元素,在ω(Rb)/ω(Pb)-ω(Rb)、ω(Ba)/ω(Pb)-ω(Ba)、ω(Th)/ω(Pb)-ω(Th)、ω(U)/ω(Pb)-ω(U)相关图上2种过程的演化方向差别明显。此外,Pb和Th、U的相容性的差异也使得石榴石和绿辉石的单矿物铅同位素在2种过程中明显不同。在此基础上,结合大别-苏鲁榴辉岩的实测数据,认为大别-苏鲁榴辉岩可能部分是岛弧玄武岩部分熔融后的残余体,部分为单纯脱水的产物。大陆玄武质岩石在俯冲过程中也可能发生部分熔融作用。  相似文献   

运用傅立叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)技术,对大别山碧溪岭和黄镇榴辉岩中的绿辉石进行了详细的结构水观察。绿辉石中普遍含有结构水,以OH~-的形式存在,含量可达~2000ppm(H_2O wt.)。碧溪岭绿辉石的水含量在露头尺度(-150km)上是不均一的,而黄镇绿辉石是均一的(至少在3km的尺度上)。碧溪岭绿辉石水含量的不均一分布和黄镇绿辉石水含量的均一分布都反映的是原岩特征,碧溪岭榴辉岩原岩经历的水-岩相互作用是“隧道式”的而黄镇是“弥散式”的碧溪岭榴辉岩的原岩可能是基性的侵入岩而黄镇榴辉岩的原岩可能是玄武岩。碧溪岭绿辉石的水含量(<1400ppm)明显低于黄镇绿辉石(~1850ppm),这是原岩水含量差异的体现,原岩性质的不同和经历的水-岩相互作用方式的不同造成了原岩水含量的差异。  相似文献   

The Maowu eclogite–pyroxenite body is a small (250×50 m) layered intrusion that occurs in the ultra-high-pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrane of Dabieshan, China. Like the adjacent Bixiling complex, the Maowu intrusion was initially emplaced at a crustal level, then subducted along with the country gneisses to mantle depths and underwent UHP metamorphism during the collision of the North and South China Blocks in the Triassic. This paper presents the results of a geochemical and isotopic investigation on the metamorphosed Maowu body. The Maowu intrusion has undergone open system chemical and isotopic behavior three times. Early crustal contamination during magmatic differentiation is manifested by high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.707–0.708) and inhomogeneous negative Nd(T) values of −3 to −10 at 500 Ma (probable protolith age). Post-magmatic and pre-UHP metamorphic metasomatism is indicated by sinusoidal REE patterns of garnet orthopyroxenites, lack of whole-rock (WR) Sm–Nd isochronal relationship, low δ18O values and an extreme enrichment of Th and REE in a clinopyroxenite. Finally, K and Rb depletion during UHP metamorphism is deduced from the high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios unsupported by in situ Rb/Sr ratios. Laser ICP-MS spot analyses on mineral grains show that (1) Grt and Cpx attained chemical equilibrium during UHP metamorphism, (2) Cpx/Grt partition coefficients for REE correlate with Ca, and (3) LREE abundances in whole rocks are not balanced by that of the principal phases (Grt and Cpx), implying that the presence of LREE-rich accessory phases, such as monazite and apatite, is required to account for the REE budget.

Sm–Nd isotope analyses of minerals yielded three internal isochrons with ages of 221±5 Ma and (T)=−5.4 for an eclogite, 231±16 Ma and (T)=−6.2 for a garnet websterite, and 236±19 Ma and (T)=−6.9 for a garnet clinopyroxenite. The Cpx/Grt chemical equilibrium and the consistent mineral isochron ages indicate that the metasomatic processes mentioned above must have occurred prior to the UHP metamorphism. These Sm–Nd ages agree with published zircon and monazite U–Pb ages and constrain the time of UHP metamorphism to 220–236 Ma. The Maowu and Bixiling layered intrusions are similar in their in situ tectonic relationship with their country gneisses, but the two bodies are distinguished by their magma-chamber processes. The Bixiling magmas were contaminated by the lower crust, whereas the Maowu magmas were contaminated by the upper crustal rocks during their emplacement and differentiation. The two complexes represent two distinct suites of magmatic rocks, which have resided in the continental crust for about 300–400 Ma before their ultimate subduction to mantle depths, UHP metamorphism and return to the crustal level.  相似文献   

Garnets in UHP eclogites from Bixiling in Dabieshan were investigated by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The results indicate that all garnets contain structural water that occurs as hydroxyl (OH) and non-structural molecular water (H2O) possibly in the form of sub-microscopic fluid inclusions. The structural hydroxyl contents range from 92 to 1735 ppm (H2O wt.) and most are between 200 and 1000 ppm. Therefore, garnet in eclogite can recycle surface water into the mantle. Various water contents were observed among different samples of the same outcrop (∼150 m) and in different domains of the same sample (∼1 cm). This variability in structural H2O contents suggests that the mobility of fluids during UHP metamorphism was very limited, and that both subduction and exhumation processes of UHP rocks occurred in a short time interval.  相似文献   

This paper characterizes late Holocene basalts and basaltic andesites at Medicine Lake volcano that contain high pre-eruptive H2O contents inherited from a subduction related hydrous component in the mantle. The basaltic andesite of Paint Pot Crater and the compositionally zoned basaltic to andesitic lavas of the Callahan flow erupted approximately 1000 14C years Before Present (14C years b.p.). Petrologic, geochemical and isotopic evidence indicates that this late Holocene mafic magmatism was characterized by H2O contents of 3 to 6 wt% H2O and elevated abundances of large ion lithophile elements (LILE). These hydrous mafic inputs contrast with the preceding episodes of mafic magmatism (from 10,600 to ∼3000 14C years b.p.) that was characterized by the eruption of primitive high alumina olivine tholeiite (HAOT) with low H2O (<0.2 wt%), lower LILE abundance and different isotopic characteristics. Thus, the mantle-derived inputs into the Medicine Lake system have not always been low H2O, primitive HAOT, but have alternated between HAOT and hydrous subduction related, calc-alkaline basalt. This influx of hydrous mafic magma coincides temporally and spatially with rhyolite eruption at Glass Mountain and Little Glass Mountain. The rhyolites contain quenched magmatic inclusions similar in character to the mafic lavas at Callahan and Paint Pot Crater. The influence of H2O on fractional crystallization of hydrous mafic magma and melting of pre-existing granite crust beneath the volcano combined to produce the rhyolite. Fractionation under hydrous conditions at upper crustal pressures leads to the early crystallization of Fe-Mg silicates and the suppression of plagioclase as an early crystallizing phase. In addition, H2O lowers the saturation temperature of Fe and Mg silicates, and brings the temperature of oxide crystallization closer to the liquidus. These combined effects generate SiO2-enrichment that leads to rhyodacitic differentiated lavas. In contrast, low H2O HAOT magmas at Medicine Lake differentiate to iron-rich basaltic liquids. When these Fe-enriched basalts mix with melted granitic crust, the result is an andesitic magma. Since mid-Holocene time, mafic volcanism has been dominated primarily by hydrous basaltic andesite and andesite at Medicine Lake Volcano. However, during the late Holocene, H2O-poor mafic magmas continued to be erupted along with hydrous mafic magmas, although in significantly smaller volumes. Received: 4 January 1999 / Accepted: 30 August 1999  相似文献   

The metamorphic complex of the Western Gneiss Region (WGR), Norway, constitutes the root of the Caledonian mountain belt and experienced temperatures of 700–800 °C and pressures in excess of 20 kbar during peak metamorphism. Mafic bodies surrounded by strongly banded felsic gneisses commonly exhibit variable reequilibration to granulite and eclogite facies conditions and locally preserve igneous minerals and textures. The Kråkeneset gabbro, located on the island of Vågsøy in the mixed HP/UHP zone of the western WGR, display evidence for extensive metastability through the entire prograde and retrograde P, T histories. Eclogite constitutes less than a few percent of the total volume of the body and high-pressure assemblages typically form thin coronas around magmatic phases or occur along localized zones of brittle deformation and fluid infiltration. The gabbro displays pseudotachylyte vein networks that define subparallel brittle fault zones, <50 cm wide, transecting the gabbro body. The pseudotachylytes contain μm- to mm-scale amoeboid and dendrite-like textures of garnet and plagioclase with inclusions of the eclogite facies minerals orthopyroxene, omphacite, amphibole, and dolomite, suggesting rapid disequilibrium growth of minerals during high-pressure conditions. Textural and petrological evidence from pseudotachylytes and corona structures show that the growth of these unusual textures occurred shortly after pseudotachylyte crystallization by a process of rapid solid-state alteration of a microcrystalline pseudotachylyte matrix. The pseudotachylyte-lined fault zones are in close spatial association with numerous amphibole±carbonate-filled hydrofractures with conspicuous fracture-parallel alteration zones defined by hydrous eclogite facies assemblages. These eclogite facies hydrofractures testify to the existence of high fluid pressures and to fluid infiltration following brittle failure during high-grade metamorphic conditions. Geothermobarometric estimates (ca. T=650–700 °C, P=20 kbar) and petrological data imply that hydrofracturing, pseudotachylyte crystallization, and the subsequent pseudotachylyte alteration process must have occurred during high-pressure metamorphism. Our observations are suggestive of a deep-crustal earthquake scenario where a high-pressurized fluid phase plays a double role by causing both seismic failure through the embrittlement effect and facilitating eclogitization of the metastable anhydrous gabbro. Metamorphic reaction along hydrofractures and fault planes led to the development of eclogite facies foliation fabrics and illustrate the rheological change from brittle to plastic behavior associated with the gabbro to eclogite transition. The formation of weak deep-crustal shear zones following brittle failure represents an arrested initiation of the physical breakup and metamorphic reequilibration of the Kråkeneset gabbro during its residence deep in the former Caledonian collision zone.  相似文献   

Marbles from Dabieshan and Sulu, China, suffered ultra high pressure (UHP) metamorphism in the coesite–eclogite facies at approximately 700°C and 30 kbars during Triassic continental collision and subduction. The marbles range in isotopic composition from +7 to +25 δ18OVSMOW and from 0 to +6 δ13CVPDB. High δ13C values are representative of unmodified protoliths and are similar to those of 13C-enriched Sinian carbonate rocks from the Yangtze craton. High oxygen isotope ratios reflect pristine protoliths but the low values may have been caused by infiltration of low 18O meteoric water during diagenesis and dolomitization, by fracture-controlled infiltration of water during subduction, by metamorphic mineral reactions, or by a combination of these processes. No evidence of regional isotopic transport during UHP metamorphism has been found. Sampling on scales of 1 to 100 m shows marbles to be inhomogeneous in both carbon and oxygen isotopes. Only samples separated by less than 10 cm have equilibrated oxygen and carbon isotope compositions. Limited isotopic equilibration between adjacent rocks is consistent with the preservation of unaltered UHP minerals and indicates that the metamorphic fluid–rock system was rock-dominated during and following peak metamorphism. A freely flowing, pervasive fluid phase was not present during UHP metamorphism. There is no evidence of isotopic exchange between marble and the upper mantle into which it was subducted. Correlation of geochemical similarities of UHP marbles with Sinian limestones implies that the subducted edge of the Yangtze craton extends at least as far north as the coesite–eclogite facies rocks of Dabieshan. Deposition of protolith carbonates may have taken place in a cold climate either preceding or following but not coincident with Neoproterozoic glaciation.  相似文献   

郑贝琪  陈斌  孙杨 《岩石学报》2023,39(1):187-204



Hydrogen and oxygen isotope studies were carried out on high and ultrahigh pressure metamorphic rocks in the eastern Dabie Mountains, China. The δ18O values of eclogites cover a wide range of −4.2 to +8.8‰, but the δD values of micas from the eclogites fall within a narrow range of −87 to −71‰. Both equilibrium and disequilibrium oxygen isotope fractionations were observed between quartz and the other minerals, with reversed fractionations between omphacite and garnet in some eclogite samples. The δ18O values of −4 to −1‰ for some of the eclogites represent the oxygen isotope compositions of their protoliths which underwent meteoric water–rock interaction before the high to ultrahigh pressure metamorphism. Heterogeneous δ18O values for the eclogite protoliths implies not only the varying degrees of the water–rock interaction before the metamorphism at different localities, but also the channelized flow of fluids during progressive metamorphism due to rapid plate subduction. Retrograde metamorphism caused oxygen and hydrogen isotope disequilibria between some of the minerals, but the fluid for retrograde reactions was internally buffered in the stable isotope compositions and could be derived from structural hydroxyls dissolved in nominally anhydrous minerals.  相似文献   

The fractionation of boron isotopes between synthetic boromuscovite and fluid was experimentally determined at 3.0 GPa/500 °C and 3.0 GPa/700 °C. For near-neutral fluids Δ11B(mica-fluid) = δ11B(mica) − δ11B(fluid) is − 10.9 ± 1.3‰ at 500 °C, and − 6.5 ± 0.4‰ at 700 °C. This supports earlier assumptions that the main fractionation effect is due to the change from trigonal coordination of boron in neutral fluids to tetrahedrally coordinated boron in micas, clays and melts. The T-dependence of this effect is approximated by the equation Δ11B(mica,clay,melt–neutral fluid) = − 10.69 · (1000/T [K]) + 3.88; R2 = 0.992, valid from 25 °C for fluid–clay up to about 1000 °C for fluid–silicate melt. Experiments at 0.4 GPa that used strongly basic fluids produced significantly lower fractionations with Δ11B(mica–fluid) of − 7.4 ± 1.0‰ at 400 °C, and − 4.8 ± 1.0‰ at 500 °C, showing the reduced fractionation effect when large amounts of boron in basic fluids are tetrahedrally coordinated. Field studies have shown that boron concentrations and 11B/10B-ratios in volcanic arcs systematically decrease across the arc with increasing distance from the trench, thus reflecting the thermal structure of the subducting slab. Our experiments show that the boron isotopic signature in volcanic arcs probably results from continuous dehydration of micas along a distinct PT range. Continuous slab dehydration and boron transport via fluid into the mantle wedge is responsible for the boron isotopic signature in volcanic arcs.  相似文献   

Investigation of an eclogite xenolith, discovered in a Cretaceous granite from the Central Domain of the Dabieshan massif in eastern China, yields new petrological insights into the high to ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism, experienced by the Qinling-Dabie orogen. Prior to inclusion as a xenolith in the granite during the Early Cretaceous, this eclogite xenolith had recorded a complex metamorphic evolution that complies with subduction and exhumation processes experienced by the continental crust of the South China Block. Well-preserved mineral parageneses substantiate the prograde and retrograde stages revealed by inclusions in porphyroblastic garnet and zoned minerals such as garnet, omphacite and amphibole in the matrix. The relatively low P/T re-equilibration during a late metamorphic stage was textually inferred by the presence of aluminous and calcic-subcalcic amphiboles such as katophorite, edenite, taramite and pargasite as main matrix phases. According to our U/Pb, Rb/Sr and new 40Ar/39Ar geochronological results, namely109 ± 1 and 112 ± 2 Ma plateau ages for muscovite and amphiboles, respectively, two successive but distinct cooling stages account for the thermal history of the granite–migmatite gneiss dome that forms the Central Dabieshan Domain. We argue that prior to the Cretaceous doming, the Central Dabieshan Domain experienced a tectono-metamorphic evolution similar to that observed in the high-pressure to ultra high-pressure units developed in the Southern Dabieshan Domain and Hong’an massif.  相似文献   

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