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One way to probe into the direction in which American academic geography is heading is to look at the actual demand for specializations and teaching duties as expressed by the recent jobs offered by colleges and universities. The results of this inquiry for the 1990–1992 period indicate that the most frequently requested courses were GIS, regional geography, and environmental geography. The greatest number of positions were advertised as general physical geographer or human geographer and were in departments without graduate programs. The findings suggest that preparations for the profession of “geography professor” should include the ability both to conduct focused research and to teach a diverse set of courses.  相似文献   

New Zealand Geographic is one of a number of geographical magazines published in the English‐speaking world that make little or no reference to work by academic geographers. It recently launched a New Zealand Geographic Trust to promote research into ‘New Zealand's life, culture and sciences’ and collaborated with four other publishers of geographical magazines to raise awareness of climate change: the work of academic geographers is again ignored. This exclusion of academic and school geography from such enterprises raises important issues regarding the discipline's public profile in New Zealand and suggests the need for greater public engagement activity by the country's geographers.  相似文献   

Reflections on use of participatory research for disaster risk reduction   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Participatory research approaches are increasingly popular with academic researchers and development organisations working to facilitate change in collaboration with local communities. This paper contributes to recent debates over the use of participatory approaches by examining the use of participatory research within disaster risk reduction. Drawing on research in Papua New Guinea in which participatory techniques were used with indigenous communities to determine strategies for dealing with environmental hazards, the value of such techniques is critiqued. Finally the significance of participatory research as a research methodology is discussed as is its possible contribution to disaster risk reduction policy.  相似文献   

The number of “Jobs in Geography” advertised in the AAG Newsletter for U.S. faculty positions is analyzed for the 14 academic years from 1979–80 through 1992–93. Results reveal more job opportunities in the latter half of the study period, especially for tenured/tenure track positions as opposed to temporary jobs. The share of available positions open to ranks above the Assistant Professor level is smaller in the early 1990s compared to the 1980s. A distinct decline in faculty openings occurs for 1992–1993. Considerable regional variations in the job market situation are revealed.  相似文献   

进入信息全球化时代,SCI/SSCI 论文越来越成为中国各高校及科研院所等单位衡量其基础研究实力的评价标准,甚至出现“唯‘SCI/SSCI’论”的现象,中文权威核心期刊论文的学术价值评定和认可度则相应降低,这在一定程度上对中文权威核心期刊的发展造成了不小的冲击。基于探索性因子分析,构建了中文权威核心期刊论文学术价值认可度的结构方程假设模型,以地理科学工作者为例,通过验证性因子分析,实证研究了地理工作者对中文权威核心期刊论文学术价值认可度的影响因素。结果显示:① 学术成果影响力是影响中文权威核心期刊论文学术价值认可度的关键因素,科研评价和学术地位认定政策及学术影响力评价是影响中文权威核心期刊论文学术价值认可度的重要因素;② 学术成果影响力对认可度影响程度最大,其影响路径系数为0.52,其次为学术影响力评价,路径系数为0.25,科研评价和学术地位认定政策影响程度较小;③ 学术成果影响力和学术影响力评价与认可度表现为正相关关系,而科研评价和学术地位认定政策与认可度之间则表现为负相关关系。最后,提出了增强科研工作者对中文权威核心期刊论文学术价值认可度的相关对策,以期提升作者发表中文权威核心期刊论文的意愿度,来促进中文权威核心期刊的持续发展。  相似文献   

“中国生态大讲堂”(China Ecological Forum, CEF)是一个中国生态学领域的综合学术论坛;它以“传播新知识,交流新思想,展示新成果”为宗旨,举办系列学术讲座、春冬季专题研讨会、高级研讨班以及焦点论坛等学术交流活动。自2005年创办以来,“中国生态大讲堂”已经组织了100期主题演讲和12次大型学术研讨会、6次专题研讨会、2次高级研讨班,成为广大科研人员进行学术交流的重要平台。迄今,已有300人次的知名科学家、中青年学者在大讲堂作了学术讲演,其中150人次是来自国外研究机构的知名学者。从近年来演讲的主题来看,“气候变化与生态系统适应性”、“生态系统评估和管理”和“生态系统服务”等是生态学研究的热点问题。自2009年以来,根据“中国生态大讲堂”研讨会整理出版的《中国生态大讲堂系列丛书》已经出版了5本,涵盖了当前生态学研究的主要领域及其关键科学问题,反映了当代生态学研究的科学前沿。本文通过对“中国生态大讲堂”讲座和研讨会主题的梳理,探讨了近年来生态学研究前沿领域和热点问题,希望能为中国生态系统研究者提供参考。  相似文献   

从新文化地理学重构人文地理学的研究框架   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
李蕾蕾 《地理研究》2004,23(1):125-134
指出TerryG Jordan等人在“Thehumanmosaic”一书中所提出的、并被国内人文地理教科书所采用的分析框架仍然属于传统人文地理学的分析框架 ,偏重于文化生态学和文化景观学派。而deBlij等人在“Humangeography :culture ,society ,andspace”第 6版教科书中所出示的框架图 ,显示出人文地理学研究问题和思路的新变化。新文化地理学的发展使人文地理学研究框架的重构问题突显出来。作者尝试将传统人文地理学和新文化地理学结合 ,利用 5个复数概念 :属性 (attributes)、空间 (spaces)、时间 (times)、方法 (approaches)和世界(worlds) ,构建了ASTAW框架。该概念框架的排列组合关系 ,可用以指导人文地理学问题的建构和研究路径 ,丰富以往人文地理学的内容体系 ,具有相应的时代应用价值。  相似文献   

朱晓华  高春东 《地理科学》2019,39(8):1351-1360
深入解读中国科研评价中存在的3个现象,即过度重视SCI(Science Citation Index)/SSCI(Social Sciences Citation Index)、“唯高影响因子”和“唯发表成果为王”。其中,过度重视SCI/SSCI直接或间接造成了“唯高影响因子”和“唯发表成果为王”现象的出现,成为中国学术界当前亟待解决的重要问题。“科研评价和学术地位认定政策”“学术成果影响力”和“学术影响力评价”是影响中文权威核心期刊学术论文价值认可度的3大公因子。结合对中国地理学领域为主的近千位科研人员的感知调查,构建了包括期刊影响因子、论文被引频次、论文下载量、论文社会价值以及论文创新性5个指标的新的学术论文价值综合评价模型。最后从国家、部委、学会、期刊和学者层面分别提出改革过度推崇SCI/SSCI的学术评定政策、树立科研成果服务国民经济主战场的导向;强化政策执行力与构建服务于学术本质的考核标准;发挥桥梁和纽带作用及制定和完善评价体系;提升文化自信、凸显特色化和差异化、强化市场化和增值多元化;增强母语成果自信和提升在中文权威核心期刊建立学术地位的动力等实践建议。  相似文献   

吴传钧  张家桢 《地理学报》1999,54(5):385-390
中国地理学会创立90年来,我国地理学经历了由近代地理学向现代地理学发展的历程,中国地理学会在团结了广大地理工作者为促进学科发展和为国民经济建设服务等方面的重要的作用,展望新世纪,在知识经济时代,我国地理学应加强在基础理论,地理环境的变化和保护,地区资源系统,区域综合发展,地理信息与技术等方面的研究。  相似文献   

陶伟  蔡浩辉 《热带地理》2022,42(1):16-28
“遗产时代”已经开启,经过数十年的实践探索,学界积累了丰富的非物质文化遗产保护经验。然而,富有综合性和批判性的地理学对该话题的关注和贡献仍有待提高,文章希望从实践回顾、话题梳理、国家战略推进等3个方面促进地理学者为建构非遗跨学科研究体系贡献力量。首先,从“非遗”概念的诞生以及民间文化的复苏入手,回顾了中国历年有关非遗的保护实践,总结出非遗研究的“特性与意义的构建”“传承与制度的反思”和“开发与社区能动性”3个重点议题,论述了中国学者在积极借鉴西方批判性遗产研究学术成果上所着力构建的具有中国本土特色的非遗研究体系。其后,将非遗放置在乡村振兴、城市发展和文化强国3个国家战略中给予考量,指出非遗作为独特的文化资源,已被纳入到国家政治和社会体系之中,成为助推国家重大战略实施的重要抓手。最后,在总结归纳非遗研究话题与进展的基础上,对地理学在非遗领域可以开展的工作进行讨论,以期启发和深化相关研究。  相似文献   

在科技革命重塑世界政经版图、区域集团化推动全球治理调整、大国博弈带来国际体系变革的背景下,梳理地缘经济研究脉络对于提升地缘经济理论品质具有重大意义。本文在厘清地缘经济思潮发展的基础上,借助Web of Science和CNKI数据库,运用知识可视化工具探究中西方地缘经济知识图谱的演进过程,研究结果如下:①在学术思潮发展层面,中西方地缘经济思潮经历了“萌芽期—发展期—回溯期”,萌芽期存在现实政治逻辑,发展期转向自由主义思潮,回溯期再度涌现国家政治内涵。②在时空演进层面,近年来西方地缘经济研究强度远高于国内,西方作者主要分布在美国、俄罗斯、英国和意大利,国内学者主要集中在中国科学院、云南师范大学、复旦大学等高校和科研机构。③在知识网络层面,地缘经济存在较强的学科交叉属性,拥有明确的知识基础,高被引文献源于政治学或地理学,形成以权力为逻辑基础、空间为逻辑起点、经济为逻辑主轴的知识架构,热点议题演进与学术思潮发展高度耦合,科技竞争将成为当前乃至未来很长一段时间的研究重点。最后,本文认为国内地缘经济研究应突破西方的理论桎梏,构建以合作共赢、开放发展为核心的理论体系,在方法论上应强化定量分析和实证研究。  相似文献   

旅游环境容量研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
二战后,随着世界大众化旅游的逐步普及,现代旅游业得到了迅猛发展。与此同时,越来越多的旅游地在旅游高峰期变得拥挤起来,景区超载、旅游污染等现象日益加剧。因此,旅游环境容量研究也受到了学术界的关注和重视。文章对国内外旅游环境容量研究进展进行了综述和分析,并指出国内旅游环境容量研究要比国外起步迟,但由于我国旅游发展道路和西方发达国家不同,旅游环境容量问题更加突出,因此,加强我国旅游环境容量研究显得格外紧迫和必要。  相似文献   

Abstract:   Coastal research and monitoring on New Zealand beaches have typically examined seasonal and event-driven (storms) changes in the coast. However, historical records are now of sufficient length to indicate that change occurs at longer timescales. This paper presents examples of multi-decadal change at three case-study locations around New Zealand. Results show that morphological adjustment of the coast occurs at multi-decadal scales and is much larger than short-term dynamics. Physical mechanisms driving changes are ill defined but may be associated with El Niños and La Niña episodes which modulate waves and sea level, as well as changes in sediment supply.  相似文献   

汤茂林 《地理研究》2021,40(9):2695-2703
我国学者在从事学术写作时,基于学术史意识进行诚实引证的观念还有待改进,只在基金项目申请中才做得比较好,使我们的一些学术观点无法归因到最初提出的人,这直接影响了我国学术的积累、提高和影响力。那种不与同行认真对话的意识,不注意学术史并认真诚实地引证的学术文化是到了该改变的时候了。遵守学术规范是学术的基本要求,学者要自律,才能赢得他人的尊重;在自律可能失效的背景下,加强学术产品标准建设,并建立专门的学术诚信办公室,尤为必要,据此可能扭转学术风气,形成正向激励,这是成为学术强国的必由之路。  相似文献   

Greenspace can have a significant positive effect on improved concentration duration, behaviour in the classroom, and educational and social development for school‐aged children. This paper uses Geographical Information Systems to explore academic achievement and greenspace in New Zealand. Using multivariate linear regression, the association between greenspace exposure and the percentage of children achieving above academic attainment expectations was examined, controlling for gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. Socioeconomic status was the most significant predictor of academic achievement. Weak associations between greenspace, academic achievement, gender, and ethnicity were observed. Unexpectedly, academic achievement negatively correlated with greenspace.  相似文献   

梁启超的人地关系研究及其学术思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肯定了梁启超在人文地理诸多领域的研究成就,认为他的人地关系学术研究,体现了明析的人地相关思想科学的地理唯物论,以及动态的地理作用观。并对他人的人地关系研究缺陷及其原因进行了分析。指出他的宝贵学术思想遗产对当今人文地理研究有着深刻启迪。  相似文献   

New Zealand origin academics have played a key role in the academic study of Australia's population in the post-war period. The paper argues that New Zealanders have contributed not only to the furthering of knowledge of the processes of change in the Australian population but have been important in the teaching of population geography in Australian universities, made inputs into policy relating to population and been influential in the development of the Australian Population Association. Major contributions have been made by New Zealanders not only in the traditionally strong areas of population geography such as internal and international migration but also in the areas of fertility, mortality and ageing.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, there has been a resurgence of interest into place‐based influences on health. Researchers have identified that various characteristics of neighbourhoods exert an influence on the health outcomes and behaviours of local residents. Understanding the processes linking places to health provides considerable potential for a range of policy interventions. We review the New Zealand‐based neighbourhoods and health research. Consideration is given to the types of neighbourhood characteristics, as well the range of health outcomes that have been studied. Finally, we suggest some priorities for further research into the mechanisms underpinning neighbourhood influences on health in New Zealand.  相似文献   

The term “folk geography” is relatively new, although the study of folk culture has long been a part of the geographic discipline. With the growth of folklore as an academic discipline, geographers have the opportunity for greater interdisciplinary research, particularly in non-material culture. Music, oral histories, and folktales are neglected non-material components of folklife that represent fertile areas for research.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of early female academics at the University of Cambridge in the production and dissemination of knowledge between 1926 and 1955. A statistical comparison of women's use of academic leave of absence with that of their male colleagues reveals that, across disciplines, women were less integrated into (inter)national knowledge networks and thus less visible in their epistemic communities than men because women focused their academic leaves more on research, rarely attended conferences, traveled overseas less often than men, and went more frequently to destinations within Europe than the United States as the new economic hegemon. Biographical case studies of these early female academics demonstrate the importance, variously, of their upper middle-class background, academic excellence, and familial and nonfamilial patronage in developing their careers, overcoming multiple hurdles, and producing intellectual contributions of equal quality to that of their male peers. Conceptually, this article calls for the inclusion of academic travelers from disciplines other than geography into feminist histories of geographical knowledge and argues that rather than stereotyping gender differences, greater comparative research on the experiences of female and male academics is needed to understand the mechanisms of gender inequality within the university.  相似文献   

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