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Only with satellites it is possible to cover the entire Earth densely with gravity field related measurements of uniform quality within a short period of time. However, due to the altitude of the satellite orbits, the signals of individual local masses are strongly damped. Based on the approach of Petrovskaya and Vershkov we determine the gravity gradient tensor directly from the spherical harmonic coefficients of the recent EIGEN-GL04C combined model of the GRACE satellite mission. Satellite gradiometry can be used as a complementary tool to gravity and geoid information in interpreting the general geophysical and geodynamical features of the Earth. Due to the high altitude of the satellite, the effects of the topography and the internal masses of the Earth are strongly damped. However, the gradiometer data, which are nothing else than the second order spatial derivatives of the gravity potential, efficiently counteract signal attenuation at the low and medium frequencies. In this article we review the procedure for estimating the gravity gradient components directly from spherical harmonics coefficients. Then we apply this method as a case study for the interpretation of possible geophysical or geodynamical patterns in Iran. We found strong correlations between the cross-components of the gravity gradient tensor and the components of the deflection of vertical, and we show that this result agrees with theory. Also, strong correlations of the gravity anomaly, geoid model and a digital elevation model were found with the diagonal elements of the gradient tensor.  相似文献   

This paper tests and discusses different statistical methods for modelling secular rates of change of the geoid in North America. In particular, we use the method of principal component/empirical orthogonal functions (PC/EOF) analysis to model the geoid rates from Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite data. As demonstrated, the PC/EOF analysis is useful for studying the contributions from different signals (mainly residual hydrology signals and leakage effects) to the GRACE-derived geoid rates. The PC/EOF analysis leads to smaller geoid rates compared to the conventional least-squares fitting of a trend and annual and semi-annual cycles to the time series of the spherical harmonic coefficients. This is because we filter out particular spatiotemporal modes of the regional geoid changes.We apply the method of least-squares collocation with parameters to combine terrestrial data (GPS vertical velocities from the Canadian Base Network and terrestrial gravity rates from the Canadian Gravity Standardization Net) with the GRACE-derived vertical motion to obtain again the geoid rates. The combined model has a peak geoid rate of 1.4 mm/year in the southeastern area of Hudson Bay contrary to the GRACE-derived geoid rates that show a large peak of 1.6–1.7 mm/year west of Hudson Bay. We demonstrate that the terrestrial data, which have a longer time span than the GRACE data, are important for constraining the GRACE-derived secular signal in the areas that are well sampled by the data.  相似文献   

To reduce the numerical complexity of inverse solutions to large systems of discretised integral equations in gravimetric geoid/quasigeoid modelling, the surface domain of Green’s integrals is subdivided into the near-zone and far-zone integration sub-domains. The inversion is performed for the near zone using regional detailed gravity data. The farzone contributions to the gravity field quantities are estimated from an available global geopotential model using techniques for a spherical harmonic analysis of the gravity field. For computing the far-zone contributions by means of Green’s integrals, truncation coefficients are applied. Different forms of truncation coefficients have been derived depending on a type of integrals in solving various geodetic boundary-value problems. In this study, we utilise Molodensky’s truncation coefficients to Green’s integrals for computing the far-zone contributions to the disturbing potential, the gravity disturbance, and the gravity anomaly. We also demonstrate that Molodensky’s truncation coefficients can be uniformly applied to all types of Green’s integrals used in solving the boundaryvalue problems. The numerical example of the far-zone contributions to the gravity field quantities is given over the area of study which comprises the Canadian Rocky Mountains. The coefficients of a global geopotential model and a detailed digital terrain model are used as input data.  相似文献   

Wiener optimal filtering of GRACE data   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We present a spatial averaging method for Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) gravity-field solutions based on the Wiener optimal filtering. The optimal filter is designed from the least-square minimization of the difference between the desired and filtered signals. It requires information about the power spectra of the desired gravitational signal and the contaminating noise, which is inferred from the average GRACE degree-power spectrum. We show that the signal decreases with increasing spherical harmonic degree j with approximately j−b, where b = 1.5 for GRACE data investigations. This is termed the Second Kaula rule of thumb for temporal variations of the Earth’s gravity field. The degree power of the noise increases, in the logarithmic scale, linearly with increasing j. The Wiener optimal filter obtained for the signal model with b = 1.5 closely corresponds to a Gaussian filter with a spatial half width of 4° (∼440 km). We find that the filtered GRACE gravity signal is relatively insensitive to the exponent b of the signal model, which indicates the robustness of Wiener optimal filtering. This is demonstrated using the GFZ-GRACE gravity-field solution for April 2004.  相似文献   

Based on the three component accelerograms, recorded at near-field distance by a temporary seismic network consisting of digital cassette tape recording accelerographs, the focal mechanisms of three aftershocks of the April 18, 1985, Luquan, Yunnan Province, China, earthquake ofM S=6.1, are calculated using seismic moment tensor inversion technique. The phases of direct P, S and converted SP waves in the displacement seismograms, produced by twice integrations of the observed accelerograms, are identified via forward calculation using Green’s functions for homogeneous semi-infinite elastic medium, and used in the inversion. The results of inversion show that a better fit of synthetic to the observed seismograms of direct as well as converted phases can be achieved if appropriate weighting functions are used in solving the over definite linear equations. While these aftershocks are of different magnitudes (M L=4.8, 3.2 and 3.5, respectively) and hypocentral locations, their focal mechanisms are very similar and consistent with that of the main shock. This feature demonstrates the intrinsic correlation between the occurrence of aftershocks and the seismogenic fault of main shock. Our experimentations show that using the near field accelerogram obtained from the digital seismic network with appropriate azimuthal coverage on the focal sphere, with the aid of even simple medium model, not only the shear dislocation source, but also the isotropic part and CLVD (compensated linear vector dipole) can be retrieved by the technique of moment tensor inversion. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,13, 412–419, 1991. This work is supported by the Chinese Joint Seismological Sciences Foundation and the Western Yunnan Earthquake Prediction Test Site (WYEPTS), State Seismological Bureau.  相似文献   

Since the sign up of CTBT (Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty), the nuclear monitoring and distinguishing has gained great attention by the treaty countries. Seismology is one of the primary technical means available for monitoring compliance to a CTBT. However, there does not exist a single criterion, so far, that can effectively distinguish explorations from earthquakes. It has been known that source time function (abbreviated to STF) of an underground nuclear explosion contains important p…  相似文献   

The stochastic Green’s function method, which simulates one component of the far-field S-waves from an extended fault plane at high frequencies (Kamae et al., J Struct Constr Eng Trans AIJ, 430:1–9, 1991), is extended to simulate the three components of the full waveform in layered half-spaces for broadband frequency range. The method firstly computes ground motions from small earthquakes, which correspond to the ruptures of sub-faults on a fault plane of a large earthquake, and secondly constructs the strong motions of the large earthquake by superposing the small ground motions using the empirical Green’s function technique (e.g., Irikura, Proc 7th Japan Earthq Eng Symp, 151–156, 1986). The broadband stochastic omega-square model is proposed as the moment rate functions of the small earthquakes, in which random and zero phases are used at higher and lower frequencies, respectively. The zero phases are introduced to simulate a smooth ramp function of the moment function with the duration of 1/fc s (fc: the corner frequency) and to reproduce coherent strong motions at low frequencies (i.e., the directivity pulse). As for the radiation coefficients, the theoretical values of double couple sources for lower frequencies and the theoretical isotropic values for the P-, SV-, and SH-waves (Onishi and Horike, J Struct Constr Eng Trans AIJ, 586:37–44, 2004) for high frequencies are used. The proposed method uses the theoretical Green’s functions of layered half-spaces instead of the far-field S-waves, which reproduce the complete waves including the direct and reflected P- and S-waves and surface waves at broadband frequencies. Finally, the proposed method is applied to the 1994 Northridge earthquake, and results show excellent agreement with the observation records at broadband frequencies. At the same time, the method still needs improvements especially because it underestimates the high-frequency vertical components in the near fault range. Nonetheless, the method will be useful for modeling high frequency contributions in the hybrid methods, which use stochastic and deterministic methods for high and low frequencies, respectively (e.g., the stochastic Green’s function method + finite difference methods; Kamae et al., Bull Seism Soc Am, 88:357–367, 1998; Pitarka et al., Bull Seism Soc Am 90:566–586, 2000), because it reproduces the full waveforms in layered media including not only random characteristics at higher frequencies but also theoretical and deterministic coherencies at lower frequencies.  相似文献   

Few studies of wave propagation in layered saturated soils have been reported in the literature. In this paper, a general solution of the equation of wave motion in saturated soils, based on one kind of practical Biot‘s equation,was deduced by introducing wave potentials. Then exact dynamic-stiffness matrices for a poroelastic soil layer and halfspace were derived, which extended Wolf‘s theory for an elastic layered site to the case of poroelasticity, thus resolving a fundamental problem in the field of wave propagation and soil-structure interaction in a poroelastic layered soil site. By using the integral transform method, Green‘s functions of horizontal and vertical uniformly distributed loads in a poroelastic layered soil site were given. Finally, the theory was verified by numerical examples and dynamic responses by comparing three different soil sites. This study has the following advantages: all parameters in the dynamic-stiffness matrices have explicitly physical meanings and the thickness of the sub-layers does not affect the precision of the calculation which is very convenient for engineering applications. The present theory can degenerate into Wolf‘s theory and yields numerical results approaching those for an ideal elastic layered site when porosity tends to zero.  相似文献   

基于GRACE KBRR数据的动力积分法反演时变重力场模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
罗志才  周浩  李琼  钟波 《地球物理学报》2016,59(6):1994-2005
基于动力积分法恢复了一组60阶的时变重力场模型WHU-Grace01s,且在位系数解算过程中仅使用KBRR数据.通过与CSR、GFZ和JPL发布的Release 05模型的阶方差和位系数误差谱对比可知,WHU-Grace01s模型在高阶次部分的阶方差较小,且对轨道共振现象不敏感.将WHU-Grace01s时变重力场模型与CSR、GFZ、JPL、DEOS、Tongji、ITG、AIUB和GRGS等8家机构发布模型通过相同的滤波处理,获得了全球地表质量变化的时空分布,从结果可以看出:各个模型计算的时变信号在空域上分布十分接近,且WHU-Grace01s模型计算的太平洋中心和撒哈拉沙漠区域的质量变化较小;对比几个典型质量变化区域,WHU-Grace01s模型和JPL模型计算的长江流域和珠江流域时变信号呈强相关,其相关系数分别为0.948和0.976,且与上述8个模型计算的两个流域时变信号的相关系数均达到0.9以上;在南极区域和格陵兰岛,WHU-Grace01s模型和其他各个模型均能反映区域冰川质量的积累或消融,且各模型计算获得的长期趋势变化结果相当.研究结果表明,WHU-Grace01s模型和国内外已发布机构模型具有很好的一致性,且受到轨道共振影响较小.  相似文献   

By using integral transform methods, the Green’s functions of horizontal harmonic force applied at the interior of the saturated half-space soil are obtained in the paper. The general solutions of the Biot dynamic equations in frequency domain are established through the use of Hankel integral transforms technique. Utilizing the above-mentioned general solutions, and the boundary conditions of the surface of the half-space and the continuous conditions at the plane of the horizontal force, the solutions of the boundary value problem can be determined. By the numerical inverse Hankel transforms method, the Green’s functions of the harmonic horizontal force are obtainable. The degenerate case of the results deduced from this paper agrees well with the known results. Two numerical examples are given in the paper. Foundation item: State Natural Science Foundation (59879012) and Doctoral Foundation from State Education Commission (98024832).  相似文献   

In this paper a heterogeneous fault model of the Tangshan earthquake is suggested, which consists of two southern sub-faults striking N30°E and two northern sub-faults striking N50°E. Total length of the main shock fault is 114 km and seismic moment is about 1.4 × 1020 N·m. The epicentre of the main shock is located at the southern part, near the intersection of the two bands. Accelerations of two aftershocks (M L 5.5, M S 6.9) were used as empirical Green’s functions to synthesize the accelerations of the main shock in near and far field. A method that small events and main shock are considered not satisfying the similarity relationship in the improved empirical Green’s function is also applied in this paper. Peak values, duration and response spectra of synthesized accelerations in far field are in agreement with the observed records. The synthesized results in near field are also in agreement with the epicentral intensity distribution of the main shock. The results show that the peak acceleration of Tangshan earthquake in epicentral region exceeds 1.1 g. It is consistent with the peak accelerations recorded in some large earthquakes occurred in recent years. The research is supported by the National Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

基于GRACE卫星重力数据确定地球重力场模型WHU-GM-05   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
基于卫星轨道运动的能量积分方程,可导出利用卫星跟踪卫星数据求解地球重力场的实用公式.本文在Jekeli给出的公式基础上导出了基于能量守恒方程利用两颗低-低卫星跟踪的扰动位差求解重力位系数的严密关系式.基于两颗GRACE卫星的观测数据,采用本文导出的严密能量积分方法求解得到120阶的GRACE地球重力场模型,命名为WHU-GM-05;将WHU-GM-05模型与国际上同类重力场模型EIGEN-GRACE系列和GGM02S分别在阶方差和大地水准面高等方面作了比较,并与美国和中国的部分地区GPS水准观测值进行了精度分析.结果表明基于本文推导的严密双星能量守恒方程得到的WHU-GM-05重力场模型精度与国际上同类重力场模型的精度相当.  相似文献   

Based on one type of practical Biot's equation and the dynamic-stiffness matrices ofa poroelastic soil layer and half-space, Green's functions were derived for unitformly distributed loads acting on an inclined line in a poroelastie layered site. This analysis overcomes significant problems in wave scattering due to local soil conditions and dynamic soil-structure interaction. The Green's functions can be reduced to the case of an elastic layered site developed by Wolf in 1985. Parametric studies are then carried out through two example problems.  相似文献   

In this paper, the dynamic stress concentration and scattering of SH-waves by bi-naterial structures that possess an interface elliptic cavity are investigated. First, by using the complex function method, the Green‘s function is constructed. This yields the solution of the displacement field for an elastic half space with a semi-elliptic canyon impacted by an anti-plane harmonic line source loading on the horizontal surface. Then, the problem is divided into an upper and lower half space along the horizontal interface, regarded as a harmony model. In order to satisfythe integral continuity condition,the unknown anti-plane forces are applied to the interface. The integral equations with unknown forces can be established through the continuity condition, and after transformation, the algebraic equations are solved numerically. Finally, the distribution of the dynamic stress concentration factor (DSCF) around the elliptic cavity is given and the effect of different parameters on DSCF is discussed.  相似文献   

本文首次利用解析法有效快速估计了将来GRACE(Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) Follow-On地球重力场的精度. 第一,基于功率谱原理分别建立了新的GRACE Follow-On卫星激光干涉星间测量系统星间速度、GPS接收机轨道位置和轨道速度以及加速度计非保守力误差影响累计大地水准面的单独和联合解析误差模型. 第二,利用提出的GRACE卫星关键载荷匹配精度指标和美国喷气推进实验室(JPL)公布的GRACE Level 1B实测精度指标的一致性,以及估计的GRACE累计大地水准面精度和德国波兹坦地学研究中心(GFZ)公布的EIGEN-GRACE02S地球重力场模型实测精度的符合性,验证了本文建立的解析误差模型是可靠的. 第三,论证了GRACE Follow-On卫星不同关键载荷匹配精度指标和轨道高度对地球重力场精度的影响. 在360阶处,利用轨道高度250 km、星间距离50 km、星间速度误差1×10-9m/s、轨道位置误差3×10-5m、轨道速度误差3×10-8m/s和非保守力误差3×10-13m/s2,基于联合解析误差模型估计累计大地水准面的精度为1.231×10-1 m. 本文的研究不仅为当前GRACE和将来GRACE Follow-On地球重力场精度的有效快速确定提供了理论基础和计算保证,同时对国际将来GRAIL(Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory)月球卫星重力测量计划的成功实施具有重要的参考意义.  相似文献   

青藏高原GRACE卫星重力长期变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
刘杰  方剑  李红蕾  崔荣花  陈铭 《地球物理学报》2015,58(10):3496-3506
本文采用最新的GRACE(Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment)(RL05)数据,通过水文模型(Global Land Data Assimilation System, GLDAS与Climate Prediction Center, CPC)扣除土壤水及雪水的影响,利用Paulson提供的冰川模型结果扣除GIA(Glacial Isostatic Adjustment)的影响,采用尺度因子的方法减少数据处理过程中误差的影响,最终基于最小二乘计算方法得到2003—2013中国及周边地区长期性重力异常变化情况.结果发现青藏高原有较为明显的重力上升信号,我们认为该信号可能由印度板块俯冲欧亚板块导致青藏高原地壳增厚所引起.接着依据GPS观测结果和艾黎均衡假说构建了地壳形变模型并通过直立长方体模型予以正演模拟分析.以班公湖—怒江断裂带为界将青藏高原划分为南北两大区块,结果显示青藏高原重力异常大致以0.2 μGal·a-1的速率在递增,小于GRACE得到的0.3±0.08 μGal·a-1的增长速率(对应于地壳增厚速率约3 mm·a-1),剩余未解释部分可能与湖水、冰川因素、冻土因素等有关.该结果对于认识青藏高原隆升动力学有一定参考意义.  相似文献   

On July 20, 1995, an earthquake of M L=4.1 occurred in Huailai basin, northwest of Beijing, with epicenter coordinates 40.326°N, 115.448°E and focal depth 5.5 km. Following the main shock, seismicity sharply increased in the basin. This earthquake sequence was recorded by Sino-European Cooperative Huailai Digital Seismograph Network (HDSN) and the hypocentres were precisely located. About 2 hours after the occurrence of the main shock, a smaller event of M L=2.0 took place at 40.323°N, 115.447°E with a focal depth of 5.0 km, which is very close to the main shock. Using the M L=2.0 earthquake as an empirical Green’s function, a regularization method was applied to retrieve the far-field source-time function (STF) of the main shock. Considering the records of HDSN are the type of velocity, to depress high frequency noise, we removed instrument response from the records of the two events, then integrated them to get displacement seismogram before applying the regularization method. From the 5 field stations, P phases in vertical direction which mostly are about 0.5 s in length were used. The STFs obtained from each seismic phases are in good agreement, showing that the M L=4.1 earthquake consisted of two events. STFs from each station demonstrate an obvious “seismic Doppler effect”. Assuming the nodal plane striking 37° and dipping 40°, determined by using P wave first motion data and aftershock distribution, is the fault plane, through a trial and error method, the following results were drawn: Both of the events lasted about 0.1 s, the rupture length of the first one is 0.5 km, longer than the second one which is 0.3 km, and the rupture velocity of the first event is 5.0 km/s, larger than that of the second one which is about 3.0 km/s; the second event took place 0.06 s later than the first one; on the fault plane, the first event ruptured in the direction γ=140° measured clockwise from the strike of the fault, while the second event ruptured at γ=80°, the initial point of the second one locates at γ=−100° and 0.52 km from the beginning point of the first one. Using far-field ground displacement spectrum measurement method, the following source parameters about the M L=4.1 earthquake were also reached: the scalar earthquake moment is 3.3×1013 N·m, stress drop 4.6 MPa, rupture radius 0.16 km. Contribution No. 99FE2022, Institute of Geophysics, China Seismological Bureau. This study is supported by the Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation (95-07-411).  相似文献   


高精度高程基准重力位的确定往往依赖于高精度全球重力场模型,其对全球和区域高程基准的高精度统一非常关键,GRACE、GOCE卫星重力计划极大地提高了全球重力场模型中长波的精度.本文首先对GRACE/GOCE卫星重力场模型的内符合和外符合精度进行讨论分析,结果说明卫星重力模型的截断误差影响可达到分米级水平,在确定高程基准重力位时该影响不可忽略.利用EGM2008模型扩展GRACE/GOCE卫星重力场模型至2190阶,可有效减弱卫星重力模型的截断误差影响,但不同模型扩展时的最优拼接阶次不同,其中DIR-1、DIR-5模型对应的最优拼接阶次分别为180阶和220阶,以GPS水准数据检验,扩展模型在中国区域的精度均优于18 cm.最后,基于最优拼接阶次获得的扩展重力场模型对我国1985高程基准重力位进行了估计,DIR-5和TIM-5模型对应数值分别为62636853.47 m2·s-2和62636853.49 m2·s-2,精度均为1.51 m2·s-2;发现在中国区域模型大地水准面与GPS/水准数据的差值存在微弱的系统性倾斜,东西向倾斜约为9 cm,南北向倾斜约为1.4 cm,考虑倾斜改正后基于DIR-5和TIM-5模型估计我国1985高程基准重力位的精度提高了0.16 m2·s-2.


严畅达  徐亚 《地球物理学报》2019,62(6):2115-2127

利用GRACE卫星重力可对地震引起的大范围重力变化进行观测,并从重力数据中发现主要的变化特征.发生于2010年的MW8.8智利地震震级较高,可观测到震中附近广泛的同震和震后长期重力变化.本文基于GRACE RL05 Level-2时变重力场数据,对2010年智利地震的同震和震后长期变化进行了计算.对同震变化的计算发现,智利地震引起的同震变化极值达-5 μGal,而本文为减小水文信号的干扰而采用的3年平均的方法可以获得良好的效果.在对震后重力变化的计算中发现,智利地震震后在2011—2016年间的重力变化存在先增大后逐渐衰减的过程.对震后变化的拟合表明,智利地震震中附近有约1μGal的震后重力变化,震后变化的特征时间约1.1年.同时,在智利地震中未出现较明显的两个震后变化阶段(短期、长期).


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