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于2009年7月20日至8月16日(夏季),2010年1月6日至30日(冬季),2010年10月26日至11月24日(秋季)和2011年4月30日至2011年5月24日(春季)在南海北部调查了微型异养鞭毛虫的生态分布特点。结果表明:春、夏、秋、冬的微型异养鞭毛虫丰度分别为0.05×103~1.93×103,0.03×103~2.65×103,0.09×103~2.05×103和0.04×103~1.84×103 cells/mL,生物量(以碳计)分别为0.56~19.50,0.04~24.11,0.96~14.80和0.29~22.26 μg/L。4个季节的微型异养鞭毛虫丰度均以2~5 μm粒级的为主,其所占比例超过65%,10~20 μm粒级所占比例通常低于10%。在水平分布上,微型异养鞭毛虫的丰度随离岸距离的增加逐渐降低;在垂直分布上,微型异养鞭毛虫的丰度随深度的增加逐渐降低,但夏季微型异养鞭毛虫丰度的高值多出现在次表层叶绿素a极大值层(DCM层)。微型异养鞭毛虫的丰度分布受到多重因素的交互影响,并且其所受调控模式在不同季节存在差异:春季和秋季微型异养鞭毛虫主要受下行调控;夏季微型异养鞭毛虫主要受上行调控;冬季上行和下行调控对微型异养鞭毛虫的影响相近。  相似文献   

东海大陆架异养细菌的生态分布   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从海洋物质循环的观点来看,异养细菌在分解有机物质和无机化过程中起着极重要的作用。从海洋食物链的角度来看,分解各种类型有机物而得以增殖的异养细菌自身也是海洋原生动物、浮游动物及底栖动物的营养源。异养细菌在海洋生态系中占有极重要的位置。对海洋中某些细菌的代谢活动与其他海洋生物之间的相互关系的研究日益受到普遍的重视。 海洋异养细菌的生态分布资料已有不少报道。但至今尚未有人发表过东海大陆架海域海洋微生物生态调查的报告。东海大陆架海域江河交汇人海,大陆对海洋的影响极为突出,水文和底质情况复杂,水产资源丰富,因而特别富有多样化的有机物来源。调查和了解这一海域中异养细薗生态分布规律,并研究其参与物质转化过程的特异性,不仅有助于深入研究海洋生态学问题,而且对于阐述东海大陆架的特点也极有价值。本文着重讨论异养细菌在东海大陆架的生态分布特征及菌群组成的特点。  相似文献   

北部湾北部海域水体异养细菌的时空分布特征研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
贺成  徐沙  宋书群  李才文 《海洋学报》2019,41(4):94-108
为探讨环境因素对异养细菌丰度的影响,2016年9月至2017年8月通过月度航次调查对北部湾北部海域异养细菌丰度的时空分布特征进行了系统研究。结果表明,调查海区异养细菌丰度介于(2.75~56.86)×105 cell/mL,平均值为(11.01±6.31)×105 cell/mL。各季节细菌丰度从高至低依次为:夏季、春季、冬季、秋季。异养细菌丰度由近岸海域向西南深水区方向逐渐降低,在近岸浅水区垂直分布均匀,在水深大于20 m的海区出现季节性分层现象:表层细菌丰度较高,底层细菌丰度较低。主成分分析显示温度对异养细菌时空分布有重要影响,秋、冬季异养细菌丰度与温度呈显著负相关,在春、夏季呈显著正相关。细菌丰度与盐度呈显著负相关,说明海水盐度变化是细菌时空分布重要影响因素。异养细菌丰度与叶绿素a和溶解氧含量呈显著正相关,表明浮游植物初级生产过程影响了异养细菌的时空分布。在秋、冬和春3季异养细菌丰度与营养盐水平呈显著负相关,二者关系受浮游植物生物量间接影响。异养细菌时空分布差异取决于环境条件的变化,温度、盐度、叶绿素a和溶解氧含量是影响异养细菌丰度分布的主要因素。  相似文献   

本文描述了1989年4月~1990年4月在秦山核电站邻近海域异养细菌的调查研究,结果表明:水样中细菌量较高,年平均为10~5个/dm~3,而沉积样中菌数较低,仅为10~2~10~3个/g。菌群组成均以革兰氏阳性菌为主,优势菌为芽孢杆菌Bacillus,它们对碳水化合物和硝酸盐有较高的分解能力。  相似文献   

珠江口异养细菌丰度与环境因子的耦合关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
张霞  黄小平  施震  叶丰  刘庆霞 《海洋学报》2012,34(6):228-237

利用2008年夏季我国第3次北极科学考察资料,基于流式细胞技术,对白令海北部陆架区的微微型浮游植物丰度、细胞大小(碳含量)、色素浓度的分布特征进行了分析,并对该类群的环境适应性进行了研究。结果表明,微微型浮游植物中仅含聚球藻和真核藻,其丰度范围分别为0.14×106 2.69×106和0.23×106-12.49×106个/dm3。聚球藻的叶绿素a和藻红蛋白含量、微微型真核藻的叶绿素a含量与类群丰度以及微微型真核藻的类胡萝卜素含量与细胞大小间均存在同向变化趋势。两类藻偏向于喜温嗜淡型,更适合在寡营养环境中保持较高的丰度,但能在高营养盐浓度下形成相对较高的碳含量。越接近陆地,细胞越小,丰度越大,碳含量及FL2/FL3越低;所处层位越深、纬度越高,则细胞越大,碳含量及FL2/FL3越高。北极气温升高和径流量的增加有利于陆架区微微型浮游植物类群丰度的增加。  相似文献   

南海北部及珠江口细菌生产力研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
2004年2~3月和2004年8~9月两个航次中对珠江口及南海北部海域的异养浮游细菌生物量、生产力及其调控机制进行了观测研究.结果表明,营养物质的供应对调查区域真光层水体内的细菌生物量和生产力起着主要控制作用,从而导致冬季航次珠江口-陆架-外海调查断面表层细菌生物量和生产力呈现沿盐度梯度向外海逐渐降低的特征.就南海北部调查区域而言,冬季真光层异养细菌生物量(C)平均为(712±290)mg/m2,夏季平均为(937±397)mg/m2;真光层细菌生产力(C)冬季平均为(65.1±42.8)mg/(m2·d),夏季平均(52.5±28.6)mg/(m2·d).本调查中,南海北部海区IBP和IPP比值范围是4%~96%,平均为26%,IBP和IPP比值与初级生产力呈负相关,其分布特征与新生产力f比的分布趋势相反,显示了异养细菌在真光层物质循环过程中所发挥的作用在南海近岸富营养海域和外海寡营养海域之间的差异.  相似文献   

The importance of dissolved organic phosphorus(DOP) as a potential nutrient source for primary producers in marine systems has been recognized for up to eight decades, but currently, the understanding of the biogeochemistry of DOP is in its infancy. In the present study, monthly data between 2000 and 2014 were used to analyze the temporal and spatial distributions of DOP in the Mir Bay, the northern South China Sea. The DOP residence time(T_(DOP)) was also investigated using a simple regression analysis in combination with chlorophyll a(Chl a) measurements while excess DOP(ΔDOP), produced by the biogeochemical processes of autotrophic production and heterotrophic removal, was determined using a two-component mixing mass-balance model in combination with salinity measurements. The results showed that the DOP concentration was(0.017±0.010) mg/L higher in the surface-water compared with the bottom-water and higher in the inner Tolo Harbour and waters adjacent to Shatoujiao compared with the main zone of the bay. Although seasonal changes and annual variability in the DOP were small, the surface DOP concentration was higher in the wet season(April–September)than in the dry season(October–March) due to the impacts of seaward discharges and atmospheric deposition into the bay. Measurement and regression results showed that the DOP release rate from phytoplankton production was about 1.83(gP)/(gChl a) and the T_(DOP) was about 7 d, which implied that the DOP cycle in the bay was rapid. The ΔDOP was calculated from the model to be about 0.000 mg/L in the main zone of the bay and about 0.002 mg/L in the inner Tolo Harbour and waters adjacent to Shaotoujiao, suggesting that the autotrophic production of DOP was almost balanced by the heterotrophic removal in the main zone of the bay and dominated in the inner Tolo Harbour and waters adjacent to Shaotoujiao. In conclusion, the Mirs Bay is very productive and fairly heterotrophic.  相似文献   

东海异养细菌生产力的时空分布   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
肖天  王荣 《海洋与湖沼》2000,31(6):664-670
1997年 2— 3月和 1 998年 7月 ,在东海海区乘“科学一号”考察船进行两个航次的调查 ,利用异养细菌特异示踪物 [甲基 - 3H]胸腺嘧啶核苷 (3H -Tdr)并入DNA的速率测定东海 (2 7°— 32°N ,1 2 2°— 1 30°E)异养细菌生产力 (BP)。结果表明 ,1 997年 2— 3月 (冬季 )异养细菌生产力较低 [0 46— 2 62 μgC/(L·h) ],1 998年 7月 (夏季 )异养细菌生产力较高 [3 50—1 5 70 μgC/(L·h) ]。冬季和夏季在长江口和 41 0站附近都有一个异养细菌生产力的高值区。通过两个连续站的昼夜观测发现冬季异养细菌生产力变化是底层 >中层 >表层 ,夏季是中层>底层 >表层。异养细菌生产力与初级生产力 (PP)之比 ,即BP PP ,冬季的均值为 0 1 7(0 0 4— 0 30 ) ,夏季的均值为 0 32 (0 2 1— 0 43)。BP PP冬季的高值区在长江口附近 ,夏季的高值区在 1 1 1站附近 ,这与长江冲淡水有密切相关。  相似文献   

海洋异养浮游细菌参数的测定和估算   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
海洋中的异养细菌利用溶解有机物(Dissolved Organic Matter,DOM)转换为自身颗粒物(Particular Organic Matter,POM),然后被原生动物(主要是鞭毛虫和纤毛虫)捕食后再传递到后生动物构成微食物环(microbialloop)。近20多年的研究证实异养浮游细菌作为二级生产者对海洋生态系统的稳定和发展起到重要的作用。过去十几年国内研究海洋异养细菌的参数一直是细菌生物量(bacterialbiomass,Bb)、细菌生产力(bacterial production.Pb);  相似文献   

为综合评估遥感技术在南海、尤其在南海U形海疆国界线(简称南海U形海疆线)研究中的应用情况, 本文以中国知识基础设施工程(China National Knowledge Infrastructure, CNKI)和Web of Science核心合集 (Web of Science Core Collection, WOSCC)分别作为中文与外文期刊论文数据库来源, 筛选出截至2019年已发表的相关主题的中外期刊文献, 进行文献计量分析。按照关键词筛选的三类论文为: 南海自然科学研究(中文10150篇, 外文10130篇), 南海遥感研究(中文560篇, 外文1296篇)与南海U形海疆线相关研究(中文303篇, 外文33篇)。文献计量分析表明: 南海自然科学研究总发文量最大的国家为中国(18253篇), 总发文量排名前列的研究机构(如排名第一的中国科学院南海海洋研究所)与期刊(如排名第一的《热带海洋学报》)也主要来自中国; 年发文量变化趋势显示, 南海自然科学研究呈现四个阶段(缓慢起步、缓慢增长、快速增长和回降), 南海遥感研究有两个阶段(缓慢起步与快速增长), 南海U形海疆线研究中文论文呈现三个阶段(缓慢起步、快速增长与回降); 热点研究显示, 南海自然科学研究围绕季风、天然气水合物与台风开展, 南海遥感研究关注海表温度、叶绿素与台风, 南海U形海疆线研究关注南海争端和地质特征。遥感数据于1974年开始被用于南海台风研究, 2019年被用于南海U形海疆线的生态环境研究。发展海洋遥感技术, 深化南海台风“风泵”生态效应与灾害研究, 拓展南海U形海疆线走廊立体的综合科学研究和增强南海的自然科学与社会科学的交叉研究, 意义重大。  相似文献   

Remote sensing expert system of South China Sea coral reefsWangYanfengandLiuBaoyinAbstract:Basedontheremotesensinginformation...  相似文献   

孙丽娜  张杰  孟俊敏  崔伟 《海洋学报》2022,44(7):137-144
海洋内孤立波和中尺度涡是南海北部常见的中尺度动力过程。本文利用2010−2015年的Terra/Aqua-MODIS、ENVISAT ASAR和多源卫星高度计资料开展了南海海洋内孤立波和中尺度涡遥感探测研究,分析了中尺度涡对内孤立波传播方向的影响。结果表明,中尺度涡和内孤立波主要在南海东北部海域共存,当二者共存时,气旋(冷涡)促使内孤立波偏离原来的传播方向,向西偏南方向传播;反气旋(暖涡)促使内孤立波向西偏北方向传播,气旋与反气旋改变的内孤立波传播方向刚好相反。内孤立波和中尺度涡共存时间主要集中在3−9月,其中,3月受气旋和反气旋的共同作用,内孤立波传播方向几乎无变化;4月和5月,主要受气旋影响,内孤立波偏离原来传播方向向南传播;6−9月,主要受反气旋影响,内孤立波偏离原来的传播方向向北传播。本文利用遥感手段探索了海洋中尺度涡对内孤立波传播方向的影响,结果与现场观测结果一致。  相似文献   

中国海洋卫星遥感技术进展   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
新中国成立70年来,中国在海洋卫星遥感技术领域取得了丰硕成果。中国制定了长远的自主海洋卫星发展规划,构建了海洋水色、海洋动力环境和海洋监视监测三大系列的海洋卫星,逐步形成了以中国自主卫星为主导的海洋空间监测网,在中国海洋资源与环境监测、海洋防灾减灾、海洋安全管理等方面发挥了重要作用。本文回顾了中国在海洋水色、海洋微波(海洋动力环境)卫星遥感技术的发展历程,重点介绍了中国在海洋卫星遥感技术领域所取得的新成果,并对中国海洋卫星遥感技术的未来发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

Chlorophyll a concentration(CHL) is an important proxy of the marine ecological environment and phytoplankton production.Long-term trends in CHL of the South China Sea(SCS) reflect the changes in the ecosystem’s productivity and functionality in the regional carbon cycle.In this study,we applied a previously reconstructed15-a(2005-2019) CHL product,which has a complete coverage at 4 km and daily resolutions,to analyze the longterm trends of CHL in the SCS.Quantile regression was used to elaborat...  相似文献   

Variations in abundance, biomass, vertical profile and cell size of heterotrophic dinoflagellates (HDFs) between summer and winter and its controlling factors were studied in the northern South China Sea (SCS). It was found that HDF abundance and carbon biomass were 4–102 × 103 cells L−1 and 0.34–12.3 mg C L−1 in winter (February 2004), respectively, while they were 2–142 × 103 cells L−1 and 0.22–31.4 μg C L−1 in summer (July, 2004), respectively, in the northern SCS. HDF abundance and carbon biomass decreased from the estuary to inshore and then offshore. Vertical profiles of HDF abundance were heterogeneous, which accorded well with that of chlorophyll a (Chl.a). Higher abundance of HDFs was often observed at a depth of 30–70 m offshore waters, matching well with the Chl.a maximum, while it showed high abundance at the surface in some coastal and estuary stations. Small HDFs (≤20 μm) dominated the assemblage in term of abundance accounting for more than 90%. However, large HDFs (>20 μm) generally contributed equally in terms of carbon biomass, accounting for 47% on average. HDFs showed different variation patterns for the different study regions; in the estuarine and continental shelf regions, abundance and biomass values were higher in summer than those in winter, while it was the reverse pattern for the slope waters. Hydrological factors (e.g. water mass, river outflow, monsoon and eddies) associated with biological factors, especially the size-fractionated Chl.a, seemed to play an important role in regulating HDF distribution and variations in the northern South China Sea.  相似文献   

This article discusses an effective way to study deep-water current activity with the sedimentary features of seabed sediments. In the paper, we have processed a seismic survey line crossing the Northwest sub-basin of the South China Sea (SCS). In the seismic profile, we can clearly distinguish the contourite sediment waves and find the erosion scope formed by the deep-water bottom current. Combining the analytic result of piston cores sediments in the research area, we can conclude that the deep-water current is the contour current. It enters the SCS through the narrow Bashi Channel and then it flows to the southwest direction along the isobaths of Dongsha uplift and Southern uplift, but there isn't direct evidence to explain that bottom current flows to the direction of the deep-sea basin. The conclusion confirms former speculation about the passage of deep-water current and provides an important foundation to construct the whole structure of deep-water circulation for the SCS.  相似文献   

基于EOF分析对南海西北海域水体光谱特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study presents an analysis of the spectral characteristics of remote sensing reflectance(R_(rs)) in northwestern South China Sea based on the in situ optical and water quality data for August 2018.R_(rs)was initially divided into four classes,classes A to D,using the max-classification algorithm,and the spectral properties of whole R_(rs) were characterized using the empirical orthogonal function(EOF) analysis.Subsequently,the dominant factors in each EOF mode were determined.The results indicated that more than 95% of the variances of R_(rs) are partly driven by the back-scattering characteristics of the suspended matter.The initial two EOF modes were well correlated with the total suspended matter and back-scattering coefficient.Furthermore,the first EOF modes of the four classes of R_(rs)(A-D R_(rs)-EOF_1) significantly contributed to the total variances of each R_(rs) class.In addition,the correlation coefficients between the amplitude factors of class A-D R_(rs)-EOF_1 and the variances of the relevant water quality and optical parameters were better than those of the unclassified ones.The spectral shape of class AR_(rs)-EOF_1 was governed by the absorption characteristic of chlorophyll a and colored dissolved organic matter(CDOM).The spectral shape of class B R_(rs)-EOF_1 was governed by the absorption characteristic of CDOM since it exhibited a high correlation with the absorption coefficient of CDOM(a_g(λ)),whereas the spectral shape of class C R_(rs)-EOF_1 was governed by the back-scattering characteristics but not affected by the suspended matter.The spectral shape of class D R_(rs)-EOF_1 exhibited a relatively good correlation with all the water quality parameters,which played a significant role in deciding its spectral shape.  相似文献   

比较了2000年夏季邻近珠江口的南海东北部海区海洋水色传感器SeaWiFS遥感与走航叶绿素a(Chla)的分布,着重对比在运用Ruddick的浑浊水体大气校正方法的条件下OC2,OC4和OCTSC的3种标准经验算法反演的SeaWiFS遥感Chla与实测Chla偏离的相对程度。结果表明,3种产品都能够反映Chla从近岸向远岸降低的空间分布特征,但从近岸到远岸划分3个子区域分别对遥感与走航Chla求均值比较的结果表明。OC4产品偏离实测Chla分布的程度明显小于其他2种产品。此外3种产品的Chla频率分布差异显著。这一结果可以为选择适用于该海域海洋环境变动研究的SeaWiFS Chla标准产品提供参考。  相似文献   

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