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This paper is the outcome of a community initiative to identify major unsolved scientific problems in hydrology motivated by a need for stronger harmonisation of research efforts. The procedure involved a public consultation through online media, followed by two workshops through which a large number of potential science questions were collated, prioritised, and synthesised. In spite of the diversity of the participants (230 scientists in total), the process revealed much about community priorities and the state of our science: a preference for continuity in research questions rather than radical departures or redirections from past and current work. Questions remain focused on the process-based understanding of hydrological variability and causality at all space and time scales. Increased attention to environmental change drives a new emphasis on understanding how change propagates across interfaces within the hydrological system and across disciplinary boundaries. In particular, the expansion of the human footprint raises a new set of questions related to human interactions with nature and water cycle feedbacks in the context of complex water management problems. We hope that this reflection and synthesis of the 23 unsolved problems in hydrology will help guide research efforts for some years to come.  相似文献   

In urbanized areas, particularly in lowland terrains and floors of large river valleys, the natural land configuration is often hard to recognize due to a long history of human activity. Accordingly, archaeological works in cities, which supply knowledge on settlement conditions, are usually accompanied by geological and geomophological research. Lately, data from light detection and ranging (LiDAR) have become a valuable source of information on urban land configuration. Geophysical methods are also becoming increasingly popular in background studies. The paper presents a method of using and linking these sources of spatial information about landforms in such areas. The main aim is to identify to what extent these complementary sources of data and the proposed method can be used in such a specific environment to reconstruct natural, buried terrain morphology. The city of Wroc?aw in Central Europe serves as an example. To this end geomorphometric studies were conducted with the use of digital elevation models (DEMs) based on LiDAR scanning and derivated land-surface parameters—SAGA Wetness Index, Channel Network Base Level and Altitude above Channel Network. The study also involved determining morphological edges and measurements of the meanders of the Odra, as well as expanding information on the spatial distribution of alluvia and the structure of slope breaks. To this end, geophysical measurements were conducted using the Two-Dimensional Electrical Resistivity Tomography method. Additionally, five typical sequences of man-made ground present within the perimeter of the city were distinguished. As a result, a map of the main landforms of Wroc?aw is presented. Finally, we argue that although high resolution DEM and derivate land-surface parameters are very useful in terrain analysis, places with thick man-made ground or strongly levelled areas must be recognized by geoarchaeological excavations or geological bore holes. The geophysical survey is useful to identify buried morphological edges and older relief elements in open areas.  相似文献   

Storm surges have a major impact on land use and human habitation in coastal regions. Our knowledge of this impact can be improved by correlating long-term historical storm records with sedimentary evidence of storm surges, but so far few studies have applied such an approach. Here we apply, for the first time, state-of-the-art optically stimulating luminescence (OSL) methods to obtain high-resolution age information on a sequence of Late Holocene storm surge deposits. By combining this chronological framework of storm surges with other reconstruction methods, we investigate the storm surge impact on the former island Schokland, located in a former inlet of the North Sea (central Netherlands).During the Late Holocene, Schokland transformed from a peat area that gradually inundated (~800 CE) via an island in a marginal marine environment (~1600 CE) to a land-locked island in the reclaimed Province of Flevoland (1942 CE). These transitions are recorded in the sediment archive of the island, consisting of silty clay with sandy intervals deposited during storm surges. A series of ten quartz OSL ages, obtained using best-practice methods to deal with incomplete resetting of the OSL signal and dose rate heterogeneity, reveal two periods of storm surge deposition, around 1600 CE and between 1742 and 1822 CE. Historical sources indicate that major storm surges hit Schokland during these periods. Laboratory analyses (thermogravimetry, grain-size, foraminifera, bivalves and ostracods) corroborates the existence of the two sets of storm surge deposits within the clay sequence. Our study sets a benchmark for obtaining robust depositional age constraints from storm surge sediments, and demonstrates the great potential of modern OSL methods to contribute to improved assessment of storm surge risk. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

IntroductionThesouthernpartofKhorasanProvinceineast-centralIranisoneoftheseismicallyactiveregionsintheMiddleeast.Historicalreportsindicatedseveralearthquakeshavecausedseveredestructionsandhumanlossinthisregionduringthepastcenturies(Ambraseys,Melville,1982).Theinstrumentallyrecordedearthquakesaswellastheexistenceofseveralactivefaultsalsosug-gestedthattheregionhadahighpotentialofseismicactivities.OnMay10,1997at07:57:29.6GMT,12:27:29.6localtime,ashallowdestructiveearthquakewithoutanyfeltfores…  相似文献   

StrongearthquakeactivityalovertheworldandstrongmoderateearthquakeactivitywithinandnearChina(August,1997~September,1997)PEI?..  相似文献   

Strongearthquakeactivityalovertheworldandstrong┐moderateearthquakeactivitywithinandnearChina(June,1997~July,1997)PEI-SHANCHEN...  相似文献   

The nature and dynamics of climate change in central Asia since the late Pleistocene are controversial. Moreover,most of the published studies focus mainly on the evolution of moisture conditions, and there have been few attempts to address changes in seasonality. In this study, records of δ13Corg, TOC, TN, C/N and grain size were obtained from lacustrine sediments at Yili Basin, Xinjiang, NW China. Our aim was to reconstruct the trend in seasonality of precipitation from the last glaciation to the Holocene. The organic matter content of the sediments is derived predominantly from terrestrial plants. The δ13Corgvalues vary from-19.4‰ to-24.8‰, indicating that the vegetation was dominated by C_3 plants. Winter-spring precipitation is identified as the factor determining the relative proportions of C_3 and C_4 plants in the region. A negative trend in δ13Corgcorresponding to an increase in the relative abundance of C_3 plants indicate a trend of increasing winter-spring precipitation from the last glaciation to the Holocene. The increased incidence of wintertime storms in the interior of Asia is suggested to result in the increase of winterspring precipitation in the Holocene.  相似文献   

Water Resources - In the period of summer flood 2016, a number of chemical characteristics associated with carbon cycle were studied in the estuaries of the Syran and Ul’ban rivers in the...  相似文献   

A sequence of 25 bread-kiln floors was sampled for archaeomagnetic measurements in a bakehouse in the old town of Lübeck, Germany. Due to archaeological dating this kiln floor sequence has been built up presumably from the late 13 th to the 18 th century. The primary magnetisation component is carried by magnetite (maghemite) and is very stable. Small viscous magnetisation components could be removed easily. The preliminary results of characteristic remanent magnetisation for 23 of the kiln-floor layers show clearly the trend of the geomagnetic secular variation expected for that time interval. By comparison with French and British master curves, the kiln-floor sequence started around 1425 and lasted until 1775 AD. Presently, confidence circles are relatively large and need refineing by measuring more samples, which have already been collected. Together with 14 C dating that can be determined from the charcoals found in the lowest layers and thermoluminescence dating of the layers, we expect to obtain, for the first time, a secular variation curve for Northern Germany covering the time interval from 1400 to 1800 years AD.  相似文献   

Averaged seasonal variations of wind perturbation intensities and vertical flux of horizontal momentum produced by internal gravity waves (IGWs) with periods 0.2/1 h and 1/6 h are studied at the altitudes 65/80 km using the MU radar measurement data from the middle and upper atmosphere during 1986/1997 at Shigaraki, Japan (35°N, 136°E). IGW intensity has maxima in winter and summer, winter values having substantial interannual variations. Mean wave momentum flux is directed to the west in winter and to the east in summer, opposite to the mean wind in the middle atmosphere. Major IGW momentum fluxes come to the mesosphere over Shigaraki from the Pacific direction in winter and continental Asia in summer.  相似文献   

Summer upwelling and downwelling processes were characterized in the Northern Galician Rias during July and August 2008 by means of sampling carried out onboard R/V Mytilus (CSIC) and R/V Lura (IEO). Thermohaline variables, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, chlorophyll, phytoplankton, ciliates and zooplankton abundances were measured at sections located in the Rias of Viveiro, Barqueiro and Ortigueira and their adjacent shelves. Ekman transport was calculated from QuikSCAT satellite, upwelling intensity estimated with upwelling index from the average daily geostrophic winds, and SST maps obtained from NASA GHRSST satellite. Ekman transport and SST behaviour showed two different patterns: (i) offshore and upwelling favourable conditions on 13–22nd of July; (ii) onshore and downwelling favourable conditions from 23rd July to 19th August. During upwelling, TS diagram showed an intrusion of Eastern North Atlantic Central Water affecting the continental shelf but not the rias. Nutrient salt concentrations increased with depth, reaching their maximum values near the mouth of Ortigueira Ria. During downwelling, coastal water increased its temperature (18.5–19.8 °C) and was retained inside rias; nutrients were nearly depleted, except for the innermost ria (estuarine zone) due to fluvial nutrient inputs. In this inner area, the maximum of chlorophyll-a (Barqueiro Ria) was observed. Low phytoplankton abundances were measured in both cases, even though a short increase in the plankton biomass was observed inside rias during upwelling, while under downwelling a small red tide of Lingulodinium polyedrum was detected. During the upwelling period Northern Rias tend to be mesotrophic systems as revealed by nutrient concentrations, chlorophyll levels and plankton abundances. On the contrary, in similar situations, the Western Rias behaves as eutrophics.  相似文献   

The geomagnetic variations with characteristic times ranging from 0.4 to 15 ka are shown to be largely stochastic. Variations with different characteristic times appear during different time intervals and reflect accelerating and decelerating processes. The variations do not exhibit any predominant times. At the same time, almost periodic variations in the lithological characteristics are clearly seen in the wavelet diagrams of the parameters that reflect the changes in the composition (quantitative and qualitative) of ferrimagnetic material; i.e., the changes in the conditions of sedimentation related to climate variations. The variations with periods of 5, 8.5, and 13 ka are concurrent with the similar variations in the paleomagnetic data, while the variations with a period of 3.5 ka are only observed in the magnetic parameters. We suggest that the first mentioned oscillations reflect the changes of the external (relative to the Earth) origin, whereas the changes with a period of 3.5 ka are caused by some terrestrial factors.  相似文献   

Flank instability and collapse are observed at many volcanoes. Among these, Mt. Etna is characterized by the spreading of its eastern and southern flanks. The eastern spreading area is bordered to the north by the E–W-trending Pernicana Fault System (PFS). During the 2002–2003 Etna eruption, ground fracturing along the PFS migrated eastward from the NE Rift, to as far as the 18 km distant coastline. The deformation consisted of dextral en-echelon segments, with sinistral and normal kinematics. Both of these components of displacement were one order of magnitude larger (~1 m) in the western, previously known, portion of the PFS with respect to the newly surveyed (~9 km long) eastern section (~0.1 m). This eastern section is located along a pre-existing, but previously unknown, fault, where displaced man-made structures give overall slip rates (1–1.9 cm/year), only slightly lower than those calculated for the western portion (1.4–2.3 cm/year). After an initial rapid motion during the first days of the 2002–2003 eruption, movement of the western portion of the PFS decreased dramatically, while parts of the eastern portion continued to move. These data suggest a model of spreading of the eastern flank of Etna along the PFS, characterized by eruptions along the NE Rift, instantaneous, short-lived, meter-scale displacements along the western PFS and more long-lived centimeter-scale displacements along the eastern PFS. The surface deformation then migrated southwards, reactivating, one after the other, the NNW–SSE-trending Timpe and Trecastagni faults, with displacements of ~0.1 and ~0.04 m, respectively. These structures, along with the PFS, mark the boundaries of two adjacent blocks, moving at different times and rates. The new extent of the PFS and previous activity over its full length indicate that the sliding eastern flank extends well below the Ionian Sea. The clustering of seismic activity above 4 km b.s.l. during the eruption suggests a deep décollement for the moving mass. The collected data thus suggests a significant movement (volume >1,100 km3) of the eastern flank of Etna, both on-shore and off-shore.Editorial responsibility: R. Cioni  相似文献   

A catalogue of auroras was compiled by the Spanish physicist Rico Sinobas in 1855. It presents the auroras observed in the Iberian Peninsula in the period 1700–1855, and is of special interest because observations were at low-latitude sites. We analyse the reliability of the data, and find that this compilation confirms for low latitudes the absence of auroras during the Dalton minimum.  相似文献   

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