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三种被动式积沙仪积沙效率的野外实验研究 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
积沙仪积沙效率的高低直接影响近地表输沙率的测定,从而影响着风沙地貌的研究和风沙工程设计,对目前三种常用积沙仪在相同条件下(同一下垫面、相同风速)的积沙进行了野外观测。结果表明:(1)相同条件下,楔形积沙仪积沙量远远大于其它两种;(2)近地面积沙量随高度分布上,楔形积沙仪能更好地反映风沙流结构;(3)与其它两种积沙仪相比,楔形积沙仪所采集沙子中的小粒径颗粒含量明显多于其它两种积沙仪结果,而较大粒径颗粒的含量呈相反趋势,造成这些差异的原因在于楔形积沙仪采用的流线型构造和网状结构,从而对风沙流的阻挡程度较小,今后应推广楔形积沙仪的使用。 相似文献
以黑河中游荒漠-绿洲过渡带斑块植被区的风蚀积沙观测资料为基础,结合中国生态系统研究网络(CERN)临泽内陆河流域研究站的风况资料,应用地统计学方法对2012-2013年风蚀季(3-8月)的风蚀积沙过程进行分类,并分析起沙风对风蚀积沙量的影响。结果表明:(1)2012-2013年风蚀季风蚀积沙量的空间变异过程分为随机性变异过程(2012年4-7月)和结构性变异过程(2012年8月及2013年3-7月)。(2)在随机性变异过程中,风蚀积沙量与起沙风的风速,风向,风频率依次相关;在结构性变异过程中,风蚀积沙量与起沙风的风向,风速,风频率依次相关。③输沙势(DP)与风蚀积沙量的相关性大小为随机性变异过程>结构性变异过程;在随机性变异过程中,合成输沙势(RDP)与风蚀积沙量无明显相关关系(R2=0.0745);而在结构性变异过程中,合成输沙势(RDP)与风蚀积沙量的相关系数较高(R2=0.9343)。④在随机性变异过程中,各月风蚀积沙量呈不规则的片状分布;在结构性变异过程中,各月积沙量呈明显的带状分布。 相似文献
不同组合间距的尼龙阻沙网积沙形态特征对比 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地垄间平沙地,布设了两条尼龙阻沙网水平组合防沙实验,组合间距分别为2H、5H、10H、15H(H为阻沙网高度),一个风季中对实验设置的地形及纵断面蚀积量进行了动态观测。结果表明:(1)各尼龙阻沙网组合形成有规律的地表蚀积空间分布格局:形成以阻沙网为核心的积沙区,其上下风侧分布有较稳定的风蚀区,两条阻沙网之间存在临时的风蚀区。(2)在阻沙网前后形成与阻沙网高度相近的积沙体,在第一条阻沙网上风侧区域,积沙厚度与水平距离呈指数函数关系,在阻沙网背风侧,积沙厚度与水平距离呈二次函数关系。(3)2H和5H积沙体纵断面呈单峰状,风季中后期形似“几”字形,而10H和15H呈双峰状,风季中后期形似“M”字形。(4)阻沙网组合间距越小,积沙分布就越集中,形体越高大,反之则越分散,风季末阻沙网积沙体地形起伏度、平均坡降、积沙体积比、积沙断面面积轮廓比大小排序均为2H>5H>10H>15H。(5)阻沙网积沙体积具有随阻沙网间距增大而降低的趋势,观测断面最大积沙体积5HH>2H>15H>10H,5H、2H、15H分别较10H大13.20%、12.34%、3.78%,可见,5H防沙效果最优。 相似文献
甘肃河西地区经过60多年的防沙治沙,在绿洲边缘形成了一条积沙带。民勤绿洲边缘积沙带高4.8~18.6 m,宽30.4~461.4 m。为什么有的地段积沙带高大,而有的地段积沙带相对矮小,或者有的地段积沙带较宽,而有的地段积沙带较窄?对此,以民勤为研究区,通过对民勤绿洲边缘积沙带进行了调查,运用相关分析等方法和SPSS软件进行了分析。结果表明:(1) 民勤绿洲边缘积沙带按形成方式可分为天然灌丛积沙带、乔木林带积沙带、人工固沙林积沙带3种,其中天然灌丛形成的积沙带相对高大,而农田边缘单纯的乔木林带形成的积沙带最窄。(2) 控制积沙带高度的环境因子主要是积沙带与主风向的夹角,即积沙带与主风向的夹角越小,则积沙带的高度越低。上风向对准风沙口时,则积沙带与主风向的夹角越小,积沙带的宽度亦越小。(3) 典型相关分析结果好于单相关分析。结果显示,积沙带的形态主要是由其宽度、宽高比和断面形状决定的,而影响积沙带形态特征的环境因子主要是上风向是否对准风沙口以及沙源的距离,亦即当上风向未对准风沙口时积沙带较宽且断面积较大,积沙带与上风向沙源距离越小则积沙带越高大。 相似文献
青藏高原中东部植被覆盖对水热条件的响应研究 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
植被覆盖的变化常是自然因子和人类活动的综合作用,分析植被对水热条件的响应关系有助于认识人类活动在地表植被变化中的作用程度。本文旨在结合1982~2000年地面气象观测资料和NOAA卫星的AVHRR 植被指数(8km),对气象站点分布相对密集的青藏高原中东部的NDVI(归一化植被指数)空间变化同水热条件的响应关系进行分析。通过水热有关指标的趋势面模拟、植被类型比较和样带分析,表明:在青藏高原中东部地区,水热条件组合较好(如常绿针叶林)或较差(如荒漠半荒漠)的区域,多年平均的NDVI旬值同水热条件的相关性不强;而范围广阔的水热条件组合中等区域(如高山草甸/草原)同水热条件相关性很高;青藏高原周边区域植被对水热条件相对不敏感,而高原主体部分植被覆盖同水热的相关性则很高(0.75以上);此外,海拔对热量条件影响很大,进而影响植被覆盖。 相似文献
粘土沙障及麦草沙障合理间距的调查研究 总被引:16,自引:4,他引:16
确定机械沙障障间距的基本原理是障间风蚀沙量等于积沙量。障间凹曲面面积与障间距及沙面坡度之间存在着显著的回归关系,运用这种回归关系就可以建立障间风蚀沙量等于积沙量的等式方程。在民勤沙区取样分别建立粘土沙障和麦草沙障的风蚀沙量等于积沙量的等式方程,计算出沙面坡度0°~8°和0°~10°的粘土沙障和麦草沙障间距分别是253.1~185.9 cm和261.4~155.0 cm;粘土沙障高度应为适宜高度范围内的最小值;粘土沙障在障高为15 cm、沙面坡度>8°时障间没有风蚀。麦草沙障在坡度>10°时障间没有风蚀;15 cm高的粘土沙障和固沙有效高度13 cm的麦草沙障的最小间距分别是185.9 cm和155.0 cm;若需要在固定就地沙面的基础上接纳外来流沙或者需要风蚀部分就地沙粒时,可将接纳沙量或风蚀沙量的平均厚度作为参数之一计算障间距;按照风蚀沙量≤积沙量的障间距设置的沙障,其方格形式只适合在害风方向多变的地段设置。 相似文献
Dune sand transport as influenced by wind directions, speed and frequencies in the Ordos Plateau, China 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
The Ordos Plateau in China is a region with extensive wind erosion, severe desertification and various aeolian sand hazards. In order to determine aeolian sand transport in this region, the relationship between the sand transport rate and wind speed at 10 min frequencies was established by field observation in both the Qubqi Sand Desert and the Mu Us Sandy Land. Threshold wind speeds (2 m above the ground) for mobile, semi-fixed and fixed dune surfaces were estimated by field observations. The sand transport rate increased with the increase of the bare land ratio and near-bed wind speed. High-resolution meteorological 10 min average wind velocity data at 10 m above the ground were converted into velocity values at a height of 2 m to calculate sand transport potential based on three specific parameters decisive for sand transport: wind speed, duration and direction. The quantity of aeolian sand transported was calculated for various wind speed levels and directions, and the overall characteristics of sand transport on different dune surface types were determined by vector operation techniques. Sand transporting winds took place mainly in springtime. The prevailing wind directions were W, WNW and NW, with a frequency of more than 60% in total, and sand transport in these directions made up more than 70% of the total transport, corresponding to a general southeastward encroachment of aeolian sand in the study area. The relationship between wind frequency and speed can be expressed by a power function. High magnitude strong winds had a low frequency, but they played a dominant role in aeolian sand transport. 相似文献
In the last several decades, the underlying surface conditions on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau have changed dramatically, causing permafrost degradation due to climate change and human activities. This change severely influenced the cold regions environment and engineering infrastructure built above permafrost. Permafrost is a product of the interaction between the atmosphere and the ground. The formation and change of permafrost are determined by the energy exchange between earth and atmosphere system. Fieldwork was performed in order to learn how land surface change influenced the thermal regime in permafrost regions. In this article, the field data observed in the Fenghuo Mountain regions was used to analyze the thermal conditions under different underlying surfaces on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Results show that underlying surface change may alter the primary energy balance and the thermal conditions of permafrost. The thermal flux in the permafrost regions is also changed, resulting in rising upper soil temperature and thickening active layer. Vegetation could prevent solar radiation from entering the ground, cooling the ground in the warm season. Also, vegetation has heat insulation and heat preservation functions related to the ground surface and may keep the permafrost stable. Plots covered with black plastic film have higher temperatures compared with plots covered by natural vegetation. The reason is that black plastic film has a low albedo, which could increase the absorbed solar radiation, and also decrease evapotranspiration. The "greenhouse effect" of transparent plastic film might effectively reduce the emission of long-wave radiation from the surface, decreasing heat loss from the earth's surface, and prominently increasing ground surface temperature. 相似文献
《Norsk geografisk tidsskrift. Norwegian journal of geography》2012,66(4):230-234
The proposed method of permafrost distribution mapping entails the use of a computer-based model that takes into account the specific conditions of arid mountains for permafrost formation and occurrence. In the intracontinental arid mountains, incoming short-wave solar radiation, mean annual temperature and evaporation are the main influences on the distribution of permafrost. Coarse debris is widespread in the high mountains and greatly influences the thermal state of the ground. The model can compute heat transfer in the coarse debris, which is considered a porous body, and it can be used for permafrost distribution mapping with various degrees of spatial resolution. As a result, the GIS-based map of permafrost distribution for the Bolshaya Almatinka River basin, Kazakhstan, was generated. 相似文献
In high mountainous areas, the development and distribution of alpine permafrost is greatly affected by macro- and micro-topographic factors. The effects of latitude, altitude, slope, and aspect on the distribution of permafrost were studied to understand the distribution patterns of permafrost in Wenquan on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Cluster and correlation analysis were performed based on 30 m Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) data and field data obtained using geophysical exploration and borehole drilling methods. A Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline model (MARS) was developed to simulate permafrost spatial distribution over the studied area. A validation was followed by comparing to 201 geophysical exploration sites, as well as by comparing to two other models, i.e., a binary logistic regression model and the Mean Annual Ground Temperature model (MAGT). The MARS model provides a better simulation than the other two models. Besides the control effect of elevation on permafrost distribution, the MARS model also takes into account the impact of direct solar radiation on permafrost distribution. 相似文献
采用对数正态分布的统计方法对青藏高原东北缘西宁盘子山黄土剖面的粒度数据进行拟合,结果表明盘子山剖面的粒度分布呈现出5个对数正态分布粒度方式的组合,各地层单元的粒径大体可分为5组,粒度分别介于平均粒径为0.4、9、20、40、63μm的范围,各粒径区域占整体粒径分布的比例比较相近;并且粘粒、极细粉砂组分的分选程度较差。盘子山剖面的粒度分布方式与黄土高原地区的分布有一定差异,<4μm的组分在古土壤中占到11%~16%,在黄土中占到8%。无论在黄土堆积阶段,还是在古土壤发育阶段,盘子山地区相对于延长地区,20、40、63μm粒径组的比例都大,西宁盘子山地区黄土剖面的粗颗粒含量比较多。由于气候总体干旱、成土作用相对较弱,风化对黄土粒度组成的改变程度不会太明显,再加上青藏高原因冰川反复消融作用和磨蚀作用共同影响所产生的砂尘为黄土提供了可观的粗物质补给,因此盘子山剖面的黄土物源区呈现多样化特点。 相似文献
基于Shuttleworth-Wallace Hu(SWH)双源蒸散模型对青藏高原那曲、纳木错、藏东南站蒸散发进行估算,在结果验证良好基础上,对青藏高原蒸散发变化特征及各站主要影响因素进行了分析。结果表明:SWH模型在青藏高原3个草甸站适用性良好;年蒸散发介于388~732 mm之间,年内分布呈先增大后减小特征;3站蒸散发组分差异较大,那曲站和纳木错站土壤蒸发对蒸散总量的贡献分别为53%和56%,藏东南站蒸散发则几乎全部由植被蒸腾贡献,占比高达95%;植被叶面积指数为3站蒸散发最主要的影响因素,饱和水汽压差对藏东南站蒸散发影响也较大。研究结果可对青藏高原蒸散发及其组分时空格局与水循环过程研究提供科学依据。 相似文献
The ground temperature and active layer are greatly influenced by vegetation in the Greater Hinggan Mountains in Northeastern China.However,vegetation,as a complex system,is difficult to separate the influence of its different components on the ground thermal regime.In this paper,four vegetation types,including a Larix dahurica-Ledum palustre var.dilatatum-Bryum forest(P1),a L.dahurica-Betula fruticosa forest(P2),a L.dahurica-Carex tato forest(P3) in the China Forest Ecological Research Network Station in Genhe,and a Carex tato swamp(P4) at the permafrost observation site in Yitulihe,have been selected to study and compare their seasonal and annual influence on the ground thermal regime.Results show that the vegetation insulates the ground resulting in a relatively high ground temperature variability in the Carex tato swamp where there are no tree stands and shrubs when compared with three forested vegetation types present in the area.Vegetation thickness,structure,and coverage are the most important factors that determine the insulating properties of the vegetation.In particular,the growth of ground cover,its water-holding capacity and ability to intercept snow exert a significant effect on the degree of insulation of the soil under the same vegetation. 相似文献
Water accumulation in soil by gravel and sand mulches: Influence of textural composition and thickness of mulch layers 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
The use of gravel and sand as mulch has been an indigenous farming technique for crop production for over 300 years in the semiarid loess region of northwest China. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of texture and thickness of gravel and sand mulch layers on soil water storage by field experiments. The texture experiment consists of three commonly used gravel mulch types: pebble, mixed pebble and sand, fine sand; and the thickness experiment consists of 1, 2 and 3-layers of 2 cm pebbles. Each treatment has three replications. The results indicate that gravel-sand mulches were more effective in conserving soil water, as compared with the bare soil treatment, and the mixed pebble and sand mulch was more effective to conserve soil water than the sole pebble or sand mulch. Soil water content increased with mulch thickness (the number of gravel layers), 1-layer treatment had an average soil water content of 10.85% at 0-60 cm soil layer after a rainfall of 10 mm, 2.42% and 4.92% less than the 2-layers and 3-layers treatments. From May to October in 2004, two and three layers of pebbles conserved 9.8 ± 6.6 mm and 20.0 ± 14.3 mm more water, respectively, as compared with the one layer of 2 cm pebbles at the soil depth of 0-100 cm. 相似文献
Due to a series of linear projects built along National Highway 214, the second "Permafrost Engineering Corridor" on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has formed. In this paper, by overcoming the problems of data decentralization and standard inconsistency, permafrost characteristics and changes along the engineering corridor are systematically summarized based on the survey and monitoring data. The results show that: 1) Being controlled by elevation, the permafrost is distributed in flake discontinuity with mountains as the center along the line. The total length of the road section in permafrost regions is 365 km, of which the total length of the permafrost section of National Highway 214 is 216.7 km, and the total length of the permafrost section of Gong-Yu Expressway is 197.3 km. The mean annual ground temperature (MAGT) is higher than -1.5 °C, and permafrost with MAGT lower than -1.5 °C is only distributed in the sections at Bayan Har Mountain and E'la Mountain. There are obvious differences in the distribution of ground ice in the different sections along the engineering corridor. The sections with high ice content are mainly located in Zuimatan, Duogerong Plain and the top of north and south slope of Bayan Har Mountain. The permafrost thickness is controlled by the ground temperature, and permafrost thickness increases with the decrease of the ground temperature, with the change rate of about 37 m/°C. 2) Local factors (topography, landform, vegetation and lithology) affect the degradation process of permafrost, and then affect the distribution, ground temperature, thickness and ice content of permafrost. Asphalt pavement has greatly changed the heat exchange balance of the original ground, resulting in serious degradation of the permafrost. Due to the influence of roadbed direction trend, the phenomenon of shady-sunny slope is very significant in most sections along the line. The warming range of permafrost under the roadbed is gradually smaller with the increase of depth, so the thawing settlement of the shallow section with high ice-content permafrost is more significant. 相似文献
Four sets of remote sensing images from 1987, 1994, 2000, and 2006, 50 years of meteorological and soil moisture data corresponding to different desertified lands were combined with populations and livestock data to analyze the process and cause of desertification in a portion of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau (QTP). It showed that surface soil temperature in the region has increased at an average rate of 0.6 °C per decade between 1980 and 2005, the thawing days on the surface have increased by 60 days from 1983 to 2001, and the depth of the seasonal thawing layer has increased by 54 cm, 102 cm and 77 cm in April, May and June, respectively, from 1983 to 2003. As a result, the upper soil layer has become drier due to the thickening active layer and soil water infiltration. These changes, in turn, have inhibited the growth of alpine meadow vegetation that has shallow root systems. It is concluded that climate warming and permafrost thawing have caused desertification in grazing regions of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau (QTP). 相似文献