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韩延玲 《干旱区地理》2005,28(5):701-705
从经济发展水平和经济增长贡献两个层面界定了区域经济发展实力,并在此基础上采用了基于主成分分析、最大离差和均方差确定权重的多指标综合评价法构成的组合评价法对新疆区域经济发展实力进行了分析与评价。通过分析认为,采用组合评价法,来研究区域经济发展实力,克服了以往区域经济实力评价中仅采用单一方法所带来的片面性和局限性,尽管还是一种尝试,但从案例研究结果来看,评价结果是比较精确的,是符合新疆区域经济发展实际的,因此评价效果是不错的。当然本方法也适用于其他领域的评价问题,可以为其他领域的评价提供参考。  相似文献   

运用2012年中国新疆的数据,从低碳产出指标、低碳排放指标、低碳消费指标、低碳资源指标、低碳支撑指标、经济发展指标6个方面对新疆低碳经济发展水平进行分析,利用中国30个省、自治区、直辖市的数据,分析中国低碳经济发展水平的区域差异。分析结果显示:(1)新疆低碳经济发展水平与全国平均水平相比差距较大;(2)各省份低碳经济发展水平差距较大,呈现出从东南沿海向西北逐渐递减的规律,其中山西、内蒙古、宁夏低碳经济发展水平较差,而东南沿海低碳经济发展水平较高。  相似文献   

主成分分析方法在区域经济研究中的应用--以新疆为例   总被引:31,自引:6,他引:31  
主成分分析方法(PCA)及采用此法做综合评价的原理和步骤,并用两个方面的实例具体阐述了主成分分析方法在区域经济研究中的应用,最后对这种方法的特点及应用中须注意的问题进行了初步总结。  相似文献   

基于对产业生态系统内涵的理解,在分析了区域煤化工产业发展初期阶段的特点及存在的问题后,认识到煤化工产业的发展必须同时考虑产业系统因素和资源、环境及技术、信息等支持系统因素;强调构建产业生态系统的必要性,认为煤化工产业在发展中只有避免对生态环境的破坏,才能获得产业的可持续发展。以新疆进行实例分析,结合该区域特点,从系统要素、构建层次和系统设计等方面探讨了区域煤化工产业生态系统的构建思路。  相似文献   

针对特殊环境胁迫下河流健康评价的不足,本文依据生态中心与人类中心相结合、整体论、运动论等哲学观点,建立4级模式、参数权重法、百分制计算的评价体系。第2级评价参数为流域环境胁迫程度、河流状况、防治环境胁迫潜力三部分。以海水入侵影响的黄海岸沿海诸河为例,评价结果为72分,准确反映了该河流的健康状况、危害程度和防治潜力,同时高权重参数为保护河流提供决策依据。  相似文献   

区域可持续发展评价——以拉萨地区为例   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
李利锋  郑度 《地理研究》2004,23(4):551-560
本文依据区域可持续发展评价的理论模型和区域发展的目标体系 ,构建了拉萨地区可持续发展评价的指标体系 ,并对拉萨地区 4 0年来的发展历程进行了评价。评价揭示了拉萨地区社会经济发展水平不断提高、但自然环境对社会经济发展的支持能力却在持续下降的动态历程 ,并鉴明了人均耕地面积持续下降、草场退化、土地沙化、以生物质能源为主的能源消耗结构、居民收入差距增大、人口出生率高、人口文化素质较低等因素是拉萨地区发展的不可持续性因子。  相似文献   

在全球气候变暖的大背景下,中国西北地区呈现出了由暖干向暖湿转型的变化特征,且新疆是显著转型区,温度上升,降水量、冰川消融量和径流量连续多年增加,湖泊水位显著上升。博斯腾湖水质的变化,水位的变化以及湿地芦苇资源的变化都直接或间接的受全球或区域气候的影响。总体来说,博斯腾湖环境变化受自然和人为两种因素制约。但这两种因素对水位变化的影响力在不同时期是有差异的。20世纪70年代以前人为活动对湖水位变化的影响力略大于自然因素对湖水位变化的影响力,在80年代以后湖水位变化主要受自然因素影响。总体来说,湖水位变化以自然因素影响为主,但人为活动加剧了湖水位的变化。  相似文献   

作为现代社会的重要交通设施,高速公路缩短了区域间的时空距离,迅速成为区域交通运输网络的动脉,极大地改变了人们的生产、生活方式。为充分研究高速公路对区域发展影响的态势与差异性,构建了"指标遴选-权重确定与修正-评价运算"的评价体系流程,从经济社会环境角度建立指标体系,设计DAEF评价模型。为检验评价体系的科学性与实用性,将这一体系应用于山东省实证研究。经实证检验:①所设计的指标体系与评价方法能够准确反映高速公路对区域发展影响的态势。高速公路对山东省区域经济、社会发展呈正向影响、对区域环境变化呈现负向影响,影响力逐渐增强;各种指标对高速公路反应灵敏度随时间推移呈现一定规律:区域经济发展速度灵敏度波动下降,而区域产业结构、区域经济效益在稳步上升;区域现代化进程灵敏度最高,区域外向联系次之,区域教育医疗卫生最低;高速公路环境负外部性增强。②评价体系能够准确反映高速公路对区域经济、社会影响的空间差异。高速公路对山东省现状区的影响强于潜在区,影响力在各区具有自东向西递减的趋势,在中部又有北侧高于南侧的现象,即对"山东半岛蓝色经济区"、"济南都市圈"部分影响最大,"黄河三角洲高效生态经济区"部分次之,"鲁南经济带"部分最低,分指标评价结果差异性明显。但高速公路对区域环境影响差异评价不够理想,认为高速公路环境外部性的货币化将是评价体系改进的重点所在。  相似文献   

 传统的产业结构分析一般将影响力因子作为优势产业选择的积极因素。但在实际中,对于处于衰退阶段的产业,较大的影响力往往意味着对区域经济发展的巨大阻滞作用。利用部门增加值进行加权的加权影响力系数的概念和方法,并结合产业增长率提出了对各产业部门发展状况进行分析的象限分析模型。运用所提出的模型,利用新疆42部门投入产出表对新疆产业发展现状进行了实证分析。结果表明:新疆石油天然气开采、化学工业等5个产业部门为强影响力-高增长速度部门,对国民经济拉动动作用明显;农林牧渔、建筑等4个产业部门为强影响力-低增长速度部门,对国民经济增长有较大的阻滞作用,有可能带来一系列的经济社会问题;仪器仪表及文化用品制造、通信设备与计算机制造等12个产业部门为低影响力-高增长速度部门,具有培育成为主导产业的潜力。  相似文献   

区域可持续发展系统的评价——以河南省为例   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
区域可持续发展系统作为可持续发展实践的主体 ,其评价研究是可持续发展实践的依据 ,当前对区域可持续发展的评价多集中在时间维上 ,对空间维的评价尤其是特定区域时空维多层次、多目标的评价较少。  相似文献   

王云才  陈田  石忆邵 《地理研究》2006,25(3):517-525
文化遗址景观是人类社会所共同拥有的文化和文明延续的载体,是我国重要的文化景观类型,也是重要的景观资源。文化遗址景观的脆弱性一直是关系到遗址景观保护与持续利用方式的关键因素。本文以石头城为案例,以文化遗址景观敏感度研究为出发点,在对景观生态敏感度、景观视觉敏感度和景观建筑及其环境敏感度评价的基础上,对遗址景观敏感度进行综合评价。以敏感度评价为基础,探讨基于敏感度的遗址可持续利用对策。  相似文献   

Energy consumption has an inevitable connection with economic level and climate. Based on selected data covering annual total energy consumption and its composition and that of all kinds of energy in 1953-1999, the annual residential energy consumption and the coal and electricity consumption in 1980-1999 in China, the acreage of crops under cultivation suffered from drought and flood annually and gross domestic product (GDP) in 1953-1999 in the whole country, and mean daily temperature data from 29 provincial meteorological stations in the whole country from 1970 to 1999, this paper divides energy consumption into socio-economic energy consumption and climatic energy consumption in the way of multinomial. Itchanges between the climate energy consumption andalso goes further into the relations and their changes between the climate energy consumptionenergy consumption and the economic level inand climate factor and between the socio-economic energy between the climate energy level in China with the method of statistical analysis. At present, there are obvious transitions in the changing relationships of the energy consumption to economy and climate, which comprises the transition of economic system from resource-intensive industry to technology-intensive industry and the transition of climatic driving factors of the energy consumption from driven by the disasters of drought and flood to driven by temperature.  相似文献   

Energy consumption has an inevitable connection with economic level and climate. Based on selected data covering annual total energy consumption and its composition and that of all kinds of energy in 1953-1999, the annual residential energy consumption and the coal and electricity consumption in 1980-1999 in China, the acreage of crops under cultivation suffered from drought and flood annually and gross domestic product (GDP) in 1953-1999 in the whole country, and mean daily temperature data from 29 provincial meteorological stations in the whole country from 1970 to 1999, this paper divides energy consumption into socio-economic energy consumption and climatic energy consumption in the way of multinomial. It also goes further into the relations and their changes between the climate energy consumption and climate factor and between the socio-economic energy consumption and the economic level in China with the method of statistical analysis. At present, there are obvious transitions in the changing relationships of the energy consumption to economy and climate, which comprises the transition of economic system from resource-intensive industry to technology-intensive industry and the transition of climatic driving factors of the energy consumption from driven by the disasters of drought and flood to driven by temperature.  相似文献   

基于能源消费的江苏省土地利用碳排放与碳足迹   总被引:30,自引:5,他引:30  
赵荣钦  黄贤金 《地理研究》2010,29(9):1639-1649
采用2003~2007年江苏省能源消费和土地利用等数据,通过构建能源消费的碳排放模型,对江苏省5年来能源消费碳排放进行了核算,并通过土地利用类型和碳排放项目的对应,对不同土地利用方式的碳排放及碳足迹进行了定量分析。结论如下:(1)江苏省能源消费碳排放总量从2003年的8794.24万t上升到2007年的16329.85万t,涨幅达86%。其中,终端能源消费碳排放占53.6%。(2)江苏全省土地单位面积碳排放从2003年8.24t/hm2上升到2007年15.53 t/hm2,增幅为88.5%。其中,居民点及工矿用地单位面积碳排放最大,为95.62 t/hm2。(3)江苏全省能源消费碳足迹大于生产性土地的实际面积,由此造成的生态赤字达1351.285万hm2。(4)不同土地利用类型的碳足迹大小顺序为:居民点及工矿用地>交通用地>未利用地及特殊用地>农用地和水利用地,其中居民点及工矿用地的碳足迹高达10.89 hm2/ hm2。(5)江苏全省单位面积碳足迹也呈明显的扩大趋势,从2003年的0.938 hm2/ hm2上升到2007年的1.769 hm2/ hm2。  相似文献   

从影响因素角度用LMDI分解方法对新疆1999—2009年的碳排放进行研究。结果表明:能源结构和能源强度对新疆人均碳排放增长起抑制效应,且能源强度的抑制效应大于能源结构的抑制效应;产业规模和人口规模对新疆人均碳排放增长起拉动效应,且产业规模的拉动效应大于人口规模的拉动效应。能源强度和能源结构的抑制效应难以抵消由产业规模和人口规模拉动的新疆人均碳排放的增长。在实证研究结果的基础上提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

薛静静  沈镭  彭保发  刘立涛 《地理学报》2014,69(10):1414-1424
本文对中国的能源输出大省和能源输入大省进行了界定,运用DEA方法测度了2000-2010年能源输出和输入大省的能源消费经济绩效、环境绩效及节能潜力,对能源输出和输入大省的能源消费经济绩效、环境绩效特征进行系统归纳和比较,分析能源消费绩效形成原因,并利用Malmquist生产率指数方法对2000-2010年能源输出和输入大省的能源消费经济绩效、环境绩效变化趋势进行了深入研究,探讨提高能源输出和输入大省能源消费绩效的对策措施。研究结果表明:① 能源输出大省的能源消费绩效未达最优主要受规模效率制约,规模效率和纯技术效率对能源输入大省能源消费绩效未达最优的共同制约比较明显;② 能源输出大省的整体能源消费经济绩效改善落后于能源输入大省,但在环境绩效改善方面能源输出大省整体上强于能源输入大省;③ 技术进步是决定能源输出和输入大省能源消费绩效变化趋势的关键;④ 半数能源输出大省和大部分能源输入大省存在投入冗余现象,基于环境产出投入冗余远高于基于经济产出投入冗余,尤其是能源输入大省。  相似文献   

Based on the surface runoff, temperature and precipitation data over the last 50 years from eight representative rivers in Xinjiang, using Mann-Kendall trend and jump detection method, the paper investigated the long-term trend and jump point of time series, the surface runoff, mean annual temperature and annual precipitation. Meanwhile, the paper analyzed the relationship between runoff and temperature and precipitation, and the flood frequency and peak flow. Results showed that climate of all parts of Xinjiang conformably has experienced an increase in temperature and precipitation since the mid-1980s. Northern Xinjiang was the area that changed most significantly followed by southern and eastern Xinjiang. Affected by temperature and precipitation variation, river runoff had changed both inter- annually and intra-annually. The surface runoff of most rivers has increased significantly since the early 1990s, and some of them have even witnessed the earlier spring floods, later summer floods and increasing flood peaks. The variation characteristics were closely related with the replenishment types of rivers. Flood frequency and peak flow increased all over Xinjiang. Climate warming has had an effect on the regional hydrological cycle.  相似文献   

新疆水文水资源变化及对区域气候变化的响应   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
Based on the surface runoff, temperature and precipitation data over the last 50 years from eight representative rivers in Xinjiang, using Mann-Kendall trend and jump detection method, the paper investigated the long-term trend and jump point of time series, the surface runoff, mean annual temperature and annual precipitation. Meanwhile, the paper analyzed the relationship between runoff and temperature and precipitation, and the flood frequency and peak flow. Results showed that climate of all parts of Xinjiang conformably has experienced an increase in temperature and precipitation since the mid-1980s. Northern Xinjiang was the area that changed most significantly followed by southern and eastern Xinjiang. Affected by temperature and precipitation variation, river runoff had changed both inter-annually and intra-annually. The surface runoff of most rivers has increased significantly since the early 1990s, and some of them have even witnessed the earlier spring floods, later summer floods and increasing flood peaks. The variation characteristics were closely related with the replenishment types of rivers. Flood frequency and peak flow increased all over Xinjiang. Climate warming has had an effect on the regional hydrological cycle.  相似文献   

基于能源消费的中国不同产业空间的碳足迹分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
Using energy consumption and land use data of each region of China in 2007,this paper established carbon emission and carbon footprint model based on energy consumption,and estimated the carbon emission amount of fossil energy and rural biomass energy of dif-ferent regions of China in 2007.Through matching the energy consumption items with indus-trial spaces,this paper divided industrial spaces into five types:agricultural space,living & industrial-commercial space,transportation industrial space,fishery and water conservancy space,and other industrial space.Then the author analyzed the carbon emission intensity and carbon footprint of each industrial space.Finally,advices of decreasing industrial carbon footprint and optimizing industrial space pattern were put forward.The main conclusions are as following:(1) Total amount of carbon emission from energy consumption of China in 2007 was about 1.65 GtC,in which the proportion of carbon emission from fossil energy was 89%.(2) Carbon emission intensity of industrial space of China in 2007 was 1.98 t/hm2,in which,carbon emission intensity of living & industrial-commercial space and of transportation in-dustrial space was 55.16 t/hm2 and 49.65 t/hm2 respectively,they were high-carbon-emission industrial spaces among others.(3) Carbon footprint caused by industrial activities of China in 2007 was 522.34 106 hm2,which brought about ecological deficit of 28.69 106 hm2,which means that the productive lands were not sufficient to compensate for carbon footprint of industrial activities,and the compensating rate was 94.5%.As to the regional carbon footprint,several regions have ecological profit while others have not.In general,the present ecologi-cal deficit caused by industrial activities was small in 2007.(4) Per unit area carbon footprint of industrial space in China was about 0.63 hm2/hm2 in 2007,in which that of living & indus-trial-commercial space was the highest (17.5 hm2/hm2).The per unit area carbon footprint of different industrial spaces all presented a declining trend from east to west of China.  相似文献   

基于STIRPAT模型,运用情景分析法对西北地区2017—2030年能源消费碳排放进行预测,在高、中、低三种环境规制强度下设定出9种发展模式,以分析环境规制与FDI对能源碳排放峰值的影响。研究表明:(1) 在初始发展情境下,西北地区2030年碳排放总量为70 273.07×104 t,无法实现碳排放达峰目标。(2) 低环境规制背景下,高、高中、高低三种发展模式2030年能源消费碳排放额为73 550.53×104 t、64 881.98×104 t、56 296.96×104 t。(3) 中、高环境规制下,中低、低两种发展模式分别于2025年、2020年达到碳排放峰值,峰值额度为53 447.15×104 t、51 022.68×104 t。能源碳排放强度为0.86 t·(104元)-1、0.68 t·(104元)-1,相比较2005年碳排放强度下降48.38%、60.14%。9种发展模式中,仅中低、低两种发展模式能够如期实现碳排放峰值任务,表明严格的环境规制政策能够有效减缓西北地区能源消费碳排放,为促进西北地区碳排放峰值目标如期实现,针对西北地区碳减排工作提出了相应对策建议。  相似文献   

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