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采用南京气象学院(NIM)5层陆面过程模式,利用1979年5-8月“青藏高原气象科学实验”资料模拟和分析了夏季青藏高原不同地区的陆面特征和地表能量特征。并将模拟值与根据观测资料计算得到的感热和潜热以及观测得到的净辐射、土壤温度、土壤热通量进行了对比。结果表明,NIM5层陆面过程模式可以模拟青藏高原夏季不同下垫面情形下的能量交换过程。  相似文献   

大气环流模式中引入陆面过程的综合性分析表明:大气对下垫面特征是敏感的。  相似文献   

陆面过程模式LPM-ZD及其对我国中东部地区陆面特征的模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文利用陆面过程模式LPM┐ZD和一套观测分析资料对我国中东部地区的陆面特征进行了模拟研究.模拟结果表明:模式LPM┐ZD比较好地模拟了该区域内不同类型植被和土壤的温、湿变量以及陆气间通量交换的日变化特征;能够合理地模拟我国中东部区域的陆面过程特点分布,很好地反映了我国南北方区域气候特点的差异和我国夏季风气候特点  相似文献   

试论区域大气模式系统中陆面过程的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

丁一汇  张晶  赵宗慈 《气象学报》1998,56(4):385-400
在第一部分提出的陆面过程模式与区域气候模式RegCM实现耦合的基础上,利用这一耦合模式(简称CRegCM)对中国中东部地区1991年5~7月江淮大暴雨时期的强降水气候特征进行了模拟,并与NCAR的区域气候模式RegCM2(此处称NRegCM)在同样初、边值条件和同样物理过程选项下的模拟结果进行了对比分析。分析结果表明,模式CRegCM具有较强的模拟性能和模拟能力,基本上成功地模拟了这次极端的降水气候事件。在某些方面,如地面气温和与陆面过程有关要素的模拟上,CRegCM的模拟结果要比NRegCM的结果更合理。  相似文献   

陆面过程研究是充分理解天气/气候/地球系统过程不可或缺的重要主题。本文全面梳理了当前用于数值天气/气候/地球系统模式的陆面过程模式研制的问题,建议了当前陆面过程模式研制中需加强和改进完善的关键内容。特别强调在新一代模式研发中建立包含人类活动的高分辨率全球陆面过程模式;特别强调与其他学科相结合,形成不同行业的预报预测系统或研究方法和工具。建议建设中国的集模式发展、数据分析、模拟方法、高性能计算、数据可视化和应用示范为一体的陆面模拟综合集成平台,为天气/气候/地球系统模式提供陆面过程模式,为开展精细化的全球和区域陆面水文-气象-生态的预报预测提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

陆面过程中冠层四流辐射传输模式的模拟性能检验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用实际观测资料检验新发展的植被冠层四流辐射传输模式的模拟性能.将浙江大学田间观测数据用于模式试验,其结果表明:在可见光波段,因叶片散射率值较小,四流模式和二流模式模拟结果差别不大,模拟的冠层反照率都接近观测值.这表明在可见光波段,二流模式已经能够较好模拟芯层反照率,四流模式能够提高的精度范围有限;在近红外波段,因叶片散射率值较大,两个模式模拟结果差别较明显,四流模式模拟的冠层反照率相对二流模式的模拟结果更接近观测值.利用第2次雪模式比较计划SNOWMIP资料和改进的10层陆面模式BATS进行耦合试验,将四流模式以及二流模式均耦合到该陆面模式中,其目的是为考察四流模式对陆面模式模拟地表反射太刚短波辐射通量的影响.耦合后得到的结果与SNOWMIP中加拿大BERMS草地站和森林站的观测资料进行了对比.对比结果表明,采用网流模式、二流模式、BATS原辐射传输模式后,耦合四流模式的陆面模式模拟地表反射太阳短波辐射通量最接近观测值.说明采用四流模式能够改善陆面模式对地表反射太阳短波辐射通啦的模拟.  相似文献   

三类陆面模式模拟土壤湿度廓线的对比研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
针对不同陆面模式对土壤湿度方程求解方法以及对土壤分层结构的差异, 本文选取了三类陆面模式(CLM, CABLE和ECMWF陆面模式)作比较研究。为了避免不同模式参数化方案引起的上边界误差, 上边界采用固定蒸发率、 入渗率和固定表层土壤湿度三类边界条件。土壤分层采用101层(细网格)和11层(粗网格)两种, 并考虑土壤性质沿深度变化。结果表明: 当土壤性质均匀时, 求解的差别主要在第三类边界条件下CLM 求出的水分入渗速度比其它两种快; 改用粗网格后由于土壤深层厚度加大无法与细网格得出的土壤湿度廓线相重合。当土壤性质非均匀时, 模拟结果间差别加大, 只有ECMWF模式模拟的土壤湿度廓线是严格连续的。对于模式和上边界的不同组合, 粗、 细网格模拟结果间均方根偏差不一致。一般而言, CABLE模拟的偏差除第一类条件较小外, 其它都是最大的。第二三类边界条件引起的偏差较大, 第一类最小。上述结果提示我们, 在比较不同陆面模式以及用观测资料来检验模拟结果时应充分考虑土壤分层及土壤性质非均匀性的可能影响。  相似文献   

新一代格点大气环流模式与陆面生态模式AVIM的耦合研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
毛嘉富  王斌  丹利  李银鹏 《大气科学》2005,29(6):897-910
将陆面生态模式AVIM(Atmosphere-Vegetation Interaction Model)的物理模块(PHY-AVIM)耦合到中国科学院大气物理研究所新一代格点大气环流模式GAMIL(Grid-point Atmospheric Model)中,替换GAMIL中的陆面模式BATS.对两种方案GAMIL+BATS(旧版本)和GAMIL+(PHY-AVIM)(新版本),分别独立进行11年积分,取后10年的积分结果进行分析.结果发现:新版本明显改进冬、夏季陆地表面的感热、潜热场通量,尤其在夏季,非洲大陆的中北部、欧亚大陆、北美中部以及南美北部等地区,新版本的感热场模拟值均比旧版本低,更接近NCEP再分析资料的结果;同样,对于地表面温度场,新版本在夏季明显地减弱了旧版本在大陆上的的暖偏差,模拟的结果更合理;新版本对冬、夏季的海平面气压场、降水场也有一定的改进,但改进不是很明显.以上的所有改进主要是由于AVIM引入了更细致的陆面物理过程参数化方案,以及使用了分辨率(0.5°×0.5°)更高的陆地植被分类资料.  相似文献   

利用WRF模式选用不同的边界层参数化方案 (YSU、MRF) 结合三种陆面过程方案 (RUC、SLAB、Noah) , 模拟了2011年5月1~3日的四川东部暴雨过程, 对不同参数化方案结合不同陆面过程结果进行对比试验基础上发现, 模式对24h降水落区及强度有较强预报能力, 但对单站小时降水分布的预报能力还需改进;不同边界层方案与陆面过程的对比试验说明降水对于边界层物理过程有一定敏感性, 各试验的差异主要体现在对暴雨中心雨强以及降水峰值强度和峰值出现时段的预报上;WRF模式基本上能够模拟出边界层要素日变化特征。  相似文献   

姜金华  胡非  李磊 《高原气象》2007,26(1):83-91
在非均匀下垫面情况下, Mosaic方法是目前国际上广泛运用于模式中计算地表通量的方法.大量的研究表明, 下垫面的非均匀分布会引发局地环流, 非均匀分布的空间尺度较大时, 所引起的环流甚至可以达到海陆风的强度.这种环流的存在直接影响到次网格地表通量的计算.次网格地表非均匀分布, 尤其是大尺度模式中的次网格非均匀分布, 必将影响地表通量的计算.本文针对次网格地表非均匀问题, 设计了高分辨率的Mosaic试验和非均匀试验, 开展了不同背景风情况下的一系列数值试验, 以探讨这种影响的程度.结果表明, 在土壤湿度空间分布不均匀的情况下, 运用Mosaic方法计算得到的地表潜热通量偏小, 背景风较小的时候偏差较大, 背景风增强时偏差减小.  相似文献   

We present a microphysical model for the surface layer marine and coastal atmospheric aerosols that is based on long-term observations of size distributions for 0.01–100 µm particles. The fundamental feature of the model is a parameterization of amplitudes and widths for aerosol modes of the aerosol size distribution function (ASDF) as functions of fetch and wind speed. The shape of ASDF and its dependence on meteorological parameters, height above sea level (H), fetch (X), wind speed (U) and relative humidity (RH), are investigated. At present, the model covers the ranges H = 0–25 m, U?=?3–18 km s?1, X?≤?120 km and RH?=?40–98%.

The latest version of the Marine Aerosol Extinction Profiles model (MaexPro) is described and applied to the computation and analysis of the spectral profiles of aerosol extinction coefficients α(λ) in the wavelength band λ?=?0.2–12 µm. MaexPro is based on the aforementioned aerosol model assuming spherically shaped aerosol particles and the well-known Mie theory.

The spectral profiles of α(λ) calculated by MaexPro are in good agreement with observational data and the numerical results obtained from the Navy Aerosol Model (NAM) and the Advanced Navy Aerosol Model (ANAM). Moreover, MaexPro was found to be an accurate and reliable tool for investigating the optical properties of atmospheric aerosols.  相似文献   

The results of atmospheric electricity measurements are presented which were conducted at observation points of different types: at the urban point (Rostov-on-Don), at the point near the Sea of Azov (Taganrog and Primorka), and at the high-mountain point (Cheget Peak) near Elbrus. The patterns of spatiotemporal variations in electrical conductivity (concentration of light ions) of the atmospheric surface layer are revealed for different conditions. The impact of natural radioactivity and aerosol pollution on the concentration of light ions is assessed for observation points near the Taganrog Bay (the Sea of Azov). The results of the comparative analysis of urban and high-mountain data of atmospheric electricity observations are presented.  相似文献   

水、陆不均匀条件下大气边界层结构的模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用2004年白洋淀野外观测实验资料,对白洋淀地区水、陆不均匀分布条件下的大气边界层开展了数值模拟试验,结果表明:由于下垫面的热力差异,在360多km2的白洋淀地区,地表特征分布的不均匀可以引发弱的局地环流,影响大气边界层内温度和湿度的空间分布;在500m高度以下,下垫面不均匀分布对湍流动能有明显影响.最后将模拟结果与观测资料进行了对比检验.  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurements of the instantaneous values of absolute temperatureat seven heights within the lower 36 m of the atmospheric boundary layer underdifferent stability conditions were carried out, accompanied by measurements ofthe wind velocity components at two levels and of solar radiation flux at the surface.The data obtained allow one to investigate individual convective cells known ascoherent structures (CS). Outside the CS, i.e., during quiet periods, an instanttemperature profile is in close agreement with the dry-adiabatic lapse rate, butwithin CS the temperature changes much faster with height, and the shape ofthe profile varies significantly.A method was developed to transform temperature records from sensors atseveral heights into an other form, namely, into temporal variations of theheights of isothermal surfaces. Since coherent structures were found to advectwith the mean wind velocity, these temporal height variations may be transformedinto the spatial ones, i.e., into the xoz-plane section of the temperature field.In such a pictorial presentation coherent structures look like asymmetric columnsof heat, penetrating the whole atmospheric surface layer.Coherent structures also exist in the stable stratified surface layer, but they have aninverse asymmetry and occupy only the lower several metres. Wavelike activitydominates in the upper part of the stable surface layer.The characteristic time of surface-layer adjustment to the rapid changes of solarradiation (due to cloud shadows or cloud gaps) was found to be on the order ofone minute. Such a time interval is required for coherent structure to reach the topof surface layer.  相似文献   

乔崛  彭新东 《气象》2024,50(4):449-460
为提高大气数值模式的模拟能力,改进大气边界层水汽、热量湍流输送计算和大雾天气的模拟效果,选用WRF三维非静力模式,采用具有局地和非局地垂直湍流尺度自适应计算能力的MYNN_SA参数化方案,对2017年12月28—29日我国华北—江淮地区的大范围浓雾过程进行了数值模拟研究,探讨从中尺度到灰区尺度分辨率范围,模式的尺度自适应大气边界层湍流参数化方案对稳定大气边界层发展、湍流输送和大雾天气模拟的影响。利用中国地面气象站观测资料和ERA5再分析数据,在接近灰区尺度的网格分辨率上,利用尺度自适应大气边界层湍流MYNN_SA参数化方案较之中尺度参数化MYNN方案,可明显改善次网格湍流输送计算,以及陆地浓雾的强度、空间分布和时间演变特征,可更精确地模拟云水混合比、逆温层和雾区的垂直结构。  相似文献   

A dynamic global vegetation model (DGVM) coupled with a land surface model (LSM) is generally initialized using a spin-up process to derive a physically-consistent initial condition. Spin-up forcing, which is the atmospheric forcing used to drive the coupled model to equilibrium solutions in the spin-up process, varies across earlier studies. In the present study, the impact of the spin-up forcing in the initialization stage on the fractional coverages (FCs) of plant functional type (PFT) in the subsequent simulation stage are assessed in seven classic climate regions by a modified Community Land Model’s Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (CLM-DGVM). Results show that the impact of spin-up forcing is considerable in all regions except the tropical rainforest climate region (TR) and the wet temperate climate region (WM). In the tropical monsoon climate region (TM), the TR and TM transition region (TR-TM), the dry temperate climate region (DM), the highland climate region (H), and the boreal forest climate region (BF), where FCs are affected by climate non-negligibly, the discrepancies in initial FCs, which represent long-term cumulative response of vegetation to different climate anomalies, are large. Moreover, the large discrepancies in initial FCs usually decay slowly because there are trees or shrubs in the five regions. The intrinsic growth timescales of FCs for tree PFTs and shrub PFTs are long, and the variation of FCs of tree PFTs or shrub PFTs can affect that of grass PFTs.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional (3-D) inertial particle – Lagrangian stochastic model for heavy particles in turbulent flows has been constructed. In this model, particle velocities are computed by adopting a non-linear drag law, while fluid velocity in the vicinity of a particle is calculated using a 3-D Langevin equation. Our model results have shown that the inclusion of the horizontal fluid velocity fluctuation computations and a non-linear drag law have an impact on the statistics of both fluid and particles when compared with our earlier one-dimensional (1-D) model with a linear drag law. Model results are compared and contrasted with Businger’s 1965 theory in terms of effective settling velocity.  相似文献   

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