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国民经济的发展,带动了能源需求量的日益增加,能源供应日显紧张。太阳能作为可再生能源的一种,取之不尽,用之不竭,同时又不会增加环境负荷,必将成为未来能源结构中的重要组成部分。我国建筑能耗中,生活热水、供暖耗能占了相当的比例,利用太阳能来满足生活热水、供暖等能耗需求具有巨大节能效益。内蒙古中西部地区具有太阳能利用的良好条件,太阳能热水已逐渐普及城乡,太阳能采暖技术却面临着设计的瓶颈。  相似文献   

This paper intends to assess Taiwan’s energy security situation under current and future development of global environment. We construct a static computable general equilibrium model for Taiwan to fulfill our purpose. The model is benchmarked in 2006 and includes detailed specification of power generation technology and renewable energy producing sectors. It also distinguishes sources of imported energy to reflect Taiwan’s current policy of diversifying sources of supply for energy. Simulations using the model have been focused on both changes in energy price and quantity of energy supply under specific specifications of the development of renewable energy technologies and CO2 emission reduction requirements. Our simulation results demonstrate that energy security and climate change mitigation interact each other, and under a specific emission reduction target, the effect of exogenous energy shocks on the economy will be partially absorbed by the internal adjustment mechanism of the economy.  相似文献   

崔荣国 《地质与勘探》2018,54(6):1135-1140
随着全球经济的发展,能源消费不断增长。在全球的能源消费中,可再生能源占比不断提高,2017年占比为10.4%,成为能源消费的重要组成部分。全球可再生能源的利用中,水电处于主导地位,占6成以上;其次为风能,占比超过1成;太阳能和地热发展较晚,占比均不足1成。各国可再生能源利用水平不均,挪威、加拿大和巴西等国家的可再生资源已成为本国能源消费的主要来源之一。中国同样重视可再生能源的开发利用,2017年中国能源消费中可再生能源占比为11.8%,已超过天然气成为第三大能源消费来源。总之,随着可再生能源开发利用水平的不断提高,可再生能源在全球能源消费中的比重将进一步增加,将成为化石能源的重要替代资源。  相似文献   

The purpose of this report is to describe the research programs and program activities of the US Department of Energy (DOE) that most directly relate to topics in the field of environmental geology. In this light, the mission of the DOE and the definition of environmental geology will be discussed. In a broad sense, environmental geology is that branch of earth science that emphasizes the entire spectrum of human interactions with the physical environment that include environmental health, mineral exploration and exploitation, waste management, energy use and conservation, global change, environmental law, natural and man-made hazard assessment, and land-use planning. A large number of research, development, and demonstration programs are under DOE's administration and guidance that directly or indirectly relate to topics in environmental geology. The primary mission of the DOE is to contribute to the welfare of the nation by providing the scientific foundation, technology, policy, and institutional leadership necessary to achieve efficiency in energy use, diversity in energy sources, a more productive and competitive economy, improved environmental quality, and a secure national defense. The research and development funding effort has most recently been redirected toward greater utilization of clean fossil fuels, especially natural gas, weatherization, renewable energy, energy efficiency, fusion energy, and high-energy physics. This paper will summarize the role that environmental geology has played and will continue to play in the execution of DOE's mission and the energy options that DOE has investigated closely. The specific options are those that center around energy choices, such as alternative-fueled transportation, building technologies, energy-efficient lighting, and clean energy.  相似文献   

Matthew T. Huber 《Geoforum》2009,40(1):105-115
In this paper, I present a theoretical argument that fossil fuel represents a historically specific and internally necessary aspect of the capitalist mode of production. Despite sustained attention to distributional conflicts between international capital and energy rich nation-states, few historical-materialists have paid attention to the relations between fossil fuel and capital accumulation in industrial capitalist societies. In opposition to ecological economic notions of fixed thermodynamic “laws”, I first propose a dialectical conception of energy as embedded in dynamic social processes and power relations. Second, I review the historical importance of the energy shift from solar or biological sources of energy (muscles, wind, and water) to fossilized sources of energy (coal, oil, and gas). I then demonstrate how attention to fossil fuel energy forces a reexamination of the core insights of ecological Marxism and the political economy of nature. In the core argument of the paper, I reconsider the shift from biological to fossil energy as internal to the generalization and extension of capitalist social relations from two basic vantage points - (1) capitalist production based on wage labor; (2) the spatial conditions of capitalist circulation. I conclude by asking whether it is accurate to conceptualize capitalism as a “fossil fuel mode of production” and highlight the political urgency of a historical materialist perspective that takes seriously the importance of energy to the reproduction of capitalist social relations.  相似文献   

Dr. Gideon Oron 《GeoJournal》1987,15(3):259-266
The intensified efforts to improve agricultural economy in arid zones is associated with increased demand for water. Scarcity of potable water has hightened the importance of marginal water in dry regions. Marginal water includes saline water, wastewater, and runoff water. These water sources differ in location in regards to the application site, quality, quantity, and stability of supply. Previous experience proved that each of the above alternative water sources can be used separately or in combination, for the economic benefit of the farmers.  相似文献   

矿产资源的开发对沂水区域经济拉动作用明显,矿业经济已成为支柱产业之一。但存在资源保障能力、开发利用水平及产品结构调整等问题,影响“十二五”期间该产业持续健康发展。因此必须制定有效对应措施,提高资源综合利用率,变资源优势为产业优势。  相似文献   

地热开发利用过程中的环境效应及环境保护   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
地热能的利用和直接利用与其它能源相比有着经济与环境上的优势。随着地热的开发利用,人们愈来愈注意其对环境的影响。地热开发造成的主要环境影响是地面干扰,地面沉降,噪声,热污染和化学物质的排放。但是这些影响可以通过在地热开发过程中仔细的研究和设计来减到最小。地势回灌技术在很大程度上减小甚至消除了地热能的环境影响,这项技术在当今的地热研究和开发过程中成为越来越主要的技术和任务。  相似文献   

为应对世界气候变化并丰富能源供给手段,实现碳中和目标,世界主要发达国家和地区均在2020年制定了本国的氢能战略,将发展氢能产业提升到国家能源战略的高度,旨在于2030—2050年间完成CO2减排目标.详细介绍了世界各国的氢能发展战略、发展氢能在解决能源安全和生态安全中起到的作用、氢能制取的技术路线以及发展氢能带来的经济...  相似文献   

This study presents energy efficiency measures in fans as an important energy consumption facility in the industry and common usages by identifying the sources of energy loss and applying methods to reduce those losses, which are one of the critical issues in protecting the environment and in global warming. The carbon footprint can be lowered by reducing the energy consumption of a fan over its life cycle. The main sources of energy loss in fans such as noise, vibration, lubrication, temperature of the bearings, installation type, damper and filter, especially pulley and belt system compared to electrical variable speed drive, are theoretically and experimentally discussed. The laboratory results show that the mechanical variable speed drive is one of the critical sources of energy loss in centrifugal fans. The results also show that by changing the drive with an electrical variable speed drive, the energy usage can be substantially optimized. For instance, using an electrical variable speed drive has reduced the energy loss up to 38.5?% with regard to the speed and according to the different flow rates. Moreover, based on the results derived from the equations and figures, it can be concluded that a considerable amount of energy per year, as well as the related cost can be saved and this shall be noted particularly in industrial applications.  相似文献   

Iran is facing large challenges in the area of energy policy. In order to illuminate these challenges and the problems and possibilities, which are present, firstly, the current energy consumption patterns have been analyzed in Iran as well as the energy policy of the Iranian government. Based on this analysis, the alternative concepts have been then formulated for Iran’s future energy. The increase in energy usage in Iran is distinctly out of proportion with the development of economic productivity. Negative structural characteristics of this system are: first, an above average energy intensity; second, an increase in energy consumption in the traffic sector; third, a high growth rate in usage of electric energy; and lastly, an above-average amount of stress to the environment. Traditionally, Iran’s energy policy has focused on satisfying the growing demand for energy by oil and, in the last fifteen years, by successively expanding natural gas. However, the further development of the natural gas supply only makes sense within the context of a holistic energy policy, which takes into account the principles of sustainable development. In the short term, such a policy would take advantage of both considerable energy saving techniques, as well as potential renewable energy sources. In the long term, such a policy would strive for the complete transfer to renewable energy sources and technology.  相似文献   

With the rise of low carbon economy and the deterioration of the international energy situation, most countries in the world pay more attention to energy issues. In this paper, based on a comparison with several countries of large energy consumption, we used long sequence statistics to analyze the energy consumption characteristics from the world and the history, including energy consumption, energy consumption structure and energy efficiency, and then summed up the characteristics of energy consumption in developed countries, analyzed China's energy consumption process and the current stage, and found out the main problems of energy consumption in China. At last, countermeasures for the healthy development of China's energy were proposed, including actively promoting scientific and technological progress, upgrading energy structure, developing low carbon economy, rationalizing energy prices, improving the proportion of clean energy consumption and emphasizing synergistic effect on environment protection.  相似文献   

浅层地热能具有储量大、分布广、埋深浅、易开发等特点,是可再生新能源。在传统能源资源紧张和环境恶化形势下,大力开发利用浅层地热能对全球低碳经济和节能减排具有重要的意义。水源热泵以能量利用率高、成本低、维修方便的优势占据重要地位,其中水源井是其关键,水源井的工程质量将直接影响着系统运行、回灌和使用寿命。通过大量的调查,分析研究了目前水源井工程存在的突出问题,并在试验和实际经验基础上提出了合理的水源井工程技术。  相似文献   

Kinetic energy exchange equations (Saltzman 1957) in wave number domain are partitioned into standing, transient and standing-transient components following Murakami (1978, 1981). These components are computed for the 1991 summer monsoon using dailyu andv grid point data at 2.5° latitude-longitude interval between the equator and 40°N at 200 hPa and 850 hPa levels for the period June through August. The data are obtained from NCMRWF, New Delhi. The study shows that at 200 hPa wave number 1 over Region 3 (30°N to 40°N), wave number 2 over Region 2 (15°N to 30°N) and wave number 3 over Region 1 (equator to 15°N) dominate the spectrum of transport of momentum and wave to zonal mean flow interaction. Wave number 1 over Region 1 and Region 3 and wave number 2 over Region 2 are the major sources of kinetic energy to other waves via wave-to-wave interaction. At 850 hPa wave number 1 over Region 3 has maximum contribution in the spectrum of transport of momentum and kinetic energy and more than 90% of its contribution is from the standing component. This indicates that standing wave number 1 over Region 3 plays a very important role in the dynamics of monsoon circulation of the lower troposphere. The study further shows that although the circulation patterns at 200 hPa and 850 hPa levels are opposite in character, a number of energy processes exhibit a similar character at these levels. For example, (i) transport of momentum by most of the waves is northward, (ii) small scale eddies intensify northward, (iii) eddies are sources of kinetic energy to zonal mean flow over Region 1 and (iv) standing eddies are sources of kinetic energy to transient eddies. Besides the above similarities some contrasting energy processes are also observed. Over Region 2 and Region 3 standing and transient eddies are sources of kinetic energy to zonal mean flow at 200 hPa, while at 850 hPa the direction of exchange of kinetic energy is opposite i.e. zonal mean flow is a source of kinetic energy to standing as well as transient eddies. L(n) interaction indicates that at 200 hPa waves over R2 maintain waves over R1, while at 850 hPa waves over R1 maintain waves over R2. It has been found that the north-south gradient of zonal mean of zonal wind is the deciding factor of wave to zonal mean flow interaction.  相似文献   

安科  郑聪 《山东地质》2012,(5):60-62
利用综合分析、综合指数、文献资料等方法对济南市土地利用现状进行了分析,研究结果表明,济南市的土地利用和土地资源集约处于发展期;土地资源生态质量处于发展衰退期,由于经济的高速发展,土地生态资源遭到了一定的破坏;土地资源和土地利用综合指数都较前几年有明显提高,土地集约处于发展提高期,反映土地集约程度显著提高和改善。  相似文献   

邹万鹏 《吉林地质》2011,30(4):63-66
为了开发新能源,我队对辽宁省分水地区使用高密度电阻率法进行地下热水资源的探测,对这种测量系统进行了深入研究。并通过该地区的工程实例总结出该工作方法的技术先进性,在工程地质物探中有着较高的可行性和推广价值。  相似文献   

保护生态环境、防治矸石灾害   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国是世界上唯一以煤炭为基本能源的大国,在一次能源消费中,煤炭占57%以上。随着经济的发展,煤炭资源的开采日益加强,煤矸石的产量亦日趋增多,然而对煤矸石的随意堆存和缺乏有效管理,不但占用了土地资源,而且对生态和人文环境均造成了一定的危害。本文较详细地论述了对煤矸石的不合理堆放给人类生存环境带来的一些常见危害以及如何充分利用煤矸石,使之变“废”为“宝”。文章最后,作者提出了一些合理化切实可行的防治对策和管理措施。  相似文献   

What is the relationship between the direction and form of an energy transition and the political economy within which it is embedded? This paper explores how the nature of (low carbon) energy transitions is strongly influenced by the process of neoliberalisation that shape energy policy in the South. We seek to understand emergent energy transitions and to advance their theorisation through an account of the political economy of energy transition in Kenya. In contrast to the often techno-managerial orientation of literatures on socio-technical transitions, we explore the political terrain upon which competing visions of energy futures and material interests collide and seek to accommodate one another. We develop a political economy account that emphasises the structural and disciplinary power of capital and global institutions to set the terms of transition. This expresses itself in both delimiting the autonomy of state actors and by reconfiguring domestic institutional and social power in ways that shape the distributional politics of transitions.  相似文献   

Artyukh  V. S. 《Astronomy Reports》2019,63(3):167-173

An expression for the intensity of synchrotron emission from a radio source (in the optically thin regime) in terms of the energy densities in the magnetic field and particles is obtained, based on a definition of a relativistic electron related to its rest energy. A relationship is obtained between the energy densities in particles Ee and the magnetic field EH for a physical system containing a magnetic field and relativistic electrons in a minimum-energy state. A method for estimating the Doppler factors of the relativistic electrons has been developed. This method does not requires that all radio sources have the same radiation energies (brightness temperatures): it is sufficient that the energies of the magnetic fields and relativistic particles in the source be approximately equal. The method yields Doppler-factor estimates with reasonably good accuracy, even when there are modest deviations from energy equipartition in the radio source,making it applicable to many radio sources. The method is used to estimate the Doppler factor of the radio jet in CTA 21.


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