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中全新世以来查干淖尔古湖面波动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘美萍  哈斯 《中国沙漠》2015,(2):306-312
内陆湖泊水位变化是对区域气候和水文变化的一种响应,古湖岸堤是过去湖泊水位变化的最直接证据。野外考察发现内蒙古高原查干淖尔湖周围存在海拔为1 026、1 023m和1 018m的3级古湖岸堤。根据光释光定年,其形成年代分别是6.83±0.37、4.26±0.29ka BP和2.42±0.15ka BP。利用DEM模型恢复得到的对应时期古湖面积分别是270、230km2和120km2。在6.83~4.26ka BP时段,查干淖尔古湖高湖面稳定在1 023~1 026m,比现代湖面约高7m,该时段气候相对湿润,4.26ka BP以来湖面持续下降,与区域性甚至全球性气候变化有着深刻的关系。  相似文献   

内蒙古中西部地区全新世大暖期气候与环境初步研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
杨志荣 《地理科学》1998,18(5):479-485
以大青山调角海子剖面的孢粉和地球化学分析资料为依据,结合邻区古土壤序列,湖泊演化及考古研究资料,阐明内蒙古中西部地区全新世气候最适宜期始于9250aB.P.左右,结束于4000a,B.P.前后,6330aB.P.前后出现大暖期植被与气候变化的重要转折;  相似文献   

本研究利用南极菲尔德斯半岛长城站附近的西湖沉积物 ,研究该地区的环境变化状况。对 1 993年采集的 9.2 8m长的西湖岩芯 (GA - 7)进行等间距分样 (2cm) ,进行了有机碳、δC1 3org、磁化率和粒度等环境指标分析。利用本研究区湖相沉积物的1 4C测年数据 ,发现距今 1 2 60 0年以来 ,南极菲尔德斯半岛地区至少出现过四次气温升高时期 ,即 480 0 - 4 4 0 0aB .P .、360 0 -3350aB .P .、2 1 0 0 - 1 80 0aB .P .和 90 0aB .P .-现在。研究同时发现 ,湖相沉积物的有机碳含量和δC1 3org存在显著正相关关系 ,可以作为环境温度的替代性指标  相似文献   

周雪如  李育 《地理学报》2022,77(5):1138-1152
全球升温导致区域干湿格局转变,千年尺度中全新世暖期和百年尺度中世纪暖期可以为探究现代的气候趋势提供历史相似型。通过湖相沉积、冰芯、孢粉、树轮等古气候记录和PMIP3/CMIP5计划的古气候模型模拟数据对比分析,结果表明,祁连山地区中全新世暖期(7.2—6.0 ka BP)东亚夏季风强盛,降水较多,气候温暖湿润;中世纪暖期(950—1250 AD)与小冰期表现为暖干—冷湿气候机制。现代观测数据显示,祁连山地区呈现暖湿化,但现代的气候机制与自然因子主导下暖期的响应机制差异较大,表明了人类活动对自然发展下气候环境的影响。因此,自然因素与人类活动共同作用是准确预测研究区未来干湿格局的基础。  相似文献   

全新世大暖期燕北地区人地关系的演变   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
邓辉 《地理学报》1997,52(1):63-71
本文从考古学文化的空间分布,聚落遗址的规模形态,生产工具的组合特点等几等方面,探讨了燕山地区全新大暖期(8500aBP~3000aBP)期间的人地关系,尤其是土地利用方式论过程及其与当地自然环境演变过程之间的相互关系。结果表明,大暖期内的诸考古学文化各自所反映的土地利用方式特点,与自然环境演了在极好的对应关系,自然环境条件对史前人类活动起着强烈的制约作用。  相似文献   

云南点苍山全新世以来的冰川湖泊沉积   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
根据对点苍山冰川湖泊沉积的粒度、磁化率、元素地球化学以及孢粉等环境指标的综合分析,结合冰川地貌特征,以点、面两方面资料结合的方式综合分析,试图建立该地全新世以来的气候变化系列,共划分为6个气候阶段,以冷湿与暖干的组合为其特征。与其他西南季风区的环境变迁对比表明,点苍山受西南季风影响加强的时间晚于阿拉伯海而早于青藏高原,可以认为是联系以上两者的纽带。当西南季风在青藏高原逐步强盛以后,因地形作用致使本区湿度有所降低  相似文献   

近四十年来人类活动对我国干旱区湖泊的影响   总被引:19,自引:5,他引:14  
本文通过大量资料,分析了近四十年来我国干旱地区人类活动对湖泊变化的影响,提出湖泊日渐衰亡、水质变坏,生态环境恶化的严重性,吁请社会各界重视这一问题。  相似文献   

天山北坡乌鲁木齐河1号冰川与土尤克苏冰川物质平衡观察表示80年代比以前出现大的亏损。青海湖与伊赛克湖在近百年一直处于萎缩状态。从小冰期最盛时以来,乌鲁木齐河谷中冰川面积已缩去44%。上述及其他冰川与湖泊变化证据清楚地指示本世纪气候干暖化趋势增强了,并可能延续到下世纪初。但如由于CO_2及其他痕量气体增加所致的温室效应使下世纪重现全新世早、中期那样的高温,则亚洲中部有可能转为潮湿。  相似文献   

结合环境演变资料与考古发现,全新世大暖期暖湿的气候条件,促进了青藏高原东北缘古文化的发展。表现在:随着全新世大暖期暖湿环境的到来,人类活动强度大大增强;细石器文化活动模式发生显著改变,由晚更新世末期-全新世早期的短暂宿营式居住模式演变为相对固定的聚落模式;暖期中较好的水热条件,刺激了仰韶、马家窑文化在本区东部河谷地区的扩张,在暖期的6~4 ka BP形成了东部河谷地带马家窑文化,西部高原细石器文化并存的区系格局,两种文化体系在共存中交流,在交流中高原细石器文化掌握了农业种植、使用了陶器,全面推动了高原土著文化进入新石器。  相似文献   

A common break was recognized in four Lake Superior strandplain sequences using geomorphic and sedimentologic characteristics. Strandplains were divided into lakeward and landward sets of beach ridges using aerial photographs and topographic surveys to identify similar surficial features and core data to identify similar subsurface features. Cross-strandplain, elevation-trend changes from a lowering towards the lake in the landward set of beach ridges to a rise or reduction of slope towards the lake in the lakeward set of beach ridges indicates that the break is associated with an outlet change for Lake Superior. Correlation of this break between study sites and age model results for the strandplain sequences suggest that the outlet change occurred sometime after about 2,400 calendar years ago (after the Algoma phase). Age model results from one site (Grand Traverse Bay) suggest an alternate age closer to about 1,200 calendar years ago but age models need to be investigated further. The landward part of the strandplain was deposited when water levels were common in all three upper Great Lakes basins (Superior, Huron, and Michigan) and drained through the Port Huron/Sarnia outlet. The lakeward part was deposited after the Sault outlet started to help regulate water levels in the Lake Superior basin. The landward beach ridges are commonly better defined and continuous across the embayments, more numerous, larger in relief, wider, have greater vegetation density, and intervening swales contain more standing water and peat than the lakeward set. Changes in drainage patterns, foreshore sediment thickness and grain size help in identifying the break between sets in the strandplain sequences. Investigation of these breaks may help identify possible gaps in the record or missing ridges in strandplain sequences that may not be apparent when viewing age distributions and may justify the need for multiple age and glacial isostatic adjustment models. This is the third in a series of ten papers published in this special issue of Journal of Paleolimnology. These papers were presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the International Association for Great Lakes Research (2004), held at the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. P.F. Karrow and C.F.M. Lewis were guest editors of this special issue. The U.S. Government's right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   

An extensive seismic reflection profile survey conducted concurrently with a sediment coring program in northern Lake Huron, Georgian Bay, and the North Channel revealed a detailed Holocene lake level history. Seven acoustic sequences were identified in the seismic stratigraphy, and these sequences show great variation in both the character and the spatial distribution of sediment deposition through time. The depths to the acoustically-defined sequence boundaries were digitized from the analog seismic records and merged with Loran-C navigation records from the cruise, yielding a three-dimensional record of the location of each sequence boundary. Thicknesses of the sequences were calculated from these depths, and a minimum-curvature spline surface was fit to the thickness data. These surfaces were used to construct isopach maps which show the trends in thickness of sediment accumulation throughout the lake basins for each of the sequences. 14C-AMS dates of materials from the cores fixed the dates of the sediment sequence boundaries, allowing sediment accumulation rates to be calculated. The distribution of sedimentation in the basins as shown on the isopach maps allowed assessment of sediment transport and water flow through the basins over time, which when combined with the work of Lewis & Anderson (1989), provides a detailed record of the transport and drainage of water through these basins as the Wisconsinan ice sheet retreated and isostatic rebound opened and closed outlets. Reversals of flow direction through the Straits of Mackinac and through the channels connecting Lake Huron and Georgian Bay and the North Channel are indicated by changes in sediment thickness distributions.  相似文献   

Causal links that connect Holocene high stands of Lake Superior with dune building, stream damming and diversion and reservoir impoundment and infilling are inferred from a multidisciplinary investigation of a small watershed along the SE shore of Lake Superior. Radiocarbon ages of wood fragments from in-place stumps and soil O horizons, recovered from the bottom of 300-ha Grand Sable Lake, suggest that the near-shore inland lake was formed during multiple episodes of late Holocene dune damming of ancestral Sable Creek. Forest drownings at 3000, 1530, and 300 cal. years BP are highly correlated with local soil burial events that occurred during high stands of Lake Superior. During these and earlier events, Sable Creek was diverted onto eastward-graded late Pleistocene meltwater terraces. Ground penetrating radar (GPR) reveals the early Holocene valley of Sable Creek (now filled) and its constituent sedimentary structures. Near-planar paleosols, identified with GPR, suggest two repeating modes of landscape evolution mediated by levels of Lake Superior. High lake stands drove stream damming, reservoir impoundment, and eolian infilling of impoundments. Falling Lake Superior levels brought decreased sand supply to dune dams and lowered stream base level. These latter factors promoted stream piracy, breaching of dune dams, and aerial exposure and forestation of infilled lakebeds. The bathymetry of Grand Sable Lake suggests that its shoreline configuration and depth varied in response to events of dune damming and subsequent dam breaching. The interrelated late Holocene events apparent in this study area suggest that variations in lake level have imposed complex hydrologic and geomorphic signatures on upper Great Lakes coasts.  相似文献   

中国湖泊与环境演变研究的回顾与展望   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
我国70~80年代中期,湖泊沉积研究受油田开发的带动而得以兴起;80年代中期之后,科研力量不断壮大,研究的内容侧重气候变化,研究区域不断扩大,方法不断完善,测年手段更趋精确;近几年来又特别注重研究云贵高原和青藏高原的湖泊,强化短时间尺度研究,注重人为因素对湖泊沉积环境的影响。今后该领域研究应注意加强环境指标的综合运用与定量化研究,强化分析环境演变中人为因素的影响,尽快建立中国第四纪湖泊数据库,积极开展极地地区湖泊的相关研究。  相似文献   

J.L. Hough in 1962 recognized an erosional unconformity in the upper section of early postglacial lake sediments in northwestern Lake Huron. Low-level Lake Stanley was defined at 70 m below present water surface on the basis of this observation, and was inferred to follow the Main Algonquin highstand and Post-Algonquin lake phases about 10 14C ka, a seminal contribution to the understanding of Great Lakes history. Lake Stanley was thought to have overflowed from the Huron basin through the Georgian Bay basin and the glacio-isostatically depressed North Bay outlet to Ottawa and St. Lawrence rivers. For this overflow to have occurred, Hough assumed that post-Algonquin glacial rebound was delayed until after the Lake Stanley phase. A re-examination of sediment stratigraphy in northwestern Lake Huron using seismic reflection and new core data corroborates the sedimentological evidence of Hough’s Stanley unconformity, but not its inferred chronology or the level of the associated lowstand. Erosion of previously deposited sediment, causing the gap in the sediment sequence down to 70 m present depth, is attributed to wave erosion in the shoreface of the Lake Stanley lowstand. Allowing for non-deposition of muddy sediment in the upper 20 m approximately of water depth as occurs in the present Great Lakes, the inferred water level of the Stanley lowstand is repositioned at 50 m below present in northwestern Lake Huron. The age of this lowstand is about 7.9 ± 0.314C ka, determined from the inferred 14C age of the unconformity by radiocarbon-dated geomagnetic secular variation in six new cores. This relatively young age shows that the lowstand defined by Hough’s Stanley unconformity is the late Lake Stanley phase of the northern Huron basin, youngest of three lowstands following the Algonquin lake phases. Reconstruction of uplift histories for lake level and outlets shows that late Lake Stanley was about 25–30 m below the North Bay outlet, and about 10 m below the sill of the Huron basin. The late Stanley lowstand was hydrologically closed, consistent with independent evidence for dry regional climate at this time. A similar analysis of the Chippewa unconformity shows that the Lake Michigan basin also hosted a hydrologically closed lowstand, late Lake Chippewa. This phase of closed lowstands is new to the geological history of the Great Lakes. This is the ninth in a series of ten papers published in this special issue of Journal of Paleolimnology. These papers were presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the International Association for Great Lakes Research (2004), held at the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. P.F. Karrow and C.F.M Lewis were guest editors of this special issue.  相似文献   

全新世巢湖沉积记录及其环境变化意义   总被引:25,自引:13,他引:12  
根据巢湖全新世沉积地层对比及对ACN钻孔沉积物的测年、粒度、营养元素含量分析,认为巢湖在全新世中经历了频繁的河流、湖泊交互作用,是一个受河流影响十分显著的沿江湖泊。中全新世以来,巢湖共发生三次显著的湖泊收缩过程,分别是在沉积纪录的5 887~5 680 a B. P. 时,其后又再度扩张;2 239~2 126 a B. P.时,是在中国历史时期第二温暖期暖干气候条件下形成的,与其同期的河流相冲积层或淤积粘土,正是巢湖周边战国至汉代古文化遗址的基底物质,之后巢湖再度扩张,甚至导致汉代古城成为水下遗址;1 827 a B. P.以来,是巢湖现代淤积过程。  相似文献   

Simulations (216) were undertaken to evaluate the impact of typical Lake Agassiz outbursts on the upper Great Lakes under plausible variations in lake surface areas and sill widths. Flows over sills out of lakes are modelled using the equation for a broad-crested weir, with the model time increment set to one day. The model was evaluated for Lake Agassiz outlet sill widths of 1, 4, and 10 km and with outbursts ranging from 100 000 m3 s–1 to 600 000 m3 s–1. The surface area of Lake Agassiz was evaluated for 182 000 km2 ±20%. The surface area of the upper Great Lakes were modelled as either Lake Algonquin (Superior, Huron and Michigan basins =200 000 km2) or Lake Minong (Superior basin 87 000 km2) with sill widths of 0.5, 1.5, and 3 km.Downstream peak discharge modelled at the outlet sill of the upper Great Lakes, was normally between 20 and 60% of the initial outburst, with a lagtime to peak usually between 80 and 280 days. Upper Great Lakes water level rises of between 2 and 20 m are calculated with rises to 36 m for some configurations. Rise magnitude is inversely related to the width of the outlet sills at both lake systems and to the surface area of the receiving lake.The modeling implies that measuring outflow from the upper Great Lakes, or water level rises, does not in itself determine peak or total outflow from Lake Agassiz unless the dimensions of the Lake Agassiz and upper Great Lakes outflow sills are also known.Lake level rises probably coincided on the upper Great Lakes with meltout from the winter freeze-up. Lake levels re-attain equilibrium values with respect to through flow within three years of an outburst. Substantial episodic lake level rises in the upper Great Lakes may have had severe impacts on the lake biota, for example via the affect on spawning grounds.  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis of siliceous microfossils in a 210Pb dated core from Green Bay of Lake Michigan shows clear evidence of eutrophication, but a different pattern of population succession than observed in the main deposition basins of the Great Lakes. Sediments deposited prior to extensive European settlement (ca A.D. 1850) contain high relative abundance of chrysophyte cysts and benthic diatoms. Quantity and composition of microfossils deposited during the pre-settlement period represented in our core is quite uniform, except for the 30–32 cm interval which contains elevated microfossil abundance and particularly high levels of attached benthic species. Total microfossil abundance and the proportion of planktonic diatoms begins to increase ca 1860 and rises very rapidly beginning ca 1915. Maximum abundance occurs in sediments deposited during the 1970's, with a secondary peak in the late 1940's — early 1950's. Increased total abundance is accompanied by increased dominance of taxa tolerant of eutrophic conditions, however indigenous oligotrophic taxa, particularly those which are most abundant during the summer, are not eliminated from the flora, as in the lower Great Lakes. It appears that a combination of silica resupply from high riverine loadings and replacement of indigenous populations by periodic intrusions of Lake Michigan water allow sequential co-existence of species usually exclusively associated with either eutrophic or oligotrophic conditions.  相似文献   

南四湖演变过程及其背景分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
韩昭庆 《地理科学》2000,20(2):133-138
建立在前人研究的基础上,对南四湖演变过程及其背景进行了分析,指出四湖成因及演变过程有所不同。昭阳湖演变由大到小而微山湖则相反,独山湖应运而生,南阳湖因下游淤塞而成,它们的演变与黄河泛滥、运河的改道及人工对运河的运作关系密切。  相似文献   

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