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IntroductionThesouthernpartofKhorasanProvinceineast-centralIranisoneoftheseismicallyactiveregionsintheMiddleeast.Historicalreportsindicatedseveralearthquakeshavecausedseveredestructionsandhumanlossinthisregionduringthepastcenturies(Ambraseys,Melville,1982).Theinstrumentallyrecordedearthquakesaswellastheexistenceofseveralactivefaultsalsosug-gestedthattheregionhadahighpotentialofseismicactivities.OnMay10,1997at07:57:29.6GMT,12:27:29.6localtime,ashallowdestructiveearthquakewithoutanyfeltfores…  相似文献   

Introduction On January 10, 1998, at 11h50min Beijing Time (03h50min UTC), an earthquake of ML=6.2 occurred in the border region between the Zhangbei County and Shangyi County of Hebei Province. In total 87 events with ML3.0 were recorded by Beijing Telemetry Seismic Network (BTSN) before March of 1999. Before relocation the preliminary hypocenters determined by BTSN showed an epicentral distribution of 25 km long and 25 km wide without any predominate orientation. The epicentral a…  相似文献   

Introduction Lulong is located about 70 km to the northeast of Tangshan city, Hebei Province. On October 19, 1982, a MS=6.1 earthquake took place about 4 km to the northeast of Lulong county with the epicenter of 39°57′N, 119°04′E and the original time of 20h45min (Beijing time). Lulong is lo-cated at the connection part of Yanshan block and North China plain block according to the divi-sion of active blocks in Chinese mainland (ZHANG et al, 2003). There is a WNW-trending tec-toni…  相似文献   

A complete catalog of aftershock sequences is provided for main earthquakes with ML 5.0, which occurred in the area of Greece and surrounding regions the last twenty-seven years. The Monthly Bulletins of the Institute of Geodynamics (National Observatory of Athens) have been used as data source. In order to get a homogeneous catalog, several selection criteria have been applied and hence a catalog of 44 aftershock sequences is compiled. The relations between the duration of the sequence, the number of aftershocks, the magnitude of the largest aftershock and its delay time from the main shock as well as the subsurface rupture length versus the magnitude of the main shock are calculated. The results show that linearity exists between the subsurface rupture length and the magnitude of the main shock independent of the slip type, as well as between the magnitude of the main shock (M) and its largest aftershock (Ma). The mean difference M–Ma is almost one unit. In the 40% of the analyzed sequences, the largest aftershock occurred within one day after the main shock.The fact that the aftershock sequences show the same behavior for earthquakes that occur in the same region supports the theory that the spatial and temporal characteristics are strongly related to the stress distribution of the fault area.  相似文献   

Introduction The Lulong county is about 75 km northeast to Tangshan in Hebei Province. An earthquake of ML=6.2 took place on October 19, 1982 about 4 km northeast to the county town. The epicenter of the mainshock is located at 39°57′N, 119°04′E by the Beijing seismic network. The 1976 Tang- shan 7.8 earthquake and the successive Luanxian 7.1, Ninghe 6.9 and the Lulong earthquake spread in NE-SW direction in space. SONG and WANG et al of Institute of Geophysics, China Seismolog…  相似文献   

We exploit S-wave spectral amplitudes from 112 aftershocks (3.0 ≤ ML ≤ 5.3) of the L’Aquila 2009 seismic sequence recorded at 23 temporary stations in the epicentral area to estimate the source parameters of these events, the seismic attenuation characteristics and the site amplification effects at the recording sites. The spectral attenuation curves exhibit a very fast decay in the first few kilometers that could be attributed to the large attenuation of waves traveling trough the highly heterogeneous and fractured crust in the fault zone of the L’Aquila mainshock. The S-waves total attenuation in the first 30 km can be parameterized by a quality factor QS(f) = 23f 0.58 obtained by fixing the geometrical spreading to 1/R. The source spectra can be satisfactorily modeled using the omega-square model that provides stress drops between 0.3 and 60 MPa with a mean value of 3.3±2.8 MPa. The site responses show a large variability over the study area and significant amplification peaks are visible in the frequency range from 1 to more than 10 Hz. Finally, the vertical component of the motion is amplified at a number of sites where, as a consequence, the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios (HVSR) method fails in detecting the amplitude levels and in few cases the resonance frequencies.  相似文献   

Thefracturecharacteristicofthe1989Datong-YanggaoearthquakesequenceSi-ChangZHANG(张四昌),Gui-LingDIAO(刁桂苓)andLi-MinYU(于利民)(Sefrmo...  相似文献   

The coupled ocean–atmosphere–wave–sediment transport (COAWST) model is used to hindcast Hurricane Ivan (2004), an extremely intense tropical cyclone (TC) translating through the Gulf of Mexico. Sensitivity experiments with increasing complexity in ocean–atmosphere–wave coupled exchange processes are performed to assess the impacts of coupling on the predictions of the atmosphere, ocean, and wave environments during the occurrence of a TC. Modest improvement in track but significant improvement in intensity are found when using the fully atmosphere–ocean-wave coupled configuration versus uncoupled (e.g., standalone atmosphere, ocean, or wave) model simulations. Surface wave fields generated in the fully coupled configuration also demonstrates good agreement with in situ buoy measurements. Coupled and uncoupled model-simulated sea surface temperature (SST) fields are compared with both in situ and remote observations. Detailed heat budget analysis reveals that the mixed layer temperature cooling in the deep ocean (on the shelf) is caused primarily by advection (equally by advection and diffusion).  相似文献   

We characterize the Kamchatka seismicity for the period 2005–2007. Regional catalogs of Kamchatka earthquakes were used to develop 2D distributions of parameters of background seismicity. The characteristics we consider include the activity A 10, the slope of the recurrence curve γ, the parameters involved in the methods RTL, ΔS, and the “Z-function”, as well as the control of earthquake clustering. We have detected the space-time agreement between the anomalies exhibited by several parameters.  相似文献   

Analysisofforeshocksequenceofthe1975HaichengearthquakeofMs7.3Zhao-RongZUO(左兆荣);Jian-PingWU(吴建平)andZhi-LingWU(巫志玲)(Instituteof...  相似文献   

Rahman  Zahid  Rehman  Khaista  Ali  Wajid  Ali  Amir  Burton  Paul  Barkat  Adnan  Ali  Asghar  Qadri  S. M. Talha 《Journal of Seismology》2021,25(6):1461-1481
Journal of Seismology - The Pamir-Hindu Kush region is seismically the most dynamic and active zone that went through many devastating earthquakes. While much research is ongoing to produce seismic...  相似文献   

A stochastic triggering (epidemic) model incorporating short-term clustering was fitted to the instrumental earthquake catalog of Italy for event with local magnitudes 2.6 and greater to optimize its ability to retrospectively forecast 33 target events of magnitude 5.0 and greater that occurred in the period 1990–2006. To obtain an unbiased evaluation of the information value of the model, forecasts of each event use parameter values obtained from data up to the end of the year preceding the target event. The results of the test are given in terms of the probability gain of the epidemic-type aftershock sequence (ETAS) model relative to a time-invariant Poisson model for each of the 33 target events. These probability gains range from 0.93 to 32000, with ten of the target events yielding a probability gain of at least 10. As the forecasting capability of the ETAS model is based on seismic activity recorded prior to the target earthquakes, the highest probability gains are associated with the occurrence of secondary mainshocks during seismic sequences. However, in nine of these cases, the largest mainshock of the sequence was marked by a probability gain larger than 50, having been preceded by previous smaller magnitude earthquakes. The overall evaluation of the performance of the epidemic model has been carried out by means of four popular statistical criteria: the relative operating characteristic diagram, the R score, the probability gain, and the log-likelihood ratio. These tests confirm the superior performance of the method with respect to a spatially varying, time-invariant Poisson model. Nevertheless, this method is characterized by a high false alarm rate, which would make its application in real circumstances problematic.  相似文献   

The main goal of this study is to provide moment tensor solutions for small and moderate earthquakes of the Matese seismic sequence in southern Italy for the period of December 2013–January 2014. We estimate the focal mechanisms of 31 earthquakes with local magnitudes related to the Matese earthquake seismic sequence (December 2013–January 2014) in Southern-Central Italy which are recorded by the broadband stations of the Italian National Seismic Network and the Mediterranean Very Broadband Seismographic Network (MedNet) run by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV). The solutions show that normal faulting is the prevailing style of seismic deformation in agreement with the local faults mapped out in the area. Comparisons with already published solutions and with seismological and geological information available allowed us to properly interpret the moment tensor solutions in the frame of the seismic sequence evolution and also to furnish additional information about less energetic seismic phases. Focal data were inverted to obtain the seismogenic stress in the study area. The results are compatible with the major tectonic domain of the area.  相似文献   

An earthquake sequence comprising almost 2000 events occurred in February–July 2001 on the southern coast of the Corinth Gulf.Several location methods were applied to 171 events recorded by the regional network PATNET. The unavailability of S-wave readings precluded from reliable depth determination. For the mainshock of April 8, ML= 4.7, the depth varied from 0 to 20 km. The amplitude spectra of complete waveforms at three local stations (KER,SER, DES; epicentral distances 17, 26 and 56 km) were inverted between 0.1 and 0.2 Hz for double-couple focal mechanism and also for the depth. The optimum solution (strike 220°, dip 40°, rake ‒160°, and depth of 8 km) was validated by forward waveform modeling.Additionally, the mainshock depth was further supported by the P- and S-wave arrival times from the local short-period network CRLNET (Corinth Rift Laboratory).The scalar seismic moment was 2.5e15 Nm,and the moment rate function was successfully simulated by a triangle of the 0.5 second duration. This is equivalent to a 1–1.5 km fault length, and a static stress drop 2–6 MPa. This value is important for future strong ground motion simulation of damaging earthquakes in Aegion region, whose subevents may be modeled according to the studied event. The T axis of the mainshock (azimuth 176° and plunge 67°), is consistent with the regional direction of extension N10°. However, none of the nodal planes can be associated to an active structure seen at the surface. The relationship of this earthquake sequence with deeper faults (e.g. possible detachment at about 10 km) is also unclear.  相似文献   

The 2003 Bam, Iran, earthquake caused catastrophic damage to the city of Bam and neighboring villages. Given its magnitude (M w ) of 6.5, the damage was remarkably large. Large-amplitude ground motions were recorded at the Bam accelerograph station in the center of Bam city by the Building and Housing Research Center (BHRC) of Iran. We simulated the Bam earthquake acceleration records at three BHRC strong-motion stations—Bam, Abaraq, and Mohammad-Abad—by the empirical Green’s function method. Three aftershocks were used as empirical Green’s functions. The frequency range of the empirical Green’s function simulations was 0.5–10 Hz. The size of the strong motion generation area of the mainshock was estimated to be 11 km in length by 7 km in width. To estimate the parameters of the strong motion generation area, we used 1D and 2D velocity structures across the fault and a combined source model. The empirical Green’s function method using a combination of aftershocks produced a source model that reproduced ground motions with the best fit to the observed waveforms. This may be attributed to the existence of two distinct rupture mechanisms in the strong motion generation area. We found that the rupture starting point for which the simulated waveforms best fit the observed ones was near the center of the strong motion generation area, which reproduced near-source ground motions in a broadband frequency range. The estimated strong motion generation area could explain the observed damaging ground motion at the Bam station. This suggests that estimating the source characteristics of the Bam earthquake is very important in understanding the causes of the earthquake damage.  相似文献   

Based on the three-dimensional elastic inclusion model proposed by Dobrovolskii, we developed athree-dimensional rheologic inclusion model and theory to study the earthquake preparation process. By usingcorrespondence principle in the theory of rheologic mechanics, we derived the analytic expression of the viscoe-lastic displacement at an arbitrary point (x, y, z) in three directions of x, y and z-axes (i. e., U(r, t), V*(r, t) and W(r,t)) produced by a three-dimension inclusion in the semi-infinite rheologic medium defined by the standard linearrheologic model.  相似文献   

We study source properties of the main earthquakes of the 1997–98 Umbria-Marche (central Italy) sequence by analysis of regional-distanceand teleseismic long period and broadband seismograms recorded by MedNet and IRIS/GSN stations. We use a modified Harvardcentroid-moment tensor (CMT) algorithm to allow inversion of long period waveforms, primarily Rayleigh and Love waves, for small earthquakes (4.2 MW 5.5) at local to regional distances (<15°). For the seven largest earthquakes (MW>5.2) moment tensors derived from local and regional data agree well with those determined using teleseismic waveforms and standard methods of analysis. We also determine moment tensors for a foreshock and 12 other aftershocks, that were too small for global analysis. Focal depth and rupture propagation are analyzed for three largest shocks by inversion of teleseismic broadband body waves. The earthquakes are generally located at shallow depth (5 km or shallower) and are characterized by normal faulting mechanisms, with a NE-SW tension axis. The presumed principal fault plane dips at a shallow angle towards the SW. Only one of the events analyzed has an entirely different faulting geometry, indicating instead right-lateral strike-slip motion on a plane approximately E-W, or left-lateral faulting on a N-S plane. The other significant exception to the regular pattern of mechanisms is represented by the March 26, 1998, event, located at 51 km depth. Its connection with the shallow earthquake sequence is unclear and intriguing. The time evolution of the seismic sequence is unusual,with the mainshock accounting for only approximately 50% of the total moment release. The broadband teleseismic waveforms of the main, September 26, 09:40, earthquake are very complicated for the size of the event and suggest a complex rupture. In our favored source model, rupture initiated at 5 km depth, propagated updip and was followed, 3 seconds later, by a shallower subevent with a slightly rotated mechanism.  相似文献   

The main goal of this study is to provide moment tensor solutions for small and moderate earthquakes of the 2009 L’Aquila seismic sequence (central Italy). The analysis was performed by using data coming from the permanent Italian seismic network run by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) and the “Cut And Paste” (CAP) method based on broadband waveform inversion. Focal mechanisms, source depths and moment magnitudes are determined through a grid search technique. By allowing time shifts between synthetics and observed data the CAP method reduces dependence of the solution on the assumed velocity model and on earthquake location. We computed seismic moment tensors for 312 earthquakes having local magnitude in the range between 2.7 and 5.9. The CAP method has made possible to considerably expand the database of focal mechanisms from waveform analysis in the lowest magnitude range (i.e. in the neighborhood of magnitude 3) without overlooking the reliability of results. The obtained focal mechanisms generally show NW–SE striking focal planes in agreement with mapped faults in the region. Comparisons with the already published solutions and with seismological and geological information available allowed us to proper interpret the moment tensor solutions in the frame of the seismic sequence evolution and also to furnish additional information about less energetic seismic phases. Focal data were inverted to obtain the seismogenic stress in the study area. Results are compatible with the major tectonic domain. We also obtained a relation between moment and local magnitude suitable for the area and for the available magnitude range.  相似文献   

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