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We investigate the interactions between the elastic parameters, VP, VS and density, estimated by non-linear inversion of AVA data, and the petrophysical parameters, depth (pressure), porosity, clay content and fluid saturation, of an actual gas-bearing reservoir. In particular, we study how the ambiguous solutions derived from the non-uniqueness of the seismic inversion affect the estimates of relevant rock properties. It results that the physically admissible values of the rock properties greatly reduce the range of possible seismic solutions and this range contains the actual values given by the well. By means of a statistical inversion, we analyse how approximate a priori knowledge of the petrophysical properties and of their relationships with the seismic parameters can be of help in reducing the ambiguity of the inversion solutions and eventually in estimating the petrophysical properties of the specific target reservoir. This statistical inversion allows the determination of the most likely values of the sought rock properties along with their uncertainty ranges. The results show that the porosity is the best-resolved rock property, with its most likely value closely approaching the actual value found by the well, even when we insert somewhat erroneous a priori information. The hydrocarbon saturation is the second best-resolved parameter, but its most likely value does not match the well data. The depth of the target interface is the least-resolved parameter and its most likely value is strongly dependent on a priori information. Although no general conclusions can be drawn from the results of this exercise, we envisage that the proposed AVA–petrophysical inversion and its possible extensions may be of use in reservoir characterization.  相似文献   

交错模型指的是由几组走向不同的线性构造(近似二维)在空间(纵向、横向)上组合而成的模型.对于电性结构,交错模型表现为纵向或横向上的构造存在电性主轴方位的变化.从构造维性的角度来看,交错模型是一种由二维模型组合而成的特殊的三维模型,直接对其进行大地电磁二维反演,不易获得可靠的反演结果.本文针对交错模型的特点,提出分频段-分区段反演方案.该方案首先需要借助于阻抗张量成像技术,在频率域确定组成交错模型的各线性构造的电性主轴,然后,针对不同的频段、区段,选择对应电性主轴的数据进行反演,通过初始模型的构建将不同电性主轴方位的反演结果对接起来.本文通过三维理论模型的研究,系统展示了分频段-分区段反演的全过程,归纳得到:在分频段反演时先做低频段反演,在分区段反演时先做二维性更不显著一侧的反演.最后,本文将这一技术用于郯庐断裂带中南段一条实测剖面的反演中,其结果与常规二维反演结果相比较,深部的信息更为丰富,且与其他已有地质、地球物理结果的可对比性更好,表明在构造复杂地区,大地电磁分频段-分区段二维反演具有较高的模型分辨率和可靠性.  相似文献   




总有机碳含量(TOC)是评价页岩有机质丰度和生烃能力的重要指标.常规TOC预测方法是通过对弹性参数体(例如密度反演体)进行线性拟合得到的,该方法具有地区经验性,并且缺乏有效的理论支撑.针对此问题,本文以岩石物理驱动的物性参数反演作为技术手段,首先对典型页岩的矿物组分以及孔隙流体特征进行分析,得出影响页岩弹性参数变化的四...  相似文献   

本文提出了一种基于模型空间压缩技术的大地电磁三维反演方法.该方法在传统大地电磁三维反演理论的基础上,通过小波变换将待反演的空间域模型参数映射到小波域进行反演,获得小波域更新模型后再通过小波逆变换得到空间域反演模型.由于小波变换具有压缩特性和多尺度分辨能力,本文反演方法可在一定程度上提高反演分辨率.为了提高反演效率,我们针对基于L1范数的模型约束求解不易收敛的反演问题,提出了一种基于模型粗糙度的简单有效的预条件处理技术.为验证本文算法的有效性,本文首先对经典的"棋盘"模型进行三维反演测试.反演结果表明本文算法的反演效率与传统方法相当,但对于深部异常体具有更好的分辨能力.最后,我们通过对实测数据反演进一步验证本文算法的有效性.  相似文献   

饶丽婷  武欣  郭睿  党博  党瑞荣 《地球物理学报》2023,66(10):4253-4268



Routine amplitude‐versus‐offset or amplitude‐versus‐angle (AVA) analysis is founded on the predicted reflectivity of a planar boundary between isotropic homogeneous half‐spaces, yet many real boundaries of interest to hydrocarbon exploration may violate these assumptions. Here, we evaluate consequences of boundary roughness, i.e. small‐scale, sub‐resolution topography, on the reflecting boundary, to find whether sub‐resolution topography can deceive routine AVA analysis and produce misleading hydrocarbon indicators. We use noise‐free synthetic CMP and stacked‐section seismograms, generated with a Kirchhoff‐integral method, for offsets up to 4000 m. The reflecting boundary was at 2000 m depth below a single overburden layer, and comprised isolated mounds or channels (sinusoidal cross‐section, 5–40 m high and 100–750 m wide), and more complex roughness (simulated with seven 1.5–2 km long bathymetric profiles across modern‐day river‐beds, with dune and bar features up to approximately 20 m or 20 ms TWT vertical relief, and 10–100 m or more lateral extent). Flat‐boundary responses were taken as the ‘reference’ against which to compare waveforms and amplitudes through semblance analysis, AVA intercept A and slope B cross‐plots, and inferred Poisson's ratios. Physical properties of the media were based on shales and brine‐ or oil‐sands from an offshore UK oilfield. For the CMP centred on the topographic feature, isolated mounds and channels produced correlated excursions of A and B from the flat‐boundary response (by approximately 35–200%), simulating the familiar ‘background trend’ but sometimes oblique to it. Inferred Poisson's ratios were around 0.3, but for some channels often fell as low as 0.2, potentially interpretable as gas sand. For complex boundary topographies on a shale/brine‐sand model, AVA parameters were extracted for 29 CMPs, 100 m apart along each of seven profiles. On a cross‐plot, they spanned the flat‐boundary response on a linear trend B = (0.01 ± 0.02) – (1.72 ± 0.09)A, similar to reported real data and a realistic ‘mudrock trend’ but with outliers both above and below it that could be interpreted as ‘real’ weak anomalies. Poisson's ratios were 0.30 ± 0.01, between the expected values for brine‐ and oil‐sand. This suggests that boundary roughness may contribute to observed trends on cross‐plots and possibly small, but potentially laterally extensive, false AVA anomalies may also be induced.  相似文献   

A ground magnetic study of Ustica Island was performed to provide new insights into subsurface tectonic and volcanic structures. The total-intensity anomaly field, obtained after a data-reduction procedure, shows the presence of a W–E-striking magnetic anomaly in the middle of the island and another two intense anomalies, which seem to continue offshore, in the southwestern and the northeastern sides, respectively. The detected anomalies were analyzed by a quadratic programming (QP) algorithm to obtain a 3D subsurface magnetization distribution. The volcano magnetization model reveals the presence of intensely magnetized volumes, interpreted as the feeding systems of the main eruptive centers of the island, which roughly follow the trend of the main regional structural lineaments. These findings highlight how regional tectonics has strongly affected the structural and magmatic evolution of the Ustica volcanic complex producing preferential ways for magma ascent.  相似文献   

Tectonic inversion is a common phenomenon in island arc settings, especially in back‐arc basins. The reactivation of normal faults as thrusts, triggered by tectonic inversion, produces typical inversion fault‐related folds and thrusts in the hangingwall. These hangingwall inversion geometries are affected by two factors: the geometry of the underlying master fault and the angle of inclined simple shear relative to the regional dip of strata, in the case that the deformation is approximated by simple shear. This study employed numerical simulations to analyse the influence of the antithetic shear angle on the geometry of the hangingwall and displacement along the master fault. The simulation results reveal that a steeply inclined shear vector during extension produces a narrow, steep‐sided half‐graben, whereas a gently inclined shear produces a wide, open basin. After tectonic inversion, a tight anticline is formed under steeply inclined shear, whereas an open anticline is formed under gently inclined shear. Antithetic shear results in reduced total displacement along the master fault, and the greater the angle between the shear direction and the regional dip, the greater the displacement along the master fault. Because the deformation geometry of syn‐extension layers is affected by extension followed by contraction, a change in the shear angle during tectonic inversion produces a wide variety of deformation geometries. Comparison of the simulation results with the results of analogue modelling suggests that the shear angle decreases by 5° during the transition from extension to tectonic inversion and that such a change may be commonly observed in natural geological structures. These results highlight the benefits of numerical simulations, which can be used to readily examine a variety of constraining parameters and thereby lead to a better understanding of the mechanism of hangingwall deformation, avoiding erroneous estimates of the amount of fault displacement.  相似文献   

裂陷盆地基底双界面模式二维重力反演   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
裂陷盆地基底的起伏表现为非光滑的几何形态,传统的重力反演结果并不能很好地反映这种特点.此外,大多数情况下,重力观测面并不位于盆地上界面,应为单独的起伏观测面,盆地应为上界面和基底组成的双界面模式.基于此,本文研究了起伏观测面上裂陷盆地基底双界面模式二维重力反演方法.研究中假设沉积盆地的沉积层与基底的密度差随深度按双曲线规律变化.将沉积盆地的沉积层剖分成相邻的垂直柱体,其水平尺寸是已知的,顶面与沉积层上界面重合,底面深度代表基底的深度,即为要反演的参数.反演中引入全变差函数作为盆地模型的约束,使得反演结果呈现非光滑形态,符合裂陷盆地基底特征.为减小反演多解性,引入已知深度点作为约束.建立由重力数据拟合、已知深度约束及全变差函数组成的目标函数,采用非线性共轭梯度算法使目标函数最小化.模型试算结果表明该方法可反演裂陷盆地基底起伏,并通过调整正则化参数的值可反演坳陷盆地基底起伏.将该反演方法用于珠江口盆地惠州凹陷和运城-临汾裂陷盆地实际资料处理,其结果较好地反映了裂陷盆地基底起伏特征,为研究盆地构造、油气勘探等提供重要参考.  相似文献   


储层参数地震反演是通过地震观测数据定量评估储层物性及含油气性的重要途径.中国西部致密砂岩油气分布范围广泛, 具有巨大的勘探开发潜力, 但其孔隙结构复杂, 储层参数的定量预测难度较大.本文提出了一种基于可变临界孔隙度模型的储层参数地震反演方法.为有效描述储层的复杂孔隙结构, 本方法将临界孔隙度作为变量, 使其具有随深度变化的特征, 以表征复杂孔隙结构, 进而提高致密砂岩储层岩石物理建模的精度.此外, 为直接从观测地震数据反演储层参数, 结合岩石物理模型和地震反射系数方程建立正演算子; 基于贝叶斯框架构建反演问题, 采用混合高斯模型构建储层参数先验约束, 用以描述储层的岩性(相)差异特征; 基于临界孔隙度、泥质含量与孔隙度的统计关系, 结合快速模拟退火算法, 在迭代优化中使临界孔隙度与储层参数交替更新, 用以提高反演结果稳定性.选用中国西部四川盆地某工区实际资料, 对本方法进行应用测试与验证, 结果表明本方法对于含气储层具有良好的指示性, 相比常规固定临界孔隙度方法, 本方法可以有效提升反演结果准确性.


The coupled flow-mass transport inverse problem is formulated using the maximum likelihood estimation concept. An evolutionary computational algorithm, the genetic algorithm, is applied to search for a global or near-global solution. The resulting inverse model allows for flow and transport parameter estimation, based on inversion of spatial and temporal distributions of head and concentration measurements. Numerical experiments using a subset of the three-dimensional tracer tests conducted at the Columbus, Mississippi site are presented to test the model's ability to identify a wide range of parameters and parametrization schemes. The results indicate that the model can be applied to identify zoned parameters of hydraulic conductivity, geostatistical parameters of the hydraulic conductivity field, angle of hydraulic conductivity anisotropy, solute hydrodynamic dispersivity, and sorption parameters. The identification criterion, or objective function residual, is shown to decrease significantly as the complexity of the hydraulic conductivity parametrization is increased. Predictive modeling using the estimated parameters indicated that the geostatistical hydraulic conductivity distribution scheme produced good agreement between simulated and observed heads and concentrations. The genetic algorithm, while providing apparently robust solutions, is found to be considerably less efficient computationally than a quasi-Newton algorithm.  相似文献   

光滑模型与尖锐边界结合的MT二维反演方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
如何得到快速稳定的反演结果和更清晰的地质体分界面等问题仍然是当前MT反演研究的一个重点.为了解决反演结果不能得到清晰的电性分界面的问题,本文在前人研究的基础上,基于OCCAM反演以及突出尖锐边界反演的思想,结合最小支撑梯度泛函,构建了新的反演目标函数,并利用共轭梯度法优化目标函数,实现了一种光滑模型与尖锐边界结合的MT二维反演方法.模型实验证明了该方法的准确性,通过与已发表的相关反演方法的结果进行比较,证明了该方法在光滑稳定的基础上可突出对尖锐电性边界的刻画.对广东徐闻地区的实测MT资料进行了处理,表明了该方法的适用性和效果.  相似文献   

马尔科夫链蒙特卡洛方法(MCMC)是一种启发式的全局寻优算法,可以用来解决概率反演的问题.基于MCMC方法的反演不依赖于准确的初始模型,可以引入任意复杂的先验信息,通过对先验概率密度函数的采样来获得大量的后验概率分布样本,在寻找最优解的过程中可以跳出局部最优得到全局最优解.MCMC方法由于计算量巨大,应用难度较高,在地...  相似文献   

三维重力反演是地质工作者了解地球深部构造,认知地下结构的重要手段.按照反演单元划分,三维重力反演有离散多面体(Discrete)反演和网格节点(Voxels)反演两种方式.离散多面体反演由于易于吸收先验地质信息得到的理论场能够很好地拟合观测场,因此,在实际重力反演中更受欢迎.目前离散多面体重力反演中初始模型的建立方法繁杂不一,实际应用受到很大的限制.本文本着充分挖掘利用先验信息和重力观测数据得到丰富可靠的反演结果这一原则,以离散多面体反演技术为基础,改进建模过程.在初始模型的建立中,吸收贝叶斯算法优势,采用隐马尔科夫链改善朴素贝叶斯方法的分类效果,通过最大似然函数算法求解,再采取模型降阶技术,固定所建模型中几何体的形态或密度,达到在几何体形态(x,y,z)、密度(σ)和重力值(g)五个参数中降低维数目的,从而减小高维不确定性和正演的计算量,由此反演计算的地质体密度和分布范围相对更准确,更利于重现重力模型结构.通过单位球体和任意形态几何体模拟实验,以及安徽省泥河矿区三维重力反演实践,得到非常接近实际的密度或重力值,大幅提高了三维重力反演的精度和效率,说明该方法是有效、实用的.  相似文献   

Elastic parameters such as Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and density are very important characteristic parameters that are required to properly characterise shale gas reservoir rock brittleness, evaluate gas characteristics of reservoirs, and directly interpret lithology and oil‐bearing properties. Therefore, it is significant to obtain accurate information of these elastic parameters. Conventionally, they are indirectly calculated by the rock physics method or estimated by approximate formula inversion. The cumulative errors caused by the indirect calculation and low calculation accuracy of the approximate Zoeppritz equations make accurate estimation of Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and density difficult in the conventional method. In this paper, based on the assumption of isotropy, we perform several substitutions to convert the Zoeppritz equations from the classical form to a new form containing the chosen elastic constants of Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and density. The inversion objective function is then constructed by utilising Bayesian theory. Meanwhile, the Cauchy distribution is introduced as a priori information. We then combine the idea of generalised linear inversion with an iterative reweighed least squares algorithm in order to solve the problem. Finally, we obtain the iterative updating formula of the three elastic parameters and achieve the direct inversion of these elastic parameters based on the exact Zoeppritz equations. Both synthetic and field data examples show that the new method is not only able to obtain the two elastic parameters of Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio stably and reasonably from prestack seismic data but also able to provide an accurate estimation of density information, which demonstrates the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method. The proposed method offers an efficient seismic method to identify a “sweet spot” within a shale gas reservoir.  相似文献   




研究微地震的震源机制,获得压裂区域的破裂方向、尺度和应力状态等信息,在非常规油气开采过程中具有重要意义.对于微震,通常采用剪切位错或者矩张量模型对震源进行描述.本文从其实际发震机制出发,使用了"剪切+张裂"的一般位错点源模型,并基于此模型发展了一种利用全波形信息,通过波形振幅谱相关和初至约束,在频率域求解微震震源机制的方法.该方法适用于地面和井中观测,能够在得到常规震源参数(断层走向、倾角和滑动角)的同时给出裂缝断层剪切和张裂错动的距离信息,更直观体现破裂程度.理论数值测试证明方法有效、可行,在未滤波的情况下,实际数据的波形拟和结果仍较为一致,同时还发现错动距离与应力降等常规破裂参数并不严格相关,说明剪切、张裂错距可作为独立的新参数来定量评估水压致裂效果,指导工程开发进行.  相似文献   

The study is focusing on the stress and strain inversions from focal mechanisms in a revised seismotectonic zonation of northeastern Italy and western Slovenia. The recent increase of monitoring capability of the local seismic network, the updated geological-structural model of the area, and the novelties emerged from studies on the spatial organization of the seismicity allowed a redefinition of the seismotectonic zones. The stress and strain tensors inversion is inferred from 203 focal mechanisms, corresponding to earthquakes occurred between 1984 and 2016 with coda-duration magnitude range from 2.0 to 5.6. The inverted stress domains reveal an articulated picture of the interaction of the Adria microplate with the Eurasian plate. A dominant strike-slip stress field characterizes the eastern part of the area, while the seismotectonic zones of the central part are undergoing to thrusting regime. The stress pattern inferred in the western part of the study area outlines a complex picture with prevailing strike-slip regime and dominant compression only in a seismotectonic zone. The comparison of stress and strain tensor orientations evidences a relative uniformity of the crustal strength in the eastern and northwestern zones of the study area. The central and western zones appear to be characterized by planes of mechanical weakness not favorably oriented for failure with respect to the stress tensor.  相似文献   

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