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1986年11月—1987年5月,在中国第三次南极考察和环球科学考察期间,收集了58个海洋气溶胶样品,采用中子活化法分析了Al,V,Mn,I,Br,Mg,Na,Cl等元素。应用因子分析、回归分析和富集因子分析对气溶胶中元素进行分类、定量评估和来源判别,讨论不同来源元素的特征,计算各主要来源的贡献分量。结果表明,海洋气溶胶中Al的99.99%是来自陆源地壳风化物,Na的99.2%。和Cl的99.99%是来自海水,V的91.4%。来自陆源污染物。因此,Al可作为海洋气溶胶中陆源地壳风化物的示踪元素,Na和Cl可作为海水源示踪元素,非地壳源的V则可选择为陆源污染物的示踪元素。  相似文献   

海洋沉积物中41种元素的中子活化分析方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了海洋沉积物样品的中子活化分析方法,提出了同时测定41种元素的可能性及使用性,对所得结果均用多种国际参考物质(NBS SRM1632a,1633a,1571和USGS BCRI等)作了准确度检验,几乎所有分析值与文献值都是吻合的,表明该方法准确度很好。同时对方法的精密度也进行了检验,除计数统计外的统计误差总和均在3—5%之间,三次测定结果重复性均好。利用此方法包括中子活化结合同轴Ge(Li)和平面高纯锗γ谱仪,测定了中国近海及邻近海区沉积物的41种元素,为研究多元素的地球化学提供了资料。  相似文献   

渤海湾表层沉积物的中子活化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

海洋大气气溶胶的离子色谱分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
张远辉  黄自强 《台湾海峡》1994,13(2):144-150
对分析方法如采样滤膜的均匀性,滤膜上阴,阳离子的萑萃取率,方法的精密度和检出限等进行了基础性研究,并采用该方法测定了厦门海域大气中的Cl^-,F^-,SO^2-4,NO^-3,NH^+4和Na^+。本文法有较高的灵敏度,重现性好,可同时测定多种无机离子,适用于海洋大气气溶胶分析。  相似文献   

本文采用中子活化分析法测定了南极长城湾表层沉积物中的微量元素,定量地给出了Au、Ag、La、Ce、Nd、Sm、Eu、Tb、Yb、Lu、U、Th、Cr、Ir、Zr、Hf、Ba、Sr、Cs、Ni、Sc、Rb、Zn、Ta、Co、As、Sb、W等28种元素的含量,测定不准确度为3~5%。根据测定数据所做的稀土元素配分模式图表明,不同地段沉积物的组成有所不同。有些元素的含量明显高于克拉克值,有的站位Au、Ag的含量接近工业边界品位。  相似文献   

在"我国近海环境综合调查与评价"的海洋气溶胶调查研究中,开发研制了新型船载风控大容量气溶胶采集系统。该系统由风向风速控制器、大容量采样器、自动控制器和抗风防雨防腐蚀箱体等组成。经过海上2 a 4个季度的海洋环境作业,表明该系统具有的大容量采集海洋空气体积,满足海洋气溶胶的微量组分的检出要求;具有的风速风向控制系统,能有效避免所采集的大气气溶胶样品受到船上发动机排出烟尘污染的影响。该系统还具防海水降雨、防腐蚀、结构牢固、流量稳定及抗风能力强等优点。系统采用单片机控制信号的采集、处理和显示,配有温度和压力补偿编程设定以及断电保护、自动修复等功能。海洋现场使用表明,该系统设计合理、数据可靠、灵敏度高,可满足海上大容量气溶胶采样要求。  相似文献   

中国近海大气气溶胶的时间和地理分布特征   总被引:21,自引:5,他引:21  
刘毅  周明煜 《海洋学报》1999,21(1):32-40
通过对中国近海10个航次气溶胶观测资料的统计分析得出:(1)从黄海、东海至日本以南海域气溶胶中地壳元素年平均浓度明显减小,在春季尘暴多发期间地壳元素浓度离到岸距离接指数规律递减.污染元素气溶胶浓度分布与陆源排放量和离岸距离有一定关系.(2)海上陆源气溶胶浓度的季节分布为:春季最大,秋冬次之,夏季最小.受日本排放源的影响,日本以南海域污染元素浓度最大值出现在冬季.(3)Se元素浓度与海洋源密切相关.海盐元素从黄海、东海至日本以南海域浓度逐渐增加,主要受周围海况影响,与风速呈现一定程度的正相关.影响近海气溶胶浓度的主要因素有陆源气溶胶排放量、降水分布和大尺度天气形势.  相似文献   

厦门海域大气气溶胶观测站风与气溶胶关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文的工作是中美海气合作实验厦门观测站的一项内容,应用该站1990年的风速和气溶胶浓度的观测数据,初步分析了观测站风速变化特征及风速、风向与气溶胶传输的关系,结果表明气溶胶中物质浓度变化受到风向风速的重要影响,而呈现出季节性的陆向和海向的传输方向变化特征。  相似文献   

生物活性铁(Fe)进入生物地球化学循环中能够调节碳循环,影响海洋初级生产力,间接影响全球气候变化.决定Fe生物可利用度的关键因子是可溶Fe含量,其中大气气溶胶的长距离传输是上层海洋获取生物可利用Fe的重要来源.近年来,对气溶胶中的Fe及溶解度的研究取得了重要进展,包括对不同区域Fe质量浓度和溶解度的观测以及对Fe溶解度...  相似文献   

Marine benthic surveys and monitoring programs may have several goals. When the aim of such studies is to reveal and describe gradients in species composition, the gain in ecological insight achieved by the study depends on how well the spatial variability of species’ occurrence and abundance within the study area is covered by the sampling design. The common practice in such programs is to collect four or five grab samples from each visited site to capture the site's species composition. The rationale for this practice is based on the aim of capturing a large proportion of species at a specific site (i.e. point). We argue that this practice has been established without taking Iterative approaches into account, such as decreasing the sampling effort at each site and instead increase the number of sites visited. The collection and processing of data from marine sediment ecosystems are time‐consuming and, thus, expensive. Therefore, finding the optimal trade‐off between the number of sites visited and the number of samples per site is important. We examined this trade‐off by exploring how reduction of sampling effort per site affects the stability and recovery of gradients in species composition of marine benthic macrofauna. Our full data set consisted of four grab samples from each of 28 sites from the inner part of the Oslofjord, SE Norway. Procrustes analysis and calculation of Kendall's rank correlation coefficients showed that the main gradient in species composition extracted by detrended correspondence analysis of data sets with reduced per‐site sampling effort closely resembled the main gradient extracted for the full data set. Our results therefore suggest that marine benthic surveys that aim to identify the main gradient structure of species composition and relate this structure to main environmental complex gradients are likely to benefit from reducing the sampling effort at each site and, instead, increasing the number of visited sites. We argue that coverage of both the variation in species composition and the environment in the study area will then be improved. Monitoring programs with other aims than to identify the main gradients in species composition may also benefit from the adoption of a many‐sites, one‐sample sampling strategy. This may be particularly true if additional sampled sites are based on a stratified sampling strategy that ensures that the spatial variability in the study area is accounted for.  相似文献   

Characterization of the proteinaceous matter in marine aerosols   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Marine aerosols play a dominant role in the transfer of oceanic material to the atmosphere. Most marine aerosol originates when air bubbles burst at the sea surface ejecting material from the sea surface microlayer and bubble surface layers into the air. Concentrations of chemical compounds in these surface layers often differ from their concentrations in bulk water. We examined the enrichment of aerosols with proteinaceous matter and attempted to characterize the physical nature and sources of this matter. We measured concentrations of dissolved free (DFAA), dissolved combined (DCAA), and particulate (PAA) amino acids, transparent stainable particles (TSP), and bacteria and virus-like particles as carriers of protein, in natural and simulated aerosols. We also evaluated D/L ratios certain amino acids in all amino acid fractions.DFAA and DCAA enriched the aerosols we sampled by 1.2–20 times compared to bulk seawater; PAA enrichment was usually higher (up to 50-fold). Aerosols contained particles typical of seawater, e.g., microorganisms, organic debris, inorganic particles with adsorbed organic matter, but also a large number of semitransparent gel-like particles, which all contained amino acids. Some of these particles were probably scavenged from bulk water, but new particles produced as bubbles burst at the surface comprised at least 10% of total proteinaceous matter in the aerosol. D/L ratios of certain amino acid suggested that the particles were most likely made from dissolved polymers secreted by phytoplankton that were concentrated on bubble surfaces and in the microlayer. Examination with Alcian Blue (a dye that targets carbohydrates) and Coomassie Blue (a dye that targets proteins) showed that most TSP in the aerosols contained both proteins and polysaccharides. Microorganisms enriched the aerosols by up to two orders of magnitude, but contributed less than 4% to the total protein pool.  相似文献   

A combined mathematical model has been developed to reproduce space and time variations in the concentrations of multicomponent gas constituents and aerosols in the atmosphere on both regional and urban scales. This model contains blocks of transport of gas constituents and aerosols in the atmosphere with consideration for homogeneous binary nucleation, the kinetic processes of condensation/evaporation and coagulation, chemical processes occurring in both gas and liquid phases, and the processes of mass exchange during the gas-droplet (particle) interaction. A nonhydrostatic model of atmospheric mesoscale processes is used to calculate the fields of meteorological elements and turbulent characteristics. The generation of new-phase particles from precursor gases by the mechanism of homogeneous binary nucleation and their interaction with background aerosol are considered. The results of numerical experiments are compared with the data obtained from field observations of both space and time variations in the concentrations of gas constituents and aerosols and in the ionic content of aerosol particles over the Baikal region under the influence of emissions from powerful industrial sources.  相似文献   

本文对海-气边界层波致风机制的相关理论进行了阐述,并利用ERA-40再分析资料给出了太平洋谱峰速度、波龄、波陡等描述涌浪和波致风机制物理量的年际和季节空间分布特征。分析表明:东太平洋赤道地区等海域涌浪速度最大且涌浪由南向北传播明显;太平洋波边界层高度基本呈现出东高西低的分布形势;波致风机制主要发生在赤道热带海域,北半球夏季波致风机制偏强,冬季偏弱,南半球反之;北半球北部海域夏季更易发生波致风机制,赤道附近海域相反;南海为风浪与涌浪组成的混合浪,对其波候等相关研究有必要分开进行讨论。  相似文献   

海洋地质学研究中对样品的采取技术和保存至关重要。海洋地质学的进展是随着海洋沉积物取样技术的发展而发展起来的。本文介绍了加拿大地质调查局海洋地质取样和样品分析方法。  相似文献   

全球增暖背景下更加频繁和持续的海洋热浪事件已经对生态和人类社会经济造成了严重影响。但对于海洋热浪的海气相互关系和对区域气候制作用的研究还十分有限。本文基于1982—2017年美国国家海洋和大气管理局逐日最佳插值海表温度和美国国家环境预测中心再分析资料, 采用经验正交函数展开等统计方法, 系统地分析了西北太平洋夏季海洋热浪的时空分布特征及与之相联系的海气关系。结果表明, 西北太平洋夏季海洋热浪日数和次数EOF(Empirical orthogonal function)第一模态在除黑潮和黑潮延伸区外的区域呈线性增加趋势, 第二模态则呈南北反向分布, 并具有明显的年代际变化特征。海洋热浪的最大强度、持续时间、累积强度第一模态也呈线性上升趋势, 最大强度和累积强度在高纬地区上升最多, 持续时间在黑潮和黑潮延伸区变化最明显。从海气关系的角度来看, 中低纬地区出现海洋热浪事件时, 海气之间主要表现为海洋对大气潜热感热通量的增加, 从而对周边区域大气环流产生影响; 而高纬度地区出现海洋热浪事件时, 海气之间则主要表现为大气对海洋的影响, 以长波辐射和感热通量变化为主。  相似文献   

The role of surfactant organic matter in marine aerosol production has been studied under conditions in which there is a large coverage of whitecaps on the sea surface. To improve the knowledge of matter exchange and pollutant recycling from the sea surface into the atmosphere, a spray drop adsorption model (SDAM) was developed and the validity of the proposed model verified by the following experimental results: (1) an increase of surfactant matter on the sea surface during rough sea conditions (‘surface wave concentration'); (2) an (hyperbolic-like) increase of the enrichment ratio (ER) of surfactant fluorescent organic matter (SFOM), made up predominantly by humic substances (HS), as the particle size decrease; (3) a similar behaviour for elements with pollutant properties, and which are known to interact with HS and other surfactant materials, considered pollution tracers. An additional laboratory experiment, based on the adsorption model conditions, gives enrichment ratio greater than unity for K and Ca. The first results on marine aerosols trapped in marine clouds (at 1000 m above sea level and at 100 km from the coast) seem to further support the proposed model and its ability to predict the transition from saline to almost entirely organic particles for the smaller fractions of marine aerosols. The possible contribution of these particles to the recycling and to the long range transport of pollutants via marine aerosols has been considered.  相似文献   

介绍了针对中国海域海洋污染环境保障系统的研究进展,并阐述中子活化分析(Neutron Activation Analysis,NAA)方法在其中的可能作用。该系统基于对海洋三维流场的预报与分析,对海洋污染物可能的扩散路径与影响区域、污染源头的可能位置进行推测,并结合GIS技术整合相关的环境敏感信息,为将污染物造成的危害降到最低提供决策支持。基于该系统技术的渤黄海海洋污染物预测预警系统已经实现业务化运行多年,并在中国沿海污染事故应急中多次获得成功的经验。目前,针对重金属与放射性污染物的环境保障系统正处于理论实验阶段,由于NAA方法特别适合用于对部分重金属及放射性物质的检测,因此NAA方法对实现海洋重金属及放射性污染物的监测及预测预警具有非常重要的实用价值。  相似文献   

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