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Non-Maxwellian electron velocity distribution functions, computed for Dupree's (1972) model of the solar transition region in a previous paper, are used to calculate ionization rates for ions of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen. Ionization equilibrium populations for these ions are then computed and compared with similar calculations assuming Maxwellian distribution functions for the electrons. The results show that the ion populations change (compared to the values computed with a Maxwellian) in some cases by several orders of magnitude depending on the ion and its temperature of formation.  相似文献   

Areas of network emission features in C ii 1135, C iii 977, O iv 544 and O vi 1032 were measured in and out of coronal holes. In the quiet Sun these areas, on the average, showed a 20% increase between C ii and O vi. In the coronal holes there was no significant average variation, but a number of the features showed an interesting decrease in area at intermediate temperatures.  相似文献   

In the paper it is investigated how the non-Maxwellian electron velocity distribution function associated with steep temperature gradient affects the cyclotron radio emission at centimeter wavelengths. The results obtained were used to calculate the distribution of the brightness temperature across a sunspot. The presence of the large electron temperature gradient in the transition region may lead to a significant increase of the observed brightness temperature (up to several tens of percent) in comparison with the brightness temperature obtained by assumption of the Maxwellian distribution function.  相似文献   

Energetic electron injection events result in the arrival of loss-cone distributions of electrons at energies of a few keV close to the plasmapause at local midnight. These distributions favour the growth of strong electrostatic waves with some conversion to electromagnetic nonthermal continuum emissions near to the geomagnetic equator.GEOS2 located at the geostationary orbit (L = 6.6, 3.3° South) has observed these continuum emissions for a number of electron injection events. Their unique frequency structure provides a measurement of the geomagnetic field strength at the source and hence its radial position, while direction finding measurements at GEOS2 complete the source location determination.Measurements of source locations as a function of time after the start of an electron injection event, yield typical inwards motions of 1REh?1. In this way the emissions provide a remote sensing of the plasmapause location from the geostationary orbit.  相似文献   

The properties of explosive events in the solar transition zone are presented by means of detailed examples and statistical analyses. These events are observed as regions of exceptionally high velocity ( 100 km s–1) in profiles of Civ, formed at 105 K, observed with the High Resolution Telescope and Spectrograph (HRTS). The following average properties have been determined from observations obtained during the third rocket flight of the HRTS: full width at half maximum extent along the slit - 1.6 × 103 km; maximum velocity - 110 km s–1; peak emission measure - 4 × 1041 cm–3; lifetime - 60 s; birthrate - 4 × 10–21 cm–2 s–1 in a coronal hole and 1 × 10–20 cm–2 s–1 in the quiet Sun; mass - 6 × 108 g; and, kinetic energy - 6 × 1022 erg. The 6 examples show that there are considerable variations from these average parameters in individual events. Although small, the events show considerable spatial structure and are not point-like objects. A spatial separation is often detected between the positions of the red and blue shifted components and consequently the profile cannot be explained by turbulence alone. Mass motions in the events appear to be isotropic because the maximum observed velocity does not show any correlation with heliographic latitude. Apparent motions of the 100 km s–1 plasmas during their 60 s lifetime should be detected but none are seen. The spatial frequency of occurrence shows a maximum near latitudes of 40–50°, but otherwise their sites seem to be randomly distributed. There is enough mass in the explosive events that they could make a substantial contribution to the solar wind. It is hard to explain the heating of typical quiet structures by the release of energy in explosive events.  相似文献   

The occurrence of oscillatory mode for magnetized fluid in the presence of vertical and horizontal temperature gradients has been studied. In both the cases (highly viscous and low-viscosity fluids) the occurrence of oscillatory solutions to the Bénard problem has been investigated as a function of Prandtl number, magnetic number, resistivity number and the ratio of applied temperature gradients. It is clear that the high Prandtl numbers completely change the character of instability and of the solutions as compared to those appropriate for low Prandtl-number fluids. It has also been shown that small horizontal temperature gradient readily generate oscillatory modes only for real frequencies. The critical Rayleigh number is higher than the critical Rayleigh number of non-magnetized fluid in both the cases-i.e., highly viscous fluid and one of moderate viscosity.  相似文献   

The non-thermal shielding effects on the inverse Compton scattering are investigated in astrophysical non-thermal Lorentzian plasmas. The inverse Compton power is obtained by the modified Compton scattering cross section in Lorentzian plasmas with the blackbody photon distribution. The total Compton power is also obtained by the Lorentzan distribution of plasmas. It is found that the influence of non-thermal character of the plasma suppresses the inverse Compton power in astrophysical Lorentzian plasmas. It is also found that the non-thermal effect on the inverse Compton power decreases with an increase of the temperature. In addition, the non-thermal effect on the total Compton power with Lorentzan plasmas increases in low-temperature photons and, however, decreases in intermediate-temperature photons with increasing Debye length. The variation of the total Compton power is also discussed.  相似文献   

Processes leading to the excitation of soft X-ray line spectra are discussed in relation to their thermal or non-thermal nature. Through analysis of calcium spectra from the XRP experiment on SMM, it is shown that the ionization balance during the gradual phase of flares is effectively in the steady-state. A search of suitable complex flares with multiple impulsive features has shown indications of soft X-ray line intensity anomalies, consistent with the presence of a non-thermal electron component.  相似文献   

During operations on the Spacelab-2 Shuttle mission, the NRL High Resolution Telescope and Spectrograph (HRTS) recorded spectra of a variety of solar features in the 1200–1700 Å wavelength region which contains spectral lines and continua well suited for investigating the temperature minimum, the chromosphere and transition zone. These data show that, at the highest spatial resolution, the transition zone spectra are broken up from a continuous intensity distribution along the slit into discrete emission elements. The average dimensions of these discrete transition zone structures is 2400 km along the slit, but an analysis of their emission measures and densities shows that the dimensions of the actual emitting volume is conciderably less. If these structures are modelled as an ensemble of subresolution filaments, we find that these filaments have typical radii of from 3 to 30 km and that the cross-sectional fill factor is in the range from 10–5 to 10–2. The transport of mass and energy through these transition zone structures is reduced by this same factor of 10–5 to 10–2 which has significant consequences for our understanding of the dynamics of the solar atmosphere. Because the HRTS transition zone line profiles are not broadened by resolved large-spatial-scale solar velocity fields, the line widths of the Civ lines have been analyzed. The average line width is 0.195 Å (FWHM) and requires an average nonthermal velocity of 16 km s–1 (most-probable) or 19 km s–1 (root-mean-square) which is lower than previously observed values.  相似文献   

Data obtained during the first rocket flight of the NRL High Resolution Telescope and Spectrograph (HRTS) have been used to study nonthermal velocities for spectral lines primarily covering the temperature range 104 to 2 × 106 K. The high spectral and spatial resolution, combined with an enhanced dynamic intensity range of the reduced data, has enabled us to study the distribution of the nonthermal velocities for quiet and active regions. Average values of the nonthermal velocities peak at about 27 km s–1 at 105 K for the quiet regions, with a wide distribution of nonthermal velocities for each line. The active region nonthermal velocities have a narrower distribution which is weighted towards higher values. The SiIV and C IV line profiles are not well described by a single Gaussian, indicating that high-velocity components (above 30 km s–1) are present in the quiet-Sun spectra. The radiative losses for all plasma above l05 K have been calculated for the quiet Sun, an active region and a coronal hole. These have been compared with the acoustic wave flux inferred from the nonthermal line widths. There appears to be a sufficient flux of waves to heat these regions of the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Theoretical temperature, velocity and density profiles for the area above an optical depth = 10–8 in the Sun were computed. An approximation for the coefficient of thermal conductivity was used; dissipation of shock wave energy as well as that of sound wave energy was taken into account and the height of shock formation was determined by a condition on the pressure. Comparison shows that our theoretical curves correspond very well with the observations.  相似文献   

Measurements by balloon-borne instruments, data from the satellites Explorer 41 and 43 and riometer recordings were used to investigate the influence of magnetospheric processes on the precipitation of energetic solar protons related to the occurrence of two ssc's on 8–9 August 1972. The high-energy protons (Ep ? 30 MeV) had direct access to auroral-zone latitudes. The flux variations of low-energy (some MeV) protons in interplanetary space and the magnetosphere were different from those of the protons precipitated in the auroral zone. These low-energy protons were precipitated mainly during and after the ssc's. The importance of direct proton access, radial diffusion, pitch angle scattering and proton acceleration for the explanation of the low-energy proton behaviour is discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of non-thermal Dupree turbulence and the plasma shielding on the electron–ion collision is investigated in astrophysical non-thermal Lorentzian turbulent plasmas. The second-order eikonal analysis and the effective interaction potential including the Lorentzian far-field term are employed to obtain the eikonal scattering phase shift and the eikonal collision cross section as functions of the diffusion coefficient, impact parameter, collision energy, Debye length and spectral index of the astrophysical Lorentzian plasma. It is shown that the non-thermal effect suppresses the eikonal scattering phase shift. However, it enhances the eikonal collision cross section in astrophysical non-thermal turbulent plasmas. The effect of non-thermal turbulence on the eikonal atomic collision cross section is weakened with increasing collision energy. The variation of the atomic cross section due to the non-thermal Dupree turbulence is also discussed.  相似文献   

The reflection coefficient for sound or Alfvén waves reaching the transition zone is evaluated. A family of temperature profiles, including T 5/2 dT/dz = constant, permits analytical solutions for the velocity and yields the reflection coefficient as a function of both the wavelength and the temperature jump across the zone. When the temperature jump is large, even waves appreciably shorter than the zone thickness are reflected efficiently.Wave reflection disorders the waves in and below the transition zone, because rising waves there interact with reflected waves in a manner more similar to turbulence than to shock steepening.The distribution in directions of hydromagnetic waves is determined by the non-uniformity of their sources. Most inhomogeneities in the wave source cause the waves to resemble isotropic fastmode waves more than Alfvén waves. This places severe restrictions on possible sources of Alfvén waves.  相似文献   

The heights of formation of a number of extreme ultraviolet lines in active regions have been measured from OSO-IV spectroheliograms. Using the Lyman continuum at 2000 km above the white light limb as a reference, we find heights for Hei, Heii, Ciii, Niii, Oiv, Ovi, Neviii, Mgx, Sixii, Fexv and Fexvi that are in approximate agreement with models based on analysis of EUV emission intensities. The height of Cii is anomalously high. The accuracy of measurement is typically about 2000 km. The data suggest that the transition zone is less steep than calculated from EUV emission intensities; however, higher resolution observations are necessary to resolve the discrepancy.  相似文献   

EUV spectroheliograms of the quiet Sun obtained with the Harvard experiment on Skylab are analyzed to identify the structure causing the weakening of the EUV line emission due to Lyman continuum absorption. The weakening at the network boundaries can be explained by overlapping of several spicules each of which being wrapped in an EUV emitting sheath. Part of the cell interiors show moderate weakening, this has the shape of a belt surrounding the network boundaries. There are a number of patches showing intense weakening near network boundaries and in cell interiors; the weakening at the points cannot be explained by overlapping of chromospheric structures with an EUV emitting sheath. A possible explanation is that the intense weakening is caused by cool chromospheric clouds or moving blobs over the EUV emitting sources in the cell interiors. Some of the points showing intense weakening are associated with an enhancement of the EUV emission. These points have lifetime shorter than the time interval of 5.5 min between successive observations, which stresses again that the chromosphere-corona transition zone is in a dynamic state.  相似文献   

The rapid increase in the low temperature TL in the first 8 cm of both the Apollo 11 and 12 core tubes illustrates the importance of thermal draining in determining the level of natural TL. We have previously shown that the subsequent decrease in TL at greater depths in the Apollo 12 double core could be attributed in part to a temperature rise because of a positive heat flow. However more refined and detailed measurements reported here show that the TL does not vary monotonically with depth but shows distinct structure. To investigate the nature of this structure we have made measurements on small samples consisting of a few grains each. We find in 14259 and 12033 that only a small fraction of the grains (~1/50) contribute most of the TL. It is also clear that at least two, and possibly more, distinct TL phases are present. The brightest grains frequently contain an AlSiK phase and, less often, a phosphate phase. Still others appear to be a special form of plagioclase. This latter must be relatively rare since most plagioclase grains clearly contribute little TL. Uranium is also found to be associated with P and K bearing grains and it is possible that the radiation responsible for the TL may consist of variable proportions of internal uranium (and thorium) doses mixed with cosmic ray ionization. This could explain the structure. In principle both U rich and U poor thermoluminescing grains can be used independently to study temperature variations in the core.  相似文献   

Transfer of material between the chromosphere and corona of the Sun must occur whenever the geometry of any interconnecting magnetic structure changes, and there will also be a flow of plasma along field lines caused by any pressure difference between the two feet of each arch. Part of the energy conducted downwards towards the chromosphere is required to heat plasma rising into the corona, whereas material falling back towards the solar surface gives up energy to reinforce the conducted flow.This study shows that the term associated with flow is comparable to the radiation-loss term in the energy budget of the transition zone if the plasma speed at the base of the corona reaches about 3 km s–1. This value is probably exceeded within most flux tubes during some period of their development, and speeds an order of magnitude higher can occur in favourable regions.This paper also examines limits to the temperature gradient of the transition zone set by the requirement of continuity of plasma flow.  相似文献   

In this paper we present the results of a study of the thermal balance of the lower F-region at mid- to low latitudes. By using a mathematical model with input data based on in situ measurements along AE-C orbits 457, 666 and 677 (26 January, 1974, 14 February, 1974 and 15 February, 1974, respectively) we demonstrate that electron heat conduction along the magnetic field lines has to be included in the model if good agreement between the calculated and observed electron temperatures is to be achieved. This gives support to the suggestion made by Hoegy and Brace (1978), that the discrepancy in the shape of the electron heating and electron cooling rate distributions reported by Brace et al. (1976) resulted mainly from neglecting heat conduction in the electron gas. In addition, our results indicate that the currently used plasma heating and plasma cooling rates and the photoelectron heating rates calculated by Brace et al. (1976) for the orbits used in this study are consistent with the AE-C in situ measurements.  相似文献   

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