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刘诚  沈永明 《水科学进展》2008,19(6):851-856
水生植物的存在改变了明渠内水流的流动结构,也影响着泥沙的输运。建立三维湍流模型,在水流控制方程中加入植被阻力项和植被密度项来考虑刚性植物对水动力特性和泥沙输运特性的影响。应用该三维数值模型计算了矩形水槽内淹没植被对水流水平时均流速垂向分布的影响、复式明渠边滩栽种挺水植被对水流深度、平均流速分布以及植被岛周围泥沙床面的冲淤变形的影响。数值计算结果与实测结果吻合良好,表明本模型可以有效地描述刚性水生植物对水流泥沙运动的影响。  相似文献   

This study examines flow, turbulence and sand suspension over large dunes in Canoe Pass, a distributary channel of the Fraser River delta, Canada. Dune morphology is characterized by a symmetrical shape and steep leeside slopes over 30°. Velocity was measured with an electromagnetic current meter and suspended sand concentration with four optical backscatter (OBS) probes. The general patterns of time-averaged velocity and sand suspension are consistent with previous studies, including an increase in mean velocity and decrease in turbulence intensity and sand concentration with height above the bed, reversed flow with high turbulence intensity and high sand concentrations in the leeside flow separation zone and an increase in near-bed velocity and sand concentration along the stoss side of the dune. Frequency spectra of near-bed velocity and OBS records from leeside separation zones are composed of two distinct frequencies, providing field confirmation of scale relations based on flume experiments. The low-frequency spectral signal probably results from wake flapping and the high-frequency signal from vortex shedding. The wake-flapping frequency predominates outside the separation zone and is linked to turbulent structures that suspend sand. Predictions from a depth-scale Strouhal Law show good agreement with measured wake-flapping frequencies. Cross-correlations of OBS records reveal that turbulent sand suspension structures advect downstream at 23–25° above the horizontal. These advection angles are similar to coherent flow structures measured in flumes and to sand suspension structures visualized over large dunes in the field.  相似文献   

Rapid (10 s) measurements of sediment transport and wind speed on the stoss slope of a transverse dune indicate that the majority of sand transported is associated with fluctuations in wind speed with a periodicity of 5–20 min duration. Increases in the sediment transport rate towards the dune crest are associated with a small degree of flow acceleration. The increase in wind speed is sufficient, however, to greatly increase values of the intermittency index ( γ ), so that the duration of saltation is extended in crestal regions of the dune. The pattern of sediment transport on the stoss slope and, therefore, the locus of areas of erosion and deposition change with the regional wind speed. Erosion of the crest occurs during wind speed events just above transport threshold, whereas periods of higher magnitude winds result in deposition of sand upwind of the crest, thereby increasing dune height. Although short-term temporal and spatial relations between sand transport and wind speed on the stoss slope are well understood, it is not clear how these relations affect dune morphology over longer periods of time.  相似文献   

The alluvial architecture of fine‐grained (silt‐bed) meandering rivers remains poorly understood in comparison to the extensive study given to sand‐bed and gravel‐bed channels. This paucity of knowledge stems, in part, from the difficulty of studying such modern rivers and deriving analogue information from which to inform facies models for ancient sediments. This paper employs a new technique, the parametric echosounder, to quantify the subsurface structure of the Río Bermejo, Argentina, which is a predominantly silt‐bed river with a large suspended sediment load. These results show that the parametric echosounder can provide high‐resolution (decimetre) subsurface imaging from fine‐grained rivers that is equivalent to the more commonly used ground‐penetrating radar that has been shown to work well in coarser‐grained rivers. Analysis of the data reveals that the alluvial architecture of the Río Bermejo is characterized by large‐scale inclined heterolithic stratification generated by point‐bar evolution, and associated large‐scale scour surfaces that result from channel migration. The small‐scale and medium‐scale structure of the sedimentary architecture is generated by vertical accretion deposits, bed sets associated with small bars, dunes and climbing ripples and the cut and fill from small cross‐bar channels. This style of alluvial architecture is very different from other modern fine‐grained rivers reported in the literature that emphasize the presence of oblique accretion. The Río Bermejo differs from these other rivers because it is much more active, with very high rates of bank erosion and channel migration. Modern examples of this type of highly active fine‐grained river have been reported rarely in the literature, although ancient examples are more prevalent and show similarities with the alluvial architecture of the Río Bermejo, which thus represents a useful analogue for their identification and interpretation. Although the full spectrum of the sedimentology of fine‐grained rivers has yet to be revealed, meandering rivers dominated by lateral or oblique accretion probably represent end members of such channels, with the specific style of sedimentation being controlled by grain size and sediment load characteristics.  相似文献   

三门峡库区一维非恒定非均匀泥沙输移数学模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
黄河是高含沙河流,含沙量季节差异显著。因此研究黄河干流的非恒定水沙输移规律以及库区泥沙的淤积问题极为重要。应用圣维南方程组以及非恒定泥沙连续方程建立了非恒定非均匀泥沙含沙量计算公式,并根据沙量平衡方程推求出三门峡库区河底高程的变化规律。使用已有的资料对模型进行的验证表明:模型计算与实测资料符合良好,该模型具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

通过对特大型泥石流灾害发生的思考,详细分析了蒋家沟1995—1997年43场泥石流暴发的不同权重的前期和始发日降雨量与泥石流产沙规模的关系。分析结果表明:泥石流的产沙规模与不同权重降雨的入渗范围、深度的土体极限应力状态(C、Ф、P,)有关。根据不同权重的前期和始发日降雨量与泥石流产沙规模的关系,可以将泥石流分为:土力型(A)和迳流型(B)两大类型。土力型(A)泥石流有24场占总样本的55.81%,而其产沙量却占样本总产沙量的85%。迳流型(B)泥石流有19场占总样本的44.19%,但该类泥石流的产沙量只占样本总产沙量的15%。  相似文献   

The partitioning of the total sediment load of a river into suspended load and bedload is an important problem in fluvial geomorphology, sedimentation engineering and sedimentology. Bedload transport rates are notoriously hard to measure and, at many sites, only suspended load data are available. Often the bedload fraction is estimated with ‘rule of thumb’ methods such as Maddock’s Table, which are inadequately field‐tested. Here, the partitioning of sediment load for the Pitzbach is discussed, an Austrian mountain stream for which high temporal resolution data on both bedload and suspended load are available. The available data show large scatter on all scales. The fraction of the total load transported in suspension may vary between zero and one at the Pitzbach, while its average decreases with rising discharge (i.e. bedload transport is more important during floods). Existing data on short‐term and long‐term partitioning is reviewed and an empirical equation to estimate bedload transport rates from measured suspended load transport rates is suggested. The partitioning averaged over a flood can vary strongly from event to event. Similar variations may occur in the year‐to‐year averages. Using published simultaneous short‐term field measurements of bedload and suspended load transport rates, Maddock’s Table is reviewed and updated. Long‐term average partitioning could be a function of the catchment geology, the fraction of the catchment covered by glaciers and the extent of forest, but the available data are insufficient to draw final conclusions. At a given drainage area, scatter is large, but the data show a minimal fraction of sediment transported in suspended load, which increases with increasing drainage area and with decreasing rock strength for gravel‐bed rivers, whereby in large catchments the bedload fraction is insignificant at ca 1%. For sand‐bed rivers, the bedload fraction may be substantial (30% to 50%) even for large catchments. However, available data are scarce and of varying quality. Long‐term partitioning varies widely among catchments and the available data are currently not sufficient to discriminate control parameters effectively.  相似文献   

Glacial mélange in the open-cast mine at Amsdorf, central Germany, consists of several square meters of large, sorted sediment blocks embedded in till. The blocks are composed of largely intact to slightly deformed glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine sand, silt and clay, initially deposited in a proglacial lake (2–3 km up-ice) and subsequently overridden by a glacier. The blocks typically have cuboid to subrounded outlines, are randomly distributed in the till, and the contacts with the surrounding till are distinctly sharp. Underneath the mélange are varved clays which exhibit strong deformations occasionally intervening with entirely undisturbed areas. It is suggested that the blocks were entrained into debris-rich basal-ice by bulk freeze-on when the glacier sole was lowered onto the bottom of an overridden lake. After entrainment the blocks were transported englacially and re-deposited (with far-traveled till matrix) as a melt-out till from stagnant ice. The glacier moved mainly by sliding enhanced by low-permeability varved clays in the substratum. The glacier is believed to have been of a polythermal type. These results show that bulk freeze-on can lead to entrainment of soft sediment blocks at least 20 m2 in size, and that these blocks can be englacially transported with little or no deformation for several kilometers and more. The occurrence of deformed and undeformed clays under the till mélange indicates a possible mosaic of coupled and decoupled ice, the latter caused by a thin, transient subglacial water film separating the bed from the glacier.  相似文献   

Previous workers have proposed that northward‐directed bedload transport dominates the inner shelf of the Great Barrier Reef lagoon. Results from a sediment sampling survey along the 10 m isobath between Bowen and Cape York reveal a series of northward trends of increasing sediment maturity and demonstrate pervasive north‐directed sediment transport interacting with a succession of sediment (fluvial) sources. South of the Tully River, the occurrence of limited compositional variability indicates significant mixing on the inner shelf. However, further north the data are highly variable, suggesting that sediment inputs from individual rivers may be retained relatively close to source. This may be related to a greater sediment trapping efficiency within northern embayments and/or by lower net rates of along‐shelf transport.  相似文献   

利用鄱阳湖流域代表性水文站1956—2008年实测年径流量及年输沙量资料序列,采用Mann-Kendall秩相关检验法,研究鄱阳湖流域水沙量年际变化趋势和可能发生突变的时间,并从流域降雨、用水、水库拦沙、水土流失及其治理等方面分析了鄱阳湖流域水沙变化的主要影响因素。研究结果表明:鄱阳湖地区来水量和出湖水量有小幅增大趋势;鄱阳湖流域来沙量呈异常显著减小趋势,发生突变的年份为1998—1999年;实测出湖沙量从2002年开始呈明显的减少趋势。通过对有关影响因素的研究,发现鄱阳湖流域气候变化降雨量减少对近10年鄱阳湖出入湖径流量的减少影响显著;水库滞沙是鄱阳湖入湖沙量减少的主要原因;出湖沙量变化主要受上游水库群的影响,还有近年湖区采砂的影响。  相似文献   

河道内水流和泥沙是污染物迁移转化的主要载体,研究河道内污染物迁移转化过程以及水沙运动对其影响对于治理日益恶化的河流水环境非常重要。结合国内外研究最新动态,对水沙运动作用下污染物迁移转化的试验研究、作用机理、理论模式和数学模型等进行了总结和概述,重点对几种典型的理论模式和数学模型进行了比较分析。目前河流水沙运动对污染物迁移转化效应相关研究存在试验方法比较局限、作用机理存在分歧、理论模式和数学模型不完备等问题,需要进一步进行室内和野外试验技术创新、颗粒界面动力学的微观探索以及污染物在上下覆水和界面上迁移转化理论研究。对河流水沙运动对污染物迁移转化效应研究的研究方向提出了展望。  相似文献   

以一维数学模型为例,通过数值实验及渭河实际资料的验证,发现在含沙量较大的情况下,水流连续方程里的浑水与床面的交换项对流量影响是明显的,计算中应予考虑.解释了在像黄河这样的多沙河流中存在的“水变沙”、“沙变水”的现象.由此可见,在模拟含沙量较大河流的水沙数学模型中,应完整考虑水流连续方程的微元河段的水量变化率、进出通量变化及浑水与床面的交换通量这三项.  相似文献   

Daniel Buscombe 《Sedimentology》2013,60(7):1709-1732
In images of sedimentary or granular material, or simulations of binary (two‐phase) granular media, in which the individual grains are resolved, the complete size distribution of apparent grain axes is well‐approximated by the global power spectral density function derived using a Morlet wavelet. This approach overcomes many limitations of previous automated methods for estimating the grain‐size distribution from images, all of which rely on either: identification and segmentation of individual grains; calibration and/or relatively large sample sizes. The new method presented here is tested using: (i) various types of simulations of two‐phase media with a size distribution, with and without preferred orientation; (ii) 300 sample images drawn from 46 populations of sands and gravels from around the world, displaying a wide variability in origin (biogenic and mineralogical), size, surface texture and shape; (iii) petrographic thin section samples from nine populations of sedimentary rock; (iv) high‐resolution scans of marine sediment cores; and (v) non‐sedimentary natural granular patterns including sea ice and patterned ground. The grain‐size distribution obtained is equivalent to the distribution of apparent intermediate grain diameters, grid by number style. For images containing sufficient well‐resolved grains, root mean square errors are within tens of percent for percentiles across the entire grain‐size distribution. As such, this method is the first of its type which is completely transferable, unmodified, without calibration, for both consolidated and unconsolidated sediment, isotropic and anisotropic two‐phase media, and even non‐sedimentary granular patterns. The success of the wavelet approach is due, in part, to it quantifying both spectral and spatial information from the sediment image simultaneously, something which no previously developed technique is able to do.  相似文献   

The Darwin Mounds are small (up to 70 m in diameter), discrete cold‐water coral banks found at c. 950 m water depth in the northern Rockall Trough, north‐east Atlantic. Formerly described in terms of their genesis, the Darwin Mounds are re‐evaluated here in terms of mound growth processes based on 100 and 410 kHz side‐scan sonar data. The side‐scan sonar coverage is divided into a series of acoustic facies representing increasing current speed and sediment transport/erosion from south to north: pockmark facies, ‘mounds within depressions’ facies, Darwin Mound facies, stippled seabed facies and sand wave facies. Mound morphometric changes are quantified and show a south‐to‐north divergence from an inherited morphology, reflecting the outline of coral‐colonized fluid escape structures, to developed, downstream elongated, elevated mound forms. It is postulated that increasing current speeds and bedload sand transport favour mound growth and development by a process of enhanced sand sedimentation within mounds due to current deceleration by frictional drag around coral colonies. Comparisons are made with similar growth processes attributed to comparably sized cold‐water coral mounds in the Porcupine Seabight, offshore Ireland.  相似文献   

 Analyses of the sedimentological trend from 90 samples collected at 1-km intervals along a tropical microtidal coastline of northern Terengganu indicate that the preferred sediment transport direction was northwards, following the McLaren model. The extent of disruption to and reestablishment of the sedimentological trend on beaches north of two river mouths within the study area was used to determine their relative importance in supplying sediment to the beaches. The extent of disruption to the sedimentological trend was 18 and 14 km for the beaches north of the Terengganu and Setiu River mouths, respectively. This suggests that the Terengganu River is more important in supplying sediments to the beach than the Setiu River. To a limited extent this study showed that the McLaren model can be applied to deduce sediment transport direction on a microtidal coastline, while disruption to the sedimentological trend adjacent to river mouths can be used to compare the relative importance of rivers in supplying sediments, provided that the disruption to the sedimentological trend is small enough so as to allow for the trend to be discernible again further along the transport path. Received: 8 May 1997 · Accepted: 12 August 1997  相似文献   

Sediment in coastal Namibia to southern Angola is supplied dominantly from the Orange River with minor additional fluvial input and negligible modifications by chemical processes, which makes this a great test case for investigating physical controls on sand texture and composition. This study monitored textural, mineralogical and geochemical variability in beach and aeolian‐dune sands along a ca 1750 km stretch of the Atlantic coast of southern Africa by using an integrated set of techniques, including image analysis, laser granulometry, optical microscopy, Raman spectroscopy and bulk‐sediment geochemistry. These results contrast with previous reports that feldspars and volcanic detritus break down during transport, that sand grains are rounded rapidly in shallow‐marine environments, and that quartzose sands may be produced by physical processes. Mechanical wear is unable to modify the relative abundance of detrital components, including pyroxene and mafic volcanic rock fragments traditionally believed to be destroyed rapidly. The sole exceptions are poorly lithified or cleaved sedimentary/metasedimentary rock fragments, readily lost at the transition to the marine environment, and slow‐settling flaky micas, winnowed and deposited offshore. Coastal sediments tend to be depleted in relatively mobile amphibole, preferentially entrained offshore or re‐deposited in sheltered beaches, while less mobile garnet is retained onshore. No detrital mineral displays a significant increase in grain roundness after 300 to 350 km of longshore transport in high‐energy littoral environments from the Orange mouth to south of the Namib Erg, but all minerals get rapidly rounded after passing into the dunefield. Pyroxene and opaques get rounded faster than harder quartz and garnet, but sand mineralogy remains unchanged. Excepting strong transient selective‐entrainment effects, physical processes are unable to modify sand composition significantly. Selective mechanical breakdown can be largely neglected in quantitative provenance analysis of sand and sandstone even in the case of ultra‐long‐distance transport in high‐energy environments dominated by strong persistent winds and waves.  相似文献   

A low-angle thrust fault places high-PT granulites (hangingwall) of the Internal Zone of the Neoproterozoic Brasília Belt (Tocantins Province, central Brazil) in contact with a lower-grade footwall (External Zone) comprised of nappes of distal passive margin- and back-arc basin-related supracrustals. The footwall units were emplaced at  750 Ma onto proximal sedimentary rocks (Paranoá Group) of the São Francisco paleo-continent passive margin. The high-PT belt is comprised of 645–630 Ma granulite-facies paragneiss and orthogneiss, and mafic–ultramafic complexes that include three major layered intrusions and metavolcanic rocks granulitized at  750 Ma. These complexes occur within lower-grade metasedimentary rocks in the hangingwall of the Maranhão River Thrust, which forms the Internal Zone–External Zone boundary fault to the north of the Pirineus Zone of High Strain. Detailed lithostructural studies carried out in Maranhão River Thrust hangingwall and footwall metasedimentary rocks between the Niquelândia and Barro Alto complexes, and also to the east of these, indicate the same lithotypes and Sm–Nd isotopic signatures, and the same D1D2 progressive deformation and greenschist-facies metamorphism. Additionally, footwall metasedimentary rocks exclusively display a post-D2 deformation indicating that the Maranhão River Thrust propagated through upper crustal rocks of the Paranoá Group relatively late during the tectonic evolution of the belt. Fault propagation was a consequence of intraplate underthrusting during granulite exhumation. The results allow for a better tectonic understanding of the Brasília Belt and the Tocantins Province, as well as explaining the presence of the Pirineus Zone of High Strain.  相似文献   

Two old drift units called Poti‐Malal and Seguro have been differentiated in the Río Grande basin based on relative‐age criteria, stratigraphical relationships, morphology and fission‐track dating. A tephra dated at 0.226 ± 0.025 Ma was deposited on the Poti‐Malal drift and underlies the Seguro outwash, which is inferred to equate with marine oxygen isotope stage 6. The stratigraphical position and age suggest that the tephra post‐dates the Poti‐Malal glaciation and that it is older than the Seguro drift. The Poti‐Malal glaciation must be at least as old as Early–Middle Pleistocene, and the Seguro glaciation is assigned to the penultimate glaciation. The tephra unit may have been deposited during marine oxygen isotope stage 7. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Deltas are important coastal sediment accumulation zones in both marine and lacustrine settings. However, currents derived from tides, waves or rivers can transfer that sediment into distal, deep environments, connecting terrestrial and deep marine depozones. The sediment transfer system of the Rhone River in Lake Geneva is composed of a sublacustrine delta, a deeply incised canyon and a distal lobe, which resembles, at a smaller scale, deep‐sea fan systems fed by high discharge rivers. From the comparison of two bathymetric datasets, collected in 1891 and 2014, a sediment budget was calculated for eastern Lake Geneva, based on which sediment distribution patterns were defined. During the past 125 years, sediment deposition occurred mostly in three high sedimentation rate areas: the proximal delta front, the canyon‐levée system and the distal lobe. Mean sedimentation rates in these areas vary from 0·0246 m year?1 (distal lobe) to 0·0737 m year?1 (delta front). Although the delta front–levées–distal lobe complex only comprises 17·0% of the analysed area, it stored 74·9% of the total deposited sediment. Results show that 52·5% of the total sediment stored in this complex was transported toward distal locations through the sublacustrine canyon. Namely, the canyon–levée complex stored 15·9% of the total sediment, while 36·6% was deposited in the distal lobe. The results thus show that in deltaic systems where density currents can occur regularly, a significant proportion of riverine sediment input may be transferred to the canyon‐lobe systems leading to important distal sediment accumulation zones.  相似文献   

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