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富营养化湖泊中的鲢、鳙控藻问题:争议与共识   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘其根  张真 《湖泊科学》2016,28(3):463-475
我国湖泊富营养化的治理方向正在从污染控制走向湖泊的生态修复与管理,因此以鲢、鳙为主导的非经典生物操纵技术受到了关注和重视.然而,鲢、鳙控藻的研究有成败两方面的案例,导致人们对能否利用鲢、鳙控制富营养化湖泊中藻类的过度增长的看法仍有分歧.本文通过对国内大量相关研究案例进行剖析,指出了导致鲢、鳙控藻试验产生不同结果的可能原因,提出了对鲢、鳙控藻研究可以得到的共识,以便为我国湖泊环境的管理和保护提供借鉴.  相似文献   

Uptake and biological effects of synthetic glucocorticoids (GCs) were analyzed using common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Fish were exposed to clobetasol propionate (CP) or clobetasone butyrate (CB) individually or in mixture at 1 μg L−1 for 21 days. Bioconcentration factor (BCF) of CB was calculated as 100, and BCF of CP was less than 16. No effects were found in fish erythrocyte and leukocyte numbers and serum glucose levels after exposure to the selected GCs. On the other hand, serum concentrations of free amino acids significantly increased in GC-exposed groups. Thus, exposures to synthetic GCs at relatively low concentrations seemed to cause enhancement of protein degradation and subsequent increase of serum free amino acids without a corresponding increase in serum glucose levels, an effect which might be related to partial induction of gluconeogenesis by GC.  相似文献   

Large lakes enclosures were used to examine the influence of nutrient (P, N) enrichment and planktivorous fish (1 + yellow perch) predation on hypolimnetic oxygen depletion. Results were compared to similar data for lakes with high (Lake St. George) and low (Haynes Lake) abundances of planktivorous fish. In both the unfertilized and fertilized enclosures, fish predation on large cladocerans increased the biomasses of pico- and nanoplankton (0.2–20 µm), phytoplankton (chlorophyll a) and total phosphorus (TP), reduced sedimentation, water clarity, and hypolimnetic oxygen concentrations (AHO). Fertilized enclosures without fish had highest TP and sedimentation rates, but the AHO were low. The high planktivore lake had higher pico- and nanoplankton, higher chlorophyll a, reduced water clarity, and lower AHO than the low planktivore lake. Areal hypolimnetic oxygen depletion (AHOD) rates were strongly related with Secchi depth and plankton size-distribution (r 2 = 0.77, and 0.79, respectively), but not as strongly with TP, chlorophyll a, and sedimentation rates (r 2 = 0.25, 0.53, and 0.02, respectively). Such observations are useful in forming a generalized hypothesis that lakes with low planktivory and high water clarity have lower oxygen depletion because 1) plankton that are settling are larger and spend less time in the hypolimnetic water column before reaching the sediment, and therefore undergo less decomposition, and 2) the euphotic depth extends into the hypolimnion and production of oxygen can take place.  相似文献   

王玉玉  徐军  雷光春 《湖泊科学》2014,26(6):853-856
稳定同位素分析技术已成为食物网研究中的关键技术,通用方法是取鱼类背部白色肌肉,在实际应用过程会导致鱼类的死亡,因而有所局限.使用非致命组织作为稳定同位素研究中的替代组织越来越得到关注,但是目前国内尚未开展相关研究.比较鳙(Aristichthy nobilis)、鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)鱼鳞与肌肉组织中δ13C和δ15N比值,发现鳙、鲢的鱼鳞与肌肉组织中δ13C和δ15N比值均有显著差异.鱼鳞δ13C比值比肌肉更富集,平均高2.54‰,而δ15N比值比肌肉平均低0.7‰.对鳙、鲢的鱼鳞与肌肉组织δ15N比值含量进行相关分析发现,通过构建线性模型,可用校正后的鱼鳞δ15N比值替代肌肉组织δ15N比值.鲢的鱼鳞与肌肉组织δ13C比值存在显著线性相关,而鳙的鱼鳞与肌肉组织δ13C比值无显著相关关系.  相似文献   

The management of the riparian zone has been suggested as a technique for controlling the amounts of phosphorus (P) entering watercourses draining pasture catchments. A study was therefore made of P entering a stream from various sources (rainfall, surface and subsurface derived runoff, direct fallout from aerial topdressing), with the object of providing a rational basis for the design of effective riparian management schemes. P entrained in surface runoff could account for virtually all of the P entering the stream during storms. Approximately 20 per cent of the annual P export from the catchment could be accounted for by direct aerial input of P to the stream during autumn fertilizer topdressing. More than 85 per cent of the P was exported from the catchment as particulate P. Stream sediment had higher P sorption capacities, and were enriched with P relative to the soils from which they were derived. There was a pronounced seasonal variation in sediment enrichment which could be predicted (r2 = 0.92) by the logarithm of the rainfall since fertilizer topdressing (LNFERT) and flood intensity. The amount of P lost in streamflow during any flood event was predicted (r2 = 0.94) by peak flow, seven day antecedent peak flow and LNFERT. Approximately 40 per cent of the 1.3 kg P ha?1 exported during 1981 occurred in four storms with recurrence intervals of more than three months. From a P budget compiled from nine events it was hypothesized that the stream acted as a net sink for P at baseflow and low-medium intensity floods but was a source of P at higher flood intensities. It was concluded that P losses from hill pasture catchments could be reduced by avoidance of direct application of P fertilizer to the stream channel, and by fencing out stock from seasonally saturated areas during periods of saturation. The ultimate success of the latter technique would depend on whether buffer vegetation could retain accumulated P during extreme storm events.  相似文献   

张文武  马琴  黎明政  张晨  高欣 《湖泊科学》2020,32(3):804-812
三峡水库以及上游江段形成的河—库生态系统与长江中下游洞庭湖和鄱阳湖的江湖生态系统都是四大家鱼的重要栖息地,有相似性也有差异.2017年7—8月在三峡水库、洞庭湖和鄱阳湖利用地笼、虾笼、高网和迷魂阵采集草鱼和鲢幼鱼样本,观测耳石日轮,分析三峡水库和通江湖泊草鱼和鲢幼鱼的繁殖时间和早期生长特征及差异,探讨相应的保护措施.结果显示,三峡水库、洞庭湖和鄱阳湖采集草鱼幼鱼的孵化日期分别为4月24日—5月25日、5月21日—6月26日和5月4日—5月28日;鲢幼鱼的孵化日期分别为4月10日—6月12日、5月25日—6月19日和5月9日—6月12日.三峡水库、洞庭湖和鄱阳湖草鱼样本的体长增长率分别为1.04、1.84和1.64 mm/d,微耳石的沉积率分别为3.41、5.41和4.77μm/d;鲢幼鱼的体长增长率分别为1.10、2.87和1.96 mm/d,微耳石沉积率分别为2.96、7.17和4.57μm/d.洞庭湖草鱼和鲢的体长增长率和耳石沉积率均显著大于三峡水库;鄱阳湖鲢的体长增长率和耳石沉积率均显著大于三峡水库,而草鱼的体长增长率和耳石沉积率则与三峡水库没有显著差异.结果表明,三峡水库蓄水后...  相似文献   

The proliferation of algae on disturbed coral reefs has often been attributed to (1) a loss of large-bodied herbivorous fishes, (2) increases in sea water nutrient concentrations, particularly phosphorus, and (3) a loss of hard coral cover or a combination of these and other factors. We performed replicated small-scale caging experiments in the offshore lagoon of Glovers Reef atoll, Belize where three treatments had closed-top (no large-bodied herbivores) and one treatment had open-top cages (grazing by large-bodied herbivores). Closed-top treatments simulated a reduced-herbivory situation, excluding large fishes but including small herbivorous fishes such as damselfishes and small parrotfishes. Treatments in the closed-top cages included the addition of high phosphorus fertilizer, live branches of Acropora cervicornis and a third unmanipulated control treatment. Colonization, algal biomass and species composition on dead A. palmata "plates" were studied weekly for 50 days in each of the four treatments. Fertilization doubled the concentration of phosphorus from 0.35 to 0.77 microM. Closed-top cages, particularly the fertilizer and A. cervicornis additions, attracted more small-bodied parrotfish and damselfish than the open-top cages such that there was moderate levels of herbivory in closed-top cages. The open-top cages did, however, have a higher abundance of the chemically and morphologically defended erect algal species including Caulerpa cupressoides, Laurencia obtusa, Dictyota menstrualis and Lobophora variegata. The most herbivore-resistant calcareous green algae (i.e. Halimeda) were, however, uncommon in all treatments. Algal biomass increased and fluctuated simultaneously in all treatments over time, but algal biomass, as measured by wet, dry and decalcified weight, did not differ greatly between the treatments with only marginally higher biomass (p < 0.06) in the fertilized compared to open-top cages. Algal species composition was influenced by all treatments with a maximum between-treatment Bray-Curtis similarity of only 29%. The fertilized cages showed rapid colonization by a mixed turf community largely composed of the filamentous brown (Hincksia mitchelliae) and green (Enteromorpha prolifera) species. Algal cover in the fertilized cages leveled at 80% after 20 days compared to less than 50% in the other treatments. There was no evidence that A. cervicornis suppressed algal colonization compared to the unmanipulated controls. Instead, the herbivore susceptible Padina sanctae-crucis was the most abundant algae followed by Jania capillacea in this treatment in contrast to the more chemically defended Dictyota menstrualis that dominated the unmanipulated controls. We conclude that A. cervicornis was not suppressing algae as a group and its loss cannot account for the observed changes in algal abundance in most reefs except for creating space. In contrast, A. cervicornis appears to attract aggressive damselfish that may reduce herbivory by larger herbivores. Phosphorus enrichment can lead to rapid colonization of space by filamentous turf communities but not high biomass and dominance of erect frondose algae within 50 days. Moderate levels of herbivory by large-bodied herbivores promoted moderately herbivore-resistant erect brown and green algae that are commonly reported on disturbed reefs. Consequently, all the studied factors influenced algal communities but seldom as commonly predicted.  相似文献   

Food waste was collected from local hotels and fish feed pellets were produced for a 6 months long field feeding trial. Three types of fish feed pellets (control diet: Jinfeng® 613 formulated feed, contains mainly fish meal, plant product and fish oil; Diet A: food waste based diet without meat and 53% cereal; Diet B: food waste based diet with 25% meat and 28% cereal) were used in polyculture fish ponds to investigate the growth of fish (grass carp, bighead and mud carp), changes in water quality and plankton density. No significant differences in the levels of nitrogen and phosphorous compounds of water body were observed between 3 fish ponds after the half-year feeding trial, while pond receiving Diet A had the highest density of plankton. The food waste combination of Diet B seems to be a better formulation in terms of the overall performance on fish growth.  相似文献   

刘学君  谢平  王少梅  王建 《湖泊科学》1994,6(3):245-256
采用围圈试验的方法,将东湖微囊藻水华的形成和消失过程重现。根据有关生物调控(Biomanipulation)的原理,我们设计了鲢鳙草鱼的放养试验。实验结果表明:放养鲢鳙的围圈,水华在很短时间(约15天)内消失,放养草鱼的围圈,水华几乎不受影响,而没有放养的围圈,其水华日趋浓厚。这一结果显示出滤食性鱼类对围圈内浮游生物群落结构的影响是巨大的。在实验过程中通过测定碳、氮、磷等营养元素的变化,重点探讨了它们对微囊藻水华形成与消失过程的影响。  相似文献   

Quantitative relationships between major fault parameters from geological observations and laboratory experiments are compared. Relationships are established between fault length, number, depth of fault penetration, amplitude of displacement and other characteristics. The width of destruction zones is estimated. Spacing between parallel faults of compatible length is evaluated. It is shown that there is a stable correlation between fault length and number, which is independent from the mode of loading the material under destruction. Destruction of the lithosphere is believed to occur according to the laws of deformation of Maxwell elasto-viscous body.  相似文献   

Marek Lang  Jiří Faimon 《水文研究》2020,34(22):4334-4349
The effect of the water excess in soil on soil gaseous carbon dioxide concentrations (cCO2) was studied based on field experiments. The gradual water addition of 15 and 30 L m−2 to leptosols and anthrosols, simulating 15 and 30 mm precipitation, respectively, caused the overall cCO2 increase of 1.53 × 10−1 mol m−3 (increase by 60%) and 1.61 × 10−1 mol m−3 (increase by 112%) in the soil airs. The effect of the cCO2 increment on seepage water, cave dripwater chemistry, and calcite speleothem overgrowths was deduced from geochemical modelling. It showed that the cCO2 increments may lead to the increments in total dissolved carbon, aqueous calcium, and dissolved solids of 1.10 × 10−3 mol L−1 (increase by 35%), 4.45 × 10−4 mol L−1 (increase by 30%), and 1.55 × 10−3 mol L−1 (increase by 34%), respectively. After the total degassing of CO2 in the cave, the increment in the saturation index of dripwater, SI, could reach up to ΔSI = 0.31, which means an increase by hundreds of percent. The water excess of 5 L m−2 following a dry period would cause the increment in saturation index ΔSI = 0.17. The modelling further showed that the cCO2 increase associated with the 30 L m−2 water excess could induce the calcite overgrowth up to 1 μm thick per 1 m2 surface area. The effect of water excess with additional water supplies gradually weakens, probably due to reduced CO2 diffusivity and soil microorganism activity. It can be assumed that the most contrasting peaks in dripwater chemistry are associated with the individual precipitation events after short dry periods. The increased supersaturation of dripwater is expected to lead to faster growth of speleothem and changes in calcite textures.  相似文献   

本文于2008-2009年按照季节调查了西藏地区尼洋河着生藻类群落的组成、丰度和多样性,并运用多元统计方法定量分析了着生藻类的空间和季节变化特征及其与主要环境因子之间的关系.结果显示,尼洋河着生藻类共计6门30科49属,其中硅藻为优势着生藻类.着生藻类的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数在尼洋河中游最高,在中上游河段和中下游河段呈下降趋势,符合中间高度膨胀(mid-altitude bulge)假说.着生藻类的总丰度、物种丰富度以及Shannon-Wiener多样性指数在尼洋河沿程不存在显著差异,总丰度在各个季节之间不存在显著差异,但物种丰富度在秋季和冬季存在显著差异,夏、秋季着生藻类的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数显著高于冬、春季.主成分分析(PCA)表明,随着海拔的升高,着生藻类的物种丰富度和总丰度呈递减趋势;典范对应分析(CCA)表明,尼洋河部分硅藻与理化因子相关联,如:双壁藻(Diploneis)的丰度与总磷相关联,窗纹藻(Epithemia)的丰度与铵态氮相关联,双菱藻属(Surirella)的丰度与pH值相关联;部分绿藻与理化因子相关联,如:小球藻属(Chlorella)、栅藻属(Scenedesmus)、溪菜属(Prasiola)的丰度与水温相关联,小椿藻(Characium)的丰度与硬度相关联,转板藻(Mougeotia)的丰度与表层溶氧、矿化度相关联,新月藻属(Closterium)的丰度与碱度相关联;分类回归树(CART)模型预测了尼洋河着生藻类时空分布与主要环境因子之间的定量关系,即低海拔水域的着生藻类总丰度较高海拔高,高矿化度水域的着生藻类总丰度较低矿化度的高,不能用影响尼洋河着生藻类种类和数量的环境因子来解释着生藻类的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数.这些关键环境因子对尼洋河水域着生藻类的时空变化有着重要的指示作用,建议加强对着生藻类及这些环境因子的关注,保障尼洋河水域生态环境的可持续发展.  相似文献   

Patterns of zooplankton–phytoplankton interactions in subtropical lakes of the Southern Hemisphere may deviate from those established for north-temperate lakes. We tested the responses of phytoplankton growth to different community structures of zooplankton and nutrient enrichment in a subtropical Australian reservoir for the prediction of potential outcomes of lake biomanipulation. Two zooplankton communities were created in lake enclosures over 4 weeks: a rotifer-dominated community developed in the presence of planktivorous fish (Hypseleotris spp.) and a Ceriodaphnia-dominated community developed in the absence of fish. Biomass gradients of both communities were established in 20 L containers and several separate containers received no additions (controls) or were enriched with nitrogen and/or phosphorus. The growth rate of total phytoplankton significantly increased in response to nutrient enrichment, indicating nutrient limitation. Most phytoplankton taxa were not markedly affected by grazing of either zooplankton community. However, both communities had significant stimulatory effects on the growth of inedible chlorophytes. The ability of zooplankton grazing to negatively affect phytoplankton growth during the summer was counteracted regardless of zooplankton community structure, possibly by nutrients regenerated by zooplankton. We hypothesise that in the subtropical system studied, changes in food web nutrient recycling may be more important for the outcome of biomanipulation than grazing impacts.  相似文献   

Soil salt accumulation is a widespread problem leading to diminished crop yield and threatening food security in many regions of the world. The soil salinization problem is particularly acute in areas that lack adequate soil water drainage and where a saline shallow water table (WT) is present. In this study, we present laboratory-scale column experiments, extending over a period of more than 400 days that focus on the processes contributing to soil salinization. We specifically examine the combined impact of soil compaction, surface water application model and water quality on salt dynamics in the presence of a saline shallow WT. The soil columns (60 cm height and 16 cm diameter) were packed with an agricultural soil with bulk densities of 1.15 and 1.34 g/cm−3 for uncompacted and compacted layers, respectively, and automatically monitored for water content, salinity and pressure. Two surface water compositions are considered: fresh (deionized, DI) and saline water (~3.4 mS/cm). To assess the sensitivity of compaction on salt dynamics, the experiments were numerically modelled with the HYDRUS-1D computer program. The results show that the saline WT led to rapid salinization of the soil column due to capillarity, with the salinity reaching levels much higher than that at the WT. However, compaction layer provided a barrier that limited the downwards moisture percolation and solute transport. Furthermore, the numerical simulations showed that the application of freshwater can temporarily reverse the accumulation of salts in agricultural soils. This irrigation strategy can help, in the short-term, alleviate soil salinization problem. The soil hydraulic properties, WT depth, water quality, evaporation demand and the availability of freshwater all play a role in the practicability of such short-term solutions. The presence of a saline shallow WT would, however, rapidly reverse these temporary measures, leading to the recurrence of topsoil salinization.  相似文献   

A new approach, combining 15NH4+ isotope dilution and continuous-flow techniques, provided estimates of “actual” and “net” NH4+ flux and sediment NH4+ demand (SAD) at the sediment-water interface (SWI) of sites in the northern Gulf of Mexico (NGOMEX). The sites included a hypoxic site (C6), two sites with intermediate oxygen levels (B7 and F5), and a normoxic site (CT). Control cores without isotope addition and other cores from the same site treated with 15NH4+ labeled overflowing water differentiated between net and actual regeneration flux and actual vs. potential uptake flux of NH4+. Experiments were conducted in 2008 before (July) and after (September) two successive hurricanes (Gustav and Ike) and in January and August, 2009. Actual regeneration was significantly higher than net flux at most sites. Net flux did not differ significantly in most sites/dates, but the actual regeneration, and the actual and potential uptake, showed temporal and spatial variation; the flux at the hypoxic site was more active than non-hypoxic sites. SAD, the difference between potential and actual NH4+ uptake flux, was higher at the hypoxic site than at non-hypoxic sites before and after the hurricanes in 2008 and during the hypoxia season in 2009. SAD related negatively to bottom water DO values. Conclusions: (1) net flux often underestimated actual regeneration, (2) hurricane activity decreased N dynamics, and (3) microbial N limitation status at the hypoxic site related to NH4+ removal processes that were independent of oxygen (e.g., anaerobic heterotrophic uptake or anammox). These results indicate a rather consistent NH4+ demand at the SWI during the hypoxic season and suggest that reduced nitrogen may limit microbial dynamics in the region.  相似文献   

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