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Advection-dispersion fluid flow models implicitly assume that the infiltrating fluid flows through an already fluid-saturated medium. However, whether rocks contain a fluid depends on their reaction history, and whether any initial fluid escapes. The behaviour of different rocks may be illustrated using hypothetical marble compositions. Marbles with diverse chemistries (e.g. calcite + dolomite + quartz) are relatively reactive, and will generally produce a fluid during heating. By contrast, marbles with more restricted chemistries (e.g. calcite + quartz or calcite-only) may not. If the rock is not fluid bearing when fluid infiltration commences, mineralogical reactions may produce a reaction-enhanced permeability in calcite + dolomite + quartz or calcite + quartz, but not in calcite-only marbles. The permeability production controls the pattern of mineralogical, isotopic, and geochemical resetting during fluid flow. Tracers retarded behind the mineralogical fronts will probably be reset as predicted by the advection-dispersion models; however, tracers that are expected to be reset ahead of the mineralogical fronts cannot progress beyond the permeability generating reaction. In the case of very unreactive lithologies (e.g. pure calcite marbles, cherts, and quartzites), the first reaction to affect the rocks may be a metasomatic one ahead of which there is little pervasive resetting of any tracer. Centimetre-scale layering may lead to the formation of self-perpetuating fluid channels in rocks that are not fluid saturated due to the juxtaposition of reactants. Such layered rocks may show patterns of mineralogical resetting that are not predicted by advection-dispersion models. Patterns of mineralogical and isotopic resetting in marbles from a number of terrains, for example: Chillagoe, Marulan South, Reynolds Range (Australia); Adirondack Mountains, Old Woman Mountains, Notch Peak (USA); and Stephen Cross Quarry (Canada) vary as predicted by these models. Received: 3 February 1997 / Accepted: 26 June 1997  相似文献   

The Mount Lofty Ranges comprises interlayered marbles, metapsammites, and metapelites that underwent regional metamorphism during the Delamarian Orogeny at 470–515 Ma. Peak metamorphic conditions increased from lowermost biotite grade (350–400°C) to migmatite grade (700°C) over 50–55 km parallel to the lithological strike of the rocks. With increasing metamorphic grade, 18O values of normal metapelites decrease from 14–16 to as low as 9.0, while 18O values of calcite in normal marbles decrease from 22–24 to as low as 13.2 These isotopic changes are far greater than can be accounted for by devolatilisation, implying widespread fluid-rock interaction. Contact metamorphism appears not to have affected the terrain, suggesting that fluid flow occurred during regional metamorphism. Down-temperature fluid flow from synmetamorphic granite plutons (18O=8.4–8.6) that occur at the highest metamorphic grades is unlikely to explain the resetting of oxygen isotopes because: (a) there is a paucity of skarns at granite-metasediment contacts; (b) the marbles generally do not contain low-XCO2 mineral assemblages; (c) there is insufficient granite to provide the required volumes of water; (d) the marbles and metapelites retain a several permil difference in 18O values, even at high metamorphic grades. The oxygen isotope resetting may be accounted for by along-strike up-temperature fluid flow during regional metamorphism with time-integrated fluid fluxes of up to 5x109 moles/m2 (105 m3/m2). If fluid flow occurred over 105–106 years, estimated intrinsic permeabilities are 10-20 to 10-16m2. Variations in 18O at individual outcrops suggest that time-integrated fluid fluxes and intrinsic permeabilities may locally have varied by at least an order of magnitude. A general increase in XCO2 values of marble assemblages with metamorphic grade is also consistent with the up-temperature fluid-flow model. Fluids in the metapelites may have been derived from these rocks by devolatilisation at low metamorphic grades; however, fluids in the marbles were probably derived in part from the surrounding siliceous rocks. The marble-metapelite boundaries preserve steep gradients in both 18O and XCO2 values, suggesting that across-strike fluid fluxes were much lower than those parallel to strike. Up-temperature fluid flow may also have formed orthoamphibole rocks and caused melting of the metapelites at high grades.This paper is a contribution to IGCP Project 304 Lower Crustal Processes  相似文献   

Faults in sedimentary rocks can act as fluid pathways or barriers to flow and display a range of deformation styles. These features can be explained by behaviours observed in deformation experiments on sedimentary rocks that reveal a transition from dilatant brittle faulting and permeability enhancement to cataclasis and permeability reduction, with increasing porosity, grain size and confining pressure. This transition implies that faults in sedimentary rocks are unlikely to act as fluid pathways shallower than ~3 km, unless the sediments have undergone early cementation, or have been exposed following burial and uplift. This has important implications for many geological processes, including fluid circulation in geothermal systems, formation of sediment-hosted mineral deposits and earthquakes in subduction zones. Stratiform Zn–Pb deposits that have been interpreted as syngenetic, seafloor deposits could instead be interpreted as early epigenetic deposits representing the depth at which faults change from fluid pathways to barriers.  相似文献   

It is well known that for a sufficiently high seepage velocity, the governing flow law of porous media is nonlinear (J. Computers & Fluids 2010; 39 : 2069–2077). However, this fact has not been considered in the studies of soil‐pore fluid interaction and in conventional soil mechanics. In the present paper, a fully explicit dynamic finite element method is developed for nonlinear Darcy law. The governing equations are expressed for saturated porous media based on the extension of the Biot (J. Appl. Phys. 1941; 12 : 155–164) formulation. The elastoplastic behavior of soil under earthquake loading is simulated using a generalized plasticity theory that is composed of a yield surface along with non‐associated flow rule. Numerical simulations of porous media subjected to horizontal and vertical components of ground motion excitations with different permeability coefficients are carried out; while computed maximum pore water pressure is specially taken into consideration to make the difference between Darcy and non‐Darcy flow regimes tangible. Finally, the effect of non‐Darcy flow on the evaluated liquefaction potential of sand in comparison to conventional Darcy law is examined. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Journal of Structural Geology》2004,26(6-7):1293-1301
The geometry of some orebodies can be described simply and accurately by three orthogonal axes, UVW. The ratios between these axes can be expressed as a parameter j=(U/V−1)/(V/W−1), and represented by a graph of U/V plotted against V/W, analogous to the treatment of strain ellipsoids. The orientations of orebodies can be plotted simply on projections using the UVW axes. Measurements of ore bodies from two examples of lode gold deposits from the Zimbabwe craton show that most of these orebodies are oblate. However, orebodies can have significant U/V ratios, implying a component of pipe-like fluid flow during mineralization. Pipe flow is demonstrated to be orders of magnitude more conductive than flow in planar veins and faults. There are significant variations in orebody geometry between deposits and within different sections of a single deposit. W values appear to be influenced by host rock: more permeable rocks have higher W. A negative trend of j value with orebody volume indicates that orebodies do not evolve in a self-similar way, but tend to more oblate shapes with increasing volume.  相似文献   

We have performed phase equilibrium experiments in the system forsterite–enstatite–pyrope-H2O with MgCl2 or MgF2 at 1,100 °C and 2.6 GPa to constrain the solubility of halogens in the peridotite mineral assemblage and the fluid–mineral partition coefficients. The chlorine solubility in forsterite, enstatite and in pyrope is very low, 2.1–3.9 and 4.0–11.4 ppm, respectively, and it is independent of the fluid salinity (0.3–30 wt% Cl), suggesting that some intrinsic saturation limit in the crystal is reached already at very low chlorine concentrations. Chlorine is therefore exceedingly incompatible in upper-mantle minerals. The fluorine solubility is 170–336 ppm in enstatite and 510–1,110 ppm in pyrope, again independent of fluid salinity. Forsterite dissolves 1,750–1,900 ppm up to a fluid salinity of 1.6 wt% F. At higher fluorine contents in the system, forsterite is replaced by the minerals of the humite group. The lower solubility of chlorine by three orders of magnitude when compared to fluorine is consistent with increasing lattice strain. Fluid–mineral partition coefficients are 100–102 for fluorine and 103–105 for chlorine. Since the latter values are orders of magnitude higher than those for hydroxyl partitioning, fluid flow from the subducting slab through the mantle wedge will lead to an efficient sequestration of H2O into the nominally anhydrous minerals in the wedge, whereas chlorine becomes enriched in the residual fluid. Simple mass balance calculations reveal that rock–fluid ratios of up to >3,000 are required to produce the elevated Cl/H2O ratios observed in some primitive arc magmas. Accordingly, fluid flow from the subducted slab into the zone of melting in the mantle wedge does not only occur rapidly in narrow channels, but at least in some subduction zones, fluid pervasively infiltrates the mantle peridotite and interacts with a large volume of the mantle wedge. Together with the Cl/H2O ratios of primitive arc magmas, our data therefore constrain the fluid flow regime below volcanic arcs.  相似文献   

. The Glarus thrust is a prominent tectonic feature in the eastern Helvetic Alps. It has been recognized as a potential major pathway for syntectonic crustal scale fluid flow. The oxygen, carbon and strontium isotope patterns obtained from two vertical profiles across the thrust indicate fundamentally different flow regimes in the southern section of the thrust, where the footwall is represented by Mesozoic limestones, and in the northern section, where the footwall is represented by Tertiary flysch. At the Grauberg locality in the south, the observed isotope patterns give evidence of a net mass transport component from the hanging wall Verrucano to the footwall limestone with a maximum time-integrated volumetric fluid flux of 6.1 m3/m2 In the south, the hydration of the lowermost 10 to 20 m of the hanging wall Verrucano requires introduction of an aqueous fluid by subhorizontal flow along the thrust with a minimum time integrated flux of 240 m3/m2. At the Lochseite locality in the north, the isotope patterns indicate a vertical mass transport component from the footwall flysch to the hanging wall Verrucano with a time-integrated fluid flux of 2.6 m3/m2. In the north, the fluids were probably derived from compaction and dehydration of the footwall flysch during thrusting. The ascending fluids were ponded below the Verrucano and 'lubricated' the thrust. Short-term pressure drops associated with seismic motion along the thrust led to the precipitation of calcite in veins at the thrust surface contributing material to the Lochseiten calc-mylonite, a thin calc-mylonite layer at the thrust contact. Although cross thrust fluid flow may have been two to three orders of magnitude smaller than flow along the thrust, it had a major impact on the isotopic composition of the Lochseiten calc-mylonite. In particular, it buffered the oxygen isotope composition of the calc-mylonite towards the relatively 18O-depleted composition of the hanging wall Verrucano in the south and towards the relatively 18O-enriched compositions of the footwall flysch in the north. By this mechanism a regional south to north 18O-enrichment trend was simulated within the Lochseiten calc-mylonite.  相似文献   

Kang  Sinhang  Kim  Byungmin 《Natural Hazards》2022,111(2):1741-1769
Natural Hazards - A total of 36 rainfall-induced shallow landslides occurred on July 26 and 27, 2011, on Halmidang Mountain, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea. To precisely analyze these shallow...  相似文献   

 Infiltration of a metabasite sill from Islay, Scotland by an H2O-CO2 fluid caused (1) modification of δ18O and (2) carbonation at the sill margins. Maps of δ18O and reaction progress were constructed from a 20 × 47.7 metre sample grid across the sill. The grid consisted of 300 samples, spaced at m, dm and cm intervals, many of which were analysed for both δ18O and reaction progress. The δ18O was determined by laser fluorination of whole rock silicate powders and reaction progress was determined by rapid field-based measurement of % calcite (“fizz-o-meter”, Skelton et al. 1995). Reaction and isotope fronts outlined tube-like features that emanate from the sill margin and discrete nodes that, although detached from the sill margin in two dimensions, are thought to represent sections through similar tubes in three dimensions. We envisage that these protrusions are the fossil record of metamorphic “fluid pathways” whereby fluid permeated the sill. Isotope and reaction fronts are found to correlate spatially as predicted by a modified form of the chromatographic equation which describes this envisaged geometry, that is where isotopic and reactive transport in the fluid phase are facilitated by advection along specific fluid pathways and transverse diffusion in the surrounding rock. These fluid pathways consist of bundles of anastomosing grain boundary channels or micro-cracks, which are thought to propagate through transient cyclic infiltration, reaction, porosity enhancement and fracturing. This mechanism is self-perpetuating and accentuates random perturbations at the sill margin to form the observed tubes. We argue that this is the earliest stage of the infiltration process which has affected metabasites of the SW Scottish Highlands and that subsequent shear deformation of the reacted rims of these pathways, has caused their re-orientation and juxtaposition to form the reacted sill margins described by Skelton et al. (1995). Received: 17 February 1998 / Accepted: 6 December 1999  相似文献   

Field observations of highly porous and permeable sandstone in the Orange area (S-E Basin, France) show that networks of shear-enhanced compaction bands can form in a contractional regime at burial depths of about 400 m ± 100 m. These bands show equal compaction and shear displacements, are organized in conjugate and densely distributed networks, and are restricted to the coarse-grained (mean grain diameter of 0.6 ± 0.1 mm) and less porous (porosity of 26 ± 2%) sand layers. The bands are crush microbreccia with limited grain comminution and high grain microfracture density. They show reductions of permeability (mD) ranging from 0 to little more than 1 order of magnitude. They show no control on the alteration products related to meteoric water flow, which suggests that these shear-enhanced compaction bands have no or only negligible influence on subsurface fluid flow. Their selective occurrence and small (20%) reduction in transmissibility in densely populated layers prevented them from compartmentalizing the sandstone reservoirs. A comparison with compaction-band populations in the Navajo and Aztec sandtsones (western U.S.) emphasizes the role of burial depth and the presence of chemical compaction processes for the sealing potential of deformation bands.  相似文献   

南海南部陆缘蕴藏着非常丰富的油气资源。为了解南海南部陆缘流体活动系统以及与油气藏之间的关系,以高精度2D地震资料为基础,对南海南部陆缘流体活动系统的类型、地震反射特征、以及对油气成藏的意义开展了研究。在南海南部陆缘发现了多种流体活动系统,包括:泥底辟/泥火山、气烟囱、管状通道、与构造断层相关的流体活动系统。这些流体活动系统具有不同的地震反射特征,常常出现含气强振幅异常带、弱振幅杂乱反射带以及"下拉"或者"上拱"地震反射形态等流体活动系统的标志特征。流体活动系统受到构造运动和沉积因素的影响,并且与深部高温高压塑性流体密切相关,流体活动系统优先发育在地层薄弱部位。流体活动系统及所伴生的断裂和裂隙常常作为油气富集区的运输通道;并且流体活动系统所运移的强溶蚀性流体和深部热液流体有利于油气储层的形成,特别是对于碳酸盐岩储层的改造尤为明显。因此,流体活动系统不仅能作为油气运移通道,也可以改善储层,对油气成藏具有重要意义。  相似文献   

In the Alps, debris flow deposits generally contain <5% clay‐size particles, and the role of the surface‐charged <2 μm particles is often neglected, although these particles may have a significant impact on the rheological properties of the interstitial fluid. The objective of this study was to compare debris flow deposits and parent materials from two neighbouring catchments of the Swiss Alps, with special emphasis on the colloidal constituents. The catchments are small in area (4 km2), 2·5 km long, similar in morphology, but different in geology. The average slopes are 35–40%. The catchments were monitored for debris flow events and mapped for surface aspect and erosion activity. Debris flow deposits and parent materials were sampled, the clay and silt fractions extracted and the bulk density, <2 mm fraction bulk density, particle size distribution, chemical composition, cation exchange capacity (CEC) and mineralogy analysed. The results show that the deposits are similar to the parent screes in terms of chemical composition, but differ in terms of: (i) particle size distribution; and (ii) mineralogy, reactivity and density of the <2 mm fraction. In this fraction, compared with the parent materials the deposits show dense materials enriched in coarse monocrystalline particles, of which the smallest and more reactive particles were leached. The results suggest that deposit samples should not be considered as representative of source or flow materials, particularly with respect to their physical properties.  相似文献   

Fracture void structure: implications for flow, transport and deformation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 This review focuses on studies of flow, transport and deformation processes at a scale of a single discontinuity. The paper provides an evaluation of: (1) various methods suggested for geometrical characterization of void structure; and (2) theoretical and practical problems arising from significant differences between the actual geometry of fracture void structure and its parallel plate representation. The use of an equivalent aperture concept is shown to be seriously misleading in: (a) evaluation of flow regime, and hence selection of appropriate flow laws; (b) correlating tracer and hydraulic tests, and assessment of solute transport properties; and (c) relating hydraulic and mechanical apertures, and predicting influence of stress perturbation and deformability. Received: 2 August 1999 · Accepted: 30 November 1999  相似文献   

考虑空间相关尺度特征的细观力学模型及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐欣薇  周元德  张楚汉 《岩土力学》2012,33(7):2021-2026
天然岩石材料内部存在各种缺陷,在微、细观尺度表现出高度的非均质特性。基于连续介质力学框架,采用非线性标量损伤本构关系描述岩石材料的变形与破坏行为,建立了岩石细观损伤本构模型,并在常规Weibull随机分布模型基础上,引入空间相关尺度因子以模拟实际岩石材料各项物理力学指标具有的空间相关特征。选取典型岩石单轴拉伸试验算例,分析随机场内空间相关尺度因子的变化对试样荷载-加口张开度关系曲线以及破坏行为的影响。结果表明,考虑岩石材料各项物理力学指标的空间相关尺度特征对评价其力学指标的离散性以及破坏形态特征有着较显著的影响。  相似文献   

A numerical approach to bifurcation problems in soil mechanics is described. After locating the bifurcation point by a combination of an incremental-iterative loading procedure and an eigenvalue analysis of the tangent stiffness matrix, the solution is continued on the localization path by a suitable combination of the fundamental solution and the eigenvector belonging to the lowest eigenvalue. The procedures are applied in a bifurcation analysis of a cohesionless soil in a biaxial testing device. The results suggest that a diffuse bifurcation mode with a short wavelength is encountered whereupon a shear band gradually develops. The inclination angle of the shear band compares well with analytical formulae and with empirical data.  相似文献   

Ubiquitous post-Variscan dolomites occur in Zn–Pb–Cu veins at the Nízký Jeseník Mountains and the Upper Silesian Basin (Lower and Upper Carboniferous siliciclastics at the eastern part of the Bohemian Massif). Crush–leach, stable isotope (oxygen and carbon) and microthermometry analysis of the fluid inclusions in dolomites enable understanding the geochemistry, origin and possible migration pathways of the fluids. Homogenisation temperatures of fluid inclusions range between 66 and 148°C, with generally higher temperatures in the Nízký Jeseník Mountains area than in the Upper Silesian Basin. The highest homogenisation temperatures (up to 148°C) have been found near major regional faults and the lowest in a distant position or at higher stratigraphic levels. Highly saline (16.6–28.4 eq. wt% NaCl) H2O–NaCl–CaCl2 ± MgCl2 fluids occur in inclusions. Na–Cl–Br systematics of trapped fluids and a calculated oxygen isotopic fluid composition between ?0.9 and +3.0‰ V-SMOW indicate that the fluid was derived from evaporated seawater. Stable isotopic modelling has been used to explain stable isotopic trends. Isotopic values (δ13C = ?6.0/+2.0‰ V-PDB, δ18O = +15.5/+22.5‰ V-SMOW of dolomites) resulted from fractionation and crystallisation within an open system at temperatures between 80 and 160°C. Rock-buffering explains the isotopic composition at low w/r ratios. Organic matter maturation caused the presence of isotopically light carbon in the fluids and fluid–rock interactions largely controlled the fluid chemistry (K, Li, Br and Na contents, K/Cl, I/Cl and Li/Cl molar ratios). The fluid chemistry reflects well the interaction between the fluid and underlying limestones as well as with clay- and organic-rich siliciclastics. No regional trends in temperature or fluid geochemistry favour a fluid migration model characterised by an important vertical upward migration along major faults. A permeable basement and fractured sedimentary sequence enhanced the general nature of the fluid system. Fluid characteristics are comparable with the main post-Variscan fluid flow systems in the Polish (Cracow-Silesian ore district) and German sedimentary basins.  相似文献   

张旭东  尹成  曾凡详  赵斌 《地质通报》2021,40(2-3):280-286
利用台西南盆地三维高精度地震资料,对南海北部陆坡聚集流体活动系统进行了分析和研究。在研究区识别出了断层、气烟囱、泥火山、泥底辟等聚集流体活动系统。研究区聚集流体活动系统主要特征包括:①断层与气烟囱相伴生;②气烟囱发育的区域与似海底反射(BSR)分布区域基本吻合,在气烟囱上方可以识别出一定长度的BSR;③泥底辟/泥火山导致周围和上覆地层形成了大量小尺度断层和微裂隙,中、深部流体可沿破裂带向上运移至天然气水合物稳定带内形成天然气水合物。因此,研究区聚集流体活动系统为天然气水合物发育成藏提供了流体来源,有利于天然气水合物的聚集,对于揭示天然气水合物的富集规律意义重大,能够为其他区域天然气水合物勘探提供借鉴。  相似文献   

A breccia vein sampled from a shear zone in greenschist facies metapelites at Mount Isa, Queensland, Australia, shows a systematic variation in vein geometry that is related to the geometry of folding and faulting within the sample. Calcite vein-fill is coarse grained and equigranular, suggesting precipitation in a fluid-filled space. Partially folded veins suggest that veining occurred during folding and faulting. The breccia vein contains a central zone in which dilation has occurred simultaneously in all directions in the plane of section, implying that this was a zone of high fluid pressure and nearly isostatic differential stress during folding and faulting. From these observations, it can be inferred that the breccia vein was a zone of high permeability and a likely fluid channel during deformation. This hypothesis was tested by stable isotope analysis of veins and host rocks. The calcite veins have δ13C values of -11.1 ± 0.1% and δ18O values of 6-10%o, whereas the host metapelite has δ13C values of -10.62 and -10.11% and δ18O values of 14-15%o. These values are consistent with an igneous-derived, H2O-dominated fluid that exchanged little oxygen with the host rocks, but derived much of its carbon from the wall rock. The isotopic disequilibrium between the veins and the wall rock confirms that the fluid was externally derived, and that the breccia vein acted as a channel for large-volume fluid flow within the shear zone.  相似文献   

An inescapable consequence of the metamorphism of greenstone belt sequences is the release of a large volume of metamorphic fluid of low salinity with chemical characteristics controlled by the mineral assemblages involved in the devolatilization reactions. For mafic and ultramafic sequences, the composition of fluids released at upper greenschist to lower amphibolite facies conditions for the necessary relatively hot geotherm corresponds to those inferred for greenstone gold deposits (XCO2= 0.2–0.3). This result follows from the calculation of mineral equilibria in the model system CaO–MgO–FeO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–CO2, using a new, expanded, internally consistent dataset. Greenstone metamorphism cannot have involved much crustal over-thickening, because very shallow levels of greenstone belts are preserved. Such orogeny can be accounted for if compressive deformation of the crust is accompanied by thinning of the mantle lithosphere. In this case, the observed metamorphism, which was contemporaneous with deformation, is of the low-P high-T type. For this type of metamorphism, the metamorphic peak should have occurred earlier at deeper levels in the crust; i.e. the piezothermal array should be of the ‘deeper-earlier’type. However, at shallow crustal levels, the piezothermal array is likely to have been of ‘deeper-later’type, as a consequence of erosion. Thus, while the lower crust reached maximum temperatures, and partially melted to produce the observed granites, mid-crustal levels were releasing fluids prograde into shallow crustal levels that were already retrograde. We propose that these fluids are responsible for the gold mineralization. Thus, the contemporaneity of igneous activity and gold mineralization is a natural consequence of the thermal evolution, and does not mean that the mineralization has to be a consequence of igneous processes. Upward migration of metamorphic fluid, via appropriate structurally controlled pathways, will bring the fluid into contact with mineral assemblages that have equilibrated with a fluid with significantly lower XCO2. These assemblages are therefore grossly out of equilibrium with the fluid. In the case of infiltrated metabasic rocks, intense carbonation and sulphidation is predicted. If, as seems reasonable, gold is mobilized by the fluid generated by devolatilization, then the combination of processes proposed, most of which are an inevitable consequence of the metamorphism, leads to the formation of greenstone gold deposits predominantly from metamorphic fluids.  相似文献   

Primary and pseudosecondary fluid inclusions occur in oscillatory-and sector-zoned omphacite in eclogitic veins from the Monviso ophiolitic complex in the Western Alps. The inclusions contain aqueous brines and daughter crystals of halite, sylvite, calcite, dolomite, albite, anhydrite and/or gypsum, barite, baddeleyite, rutile, sphene, Fe oxides, pyrite and monazite. This daughter mineral suite indicates high solubilites of Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zr, Ti, P, Ba, Ce, La, Th, and S species and provides direct evidence for transport of high-fieldstrenght, large-ion-lithophile, and light-rare-earth elements as dissolved species during subduction. Fluid-inclusion heterogeneities preserved within and between adjacent grains in the veins, however, suggest that the scale of fluid equilibration was small. A crack-seal geometry in some of the veins implies that fluid release in pulses rather than steady flow controlled mineral deposition and growth in the veins. From these observations, we develop a model of fluid release and entrapment in which pulses of fluid are associated in time with increments of shear and tensile failure; the rate of fluid release and the reduction in porosity both depend on the rate of plastic flow. Vein fluids may initially be derived from decreptitation of early fluid inclusions in the host eclogites, Small-scale fluid heterogeneities implied by the fluid inclusions in the veins are best interpreted in terms of limited fluid flow, and hence limited metasomatism. We conclude that element recycling into the mantle wedge during subduction will depend at least as strongly on fluid transport mechanisms as on element solubilities in the fluid phase. At Monviso, despite evidence for high trace element solubilities in saline brines, the elements were not removed from the downgoing slab prior to teaching depths of 40 km.  相似文献   

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