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跨边界含水层作为地下水资源系统的一部分,涉及国家或地区之间的利益关系。文章分析了跨边界含水层问题,针对亚洲东部、中部和南部地下水系统,圈定了具有重要意义的跨国界含水层9处。对这些含水层,特别是我国边界上的黑龙江一阿穆尔河平原和伊犁河谷含水层进行了评价;对我国跨省界含水层进行了初步分析。研究跨边界含水层问题,对管理国家或地区之间共有的珍贵地下水资源,建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐社会具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Transboundary aquifer (TBA) management, in part, seeks to mitigate degradation of groundwater resources caused either by an imbalance of abstraction between countries or by cross-border pollution. Fourteen potential TBAs were identified within a hydrogeological mapping programme based on simple hydrogeological selection criteria for the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region. These have been reassessed against a set of data associated with five categories: (1) groundwater flow and vulnerability (which is perceived as the over-arching influence on the activity level of each TBA), (2) knowledge and understanding, (3) governance capability, (4) socio-economic/water-demand factors, and (5) environmental issues. These assessments enable the TBAs to be classified according to their need for cross-border co-operation and management. The study shows that only two of the 14 TBAs have potential to be the cause of tension between neighbouring states, while nine are potentially troublesome and three are unlikely to become problematic even in the future. The classification highlights the need to focus on data gathering to enable improved understanding of the TBAs that could potentially become troublesome in the future due to, for example, change in demographics and climate.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2001,16(7-8):821-834
The geological evolution of B in two UK sandstone aquifers is followed from precipitation chemistry through to groundwaters in both the unconfined and confined zones. Measurements have been made of major element geochemistry, B concentrations and B isotopic ratios. The isotopic measurements were carried out using ICP/MS following a simple preconcentration step. Isotopic measurements of rainfall show a bimodal distribution and it is suggested that enriched signatures are characteristic of Atlantic air over Britain and depleted signatures representative of continental air. In the marine Lower Greensand aquifer dissolution of glauconite results in the mobilisation of B and a correlation with SO4 suggests that this dissolution is related to the oxidation of pyrite which appears to be the SO4-forming reaction in the aquifer. In the non-marine Hastings beds isotopic ratios and a correlation with HCO3 suggest that B is associated with the dissolution of ferroan carbonates. In both aquifers the geochemical evolution of B is complex and more information is needed on the behaviour of B isotopes during evapotranspiration and groundwater recharge.  相似文献   

伸展盆地区断裂构造特征与成因   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近十年来断裂构造研究进展迅速,研究思路发生了重大转变,强调应变与应力在断裂形成过程中的同等重要性。重点论述了断裂位移特征及影响因素,断裂位移在断层中部最大,端部最小至零,具有与断层规模无关的特征,但它受断裂分段、连接、近端过程等影响而发生变化。位移作为应变的结果,控制着横向褶皱的形成和分布、沉积中心的迁移(断裂单侧扩展时)或沉积位置不变但范围扩大(断裂双侧扩展时)以及沉积充填结构等。探讨了断裂三维几何形态分类及断裂形成与形态的控制因素:深部与浅部耦合(基底构造的活化与沉积盖层的响应),建造与改造的耦合,边界条件与构造应力场,沉积压实和埋藏作用等。提出了断裂分级和组合规律,总体上伸展区断裂可分五级,一级控盆,二级控坳,三级控带,四级控圈,五级复杂化;不同级别的断裂三维组合规律可分为软连接组合和硬连接组合。伸展区断裂生长史可划分为成核、扩展、释压、连接、消亡和活化6个阶段。  相似文献   

The distribution of hominin fossil sites in the Turkana Basin, Kenya is intimately linked to the history of the Omo River, which affected the paleogeography and ecology of the basin since the dawn of the Pliocene. We report new geological data concerning the outlet channel of the Omo River between earliest Pliocene and final closure of the Turkana Basin drainage system in the latest Pliocene to earliest Quaternary. Throughout most of the Pliocene the Omo River entered the Turkana Basin from its source in the highlands of Ethiopia and exited the eastern margin of the basin to discharge into the Lamu embayment along the coast of the Indian Ocean. During the earliest Pliocene the river’s outlet was located in the northern part of the basin, where a remnant outlet channel is preserved in basalts that pre-date eruption of the Gombe flood basalt between 4.05 and 3.95 Ma. The outlet channel was faulted down to the west prior to 4.05 Ma, forming a natural dam behind which Lake Lonyumun developed. Lake Lonyumun was drained between 3.95 and 3.9 Ma when a new outlet channel formed north of Loiyangalani in the southeastern margin of the Turkana Basin. That outlet was blocked by Lenderit Basalt lava flows between 2.2 and 2.0 Ma. Faulting that initiated either during or shortly after eruption of the Lenderit Basalt closed the depression that is occupied by modern Lake Turkana to sediment and water.Several large shield volcanoes formed east of the Turkana Basin beginning by 2.5–3.0 Ma, volcanism overlapping in time, but probably migrating eastward from Mount Kulal on the eastern edge of the basin to Mount Marsabit located at the eastern edge of the Chalbi Desert. The mass of the volcanic rocks loaded and depressed the lithosphere, enhancing subsidence in a shallow southeast trending depression that overlay the Cretaceous and Paleogene (?) Anza Rift. Subsidence in this flexural depression guided the course of the Omo River towards the Indian Ocean, and also localized accumulations of lava along the margins of the shield volcanoes. Lava flows at Mount Marsabit extended across the Omo River Valley after 1.8–2.0 Ma based on estimated ages of fossils in lacustrine and terrestrial deposits, and possibly by as early as 2.5 ± 0.3 Ma based on dating of a lava flow. During the enhanced precipitation in latest Pleistocene and earliest Holocene (11–9.5 ka) this flexural depression became the site of Lake Chalbi, which was separated from Lake Turkana by a tectonically controlled drainage divide.  相似文献   

 The most appropriate and widely used source of drinking water for the populations of the upper regions of Ghana is groundwater. In general, groundwater quality is acceptable except for some parts of the Bolgatanga and Bongo Districts, where there are occurrences of elevated levels of natural groundwater fluoride. Concentrations of groundwater fluoride in excess of the World Health Organization (WHO) maximum guideline value (1.5 mg/l) in the Bongo area have been known since 1978. However, the effect of fluoride on people ingesting the water did not receive public and medical attention until October 1993, when health personnel were asked to investigate the cause of stained teeth in school children. The investigation established that 62% of the total population of school children in the Bongo area had dental fluorosis. Against this background, a study was initiated to understand the geochemistry, genesis, and distribution of fluoride in relation to the geology of the area. Groundwater fluoride in the upper regions ranges from 0.11 to 4.60 ppm, with the highest concentrations associated with the fluorine-enriched Bongo coarse-grained hornblende granite and syenite suite. The source of groundwater fluoride within the Bongo granitoids is dissolution of the mineral fluorite and dissolution of and anion exchange with micaceous minerals and their clay products. Applying the WHO recommended guideline values for fluoride in drinking water reveals that 49% of wells in the area deliver water below the optimum level of 0.5 mg/l F; these populations are thus prone to dental caries. Twenty-eight percent of the wells fall within the optimum interval for good dental health (0.5–1.5 mg/l F). Twenty-three percent of the wells have concentrations above the recommended maximum guideline limit of 1.5 mg/l F; this population is susceptible to dental and possibly skeletal fluorosis. Climatic conditions of the area suggest that the individual water consumption is in the order of 3 to 4 l which is higher than the WHO estimate of 2 l/adult/day. In addition, dietary intake for the upper region population is probably higher than WHO baseline values (0.2–0.5 mg/day). This implies that a much higher population is susceptible to developing dental and skeletal fluorosis than originally suspected. Geochemical symbol plot maps help geochemists understand factors controlling the distribution and uptake of fluoride in the upper regions, but they are of minimal value to health officials responsible for planning epidemiological studies and dental health education programs in the region. By casting fluoride data into contoured 'geochemical health-risk maps' using intake interval guidelines more closely aligned to regional climatic and dietary conditions, health officals can better judge the impacts (regional and population based) of fluoride on segments of the population, such as various sex and age groups. Received: 11 March 1997 · Accepted: 17 June 1997  相似文献   

 Groundwater in alluvial aquifers of the Wakatipu and Wanaka basins, Central Otago, New Zealand, has a composition expressed in equivalent units of Ca2+≫Mg2+≅Na+>K+ for cations, and HCO3 ≫SO4 2->NO3 ≅Cl for anions. Ca2+ and HCO3 occur on a 1 : 1 equivalent basis and account for >80% of the ions in solution. However, some groundwater has increased proportions of Na+ and SO4 2-, reflecting a different source for this water. The rock material of the alluvial aquifers of both basins is derived from the erosion and weathering of metamorphic Otago Schist (grey and green schists). Calcite is an accessory mineral in both the grey and green schists at <5% of the rock. Geological mapping of both basins indicates that dissolution of calcite from the schist is the only likely mechanism for producing groundwater with such a constant composition dominated by Ca2+ and HCO3 on a 1 : 1 equivalent basis. Groundwater with higher proportions of Na+ and SO4 2- occurs near areas where the schist crops out at the surface, and this groundwater represents deeper and possibly older water derived from basement fluids. Anomalously high K+ in the Wakatipu basin and high NO3 concentrations in the Wanaka basin cannot be accounted for by interaction with basement lithologies, and these concentrations probably represent the influence of anthropogenic sources on groundwater composition. Received, June 1996 Revised, March 1997, July 1997 Accepted, July 1997  相似文献   

Transmissivity (T) is a basic hydraulic parameter of an aquifer that is utilized in most groundwater flow equations to understand the flow dynamics and is generally estimated from pumping tests. However, the cost of performing a large number of aquifer tests is expensive and time consuming. The fact that specific capacity (S c) is correlated with hydraulic flow properties of aquifers simplifies parameter estimation mainly because specific capacity values are more abundant in groundwater databases than values of transmissivity and they offer another approach to estimate hydraulic parameters of aquifers. In this study, an empirical relation is derived using 214 pairs of transmissivity and specific capacity values that are obtained from pumping tests conducted on water wells penetrating the complex volcanic aquifers of Upper Awash Basin, central Ethiopia. Linear and logarithmic regression functions have been performed and it is found that the logarithmic relationship predicting transmissivity from specific capacity data has a better correlation (R = 0.97) than the linear relationship (R = 0.79). The two parameters are log-normally distributed, in which the logarithmic relation is also better statistically justified than the linear relation. Geostatistical estimations of the transmissivity were made using different inputs and methods. Measured and supplemented transmissivity data obtained from estimates using the derived empirical relation were krigged and cokrigged, spherical and exponential models were fitted to the experimental variograms. The cross-validation results showed that the best estimation is provided using the kriging procedure, the transmissivity field represented by the measured transmissivity data and the experimental variogram fitted with the exponential model. Based on the geostatistical approach, the transmissivity map of the aquifer is produced, which will be used for groundwater flow modeling of the study area that will follow this analysis.  相似文献   

Tectonic migration is a common geological process of basin formation and evolution. However, little is known about tectonic migration in the western Pacific margins. This paper focuses on the representative Cenozoic basins of East China and its surrounding seas in the western Pacific domain to discuss the phenomenon of tectonic jumping in Cenozoic basins, based on structural data from the Bohai Bay Basin, the South Yellow Sea Basin, the East China Sea Shelf Basin, and the South China Sea Continental Shelf Basin. The western Pacific active continental margin is the eastern margin of a global convergent system involving the Eurasian Plate, the Pacific Plate, and the Indian Plate. Under the combined effects of the India-Eurasia collision and retrogressive or roll-back subduction of the Pacific Plate, the western Pacific active continental margin had a wide basin-arc-trench system which migrated or ‘jumped’ eastward and further oceanward. This migration and jumping is characterized by progressive eastward younging of faulting, sedimentation, and subsidence within the basins. Owing to the tectonic migration, the geological conditions associated with hydrocarbon and gashydrate accumulation in the Cenozoic basins of East China and its adjacent seas also become progressively younger from west to east, showing eastward younging in the generation time of reservoirs, seals, traps, accumulations and preservation of hydrocarbon and gashydrate. Such a spatio-temporal distribution of Cenozoic hydrocarbon and gashydrate is significant for the oil, gas and gashydrate exploration in the East Asian Continental Margin. Finally, this study discusses the mechanism of Cenozoic intrabasinal and interbasinal tectonic migration in terms of interplate, intraplate and underplating processes. The migration or jumping regimes of three separate or interrelated events: (1) tectonism-magmatism, (2) basin formation, and (3) hydrocarbon-gashydrate accumulation are the combined effects of the Late Mesozoic extrusion tectonics, the Cenozoic NW-directed crustal extension, and the regional far-field eastward flow of the western asthenosphere due to the India-Eurasia plate collision, accompanied by eastward jumping and roll-back of subduction zones of the Pacific Plate.  相似文献   

Water resources in Algeria are mainly controlled by climate change which creates enormous problems in its planning, management and distribution. While the surface water resources are perfectly managed and operated by means of dams and small dams built for several years, the groundwater resources remain long unknown and unusable because of the lack of relevant working tools (e.g., methods, formulas, maps, etc.) for planners and engineers working in the field of water resources exploration. To highlight the hydrodynamic processes of groundwater in shallow aquifers of the basins of northern Algeria, we conducted a study using 81 subwatersheds collected from different locations at the basins; taking into account the climatic and geomorphological factors, to understand water usage trends, analyse patterns, tap good shallow aquifers and ensure long lasting supplies of water through arid periods, mapping and modelling of groundwater are fundamental to problem resolution. Multivariate statistical techniques as well as cluster and principal component analysis were applied to the data on groundwater flow, with the objective of defining the main controls on the groundwater flows at the basins. These statistical techniques showed the presence of three groundwater flow groups with increasing importance according to precipitation. The first group was mainly influenced by climatic factors, the second was more controlled by the communication between the surface and underground flows and the third group revealed the influence of geomorphological factors on groundwater flows.  相似文献   

中国西部大型盆地的深部结构及对盆地形成和演化的意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地震层析成像是研究地球深部结构和动力过程的重要手段。文章简单介绍了岩石圈地震层析成像的几种基本方法。相对于人工震源地震勘探,基于天然震源的地震层析成像是提供盆地基底和周边深部背景的有效和极其经济的手段。笔者最近得到了中国大陆岩石圈高分辨率表面波层析成像的三维S波速度模型,该模型结合了地震和噪声互相关的数据,大大提高了射线覆盖,结果显示了中国西部与青藏高原接壤的三大盆地(塔里木、柴达木和四川盆地)共同特征:(1)盆地上地壳速度很低,反映了盆地沉积层很厚;(2)相对于周边山系,盆地中、下地壳的S波速度较快,上地幔顶部尤其明显;(3)盆地的地壳厚度比相邻的山脉区薄,同时莫霍深度在盆山结合带变化大。盆地内地壳和岩石圈地幔存在明显的横向结构,尤其是塔里木盆地和四川盆地。塔里木盆基底东西向中央古缝合带在地壳和岩石圈地幔的速度、莫霍面深度图中有清楚显示。笔者推测区域构造挤压的影响很可能涉及盆地的整个岩石圈,进而提出了一个简单的盆地形成的机械模型,即挤压隆升沉降模型,认为在挤压环境下,较弱的周边山系的岩石圈增厚和隆升,高强度的盆地块体在重力均衡下整体沉降,形成陆内叠合盆地。挤压应力可能导致巨大的塔里木和四川盆地产生岩石圈范围的褶皱变形。在西部盆地漫长的地质历史中,新生代的印藏碰撞和新元古代以来的多次构造运动产生的岩石圈挤压对西部盆地的形成和演化可能起了决定性的作用。  相似文献   

The Central African Copperbelt in Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo is the world's largest sediment-hosted stratiform Cu province. The source for the Cu in sediment-hosted stratiform Cu deposits is generally believed to be thick sections of oxidised siliciclastic sediments (red beds) and volcanic rocks deposited in early rift sequences underlying or laterally adjacent to the ore-bearing sediments. The volume of red beds beneath or lateral to the Zambian portion of the copperbelt relative to the amount of known metal in the deposits is small in comparison to the volumes of source beds in other well-known districts such as the Polish Kupferschiefer and the White Pine District, USA. Previous structural studies suggest that the rocks hosting the Zambian Cu deposits may be allochthonous or para-autochthonous. The apparent absence of source sediments for the metals, combined with the known structural geology, strongly suggests that the Zambian deposits were tectonically displaced from their source rocks. Defining the present location of the source basins would constrain the amount of tectonic transport in this portion of the Lufilian Arc and would stimulate mineral exploration in new areas.  相似文献   

The Middle Awash basin is an arid region in Ethiopia where surface waters are scarce and local communities are dependent on groundwater resources for water supply. The complex hydrogeological system of this basin has been conceptualized. Multivariate statistical analysis of hydrochemical variables and water isotopes were used to study the rock?Cwater interaction, geochemical reaction processes and the hydrological link between aquifers. Groundwaters from aquifers of the high-rainfall plateau bounding the rift are slightly mineralized, as well as depleted in ??18O and ??D, and contain 3H above 0.8?TU. This suggests a low degree of rock?Cwater interaction and that groundwater is under recharge from heavy rain that falls on surrounding highlands. On the other hand, groundwaters from aquifers of the rift floor are highly mineralized and show slight enrichment in ??18O and ??D with positive oxygen shift, but contain 3H below 0.8?TU. The positive oxygen shift in rift floor groundwaters may be caused by the isotopic exchange of oxygen between groundwater and aquifer materials during rock?Cwater interaction, whereas the low 3H content could be due to the decay of tritium along relatively long flow paths. The approach utilized in this study may be applicable to understanding hydrogeochemical processes in other complex volcanic terrains.  相似文献   

We use structural and seismostratigraphic interpretation of multichannel seismic reflection data to understand the structure and kinematic history of the central Gulf of California. Our analysis reveals that oblique strain in the central Gulf formed two tectono–sedimentary domains during distinct deformation stages. The eastern domain, offshore Sonora, is bounded by the East and West Pedro Nolasco faults that may constitute the southernmost segments of the Tiburón Fault System. Within this domain, the dip-slip Yaqui Fault controlled deposition of 3.9 km of sediments in the half-graben Yaqui Basin. The western domain, offshore Baja California, is bounded by the Guaymas Transform Fault, which controlled the accumulation of 1.45 km of sediments within a half-graben that formed the early Guaymas Basin. The tectono–sedimentary activity offshore Sonoran likely ranges from Late Miocene–Pliocene to Late Pliocene time, while activity in the Guaymas Basin commenced in Late Pliocene time. Extinction of the main faults offshore Sonora was nearly coeval to the initiation of the Guaymas Transform Fault. Our results suggest that oblique strain has been accommodated by strain partition since the onset of rifting in the central Gulf. The Guaymas Basin is now a nascent spreading center, but prior to this, it evolved as a half-graben controlled by the Guaymas Transform Fault; such drastic transition is not constrained, but likely occurred during the Pleistocene time and must be localized < 30 km north of the axial troughs. The faults within the central Gulf transpose the Miocene N–S oriented grabens of Basin and Range style preserved onshore in the conjugate rifted margins.  相似文献   

The geochemical analyses of fluvial-lacustrine aquifer sediments of the Kathmandu Valley have been made as a step in assessing the environment for the mobilization of arsenic in groundwater. Elements measured by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) include 4 major oxides (Fe2O3, TiO2, CaO, P2O5) and 14 trace elements (As, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, V, Sr, Y, Nb, Zr, Th, Sc and TS). Elution tests of 15 selected core samples were also carried out to determine the potential leaching of arsenic from the sediments. The XRF results show that average bulk concentrations of the major oxides and trace elements are similar to modern unconsolidated sediments and average upper continental crust. However, the abundance of elements varies with grain size, with higher concentrations in finer-size grades. Variations in elemental abundances within the basin are strongly controlled by sediment facies. The elution tests show that greater amounts of arsenic are generally eluted from the fine sediments, although the rates are variable. The results overall suggest that As concentrations in the bulk sediments are not a controlling factor for elevated As in the Kathmandu Basin groundwater, and the roles of other factors such as redox conditions and organic matter contents are likely to be more significant.  相似文献   

Seismic-stratigraphic analysis of the Cretaceous to succession of the Uer Terrace, North Sea seabed Basin, Norway, demonstrates that the Upper Oligocene succession has undergone large-scale mobilization of mudstone-dominated units due to the upward migration of water and associated hydrocarbons into the interval, which is in some way linked to a period of gas expulsion from adjacent deep basins. Seismic-stratigraphic analysis of units overlying the mobilized zones indicates they created positive seafloor topography during the Late Miocene implying gaseous fluids were expelled at the seabed. Loading by the overlying Pliocene succession caused the mobilized mud masses to deflate and resulted in the formation of low-relief, fault-bounded craters. The results of this study have implications for understanding the location and timing of fluid flow in sedimentary basins.  相似文献   

Laboratory time-scale experiments were conducted on Carboniferous Limestone gravels from the Mendip Hills area, England, with the purpose of evaluating the release of222Rn to the water phase. The specific surface areas of the samples were 4.14 and 1.69 cm2 g−1 , which provided, respectively, values of 50.6 and 12.7 pCi for the released Rn. These results allowed the calculation of the emanation coefficient of this rock matrix with respect to the release of Rn, where completely different values corresponding to 23% and 6% were found, suggesting that the extent to which grain boundaries or imperfections in aggregates of micro-crystals of calcite intersect the particle surface certainly affects the Rn release. They also permitted the evaluation of models for the generation of Rn in rocks and transfer to water, in order to interpret the radioactivity due to this gas in groundwaters from the karstic aquifer of the Mendip Hills area, where the calculated activities in groundwater based on the values of 23% and 6% for the emanation coefficient were about 51 and 15 times higher than actually measured in groundwater. Therefore, the emanation coefficient in nature is considerably smaller than in the lab experiment, and another factork (0 < k < 1) may be introduced into the equations related to the modelling, with the aim of adjusting the theoretical-practical results.  相似文献   

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