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Melting relations of β-quartz were experimentally determined at 1.0 GPa (1900±20 °C), 1.5 GPa (2033±20 °C), and 2.0 GPa (2145±20 °C) using a new high-pressure assembly in a piston–cylinder apparatus and substantial differences were found with data previously reported. The new melting data of β-quartz were combined and optimized with all available thermodynamic, volumetric, and phase equilibria data for β-cristobalite, β-quartz and coesite to produce a PT liquidus diagram for silica valid up to 6.0 GPa. Using the new optimized thermodynamic parameters, the invariant point β-cristobalite+β-quartz+liquid and β-quartz+coesite+liquid were determined to lie at 1687±17 °C and 0.457 GPa, and 2425±25 °C and 5.00 GPa, respectively.  相似文献   

Tetsuo  Irifune 《Island Arc》1993,2(2):55-71
Abstract Phase transformations in model mantle compositions and those in subducting slabs have been reviewed to a depth of 800 km on the basis of recent high-pressure experimental data. Seismic velocity and density profiles in these compositions have also been calculated using these and other mineral physics data. The nature of the seismic velocity and density profiles calculated for a pyrolite composition was found to generally agree with those determined by seismic observations (e.g. PREM). The locations of the seismic discontinuities at 400 and 670 km correspond almost exactly to the depths where the transformations of the olivine component to denser phases take place. Moreover, the steep gradients in the seismic velocity/density profiles observed between these depths are qualitatively consistent with those expected from the successive transformations in the complementary pyroxene-garnet component in the pyrolite composition. Further, the calculated seismic velocity and density values agree well with those observed in the upper mantle and mantle transition region within the uncertainties attached to these calculations and observations. Pyrolite or peridotite compositions are thus most likely to represent the composition of the mantle above 670 km depth, although some degrees of chemical heterogeneity may exist in the transition region. The observed sharp discontinuous increases of seismic velocities and density at this depth may be attributed either to the phase transformation to a perovskite-bearing assemblage in pyrolite or to chemical composition changes. Density profiles in subducted slabs have been calculated along adequate geotherms assuming that the slabs are composed of the former oceanic crust underlain by a thicker harzburgitic layer. It is shown that the former oceanic crust is substantially less dense than the surrounding pyrolite mantle at depths below 670 km, while it is denser than pyrolite in the upper mantle and the transition region. The subducted former oceanic crust may be trapped in this region, forming a geochemically enriched layer at the upper mantle-lower mantle boundary. Thick and cool slabs may penetrate into the lower mantle, but the chemically derived buoyancy may result in strong deformation and formation of megalith structures around the 670 km seismic discontinuity. These structures are consistent with those detected by recent seismic tomography studies for subduction zones.  相似文献   

We extended the pressure range of sound velocity measurements for liquid water to 25 GPa and 900 K along the melting curve using a laser heated diamond anvil cell with a combined system of Brillouin scattering and synchrotron X-ray diffraction. Experimental pressure and temperature were obtained by solving simultaneous equations: the melting curve of ice and the equation of state for gold. The sound velocities obtained in liquid water at high pressures and melting temperatures were converted to density using Murnaghan's equation of state by fitting a parameter of the pressure derivative of bulk modulus at 1 GPa. The results are in good agreement with the values predicted by a previously reported equation of state for water based on sound velocity measurements. The equation of state for water obtained in this study could be applicable to water released by dehydration reactions of dense hydrous magnesium silicate phases in cold subducting slabs at lower mantle conditions, although the validity of Murnaghan's equation of state for water should be evaluated in a wider pressure and temperature ranges. The present velocity data provides the basis for future improvement of the accurate thermodynamic model for water at high pressures.  相似文献   

We have determined the density evolution of the sound velocity of dhcp-FeHx (x  1) up to 70 GPa at room temperature, by inelastic X-ray scattering and by X-ray diffraction. We find that the variation of VP with density is different for the ferromagnetic and nonmagnetic dhcp-FeHx, and that only nonmagnetic dhcp-FeHx follows Birch's law. Combining our results with Birch's law for iron and assuming an ideal two-component mixing model, we obtain an upper bound of the hydrogen content in the Earth's inner core, 0.23(6) wt.% H, corresponding to FeH0.13(3). The iron alloy with 0.23(6) wt.% H can satisfy the density, and compressional and shear sound velocities of the PREM inner core, assuming that there are no other light elements in the inner core.  相似文献   

We have investigated the phase relations of iron and iron–nickel alloys with 18 to 50 wt.% Ni up to over 300 GPa using a laser-heated diamond-anvil cell. The synchrotron X-ray diffraction measurements show the wide stability of hcp-iron up to 301 GPa and 2000 K and 319 GPa and 300 K without phase transition to dhcp, orthorhombic, or bcc phases. On the other hand, the incorporation of nickel has a remarkable effect on expanding the stability field of fcc phase. The geometry of the temperature–composition phase diagram of iron–nickel alloys suggests that the hcp–fcc–liquid triple point is located at 10 to 20 wt.% Ni at the pressure of the inner core boundary. The fcc phase could crystallize depending on the nickel and silicon contents in the Earth's core, both of which are fcc stabilizer.  相似文献   

Abstract Rb–Sr and Sm–Nd isochron ages were determined for whole rocks and mineral separates of hornblende‐gabbros and related metadiabases and quartz‐diorite from Shodoshima, Awashima and Kajishima islands in the Ryoke plutono‐metamorphic belt of the Setouchi area, Southwest Japan. The Rb–Sr and Sm–Nd whole‐rock‐mineral isochron ages for six samples range from 75 to 110 Ma and 200–220 Ma, respectively. The former ages are comparable with the Rb–Sr whole‐rock isochron ages reported from neighboring Ryoke granitic rocks and are thus due to thermal metamorphism caused by the granitic intrusions. On the contrary, the older ages suggest the time of formation of the gabbroic and related rocks. The initial 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd ratios of the gabbroic rocks (0.7070–0.7078 and 0.51217–0.51231 at 210 Ma, respectively) are comparable with those of neighboring late Cretaceous granites and lower crustal granulite xenoliths from Cenozoic andesites in this region. Because the gabbroic rocks are considered to be fragments of the lower crustal materials interlayered in the granulitic lower crust, their isotopic signature has been inherited from an enriched mantle source or, less likely, acquired through interaction with the lower crustal materials. The Sr and Nd isotopic and petrologic evidence leads to a plausible conclusion that the gabbroic rocks have formed as cumulates from hydrous mafic magmas of light rare earth element‐rich (Sm/Nd < 0.233) and enriched isotopic (?Sr > 0 and ?Nd < 0) signature, which possibly generated around 220–200 Ma by partial melting of an upper mantle. We further conclude that they are fragments of refractory material from the lower crust caught up as xenoblocks by granitic magmas, the latter having been generated by partial melting of granulitic lower crustal material around 100 Ma.  相似文献   

The pressure-volume-temperature equation of state (EOS) of gold is fundamental to high-pressure science because of its widespread use as an internal pressure standard. In particular, the EOS of gold has been used in recent in situ multi-anvil press studies for determination of phase boundaries related to the 660-km seismic discontinuity. These studies show that the boundaries are lower by 2 GPa than expected from the depth of the 660-km discontinuity. Here we report a new P-V-T EOS of gold based on the inversion of quasi-hydrostatic compression and shock wave data using the Mie-Grüneisen relation and the Birch-Murnaghan-Debye equation. The previously poorly constrained pressure derivative of isothermal bulk modulus and the volume dependence of Grüneisen parameter (q=d lnγ/d ln V) are determined by including both phonon and electron effects implicitly: K0T=5.0±0.2 and q=1.0±0.1. This combined with other accurately measured parameters enables us to calculate pressure at a given volume and temperature. At 660-km depth conditions, this new EOS yields 1.0±0.2 GPa higher pressure than Anderson et al.’s EOS which has been used in the multi-anvil experiments. However, after the correction, there still exists a 1.5-GPa discrepancy between the post-spinel boundary measured by multi-anvil studies and the 660-km discontinuity. Other potential error sources, such as thermocouple emf dependence on pressure or systematic errors in spectroradiometry, should be investigated. Theoretical and experimental studies to better understand electronic and anharmonic effects in gold at high P-T are also needed.  相似文献   

This paper provides for the first time an experimental study where the impact of sea‐level fluctuations and inland boundary head‐level variations on freshwater–saltwater interface toe motion and transition zone dynamics was quantitatively analysed under transient conditions. The experiments were conducted in a laboratory flow tank where various (inland and coastal) head changes were imposed to the system and the response of the key seawater intrusion parameters was analysed with high spatial and temporal resolution. Two homogeneous aquifer systems of different grain size were tested. The numerical code SEAWAT was used for the validation. The results show that in cases of sea‐level variations, the intruding wedge required up to twice longer time to reach a new steady‐state condition than the receding wedge, which thereby extend the theory of timescale asymmetry between saltwater intrusion and retreat processes in scenarios involving sea‐level fluctuations. The intruding and receding rates of the saltwater wedge were respectively similar in the scenario involving sea‐level and the freshwater‐level changes, despite change in transmissivity. The results show that, during the intrusion phase, the transition zone remains relatively insensitive, regardless of where the boundary head change occurs (i.e., freshwater drop or sea‐level rise) or its magnitude. By contrast, a substantial widening of the transition zone was observed during the receding phase, with almost similar amplitude in the scenario involving a rise of the freshwater level compared with that caused by a drop of the saltwater level, provided that an equivalent absolute head change magnitude was used. This transition zone widening (occurring during saltwater retreat) was greater and extended over longer period in the low hydraulic conductivity aquifer, for both freshwater‐level rise and sea‐level drop scenarios. The concentration maps revealed that the widening mechanism was also enhanced by the presence of some freshwater sliding and into the wedge during saltwater retreat, which was thereafter sucked upward towards the interface because of density difference effects.  相似文献   

Ordovician sequences at Huanghuachang, northern Yichang City of Hubei Province, Central China, are representative of an outer‐shelf setting of the Yangtze epicontinental sea, South China Block. Continuous drill cores of the Well Yihuang 1 penetrated the Upper Ordovician units of the Miaopo, Pagoda, Linhsiang, Wufeng, and Kuanyinchiao Formations in ascending order. Such a continuous succession gives valuable insights into environmental changes and an extinction event through Late Ordovician time. Results suggest that sluggish circulation and oligotrophic conditions were characteristic of the region from Sandbian to early Hirnantian Epochs of the Late Ordovician. Thin‐bedded limestones within the Miaopo Formation shales and nodular limestones of the Pagoda and Linhsiang Formations are mainly wackestones and mudstones with sparse and fine‐grained trilobite, cephalopod, gastropod, ostracod, and crinoid bioclasts with rare brachiopod and bivalve bioclasts, further showing gradual decreasing in abundance and grain size upwards through the succession. Such biological and lithological changes are interpreted as a trend towards a deeper and calmer seafloor below storm wave‐base. The Kwangsian Orogeny of the late Katian Epoch altered the geography of the region, creating a large embayment in the area of the Well Yihuang 1 core. Thus the sequence developed upwards to the Wufeng Formation graptolitic black shales consistent with formation in a dysoxic and stagnant embayment that excluded carbonate production and benthic biota, but ideal for preservation of planktic graptolite fossils. Bioclastic packstone and quartz grain lenses interlayered with the black shales are occasionally sourced from southeastward shallow submarine highs closed to the Cathaysian Land. Change from this interpreted sluggish ocean circulation affecting the ocean floor was delayed to the early Hirnantian Epoch, when active circulation is related to the onset of the latest Ordovician glaciation which resulted in an oxygenated ocean floor during regression, favorable for the thriving shelly Hirnantia Fauna.  相似文献   

This study presents new major and trace element, mineral, and Sr, Nd, and noble gas isotope geochemical analyses of basalts, gabbro, and clinopyroxenite from the Mariana Arc (Central Islands and Southern Seamount provinces) including the forearc, and the Mariana Trough (Central Graben and Spreading Ridge). Mantle source compositions beneath the Mariana Arc and the Mariana Trough indicate a mantle source that is depleted in high field strength elements relative to MORB (mid‐oceanic ridge basalt). Samples from the Mariana Arc, characterized by high ratios of Ba/Th, U/Th, 84Kr/4He and 132Xe/4He, are explained by addition of fluid from the subducted slab to the mantle wedge. Correlations of noble gas data, as well as large ion lithophile elements, indicate that heavy noble gases (Ar, Kr, and Xe) provide evidence for fluid fluxing into the mantle wedge. On the other hand, major elements and Sr, Nd, He, and Ne isotopic data of basalts from the Mariana Trough are geochemically indistinguishable from MORB. Correlations of 3He/4He and 40Ar/36Ar in the Mariana Trough samples are explained by mixing between MORB and atmosphere. One sample from the Central Graben indicates extreme enrichment in 20Ne/22Ne and 21Ne/22Ne, suggesting incorporation of solar‐type Ne in the magma source. Excess 129Xe is also observed in this sample suggesting primordial noble gases in the mantle source. The Mariana Trough basalts indicate that both fluid and sediment components contributed to the basalts, with slab‐derived fluids dominating beneath the Spreading Ridge, and that sediment melts, characterized by high La/Sm and relatively low U/Th and Zr/Nb, dominate in the source region of basalts from the Central Graben.  相似文献   

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