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Lake Vostok, isolated from direct exchange with the atmosphere by about 4 km of ice for millions of years, provides a unique environment. This inaccessibility raises the importance of numerical models to investigate the physical conditions within the lake. Using a three-dimensional numerical model and the best available geometry, we test different parameter settings to define a standard model configuration suitable for studying flow in this subglacial lake. From our model runs we find a baroclinic circulation within the lake that splits into three different parts: Along a topographic ridge in the northern part of Lake Vostok, bottom water masses are transported eastward, diverging away from the ridge. In the lake’s surface layer, the flow in these two vertical overturning cells has opposite directions. In the southern part of the lake, where freezing occurs across about 3,500 km2, two opposing gyres split the water column vertically. The general flow is stronger in the southern basin with horizontal velocities in the order of 1 mm/s. The strongest upwelling, found in the eastern part of this basin, is about 25 μm/s. We estimate the lower limit of the overturning timescale to be about 2.5 years vertically and 8.6 years horizontally. The basal mass loss of ice from the ice sheet floating on the lake is 5.6 mm/year (equivalent to a fresh water flux of 2.78 m3/s, or a basal ice loss of 0.09 km3/year). This imbalance indicates either a constant growth of the lake or its continuous (or periodical) discharge into a subglacial drainage system.  相似文献   

Our understanding of Lake Vostok, the huge subglacial lake beneath the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, has improved recently through the identification of key physical and chemical interactions between the ice sheet and the lake. The north of the lake, where the overlying ice sheet is thickest, is characterized by subglacial melting, whereas freezing of lake water occurs in the south, resulting in ~210 m of ice accretion to the underside of the ice sheet. The accreted ice contains lower concentrations of the impurities normally found in glacier ice, suggesting a net transfer of material from meltwater into the lake. The small numbers of microbes found so far within the accreted ice have DNA profiles similar to those of contemporary surface microbes. Microbiologists expect, however, that Lake Vostok, and other subglacial lakes, will harbour unique species, particularly within the deeper waters and associated sediments. The extreme environments of subglacial lakes are characterized by high pressures, low temperatures, permanent darkness, limited nutrient availability, and oxygen concentrations that are derived from the ice that provides the meltwater. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Lake Vostok, located beneath more than 4 km of ice in the middle of East Antarctica, is a unique subglacial habitat and may contain microorganisms with distinct adaptations to such an extreme environment. Melting and freezing at the base of the ice sheet, which slowly flows across the lake, controls the flux of water, biota and sediment particles through the lake. The influx of thermal energy, however, is limited to contributions from below. Thus the geological origin of Lake Vostok is a critical boundary condition for the subglacial ecosystem. We present the first comprehensive maps of ice surface, ice thickness and subglacial topography around Lake Vostok. The ice flow across the lake and the landscape setting are closely linked to the geological origin of Lake Vostok. Our data show that Lake Vostok is located along a major geological boundary. Magnetic and gravity data are distinct east and west of the lake, as is the roughness of the subglacial topography. The physiographic setting of the lake has important consequences for the ice flow and thus the melting and freezing pattern and the lake’s circulation. Lake Vostok is a tectonically controlled subglacial lake. The tectonic processes provided the space for a unique habitat and recent minor tectonic activity could have the potential to introduce small, but significant amounts of thermal energy into the lake.  相似文献   

The analysis of well logging data plays key role in the exploration and development of hydrocarbon reservoirs. Various well log parameters such as porosity, gamma ray, density, transit time and resistivity, help in classification of strata and estimation of the physical, electrical and acoustical properties of the subsurface lithology. Strong and conspicuous changes in some of the log parameters associated with any particular geological stratigraphy formation are function of its composition, physical properties that help in classification. However some substrata show moderate values in respective log parameters and make difficult to identify the kind of strata, if we go by the standard variability ranges of any log parameters and visual inspection. The complexity increases further with more number of sensors involved. An attempt is made to identify the kinds of stratigraphy from well logs over Prydz bay basin, East Antarctica using fuzzy inference system. A model is built based on few data sets of known stratigraphy and further the network model is used as test model to infer the lithology of a borehole from their geophysical logs, not used in simulation. Initially the fuzzy based algorithm is trained, validated and tested on well log data and finally identifies the formation lithology of a hydrocarbon reservoir system of study area. The effectiveness of this technique is demonstrated by the analysis of the results for actual lithologs and coring data of ODP Leg 188. The fuzzy results show that the training performance equals to 82.95% while the prediction ability is 87.69%. The fuzzy results are very encouraging and the model is able to decipher even thin layer seams and other strata from geophysical logs. The result provides the significant sand formation of depth range 316.0- 341.0 m, where core recovery is incomplete.  相似文献   

二维水质模型在武汉东湖引水工程中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
余成  任宪友  班璇  杜耘 《湖泊科学》2012,24(1):43-50
以"大东湖生态水网"工程的实施为契机,应用MIKE21软件对武汉东湖引水工程进行数值模拟.利用东湖2008年6月和7月实测的水深、TN和TP数据率定了模型参数(床底摩擦力和涡粘系数),并利用2010年7月实测数据建立水动力学模型和对流扩散模型,模拟了四种引水工况下模型运行35 d之后东湖水体中TN、TP浓度分布情况,并比较四种工况的模拟结果.结果表明:在设置两个引水口以及考虑风速影响的情况下,东湖水体中TN、TP浓度分布最均匀.对"大东湖生态水网"工程的实施具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

李栓科 《湖泊科学》1995,7(3):193-202
拉斯曼丘陵区的湖泊均为淡水湖,总数近150个,湖泊总面积6.3km~2,占陆地总面积的3.15%。东部地区湖泊数量少但多深大湖,西部地区数量多但多浅小湖。湖泊地貌发育初始,A_1/A_c之值较大,湖岸地貌形态不发育,全年封冻期长达300天,限制了湖水动力对地貌和沉积物形成的作用强度,冰雪融水量与湖面蒸发量控制了湖水平衡和湖面变化过程。湖积物厚度小,颗粒粗,分选差,风力混杂堆积作用明显。夏季水温变化复杂,并常有明显的逆温现象。水体pH值介于6.0~8.0之间,Na~+占绝对优势。  相似文献   

1 Introduction in China, with an area of 4400 km2 and a drainage area With the advancement of global change study, peo- of nearly 29,660 km2[2]. Occurring at a “climatic triple ple are paying more and more attention to the conti- junction” among the East Asian monsoon, Indian nental environment (in which we reside), its evolution Monsoon and the Westerly Jet Stream, it lies in the and its future tendency. As a component of the global transitional belt of the east monsoonal humid areas sys…  相似文献   

Zilong  Li  Yoshiaki  Tainosho  Jun-Ichi  Kimura  Kazuyuki  Shiraishi 《Island Arc》2005,14(4):636-652
Abstract The Mefjell plutonic complex consists of 500–550‐Ma Pan‐African plutonic rocks, which intrude into the Precambrian crystalline basement in the Sør Rondane Mountains, East Antarctica, and forms part of the Sør Rondane Suture Zone. The complex comprises syenitic and granitic (mostly monzogranitic) rocks, and is characterized by the presence of iron‐rich hydrous mafic minerals and primary ilmenite, both of which imply its formation at high temperature and under low oxygen fugacity conditions. The syenitic rocks are metaluminous, and are high in alkalis, K2O/Na2O, Al2O3, FeOt/(FeOt + MgO) (0.88–0.98), K/Rb (800–1000), Ga (18–28 p.p.m.), Zr (up to 2100 p.p.m.) and Ba. They also have a low Mg? (Mg/[Mg + Fe2+]), Rb, Sr, Nb, Y and F, low to moderate light rare earth element (LREE)/heavy rare earth element (HREE) ratios and positive Eu anomalies in their rare earth element (REE) patterns. The granitic rocks are metaluminous to peraluminous, and have a high Rb content, high Sr/Ba and LREE/HREE ratios, low K/Rb and negative Eu anomalies. Most of the syenitic and granitic rocks have Y/Nb ratios greater than 1.2, and are depleted in Nb, Ti and Sr on the primitive mantle‐normalized spider diagrams, indicating a crustal origin with subduction zone signatures. We interpret both the syenitic and granitic rocks to be derived from an iron‐rich lower crustal source by dehydration melting induced by the heat of mantle‐derived basaltic intrusion, after which they then underwent limited fractional crystallization. The Mefjell plutonic complex has a high Zr content and tectonic discrimination diagram signatures indicative of normal A‐type granitic rocks. Both rock suites may have been generated under the same postorogenic tectonic setting. The Mefjell syenitic rocks are chemically comparable to charnockites in the Gjelsvikjella and western Mühlig‐Hofmannfjella areas of East Antarctica, whereas the granitic rocks are comparable to aluminous A‐type granitic rocks in South India, which were emplaced during formation and evolution of the Gondwanaland supercontinent.  相似文献   

Relict (perched) lacustrine deltas around the perennially ice-covered lakes in the Taylor Valley, Antarctica, imply that these lakes were up to 40 times larger in area than at present since the last glacial maximum (LGM). These deltas have been used to constrain ice-margin positions in Taylor Valley, and the boundaries of the proposed LGM ice-damned Glacial Lake Washburn. The timing of these high lake levels has depended on 14C chronologies of algal layers within relict lacustrine deltas. To provide additional geochronometric data for the post-LGM lake-level history, we applied photon-stimulated-luminescence (PSL) sediment dating to polymineral fine silt and sand-size quartz from 7 perched-delta and 3 active-delta sites of different elevations along 3 major meltwater streams entering Lake Fryxell. Our PSL dating of 4 quartz-sand samples from core tops in the seasonal ice-free moat of Lake Fryxell (elevation ∼18 m a.s.l.) and two core-top moat samples from the seasonal moat of Lake Vanda in nearby Wright Valley establish that adequate PSL clock zeroing (by daylight) occurs in regional, modern shoreline deposits. Minimum-age micro-hole PSL results from the moats are consistently near 100 a. Minimum-age micro-hole age estimates for the deltas range from ∼50 to 100 a near the present lake level up to 13.4 ± 1.3 ka at 240 m. These are systematically younger than the comparable, reservoir-uncorrected, 14C ages that range from 7 ka (cal yr BP) to 13 ka (cal yr BP) near lake level up to 20 ka (cal yr BP) at 220–240 m elevation. Our results indicate the occurrence of a dramatic discrepancy between PSL minimum-age and 14C age estimates that is presently unresolved.  相似文献   

We present a geoid model for the area of Lake Vostok, Antarctica, from a combination of local airborne gravity, ice-surface and ice-thickness data and a lake bathymetry model. The topography data are used for residual terrain modeling (RTM) in a remove–restore approach together with GOCE satellite data. The quasigeoid is predicted by least-squares collocation (LSC) and subsequently converted to geoid heights. Special aspects of that method in presence of an ice sheet are discussed.It is well known that a body freely floating in water is in a state of hydrostatic equilibrium (HE). This usually applies, e.g., to ice shelves or sea ice. However, it has been shown that this is valid also for the ice sheet covering the subglacial Lake Vostok. Thus, we demonstrate the use of such a refined regional geoid model for glaciological and geophysical applications by means of the HE surface of that lake. The mean quadratic residual geoid signal (0.56 m) w.r.t. the GOCE background model exceeds the residual variations of the estimated apparent lake level (ALL) (0.26 m) within the central part of the lake. An approach considering the actual geopotential at the ALL has been derived and subsequently applied. In this context, downward continuation of the potential field within the ice sheet as well as the latitudinal tilt of off-geoid equipotential surfaces are discussed. In view of the accuracy of the ice-thickness measurements that dominate the total error budget of the estimated ALL these effects are negligible. Thus, the HE surface of subglacial lakes may safely be described by a constant height bias in small-scale regional applications. However, field continuation is significant with respect to the formal uncertainty of the quasigeoid, which is at the level of 5 cm given that accurate airborne gravity data (±2 mGal) are available.  相似文献   

Subglacial lakes provide unique habitats, but the exact nature of physical and geochemical conditions are still a matter of debate and await direct sampling of water. Due to its isolation from external atmospheric forcing other environmental parameters influence the flow characteristics within the lake. In this study we use an improved treatment of the physical processes at the ice–water boundary interface to identify and quantify the impact of (1) the geothermal heat flux, (2) the heat flux from the lake into the ice, (3) the influence of the salinity of the lake water, and (4) the ice thickness on the size of the freezing area and the freeze/melt rates. We show that the modelled basal mass imbalance (that is the produced melt water minus the re-frozen water) depends on the geothermal heating as well as the heat flux into the ice. The circulation and the temperature distribution within subglacial Lake Vostok are rather stable against variations of geothermal heat flux, heat flux into the ice sheet, salinity of the lake, and small changes of the ice thickness above the lake. However, the flow regime for any subglacial lake with less than 2000 m ice thickness above, will be substantially different from those that experience higher pressures. This is because the buoyancy–temperature relationship reverses at this depth.  相似文献   

东太湖湖泊面积及网围养殖动态变化的遥感监测   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
杨英宝  江南  殷立琼  胡斌 《湖泊科学》2005,17(2):133-137
东太湖高密度网围养殖已是东太湖水资源过度开发的重要问题,彻底查清东太湖网围养殖规模,是采取一切治理措施的前提,遥感技术可真实反映湖区网围养殖情况,能避免人为的虚报、错报现象.本文利用六景TM图像和三期高精度航片,分析了东太湖20世纪80年代以来湖泊面积、网围养殖的时空变化情况并提出控制网围养殖盲目发展的对策.1984年以来,东太湖湖泊面积持续减小,20年内共减少了249.23hm^2;其中1994—2000年是湖泊消失的快速时期,消失的湖泊主要用于围垦养殖.1990年以来,网围养殖规模逐渐增大,目前几乎布满整个东太湖;1995年以来的增长速度更为迅速,2003年的网围面积10647.02hm^2,比1995年增加了9401.29hm^2,该时期内网围规模增加的年速率是1990—1995年的4倍.  相似文献   

The net surface snow accumulation on the Antarctic ice sheet is determined by a combination of precipitation, sublimation and wind redistribution. We present a one-year record of hourly snow-height measurements at LGB69 (70°50'S, 77°04'E, 1850 m a.s.l.). east side of Lambert Glacier basin (LGB), and 4 year record at G3 (70°53'S, 69°52'E, 84 m a.s.l.), Amery Ice Shelf (AIS). The measurements were made with ultrasonic sensors mounted on automatic weather stations installed at two sites. The snow accumulation at LGB69 is approximately 70 cm. Throughout the winter, between April and September, there was little change in surface snow height (SSH) at the two sites. The negative SSH change is due to densification at LGB69, and is due to both ablation and densification at G3. The strongest accumulation at two sites occurred during the period between October and March (accounting for 101.6% at LGB69), with four episodic increasing events occurring during 2002 for LGB69, and eight events during 1999-2002 for G  相似文献   

东太湖表层沉积物的磷饱和度初步研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对东太湖一个横断面上8个样点、1个网围养鱼区样点,1个鱼塘样点的表层10cm沉积物含磷量进行了分层采样分析,并以表层沉积物和湖水组成系统,通过磷添加研究了沉积物的磷饱和度。  相似文献   

2009年秋季武汉大东湖北湖水系水生植物调查   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
武汉大东湖北湖水系包括北湖、严西湖、严东湖、竹子湖、清潭湖.2009年秋季对北湖水系湖区水生植物调查结果表明,水生植物分布面积达3.89km2,占整个水域面积的14.8%,总现存量(鲜重)为17834.28t;现有水生植物49种,隶属于20科36属,苦草(Vallisneria spiralis)、穗花狐尾藻(Myri...  相似文献   

The Late Pleistocene sea-level history of Antarctica is key to understanding and predicting the responses of icesheets, which significantly contribute to the global sea level, to changing climates. Coastal sediments at Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica, have yielded radiocarbon ages of Holocene and Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 from deposits above the present sea level, suggesting that there have been two episodes of sea-level highstand. However, radiocarbon dating is likely to be less accurate for dating sediments close to or older than 40–50 ka, the upper limit of its application. We thus explored the applicability of luminescence dating to coastal sediments newly sampled from Langhovde on the eastern coast of Lützow-Holm Bay. Samples were collected from a trench <1 m deep and at several meters above the present sea level. Quartz coarse and fine grains, K-feldspar coarse grains, and polymineral fine grains were extracted from the samples. Quartz coarse and fine grains both showed very low optically stimulated luminescence sensitivity and no fast component and thus were not considered further. Dose-recovery tests on post-infrared infrared-stimulated luminescence (post-IR IRSL) signals of K-feldspar and polymineral grains yielded variable results and suggested acceptable measurement conditions for each grain size fraction and expected equivalent dose. Preliminary measurements revealed that the trench section can be divided into the upper and lower layers, corresponding to the Holocene and MIS 7, respectively. Further application of post-IR IRSL dating to coastal sediments, including to previously radiocarbon-dated sections, could refine our understanding of the late Quaternary relative sea-level history in East Antarctica.  相似文献   

东太湖水温变化与水-沉积物界面热通量初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾野  朱金格  王艳平  胡维平 《湖泊科学》2018,30(6):1599-1609
水温对沉水植被的生长和分布具有重要作用,水-沉积物界面热通量对浅水湖泊水温变化的影响值得关注.东太湖是我国东部典型的草型浅水湖区,采用自2013年11月至2015年10月对东太湖湖心进行的不同深度水体及沉积物温度高频观测数据,结合东太湖表层沉积物的热力学性质计算了水-沉积物界面热通量,分析了东太湖水温和水-沉积物界面热通量的变化特征并探讨了其影响因素.结果表明:东太湖各深度水体日升温过程随水深增加后延,升温过程夏季延长,冬季缩短;表层水温日变幅最大,底层水温日变幅次之,沉积物温度日变幅最小,各深度温度日变幅夏季最小、冬季最大;春季和夏季升温过程中各深度日均温变化沿水深存在约1天的延迟,秋季和冬季无此现象;2015年与2014年东太湖温度变化趋势相同,同比月均温差与气温差呈线性相关.沉积物8:00-19:00向水体放热增加或从水体吸热减少,19:00至次日8:00放热减少或吸热增加;3-9月从水体吸热,为热汇,10月至次年2月向水体放热,为热源,沉积物全年为湖泊热源;逐日水-沉积物界面热通量每月6至15日存在相对年变幅较小幅度的正弦式波动.水温和水-沉积物界面热通量的变化主要受太阳辐射和气温的影响,二者对气象参数的响应具有迟滞现象;水-沉积物界面热通量与水温呈负相关,其变化相对水温迟滞,水-沉积物界面热交换的主要作用为缓冲湖泊水体的热量变化;夏季,沉水植物能降低湖泊各层水温和垂向水温差.  相似文献   

东太湖网围养蟹效应及养殖模式优化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
何俊  谷孝鸿  刘国锋 《湖泊科学》2009,21(4):523-529
通过2007年3月至12月对东太湖三个不同养殖密度和规模网围养蟹区养殖状况与环境的比较研究,分析不同养殖方式所带来的经济效益以及对湖泊环境的影响.结果表明:东太湖人工投饵单养河蟹的养殖方式,会造成水体氮磷营养盐累积,对水体造成污染.选取的A、B、C三个养殖区每产出1kg河蟹造成湖区氮累积量分别为0.24kg、0.33kg和0.30kg;磷累积量为0.043kg、0.059kg和0.051kg.比较各养殖区环境状况、经济效益以及河蟹生长规格,认为东太湖实施河蟹优化养殖的适宜密度和单个网围面积为6000只/hm2和2.33hm2左右,但是目前东太湖养殖方式仍需要改进.针对东太湖养殖面积过大和布局不合理现状,认为东太湖网围养蟹面积应控制在3165.2hm2以下为宜.  相似文献   

The accuracy of daily mean 2 meter air temperatures from five reanalyses are assessed against in-situ observations from Automatic Weather Stations in East Antarctica for 2005 to 2008.The five reanalyses all explain more than 70%of the average variance,and have annual root mean square errors(RMSE)between 3.4 and 6.9°C.The NOAA reanalyses,NCEP-1,NCEP-2and 20CRv2,have cool biases of 2.5,1.4 and 1.5°C,respectively.The ERA Interim and JCDAS reanalyses have warm biases of 1.7 and 2.0°C.All reanalyses generally perform better in the austral spring and worse in winter and autumn.They also show the best performance at an inland plateau site at 2800 m elevation,but are worst at Dome A,the summit of the East Antarctic ice sheet.In general,ERA Interim is superior to the other reanalyses,probably because of its 4D assimilation scheme.The three NOAA reanalyses perform worst;Their assimilation scheme is more constrained by limited observations and 20CRv2has less input data,assimilating only surface pressure observations.Despite deficiencies and limitations,the reanalyses are still powerful tools for climate studies in the Antarctic region.However,more in-situ observations are required,especially from the vast interior of Antarctica.  相似文献   

浮游生物主要由浮游植物和浮游动物组成,是湖泊生态系统的重要组分.嵌套性结构及物种间的互作关系对群落的分布格局、功能乃至稳定性都具有重要意义,然而到目前为止,我们对此仍知之甚少.为此,本研究以东太湖为研究区域,在2019-2020年期间进行了春、夏、秋、冬季的观测调查,根据浮游生物群落的组成和多样性特征,结合群落分布矩阵和二分网模型研究浮游生物的嵌套性格局及其互作关系,并探讨其驱动机制.结果显示:(1)在时间上,春、秋、冬季水体的理化特征较为相似,但与夏季的水质差异显著.在空间上,西南部区域的综合污染指数显著高于东北部;(2)环境异质性使得浮游植物呈现出明显的嵌套性分布,即秋、冬季群落是春、夏季群落的子集.然而,浮游动物并未呈现该分布特征;(3)浮游生物的互作关系具有明显的季节特征:冬季的互作网络组成最简单,物种竞争最激烈,物种的特异性关系、物种脆弱性和一般性最小,说明浮游生物群落的稳定性在冬季最弱.综上所述,水环境的时空差异性造成的生态位分离可能是造成浮游生物嵌套性及其互作网络季节性变化的主要机制.  相似文献   

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