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Nutrient additions represent an important anthropogenic stress on coastal ecosystems. At moderate levels, increased nutrients may lead to increased primary production and, possibly, to increased biomass of consumers although complex trophic interactions may modify or mask these effects. We examined the influence of nutrient additions and interactive effects of trophic interactions (predation) on benthic infaunal composition and abundances through small-scale field experiments in 2 estuaries that differed in ambient nutrient conditions. A blocked experimental design was used that allowed an assessment of direct nutrient effects in the presence and absence of predation by epibenthic predators as well as an assessment of the independent effects of predation. Benthic microalgal, production increased with experimental nutrient additions and was greater when infaunal abundances were lower, but there were no significant interactions between these factors. Increased abundances of one infaunal taxa,Laeonereis culveri, as well as the grazer feeding guild were observed with nutrient additions and a number of taxa exhibited higher abundances with predator exclusion. In contrast to results from freshwater systems there were no significant interactive effects between nutrient additions and predator exclusion as was predicted. The infaunal responses observed here emphasize the importance of both bottom-up (nutrient addition and primary producer driven) and top-down (predation) controls in structuring benthic communities. These processes may work at different spatial and temporal scales, and affect different taxa, making observation of potential interactive effects difficult.  相似文献   

Destruction of tidal wetlands has led to a growing interest in the restoration and creation of new wetland habitat. However, while natural stands of vegetation have been successfully duplicated, less is understood about the establishment of faunal communities in created or restored tidal marshes. Infauna, which may form an important link between detrital production and commercially important finfish and decapods, have received limited attention in vegetated marsh habitats. We examined the infauna, changes in vegetation composition, and selected physical parameters in created marshes of different ages. Infauna were sampled using standard core sampling techniques. Vegetation composition and changes in relative abundance were observed using plot-point techniques. Vegetation plots indicated ongoing replacement ofSpartina alterniflora bySchoenoplectus robustus, a pattern supported by comparisons of vegetation at one of the sites to that reported in a previous study. Infauna exhibited significant differences between sites of different ages, with the intermediate-age site having intermediate densities for several taxa. These results suggest that both infauna and vegetation in created marshes undergo long-term change (ongoing after 10–20 yr), with both the plant and infaunal communities having qualitatively similar overall species composition to natural marsh areas.  相似文献   

Monitoring of soft-sediment infauna can be a useful tool in impact assessment, but sorting of specimens from sediments may be very time consuming and expensive. This can force a reduction in the intended sampling program, leading to low statistical power and increased uncertainty in decision making. We pooled field samples of marine infauna into composites, then exhaustively subsampled the composites to examine the statistical distribution of organisms in the subsamples. Abundances of organisms among subsamples were generally consistent with a random distribution, with deviations from randomness occurring more frequently for standard replicates than for subsamples. For the most abundant taxa, subsamples had much smaller variances than replicates, and in 76% of cases, the type of sample (i.e., subsample or replicate) had no effect on the mean abundance of organisms recorded. As our subsamples appeared generally unbiased, we then considered the cost and power for hypothetical monitoring programs using an MBACI analysis, and found substantial cost savings and increases in power to detect impact by using compositing and subsampling.  相似文献   

The differentiation between the concentration of metals associated with suspended sediments and those in the dissolved phase is often of importance in aquatic ecosystems, for such reasons as toxicity evaluation, total maximum daily load calculations, and a better understanding of metal transport. Often, published water quality data include only concentrations of total and dissolved metals, with particulate concentrations assumed equal to the difference between the two. The validity of this assumption for mining-influenced waters is addressed in this paper by comparing data determined from the subtraction of total (acid-soluble) and dissolved (operationally defined as less than 0.45-μm) metal concentrations (difference method) with data obtained from acid-digestion of the particles retained on the filters used for filtering the dissolved fraction (digestion method). Greater than fifty water samples containing suspended sediment were collected from each of three sites in the Clear Creek Watershed in Colorado during a two and one-half year study on the fate and transport of metals in the watershed. Volumes of water filtered ranged from 50 to 250 ml, representative of typical volumes used for the determination of dissolved metal concentrations. The particulate-associated concentrations of Al, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn determined from the difference method compared well with the concentrations determined by the digestion method. Statistical analyses indicated that there is not a statistically significant difference between the two methods at the 95% confidence level, with p-values of 0.65, 0.88, 0.39, 0.67, and 0.75, for Al, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn, respectively, over the three sites.  相似文献   

Accurate measures of intertidal benthic microalgal standing stock (biomass) and productivity are needed to quantify their potential contribution to food webs. Oxygen microelectrode techniques, used in this study, provide realistic measures of intertidal benthic microalgal production. By dividing a salt-marsh estuary into habitat types, based on sediment and sunlight characteristics, we have developed a simple way of describing benthic microalgal communities. The purpose of this study was to measure and compare benthic microalgal biomass and production in five different estuarine habitats over an 18-mo period to document the relative contributions of benthic microalgal productivity in the different habitat types. Samples were collected bimonthly from April 1990 to October 1991. Over the 18-mo period, tall Spartina zone habitats had the highest (101.5 mg chlorophyll a (Chl a) m?2±6.9 SE) and shallow subtidal habitats the lowest (60.4±8.9 SE) microalgal biomass. There was a unimodal peak in biomass during the late winter-early spring period. The concentrations of photopigments (Chl a and total pheopigments) in the 0–5 mm of sediments were highly correlated (r2=0.73 and 0.88, respectively) with photopigment concentrations in the 5–10 mm depth interval. Biomass specific production (μmol O2 mg Chl a ?1 h?1) was highest in intertidal mudflat habitats (206.3±11.2 SE) and lowest in shallow subtidal habitats (104.3±11.1 SE). Regressions of maximum production (production at saturating irradiances) vs. biomass (Chl a) in the upper 2 mm of sediment by habitat type gave some of the highest correlations ever reported for benthic microalgal communities (r2 values ranged from 0.43 to 0.73). The habitat approach and oxygen microelectrode techniques provide a useful, realistic ranged from 0.43 to 0.73). The habitat approach and oxygen microelectrode techniques provide a useful, realistic method for understanding the biomass and production dynamics of estuarine benthic microalgal communities.  相似文献   

In Quaternary studies, tephras are widely used as marker horizons to correlate geological deposits. Therefore, accurate and precise dating is crucial. Among radiometric dating techniques, luminescence dating has the potential to date tephra directly using glass shards, volcanic minerals that formed during the eruption or mineral fragments that originate from the shattered country rock. Moreover, sediments that frame the tephra can be dated to attain an indirect age bracket. A review of numerous luminescence dating studies highlights the method's potential and challenges. While reliable direct dating of volcanic quartz and feldspar as a component in tephra is still methodically difficult mainly due to thermal and athermal signal instability, red thermoluminescence of volcanic quartz and the far-red emission of volcanic feldspar have been used successfully. Furthermore, the dating of xenolithic quartz within tephra shows great potential. Numerous studies date tephra successfully indirectly. Dating surrounding sediments is generally straightforward as long as samples are not taken too close to the tephra horizons. Here, issues arise from the occurrence of glass shards within the sediments or unreliable determination of dose rates. This includes relocation of radioelements, mixing of tephra into the sediment and disregarding different dose rates of adjacent material.  相似文献   

The density of the Carolina marsh clam,Polymesoda caroliniana (Bosc), was determined in three adjacent tidal marsh communities which differed only in plant species composition. Clam density was inversely related to the density (biomass) of plant roots and rhizomes in sediments and directly related to density of plant stems (numbers). Clam abundance was not related to the basal area of plant stems. Each plant community contained clams of various ages from juvenile to adult indicating continued recruitment and survival. These data suggest thatP. caroliniana is most abundant inJuncus roemerianus marshes because there are fewer roots and rhizomes (mean of 2.5 kg m?2) to hamper burrwing as compared toSpartina alterniflora andcynosuroides (5.1 and 6.3 kg m?2, respectively) dominated marshes. Salinity, floding frequency, distance from flooding water, and sediment type were essentially constant among the three plant communities. Root/rhizome density should be collected along with other environmental parameters during studies of benthic organisms on marshes because it potentially limits the occurrence or abundance of some species.  相似文献   

We reviewed the scale and intensity of disturbance, and the response of benthic and epibenthic communities, to intertidal aquaculture activities in Pacific Northwest estuaries. Available data indicate a spectrum of influences on the ability of estuaries to sustain biota unrelated to the cultured species. Certain disturbances, such as adding gravel to mudflats and sandflats to enhance clam production, may subtly impact certain benthic and epibenthic invertebrates without changing the carrying capacity for estuarine-dependent taxa, such as juvenile Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.). However, habitat shifts might alter the relative suitability for different salmon species. In contrast, acute disturbances that produce large-scale changes in community dominants, such as manipulation of burrowing shrimp or eelgrass with pesticides or mechanical harvesting and manipulation of oyster grounds, strongly influence the carrying capacity for many fish and macroinvertebrates. Ensuring that estuarine ecosystems are sustainable for the breadth of processes and resources requires a comprehensive assessment of both natural and anthropogenic disturbance regimes, landscape influences, and the effects of local management for particular species on other resources.  相似文献   

The environmental impacts of salmon net-pen aquaculture on the benthic environment were investigated at a commercial fish farm located in coastal Maine waters. This site has a sandy mud bottom and low current velocities, is subjected to episodic sediment resuspension, and way in production for 3 yr prior to this study: We examined both the increase in carbon flux to the benthos caused by the net-pen and the effects of the elevated flux on sediment biogeochemistry and the microbenthic communities. The experimental design involved the establishment of two study sites, an ambient site ca. 100 m from the net-pen and a treatment site around the pen. Sediment traps deployed 1 m above the sediment-water interface indicated that carbon flux to the benthos was increased 1-fold to 6-fold (to a maximum of 5 g m?2d?1) at the edge of the net-pen with little or no increase in carbon flux 10 m from the pen. Unlike carbon flux rates, sediment organic matter inventories showed a complex pattern of change over time. Mineral surface area, organic carbon and nitrogen, digestible protein, and sterol content were initially (April 1991) lower beneath the pen than in ambient sediments. During 1991 ambient sediment accumulated organic matter until July after which it decreased, to a low during November. In contrast, organic matter inventories of sediment beneath the pen remained low until July and then increased to a high during November. These latter gains were associated with the development of bacterial mats at the sediment-water interface. Beneath the pen, microbial and macrofaunal communities were shifted toward those commonly associated with organic enrichment but seasonal trends and storm-related resuspension events also significantly affected these sediment communities. When abundant, most epibenthic organisms were more numerous near the pen than in adjacent ambient areas. These results suggest that net-pen aquaculture can alter the benthic ecosystem in Maine Coastal waters but indicate that the effects are spatially limited.  相似文献   

Individual scientists, scientific organizations, and government agencies have all concluded that eutrophication is among the most detrimental of all human activities in coastal ecosystems; very large amounts of funding have been earmarked to study the negative consequences of nutrient pollution. Most studies of eutrophication have been conducted long after the numbers and diversity of larger marine consumers were dramatically reduced by centuries of intense harvesting. It is now understood that these once abundant predators played pivotal roles in regulating ecosystem structure and function, and that the widespread overharvesting of large consumers can trigger indirect effects that alter species compositions in ways that are very similar to those reported to result from eutrophication. All of this suggests that we should reevaluate whether the many negative effects attributed to eutrophication are actually a result of nutrient additions or whether they may be the result of the indirect effects of dramatically altered coastal food webs. In this essay, we review experimental assessments of the degree to which changes in consumer abundances have indirectly altered the structure of benthic ecosystems in coastal waters, and on the relative importance of top-down and bottom-up effects on coral reefs, rocky shores, and seagrass meadows. We find that the evidence clearly indicates that indirect consumer effects are the primary drivers of coastal benthic ecosystem structure and function.  相似文献   

A quantitative study on faunal density and faunal diversity was carried out on benthic foraminifers from 15 samples of two eastern Mediterranean deep-sea cores. Samples were taken beneath, within, and above three distinctive levels well correlatable for over 1000 km: (a) Sapropel S-5, late Pleistocene in age, correlative with marine isotopic stage 5e and with the Tyrrhenian transgression, with an interpolated age of ~ 125,000 yr: (b) the “Ischia” tephra Y-5, the most widespread ash layer of the eastern Mediterranean, correlative with the transition from isotopic stages 3 to 2 and having an interpolated age of ~ 35,000 yr; and (c) Sapropel S-1, Holocene in age, correlative with the Flandrian transgression, radiometrically dated at ~8000 yr B.P. The most severe effects on benthic life were induced by stagnation (a). Deglaciation corresponding to Termination II was so rapid that the benthic assemblages could not adapt themselves to the too-rapidly decreasing oxygen levels and were entirely destroyed. More than 1000 yr after the termination of stagnant conditions no recolonization had yet started. The lesser disturbance was induced in the benthic community by the ash fall (b). The faunal destruction was ephemeral in duration and the colonizing population did not differ from that predating the ash fall. A progressive faunal change, with increasing abundance of taxa tolerant to low oxygen levels, was recorded beneath Sapropel S-1 (c). The recolonizing assemblage differs from the previously existing one, and is more similar to those recorded from the floor of the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

In light of widespread coastal eutrophication, identifying which nutrients limit vegetation and the community consequences when limitation is relaxed is critical to maintaining the health of estuarine marshes. Studies in temperate salt marshes have generally identified nitrogen (N) as the primary limiting nutrient for marsh vegetation, but the limiting nutrient in low salinity tidal marshes is unknown. I use a 3-yr nutrient addition experiment in mid elevation,Spartina patens dominated marshes that vary in salinity along two estuaries in southern Maine to examine variation in nutrient effects. Nutrient limitation shifted across estuarine salinity gradients; salt and brackish marsh vegetation was N limited, while oligohaline marsh vegetation was co-limited by N and phosphorus (P). Plant tissue analysis ofS. patens showed plants in the highest salinity marshes had the greatest percent N, despite N limitation, suggesting that N limitation in salt marshes is partially driven by a high demand for N to aid in salinity tolerance. Fertilization had little effect on species composition in monospecificS. patents stands of salt and brackish marshes, but N+P treatments in species-rich oligohaline marshes significantly altered community composition, favoring dominance by high aboveground producing plants. Eutrophication by both N and P has the potential to greatly reduce the characteristic high diversity of oligohaline marshes. Inputs of both nutrients in coastal watersheds must be managed to protect the diversity and functioning of the full range of estuarine marshes.  相似文献   

A combination of field studies and mathematical modeling was used to examine the role of subtidal benthic algae in the eutrophication processes in two shallow estuarine systems. Field measurements indicated uptake by benthic algae retained ammonium and phosphate in the sediments when light at the sediment surface exceeded ≈150 μE m2 s?1. The measurements were used to calibrate a newly developed model of benthic algal activity. The benthic algal model was coupled with a hydrodynamic model, a eutrophication model, and a sediment diagenesis model. In the simulated ecosystem, benthic algae had a major influence in the intra-annual cycling of nitrogen and phosphorus. When nutrients were abundant in the water column (late winter and spring) they were transferred to the sediments through algal activity. Diagenesis released these nutrients to the water column in summer when nutrients were scarce. As a result of the nutrient transfer, annual primary production in the water column, in the presence of benthic algae, exceeded production in the absence of the algae.  相似文献   

The distribution of archaeal lipids, including archaeol and glycerol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs), in dolomite concretions and surrounding sediment from the Monterey Formation (Miocene) and the Sisquoc Formation (Miocene-Pliocene) were examined to distinguish planktic from benthic contributions. For this purpose, dolomites with positive δ13C values (+7‰ to +13‰) were chosen; such highly positive values point to pronounced methanogenesis of benthic archaea in the sedimentary column. At first glance, distributions and relative abundances of GDGTs in both dolomites and background sediment were similar, resembling patterns of marine planktic crenarchaea. A contribution of benthic euryarchaea to the GDGT pool became evident only from variations in the δ13C values of different biphytanes obtained after ether cleavage of GDGTs. Whereas bi- and tricyclic biphytanes had an isotopic signal typical of planktic archaea (δ13C −23.6‰ to −20.5‰ and −23.4‰ to −21.2‰, respectively) for both dolomite and background sediment, acyclic and monocyclic biphytanes showed lower values for dolomite samples (−25.1‰ to −22.6‰ and −27.6‰ to −24.7‰, respectively), indicating a contribution of lipids from benthic archaea. The isoprenoid diether archaeol (δ13C −23.9‰ to −22.9‰), assigned to euryarchaea, was only detected in dolomite samples, also reflecting additional input from sedimentary archaea, probably autotrophic methanogens. The occurrence of lipids derived from methanogenic archaea agrees with the strong 13C-enrichment of dolomites and with mineral formation taking place in the zone of archaeal methanogenesis. This implies that the lipid biomarker inventory of sedimentary strata needs to be interpreted carefully, as it is often not straightforward to discriminate between input from the water column and sedimentary microbial activity.  相似文献   

Two benthic microalgal species, Euglena proxima (Dangeard) and the diatom Hantzschia virgata var. intermedia (Grun) Round, congregated at the sediment surface of intertidal sand flats surrounding the Duke University Marine Laboratory in Beaufort, North Carolina, during low tide and migrated below the surface prior to tidal flooding. E. proxima was found down to a depth of 12 cm below the surface during high tide while H. virgata was not found below 8 cm. One potential advantage of vertical migration for benthic microalgae is avoidance of the sediment surface during high tide when the winnowing action of waves can remove cells from the intertidal habitat. This hypothesis was tested by comparing the mean depths of E. proxima and H. virgata exposed to calm water conditions with their mean depths under wave-exposed conditions in shallow outdoor tidal tanks equipped with wave generators. Two sediment treatments were tested in each tank to evaluate the effect of a subsurface layer of black sediment (subsurface sediments, presumably reduced) on vertical migration: a uniform column of light brown sand (surface sediments; presumably oxygenated), and a layered column with light brown sand overlying a layer of black sediment. One-way and two-way ANOVAs indicated that wave action increased the mean depth of both species under certain conditions related to the presence, absence, and depth of a subsurface layer of black sediment. In an experiment with a shallow black layer (5 mm), wave action did not result in a significant increase in the mean depth of H. virgata as it did in a previous experiment with a deeper black layer (3 cm). Unlike H. virgata, E. proxima exhibited a wave effect only in the absence of a subsurface black layer. A subsurface black layer seemed to reinforce downward migration in E. proxima under both calm water and wave conditions. The absence of a wave effect in the presence of a subsurface black layer suggests that the mean depth of E. proxima during high tide was more tightly controlled by the depth of the black layer than wave energy. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY085 00009  相似文献   

Monitoring of small-scale distribution patterns of benthic invertebrates has demonstrated distinct trends in faunal abundances with position relative to individual culms of saltmarsh cordgrass,Spartina alterniflora, at Tar Landing Bay Marsh, near Morehead City, North Carolina. Samples containing culms ofSpartina yielded significantly higher abundances (at least three times) than did samples without them. Among common species, onlyNereis succinea did not show this effect. Matrix-arranged and randomly placed sets of samples have confirmed a positive relationship between cross-sectional area of culms in a sample (at the sediment-water interface) and contained numbers of macrofauna, juvenile macrofauna and meiofauna. These patterns occurred despite a decreased volume of sediment in samples containing culms. Heightened abundances of benthic invertebrates associated with structural elements at the sediment-water interface may result from either nonrandom recruitment (either active via recruit selectivity or passive through hydrogeographic effects of culms) or differential post-recruitment mortality (resulting from inhibition of epibenthic predators or from variable habitat quality).  相似文献   

Soil contaminated sites contain a variety of pollutants, especially heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Interactions between heavy metals have been relatively well studied, but little is known about interactions between heavy metals and PAHs. The combined effect of heavy metals and PAHs on soil microorganism was studied in laboratory conditions and evaluated by random denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. We extracted DNA directly from contaminated soils and then amplified the V3 sequences of the 16S rDNA. The results showed that with different culture time, the gene diversity of the single and combined contaminated soil differed as well. After 15 days of culture, the microorganisms were stimulated and accommodated. After 45 days of cultivation, the quantities of the soil microorganisms were affected. It is concluded that some of the microorganisms utilize phenanthrene as important carbon resources. Microorganisms directly isolated from soil could reflect the diversity of soil microorganism and population distribution conditions.  相似文献   

Sarah Blandy 《GeoJournal》2006,66(1-2):15-26
It is important to analyse the growth of gated communities and the drivers for their supply and demand, within the context specific to each country’s history. This article uses findings from recent studies of gated communities in England, together with historical material, to explore their typology. It considers the changing social, economic and political conditions which may lead to the emergence of defended collective housing, together with the history of property relations and the concept of public/private land within the English context.  相似文献   

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