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 通过对国际能源机构(IEA)最新公布的各国CO2排放量进行分析对比,结果显示,1990-2005年世界按购买力平价计算的CO2排放量整体呈下降趋势,降幅较大,而且在2000年之后基本保持稳定。经济合作与发展组织(OECD)国家按购买力平价计算的CO2排放量也有不同程度的减少,非OECD国家按购买力平价计算的CO2排放量与1990年相比整体上也呈现负增长,但各国情况相差较大。在人均排放量方面OECD国家普遍高于世界平均水平,而大多数非OECD国家则低于世界平均水平。  相似文献   

以北京市朝阳站为例总体上分析了2014-2015年北京市全年、冬半年和夏半年电场强度和污染物变化特性及相关性,重点研究静稳积累型、污染复合型、沙尘型3种类型污染天气下大气电场强度与主要污染物因子浓度以及与气象要素之间的关系.结果表明:(1)全年电场强度每小时平均值为0.45~0.72kV·m-1,全年电场强度主要峰值在...  相似文献   

彭州市大气污染物浓度变化特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用2017年彭州市大气污染物(SO2、NO2、O3、CO、PM10、PM2.5)小时浓度数据并结合地面气象观测资料,统计分析了该地区大气污染物浓度的演变规律及影响因素。结果表明:该地区细粒子(PM10和PM2.5)污染较为严重,O3次之,其它污染物浓度水平则低于国家新二级标准限值。观测期间,各污染物浓度表现出明显的日变化与季节变化,其中SO2、O3呈单峰型日变化,NO2、CO和细粒子则呈双峰型日变化;污染物浓度的季节变化基本表现为冬高夏低、春秋次之的变化特征(O3为夏高冬低),并且固态污染物(PM10、PM2.5)与气态污染物(NO2、CO)之间有显著的相关性。在污染物浓度与气象要素相关性分析中表明,湿度对于污染物浓度的影响整体上要弱于温度和风速,除了O3与温度、风速呈正相关外,其它污染物与两者均呈负相关。除此以外,风向对于当地各种大气污染物的积累与清除也有直接的影响。  相似文献   

Polychlorodibenzeno-dioxins and polychlorodibenzeno-furans (PCDD/Fs) are considered among the most toxic compounds on earth. The aim of the present study was to evaluate atmospheric PCDD/F deposition and identify the areas with greater deposition of these compounds in an important industrialized and urbanized region of Portugal, using lichens as biomonitors. For this purpose, samples of the lichen Xanthoria parietina were collected at 60 sampling sites, covering urban, industrial, forestry and agriculture areas, and analyzed for PCDD/Fs, sulfur, nitrogen, zinc, iron, chromium, lead, cobalt, nickel, copper, calcium, manganese, magnesium and potassium. The concentrations of PCDD/Fs in lichens were compared with the other elements and related to land-use and population density. The results obtained through the geostatistical interpolations and after principal component analysis have shown that PCDD/F deposition estimated by lichens is greater near industrial and highly populated urban areas. We found that lichens are suitable biomonitors of PCDD/F atmospheric deposition and can contribute to a better knowledge of air quality in a region, enabling identification of critical pollutant deposition areas.  相似文献   

本文利用2013年1月1日~2015年6月30日贵阳市9个环境监测站的6种主要大气污染物(SO2、NO2、O3、PM10、CO、PM2.5)监测数据,分析了贵阳市主要大气污染物的年变化、日变化特征及降水对首要污染物浓度变化的影响。发现SO2、NO2、PM10、CO、PM2.5浓度为单谷型年变化,夏季浓度最低,冬季浓度最高;O3浓度为双峰型年变化,4、10月分别有两个极大值、11~2月与7月分别为两个极小值;SO2、NO2、PM10、CO、PM2.5浓度日变化呈双峰型特征;O3浓度日变化为单峰型特征;郊区SO2、NO2、PM10、CO、PM2.5日平均浓度低于市区,而郊区O3日平均浓度高于市区。降水对O3的湿清除效果不好,对其余大气污染物的湿清除效果较好,尤其夜间降水对颗粒污染物(PM2.5、PM10)的清除效果优于白天降水,但会使O3浓度明显上升。  相似文献   

大气成分变化对天气气候、环境生态,以及人体健康、社会生活等都有重要影响.只有通过长期观测,了解这些大气成分的浓度水平、变化趋势、相关源汇过程,才能准确地评估人类活动对当前地球气候、环境和生态系统造成的影响,保护人类发展和生存条件.本文概括介绍了世界气象组织全球大气监测计划(WMO/GAW)和我国开展大气本底观测的发展历...  相似文献   

Korea’s domestic emissions trading scheme commenced in January 2015. It targeted mainly industrial and power sectors, and compelled companies to transform how they manage energy efficiency and mitigate GHGs. This study sets out to explore how Korean companies evaluated their allocation position and engaged in emissions trading in the first compliance period, and to identify their views on trading barriers and policy expectations at the start of emissions trading. Questionnaire surveys and on-site interviews targeting Korean companies under the Korean emissions trading scheme were conducted at the start of operations (February to March 2015) and after the first compliance year (May 2016), respectively. Actual operation results are observed and compared with the survey findings. This study extrapolates implications for policy and presents suggestions for the government and the target companies in terms of how to improve the current emissions trading scheme in order to further stimulate emissions trading.


This study attempts to bridge the gap between companies and government policy in operating the domestic emission trading scheme in Korea. Empirical results, based on analysis of company-level data, reveal how businesses perceive K-ETS and how this relates to the operating results, which saw only limited trading of surplus emissions taking place in the early phase. Key barriers to active trading identified in the study include supply–demand imbalance, policy uncertainty and lack of preparedness of companies over carbon pricing. These barriers could be addressed by improved transparency of allowance allocation methods, possibly restricting carry-over of surplus allowances, ending policy uncertainty and providing more information to companies that can support companies’ policy understanding of the carbon pricing based on the market mechanism. Targeted companies should proactively participate in emissions trading in the early phase, in order to learn from it and prepare for the future introduction of auctioning.  相似文献   

广州亚运会期间鼎湖山站大气污染特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为了解广州亚运会期间华南区域大气质量状况以及气象条件对区域本底浓度值的影响,2010年11月对鼎湖山站主要污染物NOx,SO2,O3,PM10和PM2.5进行了连续在线观测。利用MICAPS,NCEP FNL资料及后向轨迹模拟对观测时段大气污染物变化特征进行了分析。结果表明:观测时期鼎湖山区域NO2,SO2和O3平均体积分数分别为 (7.2±3.1)×10-9,(8.5±3.8)×10-9和 (28.7±9.8)×10-9。PM10和PM2.5的月平均质量浓度分别达到113 μg·m-3和81 μg·m-3,PM2.5超标日数达13 d (标准为世界卫生组织第1阶段值,日平均值为75 μg·m-3)。不同时段日变化分析表明,广州亚运会期间高值时段 (定义为PM2.5质量浓度超过世界卫生组织的IT.1标准的时段) NOx和O3平均体积分数为13.2×10-9和20.9×10-9,较2009年同期分别下降了41.3%和10.7%。不利气象要素影响和污染物区域传输作用是形成珠江三角洲区域大气本底 (鼎湖山地区) 细粒子污染偏高的主要原因。  相似文献   

The stable carbon isotope ratios of nonmethane hydrocarbons (NMHC) and methyl chloride emitted from biomass burning were determined by analyzing seven whole air samples collected during different phases of the burning process as part of a laboratory study of wood burning. The average of the stable carbon isotope ratios of emitted alkanes, alkenes and aromatic compounds is identical to that of the burnt fuel; more than 50% of the values are within a range of ±1.5 of thecomposition of the burnt fuel wood. Thus for the majority of NMHC emitted from biomass burning stable carbon isotope ratio of the burnt fuel a good first order approximation for the isotopic composition of the emissions. Of the more than twenty compounds we studied, only methyl chloride and ethyne differed in stable carbon isotope ratios by more than a few per mil from the composition of the fuel. Ethyne is enriched in 13C by approximately 20–30, and most of the variability can beexplained by a dependence on flame temperature. The 13C values decreaseby 0.019 /K (±0.0053/K) with increasing temperature. Methyl chloride is highly depleted in 13C, on average by25. However the results cover a wide range of nearly 30. Specifically, in two measurements with wood from Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus delegatensis) as fuel we observed the emission of extremely light methyl chloride (–68.5and–65.5). This coincides with higher than average emission ratiosfor methyl chloride (15.5 × 10–5 and 18 ×10–5 mol CH3Cl/mol CO2). These high emission ratios are consistent with the highchlorine content of the burnt fuel, although, due to the limited number of measurements, it would be premature to generalize these findings. The limited number of observations also prevents any conclusion on a systematic dependence between chlorine content of the fuel, emission ratios and stable carbon isotope ratio of methyl chloride emissions. However, our results show that a detailed understanding of the emissions of methyl chloride from chloride rich fuels is important for understanding its global budget. It is also evident that the usefulness of stable carbon isotope ratios to constrain the global budget of methyl chloride will be complicated by the very large variability of the stable carbon isotope ratio of biomass burning emissions. Nevertheless, ultimately the large fractionation may provide additional constraints for the contribution of biomass burning emissions to the atmospheric budget of methyl chloride.  相似文献   

Ambient atmospheric aerosols and savanna fireparticulate emission samples from southern Africa werecharacterised in terms of particle classes and theirnumber abundance by electron probe X-ray microanalysis(EPXMA). About ten particle classes were identifiedfor each sample. The major classes werealuminosilicates and sea salts for ambient coarse(2–10 m equivalent aerodynamic diameter (EAD))samples, and K-S and S-only particles for ambient fine(<2 m EAD) samples. The K-S particles are oneof the major products of biomass burning. The EPXMAresults were found to be consistent with the resultsfrom bulk analyses on a sample by sample basis. Forsavanna fire fine samples, quantitative EPXMA revealedthat many particles had a composition of simple saltssuch as KCl. Some particles had a deviatingcomposition in the sense that more ionic species wereinvolved in sustaining the balance between cations andanions, and they were composite or mixed salts.Because of extensive processing during the atmospherictransport, the composition of the K-S particles in theambient samples was different from K2SO4,and such particles were enriched with S. The finepyrogenic KCl particles and the fine sea-saltparticles were much depleted in chlorine.  相似文献   

Transplants of the epiphytic lichen Parmelia sulcata were suspended in nylon bags in a special device allowing a fixed orientation of the lichen towards the wind direction, viz. facing the wind (F orientation) or shielded from the wind by its substrate (T orientation). The F- and T-orientation data were mutually compared and also with reference values (= time zero values of the transplants). The data were analysed via Monte Carlo added target transformation factor analysis (MCATTFA) to get information on possible emission-source profiles and their contributions to total-element levels in transplants, in F- and T-orientations. Both orientations did not differ for Na, Mg, P, Cl, K, Fe, Co, Ni, Ga, Se, Br, Sr, Ba, La, Nd, Sm, Lu and Ta, but showed some time-related differences for Cr and Zn. For the remaining elements the data presents a high variability. Under the conditions of the experiment, F- and T-oriented transplants generally did not result in differences in source profiles reflected, nor in differences in source contributions to element levels in the transplants.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates the two different Rossby wave train(RWT) patterns related to the developing/decaying upper atmospheric heat source over the Tibetan Plateau(TPUHS) in boreal summer. The results show that the summer TPUHS is dominated by quasi-biweekly variability, particularly from late July to mid-August when the subtropical jet steadily stays to the north of the TP. During the developing period of TPUHS events, the intensifying TPUHS corresponds to an anomalous upper-tropospheric high over the TP, which acts as the main source of a RWT that extends northeastward, via North China, the central Pacific and Alaska, to the northeastern Pacific region. This RWT breaks up while the anomalous high is temporarily replaced by an anomalous low due to the further deepened convective heating around the TPUHS peak. However, this anomalous low, though existing for only three to four days due to the counteracting dynamical effects of the persisting upper/lower divergence/convergence over the TP, acts as a new wave source to connect to an anomalous dynamical high over the Baikal region. Whilst the anomalous low is diminishing rapidly, this Baikal high becomes the main source of a new RWT, which develops eastward over the North Pacific region till around eight days after the TPUHS peak. Nevertheless, the anomaly centers along this decaying-TPUHS-related RWT mostly appear much weaker than those along the previous RWT.Therefore, their impacts on circulation and weather differ considerably from the developing to the decaying period of TPUHS events.  相似文献   

利用戈达德对地观测系统(GEOS)提供的再分析气象场GEOS-5驱动的GEOS-Chem模式,模拟中国地区2009年4月22~29日沙尘暴期间沙尘气溶胶表面非均相化学过程对我国污染物的影响。模拟结果表明,沙尘暴期间,全国平均沙尘硝酸盐和沙尘硫酸盐浓度分别为0.2 μg m-3和0.4 μg m-3,占总硝酸盐(非沙尘硝酸盐与沙尘硝酸盐之和)和总硫酸盐(非沙尘硫酸盐与沙尘硫酸盐之和)的24%和10%。我国西部地区沙尘硝酸盐占比( > 80%)要大于其他地区,而西部地区的沙尘硫酸盐占比则要小于下游地区。考虑非均相化学反应后,沙尘暴期间,全国平均的二氧化硫(SO2)、硝酸(HNO3)、臭氧(O3)、非沙尘硫酸盐、总硫酸盐、非沙尘硝酸盐、总硝酸盐、NH3、总铵盐浓度变化量分别为-7%、-15%、-2%、-8%、3%、-2%、14%、21%、-5%。  相似文献   

李炟  盛黎  宋振鑫  陈静  胡江凯  佟华 《气象》2020,46(5):687-694
利用HYSPLIT(Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory)模型和ERA_INTERIM数据,计算2013—2017年北京奥林匹克体育中心(以下简称奥体中心)2月期间抵达的72 h后向轨迹,并结合聚类分析方法和污染物浓度数据,分析2月不同轨迹对奥体中心污染物浓度的影响,采用四种不同的轨迹分析方法分析奥体中心污染物来源特征,并通过实例分析了不同轨迹分析方法的优缺点和适用性。结果表明:奥体中心2月主导气流明显,为西北路径,出现概率为55.85%;清洁通道为北向气流,污染来源为南向路径和偏东路径,对应颗粒物浓度最高;通过轨迹统计方法得到奥体中心2月颗粒物主要污染来源为河北地区、山东半岛、黄渤海区域、新疆北部与河西走廊。此外,研究发现潜在源贡献函数和浓度权重轨迹方法适用于近距离污染源的识别;停留时间浓度加权方法采用确定性办法通过迭代可以精准识别出北京奥体中心主要污染物来源;定量传输偏差分析方法引入不确定性概念,适用于大范围确定性污染源识别,但同时会产生虚假的污染物来源。不过,采用RTWC方法和QTBA方法相结合可消除QTBA方法带来的虚假污染源。  相似文献   

废弃物处理温室气体排放的主要排放源之一为废水(生活污水和工业废水)处理CH4排放。根据统计资料和IPCC提供的方法,选择适合中国的排放因子,分析了中国废水处理2005-2010年的CH4排放特征和2000-2010年CH4产生的各驱动因子。并且根据中国的实际情况预测和分析了中国废水处理CH4排放趋势和排放潜力。结果显示:2010年中国生活污水处理CH4排放量为61.10万t,工业废水处理的CH4排放量为162.37万t,造纸等八大行业CH4排放量达到总CH4排放量的92%以上,2005-2010年的CH4排放量逐年增加;到2020年在减排情景下,生活污水处理CH4排放量为101.36万t,减排潜力为7.63万t,比2010年排放量增加了66%;工业废水处理CH4排放量233.93万t,减排潜力为25.99万t,比2010年排放量增加了44%。  相似文献   

基于2015~2018年四川盆地温江站、宜宾站、达川站和沙坪坝站的探空和地面观测资料以及同期AQI、6种主要污染物(SO2、NO2、CO、O3、PM2.5、PM10)质量浓度资料,使用逐步逼近法计算得到了四川盆地成都、宜宾、达州、重庆四城市的每日最大混合层厚度(Maximum mixing depth,MMD),并对其时间变化特征及其与各种污染物浓度之间的关系进行了分析。结果表明,四川盆地年平均MMD约1200m。季节变化明显,春夏高、秋冬低。9月至次年1月MMD相对较小。相关分析显示,剔除降水影响后,MMD与AQI、PM2.5、PM10、SO2、NO2、CO浓度均呈负相关,而与O3浓度显著正相关。在污染最为严重的冬季,MMD明显低于春夏季节。MMD越小、颗粒物浓度越高。低MMD大大压缩了近地面污染物的扩散空间,污染物在有限的空间内不断累积、浓度增大。  相似文献   

通过一个自主设计的调查问卷的抽样调查,对发展中国家气候灾害的主要状况及开展的应对工作进行了分析,以了解发展中国家的气候灾害及应对能力。调查结果表明,洪涝、干旱和海平面上升是受访发展中国家面临的3种最主要的气候灾害,具有发生频繁、影响范围广且造成损失大的特征。大多数接受调查的发展中国家尚未建立完备的灾害管理体系,加强对气候灾害的监测预警是其应对极端气候事件、降低灾害风险的首要任务之一。帮助其他发展中国家建立并完善监测预警系统应是中国应对气候变化南南合作的重要领域之一。  相似文献   

2006-2007年冬春季在武汉市湖北大学校区连续采集气溶胶样品,测定气溶胶元素组成,分析气溶胶样品总悬浮颗粒物(TSP)质量浓度,再结合污染源的特征元素组成来确定污染物的来源构成。结果表明:湖北大学校区大气气溶胶污染程度较轻,气溶胶元素以地壳元素为主,其次是具有代表性的人为污染物元素,再次是盐类元素。通过因子载荷分析和相关性分析显示,湖北大学周边地区的建筑源、交通源和餐饮源是湖北大学校区大气的主要污染源。  相似文献   

武汉市科教区冬春季气溶胶的元素组成特征及来源分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 2006-2007年冬春季在武汉市湖北大学校区连续采集气溶胶样品,测定气溶胶元素组成,分析气溶胶样品总悬浮颗粒物(TSP)质量浓度,再结合污染源的特征元素组成来确定污染物的来源构成。结果表明:湖北大学校区大气气溶胶污染程度较轻,气溶胶元素以地壳元素为主,其次是具有代表性的人为污染物元素,再次是盐类元素。通过因子载荷分析和相关性分析显示,湖北大学周边地区的建筑源、交通源和餐饮源是湖北大学校区大气的主要污染源。  相似文献   

近30年青藏高原大气热源气候特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用NCEP CFSR再分析资料,用"倒算法"计算了1981~2010年青藏高原大气热源汇,并分析了其气候特征。结果表明:(1)青藏高原大气热源汇具有明显的季节差异。高原大部分地区在春季和夏季为热源,冬季和秋季为冷源。2~4月热源从高原西北部、东北部及西南边坡开始逐渐向中部扩展,强度不断增强。5~7月高原东南端热源显著增强并向西向北扩展,使7月高原热源达到最强,并在高原南部喜马拉雅山脉沿线及其以南邻近地区形成一个强大的热源带。8月开始,高原热源迅速减弱,高原中部至四周边坡大部分地区大气先后变为冷源。到11月和12月整个高原大气几乎为冷源。(2)高原各区逐年平均大气热源强度有明显不同的变化特征。高原全区有显著的2~3年和6~8年周期,而高原东部仅存在6~8年周期,高原西部仅有2~3年周期。(3)近30年高原全区和东部大气热源具有明显增强趋势,而高原西部却为减弱趋势。  相似文献   

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