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本文利用同一经度(大约100°E)中低纬三台测高仪(普洱22.7°N,101.05°E,乐山29.6°N,103.75°E,张掖39.4°N,100.13°E)的观测数据,对2017年9月6号太阳耀斑爆发引起的强烈地磁暴期间的大尺度电离层行进式扰动(Large Scale Traveling Ionospheric D...  相似文献   

为考察赤道异常区电离层对中等强度磁暴的响应特性,用电离层CT成像方法重建电离层电子密度二维剖面。重建结果表明,暴时低纬电离层电子密度以降低为主,但暴相随纬度和高度而异;磁暴期间,赤道异常峰结构仍然存在,但恢复相期间峰的位置向赤道移动;磁暴急始之后约20min,在赤道异常峰区出现电子密度深度耗空,这种耗空遍及从底到顶的整个F区,朝赤道一侧显现水平梯度非常大的陡壁。这种与磁暴急始相联系的电子密度深度耗  相似文献   

为考察赤道异常区电离层对中等强度磁暴的响应特性,用电离层CT成像方法重建电离层电子密度二维剖面.重建结果表明,暴时低纬电离层电子密度以降低为主,但暴相随纬度和高度而异;磁暴期间,赤道异常峰结构仍然存在,但恢复相期间峰的位置向赤道移动;磁暴急始之后约20min,在赤道异常峰区出现电子密度深度耗空,这种耗空遍及从底到顶的整个F区,朝赤道一侧显现水平梯度非常大的陡壁.这种与磁暴急始相联系的电子密度深度耗空现象很有意义,值得进一步研究.  相似文献   

一次中强磁暴期间低纬电离层响应的CT成像   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为考察赤道异常区电离层对中等强度磁暴的响应特性,用电离层CT成像方法重建电离层电子密度二维剖面.重建结果表明,暴时低纬电离层电子密度以降低为主,但暴相随纬度和高度而异;磁暴期间,赤道异常峰结构仍然存在,但恢复相期间峰的位置向赤道移动;磁暴急始之后约20min,在赤道异常峰区出现电子密度深度耗空,这种耗空遍及从底到顶的整个F区,朝赤道一侧显现水平梯度非常大的陡壁.这种与磁暴急始相联系的电子密度深度耗空现象很有意义,值得进一步研究.  相似文献   

1989年3月特强磁暴期间的电离层暴   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
用欧亚大陆地面电离层垂测站资料考察1989年3月12~16日磁暴期间的电离层暴形态及其发展变化. 特强磁暴引发的电离层暴是全球性的,但自磁层沉降的高能粒子对热层低部的加热程度及区域分布不同,因而各经度链区域内电离层暴的特征也有所差异. 本文研究表明,与理论推断对照,欧洲地区内F2层最大电子密度NmaxF2(或f0F2)并不出现正暴现象,而负暴自高纬向低纬的发展则与典型的热层环流结果相符. 此外,此磁暴过程期间在中低纬区存在明显的波动过程. 在亚洲高纬地区,磁暴初期13日有约10 h的正暴,而负暴过程则与欧洲地区类似,但不太清晰;且无波动现象. 磁暴期间,同一经度链的中低纬地区,夜间常发生多站同时的h′F突增. 本文再次证实这是一般磁暴期间常出现的普遍现象.  相似文献   

分析了快速强主相和延迟弱主相磁暴期间中低纬电离层大尺度扰动形态.结果表明,对于这两种不同类型的磁暴,电离层负相扰动区的影响范围和形态也有差异.强主相磁暴情况下的负相区渗透到较低纬度,影响范围大;而弱主相施暴,负相限于纬度较高地区,影响范围较小.负相的开始和结束时间与磁暴主相延迟时间有着很好的对应.对于主相快速发展的磁暴,负相扰动的出现较快.而当磁暴主相长时间延迟时,电离层中也相应地出现负相长时间延迟.结果反映了按Kp指数对磁暴类型的分类对中低纬电离层暴的扰动形态分析也有着重要意义.  相似文献   

不同地磁扰动事件期间全球电离层的扰动形态分析   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用全球电离层台站提供的观测数据,分析 了5次不 同类型磁暴事件期间全球电离层F2层f0F2和hmF2的扰动变化. 主要结果 表明:对于延迟型主相磁暴S(C)和S(E),中高纬电离层首先会出现明显的正相扰动,随 后是明显延迟的负相扰动,负相扰动覆盖范围广,甚至扩展到低纬区, 且持续时间很长, 恢 复及其缓慢,其中S(C)型的扰动更为明显; 对于非延迟型主相磁暴S(A)、S(B)和 S(D ),高纬电离层正相扰动持续时间较短甚至不出现,中高纬电离层负相扰动的出现、发展和 恢复也相对较快; 磁暴主相强度的大小会对电离层负相扰动的强度、发展和持续时间产生一 定的影响; 高纬电离层扰动在非延迟型主相磁暴恢复相期间会出现明显的地方时效应,地方 时效应随纬度的降低而增强,并且会明显影响到中低纬电离层的扰动;电离层扰动从高纬到 低纬的变化趋势为:f0F2的扰动由负相向正相转化,hmF2的增加由全天出现趋向于只存在于夜间,反映了不同扰动物理机制的作用.  相似文献   

不同类型磁暴和中低纬电离层暴的关系   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
分析了快速强主相和延迟弱主相磁暴期间中低纬电离层大尺度扰动形态.结果表明,对于这两种不同类型的磁暴,电离层负相扰动区的影响范围和形态也有差异.强主相磁暴情况下的负相区渗透到较低纬度,影响范围大;而弱主相施暴,负相限于纬度较高地区,影响范围较小.负相的开始和结束时间与磁暴主相延迟时间有着很好的对应.对于主相快速发展的磁暴,负相扰动的出现较快.而当磁暴主相长时间延迟时,电离层中也相应地出现负相长时间延迟.结果反映了按Kp指数对磁暴类型的分类对中低纬电离层暴的扰动形态分析也有着重要意义.  相似文献   

电离层总电子含量(TEC)是空间天气研究和监测预报的重要参量.本文引入了电离层TEC扰动指数DI, 对青岛等6个台站的DI数据进行分析,选取DI>0.35(DI≤-0.30)作为正(负)相电离层TEC扰动的强度标准,并以连续6 h及以上的DI满足该值来判定电离层TEC暴扰动事件.对电离层TEC暴扰动事件的统计分析表明,在地方时日落后至子夜前为发生高峰时段,正(负)相暴扰动事件平均持续时间约为10.9 h(10.5 h),正相暴发生率以冬季为多,夏季为少,而负相暴则以夏季略高.发现位于赤道异常驼峰区的广州站和位于高中纬度的海拉尔站比典型中纬地区的北京站电离层TEC暴扰动更易发生,且低纬地区以正相暴扰动为主.分析表明,约有70%的电离层TEC暴扰动伴随着有地磁扰动,但是电离层TEC暴扰动并不完全由地磁扰动所引起,强烈气象活动等局地环境因素也可能对电离层TEC暴扰动有着重要影响.  相似文献   

基于川滇地区电离层垂测普洱站和乐山站记录数据,对2018年云南墨江M_S59和2019年四川长宁MS60地震震前电离层特征参数f_0F_2异常数据进行处理分析。结果显示:在云南墨江地震前第3天,普洱站上空出现显著电离层异常扰动现象,特征参数f_0F_2相对背景阈值的最大异常扰动达64%;在四川长宁地震前第4天,乐山站上空也出现明显电离层异常扰动现象,特征参数f0F2相对背景阈值的最大异常扰动达58%。这些扰动现象很可能属于地震前兆异常。  相似文献   

The effects of geomagnetic storm on GPS ionospheric scintillations are studied here using GPS scintillation data recorded at Sanya (18.3°N, 109.5°E; geomagnetic: 7.6°N, 180.8°E), the southmost station in the Chinese longitude region. GPS scintillation/TEC and DMSP data are utilized to show the development of irregularities during the period year 2005 (solar minimum). Statistical analysis of K planetary index (Kp) and amplitude scintillation index (S4) indicates that most storms of the year did not trigger the scintillation occurrence at Sanya. However, cases of scintillation occurring during moderate and strong storm (Dst<−100) periods show clearly that the development of irregularities producing scintillations can be triggered by geomagnetic storms during the low scintillation occurrence season. The effects (trigger or not trigger/inhibit) depend on the maximum dDst/dt determined local time sector, and can be explained by the response of the equatorial vertical drift velocities to magnetospheric and ionospheric disturbance electric fields. For station Sanya, the maximum dDst/dt determined local time is near the noon (or post-midnight) sector for most storms of the year 2005, which inhibited (or did not trigger) the post-sunset (or post-midnight) scintillation occurrence and then led to the phenomena that the statistical results presented.  相似文献   

An investigation to elucidate the mechanisms responsible for the pre-storm and main phase ionospheric phenomena during November 20–21, 2003, is presented using heliophysical, interplanetary, geomagnetic, and global ionospheric data. The results show that the ionospheric responses in the main phase do not indicate prompt penetration electric fields as the main ionospheric driver. The results also show that the pre-storm phenomena do not originate from a local time effect. The simultaneous occurrence of ƒoF2 enhancements at two widely separated longitudinal zones appeared to suggest a role played by the magnetospheric electric field. However, the analysis of hmF2 at the stations could not confirm the notion that these fields are the main drivers of pre-storm phenomena. An investigation of flare effects on the pre-storm phenomena also revealed that solar flares are not the main drivers. The present results appear to suggest that the pre-storm ionospheric phenomena could be a result of some underlying mechanisms that are working together with varying degree of importance.  相似文献   

The model calculation of a magnetic disturbance, which was registered at Colaba observatory (India) during the historic giant magnetic storm on September 1–2, 1859, is illustrated. The calculation demonstrates that the observed, unusually fast, 2-h main phase of this storm, when the negative amplitude of the geomagnetic field vector H component was ?1600 nT, and an extremely fast (1.5-h) initial field recovery phase from the maximum to the ?110 nT amplitude can be generated. The following models of the magnetospheric current systems were used in the calculations: the ring current (DR), the magnetospheric magnetopause current (DCF), the magnetotail current system (DT), and the high-latitude current system (DP). The unusual time variation in the registered geomagnetic disturbance is related to the probable fast and considerable equatorward shift of the high-latitude currents during the main phase of the analyzed giant storm and to the same fast backward motion of these currents during the initial field recovery phase. The unusually large amplitude of the registered geomagnetic disturbance could have been caused by the total contribution of the indicated magnetospheric current systems during the time when the storm was generated as a result of the interaction between the magnetosphere and the solar plasma ejected during the gigantic solar flare before the storm.  相似文献   

2015年3月磁暴期间中国中低纬地区电离层变化分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文

2015年3月17日爆发了本太阳活动周最大的地磁暴,Dst指数达到-233 nT.本文利用电离层测高仪foF2hmF2、北斗同步卫星(BDS GEO)TEC以及GPS电离层闪烁S4指数对此次磁暴期间中国中低纬地区(北京、武汉、邵阳和三亚)的电离层变化进行分析,并对此次磁暴所引发电离层暴的可能机制进行了探讨.磁暴期间,中低纬电离层暴整体表现为正相暴之后长时间强的负相暴.3月17日白天中纬正相暴为风场抬升电离层所致,而驼峰区及低纬地区正相暴由东向穿透电场所引起;3月18日白天长时间的强负相暴为西向扰动发电机电场和成分扰动所引起;3月17和18日夜间的负相暴可能是日落东向电场受到抑制以及赤道向风场对扩散的抑制导致驼峰向赤道压缩所致,同时被抑制的日落东向电场强度不足以触发产生赤道扩展F,导致低纬三亚和邵阳夜间电离层闪烁在磁暴期间受到完全抑制.这是我们首次基于北斗同步卫星TEC组网观测开展的电离层暴研究.


Current theories of F-layer storms are discussed using numerical simulations with the Upper Atmosphere Model, a global self-consistent, time dependent numerical model of the thermosphere-ionosphere-plasmasphere-magnetosphere system including electrodynamical coupling effects. A case study of a moderate geomagnetic storm at low solar activity during the northern winter solstice exemplifies the complex storm phenomena. The study focuses on positive ionospheric storm effects in relation to thermospheric disturbances in general and thermospheric composition changes in particular. It investigates the dynamical effects of both neutral meridional winds and electric fields caused by the disturbance dynamo effect. The penetration of short-time electric fields of magnetospheric origin during storm intensification phases is shown for the first time in this model study. Comparisons of the calculated thermospheric composition changes with satellite observations of AE-C and ESRO-4 during storm time show a good agreement. The empirical MSISE90 model, however, is less consistent with the simulations. It does not show the equatorward propagation of the disturbances and predicts that they have a gentler latitudinal gradient. Both theoretical and experimental data reveal that although the ratio of [O]/[N2] at high latitudes decreases significantly during the magnetic storm compared with the quiet time level, at mid to low latitudes it does not increase (at fixed altitudes) above the quiet reference level. Meanwhile, the ionospheric storm is positive there. We conclude that the positive phase of the ionospheric storm is mainly due to uplifting of ionospheric F2-region plasma at mid latitudes and its equatorward movement at low latitudes along geomagnetic field lines caused by large-scale neutral wind circulation and the passage of travelling atmospheric disturbances (TADs). The calculated zonal electric field disturbances also help to create the positive ionospheric disturbances both at middle and low latitudes. Minor contributions arise from the general density enhancement of all constituents during geomagnetic storms, which favours ion production processes above ion losses at fixed height under day-light conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Disturbances in the critical frequency of theF2-region of the ionosphere at Watheroo on international magnetically disturbed days are analyzed together with simultaneous geomagnetic data at the same station. The results show that the daily average disturbanceDm (foF2) becomes negative or positive according as the maximum of the disturbance daily variationSD (foF2) takes place in night time or in daytime respectively. This fact may show that bothDm (foF2) andSD (foF2) are due to the condition that the daytime increase in the daily variation of theF2-region is reduced or enhanced owing to vertical drift of the ionosphere caused by electric currents responsible for geomagneticSD.  相似文献   

The complex geophysical pattern of the development of geomagnetic storm in VLF emissions has been studied based on the satellite data. It has been established that the variations in the LF noise emission intensity (0.1–20.0 kHz) and the energetic electron (E ≥ 40 keV) flux density reflect the processes of magnetospheric plasma reconstruction during geomagnetic disturbances. It has been indicated that a distinct structure of the inner and outer radiation belts is observed under quiet conditions, and the VLF emission maximum was registered at L = 4–5. The inner boundary of the outer radiation belt shifted to lower latitudes, the intensity of the noise VLF emissions increased, and the intensity maximum was displaced to L = 2.5–3.5 during the geomagnetic storm, when the energetic electron flux density increased. The VLF noise spectrum widened toward higher frequencies. The VLF noise level continued increasing, the noise maximum shifted to L = 4–5, and the fluxes of precipitating electrons abruptly increased during the storm recovery phase, when the density of the flux of quasitrapped electrons remained increased for a long time.  相似文献   

Quasiperiodical variations in the Doppler shift of HF signals scattered by artificial ionospheric turbulence have been investigated experimentally. It is assumed that a possible cause for these variations might be natural ionospheric MHD-waves. The amplitude of the magnetic component of such waves resulting in the observed Doppler shift magnitudes has been estimated as 1 γ.  相似文献   

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