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Variously colored gem-quality topazes from Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil, were studied by optical absorption spectroscopy and photoluminescence methods. In the near infrared range (750–2500 nm) the absorption spectra display an identical pattern of narrow intense absorption lines caused by overtones and combination vibrations of OH groups, which do not relate to the coloration of the topazes studied. Their colors were found to be caused by combination of three sets of absorption features, (1), (2), and (3) in the visible and near-UV range, which are due to different color center. (1) denotes a pair of broad split bands with maxima 18 000 and 25 000 cm–1 caused by electronic spin-allowed dd transitions of Cr3+ ions. They cause a light rose to deep violet color and characteristic pleochroism of Cr3+-containing topazes. Photoluminescence evidences of at least three different types of Cr3+ complexes which, most probably, differ by ligand surroundings, O4F2, O4F(OH) and O4(OH) (2) Corresponds to the intense weakly polarized UV absorption edge. Two different parts, the thermally stable one, caused by ligand-to-metal charge transfer, and the thermally unstable one, caused by some defect center(s), contribute to the edge. (3) denotes a system of two broad unstructured bands with maxima around 19 000 cm–1 (X>Y Z) and 24 000 cm–1 (Y Z X). They cause the unique orange color and characteristic pleochroism of Brazilian Imperial topazes. Combinations of (1) and (3) absorption features cause various yellow-rose colors of the samples. Investigations of natural irradiated and thermally treated topazes show that the color centers (1) and (3) transform to each other at annealing and X- or gamma irradiation. The color of natural orange-red Imperial topazes is assumed to be caused by Cr4+, stabilized by other impurity ions and/or defect irradiation EPR centers. At T=300 °C Cr4+ reduces to Cr3+, the color of Imperial topazes changes to pale rose, caused by spin-allowed bands of Cr3+. In artificially irradiated crystals the (3)-center, Cr4+, may be induced according to the reaction 2Cr3+ Cr4+ + Cr2+, which involves chromium pairs in adjacent Al sites of the structure. Such artificially induced color is unstable at room temperature and in daylight. The process of the decay of (3)-centers may be described as a recombination Cr4++Cr2+ 2Cr3+ that results in vanishing of the (3)-bands accompanied by the appearance or increase in Cr3+ dd bands, the original orange color turning to a pale rose.  相似文献   

The thermal anomalies associated with the Ia3dI41/acdI41/a transition sequence of phase transitions in leucite have been studied by differential scanning calorimetry and interpreted with Landau theory. Both transitions are close to the tricritical point. The coupling between the two transitions is biquadratic, and reduces the stability of the I41/a phase.  相似文献   

On the basis of site investigation and data collection of a certain electro plating factory, the groundwater flow and solute transport coupled models were established by applying Visual MODFLOW 4.1 software, which was used to conduct a numerical simulation that forecast the transport process of Cr6+ in groundwater. The results show that contamination plume of Cr6+ transports with groundwater flow direction. Without control measures, in 3 650 days, 19 wells for drinking would be contaminated, and the range of transport would be 52 172 m2, the maximum contamination would be 35.8 mg/L  相似文献   

Using the superposition model in conjunction with our crystal field analysis package recently developed for 3d ions doped at arbitrary low symmetry sites in crystals, the energy levels and statevectors have been predicted within the whole 3d 3 configuration of Cr3+ at the four possible triclinic sites in kyanite (Al2O3∶SiO2). The values of the ground state zero-field splitting for each of the four Al sites are evaluated. The splittings of the lower excited state 2 E as well as the admixture of 4 T 2 state into 2 E have also been determined. The predicted results are compared with the available experimental data on the four possible, but so far not uniquely identified, substitutional Cr3+ sites in kyanite thus enabling correlation of the spectroscopic properties and substitutional sites.  相似文献   

In the city of Ouro Preto (MG), water catchment for public supply originates from superficial drainage, springs, old abandoned mines and some driven wells. In the rocks of the region, As is originally found in gold-enriched sulphide-bearing mineral deposits. The weathering process introduces As into the hydrological system by dissolution of this element into the leachate. Measurement of the As content in the groundwater of some catchments was carried out during 1 year and these measurements demonstrated high As content—up to 224 μg L−1 of As(V)—during the rainy season (the maximum concentration limit according to World Health Organization is 10 μg L−1). Lower values were observed during the dry season and in some sampling stations, As was not even detected. The As concentration variability during 1 year shows a strict and direct relationship to seasonal and hydrological conditions. For city authorities, responsible for public water supply, it is necessary to perform a complete inventory of the water sources used and constantly monitor the As content in the water.  相似文献   

New data on the structure of Garfield nontronite have been produced by the use of different spectroscopic techniques: Mössbauer spectroscopy, optical spectroscopy, X-ray absorption edges and EXAFS and NMR. The tetrahedral iron content is found to be no higher than 1 percent. All iron atoms belong to the octahedral sheet excluding the possibility of the presence of non crystallized phases. Some ambiguities remain about the coherence of the octahedral sheet because of the presence of two doublets in the Mössbauer spectrum and at least two lineshapes in NMR spectra of OH which correspond to different environments.  相似文献   

The luminescence spectra of Pr3+ and Sm3+ ions in apatite Ca5[F∣(PO4)3] crystals from Spain and Russia have been compared with those for phosphate glasses doped with Pr3+, Sm3+ and Pr3+, Sm3+ ions. Time-resolved spectra measurements confirm that, in apatites, samarium ions occupy two non-equivalent crystal sites; the same is assumed for praseodymium ions. For the first time in minerals, the Stark splitting energy levels ΔE for 3H6 and 1D2 of Pr3+ ion and 6H7/2 of Sm3+ ion were determined. Some small differences in ΔE values for the Spanish and Russian apatite are discussed. The decay times of the excited levels of Pr3+, Sm3+ and Pr3+, Sm3+ doped in phosphate glass were measured at room temperature and at 77 K. The energy transfer process between samarium and praseodymium ions was observed and the energy transfer rate was calculated.  相似文献   

The thermoluminescence (TL) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) sensitivities of quartz grains from deserts and loess–red clay sequences are used to trace eolian provenances in northern China. Our results indicate that the 110°C TL peak and OSL sensitivities of quartz grains show differences among Chinese deserts, which can be subdivided into four groups according to the spatial variations of luminescence sensitivities. Such differences are related mostly to the regional difference in rock types of mountains surrounding or adjacent to the deserts. We also examine the possible provenance changes between the Quaternary loess and the Tertiary eolian red clay, and the results indicate that the luminescence sensitivity of Tertiary red clay is higher than that of Quaternary loess (L1, L15, and L33), implying source materials of the eolian deposits changed relative to those of the Quaternary.  相似文献   

This paper is an extension of the earlier one dealing with kyanite in which the best fitting value of the oxygen ligand distance for Cr3+ is adopted to study the spectroscopic properties of Cr3+ ions doped at the two possible Al sites in the other two polymorphs of the aluminosilicate group (Al2O3 · SiO2), namely, andalusite and sillimanite. The superposition model and the crystal field analysis package recently developed for 3d ions doped at arbitrary low symmetry sites in crystals are used to predict energy levels and statevectors within the whole 3d 3 configuration. Then the values of the ground state zerofield splitting for Cr3+ ions at each Al sites in the two crystals are obtained. The splittings of the lower excited states 2 E and 4 T 2 as well as the admixture of 4 T 2 into 2 E have also been predicted. Comparison of our results with the available experimental data enable us to correlate the optical and EPR Spectroscopic properties with the substitutional Cr3+ sites. The conclusion is that in andalusite and sillimanite only the Al sites with nearly-octahedral six-fold coordination seem to be occupied by Cr3+ ions.  相似文献   

Loess/palaeosol sequences from the Loess plateau in China were investigated by combined infrared optically stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and thermoluminescence (TL) dating techniques in order to study the luminescence properties of the loessic sediments and to provide a direct chronological link for correlation and position of the last interglacial soil in Central Asia and the Loess plateau in China. Sensitivity changes were found for all samples through artificial bleaching of the samples. The greatest sensitivity changes, of up to 50%, were found for very old loess samples designated to be older than the Matu-yama/Brunhes magnetic boundary and hence older than 788,000±1,800 years. The upper dating limit, as investigated by the very old loess samples, ranges from 250,000 to 300,000 years, if the TL additive dose method is applied. The chronological position of the last interglacial soil S1 at the section near Lanzhou indicates luminescence age estimates ranging from 82,000 to 75,000 years for the marine-isotope stage 5 to 4 transition. However, the loess from below S1 yielded luminescence age estimates between 153,200±14,200 and 110,100±20,100 years for TL and IRSL additive dose methods, respectively. Thus, a direct correlation between the S1 and the first intercalated pedocomplex PC1 in Central Asia is most likely. Received: 31 March 1998 / Accepted: 25 October 1998  相似文献   

Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) study of single crystals of forsterite co-doped with chromium and scandium has revealed, apart from the known paramagnetic centers Cr3+(M1) and Cr3+(M1)– $ V_{{{\text{Mg}}^{2 + } }} $ (M2) (Ryabov in Phys Chem Miner 38:177–184, 2011), a new center Cr3+(M1)– $ V_{{{\text{Mg}}^{2 + } }} $ (M2)–Sc3+ formed by a Cr3+ ion substituting for Mg2+ at the M1 structural position with a nearest-neighbor Mg2+ vacancy at the M2 position and a Sc3+ ion presumably at the nearest-neighbor M1 position. For this center, the conventional zero-field splitting parameters D and E and the principal g values have been determined as follows: D?=?33,172(29) MHz, E?=?8,482(13) MHz, g?=?[1.9808(2), 1.9778(2), 1.9739(2)]. The center has been compared with the known ion pair Cr3+(M1)–Al3+ (Bershov et al. in Phys Chem Miner 9:95–101, 1983), for which the refined EPR data have been obtained. Based on these data, the known sharp M1″ line at 13,967?cm?1 (with the splitting of 1.8?cm?1), observed in low-temperature luminescence spectra of chromium-doped forsterite crystals (Glynn et al. in J Lumin 48, 49:541–544, 1991), has been ascribed to the Cr3+(M1)–Al3+ center. It has been found that the concentration of the new center increases from 0 up to 4.4?×?1015?mg?1, whereas that of the Cr3+(M1) and Cr3+(M1)– $ V_{{{\text{Mg}}^{2 + } }} $ (M2) centers quickly decreases from 7.4?×?1015?mg?1 down to 3?×?1015?mg?1 and from 2.7?×?1015?mg?1 down to 0.5?×?1015?mg?1, i.e., by a factor of 2.5 and 5.4, respectively, with an increase of the Sc content from 0 up to 0.22 wt?% (at the same Cr content 0.25 wt?%) in the melt. When the Sc content exceeds that of Cr, the concentration of the new center decreases most likely due to the formation of the Sc3+(M1)– $ V_{{{\text{Mg}}^{2 + } }} $ (M2)–Sc3+ complex instead of the Cr3+(M1)– $ V_{{{\text{Mg}}^{2 + } }} $ (M2)–Sc3+ center. The formation of such ordered neutral complex is in agreement with the experimental results, concerning the incorporation of Sc into olivine, recently obtained by Grant and Wood (Geochim Cosmochim Acta 74:2412–2428, 2010).  相似文献   

高温高压下石膏脱水相变的原位拉曼光谱研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周兴志  郑海飞孙樯 《岩石学报》2006,22(12):3047-3051
本文运用激光拉曼光谱仪,利用水热金刚石压腔装置对高温高压条件下石膏-水体系中的石膏脱水相变进行拉曼光谱研究.在压力0.1 MPa~837.9 MPa和温度16~200 ℃条件下通过系列实验对相变的过程进行了原位光谱分析.与人们已知的无水条件下石膏分两步脱水的过程不同,高压下石膏在饱和水环境下倾向于一次性的脱去所有结晶水而形成无水石膏,实验中没有观察到半水石膏的出现.通过实验数据得到石膏和无水石膏的转折温度和平衡压力间的关系式为P(MPa)=19.56·T(℃)-2926.5.  相似文献   

The electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrum of Cr3+ in synthetic crystals of forsterite consists primarily of lines of Cr3+ “isolated” at the M1 and M2 positions in a “perfect” crystal environment without local charge compensation. In addition it shows two nonequivalent superhyperfine-split sextets with different intensities which are due to strong interaction of the Cr3+ electron spin S (S=3/2) with an adjacent nuclear spin I(I=5/2). Electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) experiments revealed that the sextets result from Cr3+ (M1) - Al3+ and Cr3+ (M2) - Al3+ pairs, Al being located at adjacent tetrahedral Si sites. The g, D, A, and A′ tensor components of the Cr3+ - Al3+ pairs have been determined at room temperature. The values of the pairs are distinct although they are not very different from the corresponding data of “isolated” Cr3+. From the intensities of the EPR spectra the relative concentration of the Cr3+ - Al3+ pairs with respect to “isolated” Cr3+ has been estimated.  相似文献   

 We have investigated a well-ordered sample of natural Cr-bearing dickite from Nowa Ruda (Lower Silesia, Poland) using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) at X- and Q-band frequencies (9.42 and 33.97 GHz, respectively) and optical diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. The observation of the spin-forbidden transitions at 15500 and 14690 cm−1 allows us to unambiguously identify the major contribution of octahedrally coordinated Cr3+ ions in the optical spectrum. The X- and Q-band EPR spectra show two superposed Cr3+ signals. The corresponding fine-structure parameters were determined at room temperature and 145 K. These results suggest the substitution of Cr3+ for Al3+ in equal proportions in the two unequivalent octahedral sites of the dickite structure. In kaolin group minerals, the distortion around Cr3+ ions (λ≈ 0.2–0.4) in Al sites is significantly less rhombic than that observed around Fe3+ ions (λ≈ 0.6–0.8). Received: 29 June 2001 / Accepted: 22 October 2001  相似文献   

The polarized (Ea′, Eb and Ec) electronic absorption spectra of five natural chromium-containing clinopyroxenes with compositions close to chromdiopside, omphacite, ureyite-jadeite (12.8% Cr2O3), jadeite, and spodumene (hiddenite) were studied. The polarization dependence of the intensities of the Cr3+ bands in the clinopyroxene spectra cannot be explained by the selection rules for the point groups C 2 or C 2v but can be accounted for satisfactorily with the help of the higher order pseudosymmetry model, i.e. with selection rules for the point symmetry group C 3v. The trigonal axis of the pseudosymmetry crystal field forms an angle of 20.5° with the crystallographic direction c in the (010) plane. D q increases from diopside (1542 cm?1) through omphacite (1552 cm?1), jadeite (1574 cm?1) to spodumene (1592 cm?1). The parameter B which is a measure of covalency for Cr3+-O bonds at M1 sites in clinopyroxene depends on the Cr3+ concentration and the cations at M2 sites.  相似文献   

Unpolarized absorption spectra of single crystals of Cr3+ doped Al2O3 (synthetic ruby) have measured using a new, time-resolving, dispersive, streak photographic system over the range ~350 to ~700 nm during a series of shock loading experiments. The crystal field absorptions assigned to the transition 4 A 2g4 T 2g were observed to shift in a series of experiments from 555±1 nm at atmospheric pressure to 503±5 nm at 46 GPa. In a single experiment at 32 GPa the 4 A 2g4 T 1g transition was observed to shift from 405±1 to 386±5 nm. The present data extrapolate downwards in compression toward the 10 GPa data of Stephens and Drickamer (1961) although both crystal field absorption energies increase considerably less with compression than predicted by the simple ionic point charge model. The single datum observed for the Racah parameter B, 588±38 cm?1 at 32 GPa, is consistant with previous results to 10 GPa and the trend of decreasing B, with compression expected from the divergence of the data from the point charge model due to increasing covalancy.  相似文献   

由于层间含有高价态金属阳离子的蒙脱石对特定有机物的吸附能力可大大增强,故分别用层间含有Na+、Ca2+、Al3+和Cr3+的蒙脱石对垃圾渗滤液中的有机物进行吸附实验,研究它们吸附苯酚、二甲苯和COD的能力及离子形态对吸附效果的影响.结果表明,含高价金属阳离子的蒙脱石对苯酚和COD的吸附能力较高,吸附能力由小到大的顺序为Na+<Ca2+<Al3+<Cr3+蒙脱石;各种类型蒙脱石对二甲苯的吸附能力相对较低,并且没有一定的规律可循.并对氢键吸附机制进行了探讨.  相似文献   

A selected set of five different kyanite samples was analysed by electron microprobe and found to contain chromium between <0.001 and 0.055 per formula unit (pfu). Polarized electronic absorption spectroscopy on oriented single crystals, R1, R2-sharp line luminescence and spectra of excitation of λ3- and λ4-components of R1-line of Cr3+-emission had the following results: (1) The Fe2+–Ti4+ charge transfer in c-parallel chains of edge connected M(1) and M(2) octahedra shows up in the electronic absorption spectra as an almost exclusively c(||Z′)-polarized, very strong and broad band at 16000 cm−1 if <, in this case the only band in the spectrum, and at an invariably lower energy of 15400 cm−1 in crystals with  ≥ . The energy difference is explained by an expansion of the Of–Ok, and Ob–Om edges, by which the M(1) and M(2) octahedra are interconnected (Burnham 1963), when Cr3+ substitutes for Al compared to the chromium-free case. (2) The Cr3+ is proven in two greatly differing crystal fields a and b, giving rise to two sets of bands, derived from the well known dd transitions of Cr3+ 4A2g4T2g(F)(I), →4T1g(F)(II), and →4T1g(P)(III). Band energies in the two sets a and b, as obtained by absorption, A, and excitation, E, agree well: I: 17300(a, A), 17200(a, E), 16000(b, A), 16200(b, E); II: 24800(a, A), 24400(a, E); 22300(b, A), 22200(b, E); III: 28800(b,A) cm−1. Evaluation of crystal field parameters from the bands in the electronic spectra yield Dq(a)=1730 cm−1, Dq(b)=1600 cm−1, B(a)=790 cm−1, B(b)=620 cm−1 (errors ca. ±10 cm−1), again in agreement with values extracted from the λ3, λ4 excitation spectra. The CF-values of set a are close to those typical of Cr3+ substituting for Al in octahedra of other silicate minerals without constitutional OH as for sapphirine, mantle garnets or beryl, and are, therefore, interpreted as caused by Cr3+ substituting for Al in some or all of the M(1) to M(4) octaheda of the kyanite structure, which are crystallographically different but close in their mean Al–O distances, ranging from 1.896 to 1.919 A (Burnham 1963), and slight degrees of distortion. Hence, band set a originates from substitutive Cr3+ in the kyanite structural matrix. The CF-data of Cr3+ type b, expecially B, resemble those of Cr3+ in oxides, especially of corundum type solid solutions or eskolaite. This may be interpreted by the assumption that a fraction of the total chromium contents might be allocated in a precursor of a corundum type exsolution. Received: 3 January 1997 / Revised, accepted: 2 May 1997  相似文献   

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