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详细阐述了LN-ZGHC-Ⅱ型综合检测仪的工作原理。硬件结构和主要功能。  相似文献   

1 设备研制的作用和意义遥测数字地震台网建成后 ,需要保证连续正常运行 ,但在运行过程中 ,由于各种原因设备可能出现“死机”现象 ,造成观测记录的中断 ,而遥测数字地震台往往远离台网中心 ,处于无人值守状态 ,出现死机时 ,需要专门派人到遥测台关机后 ,再重新开机解决故障 ,即浪费时间与经费 ,又增加了信号间断率。如果对这类故障 ,能有一种设备来自动进行处理 ,就会减少维护人员的工作量和运行故障率。根据这种实际需要 ,我们设计研制了适用于遥测地震台的 LN-WDG-I型实时监控仪。LN-WDG-I型实时监控仪可以通过监视数据流的输出来…  相似文献   

引言我国地震系统数字化台网改造工作正在全面展开 ,不仅需要高质量的数字化地震观测仪器 ,提高观测质量 ;同样也需要一种适合遥测台工作特点的供电系统 ,提高遥测台地震观测仪器的连续运行率。在遥测台网的监测工作中 ,由于原有的电源不尽完善 ,不能完全适应遥测台的工作环境 ,造成地震信号断记的现象时有发生。一直是困扰遥测台网监测工作质量的一个难题。为此 ,我们研制了 LN-GDXT-1型多功能电源。LN-GDXT-1型多功能电源具有性能稳定 ,输入交流电压范围宽 ,停电时持续供电时间长 ,免维护等特点 ,是一种较为理想的遥测台供电系统。1…  相似文献   

引言在地震监测工作中 ,值班人员一直希望有一种性能完善、运行可靠的报警装置 ,这种装置不仅能在地震触发、数据通讯中断与恢复时 ,及时发出声音报警 ,并且能以图像形式显示出地震方位及时间 ,更好地为速报人员提供方便 ,为此 ,我们研制了 LN-SSBJ-I辽宁遥测数字地震台网实时报警系统。1 结构与功能1 .1 报警系统结构“报警系统”的外观正面是一幅辽宁遥测数字地震台分布图 ,在每个遥测地震台站的位置上安装一只双色发光二极管 ,以不同颜色表示正常情况、地震事件或通讯故障。在地图的右上角装有 6位 LED显示器 ,用以显示地震或故障…  相似文献   

严旭东 《华南地震》1996,16(1):66-70
广州台DK-1型地震仪的技术改造包括对拾震器摆的检查与校正;对摆的不同固有周期常数的测定及试记。利用763型仪器的垂直向拾震器代替DK-1仪器垂直向拾震器等。一年来的试验表明获得了满意的效果。  相似文献   

系统分析了KJ—1记录器对拾震器输出电压灵敏度的要求,并对SK拾震器与KJ—1记录器的连接方法进行了研究。研究结果表明,只需对SK拾震器和KJ—1记录器进行改造,就能实现两者的完美配接,而其性能优于DK—1地震仪和基式地震仪。  相似文献   

美国生产的SMA—1强震仪在我国的应用较为广泛,因使用多年,故障率逐年递增。从仪器的工作原理入手,简略介绍了常见故障的维修和仪器的改进方法。改进的仪器,经三年多的考验,运行正常。  相似文献   

CZM-2型磁力仪的改制@赵淑杰@张艾民@殷为民@王学成¥辽宁省地震局CZM┐2型磁力仪的改制赵淑杰张艾民殷为民王学成(辽宁省地震局沈阳110031)1前言CZM-2型质子磁力仪是我国地震监测台站使用较多的仪器。多年来该仪器为我国地震监测提供了大量的数据。...  相似文献   

DD-1仪器是我国最先采用墨水笔绘记录方式自行研制生产的一种短周期地震仪。因其记录直观可见,下纸后即可进行分析处理,操作简便,便于震情监视、速报工作使用,维护费用较低,在各地得到了广泛使用,是目前我国测震台站使用数量最大、分布面最广,在我国  相似文献   

前言精确可靠的震源位置数据是地震学和地球内部物理学研究的重要基础数据。提高地震定位精度和可靠性也是提高地震台网监测能力的重要方面之一。因此 ,研究地震台网的地震定位方法和提高地震定位精度是多年来地震工作者努力奋斗的课题。为适应辽宁遥测数字地震台网的建设需要 ,针对现有软件对网缘地震定位可靠性较差、对地震序列定位精度较低的情况 ,本项研究中编写了 LN-ZHDW-1综合定位软件 ,将原来在 DOS环境下运行 ,用 BASIC语言编写的交切 -中线法地震定位软件 ,移植到 SCO UNIX系统下运行 ,并且在吸收原定位系统优点的基础上…  相似文献   

地震报警系统的开发与部署已受到广泛的关注。地震开关是其中关键的技术手段。研究表明:地震发生的P波与S波具有不同的传播速度与振动方式,S波是造成震灾的主要原因而其传播速度要经P波慢得多。根据P波振幅与震灾的关系及其振动方式、频率域、时间域的特征,可以从干扰背影中同地震时首先到达的P波,如符合判据,就发出报警信号及控制命令;疏散人员,切断次生灾害源,达到减灾的目的。通过响应调整可以排除一些人为的、自然  相似文献   

介绍一种利用单片机技术和电子技术相结合研制出来的数字钟一“地磁专用DC-1型数字钟”,用以取代磁秤仪器上配制的计时设备。  相似文献   

The Jurassic stratigraphy in China is dominated by continental sediments. Marine facies and marine-terrigenous facies sediment have developed locally in the Qinghai-Tibet area, southern South China, and northeast China. The division of terrestrial Jurassic strata has been argued, and the conclusions of biostratigraphy and isotope chronology have been inconsistent.During the Jurassic period, the North China Plate, South China Plate, and Tarim Plate were spliced and formed the prototype of ancient China. The Yanshan Movement has had a profound influence on the eastern and northern regions of China and has formed an important regional unconformity. The Triassic-Jurassic boundary(201.3 Ma) is located roughly between the Haojiagou Formation and the Badaowan Formation in the Junggar Basin, and between the Xujiahe Formation and the Ziliujing Formation in the Sichuan Basin. The early Early Jurassic sediments generally were lacking in the eastern and central regions north of the ancient Dabie Mountains, suggesting that a clear uplift occurred in the eastern part of China during the Late Triassic period when it formed vast mountains and plateaus. A series of molasse-volcanic rock-coal strata developed in the northern margin of North China Craton in the Early Jurassic and are found in the Xingshikou Formation, Nandailing Formation, and Yaopo Formation in the West Beijing Basin. The geological age and markers of the boundary between the Yongfeng Stage and Liuhuanggou Stage are unclear. About 170 Ma ago, the Yanshan Movement began to affect China. The structural system of China changed from the near east-west Tethys or the Ancient Asia Ocean tectonic domain to the north-north-east Pacific tectonic domain since 170–135 Ma. A set of syngenetic conglomerate at the bottom of the Haifanggou or Longmen Fms. represented another set of molasse-volcanic rock-coal strata formed in the Yanliao region during the Middle Jurassic Yanshan Movement(Curtain A1). The bottom of the conglomerate is approximately equivalent to the boundary of the Shihezi Stage and Liuhuanggou Stage. The bottom of the Manas Stage creates a regional unconformity in northern China(about 161 Ma, Volcanic Curtain of the Yanshan Movement, Curtain A2). The Jurassic Yanshan Movement is likely related to the southward subduction of the Siberian Plate to the closure of the Mongolia-Okhotsk Ocean. A large-scale volcanic activity occurred in the Tiaojishan period around 161–153 Ma. Note that 153 Ma is the age of the bottom Tuchengzi Formation, and the bottom boundary of the Fifth Stage of the Jurassic terrestrial stage in China should have occurred earlier than this. This activity was marked by a warming event at the top of the Toutunhe Formation, and the change in the biological assembly is estimated to be 155 Ma. The terrestrial Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary(ca. 145.0 Ma) in the Yanliao region should be located in the upper part of Member 1 of the Tuchengzi Formation, the Ordos Basin in the upper part of the Anding Formation, the Junggar Basin in the upper part of the Qigu Formation, and the Sichuan Basin in the upper part of the Suining Formation The general characteristics of terrestrial Jurassic of China changed from the warm and humid coal-forming environment of the Early-Middle Jurassic to the hot, dry, red layers in the Late Jurassic. With the origin and development of the Coniopteris-Phoenicopsis flora, the Yanliao biota was developed and spread widely in the area north of the ancient Kunlun Mountains, ancient Qinling Mountains, and ancient Dabie Mountain ranges in the Middle Jurassic, and reached its great prosperity in the Early Late Jurassic and gradually declined and disappeared and moved southward with the arrival of a dry and hot climate.  相似文献   

The widely exposed Chinese Neogene terrestrial deposits provide the best circumstance for the establishment of an accurate chronostratigraphic system of Eurasia, and the rapidly evolved mammalian fossils contribute efficiently to the division and correlation of Asian Neogene strata. A uniform Neogene biostratigraphic framework for China has already been established,with seven mammalian ages named. With a developed stratigraphic basis for the geochronologic "ages", seven chronostratigraphic "stage" have been established for the Chinese Neogene terrestrial strata, namely the Miocene Xiejian, Shanwangian,Tunggurian, Bahean, and Baodean stages, and the Pliocene Gaozhuangian and Mazegouan stages. Based on a series of research achievements, refined biostratigraphic, paleomagnetic and isotopic methods were combined and applied to continuous sections,and a Chinese Neogene chronostratigraphic sequence with accurate geological ages was established and improved in recent years. The lower boundaries of most of the stages could be correlated with those of the marine stages in the International Chronostratigraphic Chart, except the Tunggurian Stage, which is correlated with the European land mammal age. The biostratigraphic markers of the Chinese Neogene stages are usually first appearance of a single taxon, some representing regional species replacement, others indicating intercontinental migration of certain taxa. Candidate stratotype sections have been proposed for all the Chinese Neogene stages according to the principle and rule of modern stratigraphy, and other Chinese Neogene strata in different regions are comprehensively correlated.  相似文献   

Quaternary strata in China mainly comprise continental deposits in a variety of depositional settings. The continental Quaternary in temperate northern China consists mainly of eolian and fluvio-lacustrine deposits; that in subtropical southern China, mainly of vermiculated red soils, cave/fissure deposits, and fluvio-lacustrine deposits; and that in the alpine Tibetan Plateau, mainly of fluvio-lacustrine and piedmont deposits. The marine Quaternary in China consists of detrital deposits and biogenic reef deposits. The integration of biostratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy, climatostratigraphy and an astronomically calibrated chronology has led to the establishment of high-precision climatochronostratigraphic timescales for the detrital marine Quaternary in the South China Sea and the loess-paleosol sequence in the Chinese Loess Plateau. Extremely high-precision230 Th dating has provided a high-precision absolute age model for cave stalagmites over the past 640000 years as well as highresolution oxygen isotope records representing orbital-to suborbital-scale climate changes. By combining magnetic stratigraphy and biostratigraphy, robust chronostratigraphic frameworks for non-eolian continental Quaternary deposits on the scale of Quaternary geomagnetic polarities have been established. The continental Pleistocene Series consists, from oldest to youngest,of the Nihewanian Stage of the Lower Pleistocene, the Zhoukoudianian Stage of the Middle Pleistocene, and the Salawusuan Stage of the Upper Pleistocene. Stages of the continental Holocene Series have not yet been established. This review summarizes recent developments in the Quaternary chronostratigraphy of representative Quaternary strata and associated faunas, and then proposes an integrative chronostratigraphic framework and a stratigraphic correlation scheme for Quaternary continental strata in China. In the near-future, it is hoped to establish not only a Chinese continental Quaternary climatochronostratigraphic chart on the scale of glacial-interglacial cycles but also a Quaternary integrative chronostratigraphic chart including both continental and marine strata in China.  相似文献   

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