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The fall and winter population of larval fish in a small intertidal creek was measured. The creek was blocked at high tide, and the immature fish were captured in a channel net designed for consistent quantitative sampling as they left with the ebbing tide. A total of 573,739 individuals with a biomass (preserved wet weight) of 66.1 kg were captured during the eight month sampling period (October 1974–May 1975). Twelve families, 13 genera, and 16 species were represented, with five species comprising 99.3% of the fish captured. The five species were:Leiostomus xanthurus (53.5%),Lagodon rhomboides (31.7%),Brevoortia tyrannus (11.9%),Micropogon undulatus (1.7%), andMyrophis punctatus (0.5%). The net was efficient, the catch was seasonal, and the greatest larval abundance occurred in February and March.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal patterns of distribution and abundance were examined for postsettlement sciaenids collected from seagrass meadows in the Aransas Estuary, Texas. Overall, 5443 sciaenid larvae and early juveniles were identified from biweekly epibenthic sled collections taken from August 1994 to August 1995. Eight species were present in seagrass meadows, with five accounting for over 99.9% of sciaenids collected: silver perch (Bairdiella chrysoura), spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus), spot (Leiostomus xanthurus), Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus), and red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus). Settlement to seagrass meadows was partitioned temporally with little overlap among the five species. Postsettlers from inshore spawners (B. chrysoura, C. nebulosus, S. ocellatus) inhabited seagrass meadows during the spring and summer, while individuals from offshore spawners (L. xanthurus, M. undulatus) were present in the late fall and winter. Densities ofB. chrysoura, C. nebulosus, S. ocellatus were highest for small individuals (4–8 mm SL) and these taxa remained in seagrass sites through the early juvenile stage. Conversely,L. xanthurus andM. undulatus maintained longer pelagic periods and generally entered seagrass meadows at larger sizes (10–14 mm SL). Moreover, these taxa were only temporary residents of selected seagrass meadows, apparently migrating to alternative habitats shortly after arrival. During peak settlement, mean and maximum densities among species ranged from 0.1 m?2 to 0.8 m?2 and 0.7 m?2 to 23.8 m?2, respectively. Density and mean size of possettlement sciaenids differed significantly between seagrass species (Halodule wrightii, Thalassia testudinum) and among sites within the estuary.  相似文献   

The utilization of an intertidal salt marsh creek in South Carolina during January 1977 was determined by sampling every third ebb tide for 13 days. All fishes leaving the creek during that period were captured in a channel net. This procedure produced a time-series of samples which permitted analysis of the fish community occupying the intertidal creek at all times of day and night. A total of 14,730 larval, juvenile, and adult fishes comprising at least 22 species in 16 families were collected. The most common larval and juvenile fishes wereLeiostomus xanthurus, Mugil spp.,Myrophis punctatus leptocephali,Lagodon rhomboides, Paralichthys spp., andMicropogon undulatus. Catch sizes for all species varied widely between samples. No diurnal-nocturnal pattern in catches was evident forL. xanthurus, Mugil spp.,L. rhomboides andM. undulatus. M. punctatus was taken in large numbers only when the flood tide occurred during the day, while moreParalichthys spp. larvae were taken in late afternoon-evening flood tide samples. The most common invertebrate,Palaemonetes pugio, was taken in large quantities only in late afternoon-night flood tide samples. Three diversity indices were computed for each sample. Values for all indices varied widely between successive samples. The results emphasize a high degree of utilization of the intertidal creek habitat by larval and juvenile fishes. The diurnal-nocturnal activity patterns of some species, and the wide variation in catch size of the other species can permit use of the intertidal salt marsh habitat with reduced competition for available space and energy.  相似文献   

Comparison of the relative abundance of fish species from different life-history groups and their temporal patterns of estuarine habitat use from two estuaries north and south of Cape Cod indicates that the Cape acts as a zoogeographic boundary. Between April 1988 and December 1989, monthly seine and trawl samples were collected from nearshore, shallow-water marsh, and beach and deeper open-water habitats in Wells Harbor, Maine, and Waquoit Bay, Massachusetts. Forty-eight species and 80,341 individuals were collected from Waquoit Bay compared to 24 species and 22,561 individuals from Wells Harbor. Waquoit Bay had proportionally fewer resident species and more marine, nursery, and occasional species than Wells Harbor. Annual density and biomass values were greater across all habitats in Waquoit Bay, with the summer values from the marsh habitat an order of magnitude higher than comparable summer data from the Wells habitats. We suggest that marsh and beach habitats provide a nursery area for young-of-the-year fishes, while deeper, open-water habitats serve as a corridor for fishes moving to nearshore habitats or serve as a refuge during low tide.  相似文献   

We examined the community structure of fish and selected decapod crustaceans and tested for within estuary differences among habitats at depths of 0.6 m to 7.9 m, in Great Bay and Little Egg Harbor in southern New Jersey. Several habitat types were identified a priori (e.g., eelgrass, sea lettuce, and marsh creeks) and sampled by trawl (4.9 m headrope, 19-mm mesh wings, 6.3-mm mesh liner), monthly, from June 1988 through October 1989. Repetitive (n=4) 2-min trawl tows were taken at each habitat type from 13 locations. The fishes and decapod crustaceans collected were typical of other Mid-Atlantic Bight estuaries but varied greatly inseasonal abundance and species. In the years sampled, bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli) was the dominant species (50.5% of the total number), followed by spot (Leiostomus xanthurus) (10.7%), Atlantic silverside (Menidia menidia) (9.7%), fourspine stickleback (Apeltes quadracus) (5.9%), blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) (4.6%), and northern pipefish (Syngnathus fuscus) (4.2%). The biota were examined by multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) for habitat associations and “best abiotic predictor” of community structure. Percent silt combined with salinity was the most important abiotic determinant of the faunal distributions among habitats. Temperature was a major factor influencing seasonal occurrence of the biota but had less effect on habitat comparisons. The analysis confirmed the distinct nature of the assemblages associated with the habitats, that is, eelgrass, upper estuary subtidal creeks, channels, and open bay areas. Several species were associated with specific habitats: for example,A. quadracus andS. fuscus with eelgrass, clupeids with subtidal creek stations,L. xanthurus with marsh channels, and black sea bass (Centropristis striata) and spotted hake (Urophycis regia) with sponge-peat habitat. Species richness appeared to be positively related to habitat structural heterogeneity. Thus, the best predictors for these estuarine fish and decapod crustacean assemblages were seasonal temperature, percent silt and salinity combined, and the physical heterogeneity of the habitat.  相似文献   

English sole (Pleuronectes vetulus) is one of a few commercially important marine fishes on the Pacific coast of North America that use estuarine areas as nurseries for juvenile stages. Trawl surveys of four United States Pacific Northwest estuaries were conducted to determine spatial patterns of juvenile English sole residence in estuaries during 1998–2000. Additional data from 1983–1988 were also analyzed. Two size classes of juvenile English sole were identified during surveys, with densities of small (Total length [TL] <50 mm) sole ranging from 0 to 11,300 fish ha?1 across all sites, and densities of large (TL 50–150 mm) sole ranging from 0 to 33,000 fish ha?1 across all sites. Principal components analysis of static habitat data collected at each trawl survey site was used to define habitat types within each estuary, and discriminant function analysis was used to test the resulting classification scheme. Both small and large cohort English sole used lower side channel locations at significantly higher densities than other estuarine areas. Small English sole also showed significant relationships with both bottom temperature and depth. These patterns in habitat use were consistent across all estuaries and indicate that English sole used shallow depth areas surrounded by extensive tidal flats, where temperatures were optimal for growth. The analysis also suggested a carrying capacity may exist for large English sole in nursery estuaries.  相似文献   

Studying boreal-type peatlands near the edge of their southern limit can provide insight into responses of boreal and sub-arctic peatlands to warmer climates. In this study, we investigated peatland history using multi-proxy records of sediment composition, plant macrofossil, pollen, and diatom analysis from a 14C-dated sediment core at Tannersville Bog in northeastern Pennsylvania, USA. Our results indicate that peat accumulation began with lake infilling of a glacial lake at ~ 9 ka as a rich fen dominated by brown mosses. It changed to a poor fen dominated by Cyperaceae (sedges) and Sphagnum (peat mosses) at ~ 1.4 ka and to a Sphagnum-dominated poor fen at ~ 200 cal yr BP (~ AD 1750). Apparent carbon accumulation rates increased from 13.4 to 101.2 g C m? 2 yr? 1 during the last 8000 yr, with a time-averaged mean of 27.3 g C m? 2 yr? 1. This relatively high accumulation rate, compared to many northern peatlands, was likely caused by high primary production associated with a warmer and wetter temperate climate. This study implies that some northern peatlands can continue to serve as carbon sinks under a warmer and wetter climate, providing a negative feedback to climate warming.  相似文献   

Short-term otolith growth rates, residence times, and forage of two species of juvenile salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) were compared in a created and natural estuarine slough on the Chehalis River in Washington to assess the functional equivalency of the created slough in providing suitable rearing habitat. Otolith microstructure, mark-recapture data, and forage of sub-yearling chinook, O. tshawytscha, and coho, O. kisutch, residing in both sloughs during the spring of 1991 and 1992 served as indicators of rearing habitat quality. No significant differences in the number or width of coho daily otolith increments were detected between the sloughs. Juvenile chinook residence and emigration times were also comparable. Aquatic and terrestrial insects composed the majority of all chinook and coho diets; however, the order of importance of main prey items did differ between sloughs, and salmon in the created slough had emptier stomachs, possibly because of reduced prey availability and/or foraging efficiency.  相似文献   

Little is known about the importance of salmarshes to juvenile and adult fishes in temperate Australia. We assessed diel and feeding patterns of fish inhabiting saltmarsh in a sheltered embayment along the coast of Victoria, Australia, between October 2002 and May 2003. The saltmarsh flat was generally only inundated during low-pressure weather systems (barometric pressure <1,013 hP). Fish were sampled over the saltmarsh flats using fyke and seine nets. A total of 2,047 individuals (10 species, including juveniles and adults) were caught.Atherinasoma microstoma was most abundant (fyke [F], μ=1.6 fish h−1; seine [S], μ=28.2 fish shot−1), followed byFavonigobius, lateralis (F: 0.5; S: 0.6),Galaxias maculatus (F: 0.1),Heteroclinus adelaide (F:<0.1),Kestratherina esox (F: <0.1; S: 1.6),Leptatherina presbyteroides (F: <0.1; S: 7.1) andTetractenos glaber (F: 1). Commercial species, includingAldrichetta forsteri (F: <0.1; S: 3.2),Sillaginodes punctata (F: <0.1; S: 0.9), andRhombosolea tapirina (F: 0.4), were commonly sampled. Variability in species richness or fish abundance was not explained by water temperature, salinity, depth, or barometric pressure. Significantly more species were sampled with the seine during nocturnal periods (p=0.002); fish abundance did not vary between diel periods, nor did fish abundance and species richness in fyke net samples. Diets of the most abundant species (A. microstoma, A. forsteri, andF. lateralis) were primarily composed of gammaridean amphipods and hemipteran insects. There was no correlation between fish diets and the composition of benthic invertebrates as sampled at 3 different regions of the saltmarsh flat. The saltmarsh flats in our study region are inhabited by several species normally associated with alternative habitat types such as seagrass, and the patterns of habitat use observed appear to be partially attributed to foraging behavior.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between distance from the ocean and the recruitment of ocean-spawned juvenile fish to seagrass shallows within marine dominated Lake Macquarie, a coastal barrier lagoon in Southeast Australia. Samples were taken by seine net every 6 wk between June 1986 and June 1987, at 20 sites established at various distances from the entrance channel. The fish fauna was diverse: 80 species from 39 families were caught, with the Gobiidae, Monacanthidae, Syngnathidae, Tetraodontidae, Mugilidae, Atherinidae, Clupeidae, Mullidae, Sparidae, and Blenniidae being well represented. Ambassis jacksoniensis, Atherinomorus ogilbyi, and Gerres subfasciatus accounted for 46% of all individuals. Thirty-two species were classified as ocean spawners, 38 as lagoon spawners, and 10 as unknown in terms of spawning area. Newly settled juveniles of ocean spawners were concentrated near the lagoon's entrance, where most recruited in spring. This pattern occurred in the absence of a salinity gradient: distance from the ocean coupled with weak internal water circulation appears to limit larval distribution and hence juvenile recruitment. Small juveniles of Rhabdosargus sarba were sufficiently abundant for their subsequent dispersal to be directly traced. On the basis of results for this species, and indirect evidence of dispersal for several others, it is suggested that ocean-spawned juveniles, after settling near the entrance, gradually disperse as they grow and change their habitat. Thus, further from the entrance, their recruitment to seagrass shallows is later, at larger sizes, and in smaller numbers. Newly settled juveniles of lagoon spawners, however, were widely distributed within the lagoon. The optimal recruitment of ocean-spawned juveniles to similar coastal lagoons may depend on suitable habitat being available near the entrance. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY081 00003  相似文献   

An impounded area (Cabbagehead Bayou) in Upper Tampa Bay, Florida, was studied for 13 mo prior to and 22 mo after berm removal. Sampling for small fish and macrobenthos was conducted both at Cabbagehead Bayou and at a nearby control site, Double Branch Bay. Before and After Control and Impact (BACI) analyses, as well as similarity indices, were used to evaluate faunal characteristics in control versus impacted areas. Berm removal drastically changed periodicity of water cover in the impacted site, with the previously impounded site becoming almost entirely exposed during low tide. Fish abundances, biomass, and mean monthly number of species decreased in Cabbagehead Bayou after tidal flow was established as compared to when it was impounded. Responses of macrofauna varied among taxa, but total amphipod and polychaete abundance displayed a relative increase in the impacted site after berm removal. BACI analyses indicated that the relationship between mean values for almost all polychaete and amphipod taxa in the impacted and control sites changed significantly after berm removal. Additional differences were apparent in BACI analyses, which showed a significant change in the relationship of fish abundance and biomass at both sites for prebreach vs post-breach samples. The changes in relationships were generally not indicative of convergence of control and impacted sites, however. Community similarity of fish, amphipod, and polychaete assemblages increased during the last year of the post-breach sampling but remained generally very low. These findings suggest that distinct faunal responses to alteration of tidal periodicity can be detected within less than 2 yr after reestablishment of tidal flow. However, attainment of close correspondence to control conditions for certain fauna may require more than 22 mo. Therefore, future studies attempting to document recovery of restored wetlands may benefit from extended duration.  相似文献   

The flooded intertidal zone in coastal estuarine systems (e.g., mangroves and salt marshes) is thought to provide nekton with both food and refuge from predators. The primary aim of this study was to identify the relative contribution of root structure, shading, and leaf litter, all characteristic features of mangrove forests, in shaping the intertidal distribution of tidally migrating fishes. We manipulated the structure and shade in 9-m2 sample plots in a shallow, mangrove-fringed, intertidal embayment in Tampa Bay, Florida. In a separate field experiment, we compared fish association with standing mangrove leaf litter and bare sand substrate. Shade and leaf litter had a water depthdependent effect on the distribution of the fish; no effect was associated with the presence of mangrove roots. In shallow water (<45 cm), fish were captured primarily in plots without shade, but this distribution shifted progressively with increasing water depth, so that when water was greater than 55 cm most fish were captured in shaded plots. Fish were more frequently associated with, and feeding in, plots covered in leaf litter than bare sand plots. This relationship did not persist at depths greater than 15 cm because fish abundance declined gratly. Tethering experiments usingCyprinodon variegatus demonstrated that predation pressure was quadratically correlated with water depth (inflexion point approximately 60 cm). Our results suggest that small fishes will abandon well-lighted foraging grounds in favor of the potential refuge of shaded waters as water depth increases. We suggest that studies of intertidal nekton should be carefully interpreted in the context of water depth.  相似文献   

The use of multiple stable isotopes in the study of trophic relationships in temperate estuaries has usually been limited to euhaline systems, in which phytoplankton, benthic microalgae, andSpartina alterniflora are major sources of organic matter for consumers. Within large estuaries such as Chesapeake Bay, however, many species of consumers are found in the upper mesohaline to oligohaline portions. These lower salinity wetlands have a greater abundance of macrophytes that use C3 photosynthesis to fix carbon, in addition toS. alterniflora, which fixes carbon via the C4 photosynthetic pathway. In a broad survey of the biota and sediments of a brackish tidal creek tributary to Chesapeake Bay, combined δ13C and δ34S measurements disclosed a balanced contribution to secondary production from phytoplankton, C3 macrophytes,Spartina sp., and benthic microalgae. Surface sediment δ13C suggested that the organic matter from C3 plants was derived both from allochthonous sources (terrestrial runoff) and from autochthonous production (marsh macrophytes). Unlike most estuarine systems studied to date, which are dominated by algae (phytoplankton and benthic microalgae) and C4 macrophytes, C3 plants are of greater importance in the diets of consumers in this low-salinity creek system.  相似文献   

Nekton abundance and water quality were examined over 8 yr (1986–1993) in Isaac Creek, a small (2.5 km long), shallow (1–2 m), estuarine creek draining to Adams Creek (Neuse River system), North Carolina, United States. Water quality and nekton were sampled at 8 to 12 stations at 2–3 wk intervals from April to October (76 dates). The nekton assemblage, sampled by trawl, included 42 taxa but was dominated by 11 species (7 fish and 4 decapod crustaceans). Nekton and water quality (temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen [DO], salinity gradient) data were grouped and analyzed by three (upper, middle, and lower) creek zones to determine if estimated abundance was correlated with water quality. Potentially stressful water quality conditions for salinity (<5 ppt), temperature (>30°C in morning), and DO (<2 mg 1−1) mainly occurred in the upper and middle zones. The most frequent occurrence of potentially stressful conditions for salinity was in the spring and for dissolved oxygen and temperature in middle to late summer. The frequency of potentially stressful conditions increased during a 3-yr period following timber harvest of a large portion of the watershed. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) suggested little correlation between the top 11 species and water quality and indicated an assemblage with regular seasonal changes. Comparison of nekton use of the middle and upper zones of the creek for 3-yr pre- and post-harvest periods showed an increase in proportion of nekton caught in those zones, despite the higher frequency of potentially stressful water quality conditions. This observation suggests that a complex set of factors, including water quality, influence the pattern of nekton use in Isaac Creek.  相似文献   

The seasonal occurrence and relative abundance of larval and juvenile fishes, particularly members of the family Sciaenidae, from a Virginia Atlantic coast estuary were determined from ichthyoplankton and otter trawl collections made from March 1979 to March 1980. The larvae of 19 species in 14 families were identified in the ichthyoplankton. Larvae of the engraulid, Anchoa mitchilli (bay anchovy), and the atherinid, Menidia menidia (Atlantic silverside), dominated the samples and made up 13 and 22%, respectively, of the 9,440 larvae collected. Peak occurrence of all larvae was from May to August. The juveniles of 28 species in 19 families were identified from otter trawl collections. Juvenile sciaenids numerically dominated the trawl collecions and made up 68% of the trawl catch. Juvenile density peaked during September through December.  相似文献   

Metal contamination of estuarine sediments is an increasing problem in Florida and elsewhere as urbanization extends into previously undeveloped areas. Effective estuarine management practices require scientifically valid tools to assess the extent of estuarine contamination. Interpretation of anthropogenic metal contributions has been hampered by the fact that natural metal concentrations in sediments vary by orders of magnitude in different sediments. Normalization of metal concentrations to a reference element, aluminum, appears to be a promising method for comparing estuarine sediment metal concentrations on a regional basis. In this paper we describe an interpretive method based on the relationship between sediment metals and aluminum derived from statewide data on natural estuarine sediments in Florida. We show how the method can be used to interpret metal concentrations with an example using data from the Miami River and Biscayne Bay.  相似文献   

Tidal vertical migration by zooplankton is a common phenomenon in estuaries, usually associated with landward movement of meroplankton or position maintenance of holoplankton. Little is known about the persistence of this behavior, its spatial variability, or its response to changing environmental conditions. We extended a previous study of tidal movements of zooplankton in the low-salinity zone (LSZ) of the San Francisco estuary in 1994 to include data from two additional years with very different hydrology. Freshwater flow during sampling in 1995 was about 7-fold greater than in 1994; the LSZ was about 28 km further seaward, and gravitational circulation in the LSZ was strong. In 1996 freshwater flow and LSZ position were intermediate but, because the LSZ was in shallower water in 1996 than in 1995, gravitational circulation was uncommon. Behavior of copepods in both years was similar to that reported in 1994 with some tidal migration observed during most cruises. An exception was the introduced carnivorous copepodTortanus dextrilobatus, which did not migrate and maintained a position deep in the water column (1995 only). In 1996, mysids mainly stayed near the bottom with evidence for vertical migration from only 1 of 6 data sets, whereas amphipods migrated slightly on a diel schedule; these behaviors contrasted with the tidal migration observed in 1994. The bay shrimpCrangon franciscorum did not appear to migrate, but was more abundant in the water column during both ebb and flood, suggesting passive vertical dispersal. Zooplankton did not appear to maintain position by interactions with lateral circulation cells. The results for copepods suggest rigidity in behavior with little or no relaxation of the vertical movement in 1995 when strong gravitational circulation would have made upstream movement relatively easy. Mysids and amphipods altered their behavior depending on local conditions related to freshwater flow.  相似文献   

Subtidal accumulations of oyster shell have been largely overlooked as essential habitat for estuarine nekton. In southeastern U.S. estuaries, where oyster reef development is mostly confined to the intertidal zone, eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) shell covered bottoms are often the only significant source of hard subtidal structure. We characterized and quantified nekton use of submerged shell rubble bottoms, and compared it to use of intertidal reefs and other subtidal bottoms in the North Inlet estuary, South Carolina. Replicate trays (0.8 m2) filled with shell rubble were deployed in shallow salt marsh creeks, and were retrieved after soak times of 1 to 25 days from May 1998 to March 2000. Thirty six species of fishes, representing 21 families, were identified from the 455 tray collections. Water temperature, salinity, soak time and the presence of a shell substrate all affected the catch of fishes in the trays. Catches during the warmer months were two to five times greater than those during the winter. Fishes were present in 98% of the trays with an overall average of 5.7 fish m?2. The assemblage was numerically dominated by small resident species including naked goby (Gobiosoma bose), oyster toadfish (Opsanus tau), and crested blenny (Hypleurochilus geminatus). Transient species accounted for 23% of all individuals and 62% of the total biomass due to the presence of relatively large sheepshead (Archosargus probatocephalus) and black sea bass (Centropristis striata). Both the transient and resident species displayed distinct periods of recruitment and rapid growth from April to October. Lower abundances of juvenile gobies and blennies during 1998 were attributed to long periods of depressed salinity caused by high rainfall associated with El Niño conditions in spring. Crabs and shrimps, which were often more abundant than the fishes, accounted for comparable biomass in the tray collections. In comparisons of subtidal tray and trawl catches, trays yielded 10 to 1,000 fold higher densities of some demersal fish groups. Comparisons of intertidal and subtidal gear catches indicated that many species remain in the subtidal shell bottom at all stages of the tide. This study suggests that subtidal shell bottom may be essential fish habitat for juvenile seabass, groupers, and snappers and that it may be the primary habitat for a diverse assemblage of ecologically important resident fishes and crustaceans. Given the high levels of nekton use and the areal extent of oyster shell bottoms in eastern U.S. and Gulf estuaries, increased attention to protection and restoration of these areas appears justified.  相似文献   

Kang  Ziqian  Wang  Shuo  Xu  Ling  Yang  Fenglin  Zhang  Shushen 《Natural Hazards》2021,106(1):913-936
Natural Hazards - The suitability assessment of land use is crucial to avoid wasting land resources. However, the traditional methods with subjective weights are prone to reduce the reasonability...  相似文献   

Weng  Meng-Chia  Lin  Cheng-Han  Shiu  Wen-Jie  Chao  Wei-An  Chiu  Chia-Chi  Lee  Ching-Fang  Huang  Wei-Kai  Yang  Che-Ming 《Landslides》2022,19(3):687-701

Mega-earthquakes and extreme climate events accompanied by intrinsic fragile geology lead to numerous landslides along mountain highways in Taiwan, causing enormous life and economic losses. In this study, a system for rapid slope disaster information integration and assessment is proposed with the aim of providing information on landslide occurrence, failure mechanisms, and subsequent landslide-affected areas to the highway authority rapidly. The functionality of the proposed system is deployed into three units: (1) geohazard rapid report (GeoPORT I), (2) multidisciplinary geological survey report (GeoPORT II), and (3) site-specific landslide simulation report (GeoPORT III). After landslide occurrence, the seismology-based monitoring network rapidly provides the initial slope disaster information, including preliminary location, event magnitude, earthquake activity, and source dynamics, within an hour. Within 3 days of the landslide, a multidisciplinary geological survey is conducted to collect high-precision topographical, geological, and remote-sensing data to determine the possible failure mechanism. After integrating the aforementioned information, a full-scale three-dimensional landslide simulation based on the discrete element method is performed within 10 days to reveal the failure process and to identify the areas potentially affected by subsequent disasters through scenario modeling. Overall, the proposed system can promptly provide comprehensive and objective information to relevant authorities after the event occurrence for hazard assessment. The proposed system was validated using a landslide event in the Central Cross-Island Highway of Taiwan.


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