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四川及邻区抗倒塌地震区划图编制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过数字试验,分析了不同编图方法对地震区划结果的影响.基于四川及邻区的地震地质环境、地震活动特征,K2值特征,△Tg分布特征,考虑到地震区划图的继承性和连续性以及与我国现行抗震设计规范的衔接,提出了抗倒塌地震区划图编制的编制原则和方法,编制了四川及邻区的抗倒塌地震区划图.  相似文献   

本文以关中四城市地震小区划工作为基础,统计分析了陕西关中地区不同超越概率水平下基岩地震动峰值加速度之间的关系及空间分布特征。针对中硬场地,统计得出了关中地区多遇地震、罕遇地震与设防地震作用的地面峰值加速度比值的均值分别为0.34和1.69。通过与现行建筑抗震设计规范进行了对比分析认为,若以关中城市地震小区划图作为抗震设防标准,按照《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB50011-2010)中有关规定对一般建筑物进行地震作用计算,所考虑的地震作用是合理、安全的。本文研究成果有助于地震小区划图的推广和应用。  相似文献   

根据合肥城区地貌及第四系分布特征,选取了36个典型钻孔,运用一维等效线性方法,对三种不同超越概率条件下地震动参数进行计算,并对峰值加速度放大系数以及罕遇地震动与基本地震动放大倍数的规律进行研究。结果表明:覆盖层厚度、地貌特征、土层结构对地表地震动峰值加速度及其放大系数的影响显著,且存在一定规律性。  相似文献   

利用2008年5月12日四川汶川8.0级地震山西数字强震动台网27个台的地震记录分析研究了水平向矢量合成加速度峰值PGAH与水平单分向加速度峰值PGAE—W和PGAN-s的关系,结果表明:PGAE-W和PGAN-s中较大值与PGHn比较接近,平均相对偏差为9%。因此,在某些有关地震加速度峰值的研究中,简单地采用PGAew和PGAN—s中较大值近似地代替水平加速度峰值PGAH是合理的。  相似文献   

利用2019年10月12日广西北流—广东化州M_S5.2级地震中周边50个台站获取的强震动数据,经过基线校正、数字滤波后获得EW、NS、UD三方向的峰值加速度值,对数据的分析后表明:0~30 km范围内,3个方向的峰值加速度衰减明显。而震中距大于30km的峰值加速度中,大部分的峰值加速度大于东部强震区的峰值加速度衰减关系理论值,只有小部分垂向峰值加速度和个别的水平向峰值加速度小于东部强震区的衰减关系理论值。研究区3个方向的峰值加速度在震中西侧有多中心出现,且其连线成呈现近EW向。研究区断层对本次地震的峰值加速度衰减影响不明显。竖向峰值加速度与两个水平方向峰值加速度有超过1/3的比值大于0.65(35组/100组)。33组数据中只有3组数据的峰值加速度大于0.05g,具有工程设防意义。  相似文献   

研究了印度境内的喜马拉雅山地区峰值地面水平加速度的一种衰减关系。资料源自印度强震台阵记录的5次地震中提取的66个峰值地面水平加速度。目前使用的分析方法是两步成层的回归模型,其衰减关系假设为:log(A)=-1.072+0.3903M-1.21log(X+e^0.5873M)式中,A为峰值地面加速度(g),M为城级,X为震源距。残差平方和为0.14。把这一衰减关系与其他的衰减关系进行了比较。与其它关  相似文献   

根据兰州市区黄河阶地特征及黄土层覆盖厚度,对兰州市场地划分了3个分区,选用兰州市区156个满足场地地震反应条件的地震钻孔资料,对每个工程场地合成3组相互独立的基岩加速度输入时程,进行土层地震反应分析,对各个工程场地地面与基岩地震动峰值加速度的对应关系进行研究,结果表明I区内的工程场地地面与基岩地震动峰值加速度比值为1.120,Ⅱ区为1.320,Ⅲ区为1.531,平均均方根误差为0.083。  相似文献   

山东地区地震动峰值加速度场地效应的定量分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
地震动峰值加速度场地效应研究在地震区划、地震预警及震害快速评估等方面有着广泛的应用前景。收集整理了2004—2012年山东地区2630个地震安全性评价工程的相关资料,包括场地类型、覆盖层厚度、钻孔剪切波速、自由基岩和土层表面地震动峰值加速度计算结果。利用上述资料计算得到了每个工程场地的场地效应放大因子和场地指数;采用回归分析方法,对场地效应放大因子与基岩峰值加速度、场地指数之间的关系进行了研究并得出了三者之间的定量统计表达式,实现了场地效应放大因子的连续取值。结果表明,场地效应放大因子与基岩峰值加速度之间为线性负相关,与场地指数之间为非线性相关。  相似文献   

四川及邻区地震动衰减关系   总被引:26,自引:3,他引:26       下载免费PDF全文
根据地震构造环境和震害分布特点, 将四川及邻区划分为西南地区和四川盆地地区. 收集了西南地区96次、 四川盆地地区40次近代破坏性地震资料, 并对各次地震的震级参数进行了统一校核. 按照该地区震中烈度与震级、 有感半径与震级的统计关系, 对地震烈度衰减进行了近场与远场特征控制, 建立了地震烈度沿长轴、 短轴和平均轴的衰减关系. 统一了中国与美国面波震级的震级标度, 利用最新得出的美国西部基岩水平向地震加速度反应谱衰减关系, 采用考虑地震加速度的近场距离饱和与震级饱和特征的衰减模型, 转换得到了该地区的基岩水平向地震加速度反应谱衰减关系.   相似文献   

The rupture plane for an earthquake has been modelledby using the semi empirical technique of Midorikawa(1993). This technique estimates ground accelerationby modelling the rupture process during an earthquake.Modifications in this technique have been made for itsapplication to the Indian region. This has been tested forthe Uttarkashi earthquake of 20th Oct, 1991, India, whichwas well recorded at thirteen stations of installedstrong motion array in this region. After testingseveral possible rupture models, a final model has beenselected and peak ground acceleration due to thismodel is simulated at thirteen different stations.Dependency of methodology on model parameters, e.g.dip and mode of rupture propagation have also beenstudied in detail.Using this technique synthetic isoseismal maps wereprepared by converting peak ground acceleration intoMMI scale. Dependency of rupture models on syntheticisoseismals has also been studied in detail. Usingthis method, peak ground acceleration for the Laturearthquake of Sept 30, 1993 has been obtained atvarious places within meisoseismal area. Synthetic andfield intensity was compared at various well-knownsites. Since the region was not covered by anyinstrumental array during Latur earthquake, thesimulated peak ground accelerations are expected toserve basis of design criteria in this region.  相似文献   

The use of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) is explored to predict peak ground accelerations (PGA) and pseudospectral acceleration (SA) for Mexican inslab and interplate earthquakes. A total of 277 and 418 seismic records with two horizontal components for inslab and interplate earthquakes, respectively, are used to train the ANN models by using an ANN with a feed-forward architecture with a back-propagation learning algorithm. Both ANN with single and two hidden layers are considered. For comparison purposes, the PGA and SA values predicted by the trained ANN models are compared with those estimated with attenuation relations or ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs). The comparison indicates that the predicted PGA and SA values by the trained ANN models, in general, follow the trends predicted by the GMPEs. However, an extensive verification of the trained models must be conducted before they can be used for seismic hazard and risk analysis since, on occasion, the PGA and SA values predicted by the trained ANN models depart from the behaviour observed from the actual records.  相似文献   

In this paper, the relationships between seismic intensity and peak ground shaking are studied under no specific condition, separately or simultaneously considering the number of building storey and site category, based on data of mean peak values of horizontal ground motion recorded during strong earthquakes. Then, according to the statistical results, the variation of mean peak value with intensity rating is discussed, and schemes of peak ground velocity, peak ground acceleration or response spectrum of an designed earthquake converted from intensity rating are recommended. Finally, a methodology of converting seismic intensity from response spectrum of design earthquake is also discussed, and the conversion scheme is recommended. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,13, 32–40, 1991. This paper is sponsored by the Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Considering multiple ground motion intensity measures is important in seismic hazard analysis and ground motion selection process. Using the NGA strong motion database and recently developed ground-motion prediction models, empirical correlations are developed between cumulative absolute velocity (CAV) and spectral accelerations (Sa) at periods from 0.01 to 10 s. The CAV–Sa correlations at long periods are significantly influenced by rupture distance due to modification of the frequency content and duration of the acceleration time history through travel path. Similarly, the presence of strong velocity pulses in near-source ground motions also affects the correlations at moderate to long periods. On the other hand, the correlations are not particularly sensitive to the earthquake magnitude, orientation of the ground-motion recordings, selection of ground-motion prediction models and local site conditions. Piecewise linear fitting equations are provided to quantify the correlations for various cases. The application of the CAV–Sa correlations in ground motion selection process is also discussed.  相似文献   

Introduction Developing local attenuation relations of ground motion is one of the key steps in seismic hazard assessment. Because of inadequate strong ground motion records in China, the attenuation relations used in China are usually developed by using the transforming method (Hu, Zhang, 1983; HU, ZHANG, 1984). To use this method, we need to have both the attenuation relation of seismic intensity for the studied region and the attenuation relations of seismic intensity and ground mo-tion…  相似文献   

结合重庆及邻近地区地震烈度衰减关系,选择有丰富强震记录和地震烈度资料的美国西部作为参考地区,采用转换方法,得到重庆及邻近地区基岩水平地震动加速度峰值与反应谱衰减关系。  相似文献   

利用2008年5月12日发生的汶川8·0级以及2008年8月30日凉山州会理县—攀枝花市间6·1级地震中获取的四川省境内的地震加速度记录数据,分析了有效峰值加速度(EPA)与加速度峰值(PGA)对比结果及加速度数据有效值与地震烈度的相关性。得出了有效峰值加速度(EPA)与烈度的相关性较之地震峰值加速度(PGA)与烈度的...  相似文献   

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