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李艳琴 《地球》2011,(9):82-83
6名来自俄、美、日三国的宇航员在国际空间站度过了不平凡的一天。在进行了紧急疏散演练短短几小时后,空间站因一块高速掠过的太空“垃圾”而遭遇险情。值得庆幸的是,这次意外有惊无险,空间站及宇航员们全部安然无恙。  相似文献   

伊朗巴姆地震中的国际救援情况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了伊朗巴姆地震后伊朗国内及国际应急响应、联合国灾害评估与协调队(UNDAC)及其现场协调中心在灾区进行的国际搜救协调行动,介绍了前往巴姆地震灾区救援的各国国际救援队的情况。最后给出了巴姆地震灾害所提示的在紧急救援及震害防御方面的问题。  相似文献   

向遭受严重自然灾害的国家或地区提供人道主义紧急支援,是各国军队在和平时期的重要使命。目前中国军队还没有成建制地出国参加过重大自然灾害的国际救援。本文介绍了联合国重大自然灾害国际救援行动协调工作机制、联合国框架下的军队资源参与灾害救援的工作机制。结合印尼地震海啸、海地地震等灾害中各国军队救援的情况,对我国军队将来参与国际重大自然灾害救援,在法律、预案和工作机制准备方面进行了分析,并提出了建议。  相似文献   

海地地震国际救援   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京时间2010年1月13日5时53分,当地时间1月12日16时53分,海地发生7.3级强烈地震,中国国际救援队迅速赶赴海地灾区,开展国际人道主义救援。1月13日至1月27日,中国国际救援队经过全程15天的艰苦工作,成功找到包括联合国驻海地特别代表在内的15具遇难人员遗体,在灾区开展了巡回医疗救护,医治了大量伤员,并开展了卫生防疫和宣传工作。此次海地救援是中国国际救援队通过IEC国际重型救援队测评后的首次国际救援行动,这次救援进一步扩大了我国在国际人道主义救援事务中的影响。  相似文献   

中国地震局代表团赴欧洲进行紧急救援工作考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了尽快落实防震减灾三大工作体系之一--“紧急救援”有关工作的开展,加速中国地震灾害紧急救援队的建设,中国地震局副局长岳明生率11人代表团于2001年8月访问了瑞士、荷兰、德国、法国等欧洲国家,对这些国家在紧急事务管理、灾害紧急救援组织与运作、救援装备的制造与配置及救援队培训等方面进行了较为细致的考察。  相似文献   

马云川 《地球》2013,(5):22-25
正2001年4月27日,中国国家地震灾害紧急救援队(对外称中国国际救援队)成立,并由时任国务院副总理的温家宝同志亲自授旗。它的主要任务是对因地震灾害或其他突发性事件造成建(构)筑物倒塌而被压埋的人员实施紧急搜索与营救。  相似文献   

<正>2004年12月26日,印度洋海啸导致25万人丧生,500万人需要紧急援助,180万居民无家可归。这场自然灾害给广大地区带来了毁灭性灾难,以及随之而来的悲痛和焦虑,特别是对印尼、泰国和斯里兰卡的影响超出了想象,而这主要是由于当时缺少对整个印度洋地区的预警设备和灾难管理计划。灾难过后,德国和国际社会立即表示支持。在德国洪涝灾民援助框架下,德国联邦  相似文献   

简要地介绍了国际、国内地震灾害紧急救援工作的做法和现状,提出了建设广东省地震灾害紧急救援工作体系的思路、目标和内容。  相似文献   

国际大地测量与地球物理学联合会 (IUGG)第 2 3届大会 2 0 0 3年 6月 2 9日~ 7月 11日在日本札幌举行 .大会以“行星地球的现状”为主题 ,强调对地球系统过程的多学科综合研究和新技术在地球物理科学中的应用 .IUGG所属的国际大地测量协会 (IAG)、国际地磁学与高空物理学协会 (IAGA)、国际水文科学协会 (IAHS)、国际气象学与大气科学协会 (IAMAS)、国际海洋物理科学协会 (IAPSO)、国际地震学与地球内部物理学协会 (IASPEI)、国际火山学与地球内部化学协会 (IAVCEI)等组织了相应的学术交流活动 .大会安排了 4个主题报告 (U…  相似文献   

由中国地震局主办、中国灾害防御协会和中国地震学会协办、中国地震局地震数据信息中心承办的国际地震仪器与紧急救助设备技术展览会于2003年10月15~17日在北京中国国际科技会展中心举行。据统计,  相似文献   

The International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS) was established in September 1998 as a service within the IAG to support programs in geodetic, geophysical, and lunar research activities and to provide data products to the International Earth Rotation Service (IERS) in support of its prime objectives. Now in operation for 5 years, the ILRS develops: (1) the standards and specifications necessary for product consistency and (2) the priorities and tracking strategies required to maximize network efficiency. The service collects, merges, analyzes, archives and distributes satellite and lunar laser ranging data to satisfy a variety of scientific, engineering, and operational needs and encourages the application of new technologies to enhance the quality, quantity, and cost effectiveness of its data products. The ILRS works with: (1) the global network to improve station performance; (2) new satellite missions in the design and building of retroreflector targets to maximize data quality and quantity and (3) science programs to optimize scientific data yield. The ILRS Central Bureau maintains a comprehensive web site as the primary vehicle for the distribution of information within the ILRS community. The site, which can be accessed at: http://ilrs.gsfc.nasa.gov is also available at mirrored sites at the Communications Research Laboratory (CRL) in Tokyo and the European Data Center (EDC) in Munich.During the last 2 years, the ILRS has addressed very important challenges: (1) data from the field stations are now submitted hourly and made available immediately through the data centers for access by the user community; (2) tracking on low satellites has been significantly improved through the sub-daily issue of predictions, drag functions, and the real-time exchange of time biases; (3) analysis products are now submitted in SINEX format for compatibility with the other space geodesy techniques; (4) the Analysis Working Group is heavily engaged in Pilot Projects as it works toward an ILRS “standard” global solution and (5) SLR has significantly increased its participation in the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) activity, which is important to the success of IGGOS.  相似文献   

The different operating requirements of the International Seismological Centre (ISC) from those of the National Earthquake Information Service of the US Geological Survey(NEIS), and of the prototype International Data Center to monitor the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (pIDC), result in some discrepancies between earthquake locations computed by the three agencies. For larger events recorded by many stations the differences are small, but for some smaller events differences in location of up to 20° may occur. The largest discrepancies are found for small events in areas where later analysis by ISC has the benefit of additional readings from regional seismograph networks and where ISC has made a different interpretation of the station readingsavailable to pIDC and NEIS. We identify regions where such discrepancies occur most frequently, and give some examples for which the augmented data set of ISC has resulted in significant improvement for specific earthquakes. NEIS and, particularly, pIDC produce their results more speedily than ISC, and these form a valuable starting point for the later, more complete ISC analysis, which is commonly considered the most definitive compilation of global earthquake information.  相似文献   

International trade in fishery commodities reached US 58.2 billion dollars in 2002, a 5% improvement relative to 2000 and a 45% increase over 1992 levels. Within this global trade, developing countries registered a net trade surplus of US 17.4 billion dollars in 2002 and accounted for almost 50% by value and 55% of fish exports by volume. This globalization of fish trade, coupled with technological developments in food production, handling, processing and distribution, and the increasing awareness and demand of consumers for safe and high quality food have put food safety and quality assurance high in public awareness and a priority for many governments. Consequently, many countries have tightened food safety controls, imposing additional costs and requirements on imports. As early as 1980, there was an international drive towards adopting preventative HACCP-based safety and quality systems. More recently, there has been a growing awareness of the importance of an integrated, multidisciplinary approach to food safety and quality throughout the entire food chain. Implementation of this approach requires an enabling policy and regulatory environment at national and international levels with clearly defined rules and standards, establishment of appropriate food control systems and programmes at national and local levels, and provision of appropriate training and capacity building. This paper discusses the international framework for fish safety and quality, with particular emphasis on the United Nation's Food and Agricultural Organization's (FAO) strategy to promote international harmonization and capacity building.  相似文献   

第七代国际地磁参考场的检验与评价   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文对国际地磁和高空物理学会推荐的第七代国际地磁参考场进行了检验和评价。评价工作是通过1960~1995年(5年间隔)中国地磁台的观测数据;对中国地区复测点的测量数据;中国地区三阶泰乐多项式模型与第七代国际地磁参考场模型进行了比较,求得了平均差和标准偏差。并以1990年代为例,做出了1990年代各个地磁要素两个模型计算值之间的差值图,图上显示出这些差值的异常分布,这结异常是来自地壳源,比较结果,可  相似文献   

2009年12月,国际地磁学与高空物理学协会(IAGA)发布了第11代国际地磁参考场(IGRF-11)。第11代IGRF包括1900.0-2010.0年代(间隔为5年)共23个地磁模型与2010.0---2015.0年代地磁长期变化的预测模型,其中1900.0-1995.0年代模型的阶次为N=M=10,相应球谐系数的精度为lnT;2000.0—2010.0年代模型的阶次为N=M=13,其球谐系数的精度为0.1nT;而2010.0—2015.0年代地磁长期变化预测模型的阶次为N=M=8,其球谐系数的精度为0.1nT。本文概述了第11代国际地磁参考场及其2010.0年代地磁模型与2010.0--2015.0年代地磁长期变化的预测模型。  相似文献   

第47届国际文献与信息联合会大会于1994年10月2-9日在日本大宫市召开,来自世界各国的代表400余人参加了会议。本文从五个方面反映了这次大会的概况。  相似文献   

The seismic performance of geotechnical works is significantly affected by ground displacement. In particular, soil–structure interaction and effects of liquefaction play major roles and pose difficult problems for engineers. An International Standard, ISO23469, is being developed for addressing these issues in a systematic manner within a consistent framework. The objective of this paper is to give an overview of this International Standard.In this International Standard, the seismic actions are determined through two stages. The first stage determines basic seismic action variables, including the earthquake ground motion at the site, the potential for earthquake-associated phenomena such as liquefaction and induced lateral ground displacement. These basic variables are used, in the second stage, for specifying the seismic actions for designing geotechnical works. In the second stage, the soil–structure interaction plays a major role. Types of analyses are classified based on a combination of static/dynamic analyses and the procedure for soil–structure interaction classified as follows:
– simplified: soil–structure interaction of a global system is modeled as an action on a substructure;
– detailed: soil–structure interaction of a global system is modeled as a coupled system.
Keywords: Design; Geotechnical works; Liquefaction; International Standard; Seismic actions; Seismic hazard analysis  相似文献   

1900—2000年亚洲地磁场长期变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据第七代国际地磁参考场(IRF).计算亚洲地区(10N—70N,40E--160E)各个地磁要素1900--2000年期间(时间间隔为5年)1网格值;绘制相应年代地磁北向分量(X)、东向分量(Y)和垂直分量(Z)的长期变化分布图;分析地滋长期变化的时空变化特征.  相似文献   

Management of sediment in river basins and waterways has been an important issue for water managers throughout history. The changing nature of sediment issues has meant that water managers today face many complex technical and environmental challenges in relation to sediment management. UNESCO's International Hydrological Programme(IHP) launched the International Sediment Initiative(ISI) in 2002.ISI aims to further advance sustainable sediment management on a global scale. This is achieved through the delivery of a decision support framework for sediment management that provides guidance on legislative and institutional solutions, applicable across a range of socio-economic and physiographic settings in the context of global change. ISI mobilizes international experience on sediment problems and their management through the compilation of a series of case studies representative of a broad range of physiographic and socio-economic conditions, which are made available as guidance for policy makers dealing with water and river basin management. Case studies prepared to date include the basins of the Nile, Mississippi, Rhine, Volga, Yellow, and Haihe and Liaohe rivers. Available in full from the ISI website,these detailed case studies are briefly introduced in this review articles.  相似文献   

偏心偶极子漂移速率的计算与分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文根据国际地磁参考场模型DGRF1945-1985、IGRF1990和SV1990-1995、计算近期偏心偶极位置和漂移速度,并对西向漂移速度进行了分析,结果表明,1970年以前,漂移速度是连续下降,到1970最低值,以后,又呈上升趋势,这一现象与地磁长期变化加速度的突然变化即“Jerk”有很好的相关性。  相似文献   

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