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Sea surface temperature satellite imagery and a regional hydrodynamic model are used to investigate the variability and structure of the Liverpool Bay thermohaline front. A statistically based water mass classification technique is used to locate the front in both data sets. The front moves between 5 and 35 km in response to spring–neap changes in tidal mixing, an adjustment that is much greater than at other shelf-sea fronts. Superimposed on top of this fortnightly cycle are semi-diurnal movements of 5–10 km driven by flood and ebb tidal currents. Seasonal variability in the freshwater discharge and the density difference between buoyant inflow and more saline Irish Sea water give rise to two different dynamical regimes. During winter, when cold inflow reduces the buoyancy of the plume, a bottom-advected front develops. Over the summer, when warm river water provides additional buoyancy, a surface-advected plume detaches from the bottom and propagates much larger distances across the bay. Decoupled from near-bed processes, the position of the surface front is more variable. Fortnightly stratification and re-mixing over large areas of Liverpool Bay is a potentially important mechanism by which freshwater, and its nutrient and pollutant loads, are exported from the coastal plume system. Based on length scales estimated from model and satellite data, the erosion of post-neap stratification is estimated to be responsible for exporting approximately 19% of the fresh estuarine discharge annually entering the system. Although the baroclinic residual circulation makes a more significant contribution to freshwater fluxes, the episodic nature of the spring–neap cycle may have important implications for biogeochemical cycles within the bay.  相似文献   

Measurements of current velocity profiles during and after cresting of the Suwannee River in Northern Florida, USA, were used to investigate the effects of increased river discharge on subtidal flows near the estuarine transition with the Gulf of Mexico. Three moored velocity profilers were deployed across a lower estuary cross-section. The cross-section bathymetry consisted of a channel (∼5.5 m deep) near the western bank of the estuary that shoaled monotonically eastward. Two-layer gravitational exchange developed only in the deepest part of the cross-section during the river cresting and persisted for ∼20 days. After this ∼20-day period, the net flow decreased and was seaward throughout the water column. Net flows outside the channel were seaward throughout the observation period and were modulated by the river pulse. By comparing the estuarine response in the 5.5-m channel to theoretical responses driven by a dynamic balance between pressure gradient and stress divergence, a condition required for two-layered flow was proposed. Gravitational exchange flow should be expected when the ratio of density-driven flow to river-induced flow is greater than 0.23 to 0.28. Smaller values of this ratio should produce unidirectional, seaward flows after a river pulse. Two-layered flows restricted to the channel can be explained also with this ratio because of the sensitivity of density-driven flows to local depth and eddy viscosity. These findings need to be tested against observations in other systems affected by extreme freshwater pulses.  相似文献   

Detailed hydrographic observations were made in Wakasa Bay, Japan, in August 1979 as the first of a series on the topic of bay intrusions. An anomalous water tongue, evident at a depth of 50 m, was observed to move eastward into the bay at a speed of about 10 km day−1. The width of the tongue was about 20 to 30 km in agreement with the Rossby internal radius of deformation. The results of current meter measurements and the observed temporal and spatial evolution of the temperature field near the front of the anomalous water tongue have suggested that ageostrophic cross-frontal motion, in balance with the along-front acceleration, may be important in our understanding of intrusion processes.  相似文献   

Hydrographic variability on the Alabama shelf just outside of Mobile Bay, a major source of river discharge into the Gulf of Mexico, is examined using time series of water column temperature and surface and bottom salinity from a mooring site with a depth of 20 m in conjunction with a series of across-shelf CTD surveys. The time series data show variability in a range of time scales. The density variation is affected by both salinity and temperature, with its relatively strong annual signal mostly determined by temperature and its year to year variability mostly determined by salinity. Seasonal mean structures of temperature, salinity, and density show a transition from estuarine to shelf conditions in which three regions with distinct seasonal characteristics in their horizontal and vertical gradient structures are identified. Correlation analysis with the available forcing functions demonstrates the influence of Mobile Bay on the variability at the mooring site. At low frequencies, river discharge from Mobile Bay has a varying influence on salinity, which is absent during the periods with unusually low discharge. At shorter synoptic time scales, both the estuarine response to the across-shelf wind stress and the shelf response to the along-shelf wind stress are significantly correlated with temperature/salinity variability: the former becoming important for the surface layer during winter whereas the latter for the bottom layer during both winter and summer. These forcing functions are important players in determining the estuarine-shelf exchange, which in turn is found to contribute to the shelf hydrographic structure.  相似文献   

《Continental Shelf Research》1999,19(9):1143-1159
The Oder river discharge into the Pomeranian Bight of the Baltic Sea was investigated in a combined study using satellite data, numerical modelling and shipborne measurements. The aim was to understand the dynamical processes forming the freshwater distribution patterns during the prevailing winds. From an analysis of typical distribution patterns of the river discharge in relation to the main wind directions and in comparison to seasonal wind statistics, the two main transport directions were determined. The prevailing westerly winds produce an onshore transport and a downwind coastal jet which transports the river water along the Polish coast, in certain cases over a distance of 300 km to the Gdansk Bay. During a period of stable westerly winds in June 1994, the calculated time scale for a water transport over 250 km corresponded to the observed time of 12 d. In spring, the period of maximum river runoff, easterly winds dominate and transport occurs along the German coast into the Arkona Sea. The river water is guided by upwelling processes in front of the Polish coast. During occasional north-easterly winds stable plumes form in front of the Swine river mouth; this occurred in May 1991 for several days. The numerical model showed that the stability of the plume is caused by an interaction between the alignment of the coast, the large-scale circulation in the north, the buoyancy of the freshwater and the Coriolis effect. The underlying anticyclonic eddy is indicated by warm rings in a high resolution Landsat Thematic Mapper scene. From the different datasets the range of the spatial and temporal scales of a stable plume were determined. The volume varied between 0.14 and 0.9 km3, and the suspended matter and chlorophyll load between 1120 and 7200 t and 2.8 and 18 t, respectively. These values are important for ecological budget calculations in turnover process studies.  相似文献   

The paper is focused on the global spatial structure, seasonal and interannual variability of the ~5-day Rossby (W1) and ~6-day Kelvin (E1) waves derived from the SABER/TIMED temperature measurements for 6 full years (January 2002–December 2007). The latitude structure of the ~5-day W1 wave is related to the gravest symmetric wave number 1 Rossby wave. The vertical structure of the ~5-day Rossby wave amplitude consists of double-peaked maxima centred at ~80–90 km and ~105–110 km. This wave has a vertically propagating phase structure from the stratosphere up to 120 km altitude with a mean vertical wavelength of ~50–60 km. The ~6-day E1 wave is an equatorially trapped wave symmetric about the equator and located between 20°N and 20°S. Its seasonal behaviour indicates some equinoctial and June solstice amplifications, while the vertical phase structure indicates that this is a vertically propagating wave between 20–100 km altitudes with a mean vertical wavelength of ~25 km.  相似文献   

The response of the Chesapeake Bay to river discharge under the influence and absence of tide is simulated with a numerical model. Four numerical experiments are examined: (1) response to river discharge only; (2) response to river discharge plus an ambient coastal current along the shelf outside the bay; (3) response to river discharge and tidal forcing; and (4) response to river discharge, tidal forcing, and ambient coastal current. The general salinity distribution in the four cases is similar to observations inside the bay. Observed features, such as low salinity in the western side of the bay, are consistent in model results. Also, a typical estuarine circulation with seaward current in the upper layer and landward current in the lower layer is obtained in the four cases. The two cases without tide produce stronger subtidal currents than the cases with tide owing to greater frictional effects in the cases with tide. Differences in salinity distributions among the four cases appear mostly outside the bay in terms of the outflow plume structure. The two cases without tide produce an upstream (as in a Kelvin wave sense) or northward branch of the outflow plume, while the cases with tide produce an expected downstream or southward plume. Increased friction in the cases with tide changes the vertical structure of outflow at the entrance to the bay and induces large horizontal variations in the exchange flow. Consequently, the outflow from the bay is more influenced by the bottom than in the cases without tide. Therefore, a tendency for a bottom-advected plume appears in the cases with tide, rather than a surface-advected plume, which develops in the cases without tide. Further analysis shows that the tidal current favors a salt balance between the horizontal and vertical advection of salinity around the plume and hinders the upstream expansion of the plume outside the bay.  相似文献   

Observations of the Hudson River plume were taken in the spring of 2006 in conjunction with the Lagrangian Transport and Transformation Experiment using mooring arrays, shipboard observations, and satellite data. During this time period, the plume was subjected to a variety of wind, buoyant, and shelf forcings, which yield vastly different responses in plume structure including a downstream recirculating eddy. During weak and downwelling winds, the plume formed a narrow buoyant coastal current that propagated downstream near the internal wave speed. Freshwater transport during periods when the downwelling wind was closely aligned with the coast was near the river discharge values. During periods with a cross-shore component to the wind, freshwater transport in the coastal current estimated by the mooring array is less than the river discharge due to a widening of the plume that leads to the internal Rossby radius scaling for the plume width to be invalid. The offshore detachment of plume and formation of a downstream eddy that is observed surprisingly persisted for 2 weeks under a variety of wind forcing conditions. Comparison between mooring, shipboard, and satellite data reveal the downstream eddy is steady in time. Shipboard transects yield a freshwater content equal to the previous 3 days of river discharge. The feature itself was formed due to a large discharge following a strong onshore wind. The plume was then further modified by a brief upwelling wind and currents influenced by the Hudson Shelf Valley. The duration of the detachment and downstream eddy can be explained using a Wedderburn number which is largely consistent with the wind strength index described by Whitney and Garvine (J Geophys Res 110:C03014 1997).  相似文献   

Nearshore regions act as an interface between the terrestrial environment and deeper waters. As such, they play important roles in the dispersal of fluvial sediment and the transport of sand to and from the shoreline. This study focused on the nearshore of Poverty Bay, New Zealand, and the processes controlling the dispersal of sediment from the main source, the Waipaoa River. Hydrodynamics and sediment-transport in water shallower than 15 m were observed from April through mid-September 2006. This deployment afforded observations during 3-4 periods of elevated river discharge and 5 dry storms.Similar wind, river discharge, wave, current, and turbidity patterns were characterized during three of the wet storms. At the beginning of each event, winds blew shoreward, increasing wave heights to 2-3 m within Poverty Bay. As the cyclonic storms moved through the system the winds reversed direction and became seaward, reducing the local wave height and orbital velocity while river discharge remained elevated. At these times, high river discharge and relatively small waves enabled fluvially derived suspended sediment to deposit in shallow water. Altimetry measurements indicated that at least 7 cm was deposited at a 15 m deep site during a single discharge event. Turbidity and seabed observations showed this deposition to be removed, however, as large swell waves from the Southern Ocean triggered resuspension of the material within three weeks of deposition. Consequently, two periods of dispersal were associated with each discharge pulse, one coinciding with fluvial delivery, and a second driven by wave resuspension a few weeks later. These observations of nearfield sediment deposition contradict current hypotheses of very limited sediment deposition in shallow water offshore of small mountainous rivers when floods and high-energy, large wave and fast current, oceanic conditions coincide.Consistently shoreward near-bed currents, observed along the 10 m isobath of Poverty Bay, were attributed to a combination of estuarine circulation, Stokes drift, and wind driven upwelling. Velocities measured at the 15 m isobath, however, were directed more alongshore and diverged from those at the 10 m isobath. The divergence in the currents observed at the 10 and 15 m locations seemed to facilitate segregation of coarse and fine sediment, with sand transported near-bed toward the beach, while suspended silts and clays were exported to deeper water.  相似文献   

The Pearl River Estuary is a subtropical estuary and the second largest in China based on discharge volume from the Pearl River. Processes in the estuary vary spatially and temporally (wet vs dry season). In the dry season at the head of the estuary, hypoxic and nearly anoxic conditions occur and NH4 reaches >600 μM, NO3 is ∼300 μM and nitrite is ∼60 μM indicating that nitrification and denitrification may be important dry season processes in the region extending 40 km upstream of the Humen outlet. There are very few biological studies conducted in this upper section of the estuary in either the dry or wet seasons and hence there is a need for further research in this region of the river. In the wet season, the salinity wedge extends to the Hongqimen outlet and oxygen is low (35–80% saturation). Nitrate is ∼100 μM, silicate ∼140 μM; and phosphate is relatively low at ∼0.5 μM, yielding an N:P ratio up to ∼200:1 in summer. Nutrients decrease in the lower estuary and primary productivity may become potentially P-limited. Eutrophication is not as severe as one would expect from the nutrient inputs from the Pearl River and from Hong Kong's sewage discharge. This estuary shows a remarkable capacity to cope with excessive nutrients. Physical processes such as river discharge, tidal flushing, turbulent dispersion, wind-induced mixing, and estuarine circulation play an important role in controlling the production and accumulation of algal blooms and the potential occurrence of hypoxia. Superimposed on the physical processes of the estuary are the chemical and biological processes involved in the production of the bloom. For example, the 100N:1P ratio indicates that P potentially limits the amount of algal biomass (and potential biological oxygen demand) in summer. While extended periods of hypoxia are rare in Hong Kong waters, episodic events have been reported to occur during late summer due to factors such as low wind, high rainfall and river discharge which result in strong density stratification that significantly dampens vertical mixing processes. Nutrient loads are likely to change over the next several decades and monitoring programs are essential to detect the response of the ecosystem due to the future changes in nutrient loading and the ratio of nutrients.  相似文献   

Based on field data of river discharge, tide, tidal bore, and riverbed topography, the characteristics of river discharge, the effect of river discharge on riverbed erosion and sedimentation, and the feedback effect of riverbed erosion and sedimentation on the tide and tidal bore in the Qiantang River are analyzed. The results show that the inter-annual and seasonal variation of river discharge in the Qiantang River is noticeable, while the seasonal distribution of river discharge tends to be un...  相似文献   

We present an analytical model to decompose complex along-channel and transverse residual flows into components induced by individual mechanisms. The model describes the transverse distribution of residual flows in tidally dominated estuaries. Scaling and perturbation techniques are used to obtain analytical solutions for residual flows over arbitrary across-channel bed profiles. The flows are induced by horizontal density gradients, tidal rectification processes, river discharge, wind, channel curvature and the earth's rotation. These rectification processes induce residual flows that are up-estuary to the right and down-estuary to the left of an estuarine channel (looking up-estuary in the northern hemisphere). The tidal rectification processes fundamentally change the transverse structure of along-channel residual flows in many tidal estuaries, as these processes cause the flows to be internally asymmetric about the mid-axis of the channel for relatively large tidal velocities, steep channels or narrow estuaries. In addition, velocity scales are derived from the analytical solutions to estimate the relative importance of the various residual flow mechanisms from estuarine parameters. A case study of a transect across the Upper Chesapeake Bay showed that important features of the residual flow observed in that transect are reproduced and explained by the analytical model. The velocity scales were able to identify the relevant residual flow mechanisms as well. The tidal rectification processes considered here result from advection of along-channel tidal momentum by Coriolis-induced transverse tidal currents.  相似文献   

The Bay of Fundy in eastern Canada has the highest tides in the world. Harnessing the tidal energy in the region has long been considered. In this study, the effects of tidal in-stream energy extraction in the Minas Passage on the three-dimensional (3D) tidal circulation in the Bay of Fundy (BoF) and the Gulf of Maine (GoM) are examined using a nested-grid coastal ocean circulation model based on the Princeton Ocean Model (POM). The nested-grid model consists of a coarse-resolution (~4.5 km) parent sub-model for the GoM and a high-resolution (~1.5 km) child sub-model for the BoF. The tidal in-stream energy extraction in the model is parameterized in terms of nonlinear Rayleigh friction in the momentum equation. A suite of numerical experiments are conducted to determine the ranges of extractable tidal in-stream energy and resulting effects on the 3D tidal circulation over the Bay of Fundy and the Gulf of Maine (BoF-GoM) in terms of the Rayleigh friction coefficients. The 3D model results suggest that the maximum energy extraction in the Minas Passage increases tidal elevations and tidal currents throughout the GoM and reduces tidal elevations and circulation in the upper BoF, especially in the Minas Basin. The far-field effect of tidal energy extraction in the Passage on the 3D tidal circulation in the BoF-GoM is examined in two cases of harnessing tidal in-stream energy from (a) the entire water column and (b) the lower water column within 20 m above the bottom in the Passage. The 3D model results demonstrate that tidal in-stream energy extraction from the lower water column has less impact on the tidal elevations and circulation in the BoF-GoM than the energy extraction from the whole water column in the Minas Passage.  相似文献   

An analytical and a numerical model are used to understand the response of velocity and sediment distributions over Gaussian-shaped estuarine cross-sections to changes in tidal forcing and water depth. The estuaries considered here are characterized by strong mixing and a relatively weak along-channel density gradient. It is also examined under what conditions the fast, two-dimensional analytical flow model yields results that agree with those obtained with the more complex three-dimensional numerical model. The analytical model reproduces and explains the main velocity and sediment characteristics in large parts of the parameter space considered (average tidal velocity amplitude, 0.1–1 m s − 1 and maximum water depth, 10–60 m). Its skills are lower for along-channel residual flows if nonlinearities are moderate to high (strong tides in deep estuaries) and for transverse flows and residual sediment concentrations if the Ekman number is small (weak tides in deep estuaries). An important new aspect of the analytical model is the incorporation of tidal variations in the across-channel density gradient, causing a double circulation pattern in the transverse flow during slack tides. The gradient also leads to a new tidally rectified residual flow component via net advection of along-channel tidal momentum by the density-induced transverse tidal flow. The component features landward currents in the channel and seaward currents over the slopes and is particularly effective in deeper water. It acts jointly with components induced by horizontal density differences, Coriolis-induced tidal rectification and Stokes discharge, resulting in different along-channel residual flow regimes. The residual across-channel density gradient is crucial for the residual transverse circulation and for the residual sediment concentration. The clockwise density-induced circulation traps sediment in the fresher water over the left slope (looking up-estuary in the northern hemisphere). Model results are largely consistent with available field data of well-mixed estuaries.  相似文献   

A high-resolution (~1 km horizontal grid and 21 vertical layers) numerical model based on the Princeton Ocean Model (POM) has been used to study the 3D dynamics of the Upper Gulf of Thailand (UGOT). While influenced by tides and rivers like other estuarine systems, the UGOT is unique because it is wide (~100 km?×?100 km), it is shallow (average depth of only ~15 m), it is located in low latitudes (~12.5°N–13.5°N), and it is influenced by the seasonal monsoon. Sensitivity studies were thus conducted to evaluate the impact that surface heat fluxes, monsoonal winds, river runoffs, and the low latitude may have on the dynamics; the latter has been evaluated by modifying the Coriolis parameter and comparing simulations representing low and mid latitudes. The circulation in the UGOT changes seasonally from counter-clockwise during the northeast monsoon (dry season) to clockwise during the southwest monsoon (wet season). River discharges generate coastal jets, whereas river plumes tend to be more symmetric near the river mouth and remain closer to the coast in low latitudes, compared with mid-latitude simulations. River plumes are also dispersed along the coast in different directions during different stages of the monsoonal winds. The model results are compared favorably with a simple wind-driven analytical estuarine model. Comparisons between an El Niño year (1998) and a La Niña year (2000) suggest that water temperatures, warmer by as much as 2 °C in 1998 relative to 2000, are largely driven by decrease cloudiness during the El Niño year. The developed model of the UGOT could be used in the future to address various environmental problems affecting the region.  相似文献   

Conceptual models of circulation theorise that the dominant forces controlling estuarine circulation are freshwater discharge from the riverine section (landward), tidal forcing from the ocean boundary, and gravitational circulation resulting from along-estuary gradients in density. In micro-tidal estuaries, sub-tidal water level changes (classified as those with periods between 3 and 10 days) with amplitudes comparable to the spring tidal range can significantly influence the circulation and distribution of water properties. Field measurements obtained from the Swan River Estuary, a diurnal, micro-tidal estuary in south-western Australia, indicated that sub-tidal water level changes at the ocean boundary were predominantly from remotely forced continental shelf waves (CSWs). The sub-tidal water levels had maximum amplitudes of 0.8 m, were comparable to the maximum tidal range of 0.6 m, propagated into the estuary to its tidal limit, and modified water levels in the whole estuary over several days. These oscillations dominated the circulation and distribution of water properties in the estuary through changing the salt wedge location and increasing the bottom water salinity by 7 units over 3 days. The observed salt wedge excursion forced by CSW was up to 5 km, whereas the maximum tidal excursion was 1.2 km. The response of the residual currents and the salinity distribution lagged behind the water level changes by ∼24 h. It was proposed that the sub-tidal forcing at the ocean boundary, which changed the circulation, salinity, and dissolved oxygen in the upper estuary, was due to a combination of two processes: (1) a gravity current generated by a process similar to a lock exchange mechanism and (2) amplified along-estuary density gradients in the upper estuary, which enhanced the gravitational circulation in the estuary. The salt intrusions under the sub-tidal forcing caused the rapid movement of anoxic water upstream, with significant implications for water quality and estuarine health.  相似文献   

In this article we address two questions: Why do freely evolving vortices weaken on average, even when the viscosity is very small? Why, in the fluid's interior, away from vertical boundaries and under the influence of Earth's rotation and stable density stratification, do anticyclonic vortices become dominant over cyclonic ones when the Rossby number and deformation radius are finite? The context for answering these questions is a rotating, conservative, Shallow-water model with Asymmetric and Gradient-wind Balance approximations. The controlling mechanisms are vortex weakening under straining deformation (with a weakening that is substantially greater for strong cyclones than strong anticyclones) followed by a partially compensating vortex strengthening during a relaxation phase dominated by Vortex Rossby Waves (VRWs) and their eddy–mean interaction with the vortex. The outcome is a net, strain-induced vortex weakening that is greater for cyclones than anticyclones when the deformation radius is not large compared to the vortex radius and the Rossby number is not small. Furthermore, when the exterior strain flow is sustained, the vortex changes also are sustained: for small Rossby number (i.e., the quasigeostrophic limit, QG), vortices continue to weaken at a relatively modest rate, but for larger Rossby number, cyclones weaken strongly and anticyclones actually strengthen systematically when the deformation radius is comparable to the vortex radius. The sustained vortex changes are associated with strain-induced VRWs on the periphery of the mean vortex. It therefore seems likely that, in a complex flow with many vortices, anticyclonic dominance develops over a sequence of transient mutual straining events due to the greater robustness of anticyclones (and occasionally their net strengthening).  相似文献   

To investigate how salinity changes with abrupt increases and decreases in river discharge, three surveys were conducted along six sections around the Yellow River mouth before, during and after a water regulation event during which the river discharge was increased from ∼200 to >3000 m3 s−1 for the first 3 days, was maintained at >3000 m3 s−1 for the next 9 days and was decreased to <1000 m3 s−1 for the final 4 days. The mean salinity in the Yellow River estuary area during the event varied ∼1.21, which is much larger than its seasonal variation (∼0.50) and interannual variation (∼0.05). Before the event, a small plume was observed near the river mouth. During the event, the plume extended over 24 km offshore in the surface layer in the direction of river water outflow. After the event, the plume diminished in size but remained larger than before the event. The downstream propagation of the plume (as in a Kelvin wave sense) was apparent in the bottom layer during the second survey and in both the surface and bottom layers during the third survey. The plume sizes predicted by the formulas from theoretical studies are larger than those we observed, indicating that factors neglected by theoretical studies such as the temporal variation in river discharge and vertical mixing in the sea could be very important for plume evolution. In addition to the horizontal variation of the plume, we also observed the penetration of freshwater from the surface layer into the bottom layer. A comparison of two vertical processes, wind mixing and tidal mixing, suggests that the impact of wind mixing may be comparable with that of tidal mixing in the area close to the river mouth and may be dominant over offshore areas. The change in Kelvin number indicates an alteration of plume dynamics due to the abrupt change in river discharge during the water regulation event.  相似文献   

The Pearl River Estuary (PRE) in South China's Guangdong Province is a subtropical estuary with highly irregular topography and dynamically complicated circulations. A nested-grid coastal circulation modelling system is used in this study to examine dynamic responses of the PRE to tides, meteorological forcing and buoyancy forcing. The nested-grid modelling system is based on the Princeton Ocean Model and consists of three downscaling subcomponents: including an outer-most model with a coarse horizontal resolution of ~7 km for simulating tidally forced and wind-driven surface elevations and depth-mean currents over the China Seas from Bohai Sea to the northern South China Sea and an innermost model with a fine resolution of ~1.2 km for simulating the 3D coastal circulation and hydrography over the PRE and adjacent coastal waters. Model results during the winter northeast monsoon surge in January and super typhoon Koryn in June of 1993 are used to demonstrate that the 3D coastal circulation and hydrographic distributions in the PRE are affected by tides, winds and buoyancy forcing associated with river discharge from the Pearl River with significant seasonal and synoptic variabilities.  相似文献   

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