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汪智军  殷建军 《第四纪研究》2023,43(5):1298-1308



The sedimentary rocks of the Metlaoui Formation in the Gafsa basin (southern Tunisia), which may be grouped in three units: the basal (Thèlja), middle (Chouabine) and upper unit (Kef Eddour), provide a record of preserved sedimentary, authigenic and biological processes. This paper presents the findings of sedimentological investigations of the biosiliceous deposits of the middle unit. This unit contains either well-preserved (Opal-A) or diagenetically altered (Opal-CT, clinoptilolite, quartz and even clays) diatom frustules. Such diagenetic changes are commonly described in marine and lacustrine biosiliceous deposits. The fossil content of theses diatomaceous layers implies shallow-marine conditions.The opal-rich sediments, and the associated facies record the transgressive transitions associated with high organic productivity, probably enhanced by seasonal input of nutrients, and high sea level stands, and a close association with stratified water column conditions. The formation of bedded diatomaceous sediments is known to require either high organic productivity or anoxic conditions in bottom/intermediate water, and eventually both processes. The initial organic content of the biogenic deposits was impoverished in early stages of sedimentation and diagenesis. A large part of the organic matter could have been destroyed during early diagenetic processes and from further oxidation in outcrops.  相似文献   

滨岸相混控碎屑岩沉积体系是指发育在滨岸带,受河流、波浪和潮汐混合水动力作用产生的复合碎屑岩沉积体系。受区域构造、物源、古地貌、海平面变化和滨岸水动力控制,塔里木盆地沙雅隆起区在志留纪—泥盆纪—石炭纪时期发育了辫状河三角洲、潮汐和波浪作用相互交替的滨岸相碎屑岩复合沉积体系。本文基于野外露头、钻井和测井等资料,开展了沙雅隆起区志留系—石炭系沉积层序、沉积相和沉积模式的综合研究,建立复合沉积体系的沉积学模式,包括:① 志留系—泥盆系的浪控- 潮控海湾沉积体系;② 下石炭统巴楚组的台地- 蒸发潟湖- 潮坪沉积体系;③ 下石炭统卡拉沙依组的河控- 浪控- 潮控三角洲沉积体系。下志留统柯坪塔格组滨岸滩坝和潮坪砂体、上泥盆统东河塘组冲积平原、海湾滩坝砂体和下石炭统卡拉沙依组辫状河三角洲砂体在塔北地区大面积分布,其冲积平原、三角洲前缘、水下分流河道砂体被后期潮汐和波浪作用改造后,形成潮汐水道砂体、河口坝砂体和滨岸滩坝砂体,物性条件明显改善,有利于形成优质储层区带。目前,滨岸混合水动力碎屑岩沉积体系已获得重大油气勘探突破,其沉积学模式可为塔北地区古生界碎屑岩油气勘探提供理论基础。  相似文献   

The south Australian Eucla Shelf belongs to the world's largest cool-water carbonate sedimentary system. During the Pleistocene, it exported large amounts of sediment to the shelf edge and upper slope resulting in an expanded sedimentary wedge. Wedge-internal clinoforming seismic reflectors suggest a stacking of the deposits into genetic sequences. High-resolution stable oxygen and carbon isotope, point counting, grain size, and carbonate mineralogical XRD analyses were carried out to characterize these genetic sequences along a dip-parallel transect of three ODP Leg 182 drill holes located between the shelf edge and upper slope. Oxygen and carbon isotope fluctuations show that the genetic sequences formed as a response to sea level fluctuations. Within the genetic sequences, facies differentiation and sediment volume partitioning occur along the transect. Lowstand deposits are fine grained and contain more sponge spicules and micrite. Highstand deposits are coarse grained with tunicate spicules, brown bioclasts, as well as bryozoan and corallinacean debris. Boundaries separating highstand and lowstand deposits are triggered by sea level fall, and are expressed as abrupt grain size changes or as turning points in grain-size trends. Analyzed components vary in abundance along the transect. Genetic sequences show dip-parallel variations in thickness combined with changing relative proportions of lowstand versus highstand deposits.  相似文献   

The mixed carbonate-siliciclastic Weißenegg (Allo-) Formation records three depositional sequences corresponding approximately to the TB 2.3, TB 2.4 and TB 2.5 global cycles. Sea-level fluctuations were of the order of at least 30 m. Siliciclastic lowstand systems tracts comprise lignite deposits, reworked basement and tidal siltstones (above a tectonically enhanced sequence boundary) as well as coastal sand bars. Coastal sands of the transgressive systems tract contain distinct layers of well cemented nodules. They are interpreted as the first stage in hardground formation and record superimposed minor sea-level fluctuations. Coral patch reefs and rhodolith platforms developed during transgressive phases and were subsequently drowned and/or suffocated by siliciclastics during early highstand. Shallowing upwards siliciclastic parasequences, each terminated by a bank of rhodolith limestone, form the (late) highstand systems tract. The limestone beds record superimposed fourth-order transgressive pulses. Occasionally a carbonate highstand wedge developed. Lowstand carbonate shedding occurred where the top of a platform which suffered incipient drowning during highstand was near sealevel again during the following lowstand. Late highstand delta progradation is common.  相似文献   

The E-W trending Atlas System of Maghreb consists of weakly shortened, intra-continental fold belts associated with plateau areas (“Mesetas”), extending between the south-westernmost branch of the Mediterranean Alpine Belt (Rif-Tell) and the Sahara Platform. Although the Atlas system has been erected contemporaneously from Morocco to Algeria and Tunisia during the Middle Eocene to Recent, it displays a conspicuous longitudinal asymmetry, with i) Paleozoic outcrops restricted to its western part; ii) highest elevation occurring in the west, both in the Atlas System and its foreland (Anti-Atlas); iii) low elevation corridors (e.g. Hodna) and depressed foreland (Tunisian Chotts and Sahel area) in the east. We analyse the origin of these striking contrasts in relation with i) the Variscan heritage; ii) crustal vertical movements during the Mesozoic; iii) crustal shortening during the Cenozoic and finally, iv) the occurrence of a Miocene-Quaternary hot mantle anomaly in the west. The Maghreb lithosphere was affected by the Variscan orogeny, and thus thickened only in its western part. During the Late Permian-Triassic, a paleo-high formed in the west between the Central Atlantic and Alpine Tethys rift systems, giving birth to the emergent/poorly subsident West Moroccan Arch. During the late Middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous, Morocco and western Algeria were dominantly emergent whereas rifting lasted on in eastern Algeria and Tunisia. We ascribe the uplift of the western regions to thermal doming, consistent with the Late Jurassic and Barremian gabbroic magmatism observed there. After the widespread transgression of the high stand Cenomanian-Turonian seas, the inversion of the Atlas System began during the Senonian as a consequence of the Africa-Eurasia convergence. Erosion affected three ENE-trending uplifted areas of NW Africa, which we consider as lithospheric anticlines related to the incipient Africa-Europe convergence. In contrast, in eastern Algeria and Tunisia a NW-trending rift system developed contemporaneously (Sirt rifting), normal to the general trend of the Atlas System. The general inversion and orogenesis of the Atlas System occurred during two distinct episodes, Middle-Late Eocene-Oligocene and Late Miocene-Pliocene, respectively, whereas during the intervening period, the Africa-Europe convergence was mainly accommodated in the Rif-Tell system. Inversion tectonics and crustal thickening may account for the moderate uplift of the eastern Atlas System, not for the high elevation of the western mountain ranges (Middle Atlas, High Atlas, Anti-Atlas). In line with previous authors, we ascribe part of the recent uplift of the latter regions to the occurrence of a NE-trending, high-temperature mantle anomaly, here labelled the Moroccan Hot Line (MHL), which is also marked by a strip of late Miocene-Quaternary alkaline magmatism and significant seismicity.  相似文献   

This paper presents a detailed record of radiolarian species from the Leg 119 Site 745 (sections 1H to 4H) in the southern ocean region. Forty five species were identified and illustrated from forty six samples. The taxonomy, two radiolarian zones namely NR1 and NR2, morphological variations and distribution of taxa have been made from these sections. Twelve new species are identified but they are not formally named. The study provides the detailed Antarctic Pleistocene radiolarian data, proposed the placement of NR1 and NR2 zonal boundary at a shallow depth of 6.63 mbsf and data is used for comparative studies with other parts of the Antarctic region.  相似文献   

Travertine deposits in western Turkey are very well‐exposed in the area of Kocaba?, in the eastern part of the Denizli Basin. The palaeoclimatic significance of these travertines is discussed using U/Th dates, stable isotope data and palynological evidence. The Kocaba? travertine occurrences are characterized by successions of depositional terraces associated with palaeosols and karstic features. The travertines have been classified into eight lithotypes and one erosional horizon, namely: laminated, coated bubble, reed, paper‐thin raft, intraclasts, micritic travertine with gastropods, extra‐formational pebbles and a palaeosol layer. The analysed travertines mostly formed between 181 ka and 80 ka (Middle to Late Pleistocene) during a series of climatic changes including glacial and interglacial intervals; their δ13C and δ18O values indicate that the depositional waters were mainly of basinal thermal origin, occasionally mixed with surficial meteoric water. Palynological results obtained from the palaeosols showed an abundance of non‐arboreal percentage and xerophytic plants (Oleaceae and Quercus evergreen type) indicating that a drought occurred. Marine Isotope Stage 6 is represented by grassland species but Marine Isotope Stage 5 is represented by Pinaceae–Pinus and Abies, Quercus and Oleaceae. Uranium/thorium analyses of the Kocaba? travertines show that deposition began in Marine Isotope Stage 6 (glacial) and continued to Marine Isotope Stage 4 (glacial), but mostly occurred in Marine Isotope Stage 5 (interglacial). The travertine deposition continued to ca 80 ka in the south‐west of the study area, in one particular depression depositional system. Palaeoenvironmental indicators suggest that the travertine depositional evolution was probably controlled by fault‐related movements that influenced groundwater flow. Good correlation of the stable isotope values and dates of deposition of the travertines and palynological data of palaeosols in the Kocaba? travertines serve as a starting point for further palaeoclimate studies in south‐west Turkey. Additionally, the study can be compared with other regional palaeoclimate archives.  相似文献   

Jebel Mecella and Sidi Taya F–(BaPbZn) deposits are located within the Fluorite Zaghouan Province (NE Tunisia). The mineralization occurs along the unconformity surface between the Jurassic limestones and Upper Cretaceous rocks. The mineralization consists mainly of fluorite, barite, sphalerite, and galena. The δ34S values of barite at Jebel Mecella (14.8–15.4‰) and at Sidi Taya (21.6–22.2‰) closely match those of the Triassic evaporites and Messinian seawater, respectively. The range of δ34S values of galena and sphalerite in both deposits (?6.9 to +2.4‰) suggests the involvement of thermochemical sulfate reduction and possibly organically-bound sulfur in the generation of sulfur. Lead isotope data with 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb, and 208Pb/204Pb ratios of 18.893–18.903, 15.684–15.699, and 38.850–38.880, respectively suggests a single homogeneous source reservoir of Paleozoic age and/or the homogenization of the Paleozoic–Cretaceous multireservoir-derived fluids along their long migration paths to the loci of deposition during the Alpine orogeny.  相似文献   

A combination of published and new radiometric dates on uplifted Holocene fossil beaches from northeastern Sicily and southern Calabria (southern Italy) is compared with the altitude of the inner margin of the Last Interglacial (LIg) (Late Pleistocene, 124 ka) and older marine terraces in order to gain a regional-scale outline of uplift rates and their temporal changes in a region which is one of the fastest uplifting sectors of the Central Mediterranean Sea. Late Holocene radiocarbon dates from Ioppolo (southern Calabria) and Ganzirri (northeast Sicily), two newly discovered sites are here presented for the first time. The Holocene uplift rates are highest at St. Alessio and Taormina in eastern Sicily (2.4 mm/y) and at Scilla in southwestern Calabria (2.1 mm/y), two sites located across the Messina Straits and which separate the island of Sicily from mainland Italy. Uplift rates decrease towards the south and north from this centre of uplift. Late Holocene uplift rates show an apparent increase of between 64 and 124% when compared with the longer-term uplift rates calculated from the LIg highstand terraces. Furthermore, we discovered that the locations of fastest Late Pleistocene and Late Holocene uplift rates spatially coincide. To what extent the Holocene increase in uplift rates results from incomplete elastic strain release along the major extensional faults which frame the seismotectonic of the area, or indicate a true change in regional tectonic processes, is not resolved. Nonetheless, the heterogeneity of uplift, with a well-defined centre that crosses the Messina Straits, and its persistence at different time-scales indicates a tight connection between wider regional processes and fault-related displacement in controlling crustal instability in this area.  相似文献   

The Jebel Ressas Pb–Zn deposits in North‐Eastern Tunisia occur mainly as open‐space fillings (lodes, tectonic breccia cements) in bioclastic limestones of the Upper Jurassic Ressas Formation and along the contact of this formation with Triassic rocks. The galena–sphalerite association and their alteration products (cerussite, hemimorphite, hydrozincite) are set within a calcite gangue. The Triassic rocks exhibit enrichments in trace metals, namely Pb, Co and Cd enrichment in clays and Pb, Zn, Cd, Co and Cr enrichment in carbonates, suggesting that the Triassic rocks have interacted with the ore‐bearing fluids associated with the Jebel Ressas Pb–Zn deposits. The δ18O content of calcite associated with the Pb–Zn mineralization suggests that it is likely to have precipitated from a fluid that was in equilibrium with the Triassic dolostones. The δ34S values in galenas from the Pb–Zn deposits range from ?1.5 to +11.4‰, with an average of 5.9‰ and standard deviation of 3.9‰. These data imply mixing of thermochemically‐reduced heavy sulfur carried in geothermal‐ and fault‐stress‐driven deep‐seated source fluid with bacterially‐reduced light sulfur carried in topography‐driven meteoric fluid. Lead isotope ratios in galenas from the Pb–Zn deposits are homogenous and indicate a single upper crustal source of base‐metals for these deposits. Synthesis of the geochemical data with geological data suggests that the base‐metal mineralization at Jebel Ressas was formed during the Serravallian–Tortonian (or Middle–Late Miocene) Alpine compressional tectonics.  相似文献   

The sedimentary characteristics of gravity flow depositional systems(GFDS)in Liwan sag,Pearl River Mouth Basin,has not been clear. Based on a large number of high-revolution seismic data and a small amount of borehole data,the sedimentary types,spatial-temporal evolution,and controlling factors of the gravity flow depositional systems in Zhuhai Formation and the basal Zhujiang Formation in the Liwan sag are summarized. Four sedimentary types of the GFDS,can be identified according to the different seismic facies associations. Pordelta turbidite fan,the first type,is relatively small-scale compared with other type,but formed at the same time with the shelf edge delta,which is likely to be sand rich. Mass transport complex deposition,the second type,is featured by fault scarps,multiple small detachment faults,internal deformation structures such as sliding and compression,and overall southeast movement. The channelized slope fan,the third type,with lots of small channels on the head,contains microfacies such as turbidite channel,channel-levee complex and crevasse splay. The basin floor fan,the fourth type,is a bidirectionally down-lapped,mound-shaped and strong amplitude continuous intermediate-frequency reflection seismic facie association,and its microfacies such as incised valley,channel filling,front crevasse fan and sheet like lobe can be recognized. It is believed that the coupling of tectonics,climate,sea level change and sediment supply results in the GFDS in the study area and different types of GFDS are formed at different period during the base level cycle change. This research can provide a reference for the summary of gravity flow depositional law and hydrocarbon exploration in the ultra-deep water area.  相似文献   

We report here, for the first time, on the new finding of extrusive calciocarbonatite (alvikite) rocks from the Pleistocene Mt. Vulture volcano (southern Italy). These volcanic rocks, which represent an outstanding occurrence in the wider scenario of the Italian potassic magmatism, form lavas, pyroclastic deposits, and feeder dikes exposed on the northern slope of the volcano. The petrography, mineralogy and whole-rock chemistry attest the genuine carbonatitic nature of these rocks, that are characterized by high to very high contents of Sr, Ba, U, LREE, Nb, P, F, Th, high Nb/Ta and LREE/HREE ratios, and low contents of Ti, Zr, K, Rb, Na and Cs. The O–C isotope compositions are close to the “primary igneous carbonatite” field and, thus, are compatible with an ultimate mantle origin for these rocks. The Sr–Nd–Pb–B isotope compositions, measured both in the alvikites and in the silicate volcanic rocks, indicate a close genetic relationship between the alvikites and the associated melilitite/nephelinite rocks. Furthermore, these latter products are geochemically distinct from the main foiditic-phonolitic association of Mt. Vulture. We propose a petrogenetic/geodynamic interpretation which has important implications for understanding the relationships between carbonatites and orogenic activity. In particular, we propose that the studied alvikites are generated through liquid unmixing at crustal levels, starting from nephelinitic or melilititic parent liquids. These latter were produced in a hybrid mantle resulting from the interaction through a vertical slab window, between a metasomatized mantle wedge, moving eastward from the Tyrrhenian/Campanian region, and the local Adriatic mantle. The occurrence of carbonatite rocks at Mt. Vulture, that lies on the leading edge of the Southern Apennines accretionary prism, is taken as an evidence for the carbonatation of the mantle sources of this volcano. We speculate that mantle carbonatation is related to the introduction of sedimentary carbon from the Adriatic lithosphere during Tertiary subduction.  相似文献   

通过对南海西沙石岛已完钻的科学探井——西科1井进行岩性组合特征、元素地球化学、TEX86等多种指标分析,尝试恢复了西沙地区中新世以来海平面变化,讨论了碳酸盐岩台地形成发育的控制因素。发现受控于南海区域性构造事件及全球海平面变化的双重影响,西沙地区海平面呈现早中新世高—中中新世低—晚中新世到上新世高—第四纪低的变化趋势,海水温度从早中新世到上新世呈整体下降趋势。岩性组合特征揭示,西沙地区碳酸盐岩台地在早中新世开始发育,到中中新世逐渐繁盛,在中中新世末达到顶峰,形成了包含潟湖相在内的大型礁盘;在晚中新世—上新世由于海平面快速上升以及海水温度下降而逐渐衰退淹没,到第四纪进一步持续萎缩。研究发现,西沙地区在早中新世和晚中新世—上新世,出现2次较强的白云岩化作用,与海平面下降造成碳酸盐岩台地暴露剥蚀直接相关。西科1井揭示的碳酸盐岩台地的发育演化过程是南海新生代碳酸盐岩台地繁荣与消亡的代表,是南海新生代构造演化与全球气候变迁相互作用的综合结果。  相似文献   


中国华南地区第四纪喀斯特洞穴堆积中常含有丰富的哺乳动物化石,其中广西崇左地区已发现多处含有步氏巨猿(Gigantopithecus blacki)的第四纪不同时期的洞穴化石点,在其共生的动物群中,对生物地层和环境变化有重要的指示意义且化石数量最多、演化特征最显著的种类之一是独角犀(Rhinoceros)。近期早更新世犀类化石的研究有较大进展,但中晚更新世时期的犀类化石却缺乏系统研究。本研究系统分析了产自中国广西崇左更新世中晚期的武鸣楼山临佛洞、公鸡山愚公洞、木榄山智人洞以及芭仙洞这4个化石地点的犀类新材料,依据牙齿的大小和其形态特征分别将其归入了爪哇犀(Rhinoceros sondaicus)、爪哇犀相似种(Rhinoceros cf. sondaicus)和中国犀(Rhinoceros sinensis)。通过对华南地区第四纪独角犀的系统研究表明,爪哇犀(R.sondaicus)在此地区从早更新世中期一直持续到全新世;中国犀(R.sinensis)则从早更新世晚期延续到晚更新世;暂时没有发现印度犀(R.unicornis)的化石。颊齿特征分析表明,扶绥犀(Rhinoceros fusuiensis)显得要比中国犀(R.sinensis)和爪哇犀(R.sondaicus)原始,而爪哇犀(R.sondaicus)和中国犀(R.sinensis)很可能是扶绥犀(R.fusuiensis)演化而来。从化石记录来看,当时可能有印度次大陆和中国南方两个演化中心,分别演化出Rhinoceros sivalensisR.uncorins以及R.fusuiensisR.sondaicusR.fusuiensisR.sinensis两个支系。在早更新世早期,独角犀向东扩散,到达中国南方地区之后,在中更新世时向东南亚扩散;迄今,只在东南亚部分地区残存。


Alternations between siliciclastic, carbonate and evaporitic sedimentary systems, as recorded in the Aptian mixed succession of southern Tunisia, reflect profound palaeoceanographic and palaeoclimatic changes in this area of the southern Tethyan margin. The evolution from Urgonian-type carbonates (Berrani Formation, lower Aptian) at the base of the series, to intervals dominated by gypsum or detrital deposits in the remainder of the Aptian is thought to result from the interplay between climate change and tectonic activity that affected North Africa.Based on the evolution of clay mineral assemblages, the early Aptian is interpreted as having been dominated by slightly humid conditions, since smectitic minerals are observed. Near the early to late Aptian boundary, the onset of a gypsiferous sedimentation is associated with the appearance of palygorskite and sepiolite, which supports the installation of arid conditions in this area of the southern Tethyan margin. The evaporitic sedimentation may have also been promoted by the peculiar tectonic setting of the Bir Oum Ali area during the Aptian, where local subsidence may have been tectonically enhanced linked to the opening of northern and central Atlantic. Stress associated with the west and central African rift systems may have triggered the development of NW–SE, hemi-graben structures. Uplifted areas may have constituted potential new sources for clastic material that has been subsequently deposited during the late Aptian.Chemostratigraphic (δ13C) correlation of the Bir Oum Ali succession with other peri-Tethyan regions complements biostratigraphic findings, and indicates that a potential expression of the Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE) 1a may be preserved in this area of Tunisia. Although the characteristic negative spike at the base of this event is not recognized in the present study, a subsequent, large positive excursion with δ13C values is of similar amplitude and absolute values to that reported from other peri-Tethyan regions, thus supporting the identification of isotopic segments C4–C7 of the OAE1a. The absence of the negative spike may be linked to either non preservation or non deposition: the OAE1a occurred in a global transgressive context, and since the Bir Oum Ali region was located in the innermost part of the southern Tethyan margin during most of the Aptian, stratigraphic hiatuses may have been longer than in other regions of the Tethys. This emphasizes the importance of integrating several stratigraphic disciplines (bio-, chemo- and sequence stratigraphy) when performing long-distance correlation.  相似文献   

This work focuses on well‐exposed Lower Triassic sedimentary rocks in the area of Torrey (south‐central Utah, USA). The studied Smithian 8 deposits record a large‐scale third‐order sea‐level cycle, which permits a detailed reconstruction of the evolution of depositional settings. During the middle Smithian, peritidal microbial limestones associated with a rather low‐diversity benthic fauna were deposited seaward of the tidal flat siliciclastic red beds. Associated with siliceous sponges, microbial limestones formed small m‐scale patch reefs. During the late middle to late Smithian interval, the sedimentary system is characterized by tidal flat dolostones of an interior platform, ooid‐bioclastic deposits of a tide‐dominated shoal complex, and mid‐shelf bioclastic limestones. Microbial deposits, corresponding to sparse stromatolites formed in the interior platform, are contemporaneous with a well‐diversified marine fauna living in a seaward shoal complex and mid‐shelf area. The nature and distribution of these Smithian microbial deposits are not related to any particular deleterious environmental condition, highlighting that observed patterns of biotic recovery after the end‐Permian mass extinction were directly influenced by depositional settings. Facies evolution and stratal stacking patterns allow us to identify large, medium and small‐scale, as well as elementary depositional sequences. Large‐ and medium‐scale sequences are consistent with sea‐level changes, whereas small‐scale and elementary sequences are better explained by autocyclic processes. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Plio‐Pleistocene non‐marine sequence in the northeast Guadix–Baza Basin (southern Spain) comprises alluvial and lacustrine deposits (Baza Formation). The results of a revised lithostratigraphical correlation between sections from the middle and upper members of the Baza Formation in the northeast part of the basin, supported by detailed mapping, is presented. The position of micromammal sites in the lithostratigraphical scheme, together with the results of intensive palaeontological sampling for small mammal remains, has allowed us to develop a high‐resolution biostratigraphical framework for the area. This provides an opportunity to refine the biozonation for the Plio‐Pleistocene micromammal faunas, and to define faunal events from the late Villanyian (late Pliocene) to the early Pleistocene. On the basis of the lithostratigraphical and biostratigraphical approaches we obtain the following sequence of biozones for the late Pliocene to early Pleistocene: Kislangia gusii, Mimomys cf. reidi, M. oswaldoreigi, Allophaiomys pliocaenicus and A. burgondiae. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Groundwater is the most important natural resource used for drinking by many people around the world, especially in rural areas. In Tunisia, since the quantity and the quality of water available for different uses is variable from one place to another, groundwater quality in El Khairat deep aquifer was evaluated for its suitability for drinking purposes. To this end, an attempt has been made for the first time in order to determine spatial distribution of groundwater quality parameters and to identify places with the best quality for drinking within the study area based on: (1) an integrated analysis of physical?Cchemical parameters, (2) use of Geographical Information System, and (3) Water Quality Index (WQI) calculation. The physical?Cchemical results were compared with the World Health Organization (WHO) standards for drinking and public health, in order to have an overview of the present groundwater quality. According to the overall assessment of the basin, almost all the parameters analyzed are above the desirable limits of WHO. Using GIS contouring methods with Arcview 3.2a, spatial distribution maps of pH, TDS, EC, TH, Cl, HCO3, SO4, NO3, Ca, Mg, Na, and K have been created. The spatial analysis of groundwater quality patterns of the study area shows that the TDS value increases from north-west to south-east following the general trend of the Khairat aquifer flow direction. The spatial distribution map of TH shows that a majority of the groundwater samples falls in the very hard category. WQI was used to assess the suitability of groundwater from the study area for human consumption. From the WQI assessment, over 82% of the water samples fall within the ??Poor?? and ??Very poor?? categories, suggesting that groundwater from the south-eastern of the El Khairat deep aquifer is unsuitable for drinking purposes.  相似文献   

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