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Snowmelt makes an essential component of the hydrological system of Kashmir Himalayas. The present study was carried out to examine the status of Snow Cover Area (SCA) using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) 8-day Snow Cover Product between 2000 and 2016. The intra- and inter-annual variability in SCA and in meteorological parameters was observed and various statistical tests were used to study the interrelationship. Results of statistical analysis indicate decrease in maximum temperature (?0.05 °C/year) and minimum temperatures (?0.02 °C/year) while rise in precipitation (19.13 mm/year). It also showed an increase in annual mean SCA (43.5 sq km) during the study period. The analysis was also carried out on a seasonal basis. The results revealed that in Kashmir Himalayas, climate plays a dominating role in controlling the SCA. The results depict the short-term fluctuations in SCA and show the magnitude of change between two successive values being very large in SCA.  相似文献   

土地利用/覆被(LUC)可为土地资源领域相关研究提供基础数据.本文构建了面向对象的LUC分类方法,并以沿海特殊土地类型区连云港市为例,应用Landsat 8影像开展了实证研究。结果表明:①总体分类精度达到85.06%,总体Kappa系数为0.83,超过了0.7的最低允许判别精度;②该方法可以有效地减少研究区因南北部区域耕地植被覆盖度不同导致的错分现象,并可以用于盐田与滩涂信息的提取工作;③该方法既可为研究区土地利用相关研究提供符合精度要求的数据.也可为其他沿海地区进行土地利用/覆被信息提取工作提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

Land cover in Kenya is in a state of fl ux at different spatial and temporal scales. This compromises environmental integrity and socioeconomic stability of the population hence increasing their vulnerability to the externalities of environmental change. The Oroba-Kibos catchment area in western Kenya is one locality where rapid land use changes have taken place over the last 30 years. The shrubs, swamps, natural forests and other critical ecosystems have been converted on the altar of agriculture, human settlement, fuel wood and timber. This paper presents the results of a study that aimed at providing spatially-explicit information for effective remedial response through (a) Mapping the land cover; (b) Identifying the spatial distribution of land cover changes; (c) Determining the nature, rates and magnitude of the land cover changes, and; (d) Establishing the drivers of land use leading to land cover changes in Oroba-Kibos catchment area. Bi-temporal Landsat TM imagery, fi eld observation, household survey and ancillary data were obtained. Per-fi eld classifi cation of the Landsat TM imagery was performed in a GIS and the resultant land cover maps assessed using the fi eld observation data. Post-classifi cation comparison of the maps was then done to detect changes in land cover that had occurred between 1994 and 2008. SPSS was used to analyze the household survey data and attribute the detected land cover changes to their causes. The fi ndings showed that 9 broad classes characterize the catchment area including the natural forests, swamps, natural water bodies, woodlands, shrublands, built-up lands, grasslands, bare lands and croplands. Croplands are dominant and accounted for about 65% (57122 ha) of the total land in 1994, which increased at the rate of 0.89% to 73% (64772 ha) in 2008, while natural water bodies has the least spatial coverage accounting for about 0.6% (561 ha) of the total land in 1994, which diminished at the rate of 3.57% to 0.3% (260 ha) in 2008. Climate, altitude, access and rights to land, demographic changes, poverty, political governance, market availability and economic returns are the interacting mix of proximate and underlying factors that drive the land cover changes in Oroba-Kibos catchment area.  相似文献   

张熙  鹿琳琳  王萍  周春艳  冀婷婷 《测绘科学》2016,41(3):100-103,90
针对山区植被分类受地形复杂、植被类型多样、验证数据获取困难等因素限制基于多光谱数据的亚热带山区土地利用/覆盖分类存在困难,探究利用物候信息对亚热带山区植被实施分类的效果。综合运用归一化植被指数(NDVI)、比值植被指数(RVI)、归一化水指数(NDWI),同时考虑到海拔高度对植被类型的影响,建立决策树模型。该模型基于多时相Landsat TM影像,利用了不同地物类型的物候特征和光谱差异,将漓江上游地区分为8种土地覆盖类型。实验结果表明,分类结果总体精度达到86.40%,Kappa系数为0.83。  相似文献   


Mapping built land cover at unprecedented detail has been facilitated by increasing availability of global high-resolution imagery and image processing methods. These advances in urban feature extraction and built-area detection can refine the mapping of human population densities, especially in lower income countries where rapid urbanization and changing population is accompanied by frequently out-of-date or inaccurate census data. However, in these contexts it is unclear how best to use built-area data to disaggregate areal, count-based census data. Here we tested two methods using remotely sensed, built-area land cover data to disaggregate population data. These included simple, areal weighting and more complex statistical models with other ancillary information. Outcomes were assessed across eleven countries, representing different world regions varying in population densities, types of built infrastructure, and environmental characteristics. We found that for seven of 11 countries a Random Forest-based, machine learning approach outperforms simple, binary dasymetric disaggregation into remotely-sensed built areas. For these more complex models there was little evidence to support using any single built land cover input over the rest, and in most cases using more than one built-area data product resulted in higher predictive capacity. We discuss these results and implications for future population modeling approaches.  相似文献   

郑瑜晗  黄麟  翟俊 《遥感学报》2020,24(7):917-932
陆表覆盖变化影响地表特征从而改变地表能量平衡是理解人类活动对全球气候变化影响的关键环节。选择国际气候谈判主要国家的美国、印度和巴西作为中国的对比国,对比分析不同国别、不同气候带典型陆表覆盖类型的地表反照率时空差异,进而模拟开垦和城市化等陆表覆盖变化对反照率的影响差异。结果表明:(1) 2000年—2015年,中国、美国的地表反照率年际变化存在明显的气候带空间分异特征,中国干旱半干旱区和美国中低纬湿润区表现出降低趋势,而中国亚热带湿润和美国高纬与中部干旱区则表现出明显的升高趋势,印度的地表反照率年际变化呈微弱下降趋势,而巴西为微弱上升趋势。(2)无雪覆盖时,耕地、林地、草地和人造地表反照率具有夏高、冬低的时间变化特征,干旱半干旱区反照率明显高于湿润区。4种类型的国别差异体现在,中国亚热带湿润区地表反照率均以上升为主,干旱半干旱区则相反;美国除耕地在干旱区呈较强的升高趋势外,其余类型基本为降低趋势;印度均表现为降低趋势;巴西则表现为略微升高趋势。(3)与无雪覆盖相比,有雪覆盖时不同陆表覆盖类型地表反照率均有所提高,林地提高幅度最小,约0.06—0.26,耕地提高最大,约为0.17—0.38,且中国林地反照率提高幅度略高于美国。(4)原陆表覆盖为林地时,开垦和城镇化均导致地表反照率升高,且干旱区升高幅度高于湿润区,湿润区的升高幅度随纬度降低而减弱;为草地时,开垦主要在巴西、印度和中、美亚热带湿润区引起地表反照率升高。而城镇化引起的反照率变化则受到原有地表覆盖、季节和气候背景影响存在较复杂的国别和气候带差异。  相似文献   

Inaccurate information on forest resources could hamper forest conservation, reforestation and sustainable management. Remote-sensing products have emerged as key tools in forest cover monitoring. The Global Forest Watch (GFW) dataset as an interactive remote sensing product, is now applied by more than 2 million users including researchers, conservationists and local communities for analyzing forest cover changes. The quality of this product varies spatially, and local validations are recommended before using the data for inventory and management tasks. Our study evaluated the accuracy and suitability of the GFW dataset for analyzing China’s forest cover. We conducted a validation based on a streamlined visual interpretation procedure using high-resolution optical imagery on Google Earth to map the uncertainties and inaccuracies of GFW Tree Cover 2000 in China. We then estimated China’s forest area after considering the data uncertainty, made a comparison with the data reported by the National Forest Inventory of China (CNFI) to understand where and how the land-based inventory differs from the presence/absence-based remote sensing data. The results showed that the overall accuracy of the GFW Tree Cover 2000 data reached 94.5 %. The user’s and producer’s accuracy of forest classification was 89.26 % and 82.13 %. The sample-based area estimation using GFW showed a larger forest area than the figure reported by CNFI in mainland China, while data discrepancy varied at provincial levels. The study provides a detailed performance assessment of GFW in terms of accuracy of defining forest, and we advise the consideration of data uncertainty in forest cover estimates for future forest management.  相似文献   

建设黄河“智能大脑”服务流域生态保护和高质量发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先介绍了黄河流域水文、地理景观和地貌特征,下游河道变迁和河口变迁历史及生态治理,流域历史水旱灾害等基本背景,分析了黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展面临的主要问题和具有的优势。然后重点论述黄河“智能大脑”如何服务流域保护和发展,提出黄河“智能大脑”三要素,即感知系统(天地一体智能感知网)、存储管理系统(资源池)和操作系统(时空大数据平台);论述了流域一体化时空大数据中心的构成及其基本功能,时空大数据平台及其目标要求,分析并提出了基于网格集成与弹性云的混合式时空大数据平台技术体制和构建技术,提出采用“共用时空大数据平台+”应用概念模型及其具体应用模式。最后讨论了时空大数据平台服务黄河流域城市数字化、网络化和智能化,加强流域上中下游7大城市群的新型智慧城市建设,推动流域生态保护和社会经济发展,提出基于流域时空大数据平台构建服务保护和发展的综合科技信息咨询服务平台,支撑流域协同创新共同体构建,增强流域整体性和协同性发展。  相似文献   

针对偏远地区河流上无水文站点,缺乏河川径流量监测数据的问题,该文以黑河中游地区为例,利用2005—2010年夏、秋两季的Landsat TM/ETM+/OLI影像,提取黑河中游S213桥断面的河水边界及河流宽度,结合已有的断面流量数据,通过建立宽度-流量曲线得到河流流量估测模型,模型估测和实测径流量具有较好的一致性(R2=0.82)。该文同时对河宽提取误差进行精度验证,结果表明提取误差对模型的影响较小(R2在0.81~0.83,绝对误差<2%)。为了证明模型的外推性,该文将模型应用于S213桥断面2011—2015年和高崖断面2005—2014年的流量估测,结果表明,两个断面的模拟结果与实测数据均具有较高相关性。综上结果表明,该文的河川径流遥感估算方法具有较好的精度和外推适用性。  相似文献   

Global land cover data could provide continuously updated cropland acreage and distribution information, which is essential to a wide range of applications over large geographical regions. Cropland area estimates were evaluated in the conterminous USA from four recent global land cover products: MODIS land cover (MODISLC) at 500-m resolution in 2010, GlobCover at 300-m resolution in 2009, FROM-GLC and FROM-GLC-agg at 30-m resolution based on Landsat imagery circa 2010 against the US Department of Agriculture survey data. Ratio estimators derived from the 30-m resolution Cropland Data Layer were applied to MODIS and GlobCover land cover products, which greatly improved the estimation accuracy of MODISLC by enhancing the correlation and decreasing mean deviation (MDev) and RMSE, but were less effective on GlobCover product. We found that, in the USA, the CDL adjusted MODISLC was more suitable for applications that concern about the aggregated county cropland acreage, while FROM-GLC-agg gave the least deviation from the survey at the state level. Correlation between land cover map estimates and survey estimates is significant, but stronger at the state level than at the county level. In regions where most mismatches happen at the county level, MODIS tends to underestimate, whereas MERIS and Landsat images incline to overestimate. Those uncertainties should be taken into consideration in relevant applications. Excluding interannual and seasonal effects, R2 of the FROM-GLC regression model increased from 0.1 to 0.4, and the slope is much closer to one. Our analysis shows that images acquired in growing season are most suitable for Landsat-based cropland mapping in the conterminous USA.  相似文献   

许刚  王传立  孟庆祥  修田雨  李熙 《遥感学报》2022,26(9):1777-1788
为应对COVID-19疫情而采取的非药物干预措施显著改变了城市社会经济活动,但其变化特征和时空模式仍不明确。本研究以美国20个大城市为例,获取NPP-VIIRS月度合成数据分析2020年2—4月COVID-19疫情初期城市夜光亮度变化的空间格局、衰减特征和用地类型差异。结果表明,疫情防控措施导致美国城市夜光亮度普遍变暗,平均降低5%—8%。夜光变化呈现明显“中心—边缘”空间结构特征,夜光降低幅度随到城市中心距离增加而减小。不同用地类型夜光变化幅度存在差异,纽约居住用地和航空设施用地夜光亮度降低幅度最明显,分别下降12%和11%。芝加哥各类用地夜光亮度普遍下降20%左右,除体育设施用地外,其他各类用地夜光亮度一个月后有所恢复。夜光遥感有效反映了城市社会经济活动变化,在监测评估突发事件社会影响方面具有重要应用。  相似文献   

Sedimentation of water bodies is governed by the erosional processes occurring at the watershed level. In this research, a method is proposed for assessing the sediment yield of the mountainous watersheds surrounding the Wular lake in Kashmir Himalaya, using geoinformatics and geostatistics. This method is empirical and semi-quantitative in approach and takes into account the weightage-based influence of the parameters governing the watershed sediment yield. The results of this study reveal that out of the six surrounding watersheds of the Wular Lake, Madhumati watershed with the highest sediment yield index, SYI (39.78) drains maximum sediments into the Lake followed by Arin (39.27), Ferozpur (34.30), Wular II (32.53), Wular I (24.65) and Gundar (23.43) in the event of a same intensity storm. The proposed method is reasonably a better approach in the data-scarce Himalayan region and shall be a useful tool for watershed management in other regions with similar geographic setting.  相似文献   

遥感试验是进行遥感原理的验证、遥感模型与反演方法的发展、遥感产品的真实性检验,推动卫星计划的论证实施及其观测在地球系统科学中应用的重要途径.闪电河流域水循环和能量平衡遥感综合试验以滦河上游闪电河流域为核心试验区,以地球表层系统的水循环过程和能量平衡为研究对象,旨在通过天—空—地—体化的观测手段,针对不同典型地表类型开展...  相似文献   

联合HJ-1/CCD和Landsat8/OLI数据反演黑河中游叶面积指数   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前制约30 m分辨率地表参数遥感提取的主要因素是有限的观测个数,而联合多传感器观测是提高单位时间观测频次的一个有效途径。本文以黑河中游为研究区,利用HJ-1/CCD和Landsat 8/OLI传感器构建多传感器观测数据集。对多传感器观测数据集在观测周期内的有效观测个数、观测角度和双向反射分布函数BRDF分布特征、以及经过预处理后的多传感器数据一致性等问题进行分析。不同传感器观测数据质量差异是多传感器联合反演的主要问题,因此本文首先制定了多传感器数据质量控制方案,然后利用统一模型查找表反演单传感器叶面积指数LAI结果,对10天观测周期内经过质量筛选的单传感器反演结果采用平均方法合成LAI产品。结果表明,LAI有效反演像元占总反演像元比例由单传感器的6.4%—49.7%提高到多传感器的75.9%。利用地面测量数据进行验证分析,LAI反演结果与地面实测数据的均方根误差RMSE均值为0.71。利用30 m分辨率的HJ-1/CCD和Landsat 8/OLI传感器数据可以生产精度可信、时间分辨率连续的LAI产品。  相似文献   

From remotely sensed woody cover, we tested whether sables under hunting pressure preferred closed woodland habitats and whether those not under hunting preferred more open woodland habitats. We applied a two factorial logistic regression analysis to model the probability of occurrence of sable antelope in hunted and non-hunted areas of northwest Zimbabwe as a function of vegetation cover density (estimated by a normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI)). We validated the results by high-spatial resolution imagery derived tree canopy area. We subsequently compared the predictions from the two models in order to compare sable cover selection between hunted and non-hunted areas. Our results suggest that hunted sables are likely to select closed woodland, while non-hunted ones would prefer more open woodland habitats. We also established a significant positive relationship between NDVI and tree canopy cover, thus emphasizing the importance of remote sensing in studies that measure the impact of hunting on habitat selection of targeted species.  相似文献   

本文利用Sentinel-1数据获得了2016-2020年月度长江干流上海-宜宾段水域面积,并分析其年际、年内变化规律。分析结果表明,①月度变化规律为1-5月水面面积变化相对平稳,6-8月水域面积逐步增加,在7月达到峰值;9月稍有回落,10月再次达到峰值后逐步减少至稳定。②季节性变化规律为冬季水域面积最小,夏季水域面积最大,夏季和冬季呈现明显的季节差异。③年际变化规律为2016年后水域面积呈增长趋势,其中2017-2019年水域面积相对稳定且缓慢增长,2020年面积急剧增长。分段而言,水域面积随时间的变化幅度为下游>中游>上游,中上游变化相对平稳,下游较显著。④易发生洪涝的断面主要分布在中下游段,需引起重视并做好监测预警。  相似文献   

Mineral resource potential mapping is a complex analytical process,which requires the consideration and the inte-gration of a number of spatial evidences like geological,geomorphological,and wall rock alteration.The aim of this paper is to establish mineral exploration model for copper,lead,and zinc in Lanping basin area using the capability of analytical tools of Geographic Information System(GIS) and remote sensing data to generate maps showing favorable mineralized area.The geo-exploration dataset used f...  相似文献   

为探究黄河流域大气污染的时空演变特征,本文从城市群角度出发,选取HCHO、NO2及SO2为诊断指标,对比分析2005—2019年七大城市群OMI观测对流层HCHO、NO2及边界层SO2柱浓度的年、季、月变化。研究揭示,流域内:①HCHO、NO2及SO2柱浓度高值区均集中在山东半岛城市群、中原城市群、晋中城市群南部和关中平原城市群东部。②HCHO柱浓度在2005—2019年呈波动上升趋势,七大城市群的月变化均呈单峰结构,且夏季高、冬季低、春季和秋季相当。③NO2柱浓度在2005—2011年呈上升趋势,仅2008年出现短暂小幅下降。2011年执行《火电厂大气污染物排放标准》(GB 13223—2011)后,呼包鄂榆、宁夏沿黄和晋中城市群开始大幅下降,山东半岛(2012年有小幅下降)、中原和关中平原城市群则在2013年《大气污染防治行动计划》实施后才开始大幅下降。月变化呈开口向上抛物线形态,浓度越高单峰结构越明显,且冬季高、夏季低、春季和秋季相当。④SO2柱浓度在2007年达到顶峰,2008年开始大幅下降,2010年后呈波动下降趋势,月变化、季变化均与NO2相似。黄河流域上游的兰西和宁夏沿黄城市群、上中游交界处的呼包鄂榆城市群空气质量较好,中游的关中平原和晋中城市群次之,中下游交界处的中原城市群和下游山东半岛城市群则较差。  相似文献   

以黄上高原泾河流域为例,首先利用遥感植被指数和气候干燥度指数之间的回归模型,模拟出了潜在植被指数,在此基础上通过遥感监督分类方法得出泾河流域现生植被分布格局和潜在植被的分布格局,并利用转换矩阵方法得出了植被退化的空间态势.结果表明:泾河流域最主要的潜在植被类型是针阔叶疏林(32.44%)、阔叶落叶林(31.28%)和中牛灌丛(23.71%).与现生植被相比较,有25.08%的阔叶落叶林潜在分布区被开垦为农作物,13.32%退化为针阔叶疏林,13.04%退化为中生灌丛,14.22%变化为旱生灌丛,仅有25.90%的面积保持了阔叶落叶林植被;针阔叶疏林分布区主要退化为农作物(26.01%)、旱生灌丛(20.99%)、草甸(17.12%);中生灌丛主要退化为草甸(30.29%)和温带草原(43.21%).植被的退化以流域中部、南部的黄土残塬沟壑区退化最为严重,其次为流域北部的黄土丘陵区,而流域东部的子午岭山区和流域西部的六盘山区植被退化相对较轻.  相似文献   

青藏高原湖泊面积、水位与水量变化遥感监测研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青藏高原湖泊数量多、分布广、所占面积大,是亚洲水塔的重要组成部分,其受到人类活动的干扰较少,是理解高原生态环境变化机理的钥匙.青藏高原湖泊是气候变化敏感的指示器,在全球快速变暖背景下其对气候变化的响应如何?本研究基于多源遥感数据监测结果,系统地总结了青藏高原湖泊(大于1 km2)在过去近50 a(1976年-2018年...  相似文献   

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