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《International Journal of Digital Earth》2013,6(4):359-381
Abstract Urban growth boundary (UGB) is a regulatory measure of local government for delineating limits of urban growth over a period of time. Land within the UGB allows urban development, while the land outside of this boundary remains primarily non-urban. The increasing popularity of UGB demands an easy and effective method to design this boundary. This article introduces a new concept, Ideal Urban Radial Proximity (IURP), to designate a spatial UGB using geoinformatics in the digital environment. The Kolkata urban agglomeration was considered to demonstrate this model. Remotely sensed imageries of three temporal instants (years 1975, 1990 and 2005) were considered to determine the information on urban extent and growth of the city. These data were then used as inputs to model the UGB for the years 2020 and 2035. The proposed model discourages scattered development and increase in urban growth rate. It preserves urban vegetation, water bodies and any other important non-urban areas within the inner city space. The IURP concept will also be useful to make the cities circular and polycentric urban blobs into a monocentric tract. Apart from the proposed model and derived results, this research also proves the potential of geoinformatics in modelling a UGB. 相似文献
Abubakr A.A. Al-sharif 《国际地球制图》2015,30(8):858-881
Urban development is a continuous and dynamic spatio-temporal phenomenon associated with economic developments and growing populations. To understand urban expansion, it is important to establish models that can simulate urbanization process and its deriving factors behaviours, monitor deriving forces interactions and predict spatio-temporally probable future urban growth patterns explicitly. In this research, therefore, we presented a hybrid model that integrates the chi-squared automatic integration detection decision tree (CHAID-DT), Markov chain (MC) and cellular automata (CA) models to analyse, simulate and predict future urban expansions in Tripoli, Libya in 2020 and 2025. First, CHAID-DT model was applied to investigate the contributions of urban factors to the expansion process, to explore their interactions and to provide future urban probability map; second, MC model was employed to estimate the future demand of urban land; third, CA model was used to allocate estimated urban land quantity on the probability map to present future projected land use map. Three satellite images of the study area were obtained from the periods of 1984, 2002 and 2010 to extract land use maps and urban expansion data. We validated the model with two methods, namely, receiver operating characteristic and the kappa statistic index of agreement. Results confirmed that the proposed hybrid model could be employed in urban expansion modelling. The applied hybrid model overcame the individual shortcomings of each model and explicitly described urban expansion dynamics, as well as the spatio-temporal patterns involved. 相似文献
成都市城市扩展时空变化研究 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
为了揭示成都市在城市发展过程中产生的变化,该文以成都市多时相、多源空间数据为基础,采用RS与GIS技术提取城市扩展信息,基于空间叠置和缓冲分析技术、运用城市扩展模型对1978年—2010年成都市城市扩展的时空分异特征与城市扩展的驱动力进行分析。结果表明:1978年—2010年,成都市城市扩展呈快速增长的态势,呈"紧凑型圈层式"扩展模式,中心城区扩展主要方向是西北、西和西南;1978年—2002年和2002年—2010年两时段城市扩展时空差异显著;经济发展和城市化发展是成都市城市扩张的主要驱动力。 相似文献
我国已经进入快速城市化阶段,及时掌握城市空间动态扩展信息对于城市规划、城市建设、管理及决策具有重要的现实意义。本文以无锡市1991年和2001年Landsat TM遥感影像为数据源,提取建成区信息,并引入位序-规模分布理论进行城市扩展的模拟研究。结果表明无锡市东部、东南部和西部大幅度地向外扩展,建成区面积增加了52.4km2。位序规模分布模拟表明主城区城市用地斑块不断膨胀,平均斑块面积增大,大量碎小斑块被吸收和合并,模拟结果与建成区斑块的实际扩展变化比较吻合。 相似文献
This study investigates urban growth dynamics from regional to local scales in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area and demonstrates how metropolitan growth can be driven by policies. Urban change from 1975 to 2006 was detected using Landsat imagery. Future growth in 2030 was modelled based on two scenarios with or without regional development policies incorporated. City- or township-level growth was examined by a zonal analysis. Results show urban grew 126,700 ha from 1975 to 2006. The Markov-Cellular Automata model projected at least another 67,000 ha of urban growth from 2006 to 2030. When regional development policies were incorporated, homogeneous and compact growth patterns were predicted along the urban periphery; however, actual land supplies within the cities along the urban edge are facing challenges to accommodate the projected growth as large portions of suitable lands are located outside of the 2030 Municipal Urban Service Area boundary. 相似文献
Surface albedo has been documented as one of the Essential Climate Variables (ECV) of the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) that governs the Earth's Radiation Budget. The availability of surface albedo data is necessary for a comprehensive environmental modelling study. Thus, both temporal and spatial scale issues need to be rectified. This study reports about the availability of surface albedo data through in-situ and remote sensing satellite observations. In this paper, we reviewed the existing models for surface albedo derivation and various initiatives taken by related environmental agencies in order to understand the issues of climate with respect to surface albedo. This investigation evaluated the major activities on albedo-related research specifically for the retrieval methods used to derive the albedo values. Two main existing albedo measurement methods are derived through in-situ measurement and remotely sensed observations. In-situ measurement supported with number of instruments and techniques such aspyrheliometers, pyranometers and Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN) and remotely sensed observations using angularly integrated Bi-directional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) by both geostationary and polar orbit satellites. The investigation results reveals that the temporal and spatial scaling is the major issues when the albedo values are needed for microclimatic study, i.e. high-resolution time-series analyses and at heterogeneity and impervious surface. Thus, an improved technique of albedo retrieval at better spatial and temporal scale is required to fulfil the need for such kind of studies. Amongst many others, there are two downscaling methods that have been identified to be used in resolving the spatial scaling biased issues: Smoothing Filter-based Intensity Modulation (SFIM) and Pixel Block Intensity Modulation (PBIM). The temporal issues can be resolved using the multiple regression techniques of land surface temperature, selected air quality parameters, aerosol and daily skylight. 相似文献
ZHUGuobin DanG.Blumberg 《地球空间信息科学学报》2004,7(4):249-254
This paper introduces an advanced method based on remote sensing and Geographic Information System for urban open space extraction combining spectral and geometric characteristics. From both semantic and remote sensing perspectives, a hybrid hierarchy structure and class organization of open space are issues and mapped from one to another. Based on per-pixel and segmentation mechanism separately, two classification approaches are performed. Owing to prior of spatial aggregation and spectral contribution, the segmentation-based classification exhibits its superiority over a pixel-based classification. Finally a GIS-based post procedure is hired to eliminate some unsuitable open space components in both spatial and numerical constraints on the one hand, and separate open space some fabrics from fused remote sensing classes by defining their Shape Index on the other hand. The case study of Beer Sheva based on ASTER data proves this method is a feasible way for open space extraction. 相似文献
Peter Caccetta Simon Collings Andrew Devereux Kassell Hingee Don McFarlane Anthony Traylen 《International Journal of Digital Earth》2016,9(5):457-475
This paper describes the development of a system for decimetre-scale monitoring of land-surface and land-cover in urban and peri-urban environments. We describe our methodology that comprises the application of highly automated processing and analysis methods to digital aerial photography. The approach described in this paper addresses a monitoring need by providing the ability to generate change information at a spatial resolution suitable for urban, peri-urban and coastal areas, where an increasing percentage of the worlds’ population dwells. These areas are dynamic, with many environmental issues associated with planning, service provision, resource management and allocation, as well as monitoring regulatory compliance. We present a system based on standardised data and methods, which is able to track and communicate changes in features of interest in a way that has not been previously possible. We describe the methodology and then demonstrate its feasibility by applying it to geographic areas of planning and policy relevant size (the order of tens of thousands of square kilometres). We demonstrate the approach by applying it to the problem of urban forest assessment. 相似文献
In the research of fractal cities,the fractal dimension is very important.It is used to describe the fractal character of the city.The authors have designed two approaches to calculate the fractal dimension by the box-counting method through an example of Beijing,which are called the vector method and the grid method,respectively.The former calculates the fractal dimension through an intersecting analysis in ArcView;and the latter is carried out by programming in Matlab.They are compared from three aspects:... 相似文献
应用遥感和GIS技术提取城市建成区及驱动力分析——以南京市为例 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文以南京市为例,应用2001年11月16日Landsat7 ETM+和2005年中巴资源卫星遥感影像(校正后的4、3、2波段假彩色合成影像),采用遥感和GIS相结合的技术,对南京市建成区进行动态监测,并结合相关资料分析南京市建成区扩张特点以及驱动力。结果表明,南京市建成区主要是向西南和东北方向扩展,扩张特点为近郊城市化、郊区近郊化、农村城镇化。这种变化主要是受区位因素、社会经济和政策等因素影响。 相似文献
以克拉玛依市独山子区为例,采用1989年、1999年、2006年三期Landsat TM遥感图像数据为基础数据源,在遥感和GIS技术的支持下,阐述了提取研究时段内城镇用地扩展数据的技术路线,并结合城市地理学方法,进一步对城镇空间扩展进行了定量分析,结合社会经济统计数据,对独山子区城市用地扩展驱动力进行了尝试性分析,并对以后城市扩展提出对策,以期探讨遥感与GIS技术用于城市地理学的方法和过程。 相似文献
Mahesh Kumar Jat P.K. Garg Deepak Khare 《International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation》2008
The concentration of people in densely populated urban areas, especially in developing countries, calls for the use of monitoring systems like remote sensing. Such systems along with spatial analysis techniques like digital image processing and geographical information system (GIS) can be used for the monitoring and planning purposes as these enable the reporting of overall sprawl at a detailed level. 相似文献
Hung Tran Daisuke Uchihama Shiro Ochi Yoshifumi Yasuoka 《International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation》2006
This study focuses on using remote sensing for comparative assessment of surface urban heat island (UHI) in 18 mega cities in both temperate and tropical climate regions. Least-clouded day- and night-scenes of TERRA/MODIS acquired between 2001 and 2003 were selected to generate land-surface temperature (LST) maps. Spatial patterns of UHIs for each city were examined over its diurnal cycle and seasonal variations. A Gaussian approximation was applied in order to quantify spatial extents and magnitude of individual UHIs for inter-city comparison. To reveal relationship of UHIs with surface properties, UHI patterns were analyzed in association with urban vegetation covers and surface energy fluxes derived from high-resolution Landsat ETM+ data. This study provides a generalized picture on the UHI phenomena in the Asian region and the findings can be used to guide further study integrating satellite high-resolution thermal data with land-surface modeling and meso-scale climatic modeling in order to understand impacts of urbanization on local climate in Asia. 相似文献
An analysis of urban expansion and its associated thermal characteristics using Landsat imagery 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
There has been an increasing interest in mapping and monitoring urban land use/land cover using remote sensing techniques. However, there still exist quite a number of challenges in deriving urban extent and its expansion density from remote sensing data quantitatively. This study utilized Landsat TM/ETM+ remote sensing data to assess urban expansion and its thermal characteristics with a case study in the city of Changsha, China. We proposed a new approach for quantitatively determining built-up area, its expansion density and their respective relationship with land surface temperature (LST) patterns. An urban expansion metric was also developed using a moving window mechanism to identify urban built-up area and its expansion density based on selected threshold values. The study suggested that urban extent and its expansion density, as well as surface thermal characteristics and patterns could be identified through quantitatively derived remotely sensed indices and LST, which offer meaningful characteristics in quantifying urban expansion density and urban thermal pattern. Results from the case study demonstrated that: (1) the built-up area and urban expansion density have significantly increased in the city of Changsha from 1990 to 2001; and (2) the differences of urban expansion densities correspond to thermal effects, where a high percentage of imperviousness is usually associated with the area covered by high surface temperature. 相似文献
为了满足城市森林资源精细化管理的需求,需要不断拓展国产高分辨率遥感卫星数据的应用范围。本文对国产高分辨率遥感卫星数据进行真实性检验并分析其数据特性,在此基础上开展基于国产高分辨率遥感卫星数据的城市森林资源监测的应用研究,并开发了相应的软件系统,对实现城市森林资源的自动化监测具有较高的实用价值和研究意义。 相似文献
扩展邻域元胞自动机模型城市扩张研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
元胞自动机近年来被广泛应用于动态模拟城市扩张,但其邻域类型一般固定于摩尔邻域.文章基于Geo-CA理论,自定义扩展邻域类型,并结合特定地理位置多层次约束性条件构建CA模型,扩展了CA模型的空间建模功能.以武汉市为例,将2000年和2009年TM遥感影像和城市用地数据作为基础,结合武汉市城市规划图、DEM、道路交通图、水域等多层次图像,构成空间数据库,建立武汉市城市扩张扩展邻域CA模型.最后以2009年数据为基础,对武汉市2018年城市用地扩张情况进行预测,为武汉市城镇建设提供参考. 相似文献
本文以武汉市洪山区综合发展战略规划中遥感与地理信息系统的应用研究为例,阐述城市系统的复杂性、地域性和动态性,航空遥感在城市系统调查中的作用和优越性,地理信息系统在城市系统诊断、分析、评价、规划与管理中的应用。本研究侧重于以系统工程为基础的地域性规划,强调城市系统用地布局的合理性。 相似文献
以广州市为例,以高分辨率的遥感影像及电子地图为主要数据源,以遥感图像处理软件及地理信息系统为主要分析工具,探讨了通过RS和GIS来提取绿地信息的方法,其中重点阐述了遥感影像处理、绿地信息提取及建库过程。 相似文献