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1. Introduction Armijo (1969) proposed the three-dimensional wind retrieved equations using multiple-Doppler weather radar network in Cartesian space. There are many sources of error for recovering 3D wind using these equations. These factors include advection and turbulence in the weather system, the error of the empirical relationship between the radar reflectivity factor and the terminal fall velocity of the precipita- tion particle, integrating the air mass continuity equa- tion (problem …  相似文献   


This paper introduces a variational assimilation technique for the retrieval of wind fields from Doppler radar data. The assimilated information included both the radial velocity (RV) and the movement of radar echo. In this assimilation technique, the key is transforming the movement of radar echo to a new radar measuring variable- "apparent velocity" (AV). Thus, the information of wind is added, and the indeterminacy of recovering two-dimensional wind only by AV was overcome effectively by combining RV with AV. By means of CMA GRAPES-3Dvar and CINRAD data, some experiments were performed. The results show that the method of retrieval of wind fields is useful in obtaining the construction of the weather system.  相似文献   

During summer Monex-79, a variety of observing systems viz. research ships, research aircrafts, constant pressure balloons and geostationary satellite etc. were deployed, besides the regular conventional observations. The purpose of these additional systems was to make the best possible data for the studies on various aspects of monsoon circulation. The present study is aimed at the construction of vertical wind profile using cloud motion vectors obtained from GOES (I-O) satellite and to examine whether the constructed wind profiles improves the representation of the monsoon system, flow pattern etc. in the objective analysis. For this purpose, climatological normals of the wind field are considered as the initial guess and the objective analyses of the wind field are made with, first using only data from conventional observations over land areas, subsequently including the constructed winds from cloud motion vectors. These analyses are then compared with the standard analyses of wind field obtained fro  相似文献   

The four-dimensional variational (4DVAR) data assimilation method was applied to dual-Doppler radar data about two Meiyu rainstorms observed during CHeRES (China Heavy Rain Experiment and Study). The purpose of this study is to examine the performance of the 4DVAR technique in retrieving rainstorm mesoscale structure and to reveal the feature of rainstorm mesoscale structure. Results demonstrated that the 4DVAR assimilation method was able to retrieve the detailed structure of wind, thermodynamics, and microphysics fields from dual-Doppler radar observations. The retrieved wind fields agreed with the dual-Doppler synthesized winds and were accurate. The distributions of the retrieved perturbation pressure, perturbation temperature, and microphysics fields were also reasonable through the examination of their physical consistency. Both of the two heavy rainfalls were caused by merging cloud processes. The wind shear and convergence lines at middle and lower levels were their primary dynamical characteristics. The convective system was often related to low-level convergence and upper-level divergence coupled with up-drafts. During its mature stage, the convective system was characterized by low pressure at lower level and high pressure at upper level, associated with warmer at middle level and colder at lower and upper levels than the environment. However, a region of cooling and high pressure occurred in the lower and middle levels compared to warming and low pressure in the upper level during its dissipating stage. The water vapor, cloud water, and rainwater corresponded to the convergence, the updraft and the intensive reflectivity, respectively.  相似文献   

A single column model (SCM) is constructed by extracting the physical subroutines from the NCAR Community Climate Model version 1 (CCM1).Simulated data are generated by CCM1 and used to validate the SCM and to study the sensitivity of the SCM to errors in its input data.It is found that the SCM temperature predictions are moderately sensitive to errors in the input horizontal temperature flux convergence and moisture flux convergence.Two types of error are concerned in this study,random errors due to insufficient data resolution,and errors due to insufficient data area coverage.While the first type of error can be reduced by filtering and/or increasing the data resolution,it is shown that the second type of error can be reduced by enlarging the data area coverage and using a suitable method to compute the input flux convergence terms.  相似文献   

One of the microphysical variables, the rainwater mixing ratio qr, is retrieved from the observed reflectivity of Doppler radar by a 3D variational data assimilation system. The qr as an analysis variable is obtained by minimizing a cost function defined as the difference between observed radar reflectivity and its retrieval from qr, plus the difference between qr and its background field from a mesoscale model's prediction. Covariance matrix of the background field's error is determined by the so-called NMC method. A method called the second-order auto-regression (SOAR) is used to calculate the coefficients of regressive filtering to fit in with small spatial scale such as cumulus in the process of spatial transformation. An ideal experiment demonstrates the correctness of this system and a sensitivity experiment proves that the random error of observed reflectivity has effect on the analyzed results. At last an experiment with observed data from the Doppler radar at Ma'anshan City in Anhui Province on 19 June 2002 was performed. The retrieved analysis variable qr in this test shows structures in detail, which coincide with the distribution of the echo picture observed by the radar.  相似文献   

ACHARACTERISTICANALYSISOFAEROSOLSFROMSANDSTORMSYangDongzhen(杨东贞),WangChao(王超)andYuXiaolan(于晓岚)InstituteofAtmosphericChenmistr...  相似文献   

Following similar derivation of quasi-geostrophic Q vector (Q^C), a new Q vector (Q^N) is constructed in this study. Their difference is that the geostrophic wind in quasi-geostrophic Q vector is replaced by the wind in Q^N vector. The diagnostic analysis of Q^N vector is compared with that of Q^G vector in the case study of a typical Meiyu front cyclone (MYFC) occurred over Changjiang-Huaihe regions during 5-6 July 1991. The results show that the Q^N vector has more diagnostic advantages than Q^G vector does. Convergence of Q^N vector at 700 hPa is found to be a good indicator to mimic the horizontal distribution of precipitation. Q^N vector is further partitioned into four components: Q^Nalst (along-stream stretching),Q^Ncurv (curvature),Q^Nshdv (shear advection), and Q^Ncrst (cross-stream stretching) in a natural coordinate system with isohypse (PG partitioning). The application of Q^N PG partitioning in the MYFC torrential rain indicates that PG partitioning of Q can identify dominant physical processes. The horizontal distribution of 2V·Q^Nalst is similar to that of 2V·Q^N and mainly accounts for 2V·Q^N during the entire period of Meiyu. The effects of Q^Ncurv on rainfall enhancement fade from the mature stage to decay stage. Qshdv enhances precipitation significantly as the MYFC develops, and the effect weakens rapidly when the MYFC decays during its eastward propagation. Q^Ncrst shows little impacts on rainfall during the onset and mature phases whereas it displays significant role during the decay phase.Q^N alst and Q^Nshdv and Q^Ncrst show cancellation only during the decay period.  相似文献   

The dynamical constrains in three-dimensional variational data assimilation are discussed when consid- ering the impact of stream divergence and convergence on the pressure and wind fields.For the analysis of severe tropical cyclone,frontal structures,and other rapidly changing structures,the geostrophic balance and linear balance cannot properly represent the relationship between wind and pressure fields.However,the nonlinear balance incremental equation takes into account the information of flow-dependent background, and makes response to the flow-dependent background covariance in the 3D-Var system.Results indicate that the application of the nonlinear balance equation to 3D-Var system improves the quality of severe trop- ical cyclone assimilation system,which has some positive effects on intensity prediction of tropical cyclones.  相似文献   

利用两步变分反演方法研究2006年第4号台风"碧利斯",比较单部雷达资料和双部雷达资料的反演结果。结果表明:利用单部雷达资料不能很好地反演出台风的风场结构特征,而双部雷达资料在第一步反演背景场时,可以显示出台风的涡旋特征。通过检验发现,此次台风过程的水平切向风在最大风速半径内部与Rankine模型相近,外部与Chen 3模型接近。为了更有效地利用单部雷达的观测信息准确定位台风的移动路径,故在单部雷达资料第一步反演背景场时加入模型弱约束。反演结果表明,加入模型弱约束后,反演的背景风场可以看出台风的涡旋特征,通过第二步反演后与双部雷达资料结果相近;加模型弱约束的单部雷达反演结果与双部雷达反演结果间u、v分量的相关系数均为0.8或以上,2—7 km高度层u、v分量的均方根误差明显减小。  相似文献   

周海光 《气象科学》2008,28(6):630-636
使用双多普勒天气雷达三维风场反演技术对2005年6月11-12日梅州和汕头多普勒天气雷达探测到的华南暴雨资料进行了三维风场反演,对暴雨系统的中尺度三维动力结构进行了详细分析.结果表明:此次暴雨主要是由中低层的中β尺度辐合线、中β尺度切变线和嵌于其中的中γ尺度涡旋共同作用引发的.低层辐合、高层辐散的动力结构,有利于暴雨系统的触发、维持和发展.最后,综合分析结果给出了此次暴雨的三维动力结构模型.  相似文献   

利用两步变分反演方法,研究2006年第4号台风“碧利斯”,对照单部雷达资料和两部雷达资料的反演结果。结果表明:利用单部雷达资料不能很好的反演出台风的风场结构特征,而两部雷达资料在第一步反演背景场时,可以看出台风的涡旋特征。通过检验发现,此次台风过程的水平切向风在最大风速半径内部与Rankine模型相近,外部与Chen 3模型接近。为了更有效地利用单部雷达的观测信息准确定位台风的移动路径,故在单部雷达资料第一步反演背景场时加入模型弱约束。反演结果表明,加入模型弱约束后,反演的背景风场就能看出台风的涡旋特征,通过第二步反演后与两部雷达资料结果相近;加模型弱约束的单部雷达反演结果与两部雷达反演结果间u、v分量的相关系数均在0.8或以上,2-7 km高度层u、v分量的均方根误差明显减小。  相似文献   

随着风廓线雷达技术的发展,高空风探测参量越来越多,数据精度不断提高,探测能力得到了极大提升。评估风廓线雷达数据置信度是风廓线雷达应用中需要解决的重要问题。本文基于径向数据和风场合成两个阶段,在风廓线雷达数据反演过程中形成数据置信度算法,并引入噪声电平。同时,利用南京同站址风廓线雷达和探空1 a的资料进行匹配比对,对置信度算法性能进行评估,结果表明该置信度算法可行。将置信度算法植入风廓线雷达数据处理软件中,能实时输出含置信度的风廓线雷达产品数据,有利于预报人员合理使用置信度较高的风廓线雷达产品数据。对于置信度较差的产品数据进行分析,可有助于及时发现雷达的潜在故障。  相似文献   

利用新疆乌鲁木齐和五家渠的双多普勒雷达同步观测资料与双多普勒雷达风场反演技术,结合多种气象资料(1 min间隔的地面自动站资料、探空资料和NCEP再分析场资料等),综合分析了2005年6月26日新疆乌鲁木齐附近一次强飑线过程。其流场特征是低层存在明显的辐合线,中层辐合,高层辐散。中低层的风场辐合使旧回波右侧(西南侧)一定距离处依次生成新回波并与旧回波合并,对流单体间的辐合线促使其迅速合并,是飑线发展的重要原因。对流单体间的合并是从中层开始的,然后扩展到低层。在低层对流单体合并后,飑线前部有一明显的辐合线,入流区、大的回波强度梯度区和弱回波区非常明显;同时,不同发展阶段的风场配置有明显的不同,上升气流和下沉气流在多单体风暴中同时存在。本次飑线过程中低层是东南风的入流气流,与对流带后部的西北风气流相遇后向上倾斜上升,在中高层形成飑前砧状云,这与国内外中纬度飑线的结构基本一致,但本次飑线过程只有前缘强烈的对流区,没有尾随的层状云降水。自动气象站、多普勒雷达及其反演的风场很好地揭示了该飑线的发生、发展、爆发过程及其回波和风场的空间结构特点。  相似文献   

使用系留气艇探空系统在常州、苏州、南京市区对边界层风速、温度、湿度廓线进行了观测,原始数据表明探测结果存在明显的系统误差。本文主要讨论风速订正问题,分析发现风速误差与高度和风速有关,据此提出了依据高度和依据风速的两种订正方案。对比结果表明:两种方案都能有效修正系留气艇测量风速的系统误差,高度订正方案表现更好。本文还用订正后的系留气艇探测结果与苏州市气象局的风廓线雷达资料进行对比,结果显示风廓线雷达探测结果在500 m以下系统偏小。  相似文献   

王栋成  邱粲  曹洁  董旭光  王静 《气象科学》2018,38(3):416-422
采用统计、相关分析等方法,对2014年济南站边界层风廓线雷达观测资料和L波段雷达探空资料进行了长期时空变化规律的对比,进而研究了地面无降雨、有降雨时段两者的风向、风速数据的相关关系及差值。结果得出全年有降雨、无降雨时段两者的风向、风速总体一致性较好,相关性较高,并具有较好可比性和互补性的结论,对了解固定式边界层风廓线雷达探测的准确性,改进观测资料质量控制方法等具有很好的参考价值。  相似文献   

叶鑫欣  张宏升  霍庆  康凌 《气象科学》2011,31(4):534-541
本文利用2010年夏季福建省三明市开展的大气扩散实验资料,研究了大气边界层风廓线雷达在福建丘陵地区的适用性,并探讨了风廓线雷达探测的误差特征和修正方法。结果表明:大气边界层风廓线雷达水平风场的探测结果在300~2 000 m高度范围的偏差与高度和风速具有一定统计关系;通过与100 m气象铁塔水平风场资料对比,说明风廓线雷达对丘陵地区低层大气风场的探测具有一定局限性。经过修正的风廓线雷达探测结果可以较好地反映实验区域大气边界层水平风场的垂直结构。  相似文献   

采用二步变分法反演多普勒雷达风场来研究中尺度暴雨过程.首先采用多元最优插值方法将常规探空资料插值生成初始风场,在此基础上在不考虑背景场约束以及三维风场平滑量约束的条件下极小化目标函数,反演出的三维风场作为最终反演所需的背景场,然后再进行反演得到最终的三维风场.将最终反演结果与WRF模式模拟的结果进行对比检验,两者的一致表明此方法具有一定的可用性,并用得出的结果分析了2005年6月发生在江苏中部的一次中尺度暴雨过程,初步揭示了强降水中心形成的原因,印证了采用二步变分法反演多普勒雷达风场可以揭示出中小尺度降水的特征.  相似文献   

沈如金 《大气科学》1992,16(3):302-312
本文提出一种利用实测风场、高度场、温度场和地面三小时气压变化资料,考虑风场和质量场之间基本满足准地转平衡关系,大气具有准无辐散性,但又保留一部分与地面气压变化相应散度的地转偏差,将以实测的等压面风场插到σ坐标的风场进行订正的初值化方法,并用一个单时资料进行初步试验.文中还对风场初值化问题进行了讨论.  相似文献   

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