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One-dimensional numerical models are popularly used in sediment transport research because they can be easily programmed and cost less time compared with two- and three-dimensional numerical models. In particular, they possess greater capacity to be applied in large river basins with many tributaries. This paper presents a one-dimensional numerical model capable of calculating total-load sediment transport. The cross-section-averaged sediment transport capacity and recovery coefficient are addressed in the suspended load model. This one-dimensional model, therefore, can be applied to fine suspended loads and to hyperconcentrated flows in the Yellow River. Moreover, a new discretization scheme for the equation of unsteady non-uniform suspended sediment transport is proposed. The model is calibrated using data measured from the Yantan Reservoir on the Hongshui River and the Sanmenxia Reservoir on the Yellow River. A comparison of the calculated water level and river bed deformation with field measurements Shows that the improved numerical model is capable of predicting flow, sediment transport, bed changes, and bed-material sorting in various situations, with reasonable accuracy and reliability.  相似文献   

Physics‐based models have been increasingly developed in recent years and applied to simulate the braiding process and evolution of channel units in braided rivers. However, limited attention is given to lowland braided rivers where the transport of suspended sediment plays a dominant role. In the present study, a numerical model based on the basic physics laws of hydrodynamics and sediment transport is used to simulate the evolution process of a braided river dominated by suspended load transport. The model employs a fractional method to simulate the transport of graded sediments and uses a multiple‐bed‐layer approach to represent the sediment sorting process. An idealized braided river has been produced, with the hydrodynamic, sediment transport and morphological processes being analysed. In particular, the formation process of local pool–bar units in the predicted river has been investigated. A sensitivity analysis has also been undertaken to investigate the effects of grid resolution and an upstream perturbation on the model prediction. A variety of methods are applied to analyse the geometrical and topographical properties of the modelled river. Self‐organizing characteristics related to river geometry and topography are analysed by state‐space plots, which indicate a close relationship with the periodical erosion and deposition cycles of braiding. Cross‐sectional topography and slope frequency display similar geometries to natural rivers. Scaling characteristics are found by correlation analysis of bar parameters. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It has been thought for some time that bedload sediment transport rates may differ markedly in ephemeral and perennial rivers and, supporting this thought, there has been observation of very high rates of bedload transport by flash floods in the ephemeral river Nahal Yatir. However, until now, there has been no quantitative model resolving the observation, nor a theory capable of explaining why bedload transport rates by unsteady flash floods can be reasonably well described by bedload transport capacity formulae initially derived for steady flows. Here a time scale analysis of bedload transport is presented as pertaining to Nahal Yatir, which demonstrates that bedload transport can adapt sufficiently rapidly to capacity determined exclusively by local flow regime, and accordingly the transport capacity formulations developed for steady flows can be applied even under unsteady flows such as flash floods. Complementing the time scale analysis, a series of computational exercises using a coupled shallow water hydrodynamic model are shown to adequately resolve the observation of the very high rates of bedload transport by flash floods in Nahal Yatir. While bedload transport rates in ephemeral and perennial rivers differ remarkably when evaluated against a pure flow parameter such as specific stream power, they are essentially reconciled if assessed with a physically sensible parameter incorporating not only the flow regime but also the sediment particle size. The present finding underpins the practice of fluvial geomorphologists relating measured bedload transport to local flow and sediment characteristics only, irrespective of whether the flow is unsteady or steady. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we address the transport of multi-disperse suspended sediment mixtures in open channels, via the use of the two-fluid model. To that end, we extend previously developed frameworks for the dilute and non-dilute transport of suspended sediment. Within the scope of the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations, these modeling frameworks comprise mass and momentum equations for both phases (water and sediment). Here, we calculate the distribution of total volumetric concentration of sediment using two approaches: (1) by considering the mixture as represented by a single size; we call this approach Partial two-fluid model for uniform sediments (PTFMU); and (2) by combining the volumetric concentration of the sediment corresponding to several particle size classes; we call this approach Partial two-fluid model for non-uniform sediments (PTFMNU). In the second approach, we propose a methodology for the computation of the overall velocity of the disperse phase as a function of the velocities of each size class. k-ε type closures to account for the turbulence in the carrier phase (water) are applied. We also consider the coupling between the two phases through the drag force. Velocities of the carrier and disperse phases, and concentrations for each sediment class size are numerically solved by integrating the differential equations over control volumes. In order to validate our models, we compare numerical results to experimental data of Einstein and Chien [H.A. Einstein, N. Chien, Effects of heavy sediment concentration near the bed on velocity and sediment distribution, MRD sediment series report, University of California, Berkley, 1955] and Taggart et al. [W.C. Taggart, C.A. Yermoli, S. Montes, A. Ippen, Effects of sediment size and gradation on concentration profiles for turbulent flow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1972]. Results of mean velocity of the carrier phase are in close agreement with the experimental data. For the prediction of sediment concentrations, we observe that there is a difference in the results using the two approaches mentioned above. We additionally obtain values of the Schmidt number needed to improve the agreement between predictions of the distribution of suspended sediment and the experimental data, and discuss the effect of sediment size and increasing sediment concentration on the values of the Schmidt number.  相似文献   

Understanding bedload transport fluctuations in rivers is crucial for complementing the existing knowledge on sediment transport theory. In this contribution, we use a natural-scale laboratory flume to analyse bedload transport fluctuations in non-uniform sand under normal flow conditions. Based on the significance of downward seepage, we incorporate the seepage effect on bedload transport over a non-uniform sand bed channel. The weight of the dry material was measured, and the volumetric transport rate per unit width (bedload transport rate) was estimated. An important observation is that the bedload transport rate initially rapidly increases with time and reaches a maximum value. Based on experimental data, we propose an empirical expression to estimate temporal bedload transport. In addition, an empirical model for bedload transport is proposed by incorporating downward seepage among other variables. The performance of several existing bedload transport formulae was also taken into account by the experimental datasets.  相似文献   

Existing analytical solutions to 2D and 3D contaminant transport problems are limited by the mathematically convenient assumption of uniform flow. An approximate method is developed herein for coordinate mapping of 2D (vertically-averaged) transport solutions to non-uniform steady-state irrotational and divergence-free flow fields in single-layer aquifers. The method enables existing analytical transport solutions to be applied to aquifer systems with wells, non-uniform saturated thickness, surface water features, and (to a limited degree) heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity and recharge. This mass-conservative coordinate mapping approach is inexact in its approximation of the dispersion process but is still sufficiently accurate for many simple flow systems. The degree of model error is directly proportional to the variation of velocity magnitude within the domain. These mapped analytical solutions are compared to numerical simulation results and the coordinate mapping errors are investigated. The methods described herein may be used in the traditional capacity of analytical transport models, i.e., screening and preliminary site assessment, without sacrificing accuracy by assuming locally uniform flow conditions or applying an ad-hoc coordinate transformation. The solutions benefit from the traditional advantages of analytical methods, particularly the removal of artifacts due to spatial and temporal discretization: no time-stepping or numerical discretization is required.  相似文献   


The application of a data-driven adaptive neuro-fuzzy modelling technique for predicting bed load and total bed-material load for the River Rhine is summarized. Four main parameters affecting sediment transport are used to construct the model, using 560 and 510 measured bed load and total bed-material load data, respectively. Two-thirds of the available data sets are used for training and one third for testing. The initial fuzzy model is obtained by grid partitioning of the input variables. The optimization of the model is performed by data-driven tuning of the fuzzy model parameters using the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system, so that the model output is able to reproduce the measured value. A sensitivity analysis for the combination of input parameters, as well as the number and type of membership functions, is also performed. The model results show that the data-driven adaptive neuro-fuzzy modelling approach can be a powerful alternative technique for estimating both bed load and total bed-material load.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis

Citation Wieprecht, S., Tolossa, H.G., and Yang, C.T., 2013. A neuro-fuzzy-based modelling approach for sediment transport computation. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (3), 587–599.  相似文献   

The HIRHAM regional climate model suggests an increase in temperature in Denmark of about 3 °C and an increase in mean annual precipitation of 6–7%, with a larger increase during winter and a decrease during summer between a control period 1961–1990 and scenario period 2071–2100. This change of climate will affect the suspended sediment transport in rivers, directly through erosion processes and increased river discharges and indirectly through changes in land use and land cover. Climate‐change‐induced changes in suspended sediment transport are modelled for five scenarios on the basis of modelled changes in land use/land cover for two Danish river catchments: the alluvial River Ansager and the non‐alluvial River Odense. Mean annual suspended sediment transport is modelled to increase by 17% in the alluvial river and by 27% in the non‐alluvial for steady‐state scenarios. Increases by about 9% in the alluvial river and 24% in the non‐alluvial river were determined for scenarios incorporating a prolonged growing season for catchment vegetation. Shortening of the growing season is found to have little influence on mean annual sediment transport. Mean monthly changes in suspended sediment transport between ? 26% and + 68% are found for comparable suspended sediment transport scenarios between the control and the scenario periods. The suspended sediment transport increases during winter months as a result of the increase in river discharge caused by the increase in precipitation, and decreases during summer and early autumn months. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to evaluate a newly developed one dimensional unsteady flow, sediment transport and bed evolution model for a looped river network through a long term simulation of a real-life scenario. The model was assessed by verifying it for the Danube, Tisa, and Sava rivers in Serbia for a five year time interval. The total length of the modeled domain was 741.94 km from which 486.48 km is the length of the modeled Danube River reach, 132.50 km the modeled section of the Sava and 122.96 km the length of the modeled Tisa River reach. The simulated domain included smaller tributaries such as the Kolubara, Mlava, Nera, Pek, Porecka, Tamis, and Great Morava rivers. Due to the size of the domain that was included in the model, the work also includes extensive research regarding the available measurements, issues with measurement errors, and suggestions on overcoming incomplete measurements by developing different types of correlations. The attained results were analyzed by comparing the simulation results with measured water levels, discharges, and suspended sediment concentrations. The implemented evaluation of the results confirmed the developed model's reliability.  相似文献   

Wave-induced, steep vortex ripples are ubiquitous features in shallow coastal seas and it is therefore important to fully understand and model the sediment transport processes that occur over them. To this end, two two-dimensional vertical (2DV) models have been critically tested against detailed velocity and sediment concentration measurements above mobile ripples in regular asymmetric oscillatory flow. The two models are a kω turbulence-closure model and a discrete-vortex, particle-tracking (DVPT) model, while the data are obtained in the Aberdeen oscillatory flow tunnel (AOFT). The models and the data demonstrate that the time-dependent velocity and suspended sediment concentration above the ripple are dominated by the generation of lee-side vortices and their subsequent ejection at flow reversal. The DVPT model predicts the positions and strengths of the vortices reasonably well, but tends to overpredict the velocity close to the ripple surface. The kω model, on the other hand, underpredicts the height to which the vortices are lifted, but is better able to predict the velocity close to the bed. In terms of the cycle- and ripple-averaged horizontal velocity, both models are able to reproduce the observed offshore flow close to and below the ripple crest and the DVPT model is able to produce the onshore flow higher up. In the vicinity of the vortices, the DVPT model better represents the concentration (because of its better prediction of vorticity). The kω model, on the other hand, better represents the concentration close to the ripple surface and higher up in the flow (because of the better representation of the near-bed flow and background turbulence). The measured and predicted cycle- and ripple-averaged suspended sediment concentrations are in reasonable agreement and demonstrate the expected region of exponential decay. The models are able to reproduce the observed offshore cycle- and ripple-averaged suspended sediment flux from the ripple troughs upwards, and as a result, produce net offshore suspended sediment transport rates that are in reasonable agreement. The net measured offshore suspended transport rate, based on the integration of fluxes, was found to be consistent with the total net offshore transport measured in the tunnel as a whole once the onshore transport resulting from ripple migration was taken into account, as would be expected. This demonstrates the importance of models being able to predict ripple-migration rates. However, at present neither of the models is able to do so.  相似文献   

冯雪  夏军强  周美蓉  邓珊珊 《湖泊科学》2021,33(6):1898-1905
三峡工程运用后,坝下游荆江段来沙量大幅度减小,处于严重的不平衡输沙状态,次饱和水流冲刷河床使悬沙量沿程恢复.基于实测水沙资料,分析了三峡工程运用后荆江段非均匀悬沙恢复特点.提出了恢复效率的概念用以表征悬移质沿程恢复的程度,并根据实测水沙资料计算了荆江段1994-2017年非均匀悬沙的恢复效率.结果表明:三峡工程运用前,荆江段各粒径组悬沙恢复效率绝对值均接近0,故该时期内各粒径组泥沙冲淤幅度不大;三峡工程运用后,各粒径组悬沙恢复效率绝对值均明显增大,且粗沙(d>0.125 mm)恢复效率绝对值远大于细沙(d<0.125 mm),故粗沙恢复程度更高.这主要是由于荆江段床沙组成中粗沙部分含量大,而细沙含量小.最后建立了三峡水库蓄水后非均匀悬沙恢复效率与来水来沙条件(来沙系数)的关系,结果表明:各粒径组悬移质恢复效率均与来沙系数呈正相关关系,全沙、细沙和中沙的决定系数(R2)分别为0.89、0.67和0.69,相关性较高,故荆江段各粒径组悬移质泥沙恢复效率较大程度上受到来水来沙条件的影响.  相似文献   

Aggregation processes of fine sediments have rarely been integrated in numerical simulations of cohesive sediment transport in riverine systems. These processes, however, can significantly alter the hydrodynamic characteristics of suspended particulate matter (SPM), modifying the particle settling velocity, which is one of the most important parameters in modelling suspended sediment dynamics. The present paper presents data from field measurements and an approach to integrate particle aggregation in a hydrodynamic sediment transport model. The aggregation term used represents the interaction of multiple sediment classes (fractions) with corresponding multiple deposition behaviour. The k–ε–turbulence model was used to calculate the coefficient of vertical turbulent mixing needed for the two‐dimensional vertical‐plane simulations. The model has been applied to transport and deposition of tracer particles and natural SPM in a lake‐outlet lowland river (Spree River, Germany). The results of simulations were evaluated by comparison with field data obtained for two levels of river discharge. Experimental data for both discharge levels showed that under the prevailing uniform hydraulic conditions along the river reach, the settling velocity distribution did not change significantly downstream, whereas the amount of SPM declined. It was also shown that higher flow velocities (higher fluid shear) resulted in higher proportions of fast settling SPM fractions. We conclude that in accordance with the respective prevailing turbulence structures, typical aggregation mechanisms occur that continuously generate similar distribution patterns, including particles that settle toward the river bed and thus mainly contribute to the observed decline in the total SPM concentration. In order to determine time‐scales of aggregation and related mass fluxes between the settling velocity fractions, results of model simulations were fitted to experimental data for total SPM concentration and of settling velocity frequency distributions. The comparison with simulations for the case of non‐interacting fractions clearly demonstrated the practical significance of particle interaction for a more realistic modelling of cohesive sediment and contaminant transport. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wildfires represent one of the largest disturbances in watersheds of the Intermountain West. Yet, we lack models capable of predicting post-wildfire impacts on downstream ecosystems and infrastructure. Here we present a novel modeling framework that links new and existing models to simulate the post-wildfire sediment cascade, including spatially explicit predictions of debris flows, storage of debris flow sediment within valleys, delivery of debris flow sediment to active channels, and the downstream routing of sediment through river networks. We apply the model to sediment dynamics in Clear Creek watershed following the 2010 Twitchell Canyon Fire in the Tushar Mountains of southern Utah. The debris flow generation model performed well, correctly predicting 19 out of 20 debris flows from the largest catchments, with only four false positives and two false negatives at observed rainfall intensities. In total, the model predicts the occurrence of 160 post-wildfire debris flows across the Clear Creek watershed, generating more than 650 000 m3 of sediment. Our new storage and delivery model predicts the vast majority of this sediment is stored within valleys, and only 13% is delivered to the river network. The sediment routing model identifies numerous sediment bottlenecks within the network, which alter transport dynamics and may be hotspots for aggradation and aquatic habitat alteration. The volume of sediment exported from the watershed after seven years of simulation totals 17% of that delivered, or 2% of the total generated debris flow sediment. In the case of the Twitchell Canyon Fire, this highlights that significant post-wildfire sediment volumes can be stored in valleys (87%) and within the stream network (11%). Finally, we discuss useful insights that can be gleaned from the model framework, as well as the limitations and need for more monitoring and theory development in order to better constrain essential inputs, process rates, and morphodynamics. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this work, a fully-coupled Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model and Discrete Element Method (DEM) are used to simulate a unidirectional turbulent open-channel flow over the full range of sediment transport regimes. The fluid and particles are computed on separate grids using a dual-grid formulation to maintain consistency and avoid instability issues. The results of coupling the dispersed phase to a multiphase flow solver that uses volume-averaged Navier-Stokes equations are compared to those obtained from coupling through drag to a single flow solver. The current work also examines the applicability and limitations of lumping particles as a representative particle to reduce the cost of simulations. Insight to the impact of different turbulent events to the entrainment of particles is also given. The simulation results of sediment transport from both coupling techniques show good agreement with empirical formulas in the bedload regime, but under-predict sediment transport in the suspended load regime. In the suspended load regime, using partial coupling, the rate of sediment transport was found to be under-predicted as compared to full-coupling. The deviation in results in the suspended load regime was found to increase with increases in the applied shear stress. Both coupling methods revealed the same effect on the friction factor where friction increases in the bedload regime and decreases in the suspended load regime reaching a maximum at the transition between regimes. This result is contrary to past studies which have shown a discrete jump in the friction factor at the transition. Lumping particles as representative particles is shown to reduce the simulation cost by more than a factor of 5 when using a scaling factor of 2. By doing a quadrant analysis on information obtained from particle and flow field results, it was found that most of the particles are entrained by more frequent sweep events.  相似文献   

It is widely recognized nowadays that there are at least two different phases of bedload sediment transport in gravel‐bed rivers. However, the transition between these phases is still poorly or subjectively defined, especially at bends in rivers, where cross‐stream sediment transport can strongly influence changes in the texture of the transported sediment. In this paper, we use piecewise models to identify objectively, at two points in the cross‐section of a river bend, the discharge at which the transition between bedload transport phases occurs. Piecewise models were applied to a new bedload data set collected during a wide range of discharges while analysing the associated changes in sediment texture. Results allowed the identification of two well‐differentiated phases of sediment transport (phase I and phase II), with a breakpoint located around bankfull discharge. Associated with each phase there was a change in bedload texture. In phase I there was non‐dominance in the transport of fine or coarse fractions at a particular sampling point; but in phase II bedload texture was strongly linked to the position of the sampling point across the channel. In this phase, fine particles tended to be transported to the inner bank, while coarse sizes were transferred throughout the middle parts of the channel. Moreover, bedload texture at the inner sampling point became bimodal while the transport of pebble‐sized particles was increasing in the central parts of the river channel. It is suggested that this general pattern may be related both to secondary currents, which transfer finer particles from the outer to the inner bank, and to the progressive dismantling of the riverbed surface layer. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional(3D) non-hydrostatic numerical model is established to investigate local scour around four aligned circular piles in uniform and non-uniform sediment mixtures and to provide information for improving scour countermeasures design. In the current study, unsteady Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes(URANS) equations along with a Re-normalization Group(RNG) k-ε model were applied to simulate the flow field. A non-uniform sediment transport model was applied to estimate the bedload tran...  相似文献   

Based on the common approach,the adaptation length in sediment transport is normally estimated astemporally independent.However,this approach might not be theoretically justified as the process of reaching the sediment transport equilibrium stage is affected by the flow conditions in time,especially for fast moving flows,such as scour-hole developing flows.In this study,the two-dimensional(2D) shallow water formulation together with a sediment continuity-concentration(SCC) model were applied to flow with mobile sediment boundary.A timevarying approach was proposed to determine the sediment transport adaptation length to simulate the sediment erosion-deposition rate.The proposed computational model was based on the Finite Volume(FV) method.The Monotone Upwind Scheme of Conservative Laws(MUSCL)-Hancock scheme was used with the Harten Lax van Leer-contact(HLLC) approximate Riemann solver to discretize the FV model.In the flow applications of this paper,a highly discontinuous dam-break,fast sediment transport flow was used to calibrate the proposed timevarying sediment adaptation length model.Then the calibrated model was further applied to two separate experimental sediment transport flow applications documented in the literature,i.e.a highly concentrated sediment transport flow in a wide alluvial channel and a sediment aggradation flow.Good agreement with the experimental data were obtained with the proposed model simulations.The tests prove that the proposed model,which was calibrated by the discontinuous dam-break bed scouring flow,also performed well to represent rapid bed change and steady sediment mobility conditions.  相似文献   

A coupled routing for the transport capacity and the energy slope is introduced through the definition of the control factor m whose value is linked to the bed form configuration.The coupling aims to further incorporate the interactions occurring in alluvial rivers and thus enhance the prediction of the fine sediment fluxes,especially during high stream power events.Based on a predictive rule for the control factor m that only involves water depth,velocity and bedform constitutive texture,the novel method is confronted to observations collected in one of the most strongly dynamic alluvial river namely the Lower Yellow River.Comparisons between time series of measured and computed concentrations illustrate that during high velocity events the main dynamics of the sediment transport is correctly reproduced.The main advantage of the present approach is to supply consistent time evolutions of sediment concentrations without making use of any detailed shear information.  相似文献   

Field and laboratory measurements have shown distinct characteristics of bed sediment waves under differing conditions, whilst their theoretical interpretation has emerged to be equivocal. This note aims to clarify the interpretation of evolution of bed material waves. The complete set of governing equations for the flow–sediment–morphology system is deduced to demonstrate its universally hyperbolic nature, irrespective of the sediment transport functions implemented to close the equations. The hyperbolic nature can admit not only attenuating bed material waves, but also shock‐like waves that are not unusual in the real world. It is suggested that the theory of dispersion/diffusion is not universally appropriate for evolution of bed material waves. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A laboratory study was undertaken to investigate how changes in flow regime and hydrograph shape (number of cycled hydrographs and duration of each hydrograph) together impact bedload transport and resulting bed morphology. Three hydrologic conditions (experiments) representing different levels of urbanization, or analogously different flow regimes, were derived from measured hydrometric field data. Each experiment consisted of a series of hydrographs with equal peak discharge and varying frequency, duration and flashiness. Bedload transport was measured throughout each hydrograph and measurements of bed topography and surface texture were recorded after each hydrograph. The results revealed hysteresis loops in both the total and fractional transport, with more pronounced loops for longer duration hydrographs, corresponding to lower rate of unsteadiness until reaching the peak discharge (pre-urbanization conditions). Shorter duration hydrographs (urban conditions) displayed more time above critical shear stress thresholds leading to higher bedload transport rates and ultimately to more variable hysteresis patterns. Surface textures from photographic methods revealed surface armoring in all experiments, with larger armor ratios for longer duration hydrographs, speculated to be due to vertical sorting and more time for bed rearrangements to occur. The direction of bed surface adjustment was linked to bedload hysteresis, more precisely with clockwise hysteresis (longer hydrographs) typically resulting in bed coarsening. More frequent and shorter duration hydrographs result in greater relative channel adjustments in slope, topographic variability and surface texture. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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