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朱妮 《中国沙漠》2019,(3):136-144
蒙古沙拐枣(Calligonum mongolicum)是中国干旱、荒漠地区主要的防风固沙植物,预测该气候变化对其地理分布范围的影响,对中国荒漠化防治工作具有指导意义。采用获得的蒙古沙拐枣108个种群分布数据和22个气候环境因子数据,利用最大熵(MaxEnt)模型软件预测蒙古沙拐枣在当前、2041-2060年及2061-2080年在中国干旱区的潜在地理分布,探究气候变化对该物种分布的可能影响。结果表明:(1)影响蒙古沙拐枣分布的主要气候环境因子为年降水量、年平均气温、气温年较差、最干季降雨量以及海拔;(2)目前,蒙古沙拐枣的适宜生境面积约为5.4×10^5 km^2,高适宜生境为7×10^4 km^2,主要分布在新疆塔里木盆地、准噶尔盆地边缘地带、甘肃河西走廊及其周边、腾格里沙漠;(3)在未来气候变化的情景下,蒙古沙拐枣的适宜生境范围大幅增加,适宜生境向高纬度地区移动,高适宜生境集中分布于甘肃河西走廊以及腾格里沙漠地区,且呈带状分布。  相似文献   

以新疆地区三种典型荒漠植物梭梭、多枝柽柳和沙拐枣为研究对象,分别研究其不同生境(塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地塔中植物园—植物园,古尔班通古特沙漠明渠免灌林—免灌林,以及各自的原生生境—原始生境)下三种植物叶片和土壤的生态化学计量特征,每个处理5个重复。研究结果显示:土壤C、N、P含量在不同生境中的分布趋势相似,均表现为柽柳原生地和植物园较高,其他三者相对较低(P0.05)。然而C∶N和C∶P在柽柳原生地中最大,植物园、免灌林和梭梭原生地次之,而沙拐枣原生地最小。N∶P在不同生境中不存在显著差异(P0.05),这说明N和P含量在不同生境中的变化是一致的,即干旱区土壤保持了相对较为稳定的N∶P。三种植物叶片C含量存在一定差异,总体表现为沙拐枣最高,其次为柽柳,梭梭相对较小(P0.05),然而,植物叶片的N、P含量主要受物种影响,生境对植物叶片N、P含量影响不显著,叶片N∶P均值为15.91±0.68,介于14和16之间,说明该区三种植物生长受N和P共同限制,然而N∶P在不同生境及不同物种的协同作用下不存在显著差异(P0.05),说明干旱区的这三种植物叶片在不同生境中具有相对较为恒定的N∶P。这也进一步说明了这三种植物叶片的N∶P不随生境土壤N、P含量的变化而变化,即就是这三种漠植物具有相对较高的内稳性机制,进而使其具备了较强的适应极端环境(干旱,贫瘠,盐碱)的能力。  相似文献   

采用扩散系数、丛生指数、聚块指数和聚集强度,研究了渤海湾贝壳堤湿地两种优势植物芦苇(Phragmites australis)和蒙古蒿(Artemisia mongolica)种群的空间分布格局;采用关联系数和χ~2检验方法,分析两者之间的关联性和联接强度,利用Ochiai指数、Dice指数和Jaccard指数,检测种对(芦苇和蒙古蒿)相伴随出现的机率。研究结果表明,在小尺度上,芦苇种群和蒙古蒿种群聚集分布尤为明显;向海侧区域、向陆侧区域采样地芦苇种群聚集分布尺度小于蒙古蒿种群;随着研究尺度的增加,蒙古蒿种群与芦苇种群的关联程度逐渐增加。χ~2检验表明,研究尺度的变化对向海侧区域和向陆侧区域采样地芦苇种群与蒙古蒿种群的种间关联程度的影响不大,在6.25 cm及以下栅格尺度,两者的种间联结系数都为-1,达到显著水平(p0.05),Ochiai指数、Dice指数和Jaccard指数都为0,说明在此尺度以下蒙古蒿种群和芦苇种群几乎处于完全独立状态;而在滩脊地带,在较小的尺度(2.5 cm)上,芦苇种群和蒙古蒿种群即显著正相关。由此可见,贝壳堤湿地芦苇种群和蒙古蒿种群的空间分布格局和种间关系的尺度转换效应随生境而呈不同趋势,在未来需要加深不同生境下两种植物种间关系机制的研究,从而为因地制宜地制定相应的植物保护和恢复策略提供基础数据。  相似文献   

若尔盖高原沼泽的类型及其发生与发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本区位于青藏高原的东北部边缘,为黄河上游两大支流——黑河及白河流域地区(约当北纬32°20′—34°10′、东经102°15′—103°50′之间)。属四川省阿坝藏族自治州、若尔  相似文献   

珠江是中国南方第一大河,水能资源丰富,其优越的自然条件孕育了众多鱼类,近年来珠江流域上修建的大量水利工程,造成河流生境破碎,这将严重威胁到鱼类的物种多样性。基于此,在水资源分区的基础上将珠江流域划分为22个子流域,采用Shannon-Wiener指数研究鱼类物种的多样性,构建河流生境破碎化综合指数(P)研究珠江各流域河流生境破碎化程度,再运用空间叠加分析探究河流生境破碎化对鱼类物种多样性的影响。结果表明:(1)珠江流域鱼类物种多样性较高,珠江流域的22个子流域Shannon-Wiener指数平均值达到4.539,有18个子流域Shannon-Wiener指数值均大于4(Shannon-Wiener指数值超过4就意味着鱼类物种多样极高)。(2)珠江流域河流生境破碎化综合指数值在0.141~3.484,均值为1.519,总体而言河流生境破碎程度较高;不同子流域的生境破碎程度差异较大,生境破碎化程度较高的子流域较多分布在中游。(3)通过对鱼类物种多样性与河流生境破碎度进行空间叠加后,发现较多子流域的鱼类物种多样性程度与河流生境破碎化程度均比较高,主要分布在北纬24°附近。  相似文献   

横断山区植被分区   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
横断山区位于青藏高原的东南部,即25°40′—32°30′N,97 00′—102°40′E。这里地势高亢,山川相间作南北向平行排列,高差2000—3000米。区内具有从亚热带至冰雪带的不同自然景观。植被的地域分异十分显著。植被分布呈现出山原植被垂直带规律。据此,将本区植被划分为2个植被区域,3个植被地带,11植被地区。  相似文献   

气候变化影响植物物种地理分布,研究不同气候情景下物种的地理分布有助于物种保护和资源合理利用。为准确了解西藏沙棘(Hippophae thibetana)种植适宜生境,本研究收集了118个西藏沙棘种群分布点、19个气候因子和3个地形因子数据,利用MaxEnt(最大熵)模型和ArcGIS软件平台模拟了当前气候情景下西藏沙棘的适宜生境,探讨影响其生长的主导因子及阈值,并对其在4种不同气候情景下2041—2060年和2061—2080年的适宜生境进行预测。结果表明:(1)当前西藏沙棘高适宜生境和适宜生境面积分别为33.32万km~2和51.65万km~2,主要分布于青藏高原,集中在西藏、四川、青海和甘肃;(2)影响西藏沙棘地理分布的主导因子是海拔、最湿季降水量、最冷季平均温度,其中各因子的适宜生长阈值分别为:海拔2 500—4 800 m,最湿季降水量200—420 mm,最冷季平均温度-12—0℃;(3)未来不同气候情景下,西藏沙棘的高适宜生境、适宜生境和低适宜生境面积均出现缩减。该研究有助于西藏沙棘的野生资源保护、开发利用和扩大种植。  相似文献   

为进一步研究水韭濒危原因,选择中华水韭(Isoetes sinensis)、东方水韭(Isoetes orientalis)和云贵水韭(Isoetes yunguiensis),将3种水韭栽种于盆中,使其健壮植株自然失水,比较在不同干旱条件下叶片的多项生理指标变化。结果表明,3种水韭生理指标的变化趋势基本相同,相对电导率和渗透调节物质含量都上升,净光合速率和叶绿素含量都下降,保护酶含量先上升后下降;3种濒危水韭的抗干旱能力最强的是中华水韭,其次为东方水韭,最弱的为云贵水韭;3种水韭都能通过调节自身生理代谢,在一定程度上抵抗干旱胁迫造成的伤害。短期的干旱不是中国水韭濒危的主要原因。  相似文献   

以民勤绿洲边缘丘间低地和固定沙丘(退化梭梭固沙林)两种生境下红砂种群为研究对象,采取空间替代时间和O-ring空间点格局方法研究了红砂种群的结构特征、空间分布以及空间关联性,结果表明:(1)红砂种群在丘间低地生境下,主要集中在龄级1;在固定沙丘生境下,主要集中在龄级3,表明种群的更新受到很大的限制。(2)两种生境下红砂种群的空间格局分布和不同龄级间空间关联性差异很大。丘间低地的红砂种群及龄级1和2在小尺度范围内呈聚集分布,之后随着尺度的增加趋于均匀分布(龄级1和红砂整个种群)或随机分布(龄级2),而龄级3在整个研究尺度范围内为随机分布;固定沙丘生境下的红砂植株只有龄级2和整个种群在小尺度内为聚集分布,其余均为随机分布。(3)在丘间低地生境下,龄级1和龄级2、3在小尺度上显著负相关,其余各龄级在0~5 m尺度上基本无关联;固定沙丘生境下,各个龄级之间均为无关联。这种差异与生境的异质性(地下水位、结皮的类型和盖度等)以及群落结构等有关。该研究对于民勤绿洲边缘红砂种群的保护和利用以及退化梭梭固沙林的人工修复有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

四川盆东南山地位于104°06′—110°12′E,27°42′—32°36′N,包括达县、万县、涪陵、重庆、泸州和宜宾等6地市,总面积约11万多平方公里。地形上,北部为盆周山地,山地面积占90%以上;中部为平行岭谷区,南部为低山丘陵区,两者山地面积占土地总面积的56—62%,丘陵占37—42%,平原占2%。北部大巴山的海拔一般为1500—2000米,最高峰为神农架,海拔2767米。境内稻田面积约为2300万亩,一般分布在海拔  相似文献   

甘肃沙葱的地理分布与群落结构特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
甘肃沙葱主要分布于河西走廊北部荒漠区及白银、兰州市的西北部部分县(区)的黄土低山丘陵区,分布区总面积约125 715.9km2。有气候和土壤因素形成的两种生态类型,且沙葱荒漠的物种组成成分相对简单,共有76种,分属14科45属;群落类型可划分为5类14个群丛组合,表现出以超旱生小灌木层片、强旱生小半灌木层片及沙旱生草层片为主的旱生结构特征。此外,甘肃沙葱种群及群落表现出均匀度低、优势度高、分布范围广、群落结构单一、适应性极强、具有地域性等特征。  相似文献   

4- 以塔里木河下游荒漠河岸林21种常见植物繁殖体为研究对象,对其形态特征进行了比较分析.结果表明:(1)不同繁殖体之间重量差别很大.单粒重最小的是多花柽柳(0.019 8 mg),最大的是沙枣(131.387 2 mg);(2)繁殖体三维(长、宽、高)的方差最小的是胀果甘草(0.022),方差最大的是蒲公英0.145.菊科、禾本科、茄科和荚竹桃科植物繁殖体均偏离圆球形较大(方差>0.05);(3)柽柳科、杨柳科、菊科和夹竹桃科均具有附属物,这些形态特征有利于物种的扩散和定居;(4)有7种植物的繁殖体重量小于1 mg,且比较接近圆球形(方差小于0.09),有利于形成持久土壤种子库.  相似文献   

In semi-arid environments plants should be selected to germinate at times most suitable for seedling establishment. Germinability, rate of germination and temperature preference for germination (12 or 28°C constant) were analysed with respect to growth form (grass, forb, woody), longevity and seed size. Short-lived species showed preferential germination at either high or low temperature, whereas long-lived species tended to be indifferent to season. Germinability was >20% for 28 spp., 17 species were <10% and 21 species did not germinate under any circumstances. Growth form or life-span did not influence germination. Woody species germinated rapidly. Germinability and germination rate were positively associated.  相似文献   

Desert plants take on unique physiologically adaptive mechanisms in response to an adverse environment. In this study, we determined the concentrations of leaf nitrogen(N), phosphorus(P), and calcium(Ca) fraction for dominant species of Artemisia ordosica, A. frigida, Calligonum mongolicum, and Oxytropis aciphylla in the Alxa Desert and discussed seasonal changes of their leaf N:P ratio and Ca fraction. The results showed that, from May to September, the N:P ratios of A. ordosica and C. mongolicum gradually and significantly increased, while those of A. frigida, and O. aciphylla had an increase trend that was not significant; the physiologically active Ca of A. ordosica and A. frigida increased significantly,while that of C. mongolicum and O. aciphylla decreased significantly. The physiologically inert calcium of C. mongolicum increased extremely significantly, while that of others was not significant. There was a significantly positive correlation between the N:P ratio and physiologically active Ca for A. ordosica, and the N:P ratio was significantly and negatively correlated with physiologically active Ca for O. aciphylla. These findings revealed that the physiological regulation mechanism was different for the plants either in earlier stage or later stage of plant-community succession.  相似文献   

中国西北地区旱涝年南亚高压异常特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张宇  李耀辉  王式功  刘抗 《中国沙漠》2014,34(2):535-541
利用1961年1月1日至2010年12月31日NCEP/NCAR再分析数据和站点观测资料,统计分析表明:中国西北区域重旱年典型特征为3、4月南亚高压中心均出现偏西约40°;偏旱年典型特征为3月至4月出现中心位置西移之后东撤,4月至5月出现西移,或4月偏东40°;偏涝年典型特征为7月至8月东西振荡幅度大;西北区域多雨年典型特征为5月中心位置位于孟加拉湾海域,9月明显出现南亚高压东部型,12月位置偏西40°。面积距平最明显的特征是重旱年、偏旱年南亚高压面积偏小,偏涝年、多雨年南亚高压面积偏大,同样也可以看到重旱年4月南亚高亚异常特征十分明显。强度和面积与西北区域降水很好的相关性主要存在于2—4月。  相似文献   

Due to the difficult logistics in the extreme high elevation regions over the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau, the observational meteorological data are very few. In 2003, an automatic weather station was deployed at the northeastern saddle of Mt. Nyainqentanglha (NQ) (30°24′44.3″ N, 90°34′13.1″ E, 5850 m a.s.l.), the southern Tibetan Plateau. In 2005, another station was operated at the East Rongbuk Glacier Col (28°01′0.95″ N, 86°57′48.4″ E, 6523 m a.s.l.) of Mt. Qomolangma. Observational data from the two sites have been compared with the reanalysis data from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR), reliability of NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data has been investigated in the Himalayas/Tibetan Plateau region. The reanalysis data can capture much of the synoptic-scale variability in temperature and pressure, although the reanalysis values are systematically lower than the observation. Furthermore, most of the variability magnitude is, to some degree, underestimated. In addition, the weather event extracted from the NCEP/NCAR reanalyzed pressure and temperature prominently appears one day ahead of the observational data on Mt. Qomolangma, while on Mt. NQ it occurs basically in the same day.  相似文献   

From a rare freshwater lake characteristic of alkalescence, named “Cattle Pond”, on the Dongdao Island of South China Sea (16°39′–16°41′ N, 112°43′–112°45′ E), we collected two undisturbed sediment cores that contain seabird droppings. In this paper, we determined the concentration-versus-depth profiles of the geochemical elements in the ornithogenic sediment layers of the two cores, analyzed these profiles by various statistical methods, and studied their geochemical characteristics. The concentration profiles of As, Cd, Cu, Se, Zn, P and S are significantly correlated with each other and with loss on ignition (LOI) at 550°C, the measure for the abundance of organic matter. Similar geochemical characteristics, however, were not observed in the upper sediment layer of the Cattle Pond notably affected by cattle excrements, as well as in the bottom sediment layer compositionally dominated by coral sand and gravel. This shows that these “bio-elements” are mainly derived from seabird feces and their geochemical composition is an important geochemical characteristic of the lacustrine ornithogenic sediments. By Q-mode factor analysis (QFA) on the concentration profiles of these bio-elements, we reconstructed the historical seabird population on Dongdao Island between 1350 and 350 year B.P., and observed significant fluctuations in the calculated population. The fluctuations seem to be related to the change of sea surface temperature (SST) in the Southern China Sea. This study provides new paleoenvironmental information of past seabird population changes in low latitude areas using an indirect geochemical method.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine the composition, density and spatial distribution of the soil seed bank of woody species, as well as their regeneration pattern in two different land use systems, controlled (ranch) and open grazing, in an Acacia woodland of the Rift Valley in Ethiopia. We also compared the species composition of the soil seed bank and the above-ground vegetation to find out if differences exist in the soil seed bank and advance regeneration between the two land use systems. The germination requirements of seeds of the woody species were also investigated under laboratory conditions. Acacia senegal, Acacia seyal, Acacia tortilis, Dichrostacys cinerea and Balanites aegyptiaca were encountered in the above-ground vegetation in both systems. Seeds of only A. tortilis (90±32 seeds m−2) from the ranch, and A. senegal (5±3 seeds m−2) and A. tortilis (72±34 seeds m−2) from the open system were found in the soil seed bank along transects with patchy horizontal pattern. The two systems were not significantly different in density of soil seed banks of A. senegal andA. tortilis . Jaccard's similarity index showed that only a few woody species were common in the soil seed flora and above ground vegetation. However, all of the species accumulated seeds (58±43–331±130 seeds m−2) in/on the soil under the canopy. Very large numbers of seeds of A. tortilis (19382±9722 seeds m−2) and D. cinerea (1278±494 seeds m−2) were also found in barns. Most of the seeds recovered from the soil samples (60–80%) were found in the litter layer. Acid and mechanical scarification improved legume germination (36–99% and 60–99%, respectively) over boiling water (0–48%). Treatment means differed significantly for all the legumes (p<0·001) but not for Balanites. Height and diameter class distribution of regeneration of A. tortilis and D. cinerea in both systems and A. senegal in the open system had a negative exponential correlation (rs=−0·5, −0·25 and −0·86, respectively). A. seyal and B. aegyptiaca showed poor regeneration. Horizontal distribution of advance regeneration of all the species was patchy. Advance regeneration of A. seyal, A. tortilis and B. aegyptiaca were not significantly different, while that of A. senegal and D. cinerea were significantly different between the two systems. Poor representation of species in the soil seed bank along transects and in the different height and diameter classes may be attributed to the low density of mature trees as well as the mode and strategy of seed dispersal. Ungulate and wind dispersed species (e.g. A. senegal, A. tortilis and D. cinerea) were highly favoured. Patchiness in the distribution of seeds and advance regeneration was also a result of endozoochory. Dispersal of non-ungulate dispersed seeds (A. senegal, A. seyal and B. aegyptiaca) was restricted to the canopy zone. Piles of seeds ofA. tortilis and D. cinerea that were found in barns were a result of consumption of their pods by cattle. High concentration of seeds in the litter layer may be due to low soil disturbance and larger size of seeds. The height and diameter class distribution of A. senegal (in the open system), A. tortilis and D. cinerea also indicated that the species have good regeneration. Results from the germination tests indicated that seeds of the legumes require pre-sowing treatments to give a rapid, uniform and improved germination. Intervention through artificial regeneration should be employed to improve the density and regeneration capacity of those species with hampered regeneration at both systems.  相似文献   

以阿拉善荒漠区生长的多浆旱生植物梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)和霸王(Zygophyllum xanthoxylum)、少浆旱生植物白沙蒿(Artemisia sphaerocephala)和柠条(Caragana korshinskii)、中旱生植物沙米(Agriophyllum squarrosu)和绵蓬(Corispermum mongolicum)为材料, 对其游离氨基酸成分及游离脯氨酸的分布特征进行了比较研究。结果表明, 供试植物根中的总游离氨基酸含量均低于茎和叶中的总游离氨基酸含量, 其中叶中的游离氨基酸总量最高; 不同植物中的主要氨基酸组成不相同, 同一植物的不同部位主要氨基酸组成也不尽相同。少浆旱生植物体内大量积聚游离脯氨酸, 其整株中的游离脯氨酸是中旱生植物的6.0~16.0倍, 是多浆旱生植物的1.8~25.0倍。白沙蒿植株的根到茎、茎到叶, 总游离氨基酸含量以2.0倍和5.7倍的增幅增加, 其中游离脯氨酸含量增加最明显, 增幅达3.0倍和10.5倍。柠条植株也表现出同样的趋势。可见, 大量积累游离氨基酸, 特别是游离脯氨酸是少浆旱生植物适应干旱荒漠生境的重要机制。从根到茎、由茎到叶, 中旱生植物沙米和绵蓬与多浆旱生植物梭梭和霸王总游离氨基酸含量增幅都并不十分显著; 二者中的游离脯氨酸积累不占主导地位。故中旱生植物和多浆旱生植物并不主要依靠积累脯氨酸来调节渗透势确保水分的供应。  相似文献   

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