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Some conodonts described by Tea Kolar-Jurkovsek and Bogdan Jurkovsek (2007) from the Permian-Triassic boundary section in the ?iri area of western Slovenia are revised in this paper. One specimen that they assigned to Hindeodus parvus is tentatively regarded as Hindeodus cf. scalaris Wu 2005. Two specimens that they assigned to Isarcicella sp. A is changed to Hindeodus parvus. One specimen that they described as Isarcicella lobata Perri and Farabegoli is changed to Hindeodus crenatus Wu (2006). One specimen that they assigned to Isarcicella turgida (Kozur, Mostler and Rahimi-Yazd) is changed to Hindeodus cf. parvus. Since these revisions, the three conodont zones that they defined have been correspondingly revised. Their first zone may belong to Hindeodus parvus zone, but it is not certain. Their second zone is changed to the Hindeodus parvus zone, and their third one remains as is.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1993,8(6):643-647
Mazor (1992) has reinterpreted several previous 36Cl studies. The studies he revised used extensive physical hydrogeological data to aid in interpretation of the 36Cl measurements. Major ion chemistry and other isotope tracers were considered in order to evaluate the groundwater geochemistry. The studies then used simple geochemical models to account for Cl behavior in the subsurface. The result of these 36Cl dating studies was in reasonable agreement with both numerical models of the aquifer systems and with independent geochemical studies.Mazor (1992) has reinterpreted these studies based on the assumption that spatial variation in chemical and isotope data should be attributed to unspecified “discontinuities” in the flow regime. The conceptual models of aquifer hydrodynamics resulting from this approach differ radically not only from the previous 36Cl interpretations, but also from the findings of virtually all previous hydrogeological and geochemical investigations. Although Mazor's “reinterpretations” are provocative, he does not show how they explain the data of the numerous previous studies better than the conceptual models presented by the authors of those studies, nor has he demonstrated that his new models are consistent with the fundamental physical laws governing groundwater flow. Until this is satisfactorily accomplished I will continue to prefer the original 36Cl interpretations.  相似文献   

There are two factors, source composition and magmatic differentiation, potentially controlling W-Sn mineralization. Which one is more important is widely debated and may need to be determined for each individual deposit. The Xitian granite batholith located in South China is a natural laboratory for investigating the above problem. It consists essentially of two separate components, formed in the Triassic at ca. 226 Ma and Jurassic at ca. 152 Ma, respectively. The Triassic and Jurassic rocks are both composed of porphyritic and fine-grained phases. The latter resulted from highly-differentiated porphyritic ones but they have similar textural characteristics and mineral assemblages, indicating that they reached a similar degree of crystal fractionation. Although both fine-grained phases are highly differentiated with elevated rare metal contents, economic W–Sn mineralization is rare in the Triassic granitoids and this can be attributed to less fertile source materials than their Jurassic counterparts, with a slightly more enriched isotopic signature and whole-rock εNd(226 Ma) of ?10.4 to ?9.2 (2σ = 0.2) compared with εNd(152 Ma) of ?9.2 to ?8.2 (2σ = 0.2) for the Jurassic rocks. The initial W-Sn enrichment was derived from the metasedimentary rocks and strongly enhanced by reworking of the continental crust, culminating in the Jurassic.  相似文献   

In the south of the Ordos Basin, the oil source of the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation is confused all the time, which affects further exploration. In this study, oil sources from the oil layers of Ch6, Ch8 and Ch9 are all analyzed and confirmed. Through their carbon isotope value and biomarkers, characteristics of crude oils from the Yanchang Formation are analyzed. Then, the oil–source relation is discussed, with the source rocks’ features. Finally, the oil–source relation is calculated through cluster analysis. It is believed that the oils from the Yanchang Formation deposit in a similar redox environment, with weak oxidation–weak reduction, and have all entered maturity stage. Ch9 crude oil is more mature than crude oils from Ch6 and Ch8, and has more advanced plants and fewer algae. Gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) analysis show that crude oils from Ch6 and Ch8 may come from Ch7, and Ch9 crude oil may not. Cluster analysis displays that crude oils from Ch6 and Ch8 have closer squared Euclidean distance with Ch7 source rocks than Ch9 crude oil does, indicating crude oils from Ch6 and Ch8 stem from Ch7 source rocks. And Ch9 crude oil has rather close squared Euclidean distance with Ch9 source rocks, illustrating Ch9 crude oil may be from Ch9 source rocks. This research may provide the theoretical basis for the next exploration deploy in the south of Ordos Basin.  相似文献   

An extinct hydrothermal barite-silica chimney from the Franklin Seamount of the Woodlark Basin, in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, was investigated for mineral distribution and geochemical composition. Six layers on either side of the orifice of a chimney show significant disparity in color, mineral assemblage and major element composition. Electron microscope(SEM) images reveal that the peripheral wall of the chimney is composed of colloform silica, suggesting that incipient precipitation of silica-saturated hydrothermal fluid initiated the development of the chimney wall. Intermediate layers, between the exterior wall and the inner fluid-orifice, dominate with barite and sulfides. Low Sr-to-Ba ratios(SrO/BaO = 0.015–0.017) indicate restricted fluid-seawater mixing, which causes relatively high-temperature formation of the intermediate layers. Whereas the innermost layer bordering the chimney orifice is characterized by more silica and a higher Sr-to-Ba ratio(SrO/BaO = 0.023), could have formed due to a paragenetic shift from a high-temperature active phase to a cooler waning stage of formation. A paragenetic shift is also probably responsible for the change in mineral formation mechanism that resulted in the textural variation of barite and colloform silica developed during different growth phases of this barite-silica chimney.  相似文献   

Trace concentrations of Ti in quartz are used to indicate the pressure and temperature conditions of crystallization in the ‘TitaniQ’ geothermobarometer of Thomas et al. (Contrib Miner Petrol 160:743–759, 2010). It utilises the partitioning of Ti into quartz as an indicator of the pressures and/or temperatures of crystal growth. For a given value of TiO2 activity in the system, if temperatures are inferred to ±20 °C, pressure is constrained to ±1 kbar and vice versa. There are significant contrasts, however, between the conclusions from TitaniQ and those for natural quartz (as well as other mineral phases) in volcanic rocks. Application of the TitaniQ model to quartz from the 27 ka Oruanui and 760 ka Bishop high-silica rhyolites, where the values of T, P and TiO2 activity are constrained by other means (Fe–Ti oxide equilibria, melt inclusion entrapment pressures in gas-saturated melts, melt and amphibole compositions), yields inconsistent results. If realistic values are given to any two of these three parameters, then the value of the third is wholly unrealistic. The model yields growth temperatures at or below the granite solidus, pressures in the lower crust or upper mantle, or TiO2 activities inconsistent with the mineralogical and chemical compositions of the magmas. CL imagery and measurements of Ti (and other elements) in quartz are of great value in showing the growth histories and changes in conditions experienced by crystals, but direct linkages to P, T conditions during crystal growth cannot be achieved.  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences - We disagree the transitional supra-subduction zone model of Feng et al. (Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) 105:491–505, 2016) for the tectonic setting...  相似文献   

Quantifying the population-level effects of hypoxia on coastal fish species has been challenging. In the companion paper (part 1), we described an individual-based population model (IBM) for Atlantic croaker in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico (NWGOM) designed to quantify the long-term population responses to low dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations during the summer. Here in part 2, we replace the idealized hypoxia conditions with realistic DO concentrations generated from a 3-dimensional water quality model. Three years were used and randomly arranged into a time series based on the historical occurrence of mild, intermediate, and severe hypoxia year types. We also used another water quality model to generate multipliers of the chlorophyll concentrations to reflect that croaker food can be correlated to the severity of hypoxia. Simulations used 100 years under normoxia and hypoxia conditions to examine croaker population responses to the following: (1) hypoxia with food uncoupled and coupled to the severity of hypoxia, (2) hypoxia reducing benthos due to direct mortality, (3) how much hypoxia would need to be reduced to offset decreased croaker food expected under 25 and 50% reduction in nutrient loadings, and (4) key assumptions about avoidance movement. Direct mortality on benthos had no effect on long-term simulated croaker abundance, and the effect of hypoxia (about a 25% reduction in abundance) was consistent whether chlorophyll (food) varied with hypoxia or not. Reductions in hypoxia needed with a 25% reduction in nutrient loadings to result in minimal loss of croaker is feasible, and the croaker population will likely do as well as possible (approach abundance under normoxia) under the 50% reduction in nutrient loadings. We conclude with a discussion of why we consider our simulation-based estimates of hypoxia causing a 25% reduction the long-term population abundance of croaker in the NWGOM to be realistic and robust.  相似文献   

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