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It is known that the structure of benthic macrophyte and invertebrate habitats indicate the quality of coastal water. Thus, a large-scale analysis of the spatial patterns of coastal marine habitats makes it possible to adequately estimate the status of valuable coastal marine habitats, provide better evidence for environmental changes, and describe the processes behind the changes. Knowing the spatial distribution of benthic habitats is also important from the coastal management point of view. Our previous results clearly demonstrated that remote sensing methods can be used to map water depth and distribution of taxonomic groups of benthic algae (e.g., red, green, and brown algae) in the optically complex coastal waters of the Baltic Sea. We have as well shown that benthic habitat mapping should be done at high spatial resolution owing to the small-scale heterogeneity of such habitats in Estonian coastal waters. Here we tested the capability of high spatial resolution hyperspectral airborne image in its application for mapping benthic habitats. A big challenge is to define appropriate mapping classes that are also meaningful from the ecological point of view. In this study two benthic habitat classification schemes??broader level and finer level??were defined for the study area. The broader level classes were relatively well classified, but discrimination among the units of the finer classification scheme posed a considerable challenge and required a careful approach. Benthic habitat classification provided the highest accuracy in the case of the Spectral Angle Mapper classification method applied to a radiometrically corrected image. Further processing levels, such as spatial filtering and glint correction, decreased the classification accuracy.  相似文献   

The Odden ice tongue developed prominently during the winter of 1992–1993, but did not appear at all during the two subsequent winters of the ESOP period. During 1992–1993 the in situ sea-ice characteristics within Odden were studied on four occasions. In addition to direct observation and aerial photography, the measurement programme included retrieval and on-board analysis of frazil- and pancake-ice samples; wave measurements within Odden; and near-surface CTD measurements to examine the effect of melt on the upper ocean (reported in Brandon and Wadhams, 1999. The near surface hydrography beneath the Odden ice tongue, Deep-Sea Research, in press). This paper reports on the characteristics of the frazil- and pancake-ice observed and sampled during this season, expanding on early results (reported in Wadhams et al., 1996 Journal of Geographical Research 101(C8), 18 213–18 235). By combining the results of in situ sampling with the analysis of passive microwave and SAR data of the sea-ice extent through the winter, it was possible to estimate the salt flux into the ocean originating from brine release from sea ice during the growth phases of Odden.  相似文献   

As part of the European Subpolar Ocean Programme (ESOP), the German research icebreaker Polarstern worked in the Greenland Sea in the late winter of 1993. Whilst on passage, the ship encountered a severe winter storm with winds consistently above 20 m s−1 coupled to air temperatures of below −10°C. The underway sensors revealed heat fluxes of greater than 700 W m−2 across most of the Nordic Basin, peaking at greater than 1200 W m−2 when the ship crossed the cold, fresh water of the Jan Mayen Current. This large heat flux coupled to the unique hydrographic conditions present in the Jan Mayen Current allowed sea-ice generation in the form of frazil ice at a rate of 28 cm d−1. This frazil ice then developed into pancake ice. Measurements also were made in the late winter beneath this pancake ice in two remnants of the Odden. In the Jan Mayen Current, hydrographic conditions are such that the ice can exist for a long period of time before eventually decaying due to short-wave radiation at the surface. Towards the centre of the Greenland Sea, hydrographic measurements reveal that the ice is more transient and decays four times more rapidly than ice in the Jan Mayen Current. We discuss the development of the Odden ice tongue in light of these results and add evidence to the argument that the eventual fate of the water stored in the ice is important and could be a relevant factor in the formation of Greenland Sea Deep Water.  相似文献   

利用船载多参数拖曳式剖面测量系统走航观测获取的台湾岛东南海域叶绿素a浓度连续剖面数据,开展了卫星遥感产品精度检验研究。研究表明,由MERIS反演的叶绿素a浓度产品的平均相对误差优于30%,拖曳剖面观测可为卫星遥感产品检验提供高质量的现场观测数据,而且与船舶、浮标及其他固定平台等传统定点观测方式相比具有明显的效率优势。  相似文献   

崔艳荣  邹斌  韩震  石立坚  刘森 《海洋学报》2020,42(9):100-109
本文以TensorFlow为框架搭建卷积神经网络,基于迁移学习的思想,以经典的手写数字识别作为引入,对不同代价函数和激活函数组合对卷积神经网络模型分类结果影响进行了评价分析。以HJ-1A/B渤海海冰图像为实验数据源,分析了不同函数组合对遥感海冰图像分类的影响,优选出交叉熵代价函数与ReLU激活函数为最佳的组合,证明了卷积神经网络在遥感海冰分类中的应用可行性。对渤海海冰图像分类结果进行验证,其中带标签样本验证精度为98.4%。使用该模型对无标签的测试样本进行识别,讨论了样本的窗口尺寸对海冰分类结果的影响,发现在400×400小范围分类实验中最佳窗口尺寸为2×2;最后对整个渤海海域进行识别验证,效果较好。  相似文献   

During the past 100 years, sea-level appears to have risen by 10–15cm, probably due to the combined effects of thermal expansion of ocean-surface waters and net melting of glaciers and ice caps, associated with a small increase in global temperatures. This trend will almost certainly continue and accelerate if steadily increasing levels of carbon dioxide and other “greenhouse” gases in the atmosphere cause warming of the magnitude widely predicted by climate modellers. Rising air temperatures will cause increased melting from glaciers and ice caps, and rising sea-water temperatures will cause thermal expansion of the oceans. Moreover, warmer ocean waters could melt and weaken the many floating ice shelves that surround Antarctica, permitting increased ice discharge from glaciers that flow into them. All of these factors would cause sea-level to rise, and this paper presents and estimate of the total sea-level rise that could occur during the next century.If, as predicted by many climate models, global temperatures increase by an average of about 3°C, there is a good probability that sea-level will rise approximately 1m by the year 2100. Ultimately, such a rise would become very apparent to coastal populations, but initial change would be slow. Consequently, it is important to devise and “early warning system” for prompt detection of changes that will precede a detectable rise in sea level. These include: surface temperatures on land, oceans and ice sheets; sea-ice distribution; extent of summer melting on the polar ice sheets; areal extent and surface elevations of the ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica. All of these parameters can be measured from space by satellites that are operating now or are planned for launch during the next few years  相似文献   

The status of obtaining geophysical observations through the interpretation of satellite data over sea ice is discussed. It is pointed out that the community working in this area has grown in size and sophistication over the last decade, that the connection between microscopic properties of ice and its microwave behavior is now being understood, and that a good deal of accurate satellite-derived information on sea ice can now be obtained. Areas of ongoing, as well as needed, work are outlined, especially in the understanding of first-year and old-ice microwave properties, and it is pointed out that the efficient advance of remote sensing will require more active participation of scientists focused on in situ studies  相似文献   

基于遥感的黄河三角洲海岸线变化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以黄河三角洲的Landsat TM/ETM+影像(1989~2009年)为数据源,采用遥感与地理信息系统技术,对黄河三角洲的岸线与面积变化进行监测。结果表明:1989年以来,黄河三角洲的岸线形状及长度均发生了较大变化,其中北部的刁口河流路区岸线向内陆蚀退明显;清水沟流路区的岸线整体向海域推进,部分区域有蚀退现象;神仙沟流路区主要为人工海堤,岸线变化不大。黄河三角洲的整体面积在1989~2009年处于增加中,但2006~2009年,面积变化为负值。从淤蚀情况来看,1989~2009年,黄河三角洲的淤蚀强度经历了"和缓-剧烈"的过程。这说明20年来黄河三角洲整体上处于增长发育中,但2006年后三角洲整体上呈现蚀退现象,同时黄河三角洲的淤蚀情况变得比以往更剧烈,意味着更强的海陆交汇作用和岸线变化。黄河的入海流路、水沙量、降水量等是影响三角洲岸线变化的重要因素,而人工堤坝能够在一定程度上维持海岸线的稳定。对黄河三角洲海岸线变化的研究有助于有效地管理和保护区域的社会和生态环境。  相似文献   

中国海洋卫星遥感技术进展   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
新中国成立70年来,中国在海洋卫星遥感技术领域取得了丰硕成果。中国制定了长远的自主海洋卫星发展规划,构建了海洋水色、海洋动力环境和海洋监视监测三大系列的海洋卫星,逐步形成了以中国自主卫星为主导的海洋空间监测网,在中国海洋资源与环境监测、海洋防灾减灾、海洋安全管理等方面发挥了重要作用。本文回顾了中国在海洋水色、海洋微波(海洋动力环境)卫星遥感技术的发展历程,重点介绍了中国在海洋卫星遥感技术领域所取得的新成果,并对中国海洋卫星遥感技术的未来发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

我国卫星海洋遥感监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卫星遥感是20世纪50年代发展起来的一种新技术.运用这项新技术,可以对浩瀚的海洋进行实时、全方位的立体监测,长期获得稳定可靠的海洋观测资料.本文介绍了我国卫星海洋遥感监测现状,包括对海上台风、海洋赤潮、海冰、溢油、海温、海岸带等方面的监测,还简要介绍了我国海洋卫星和海洋卫星遥感监测的未来发展.  相似文献   

中国海洋卫星遥感应用进展   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
我国海洋遥感应用自20世纪70年代起步以来,取得了长足发展,构建了覆盖海洋水色、海洋动力和海洋监视监测的三大系列海洋卫星,并初步形成了具有优势互补的卫星海洋遥感业务化应用体系。本文回顾了我国海洋卫星遥感应用取得的重要进展,重点介绍了卫星遥感在海洋环境与资源监测、海洋灾害监测、海洋权益维护、海洋环境预报与安全保障等方面所构建的典型应用示范系统,以及开展的典型业务化监测应用。最后,文章对我国海洋卫星遥感应用下一步发展进行了展望分析。  相似文献   

崂山自然保护区人类活动遥感监测与评价   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
人类活动对自然保护区的生物多样性和生态平衡产生重要影响,分析人类活动对保护区的影响,为保护区政策的制定和有效地管理提供依据,作者基于2003和2009年的高分辨率遥感数据,开展保护区人类活动类型信息提取,利用人类干扰指数模型,分析了人类活动对崂山自然保护区产生的影响。结果表明:2003~2009年,保护区受居民区、工矿用地、农田等人类活动的干扰较大,且干扰程度有所增强,变化区域主要集中在实验区,而核心区和缓冲区受到人类活动的影响变化不明显。  相似文献   

随着沿海地区城市化及工业化快速发展,人类活动对近岸海洋造成了陆源、气源、海源三类源头污染,导致海洋环境质量下降。卫星遥感具有覆盖范围大、快速、准确的监测能力,是全球海洋环境动态监测与评价研究重要手段。从三种海洋环境污染源出发,辨析人类活动造成的不同种类污染及其监测指标,梳理国内外卫星遥感监测相关海洋环境污染研究,检视卫星遥感技术方法在这些海洋环境污染上的应用,发现(1)人类活动造成的海洋环境污染主要是海洋水质污染、海洋垃圾和微塑料、海洋大气污染沉降污染三种类型。(2)水质污染的遥感监测应用有效针对水质环境恶化、灾害的大面积沿海水质环境等常规现场监测方法无法满足的情况,而海洋垃圾与微塑料污染监测方法已经从遥感反演到机器学习,海洋大气污染沉降的遥感监测应用中需要更多大气污染参数以达到精确监测。(3)海洋环境污染卫星遥感监测仍然受到影像数据的分辨率限制,同时受海洋的立体性和流动性影响,因此未来研究应集中于立体化的海洋遥感探测技术,同时利用卫星、航空、船舶、岸基等多源、多时空的监测数据,将光学物理传感器与生物传感器相结合,构建海洋多源监测数据库,为政府及相关商业部门提供即时海洋管理依据,辅助完善海洋文明与海洋空间规划。  相似文献   

海洋遥感卫星发展历程与趋势展望   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
海洋是对地观测卫星的重要领域,在对地观测卫星中就具有专门用于海洋观测的海洋遥感卫星。海洋遥感卫星是一种利用所搭载的遥感器对海面进行光学或微波探测来获取有关海洋水色和海洋动力环境信息的卫星。海洋卫星有效弥补了传统海洋观测手段的不足,基于多种遥感器连续对海洋的观测,使人类极大的加深了对海洋的认识,在海洋灾害的防灾减灾、资源开发、海洋维权、海洋生态和环境保护等诸多领域发挥着重要作用。本文在详细梳理西方主要航天大国海洋遥感卫星(包括了对地观测卫星中具有海洋观测功能的卫星)的发展历程,在此基础上对未来海洋遥感卫星的发展趋势进行了论述,可为我国海洋遥感卫星的发展提供技术发展参考。  相似文献   

卫星遥感海冰监测系统在渤海海冰监测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海冰是渤海冬季常见的一种海洋灾害,对渤海海冰的监测是海洋防灾减灾的重要一环.本文初步分析了卫星遥感监测渤海海冰的能力,介绍了一种结合多遥感卫星数据源的海冰监测系统的搭建方法,该系统实现了从数据输入、预处理直至海冰信息提取、成果输出全过程的处理功能.最后介绍了该系统建成后在2010-2011年冬季渤海海冰监测中的应用情况...  相似文献   

韦小琴 《海洋预报》2008,25(2):74-79
北京地面站卫星遥感信息管理系统所汇集的信息是在2002年我国海洋卫星(HY-1A)发射后,北京地面站建站以来所接收的所有卫星资料的信息.随着后续海洋卫星的发射,该系统的信息量将不断的增加.本文是一个独立开发、研制的北京地面站信息管理系统.它是在WINDOWS平台下利用ACCESS关系数据库开发完成的.该系统除了完整的记录了我国第一颗海洋卫星发射以来的所有信息资料外,还包括EOS-MODIS (TERRA、 AQUA)、 NOAA (12、14、15、16、17、18)、 FY-1等卫星资料信息.海洋科技工作者及管理人员通过该系统可获得任意时间段北京地面接收站接收卫星下行数据的接收状况、任何时间段卫星接收轨数的统计等信息,提供了与现行各种接收状况分析对比的第一手资料.方便、快捷的查询功能可随时向用户提供所需信息.为海洋预报、海洋监测、渔场快速报及后续海洋星提供了方便快捷的查询服务.  相似文献   

Extrapolating from the propagation theories of electromagnetic waves in a layered medium, a three-layer medium model is deduced in this paper by using microwave radiometric remote sensing technology which is suitable to first-year sea ice condition of the northern part of China seas. Comparison with in situ data indicates that for microwave wavelength of 10 cm, the coherent model gives a quite good fit result for the thickness of sea ice less than 20 cm, and the incoherent model also works well for thickness within 20 to 40 cm. Based on three theoretical models, the inversion soft ware from microwave remote sensing data for calculating the thickness of sea ice can be set up. The relative complex dielectrical constants of different types of sea ice in the Liaodong Gulf calculated by using these theoretical models and measurement data are given in this paper. The extent of their values is (0. 5-4. 0)-j(0. 07~0. 19).  相似文献   

An operational satellite remote sensing system for ocean fishery   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ocean environmental information is very important to supporting the fishermen in fishing and satellite remote sensing technology can provide it in large scale and in near real-time. Ocean fishery locations are always far away beyond the coverage of the satellite data received by a land-based satellite receiving station. A nice idea is to install the satellite ground station on a fishing boat. When the boat moves to a fishery location, the station can receive the satellite data to cover the fishery areas. One satellite remote sensing system was once installed in a fishing boat and served fishing in the North Pacific fishery areas when the boat stayed there. The system can provide some oceanic environmental charts such as sea surface temperature (SST) and relevant derived products which are in most popular use in fishery industry. The accuracy of SST is the most important and affects the performance of the operational system, which is found to be dissatisfactory. Many factors affect the accuracy of SST and it is difficult to increase the accuracy by SST retrieval algorithms and clouds detection technology. A new technology of temperature error control is developed to detect the abnormity of satellite-measured SST. The performance of the technology is evaluated to change the temperature bias from-3.04 to 0.05 ℃ and the root mean square (RMS) from 5.71 to 1.75 ℃. It is suitable for employing in an operational satellite-measured SST system and improves the performance of the system in fishery applications. The system has been running for 3 a and proved to be very useful in fishing. It can help to locate the candidates of the fishery areas and monitor the typhoon which is very dangerous to the safety of fishing boats.  相似文献   

遥感技术在我国海冰研究方面的进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先对遥感技术在我国海冰研究中的发展情况作了详细地论述,并介绍了几种常用于海冰研究的遥感数据;其次,从海冰厚度识别、海冰运动速度矢量计算、海冰资源量测算以及海冰灾害监测等四个方面,简单论述了遥感技术在海冰研究中的应用。最后,以渤海海冰为例,阐述了遥感技术的具体应用,同时指出了今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

戴志军  恽才兴  韩震 《海洋工程》2006,24(1):115-121
以茂名深水港选址为例,尝试将多时相卫星遥感影像和不同时段的数字化地形信息等资料相结合,从波浪入射方向、悬浮泥沙、滩槽冲淤等方面对建港自然条件进行综合分析,在此基础上探讨SPOT-5号卫星、多时相TM遥感影像和多时段数字化地形信息复合在港口工程中的潜力和优势,并提出基于港口工程选址分析的遥感影像和数字化地形结合的新技术框架。  相似文献   

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