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可可西里苟仁错湖泊沉积物元素地球化学特征及其环境意义   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:14  
湖泊沉积物元素地球化学特征及其比值,有效地揭示了湖泊沉积物物源区的化学风化程度.已成为反映古气候波动的有效指标。根据可可西里苟仁错湖泊沉积物的元素地球化学特征,通过CIA,ICV等元素比值的结果,揭示该地区1400AD以来化学风化作用十分微弱,因此湖泊沉积物元素组成,对气候变化非常敏感。研究表明1400AD以来该地区气候经历多次冷暖波动,且呈干旱化的趋势,1420AD左右进入小冰期,其中1480~1520AD最为寒冷,1900AD后干旱化加剧。  相似文献   

应用X射线衍射对青藏髙原东北缘尖扎盆地加让剖面11.8~5.8 Ma的地层沉积物进行矿物分析,结果表明加让剖面沉积物矿物组分主要包括碎屑矿物、碳酸盐矿物和黏土矿物。其中,以碎屑矿物居多,主要是石英、斜长石、云母类矿物(白云母、黑云母),及少量尖晶石、辉石类矿物(普通辉石、锰钙辉石及顽火辉石等)、金红石、刚玉、磁铁矿、钛磁铁矿、榍石、霞石,偶见锆石、石榴子石、锐钛矿;碳酸盐矿物以方解石居为主,白云石占比较少;黏土矿物中,绿泥石占比最高,还有少量赤铁矿、蛭石和沸石。以全岩矿物指标研究为主,结合加让剖面沉积相演化特点,并以磁化率变化为参考,进行系统的矿物学研究,获得了尖扎盆地在11.8~5.8 Ma蕴含的古气候环境演化大致可分为4个阶段:11.8~10.0 Ma,气候干冷期;10.0~8.6 Ma,气候暖湿波动期;8.6~6.2 Ma,气候温暖湿润期;6.2~5.8 Ma,气候干冷期。在约10.0、8.6、7.2 Ma附近,主要矿物占比及组合特征有明显改变,当时的古环境状况发生急剧变化,可能揭示青藏高原东北缘在10~8 Ma期间广泛发生了一系列较强烈的构造运动,来源于周边山脉的剥蚀使得研究区沉积的近源物质增多,约7.2 Ma之后的古环境演化过程主要受青藏高原构造隆升以及全球气候变冷协同影响。  相似文献   

以松嫩平原西部向海1 420cm湖泊沉积物剖面为研究对象,根据AMS 14C年代信息建立末次冰消期以来的年代序列;结合沉积物类型、有机质丰度,重点对样品中正构烷烃及长链正构烷烃碳同位素等分子有机地球化学特征进行研究;通过综合对比各气候指标,重建该地区末次冰消期以来的古植被、古气候变化。结果表明:向海湖泊沉积物中正构烷烃的分布特征表明其主要来源于低等菌藻类生物和高等植物;正构烷烃的高碳数部分呈现明显的奇碳优势,高碳数部分主峰碳主要为nC31,指示有机质主要来源于陆生高等植物,且草本高等植物输入丰富;长链正构烷烃(nC27、nC29、nC31)稳定碳同位素整体呈偏正的趋势,并利用二元模式估算出湖区主要高等植被类型以C3植物占绝对优势,末次冰消期到全新世大暖期C4植物相对生物量增加;末次冰消期以来,研究区气候环境变化较不稳定,可分为5个阶段,分别为气候冷干的末次冰消期,气候冷湿的早全新世,气候暖干的中全新世大暖期前期,气候温暖湿润的中全新世大暖期后期以及气候温凉变干的晚全新世。  相似文献   

黄利用水系沉积物地球化学测量进行多元素信息找矿是十分经济有效的手段之一,对寻找新矿体及老矿扩大远景储量尤为重要.  相似文献   

对河北丰宁黄土剖面进行了系统的粒度分析,粒度参数显示:①丰宁剖面粒度以粗粉砂颗粒(粒径32~63μm)和砂级颗粒(粒径>63μm)为主,较西北黄土高原典型黄土的粒度偏粗,反映丰宁黄土中粗颗粒组分含量不仅受冬季风风力变化的控制,还受到其北部的浑善达克沙地活动的影响;②丰宁剖面在236cm 深度(年代为61.5ka)处砂颗粒成分(粒径>63μm)增加、平均粒径增大,分析认为是在全球气候变得更为寒冷干旱的背景下,由其物源区浑善达克沙地的扩张造成的。   相似文献   

西藏多不杂铜矿是一大型斑岩型富金铜矿床,已探明铜资源量超过400×10~4 t,目前尚未开发且研究主要集中于找矿与地质成矿等方面,很少进行环境方面的研究。为了解西藏多不杂铜矿在未开采前矿区重金属元素的富集状况和迁移特性,对多不杂铜矿区地表土壤和萨玛隆河河床沉积物进行了样品采集,测试Cu、Pb、Zn、As、Cd、Cr、Hg等7种重金属元素含量和赋存形态;采用地累积指数法、内梅罗综合污染指数法、风险评估编码法对矿区重金属元素的富集程度和生物活性进行评价。结果表明:多不杂铜矿区地表土壤和萨玛隆河河床沉积物中的多数重金属元素含量分配受到多不杂铜矿的影响很大,且二者具有显著的相关性;多不杂铜矿区地表土壤中Cu尤为富集,含量最高达到21 020.000×10~(-6),超过《土壤环境质量标准》(GB 15618—1995)中Ⅲ级标准的50倍,综合污染指数为39.43,达到重度污染级别,多数样品的地累积指数也达到极强污染级别,且其生物活性为中度风险,容易迁移转化,对环境的影响很大;萨玛隆河河床沉积物中Cu最高含量为2 406.000×10~(-6),为Ⅲ级土壤环境质量标准的6倍,其综合污染指数为38.13,显示重度污染,污染率为91.6%,但其生物活性为低风险级别,迁移能力较弱,对环境的影响不是很大,但仍不可轻视;Cd虽然含量不高,低于Ⅲ级土壤环境质量标准,但是其在河床沉积物中主要以碳酸盐结合态存在(占比为48.01%),生物活性达到极高风险级别,对环境影响较大;Pb、Zn、As、Cr、Hg含量普遍较低,且生物活性较弱,能够稳定存在于土壤中,基本不会对环境造成影响。  相似文献   

河南西半部27个煤、铝、金、萤石、水泥原料等矿区的放射性测量结果证明,除铝土矿层放射性本底偏高外,其他地域的天然放射性环境均具低、中本底水平。人们工作、生活在这些环境内无辐射污染,更无危害;铝土矿层的本底值尽管偏高,但也低于国家最低防护标准;长期观测证明,宇宙射线降落量较稳定。各地勘单位今后在河南西半部进行的各类矿种勘探矿区(放射性矿床除外),一般只需一次性测量环境辐射本底即可,勿需测“至少一年的天然放射性本底数据”。  相似文献   

哈图岩体侵位于西准噶尔南部早-中泥盆世海相火山-沉积地层中,主要岩性为二长花岗岩、正长花岗岩及少量碱长花岗岩,是研究西准噶尔晚石炭世构造环境的理想对象。哈图岩体花岗岩中SiO2含量(质量分数,下同)为72.06%~76.53%,全碱(Na2O+K2O)为7.80%~8.57%,CaO为0.20%~1.58%,MgO为0.07%~0.42%,明显具有高Si、富碱、贫Ca、低Mg的特征;这些花岗岩的Al2O3含量为12.55%~14.06%,A/CNK值为1.06~1.15,A/NK值为1.15~1.36,显示其为弱过铝质-强过铝质花岗岩。此外,哈图岩体具有较低的稀土元素总含量((88.14~139.53)×10-6)和高的轻、重稀土元素比值((La/Yb)N值为3.04~6.50),在球粒陨石标准化稀土元素配分模式中显示为典型的右倾"V"字形且具有强烈的负Eu异常,表明源区可能有斜长石残留或出现斜长石的分离结晶作用;在原始地幔标准化微量元素蛛网图中,这些花岗岩明显富集Rb、Th、U、K、Pb等大离子亲石元素,相对富集Zr、Hf,强烈亏损Sr、Ti、P,相对亏损Ba、Nb。以上特征及主量、微量元素特征和图解表明,哈图岩体为典型的弱过铝质-强过铝质A2型花岗岩,其形成于造山后伸展阶段,是由洋壳和岛弧组成的新生地壳受上涌的幔源物质加热,在浅部低压条件下发生部分熔融,再经分离结晶作用的产物。  相似文献   

正构烷烃作为一种常见的生物标志物,其结构和组成的改变可记录气候环境的变化。位于青藏高原北部的库赛湖是研究古气候、古环境的重要载体,为了探讨库赛湖地区正构烷烃的分布特征及其古环境指示意义,在库赛湖采集了一根长约4 m的沉积柱岩心。结果表明,库赛湖沉积柱中正构烷烃的碳数范围在C16-C33之间,奇碳优势明显,整体呈现以高碳数占优势的组成特征,揭示库赛湖沉积物中正构烷烃主要来源于陆源高等植物。库赛湖沉积柱中所有样品的主碳峰(Cmax)都是C31,进一步显示陆源输入中以草本植物输入为主。据正构烷烃参数,库赛湖地区过去2 500 cal a BP来的环境气候变化具3个阶段。阶段1(2 420~2 000 cal a BP),总正构烷烃(TNA)质量分数呈下降趋势,碳优势指数(CPI)呈上升趋势,说明阶段1气候较冷,nC27/nC31和Paq呈先降低后回升的变化趋势,说明湿度先降低后略有回升;阶段2(2 000~850 cal a BP),有机物变化趋势不明显,CPI值呈下降趋势,说明气候较暖;阶段3(850 cal a BP至今),nC27/nC31值和Paq增加,CPI值降低,说明该阶段气候整体较暖湿。   相似文献   

成都盆地位于长江上游二级阶梯向一级阶梯的过渡地带,地理位置特殊,并且广布第四纪红土沉积。为研究成都盆地中黏土矿物的特征及其成因意义,采用X射线衍射(XRD)测试技术,对胜利剖面沉积物中黏土矿物的矿物学特征进行了系统研究。结果表明,成都盆地胜利剖面沉积物中的黏土矿物主要有伊利石、高岭石、蛭石、蒙脱石以及少量伊利石-蒙脱石混层黏土矿物和高岭石-蒙脱石混层黏土矿物。根据黏土矿物组合含量的变化特征,可以将成都盆地第四纪早更新世中晚期以来的气候环境演化划分为4个阶段,先后经历了湿热-温凉-温湿-干冷2个周期性的气候旋回,黏土矿物含量变化的总趋势与土壤沉积物的CIA指数共同揭示了研究区第四纪以来的气候有逐渐干冷的趋势,这与全球性的第四纪气候尤其是中国区域内的第四纪气候环境变化相一致。   相似文献   

In order to reconstruct the paleoproductivity evolution history of the West Philippine Sea during the last 700 ka,the vertical gradient of δ 13 C in dissolved inorganic carbon(δ 13 C between those of foraminifera Pulleniatina obliquiloculata and Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi) and planktonic foraminiferal assemblages were analysed in piston Core MD06-3047 retrieved from the Benham Rise(east of the Luzon Island).Paleoproductivity evolution in the West Philippine Sea during the last 700 ka is closely related to glacial-interglacial cycles and precession-controlled insolation.Controlling factors of paleoproductivity could have been both thermocline fluctuations related with ENSO-like processes and eolian input associated with East Asian winter monsoon,and the former could have been the primary factor.A higher productivity and a shallower thermocline coeval with the occurrence of low CO 2 concentrations in the EPICA Dome C ice core might indicate that biological export production in the low-latitude could act as a significant sink in the global carbon cycle,and modify atmospheric CO 2 concentrations.Spectral analysis further reveals that the paleoproductivity is mainly controlled by thermocline fluctuations subjected to ENSO processes responding to processional variability of insolation.High coherences in eccentricity,obliquity and precession periods further revealing the close link between thermocline fluctuations,paleoproductivity and atmospheric CO 2 levels.  相似文献   

Three-hundred and thirty-one sediment cores, including six sediment types(clayey-and sandy-silt, silty-and sandy-clay, clayey-and silty-sand) were collected from the shallow and semi-deep seas of the South China Sea, and the P-wave velocities and physical properties of core sediments were measured under standard laboratory conditions. To eliminate the influence of environmental factors, the empirical sound speed ratio equations were established. Compared with several equations from literature, the porosity and wet bulk density empirical equations established in this paper agree well with Richardson and Briggs(2004)'s in-situ equations, which implies that our empirical equations can be used in the similar region of world's oceans under certain conditions and will be useful in areas lacking first-hand P-wave speed data. However, the mean grain size equations established in this study, similar to the previous studies, have low accuracy, which may be due to the different particle arrangements and degrees of compaction in sediments. The results also show that for different sediment types, the equation based on all sediment data is in good agreement with the measured data in the study area, as there are both siliciclastic and carbonate sediments on the studied seabed. It is suggested that appropriate empirical equations should be selected according to sediment types and sedimentary environment in future works, and the empirical equation of porosity or the two-parameter equation of porosity and grain size should be preferred.  相似文献   

Miocene–Pliocene(22–5 Myr) volcanism and associated seamounts are abundant in the continent-ocean transition(COT) zone in the margin of the north South China Sea(SCS). The petrogenesis of volcanic rocks from these seamounts and regional tectonic evolution of COT zone are poorly known. In this paper, we obtained whole-rock major and trace element compositions and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic data for these volcanic rocks from the Puyuan and Beipo seamounts within COT zone, in northeastern SCS. Based on the geochemical analyses, the volcanic rocks are classified as alkaline ocean island basalts(OIB) and enriched mid-ocean ridge basalts(E-MORB). The OIBs from the Puyuan seamount are alkaline trachybasalts and tephrites that show enrichment of the light rare earth elements(LREE) relative to heavy rare earth elements(HREE) and more radiogenic Sr-Nd isotopic compositions, and have significant ‘Dupal isotopic anomaly'. In contrast, the E-MORBs from the Beipo seamount are tholeiitic basalts that have less enrichment in LREE and less radiogenic Sr-Nd isotopic compositions than the counterparts from the Puyuan seamount. Petrological and geochemical differences between the OIBs and MORBs from these two seamounts can be explained by different mantle sources and tectonic evolution stages of the COT zone. Syn-spreading OIB type basalts from the Puyuan seamount were derived from an isotopically ‘enriched', and garnet facies-dominated pyroxenitic mantle transferred by the Hainan mantle plume. In contrast, post-spreading E-MORB type basalts from the Beipo seamount are considered to be derived from the melting of isotopically ‘depleted' pyroxenite mantle triggered by lithosphere bending and subsequent post-rifting at the lower continental slope of the northern margin.  相似文献   

Observation of the abyssal western boundary current in the Philippine Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mooring observations were conducted from July 16, 2011 to March 30, 2012 east of Mindanao, Philippines(127°2.8′E, 8°0.3′N) to observe the abyssal current at about 5600 m deep and 500 m above the ocean bottom. Several features were revealed: 1) the observed abyssal current was highly variable with standard deviations of 57.3 mm/s and 34.0 mm/s, larger than the mean values of-31.9 and 16.6 mm/s for the zonal and meridional components, respectively; 2) low-frequency current longer than 6 days exhibited strong seasonal variation, flowing southeastward(mean flow direction of 119.0° clockwise from north) before about October 1, 2011 and northwestward(mean flow direction of 60.5° counter-clockwise from north) thereafter; 3) the high-frequency flow bands were dominated by tidal currents O 1, K 1, M 2, and S 2, and near-inertial currents, whose frequencies were higher than the local inertial frequency. The two diurnal tidal constituents were much stronger than the two semidiurnal ones. This study provides for the first time an observational insight into the abyssal western boundary current east of Mindanao based on long-term observations at one site. It is meaningful for further research into the deep and abyssal circulation over the whole Philippine Sea and the 3D structure of the western boundary current system in this region. More observational and high-resolution model studies are needed to examine the spatial structure and temporal variation of the abyssal current over a much larger space and longer period, their relation to the upper-layer circulation, and the underlying dynamics.  相似文献   

Flow cytometric determinations of the abundance distribution and community structure of picophytoplankton (i.e.,Prochlorococcus spp.,orange fluorescence Synechococcus spp.and picoeukaryotes) were used for samples taken from the Philippine Sea in the western tropical Pacific Ocean from September to October of 2004.A fluorescence probe was employed to detect Chlorophyll a (Chl a).Abundances of Prochlorococcus spp.,orange fluorescence Synechococcus spp.and picoeukaryotes ranged from 0.1 to 58×103 cells ml-1,0.38 to 17×102 cells ml-1 and 0.42 to 26×102 cells ml-1,respectively.Synechococcus spp.and picoeukaryotes co-occurred in relatively shallow water with the maximum abundance observed at 50 to 70 m depth,while Prochlorococcus spp.only occurred in the 70 to 200 m layer.Prochlorococcus spp.was the dominant picophytoplankton population in terms of abundance and biomass.The cell size and carbon biomass content were estimated for the three picophytoplankton groups.In addition,among the three groups of picophytoplankton,the relative contribution of red fluorescence to the total red fluorescence varied with depth.The fluorescence and light scatter properties of individual cells indicated that in the upper 100 m layer,picoeukaryotes were a major contributor to total red fluorescence,while at the depth below 100 m,Prochlorococcus spp.and Synechococcus spp.made an important contribution to the total red fluorescence.  相似文献   

To examine the composition and source variations of heavy minerals in the Fujian-Zhejiang mud belt(FZMB) over the past few hundred years, heavy minerals in 150 surficial sediment samples and two sediments cores collected from the southern FZMB were identified and analyzed. The results show that the mineral assemblage of hornblende-magnetite-epidote-chlorite is dominant in the study area. Based on the heavy mineral contents, the study area is divided into two mineral zones, namely a near-shore muddy sediment zone(zone Ⅰ) and an offshore mixed sediment zone(zone Ⅱ). The sediments from zone Ⅰ contains relatively abundant metallic minerals with proximal sediments from the Oujiang River and the Minjiang River as the primary component. The sediment from zone Ⅱ has relatively low content for minerals from the near-shore materials and is significantly affected by the Oujiang River sediments, and by the flaky minerals from the Yangtze River to a certain extent. The characteristics of heavy minerals in the cores may be affected by a variety of factors. Before the 20th century, under the influence of strong East Asian winter monsoon(EAWM), the sandy sediment in FZMB is significantly affected by the Oujiang River and the Yangtze River sediments, and relatively unaffected by near-shore terrigenous matter. In the 20th century, as the intensity of the Zhejiang-Fujian Coastal Current(ZFCC) decreased, the influence of the Minjiang coastal sand enhanced. Since the 1980s, as the collective effect of relatively weak EAWM and frequent storm surges and typhoons, the impact of the Minjiang River sediments on the FZMB sediments has increased considerably.  相似文献   

Flow cytometric determinations of the abundance distribution and community structure of picophytoplankton (i.e., Prochlorococcus spp., orange fluorescence Synechococcus spp. and picoeukaryotes) were used for samples taken from the Philippine Sea in the western tropical Pacific Ocean from September to October of 2004. A fluorescence probe was employed to detect Chlorophyll a (Chl a). Abundances of Prochlorococcus spp., orange fluorescence Synechococcus spp. and picoeukaryotes ranged from 0.1 to 58×103 cells ml?1, 0.38 to 17×102 cells ml?1 and 0.42 to 26×102 cells ml?1, respectively. Synechococcus spp. and picoeukaryotes co-occurred in relatively shallow water with the maximum abundance observed at 50 to 70 m depth, while Prochlorococcus spp. only occurred in the 70 to 200 m layer. Prochlorococcus spp. was the dominant picophytoplankton population in terms of abundance and biomass. The cell size and carbon biomass content were estimated for the three picophytoplankton groups. In addition, among the three groups of picophytoplankton, the relative contribution of red fluorescence to the total red fluorescence varied with depth. The fluorescence and light scatter properties of individual cells indicated that in the upper 100 m layer, picoeukaryotes were a major contributor to total red fluorescence, while at the depth below 100 m, Prochlorococcus spp. and Synechococcus spp. made an important contribution to the total red fluorescence.  相似文献   

Synechococcus is a widely distributed photosynthetic pico-phytoplankton,which contributes mainly to carbon fixation and maintains the stability of the marine ecosystem.To investigate its distribution patterns in the Yellow Sea,seawater samples were collected during September 2018.Results of flow cytometry analysis showed that the Synechococcus abundance ranged from 6.36×102 to 4.51×104 cells mL?1,which correlated with salinity(P<0.01)and temperature(P<0.05).At deeper off-shore sites,Synecho-coccus showed high abundance at the subsurface thermo-halocline,which was in accordance with chlorophyll a(Chl a)content along the vertical column.Based on the high-throughput sequencing data of rpoC1(partial gene encoding RNA polymerase),two Synechococcus subclusters,S5.1 and S5.2,were found to coexist in the studied area.Several clades of S5.1,including Clades I,II,and III,were the dominant components,accounting for 6.63%,26.11%,and 45.5%of the total genus,respectively.Redundancy analysis(RDA)showed that nitrite was the main environmental factor that explained the genus composition among samples.Fur-thermore,co-occurrence network revealed that the main phyla that coexisted with Synechococcus were Proteobacteria,Bacteroidetes,Actinobacteria,Planctomycetes,and Verrucomicrobia,which were involved in the carbon(C),nitrogen(N),sulfur(S),and manga-nese(Mn)cycles.Overall,Synechococcus exhibited biogeographic distribution correlated with temperature-salinity and nitrite in the Yellow Sea,and their geochemical function showed diverse but should be further verified in the future.  相似文献   

Several buried paleo-channels are located on the continental shelf of the western Yellow Sea. Research on the paleochannels is significant for both theoretical studies and practical applications. In this paper, we analyse and discuss the mineralogy of sediments in a core (SYS-0803) recovered from a buried paleo-channel on the continental shelf of the western Yellow Sea. The aim is to determine the provenance of sediments that fill the paleo-channel. The heavy mineral assemblage of sediments in the core consists of schistose minerals, common hornblende, epidote, and ilmenite. The light mineral assemblage consists of plagioclase, quartz, lithic fragments, and K-feldspar. Analysis of the compositional maturity of the sand fraction revealed a quartz/feldspar ratio of < 1. A relatively high percentage of smectite is recorded throughout the entire paleo-channel fill, with the greatest percentage in the middle to lower parts. The detrital mineral assemblage and clay mineral content indicate that the paleo-channel sediments were sourced mainly from the Huanghe River during the last glacial period.  相似文献   

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