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Data from array for real-time geostrophic oceanography (ARGO) profiling floats, oil tanker thermosalinographs, shipboard ADCP and towed-CTD surveys, and satellite altimetry are used to examine properties of two ∼200 km diameter, anticyclonic Yakutat Eddies that propagated westward at ∼1.5 km day−1 along the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Alaska (GOA) in 2001 and 2003. The eddies had lifetimes of up to 5 years, remained close to the shelfbreak, and had relatively constant size and strength until they encountered the Alaskan Stream where they appeared to spawn smaller, shorter-lived anticyclones. The azimuthal velocity field was vigorous (25–40 cm s−1) and in gradient wind balance with Rossby numbers of ∼0.05. Conservation of salt and azimuthal mass transports (between 20 m and the depth of the 32.2 isohaline) from shipboard surveys in May and August 2003 suggest little mass exchange occurred between the surface layers of the eddy and ambient waters. Chlorophyll concentrations were greater in the eddy than in ambient waters in both May and August. In May, the chlorophyll was patchily distributed, while in August dense chlorophyll concentrations occurred in and beneath the seasonal thermocline within 50 km of the eddy center. The high August chlorophyll concentrations might have been fostered by a broad and shallow (<∼150 m) upwelling of the eddy center between May and August.It appears likely that as Yakutat Eddies approach the shelfbreak non-linear processes will modify the slope flow field (and the stability and structure of the shelfbreak front), leading to cross-slope flows and flow reversals. This interaction may induce ∼30 km-wide streamers of shelf water to flow around the trailing edge of the anticyclone. The role of streamers in the freshwater and nutrient budgets of the GOA shelf and basin is unknown, but their contribution to these budgets will depend on the trajectory of a Yakutat Eddy, especially its proximity to the shelfbreak as the eddy propagates along the GOA continental slope.  相似文献   

The biomass and production of phytoplankton and bacterioplankton was investigated in relation to the mesoscale structures found in the Algerian Current during the ALGERS'96 cruise (October 1996). Biological determinations were carried out in three transects between 0° and 2°E aimed at crossing a so-called event, formed by a coastal anticyclonic eddy associated with an offshore cyclonic eddy to the west. The concentration of chlorophyll a (Chl) was maximum (>1.2 mg m−3) within the cyclonic eddy and at the frontal zones between the Modified Atlantic Water (MAW) of the Algerian Current and the Mediterranean waters further north. Chl (total and >2 μm) was significantly correlated with proxies of nutrient flux into the upper layers. Autotrophic picoplankton and heterotrophic bacterial abundance and production presented clear differences between MAW and Mediterranean water, with higher values at those stations under the influence of the Algerian Current. In general, greater differences were observed in production than in biomass variables. The photosynthetic parameters (derived from P–E relationships) and integrated primary production (range 189–645 mg m−2 d−1) responded greatly to the different hydrological conditions. The mesoscale phenomena inducing fertilization caused a 2 to 3-fold increase in primary production rates. The relatively high values found within the cyclonic eddy suggest that, although short-lived in comparison with anticyclonic eddies, these eddies may produce episodic increases of biological production not accounted for in previous surveys in the region.  相似文献   

Although the organization patterns of fauna in the deep sea have been broadly documented, most studies have focused on the megafauna. Bivalves represent about 10% of the deep-sea macrobenthic fauna, being the third taxon in abundance after polychaetes and peracarid crustaceans. This study, based on a large data set, examined the bathymetric distribution, patterns of zonation and diversity–depth trends of bivalves from the Porcupine Seabight and adjacent Abyssal Plain (NE Atlantic). A total of 131,334 individuals belonging to 76 species were collected between 500 and 4866 m. Most of the species showed broad depth ranges with some ranges extending over more than 3000 m. Furthermore, many species overlapped in their depth distributions. Patterns of zonation were not very strong and faunal change was gradual. Nevertheless, four bathymetric discontinuities, more or less clearly delimited, occurred at about 750, 1900, 2900 and 4100 m. These boundaries indicated five faunistic zones: (1) a zone above ∼750 m marking the change from shelf species to bathyal species; (2) a zone from ∼750 to 1900 m that corresponds to the upper and mid-bathyal zones taken together; (3) a lower bathyal zone from ∼1900 to 2900 m; (4) a transition zone from ∼2900 to 4100 m where the bathyal fauna meets and overlaps with the abyssal fauna and (5) a truly abyssal zone from approximately 4100–4900 m (the lower depth limit of this study), characterized by the presence of abyssal species with restricted depth ranges and a few specimens of some bathyal species with very broad distributions. The ∼4100 m boundary marked the lower limit of distribution of many bathyal species. There was a pattern of increasing diversity downslope from ∼500 to 1600 m, followed by a decrease to minimum values at about 2700 m. This drop in diversity was followed by an increase up to maximum values at ∼4100 m and then again, a fall to ∼4900 m (the lower depth limit in this study).  相似文献   

Data from seven oceanographic cruises in the southern Gulf of California from 1997 to 2002 are used to describe the thermohaline variability and the geostrophic circulation. Baroclinic patterns exhibited spatial and temporal variability. A deepening of isotherms at the center of the section was evident in February 1999, suggesting anticyclonic flow. In May 1998 and November 1997, cyclonic flow was suggested by shoaling of isotherms at the center of the section. Other cruises showed alternating cores of flow into and out of the Gulf (August 1998, September 1997 and October 2002). Neither a seasonal nor a spatial pattern in geostrophic flows was apparent, suggesting that the exchange of waters between the cyclonic flow of Pescadero basin and the interior of the Gulf is complex. Relatively high salinities were recorded during most of the cruises indicating that Gulf of California Water (GCW) was present most of the year. Higher salinities were observed during winter and spring, although during summer, relatively high and low salinities were both observed as surface and subsurface cores. Temperature and salinity characteristics of California Current waters were observed only in August 1995 when they reached as far north as Cerralvo Island at ∼50 dbar. During El Niño conditions in November 1997, a mixed layer (∼70 dbar) and deepening of the thermocline (∼50 dbar) characterized anomalous conditions; during this cruise an asymmetric salinity pattern was observed with low salinities characteristic of Tropical Surface waters at the center and east of the section, while maximum salinities (34.9<S<35.0) and Gulf waters were located in an 80 km wide core next to the Baja California Sur shelf as far north as San Jose Island.  相似文献   

The depth-related distribution of seastar (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) species between 150 and 4950 m in the Porcupine Seabight and Porcupine Abyssal Plain is described. 47 species of asteroid were identified from ∼14,000 individuals collected. The bathymetric range of each species is recorded. What are considered quantitative data, from an acoustically monitored epibenthic sledge and supplementary data from otter trawls, are used to display the relative abundance of individuals within their bathymetric range. Asteroid species are found to have very narrow centres of distribution in which they are abundant, despite much wider total adult depth ranges. Centres of distribution may be skewed. This might result from competition for resources or be related to the occurrence of favourable habitats at particular depths. The bathymetric distributions of the juveniles of some species extend outside the adult depth ranges. There is a distinct pattern of zonation with two major regions of faunal change and six distinct zones. An upper slope zone ranges from 150 to ∼700 m depth, an upper bathyal zone between 700 and 1100 m, a mid-bathyal zone from 1100 to1700 m and a lower bathyal zone between 1700 and 2500 m. Below 2500 m the lower continental slope and continental rise have a characteristic asteroid fauna. The abyssal zone starts at about 2800 m. Regions of major faunal change are identified at the boundaries of both upper and mid-bathyal zones and at the transition of bathyal to abyssal fauna. Diversity is greatest at ∼1800 m, decreasing with depth to ∼2600 m before increasing again to high levels at ∼4700 m.  相似文献   

We conducted a research cruise in late summer (July–August) 2000 to study the effect of mesoscale circulation features on zooplankton distributions in the coastal upwelling ecosystem of the northern California Current. Our study area was in a region of complex coastline and bottom topography between Newport, Oregon (44.7°N), and Crescent City, California (41.9°N). Winds were generally strong and equatorward for >6 weeks prior to the cruise, resulting in the upwelling of cold, nutrient-rich water along the coast and an alongshore upwelling jet. In the northern part of the study area, the jet followed the bottom topography, creating a broad, retentive area nearshore over a submarine shelf bank (Heceta Bank, 44–44.4°N). In the south, a meander of the jet extended seaward off of Cape Blanco (42.8°N), resulting in the displacement of coastal water and the associated coastal taxa to >100 km off the continental shelf. Zooplankton biomass was high both over the submarine bank and offshore in the meander of the upwelling jet. We used velocities and standing stocks of plankton in the upper 100 m to estimate that 1×106 m3 of water, containing an average zooplankton biomass of ~20 mg carbon m?3, was transported seaward across the 2000-m isobath in the meandering jet each second. That flux equated to offshore transport of >900 metric tons of carbon each day, and 4–5×104 tons over the 6–8 week lifetime of the circulation feature. Thus, mesoscale circulation can create disparate regions in which zooplankton populations are retained over the shelf and biomass can accumulate or, alternatively, in which high biomass is advected offshore to the oligotrophic deep sea.  相似文献   

During the autumn–winter of 1996–1997, drifting buoy trajectories and infrared satellite images provided new information on the characteristics of several mesoscale phenomena generated by the Algerian Current (AC) in the western Mediterranean Sea. A mesoscale event, as defined by previous studies, consists of a meander of the current associated with a surface anticyclonic eddy inside its crest, a transitory surface cyclonic eddy (Ec) upstream from the crest, and a deep anticyclonic eddy just below the meander. Most events propagate eastward along the coast at a few km per day until they are forced, mainly by the topography at the entrance to the channel of Sardinia, to detach from the coast and propagate seaward. They thus become open-sea anticyclonic eddies and generally complete an anticlockwise circuit in the Algerian basin. Surface buoys were launched upstream from an event and across it near 1°E. They made it possible to characterise the anticyclonic and cyclonic surface eddy features, and for the first time clearly showed the meander, which is in general not well depicted with images. It has thus been definitely demonstrated that most of the AC (speeds of several tens of cm/s) crosses the relatively slowly propagating events. As usual, the event we sampled reached a mature stage characterised by a vanishing of the Ec, and increased up to ∼100 km. Its arrest and decrease before it reached the channel of Sardinia, which is not so usual, was contemporaneous to the reappearance of the Ec and could be related to the growing of another coastal eddy upstream. At the entrance to the channel of Sardinia (near 7–8°E), the trajectories and images also documented another event which was larger (up to ∼120 km) and in the phase of detachment. Since the buoys drifted alternately to the west and to the east between this event and the coast, it is clear that an event can detach only temporarily and allow part of the AC to flow eastward directly. As indicated by infrared images, the definitive detachment occurred after all the buoys escaped from the event. The whole in situ and satellite data set is fully consistent with all the previous observations of the AC mesoscale variability, and quantitatively supports the proposed hypotheses for the event structure. It is consistent with laboratory experiments and some results of numerical models of coastal instability processes.  相似文献   

The existence and strength of the annual KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) sardine run has long been a conundrum to fishers and scientists alike ― particularly that the sardine Sardinops sagax migrate along the narrow Transkei shelf against the powerful, warm Agulhas Current. However, examination of ship-borne acoustic Doppler current profiler (S–ADCP) data collected during two research surveys in 2005 indicated that northward-flowing coastal countercurrents exist at times between the Agulhas Bank and the KZN Bight, near Port Alfred, East London, Port St Johns and Durban. The countercurrent near Port Alfred extended as far east as the Keiskamma River, within an upwelling zone known to exist there. An ADCP mooring at a depth of 32 m off Port Alfred indicated that the countercurrent typically lasted a few days, but at times remained in the same direction for as long as 10 days. Velocities ranged between 20 and 60 cm s?1 with maximum values of ~80 cm s?1. The S–ADCP data also highlighted the existence of cyclonic flow in the Port St Johns–Waterfall Bluff coastal inset, with a northward coastal current similarly ranging in velocity between 20 and 60 cm s?1. CTD data indicated that this was associated with shelf-edge upwelling, with surface temperatures 2–4 °C cooler than the adjacent core temperature (24–26 °C) of the Agulhas Current. Vertical profiles of the S–ADCP data showed that the countercurrent, about 7 km wide, extends down the slope to at least 600 m, where it appeared to link with the deep Agulhas Undercurrent at 800 m. S–ADCP and sea surface temperature (SST) satellite data confirmed the existence of the semi-permanent, lee-trapped, cyclonic eddy off Durban, associated with a well-defined northward coastal current between Park Rynie and Balito Bay. Analysis of three months (May–July 2005) of satellite SST and ocean colour data showed the shoreward core-boundary of the Agulhas Current (24 °C isotherm) to commonly be close to the coast along the KZN south coast, as well as between the Kei and Mbhashe rivers on the Transkei shelf. The Port St Johns–Waterfall Bluff cyclonic eddy was also frequently visible in these satellite data. Transient cyclonic eddies, which spanned 150–200 km of shelf, appeared to move downstream in the shoreward boundary of the Agulhas Current at a frequency of about once a month. These seemed to be break-away Durban eddies. Data collected by ADCP moorings deployed off Port Edward in 2005 showed that these break-away eddies and the well-known Natal Pulse are associated with temporary northward countercurrents on the shelf, which can last up to six days. It is proposed that these countercurrents off Port Alfred, East London and Port St Johns assist sardine to swim northwards along the Transkei shelf against the Agulhas Current, but that their progress north of Waterfall Bluff is dependent on the arrival of a transient, southward-moving, break-away Durban cyclonic eddy, which apparently sheds every 4–6 weeks, or on the generation of a Natal Pulse. This passage control mechanism has been coined the ‘Waterfall Bluff gateway’ hypothesis. The sardine run survey in June–July 2005 was undertaken in the absence of a cyclonic eddy on the KZN south coast, i.e. when the ‘gate’ was closed.  相似文献   

The existence of a surface barotropic front-jet system at the confluence region off the eastern tip of Oman (Ras Al Hadd or RAH) is documented for 1994–1995 through advanced very high resolution radiometer (AVHRR) and acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) observations. The thermal signature of this confluence is visible in 1995 between early May and the end of October, i.e., throughout the SW Monsoon and into the transition period between SW and NE Monsoons. The thermal characteristics are those of a NE-oriented front between cooler water of southern (upwelled) origin and warmer waters of northern Gulf of Oman origin. During the period when the thermal front is absent, ADCP data suggest that the confluence takes a more southward direction with Gulf of Oman waters passing RAH into the southeastern Oman coastal region. The thermal gradient is initially small (June–July) but later increases (August–October) into a front that exhibits small-scale instabilities. Surface current velocities within the jet, estimated by tracking these features in consecutive satellite images, are 0.5–0.7 m s−1 and in remarkable agreement with concurrent ADCP retrievals in which the seasonal maximum in velocity is 1 m s−1. ADCP observations collected during several US JGOFS cruises reveal a weakly baroclinic current in the confluence region that drives the waters into the offshore system. The fully developed jet describes a large meander that demarcates two counter-rotating eddies (cyclonic to the north and anticyclonic to the south of the jet) of approximately 150–200 km diameter. The southern eddy of this pair is resolved by the seasonally averaged, sea-level anomaly derived from TOPEX/Poseidon observations. During the SW Monsoon, the RAH Jet advects primarily cold waters along its path, but as soon as the wind system reverses with the transition to the intermonsoonal period, a warm current is rapidly established that advects the surface coastal waters of the Gulf of Oman offshore. In accordance with the interannual variation of the wind forcing phase, the reversal of the currents from NE to SW occurred earlier in 1994 than in 1995, confirming that the RAH Jet is integral part of the East Arabian Current. The transport of the Jet, estimated by combining SST information on the width with ADCP data on the velocity's vertical structure, is found to fluctuate between 2–8×106 m3 s−1 and its thickness between 150–400 m. These significant fluctuations are due to the time-variable partition of horizontal transport between eddies and the RAH Jet and are potentially important to the nutrient and phytoplankton budgets of the Arabian Sea.  相似文献   

The upper ocean large-scale circulation of the western tropical Atlantic from 11.5°S to the Caribbean in November and December 2000 is investigated from a new type of shipboard ADCP able to measure accurate velocities to 600 m depth, combined with lowered ADCP measurements. Satellite data and numerical model output complement the shipboard measurements to better describe the large-scale circulation. In November 2000 the North Brazil Undercurrent (NBUC) was strongly intensified between 11 and 5°S by inflow from the east, hence the NBUC was formed further to the north than in the mean. The NBUC was transporting 23.1 Sv northward at 5°S, slightly less than the mean of six cruises (Geophysical Research Letters (2002) 29 (7) 1840). At 35°W the North Brazil Current (NBC) transported 29.4 Sv westward, less than the mean of 13 cruises (Geophysical Research Letters (2003) 30 (7) 1349). A strong retroflection ring had just pinched off the NBC retroflection according to the satellite information. The inflow into the Caribbean south of 16.5°N originated in part of a leakage from the NBC retroflection zone and in part from the North Equatorial Current. A thermocline intensified ring with a transport of about 30 Sv was located off Guadeloupe carrying South Atlantic Central Water towards the north. Observed deviations of the November/December 2000 flow field from the November long-term mean flow field were related to an enhanced Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) associated with an increased North Equatorial Countercurrent (NECC), as well as to boundary current rings and Rossby waves with zonal wavelength of the order of 1000 km. At 44°W the presence of a Rossby wave associated with an anticyclonic circulation led to a strongly enhanced NBC of 65.0 Sv as well as to a combined NECC and Equatorial Undercurrent transport of 52.4 Sv, much stronger than during earlier cruises. While the 1/3°-FLAME model is unable to reproduce details of the vertical distribution of the observed horizontal flow at 44 °W for November 2000 as well as the horizontal distribution of some of the observed permanent current bands, a climatological simulation with the 1/12°-FLAME agrees much better with the observations and provides information on the spreading path between the sections. E.g., the interpretation that the widening in the Antarctic Intermediate Water layer of the westward flowing NBC at 44°W in November was caused by water from the Equatorial Intermediate Current was further supported by the model results.  相似文献   

Hydrographic, current meter and ADCP data collected during two recent cruises in the South Indian Ocean (RRS Discovery cruise 200 in February 1993 and RRS Discovery cruise 207 in February 1994) are used to investigate the current structure within the Princess Elizabeth Trough (PET), near the Antarctic continent at 85°E, 63–66°S. This gap in topography between the Kerguelen Plateau and the Antarctic continent, with sill depth 3750 m, provides a route for the exchange of Antarctic Bottom Water between the Australian–Antarctic Basin and the Weddell–Enderby Basin. Shears derived from ADCP and hydrographic data are used to deduce the barotropic component of the velocity field, and thus the volume transports of the water masses. Both the Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front (SACCF) and the Southern Boundary of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (SB) pass through the northern PET (latitudes 63 to 64.5°S) associated with eastward transports. These are deep-reaching fronts with associated bottom velocities of several cm s-1. Antarctic Bottom water (AABW) from the Weddell–Enderby Basin is transported eastwards in the jets associated with these fronts. The transport of water with potential temperatures less than 0°C is 3 (±1) Sv. The SB is shown to meander in the PET, caused by the cyclonic gyre immediately west of the PET in Prydz Bay. The AABW therefore also meanders before continuing eastwards. In the southern PET (latitudes 64.5 to 66°S) a bottom intensified flow of AABW is observed flowing west. This AABW has most likely formed not far from the PET, along the Antarctic continental shelf and slope to the east. Current meters show that speeds in this flow have an annual scalar mean of 10 cm s-1. The transport of water with potential temperatures less than 0°C is 20 (±3) Sv. The southern PET features westward flow throughout the water column, since the shallower depths are dominated by the flow associated with the Antarctic Slope Front. Including the westward flow of bottom water, the total westward transport of the whole water column in the southern PET is 45 (±6) Sv.  相似文献   

One hundred and twelve stations of CTDO2 and LADCP were collected in the Agulhas Current system as part of the Agulhas Undercurrent experiment (AUCE) in March 2003. Along an offshore section, at approximately 35.6°S and 27.3°E to the northwest of the tip of the Agulhas Plateau, an unusual feature was revealed between 2200 and 3500 m depth, imbedded in the northward moving NADW layer. An anomalously high salinity of 34.83, 0.03 saltier than the surrounding water, was observed. Maximums in the potential temperature and oxygen were also found, with isotherms dropping by about 250 m over 50 km and a doming of the oxygen layers. From the convex lens structure of the neutral surfaces, we conclude that we sampled an anticyclonic eddy of NADW. Since the LADCP data reveal deep velocities up to 20 cm s−1, yet no anticyclonic circulation, whereas the geostrophic velocity referenced to the bottom shows a weak anticyclonic circulation, we inferred that we sampled the outer edge of the eddy and not its core. From an analysis of the water properties within the eddy and a comparison with known properties in the SE Atlantic Ocean and SW Indian Ocean, we conclude that the eddy was formed in the Agulhas Retroflection region. We speculate that the eddy was the result of an instability in the NADW slope current, which flows from the SE Atlantic around the Agulhas Bank. A deeply penetrating Agulhas Ring spun up the deep waters, pinching off an eddy, which later detached from the slope current and was carried southward. Once offshore, it coupled with the surface Agulhas Return Current, whose meandering path advected the eddy northeastward and ejected it over the Agulhas Plateau.  相似文献   

Observations from a five-mooring array deployed in the vicinity of Sedlo Seamount over a 4-month period, together with supporting hydrographic and underway ADCP measurements, are described. Sedlo Seamount is an elongated, intermediate depth seamount with three separate peaks, rising from 2200 m water depth to summit peaks between 950 and 780 m depth, located at 40°20′N, 26°40W. Currents measured in depth range 750 and 820 m – the layer close to the summit depth of the shallowest southeast peak – showed a mean anti-cyclonic flow around the seamount, with residual current velocities of 2–5 cm s−1. Significant mesoscale variability was present at this level, and this is attributed to the weak and variable background impinging flow. Stronger, more persistent currents were found at the summit mooring as a result of tidal rectification and some weak amplification. Below 1300 m, currents were extremely weak, even close to the seabed. Time series of relative vorticity for the depth layer 750–820 m showed persistent anti-cyclonic vorticity except for two periods of cyclonic vorticity. A mean relative vorticity of −0.06f (f=the local Coriolis frequency) was calculated from a triangle of current meters located at the flanks of the seamount. Modelling results confirmed that anti-cyclonic flow above the seamount was likely due to Taylor Cone generation driven by a combination of steady impinging and tidally rectified flow. The closed circulation pattern over the seamount was found to extend to ∼150 m above the summit level, consistent with simple idealised theory and the supporting hydrographic observations. At shallower depths (<500 m) model simulations predicted a predominantly cyclonic recirculation most likely controlled by topographic steering along the zonal axis of the seamount. There was some indication of flow reversal at these depths from Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measurements carried out at one hydrographic survey. The model results were in good agreement with observations at the seamount summit, but were unable to reproduce the mesoscale variability patterns recorded in shallower layers. Kinetic energy patterns derived from the model revealed high variability in the oceanic far field downstream of the seamount summit probably as a result of complex flow interaction along the chain of seamount peaks. Possible impacts of the flow dynamics on the biological functioning at Sedlo Seamount and its surroundings are discussed.  相似文献   

To assess the magnitude, distribution and fate of net community production (NCP) in the Chukchi Sea, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), and particulate organic carbon (POC) and particulate organic nitrogen (PON) were measured during the spring and summer of 2004 and compared to similar observations taken in 2002. Distinctive differences in hydrographic conditions were observed between these two years, allowing us to consider several factors that could impact NCP and carbon cycling in both the Chukchi Shelf and the adjacent Canada Basin. Between the spring and summer cruises high rates of phytoplankton production over the Chukchi shelf resulted in a significant drawdown of DIC in the mixed layer and the associated production of DOC/N and POC/N. As in 2002, the highest rates of NCP occurred over the northeastern part of the Chukchi shelf near the head of Barrow Canyon, which has historically been a hotspot for biological activity in the region. However, in 2004, rates of NCP over most of the northeastern shelf were similar and in some cases higher than rates observed in 2002. This was unexpected due to a greater influence of low-nutrient waters from the Alaskan Coastal Current in 2004, which should have suppressed rates of NCP compared to 2002. Between spring and summer of 2004, normalized concentrations of DIC in the mixed layer decreased by as much as 280 μmol kg−1, while DOC and DON increased by ∼16 and 9 μmol kg−1, respectively. Given the decreased availability of inorganic nutrients in 2004, rates of NCP could be attributed to increased light penetration, which may have allowed phytoplankton to increase utilization of nutrients deeper in the water column. In addition, there was a rapid and extensive retreat of the ice cover in summer 2004 with warmer temperatures in the mixed layer that could have enhanced NCP. Estimates of NCP near the head of Barrow Canyon in 2004 were ∼1500 mg carbon (C) m−2 d−1 which was ∼400 mg C m−2 d−1 higher than the same location in 2002. Estimates of NCP over the shelf-break and deep Canada Basin were low in both years, confirming that there is little primary production in the interior of the western Arctic Ocean due to near-zero concentrations of inorganic nitrate in the mixed layer.  相似文献   

Biochemical and productivity measurements and nutrient enrichment experiments were conducted on three cruises in summer and two cruises in winter on the shelf and the basin of the northern South China Sea (SCS) between 2001 and 2004. Phytoplankton production, in terms of depth-integrated new production (INP) or depth-integrated primary production (IPP), was higher in winter than in summer and on the shelf than in the basin. In winter, with deepening of the mixed layer, nitrate from the shallow nitracline that characterized the SCS waters was made available in the surface and supported the highest production of the year. Averaged INP measured in winter (0.25 g C m−2 d−1) was about twice the summer average (0.12 g C m−2 d−1) and was 0.19 g C m−2 d−1 on the shelf compared with 0.15 g C m−2 d−1 in the basin. In winter, average INP on the shelf was higher than the basin (0.34 versus 0.21 g C m−2 d−1); whereas in summer, averaged INP on the shelf (0.13 g C m−2 d−1) and the basin (0.11 g C m−2 d−1) were similar. While averaged IPP measured in the basin was higher in winter than in summer (0.53 versus 0.35 g C m−2 d−1), IPP on the shelf showed little temporal variation (0.82 in winter versus 0.84 g C m−2 d−1 in summer). Considerable spatial and inter-annual variation in production was measured in the shelf waters during summer, which could be linked to discharge volume and plume flow direction of the Zhujiang River. While the shelf waters in summer were mostly nitrogen starved or nitrogen and phosphorus co-limited, excessive river runoff may cause the nutritive state to shift to phosphorus deficiency. Waters with low surface salinities and high fluorescence from riverine mixing could be found extending from the Zhujiang mouth to as far as offshore southern Taiwan after a typhoon passed the northern SCS and brought heavy rainfall. Overall, both nutrient advection in winter and river discharge from the China coast in summer made new nitrogen available and shaped the dynamics of phytoplankton production in these oligotrophic waters.  相似文献   

Surface distribution (0–100 m) of zooplankton biomass and specific aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (AARS) activity, as a proxy of structural growth, were assessed during winter 2002 and spring 2004 in the Labrador Sea. Two fronts formed by strong boundary currents, several anticyclonic eddies and a cyclonic eddy were studied. The spatial contrasts observed in seawater temperature, salinity and fluorescence, associated with those mesoscale structures, affected the distributions of both zooplankton biomass and specific AARS activity, particularly those of the smaller individuals. Production rates of large organisms (200–1000 μm) were significantly related to microzooplankton biomass (63–200 μm), suggesting a cascade effect from hydrography through microzooplankton to large zooplankton. Water masses defined the biomass distribution of the three dominant species: Calanus glacialis was restricted to cold waters on the shelves while Calanus hyperboreus and Calanus finmarchicus were widespread from Canada to Greenland. Zooplankton production was up to ten-fold higher inside anticyclonic eddies than in the surrounding waters. The recent warming tendency observed in the Labrador Sea will likely generate weaker convection and less energetic mesoscale eddies. This may lead to a decrease in zooplankton growth and production in the Labrador basin.  相似文献   

Sulfate reduction rate measurements by the 35SO42− core injection method were carried out in situ with a benthic lander, LUISE, and in parallel by shipboard incubations in sediments of the Black Sea. Eight stations were studied along a transect from the Romanian shelf to the deep western anoxic basin. The highest rates measured on an areal basis for the upper 0–15 cm were 1.97 mmol m−2 d−1 on the shelf and 1.54 mmol m−2 d−1 at 181 m water depth just below the chemocline. At all stations sulfate reduction rates decreased to values <3 nmol cm−3 d−1 below 15 cm depth in the sediment. The importance of sulfate reduction relative to the total mineralization of organic matter was very low, 6%, on the inner shelf, which was paved with mussels, and increased to 47% on the outer shelf at 100 m depth. Where the oxic–anoxic interface of the water column impinged on the sea floor at around 150 m depth, the contribution of sulfate reduction increased from >50% just above the chemocline to 100% just below. In the deep sea, mean sulfate reduction rates were 0.6 mmol m−2 d−1 corresponding to an organic carbon oxidation of 1.3 mmol m−2 d−1. This is close to the mean sedimentation rate of organic carbon over the year in the western basin. A comparison with published data on sulfate reduction in Black Sea sediments showed that the present results tend to be higher in shelf sediments and lower in the deep-sea than most other data. Based on the present water column H2S inventory and the H2S flux out of the sediment, the calculated turnover time of H2S below the chemocline is 2100 years.  相似文献   

A transect of CTD profiles crossing the North Atlantic Current (NAC) along WOCE line ACM6 near 42.5°N during August 1–7, 1993, provides geostrophic shear velocity profiles, which were absolutely referenced using simultaneous POGO transport float measurements and velocity measurements from a ship-mounted acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP). The NAC absolute transport was 112±23×106 m3 s−1, which includes a portion of the transport of the Mann Eddy, a large permanent anticyclonic eddy commonly adjacent to the NAC. The NAC transport estimated relative to a level of no motion at the bottom would have underestimated the true total absolute transport by 20%. A surprisingly large 58×106 m3 s−1 flowed southward just inshore of the NAC. This flow, centered near 1500 dbars about 200 km offshore of the shelf-break, was fairly barotropic with a peak velocity of greater than 20 cm s−1, and the water mass characteristics were of Labrador Sea Water. These absolute transport observations suggest southward recirculation inshore of the NAC at 42.5°N and a stronger NAC than has previously been observed.  相似文献   

We use hydrographic and buoy data to compare the initial temperature fields and Lagrangian evolution of water parcels in two vortices generated by the southward flowing Canary Current passing around the island of Gran Canaria Island. One vortex is anticyclonic, shed in June 1998 as the result of an incident current of about 0.05 m s−1, and the second one is cyclonic, shed in June 2005 with the impinging current estimated as 0.03 m s−1. The two vortices exhibit contrasting characteristics yet display some important similarities. The isopycnals are depressed in the core of the anticyclonic vortex, at least down to a depth of 700 m, whilst they dome up in the core of the cyclonic vortex but only down to 450 m. In the top 300 m the depression/doming of the isotherms is similar for both vortices, with a maximum vertical displacement of the isotherm of about 80 m, which correspond to temperature anomalies of some 2.5 °C at a given depth. A simple method is developed to obtain the initial orbital velocity field from the temperature data, from which we estimate peak values of 0.7 and 0.5 m s−1 for the anticyclonic and cyclonic vortices, respectively. The buoys, three for the anticyclonic vortex and two for the cyclonic one, were drougued at 100 m depth, below the surface mixed layer, and their initial velocities are consistent with the above values. In both vortices, the buoys revolve either within a central core, where the rotation rate remains stable and large for several weeks, or in an outer ring, where the rotation rate is significantly smaller and displays large radial fluctuations. Within the inner core the anticyclonic vortex has significant inward radial velocity, while the cyclonic vortex has near-zero radial mean motions. The cyclonic vortex rotates more slowly than the anticyclonic, their initial periods being 4.5 and 2.5 days, respectively. A simple axisymmetric model with radial diffusion (coefficient Kh≅25 m2 s−1) and advection reproduces the observations reasonably well, the diffusive effect being more important than that resulting from the observed radial advection. The model also supports the hypothesis that the rotation rate of cyclonic vortices is less than that of anticyclonic vortices, as otherwise they would become inertially unstable. Both the buoys data and sea surface temperature images confirm that the vortices evolve from youth to maturity, as the cores shrink and the outer rings expands, and then to a decay stage, as the core rotation rates decrease, though frequent interactions with other mesoscale structures result in more accelerated aging. Despite these interaction they last many months as coherent structures south of the Canary Islands.  相似文献   

Year-long Lagrangian trajectories within the Labrador Sea Water of the eastern North Atlantic Ocean are analysed for basic flow statistics. Root-mean-square velocities at 1750 m depth are about 2 cm/s, except within the North Atlantic Current, where they are twice as large. These values are consistent with previous Eulerian measurements and extend those results to a much larger domain of the eastern basin. Mean flow estimates in boxes large enough to contain about 1 float-year of data indicate that Labrador Sea Water, having crossed the Mid- Atlantic Ridge (not resolved) near 50–55°N, presumably with the North Atlantic Current, partially recirculates to the north in the subpolar gyre, as well as entering the subtropical gyre and continuing south and west. The circulation of this water mass, as defined by the 1 yr average velocities, is stronger than traditional models of deep circulation would suggest, with an interior flow of roughly 1 cm/s. Mean speeds up to 3 cm/s were observed, with the highest values near the Azores Plateau. North of 45°N–55°N, mean eastward speeds closer to 0.2 cm/s were observed. Wind-generated barotropic fluctuations may be responsible for some part of the transport at this depth.  相似文献   

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