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Transformation of internal tidal waves over the Guinean shelf is studied on the basis of theoretical and field research. This area is characterized by the presence of a narrow high-frequency waveguide. Internal tides propagating over the shelf are similar to shock waves. Short-period oscillations with an amplitude of 15 m develop at the wave's fore front. A shock wave is generated at the phase of a syzygial tide.Translated by V. Puchkin.  相似文献   

Material transport through the shelf edge to the deep ocean determines the fate of particulate matter generated in productive coastal seas. In stratified estuaries, onshore flow in the bottom layer generally keeps particulate matter generated in the upper layer and settled down to the bottom layer within the estuaries. AT the shelf edge of Tokyo Bay under the condition of average onshore flow in the bottom layer, we observed higher vertical sediment flux during ebb than flood tidal currents. The on-shelf and off-shelf differences in turbulent mixing and water depth mainly cause such difference in sediment flux. We propose to call this export process of particulate matter the tidal pump at the shelf edge.  相似文献   

We study nonlinear three-wave interactions between edge waves propagating in the same direction over the shelf step. The conditions of synchronism are determined and the coefficient of interaction is computed for the cases where the waves of the five lowest modes participate in the interaction. The space-time dynamics is studied by analyzing, as an example, a single triad of edge waves. The possibility of interaction of edge waves in the regions with actual topography is demonstrated. __________ Translated from Morskoi Gidrofizicheskii Zhurnal, No. 3, pp. 3–19, May–June, 2008.  相似文献   

Within the framework of the linear shallow-water theory, the dynamics of edge waves over a shelf characterized by a cylindrical bottom relief is investigated under the assumption that shelf parameters vary slowly in the alongshore direction. An asymptotic theory and an energy approach are used to calculate the amplitude of the edge wave. In the analytic form, the results are obtained for shelves of three different profiles with parameters varying along the shore: an infinite linear profile, a concave exponential profile, and a stepwise profile.  相似文献   

《Progress in Oceanography》2002,52(2-4):171-194
As a contribution to ocean-shelf exchange studies, the Sediment Transport and Boundary Layer Equipment STABLE has been deployed west of Spain near 42°40’N in 200m water depth, in December and August, and at three other continental shelf edge and slope locations off north-west Europe. Turbulence at 8Hz and acoustic back-scatter at 4Hz were measured at three levels between 0.3 and 1 m above the bed.Typically the speed profile shows little shear; the turbulence data are necessary to estimate near-bed stress. Reynolds stress and total turbulence energy approaches give consistent results; total turbulence results appear more robust but can be affected by long surface waves. Typical peak values of friction velocity u1 per tide were 10 mm/s off Spain and 7–18 mm/s at the other locations, and they were asymmetric owing to along-slope flow. Record maxima were 30 mm/s, 11–48 mm/s respectively, sufficient to move local sediment except for a short ‘event-free’ record at Goban Spur. Acoustic backscatter (SPM) showed peaks matching peaks of u1 or waves in the case of winter deployments off Scotland and Spain.Comparison of these STABLE measurement periods with contemporary current records of longer duration suggests that bed stresses in all these upper-slope locations are often sufficient to move the local sediment. Off Spain, shelf sediments are re-suspended and transported down-current. The sandy fraction settles soon, but the fine fraction (wS < 0.1 mm/s) is progressively winnowed down-current to the shelf edge, suggesting export of the bound organic matter.  相似文献   

The abrupt depth increase which characterises the edge of many continental shelves determines a reduced horizontal length scale and a localised transition from shelf seas to the deep ocean. Particular forms of motion which may arise from the steep slopes include topographically guided currents along the slope, shelf-break upwelling, topographic Rossby waves and internal lee waves in the tidal current. The ocean/shelf mismatch may lead to a clear separation of water types, substantial reflection (from the shelf-edge neighbourhood) of all oceanic and shelf motions with periods greater than a few hours, and interaction between barotropic and baroclinic motions. Unstable longshelf currents, interleaving water masses, strong internal tides and internal waves, and narrow canyons enhance mixing across the shelf edge.  相似文献   

Sea-bottom pressure gauges were used to measure sea levels at two points on the shelf off the southern coast of Satsuma Peninsula, Kyushu, Japan. Spectral analysis of the observed records and the tide-gauge record of Makurazaki Harbor revealed several predominant common peaks. At the same time, the eigenmodes for the trapped waves on the shelf and inside Makurazaki Bay were obtained numerically using a two-dimensional model, and the periods and the spatial distribution of amplitudes of the proper modes were obtained. A comparison of the calculated modes with the periods and phase patterns of the observed peaks clarified that peaks with periods of 19.5, 16, 13.3, and 12.2 minutes in the shelf region were the modes of standing-edge waves, and the peak with the period of 16 minutes in Makurazaki Harbor was the fundamental mode of the harbor. Among the modes of standing-edge waves, the mode of the period 16 minutes on the shelf had nearly the same period as that of the fundamental mode of Makurazaki Harbor. An analysis of changes of spectral densities of these two modes confirmed that the fundamental mode of the Makurazaki Harbor was induced by this standing-wave mode.  相似文献   

We have determined the energetic and spatial characteristics of baroclinic and barotropic tidal semi-diurnal fluctuations using the current temperature and velocity data collected by 12 self-contained buoy stations (SCBS) near the shelf of the Republic of Guinea at depths ranging from 50 to 1000 m. Intensive baroclinic motion was observed to prevail near the bottom within the depth range 100–1000 m. The energy of long waves largely propagated from the bottom to the surface, whereas the energy of short waves was transferred in the opposite direction.Translated by V. Puchkin.  相似文献   

Numerical experiments are performed on shelf waves forced by wind stress with a spectral peak around a period of 100 hr. Water depth in the numerical model is a function of offshore distance only and resembles a bathymetric profile off the Fukushima coast. A pair of vortices alined in the offshore direction and a large vortex are reproduced and they propagate southward outside the forced region. Judging from the propagation speed, the former corresponds to the second-mode and the latter to the first-mode shelf waves. In the forced region, the propagation speed of a trough and a ridge is slow, 3–5km hr–1. These propagation characteristics reproduce those observed along the Fukushima coast and this propagation speed corresponds to that of second-and third-mode shelf waves. Thus, it is concluded that the periodical current fluctuations observed in the inshore region along the Fukushima coast are due to motions associated with the second-and third-mode shelf waves.  相似文献   

Past observations and theories have indicated the importance of the constitution of the lowest-mode of shelf waves to the velocity field. However, significant contributions of the higher mode waves to current velocity fluctuations in the vicinity of the coast are suggested in observational results obtained along the Fukushima coast in Pt. I of this study (Kubota et al., 1981). To understand the importance of the higher modes, the generation of shelf waves is investigated theoretically by two methods. First, the generation of long shelf waves by monochromatic forcing is examined, and it is concluded that near the coast the second mode's contribution to the longshore velocity is the largest for the Fukushima coast. Second, the response of shelf waves to broad-band forcing is investigated by taking the dispersive characteristics of shelf waves into consideration. It is concluded that shelf waves with zero group velocity are selectively excited if the forcing has a broad-band spectrum. According to observational results obtained along the Fukushima coast, the wind spectrum has a broad peak at about 100 hours (Kubota et al., 1981). Since the third mode of shelf waves has zero group velocity around the period of 100 hours, the third mode can be selectively generated off the Fukushima coast. From this it is suggested that the Fukushima coast is in the forced region and that observed current fluctuations are motions associated with the second- and third-mode shelf waves.  相似文献   

The tidal ice drift is treated as an element of the three-dimensional tidal dynamics in a sea covered by ice. This dynamics is described by the QUODDY-4 finite-element model, and the tidal ice drift is described by a continuous viscous-elastic approximation. We present the results of modeling not only the tidal ice drift (M 2 wave) (its velocity, direction, and tidal variations in the concentration and pressure of ice compression) but also ice-induced changes in tidal dynamics and the residual tidal ice drift. The modeling results indicate that the maximum velocity of tidal ice drift, which is determined by a combination of various factors responsible for ice evolution and primarily by the horizontal gradient of the level and local tidal velocity, can be higher or lower than the velocity of the surface tidal current in the ice-free sea. This depends on the sign of deviations of tidal sea level elevations in the sea covered by ice from their values in the ice-free sea. In addition, it has been found that ice cover has a stronger effect on the energetics of tides than on their dynamics: the area-mean relative deviations constitute 1.5% for the density of the total tidal energy, 61.5% for the dissipation, 0.1% for the amplitudes of tidal sea level elevations, and 0.9% for the amplitudes of maximum barotropic tidal velocity. In this sense, the conclusion that the role of sea ice is insignificant in the formation of tides can be justified only partially. The main results of this paper are as follows: (1) the development of a module for tidal ice drift, (2) the inclusion of this module into the three-dimensional finite-element hydrothermodynamic model QUODDY-4 to extend its capabilities, and (3) the reproduction (on the basis of the modified model) of qualitative features of the practically important tidal ice drift and ice-induced changes in the tidal dynamics of marginal seas on the Siberian continental shelf.  相似文献   

The AMANDES project aims to study transports from the Andean mountains to the Atlantic Ocean through the Amazon system. This requires realistic estuarine modelling in this area strongly forced by tides and river discharge. As none of the existing models for this region would fit the actual needs of the project, a specific new generation model has been implemented.The model is based on the hydrodynamic finite element model T-UGOm. In a first step, we limit our investigations to tidal dynamics. As the Amazon estuary is a very shallow macro-tidal area, it is necessary to improve the available bathymetries and to develop a precise bottom friction parametrisation.In this paper, we discuss the implementation of a high resolution regional model. This allows us to develop a precise and accurate tidal model: for instance, the overall root mean square error on complex differences is reduced from 54 cm in a standard model to 27 cm in our best model. Such precise and accurate tidal modelling is a prerequisite for modelling particle transport.  相似文献   

The coastal ocean meets the deep sea at the continental shelf edge. Questions of global change entail elucidation of the processes that determine the quantities, transformation and fate of materials transported between the shelf and ocean, the measurement and definition of exchange processes, and the development of prognostic models of exchanges.Physical processes control the large-scale movement and irreversible small-scale mixing of water and its constituents. At the shelf edge, steep bathymetry may inhibit ocean-shelf exchange, but in combination with stratification gives rise to special processes and modelling challenges.A preliminary assessment is made of coastal-trapped waves; along-slope currents, instability and meanders; eddies; upwelling, fronts and filaments; downwelling, cascading; tides, surges; internal tides and waves as potentially influential processes in ocean-shelf exchange, water-mass structure and general circulation, according to their scales and context. For this purpose, theory and previous measurements are interpreted.Future studies needed to improve this assessment are discussed.  相似文献   

Observations of resuspended diatoms in the shallow waters (<60 cm) of the turbid tidal edge are described for single sites on two tidal flats–the Molenplaat in the Westerschelde estuary, and the Hond in the Ems-Dollard estuary, The Netherlands. High concentrations of chlorophyll-a (chl-a) were observed in the trailing edge of the ebbing tide in water depths of <20 cm, after which concentrations decreased markedly. Peak mean values were 19 μg chl-a l−1 in 10 cm of water at the Molenplaat, and 45 μg chl-a l−1 in 5 cm of water at the Hond. Similar trends were observed on the flooding tide, although peak values were far less pronounced (6 and 30 μg chl-a l−1 respectively). Microscopic examination of the diatom community within the turbid tidal edge at the Molenplaat revealed that peaks in biomass were caused by suspended benthic diatoms, as well as the large centric diatom Coscinodiscus sp., particularly on the ebb tide. Planktonic diatoms other than Coscinodiscus sp. were more randomly distributed and did not appear to follow any particular trend. It would seem that as the tide recedes, resuspended benthic diatoms and large Coscinodiscus sp. cells become concentrated in the shallow water. However, the virtual absence of Coscinodiscus sp. from the leading edge of the flooding tide suggests that most of the resuspended cells do not settle to the seabed, but are washed away into the channels. The small peak of benthic diatoms at the leading edge of the flood tide is most likely resuspended locally from the sediment, along with large numbers of diatom frustules.  相似文献   

General characteristics of topographically trapped subinertia waves are discussed from the viewpoint of an eigenvalue problem and ray theory. Special attention is paid to the slope parameterS(x) (=(dh/dx)/h, wherex denotes the coordinate perpendicular to the shoreline, increasing seaward, andh(x) is the depth) which is a measure of the strength of the restoring force of the waves. Three cases for theS distribution are considered, in whichS is assumed to be positive at the coast and to tend to zero far from the coast. The first is whereS(x) decreases monotonically towards the open ocean. It is found in this case that waves are trapped near the coast. The second is whereS(x) does not decrease monotonically, but has a maximum. It is concluded that this case may contain two types of waves, i.e., those trapped near the coast and those trapped near the maximum, and the dispersion curves corresponding to different types may nearly intersect, namely, result in “kissing”. The third is whereS(x) has a negative region (corresponding to the presence of a trench). It is found in this case that an infinite sequence of waves is trapped in the negativeS region which propagate with the coast to their left (right) in the northern (southern) hemisphere besides the waves trapped near the coast. The topography in the second case corresponds to a typical continental shelf and a typical continental slope. It is shown by model calculation that trapped waves are present over the continental slope as well as over the continental shelf. Almost the same results are obtained for superinertia waves ifS is replaced by 1/h which is a measure of the restoring force of superinertia waves.  相似文献   

利用2014–2017年在台湾海峡西部采集的多波束、单道地震剖面、沉积物粒度样品及海流监测资料,在厦门湾近岸陆架区识别出一系列海底沙波,并对沙波的形态特征、分布规律和沉积物组成特征进行分析,探讨水动力条件及其对沙波发育的影响.结果表明沙波发育区水深一般为10~60 m,地形较平缓开阔,坡度一般为0°~1°;平面上沙波区...  相似文献   

Shelf break systems are highly dynamic environments. However little is known about the influence that benthic interactions and water mass mixing may have on vertical distributions of iron in these systems. Dissolved Fe (< 0.4 μm) concentrations were measured in samples from nine vertical profiles across the upper slope (150–2950 m water depth) at the Atlantic Ocean–Celtic Sea shelf break. Dissolved iron concentrations varied between less than 0.2 and 5.4 nM, and the resulting detailed section showed evidence of a range of processes influencing the Fe distributions. The near sea floor data were interpreted in terms of release and removal processes. The concentrations of dissolved Fe present in near seabed waters were consistent with release of Fe from in situ remineralisation of particulate organic matter at two upper slope stations, and possibly release from pore water upon resuspension on shelf. Lateral transport of dissolved iron was evident from elevated Fe concentrations in an intermediate nepheloid layer and its advection along isopycnals. Surface waters at the shelf break also showed evidence of vertical mixing of deeper iron-rich waters. These waters contained macronutrients that sustained primary productivity in these otherwise nutrient-depleted surface waters. The data also suggest some degree of stabilisation of relatively high concentrations of iron, presumably through ligand association or as colloids. This study supports the view that lateral export of dissolved iron to the interior of the ocean from shelf and coastal zones and may have important implications for the global budget of oceanic iron.  相似文献   

This paper presents evidence for the presence of shallow-water contourite drifts on the south-western shelf and shelf edge off Mallorca in water depths between 150 and 275?m. These are called the Mallorca contourite depositional system (CDS). The elongate-mounded shallow-water CDS in this area is ascribed to an offshoot of the Balearic Current, which flows north to south through the Mallorca Channel as part of the overall thermohaline circulation in the Mediterranean Sea. Drift geometry suggests that the north?Csouth current is deflected into an east?Cwest flow pattern by interaction with a marked seafloor bathymetry, associated with major fault displacement. Four seismic units separated by three prominent discontinuities can be identified. The three internal discontinuities are correlated to large-scale basin-wide events: the lower Pliocene revolution (4.2?Ma), the upper Pliocene revolution (2.4?Ma) and the mid-Pleistocene revolution (0.9?Ma). The Plio-Quaternary succession has been deposited on top of a Miocene reef, which serves as an acoustic basement and is affected by a large fault, offsetting the basement on average by 150?m. Marked erosional features throughout and further incision of the Sant Jordi Channel along the basement fault in the Pleistocene deposits indicate stronger currents in this period. The Pleistocene deposits also show a pronounced cyclicity, which is tentatively ascribed to climatic variations and the effects of eustatic sea-level fluctuation over the south-western Mallorca shelf at that time.  相似文献   

The general statement of a non-linear problem in modelling a barotropic tide for the limited part of a real shelf and the problems related to artificial division of the computation area in the ocean by a liquid boundary are considered. Linear combinations of various types of boundary conditions and analytical expressions are used to describe the tidal wave structure at the liquid boundaries. The results of test computations for basins with the simplest outlines are given. The model is used to reconstruct the spatial distribution of characteristics of theM 2 tide on the shelf of Guinea. The methods of computation and specification of unambiguously determined model parameters are described. Joint analysis of the modelling results and the field data has been carried out. The tidal map of theM 2 wave is plotted for the area under investigation.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

Experimental data obtained in the summer of 2010 are used for the analysis of the intense internal waves and their relation with the barotropic tides. It is shown that these waves are characterized by significant nonlinearity with their amplitudes amounting to half values of the water depth and periods of tens of minutes. The contribution of intense internal waves to the vertical exchange is assessed.  相似文献   

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