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To enable detailed investigations of early stage hydrothermal plume formation and abiotic and biotic plume processes we developed a new oceanographic tool. The Suspended Particulate Rosette sampling system has been designed to collect geochemical and microbial samples from the rising portion of deep-sea hydrothermal plumes. It can be deployed on a remotely operated vehicle for sampling rising plumes, on a wire-deployed water rosette for spatially discrete sampling of non-buoyant hydrothermal plumes, or on a fixed mooring in a hydrothermal vent field for time series sampling. It has performed successfully during both its first mooring deployment at the East Pacific Rise and its first remotely-operated vehicle deployments along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. It is currently capable of rapidly filtering 24 discrete large-water-volume samples (30–100 L per sample) for suspended particles during a single deployment (e.g. >90 L per sample at 4–7 L per minute through 1 μm pore diameter polycarbonate filters). The Suspended Particulate Rosette sampler has been designed with a long-term goal of seafloor observatory deployments, where it can be used to collect samples in response to tectonic or other events. It is compatible with in situ optical sensors, such as laser Raman or visible reflectance spectroscopy systems, enabling in situ particle analysis immediately after sample collection and before the particles alter or degrade.  相似文献   

A new tool was developed for large volume sampling to facilitate marine microbiology and biogeochemical studies. It was developed for remotely operated vehicle and hydrocast deployments, and allows for rapid collection of multiple sample types from the water column and dynamic, variable environments such as rising hydrothermal plumes. It was used successfully during a cruise to the hydrothermal vent systems of the Mid-Cayman Rise. The Suspended Particulate Rosette V2 large volume multi-sampling system allows for the collection of 14 sample sets per deployment. Each sample set can include filtered material, whole (unfiltered) water, and filtrate. Suspended particulate can be collected on filters up to 142 mm in diameter and pore sizes down to 0.2 μm. Filtration is typically at flowrates of 2 L min−1. For particulate material, filtered volume is constrained only by sampling time and filter capacity, with all sample volumes recorded by digital flowmeter. The suspended particulate filter holders can be filled with preservative and sealed immediately after sample collection. Up to 2 L of whole water, filtrate, or a combination of the two, can be collected as part of each sample set. The system is constructed of plastics with titanium fasteners and nickel alloy spring loaded seals. There are no ferrous alloys in the sampling system. Individual sample lines are prefilled with filtered, deionized water prior to deployment and remain sealed unless a sample is actively being collected. This system is intended to facilitate studies concerning the relationship between marine microbiology and ocean biogeochemistry.  相似文献   

The design and testing of a robotic analyzer for autonomous TCO2 measurement from oceanographic moorings is described. The analyzer employs a conductimetric method of TCO2 measurement wherein CO2 from an acidified sample diffuses across a semi-permeable membrane into a NaOH solution decreasing the conductivity of the base. The instrument is capable of ~850 analyses over a period of at least six months. It is designed to operate to depths of at least 1000 m. TCO2 calibration is based on in situ standardization throughout a deployment.We report both laboratory and in situ tests of the analyzer. In the laboratory automated analyses over a period of 38 days at temperatures ranging from 8° to 25 °C yielded a TCO2 accuracy and precision of ±2.7 μmol/kg. In situ tests were conducted at the WHOI dock with a deployment of 8 weeks at in situ temperatures of 5°–13 °C. The accuracy and precision of TCO2 analyses over the deployment period, based on in situ calibration, was ±3.6 μmol/kg.Laboratory tests of reagent and standard solution stability are also reported. Standards, based on Certified Reference Material were followed for periods of up to 2 years. In all cases TCO2 increased. Drift of the standards was the equivalent of ~1 to 3 μmol/kg per 6 months. The conductivity indicator solution was found to be stable for at least 2 months.  相似文献   

The vertical sinking flux of particulate Al, Fe, Pb, and Ba from the upper 250 m of the Labrador Sea has been estimated from measurements of 234Th/238U disequilibrium and the respective metal/234Th ratios in >53 μm size particles. 234Th-derived particulate metal fluxes include in situ scavenged metals, labile lithogenic metals, and metals derived from external input (e.g., atmospheric supply). In contrast to the POC/234Th ratio, particle size-fractionated (0.4–10 μm, 10–53 μm, and >53 μm) Al/234Th, Fe/234Th and Pb/234Th, and Ba/234Th ratios generally increase with depth and exhibit no systematic change with particle diameter. Sinking fluxes of particulate Al (2.47–22.3 μmol m−2 d−1), Fe (2.69–16.3 μmol m−2 d−1), Pb (2.85–70 nmol m−2 d−1), and Ba (0.13–2.1 μmol m−2 d−1) at 50 m (base of the euphotic zone) and 100 m (base of the mixed layer) are largely within the range of previous sediment trap results from other ocean basins. Estimates of the upper ocean residence time of Al (0.07–0.28 yr) and Pb (0.8–2.9 yr) are short compared to previously reported values. The settling rate of >53 μm particles calculated from the 234Th data ranges from 14 to 38 m d−1.  相似文献   

We describe the performance of an inexpensive but highly sensitive light backscattering sensor (LBSS) suitable for use in deep-sea waters, where particle concentrations are typically <∼0.1 mg/l. Laboratory calibrations using aluminosilicate particles and latex spheres show that the concentration-normalized backscattering of the LBSS, Kbs, is greatest for particles with a diameter close to the wavelength of light emitted by the LBSS (0.88 μm), declining by more than a factor of five for particles <0.1 μm or >10 μm. Field studies indicate that in hydrothermal plumes dominated by fine-grained metal precipitates the 95% confidence interval for predicting mass concentration with an LBSS ranges from ±0.004 mg/l for 0.03 mg/l suspensions to ±0.008 mg/l at 0.12 mg/l. Comparisons among a group of 19 LBSSs found between-instrument variability to reach 70%, but normalizing the raw data using a laboratory calibration procedure reduced the maximum variability to ∼8%.  相似文献   

It is essential to maximize the information that can be gathered in deep-sea studies by thoroughly assessing sample processing methods. Nematodes are commonly used for the study and monitoring of deep-sea floor habitats, but the potential effects of different methods on the quantification of community attributes remain to be quantified. Here, we consider key methodological elements by comparing the effect of sediment depth and mesh size (63, 45, and 32 μm) on: (1) estimates of nematode community attributes, and (2) the sampling effort required to detect changes in these attributes at a bathyal site on the Chatham Rise, south-west Pacific Ocean. The 63 μm mesh retained most (95%) of the nematode biomass but a lower proportion (53–71%) of the nematode abundance. Retention efficiency of common species on this mesh ranged from 12 (Hapalomus sp.) to >88% (Comesomatidae spp.). The 63 μm mesh yielded significantly lower diversity estimates than the finer meshes, and failed to detect differences in community structure observed using the 45 and 32 μm mesh sizes. Sediment depth had a substantial effect on all measured community attributes, highlighting the importance of sufficient core penetration into the sediment (≥5 cm) for adequately characterizing nematode distribution. Power analysis showed that using a 32 μm mesh and deepest core penetration led to relatively few (3–8) samples being required to detect significant changes in nematode diversity indices relative to coarser mesh sizes. Characterization of nematode diversity and community structure using appropriate and robust methods of sampling is suggested as a sensitive and efficient tool for the assessment of anthropogenic impacts on deep-sea ecosystems.  相似文献   

Seven years (2001–2008) of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) vertical profiles were examined in order to assess the main processes determining DOC concentration and distribution in the meso- and bathypelagic layers of the Mediterranean Sea. As expected, DOC showed high and highly variable concentrations in the surface layer of 57–68 μM (average values between 0 and 100 m), with a decrease to 44–53 μM between 200 and 500 m. Deep DOC distribution was strongly affected by deep-water formation, with a significant increase to values of 76 μM in recently ventilated deep waters, and low concentrations, comparable to those observed in the open oceanic waters (34–45 μM), where the oldest, deep waters occurred. In winter 2004/2005 a deep-water formation event was observed and the consequent DOC export at depth was estimated to range between 0.76–3.02 Tg C month–1. In the intermediate layer, the main path of the Levantine Intermediate Water (LIW) was followed in order to estimate the DOC consumption rate in its core. Multiple regression between DOC, apparent oxygen utilization (AOU), and salinity indicated that 38% of the oxygen consumption was related to DOC mineralization when the effect of mixing was removed. In deep waters of the southern Adriatic Sea a DOC decrease of 6 μM, together with an AOU increase of 9 μM, was observed between the end of January 2008 and the end of June 2008 (5 months). These data indicate a rate of microbial utilization of DOC of about 1.2 μM C month−1, with 92% of the oxygen consumption due to DOC mineralization. These values are surprisingly high for the deep sea and represent a peculiarity of the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

An extensive 234Th data set was collected at two sites in the North Pacific: ALOHA, an oligotrophic site near Hawaii, and K2, a mesotrophic HNLC site in the NW Pacific as part of the VERTIGO (VERtical Transport In the Global Ocean) study. Total 234Th:238U activity ratios near 1.0 indicated low particle fluxes at ALOHA, while 234Th:238U ~0.6 in the euphotic zone at K2 indicated higher particle export. However, spatial variability was large at both sites—even greater than seasonal variability as reported in prior studies. This variability in space and time confounds the use of single profiles of 234Th for sediment trap calibration purposes. At K2, there was a decrease in export flux and increase in 234Th activities over time associated with the declining phase of a summer diatom bloom, which required the use of non-steady state models for flux predictions. This variability in space and time confounds the use of single profiles of 234Th for sediment trap calibration purposes. High vertical resolution profiles show narrow layers (20–30 m) of excess 234Th below the deep chlorophyll maximum at K2 associated with particle remineralization resulting in a decrease in flux at depth that may be missed with standard sampling for 234Th and/or with sediment traps. Also, the application of 234Th as POC flux tracer relies on accurate sampling of particulate POC/234Th ratios and here the ratio is similar on sinking particles and mid-sized particles collected by in-situ filtration (>10–50 μm at ALOHA and >5–350 μm at K2). To further address variability in particle fluxes at K2, a simple model of the drawdown of 234Th and nutrients is used to demonstrate that while coupled during export, their ratios in the water column will vary with time and depth after export. Overall these 234Th data provide a detailed view into particle flux and remineralization in the North Pacific over time and space scales that are varying over days to weeks, and 10's–100's km at a resolution that is difficult to obtain with other methods.  相似文献   

This overview compares and contrasts trends in the magnitude of the downward Particulate Organic Carbon (POC) flux with observations on the vertical profiles of biogeochemical parameters in the NE subarctic Pacific. Samples were collected at Ocean Station Papa (OSP, 50°N, 145°W), between 18–22 May 1996, on pelagic stocks/rate processes, biogenic particle fluxes (drifting sediment traps, 100–1000 m), and vertical profiles of biogeochemical parameters from MULVFS (Multiple Unit Large Volume Filtration System) pumps (0–1000 m). Evidence from thorium disequilibria, along with observations on the relative partitioning of particles between the 1–53 μm and >53 μm classes in the 50 m mixed layer, indicate that there was little particle aggregation within the mixed layer, in contrast to the 50–100 m depth stratum where particle aggregation predominated. Vertical profiles of thorium/uranium also provided evidence of particle decomposition occuring at depths ca. 150 m; heterotrophic bacteria and mesozooplankton were likely responsible for most of this POC utilisation. A water column carbon balance indicated that the POC lost from sinking particles was the predominant source of carbon for bacteria, but was insufficient to meet their demands over the upper 1000 m. While, the vertical gradients of most parameters were greatest just below the mixed layer, there was evidence of sub-surface increases in microbial viability/growth rates at depths of 200–600 m. The C:N ratios of particles intercepted by free-drifting and deep-moored traps increased only slightly with depth, suggesting rapid sedimentation even though this region is dominated by small cells/grazers, and the upper water column is characterised by long particle residence times (>15 d), a fast turnover of POC (2 d) and a low but constant downward POC flux.  相似文献   

The natural isotope 234Th is used in a small-scale survey of particle transport and exchange processes at the sediment–water interface in the Benguela upwelling area. Results from water and suspended particulate matter (SPM) samples from the uppermost and lowermost water column as well as the underlying sediment of three stations are compared. The stations are situated in different sedimentological environments at 1200–1350 m water depth at the continental slope off Namibia. Highly differing extent and particle content of the bottom nepheloid layer (BNL) are determined from transmissometer data. Three models are presented, all explaining the 234Th depletion of the BNL and 234Th excess of the surface sediment that were observed. While the first model is based solely on local resuspension of surface sediment particles, the second evaluates the influence of vertical particle settling from the surface waters on the 234Th budget in the BNL. The third model explains 234Th depletion in the BNL by sedimentation of particles that were suspended in the BNL during long-range transport. Particle inventory of the BNL is highest at a depocenter of organic matter at 25.5°S, where strong deposition is presently taking place and lateral particle transport is suggested to predominate sediment accumulation. This is supported by the high settling flux of particles out of the BNL into the sediments of the depocenter, exceeding the vertical particle flux into sediment traps at intermediate depth in the same area by up to an order of magnitude. High particle residence/removal times in the BNL above the depocenter in the range of 5–9 weeks support this interpretation. Comparison with carbon mineralization rates that are known from the area reveals that, notwithstanding the large fraction of advected particles, organic carbon flux into the surface sediment is remineralized to a large extent. The deployment of a bottom water sampler served as an in situ resuspension experiment and provided the first data of 234Th activity on in situ resuspended particles. We found a mean specific activity of 86 disintegrations per minute (dpm) g−1 (39–339 dpm g−1), intermediate between the high values for suspended particles (in situ pump: 580–760 dpm g−1; CTD rosette: 870–1560 dpm g−1) and the low values measured at the sediment surface (26–37 dpm g−1). This represents essential information for the modeling of 234Th exchange processes at the sediment–water interface.  相似文献   

We have developed, deployed, and tested a novel probe for study of the geochemistry of sediment pore waters based upon Raman spectroscopy. The Raman technique has already been used successfully for in situ measurements of targets of scientific interest including gas and hydrothermal vents and complex gas hydrates, but sediment geochemistry has so far been an intractable problem since the sediments themselves are strongly fluorescent and typically only very small sample volumes are obtainable. The 35 cm long probe extracts pore fluids through a 10 μm sintered metallic frit and draws the sample through a 2 mm diameter channel into a sapphire windowed optical cell within which the laser beam is focused and the spectrum recorded. The dead volume of the system is ~1 ml and the instrument is ROV deployable with activation of probe insertion and sample withdrawal under direct operator control. The unique features of this mode of detection include observation of the sulfate gradient in marine pore waters as an indicator of diagenesis, direct measurement of the dissolved sulfide species H2S and HS?, and measurement of dissolved methane; all of which are of primary geochemical interest. Quantitative analysis is achieved by area ratio to known water peaks and from standard calibration curves with a precision of ±5%. We find only very small fluorescence from pore waters measured in situ, but observe rapid increases in fluorescence from cores returned to the surface and exposed to oxygen.  相似文献   

We investigated the impact of sediment reworking fauna and hydrodynamics on mobilization and transport of organic matter and fine particles in marine sediments. Experiments were conducted in an annular flume using lugworms (Arenicola marina) as model organisms. The impact of lugworms on sediment characteristics and particle transport was followed through time in sediments experimentally enriched with fine particles (< 63 μm) and organic matter. Parallel experiments were run at low and high water current velocity (11 and 25 cm s 1) to evaluate the importance of sediment erosion at the sediment–water interface. There was no impact of fauna on sediment composition and particle transport at current velocity below the sediment erosion threshold. At current velocity above the erosion threshold, sediment reworking by lugworms resulted in dramatic particle transport (12 kg dry matter m 2) to an adjacent particle trap within 56 days. The transported matter was enriched 6–8 times in fine particles and organic matter when compared to the initial sediment. This study suggests that sediment reworking fauna is an important controlling factor for the particle composition of marine sediments. A. marina mediated sediment reworking greatly increases the sediment volume exposed to hydrodynamic forcing at the sediment–water interface, and through sediment resuspension control the content of fine particles and organic matter in the entire reworked sediment layer (> 20 cm depth).  相似文献   

Hydrological and sedimentological investigations were carried out off the Yellow River (Huanghe) mouth and the nearby Bohai Sea during August–September 2007 to examine the distribution and transport of suspended sediments. Our data witnessed that suspended sediments from the Yellow River mouth primarily extend southerly and southeasterly during the flood season. High suspended sediment concentration (SSC) occurs as turbid plume on both sides of the river mouth, where it can reach >20 mg l?1 in the surface water and >40 mg l?1 in the bottom water. Accordingly, salinity varies from 25 to 29 psu, mean grain size (Dmz) is >200 μm, and volume concentration (VC) is >100 μl l?1. High SSC was concentrated in the river mouth area as two muddy patches, i.e. the North Mud and South Mud, consisting mostly of fine-grained silt and clayey silt sediments. Our results have verified the larger extent of the South Mud than that of the North one, implicating south- and southeastward sediment dispersal paths that prevail near the river mouth area. The existing anti-clockwise and clockwise flows in the river mouth area were synthesized as the major hydrodynamics responsible for forming the two muddy patches. Tidal and residual currents are considered as the key hydrodynamic factors controlling the sediment distribution and transport in the region.  相似文献   

Distribution of larger protozoans (armoured dinoflagellates, tintinnids, heliozoans, radiolarians and foraminiferans >64 μm) is presented for three major water masses of the Southern Ocean: the Polar Front region (PFr), the southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current (southern ACC) and the northern Weddell Gyre. Sampling took place during the SO-JGOFS cruise ANT X/6 of R/V Polarstern (October–November 1992) along a meridional transect at 6°W between 48°00′S and 59°30′S. Multinet samples (64 μm mesh size) were taken at six stations from the surface down to 500 m depth at five different depth intervals. In the upper 100 m of the water column abundances of larger protozoans varied between 94 and 10,930 ind. m–3, with highest abundances in the PFr, where phytoplankton blooms occurred, and lowest values in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current–Weddell Gyre Boundary (AWB). Foraminiferans and polycystine and smaller (<300 μm) phaeodarian radiolarians dominated larger protozoan assemblages in the PFr. In open water of the southern ACC, tintinnids, armoured dinoflagellates, foraminiferans and smaller (<300 μm) phaeodarian radiolarians were equally important. The heliozoans Sticholonche spp. and nassellarian radiolarians dominated assemblages in the Weddell Gyre and AWB. Larger protozoan biomasses ranged between 2 and 674 μg C m−3 and were always dominated by larger (>300 μm) phaeodarians. Highest biomasses were found in the AWB between 200 and 500 m depth. Standing stocks of larger protozoans constituted a negligible fraction of zooplankton biomass in the upper 200 m of the water column. In deeper layers of the ice-covered Weddell Gyre and AWB their biomasses, dominated by larger (>300 μm) phaeodarians, was significant contributing up to 45% to total larger protozoan and metazoan biomass. Analysis of correlation between distribution patterns and environmental conditions at the stations sampled indicate that spring distribution patterns of heterotrophic armoured dinoflagellates, polycystine radiolarians and foraminiferans follow productivity in the water column. Of the protozoan groups studied the smaller (<300 μm) phaeodarian radiolarians also showed a significant correlation with productivity during spring, however, results from previous studies do not suggest a consistent pattern. Spring distribution patterns of other larger protozoans were not related to differences in productivity in the water column, and effects such as ice-cover, grazing or silica limitation might be determining. Dead radiolarian skeletons constituted on average 27, 8 and 11% of the population of nassellarians, spumellarians and smaller (<300 μm) phaeodarians, respectively. The contribution of dead radiolarian skeletons to total radiolarian stocks varied with depth and water mass. Differences between live and skeleton assemblages composition were observed. These differences should be taken into consideration when interpreting the geological record.  相似文献   

The bathymetric distribution, abundance and diel vertical migrations (DVM) of zooplankton were investigated along the axis of the Cap-Ferret Canyon (Bay of Biscay, French Atlantic coast) by a consecutive series of synchronous net hauls that sampled the whole water column (0–2000 m in depth) during a diel cycle. The distribution of appendicularians (maximum 189 individuals m−3), cladocerans (maximum 287 individuals m−3), copepods (copepods<4 mm, maximum 773 individuals m−3, copepods>4 mm, maximum 13 individuals m−3), ostracods (maximum 8 individuals m−3), siphonophores (maximum >2 individuals m−3) and peracarids (maximum >600 individuals 1000 m−3) were analysed and represented by isoline diagrams. The biomass of total zooplankton (maximum 18419 μg C m−3, 3780 μg N m−3) and large copepods (>4 mm maximum 2256 μg C m−3, 425 μg N m−3) also were determined. Vertical migration was absent or affected only the epipelagic zone for appendicularians, cladocerans, small copepods and siphonophores. Average amplitude of vertical migration was about 400–500 m for ostracods, some hyperiids and mysids, and large copepods, which were often present in the epipelagic, mesopelagic, and bathypelagic zones. Large copepods can constitute more than 80% of the biomass corresponding to total zooplankton. They may play an important role in the active vertical transfer of carbon and nitrogen.  相似文献   

A novel autonomous free-fall lander vehicle, with a capability down to 6000 m, was deployed off Cape Verde for studies on bioluminescence in the deep sea. The system was equipped with a high-sensitivity Intensified Silicon Intensified Target (ISIT) video camera, a programmable control-recording unit and an acoustic current meter with depth and temperature sensors. The ISIT lander was used in three modes: (1) free falling at 34 m min−1, with the camera looking downwards at a mesh screen, recording impacts of luminescent organisms to obtain a vertical profile down to the abyssal sea floor, sampling at >100 l s−1; (2) rotating, with the lander on the sea floor and the camera orienting to the bottom current using a servo-controlled turntable, impacts of luminescent organisms carried by the bottom current onto a mesh screen mounted 0.5 m in front of the camera were recorded to estimate abundance in the benthic boundary layer; (3) baited, with the camera focused on a bait placed on the sea floor.Profiles recorded abundance of luminescent organisms as 26.7 m−3 at 500–999 m depth, decreasing to 1.6 m−3 at 2000–2499 m and 0.5 m−3 between 2500 m and the sea floor at 4046 m, with no further detectable significant change with depth. Rotator measurements at a 0.5 m height above the sea floor gave a mean abundance of 0.47 m−3 in the benthic boundary layer at 4046 m and of 2.04 m−3 at 3200 m. Thirty five minutes after the bait was placed on the sea floor at 3200 m, bioluminescent fauna apparently arrived at the bait and produced luminescent displays at a rate of 2 min−1. Moving, flashing light sources were observed and luminescent material was released into the bottom current.  相似文献   

The distribution of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) and particulate organic carbon (POC) and nitrogen (PON) was studied on a transect perpendicular to the Catalan coast in the NW Mediterranean in June 1995. The transect covered a hydrographically diverse zone, including coastal waters and two frontal structures (the Catalan and the Balear fronts). The cruise was conducted during the stratified period, characterized by inorganic nutrient depletion in the photic zone and a well established deep chlorophyll a maximum. DOC concentrations were measured using a high-temperature catalytic oxidation method, and DON was determined directly, with an update of the Kjeldahl method, after removal of inorganic nitrogen.The ranges of DOC and DON concentrations were 44–95 μM-C and 2.8–6.2 μM-N. The particulate organic matter ranged between 0.9 and 14.9 μM-C and from 0.1 to 1.7 μM-N. The DOC : DON molar ratio averaged 15.5±0.4, and the mean POC : PON ratio was 8.6±0.6. The distribution of dissolved organic matter (DOM) was inverse to that of the salinity. The highest concentrations of DOM were found in coastal waters and in the stations affected by the Catalan front, located at the continental shelf break.It was estimated that recalcitrant DOM constituted 67% of the DOM pool in the upper 50 m. The data suggest that accumulation of DOC due to the decoupling of production and consumption may occur in the NW Mediterranean during stratification and that the organic matter exported from the photic layer is dominated by C-rich material.  相似文献   

The extreme birefringence of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) relative to other major components of marine particulate matter provides a basis for making optical in situ measurements of particulate inorganic carbon (PIC) in seawater. This concept was tested with a benchtop spectrophotometer equipped with a 1- and 10-cm path length sample cell and modified with linear polarizers to measure the birefringence of suspended particles. Sample suspensions containing 3–100% CaCO3 (by weight) were prepared from calcareous marine sediment material and varying amounts of non-birefringent diatomaceous earth. The samples ranged in total suspended material from 0.003 to 249 mg l−1 and PIC from 0.03 to 1820 μmol CaCO3 l−1. A positive relationship was observed between birefringence and PIC, with response falling off as the total particle concentration and the relative abundance of non-CaCO3 particles in the sample increased. Sensitivity increased linearly with optical path length, and absolute detection limits of 0.2–0.4 and 0.04–0.08 μmol CaCO3 l−1, respectively, were determined for path lengths of 1- and 10-cm based on the intrinsic signal noise of the modified spectrophotometer. Conventional (i.e., non-polarized) transmittance measurements were used to correct the birefringence signal for the sensitivity loss due to interference from scattering and absorption. Without further modification, this spectrophotometer-based method can be used (with a 10-cm cell) to quantify PIC in most surface ocean waters—including those influenced by coccolithophore blooms. The spectrophotometer results define performance requirements and design parameters for an in situ instrument capable of operating over the oceanic range of PIC.  相似文献   

Iron has been shown to limit phytoplankton growth in high-nutrient low-chlorophyll (HNLC) regions such as the NE subarctic Pacific. We report size-fractionated Fe-uptake rates by the entire plankton community in short (6–8 h) light and dark incubations along an E–W transect from P04 (a coastal ocean station) to OSP (an open-ocean HNLC station) during August–September 1997. Size-fractionated primary productivity and chl a were measured to monitor algal Fe : C uptake ratios and Fe-uptake relative to phytoplankton biomass. The >5.0 μm size-class, which consisted mostly of large diatoms, had the highest Fe-uptake rate at nearshore stations (P04 and P8), but Fe-uptake rates for this size class decreased despite increases in biomass and primary productivity when transecting westwards to HNLC waters. Fe-uptake rates of the small size class (0.2–1.0 μm, including heterotrophic bacteria and autotrophs) were inversely related to the >5.0 μm size-class uptake rates, in that stations with high dissolved Fe (DFe) concentrations had relatively low uptake rates compared to those in the low-Fe offshore region. The 1.0–5.0 μm size-class Fe-uptake rates were low, relatively invariant along the transect, and differed little between light and dark incubations. Dark Fe-uptake rates averaged 10–20% less than those in the light for the >5.0 μm size class. Dark uptake rates however, were higher than light uptake rates for the 0.2–1.0 μm size class at all stations. Fe : C uptake ratios were high for all size classes at P04, but decreased as DFe concentrations decreased offshore. The prokaryote-dominated 0.2–1.0 μm size class had the highest Fe : C uptake ratios at all stations. These data suggest that prokaryotic organisms make an important contribution to biological Fe uptake in this region. Our experiments support the results of previous culture work, suggesting higher Fe : C ratios in coastal phytoplankton compared to open-ocean species, and demonstrate that light can have a large effect on Fe partitioning between size classes in subarctic Pacific HNLC waters.  相似文献   

We investigated zooplankton distribution in September 2006/2007 at eight stations across Fram Strait in contrasting water masses ranging from cold Polar water to warm Atlantic water. Our main objectives were: (1) to describe the plankton community in the upper 200 m during autumn, and (2) to investigate the importance of small-sized copepods and protozooplankton in an arctic ecosystem when the majority of the large Calanus species had entered diapause. We sampled both with a WP-2 net and Go-Flo bottle and show that small copepods <1 mm are significantly undersampled using a WP-2 net with 90 μm mesh.Small copepods and protozooplankton made a significant contribution both in terms of abundance and total zooplankton biomass at all stations in September, when the large calanoid copepods had left the upper 200 m. The dominating group in the upper 60 m at all stations was Oithona spp. nauplii and their daily estimated grazing potential on the <10 μm phytoplankton ranged from 0.1% to 82% of the standing stock. Both Oithona copepodites and nauplii biomass showed a significantly positive relation with temperature, but not with potential food. Heterotrophic protozooplankton, on the other hand, were most likely bottom-up regulated by the availability of phytoplankton <10 μm. We hypothesise that Oithona nauplii and protozooplankton compete for food and conclude that there was a strong link between the zooplankton community and the microbial food web in Fram Strait.  相似文献   

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