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The Benthic Boundary Layer (BBL) assemblages from the Cap-Ferret Canyon (Bay of Biscay) were quantitatively sampled at two sites located within its main channel near mooring deployments (Mooring Sites MS 1: ca. 2400 m; MS 2: ca. 3000 m) with a suprabenthic sled equipped with four nets fishing at different heights above the bottom. The macrofaunal abundance above the sea-floor was mainly represented by Isopoda (42.2%), Amphipoda (19.0%), Euphausiacea (17.3%), Cumacea (13.5%), Mysidacea (2.8%) and Tanaidacea (2.6%). At both sampling sites, the highest total densities were generally recorded in the immediate vicinity of the sea floor (10–40 cm water layer), and a drastic decrease occurred higher in the BBL community. The BBL assemblages from the two sampling sites were similar in their faunal composition (major taxa), and their mean density estimates were not statistically different (MS 1 : 525.3 ind. 100 m−2; MS 2 : 283.3 ind. m−2) although the recorded values during each cruise were always lower at the deeper site. The BBL macrofauna abundance showed obvious temporal fluctuations at both sites, probably linked with a seasonal organic input from the euphotic zone (vertical flux) via phytodetritus deposition on the sea bottom.  相似文献   

Sedimentological and geochemical investigations of 45 box cores collected in various morphological settings of the Cap-Ferret Canyon (Bay of Biscay) are presented to document accurately present-day sedimentary processes on the eastern Atlantic continental slope. The magnitude and variations through time and space of the canyon's channelling or sinking effect on fine-grained particles behaviour in comparison with sediment flux across the continental margin was particularly considered and discussed:1. All the parameters (grain-size, carbonate and water content, major and trace elements), measured both in surface sediment and downcore, demonstrate that the characteristics at the sediment interface vary with water depth and with the morphological setting.2. Surface sediment is generally coarser-grained, more terrigenous and deposited at higher rate in the canyon than outside. The terrigenous particle supply must be preferentially directed and trapped within the canyon's depression due to present-day dynamic conditions.3. The downcore gradients reflected in grain-size variations yield information on settling processes. The coarse-grained population has the characteristics of a winnowed sediment similar to those on the outer shelf, while the fine-grained population has grain-size spectra very similar to the present-day fine-grained suspensions.4. The carbonate particles are partly derived from direct pelagic production (distinct grain-size distribution) and, like terrigenous grains, are partly reworked (similar downslope decrease in the coarse grained fraction). The relatively low CaCO3 content observed in the canyon, and its downward increase up to values observed at shallower depths, may result from a channelling of terrigenous suspensions within the canyon.5. At the present high sea-level stand, the canyon should become a trap for sediments without much gravity remobilisation, as indicated by a lack of sedimentary structures in box cores. However, a simple increase in sediment trapping can hardly account for the downcore gradients observed in the box cores. These trends, which are observed on other continental margins (Monaco et al., 1993, Journées spécialisées de la Soc. Géol. France: Géosciences Marines, 16–17 December 1994, Abstract p. 83.), indicate a probable increase in terrigenous supplies and/or in settling energy.  相似文献   

The response of benthic organisms to organic carbon fluxes in a continental margin region was studied by investigating the diet of the suprabenthic isopod Munnopsurus atlanticus, which is well represented on the southern margin of the Cap-Ferret Canyon (Bay of Biscay). The grain-size distribution, foraminiferal assemblages, particulate organic carbon and pigments found in the sediment and in the gut of the isopods were analyzed. These results suggest that M. atlanticus feeds on benthic agglutinated foraminifers which are in a high “nourishment state” and represent a link between primary and secondary producers.  相似文献   

The bathymetric distribution, abundance and diel vertical migrations (DVM) of zooplankton were investigated along the axis of the Cap-Ferret Canyon (Bay of Biscay, French Atlantic coast) by a consecutive series of synchronous net hauls that sampled the whole water column (0–2000 m in depth) during a diel cycle. The distribution of appendicularians (maximum 189 individuals m−3), cladocerans (maximum 287 individuals m−3), copepods (copepods<4 mm, maximum 773 individuals m−3, copepods>4 mm, maximum 13 individuals m−3), ostracods (maximum 8 individuals m−3), siphonophores (maximum >2 individuals m−3) and peracarids (maximum >600 individuals 1000 m−3) were analysed and represented by isoline diagrams. The biomass of total zooplankton (maximum 18419 μg C m−3, 3780 μg N m−3) and large copepods (>4 mm maximum 2256 μg C m−3, 425 μg N m−3) also were determined. Vertical migration was absent or affected only the epipelagic zone for appendicularians, cladocerans, small copepods and siphonophores. Average amplitude of vertical migration was about 400–500 m for ostracods, some hyperiids and mysids, and large copepods, which were often present in the epipelagic, mesopelagic, and bathypelagic zones. Large copepods can constitute more than 80% of the biomass corresponding to total zooplankton. They may play an important role in the active vertical transfer of carbon and nitrogen.  相似文献   

Primary production measurements were carried out during the five ECOFER cruises, in order to estimate the autochtonous contribution to particulate fluxes collected at two mooring sites, in the Cap-Ferret Canyon, from June 1989 to August 1991. Primary production rates are reported in relation to levels of chlorophyll and nitrogenous nutrients in the euphotic zone. Except in early spring, the water column remains stratified until the beginning of autumn surface-water cooling. During the stratified period, maximal chlorophyll concentrations were recorded at the bottom of the photic zone, near the 1% light depth, close to the nitracline; concentrations in some profiles were greater than those measured in surface waters during the early spring bloom. From June to October, a mean daily production of 0.4 g C m−2 may be used to estimate particulate fluxes, because the recorded variability was low. During April and May, mean daily production rates can be about 3–4 times higher. Extrapolation of our data gives an estimate of yearly production from 145 to 170 g C m−2 yr−1. The possibility of greater production rates, under stratified conditions, is discussed taking into account the occurrence of changes in the depth of the chlorophyll maximum during the day; such vertical movements could be caused by internal waves, particularly at the shelf break.  相似文献   

Large nematodes form an important component of deep‐sea macrofaunal assemblages, but are often considered to be part of the meiobenthos and are rarely studied. We analysed the standing stocks, diversity, and functional group and genus‐level composition of macrofaunal nematodes at lower bathyal depths (3,500 m water depth) in the Whittard Canyon system (NE Atlantic) and on the adjacent continental slope. Five replicate sample sets were obtained using a Megacorer, at four locations (three canyon branches, one slope). Sediment samples were processed on a 500‐μm mesh to provide both nematode and polychaete data from the same samples. The dominant nematode genera included Paramesacanthion, Metacylicolaimus, Cylicolaimus and Phanodermopsis. Nematode standing stocks (density and biomass) increased significantly from slope to canyon locations. Similarly, nematode dominance increased substantially (and diversity decreased) from slope to canyon locations. Nematode feeding groups and tail shape groups also appeared to exhibit common trends across study locations. Nematode genus‐level faunal composition varied significantly between slope and canyon locations. We describe and discuss the broadly similar trends detected in the matching polychaete data, noting some differences in the polychaete density and diversity responses. We suggest that the similar trends in macrofaunal nematode and polychaete ecology across our four study locations reflect responses to both changing sedimentology and food availability.  相似文献   

The temporal and depth distributions of phaeopigments were determined during a spring bloom in the northeastern Atlantic in 1990 using reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography. Phaeopigment concentrations were very low (<8% by mole relative to chlorophyll a) and two forms of phaeophorbide and two forms of phaeophytin were separated and quantified. Phaeophorbides were the dominant phaeopigments, accounting for 80% of the total phaeopigment molar concentration, and phaeopigments closely tracked the variations in chlorophyll a by increasing during the development phase of the bloom and decliningin the post bloom stage. Production of phaeopigments was found to occur predominantly at night, and these rates exceeded the rates of phaeopigment destruction during the day. Lower phaeopigment-chlorophyll a ratios were determined for the surface waters, suggesting that photodegradation was possibly the primary mechanism of phaeopigment disappearance in the euphotic zone. A comparison of phaeopigment data and phyto- and zooplankton structure indicates that greater phaeopigment production and grazing pressure occurred in the development phase when diatoms dominated, while grazing and phaeopigment production declined in the post bloom stage dominated by prymnesiophytes.  相似文献   

Fourteen neutrally buoyant SOFAR floats at a nominal depth of 1800 m were tracked acoustically for 3.7 yr in the vicinity of the western boundary and the equator of the Atlantic Ocean. The trajectories revealed a swift, narrow, southward-flowing deep western boundary current (DWBC) extending from 7N across the equator. Two floats crossed the equator in the DWBC and went to 10S. Two other floats left the DWBC and drifted eastward in the equatorial band (3S–3N). Three floats entered the DWBC from the equatorial current system and drifted southward. These results suggest that at times the DWBC flows directly southward across the equator with a mean velocity of 8–9 cm/s averaged over long distances (∼2800 km). At other times DWBC water is diverted eastward near the equator for long periods (2–3 yr), which can reduce the mean along-boundary velocity to 1–2 cm/s. This is much less than the instantaneous along-boundary velocities in the DWBC, which are often above 25 cm/s and occasionally exceed 50 cm/s. Mean eastward-flowing jets were observed near 2N and 2S bounding a mean westward jet centered on the equator (1S–1N). The southern jet at 2S coincides with a CFC-rich plume centered south of the equator. The CFC plume is inferred to have been advected by the southern jet across the Atlantic and into the Gulf of Guinea.  相似文献   

Particulate fluxes of trace elements (Al, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, P, Ti, V and Zn) in the northeast Atlantic Ocean (three positions at latitudes from 33°N to 54°N along ∼20°W) were measured using time-series sediment traps between March 1992 and September 1994. Significant variabilities of fluxes with season and depth (1000 m to maximum of 4000 m) were observed only for ‘biogenic elements’, such as Cd, Ni, Zn or P. On the other hand, we found a distinct large-scale increase of fluxes into the deep-sea traps to the south for Al, Co, Fe, Mn and V. We attribute this latitudinal gradient to the increasing influence of the Saharan dust plume. The biogenic flux decreased towards the south. This trend was clearly visible for Cd and P only. The fluxes of other ‘nutrient-like’ elements, such as Ni or Zn, exhibited a general decrease between 53°N and 33°N. We compared our sedimentation flux data with published data from the western North Atlantic basins. For this purpose we corrected the deep-sea fluxes of Cu, Mn, Ni and Zn for their lithogenic fractions on the basis of Al, with average crustal material and granitic rocks as references. The comparison indicates that these ‘excess’ fluxes are a factor of at least 2 higher in the western basins for the selected elements. Estimated fluxes are in good agreement with reported atmospheric deposition in the two areas. The noted imbalance between the non-lithogenic atmospheric input of Mn and the determined ‘excess flux’ in the deep northeast Atlantic indicates an additional input in the form of a lateral flux of dissolved Mn(II) species and scavenging onto sinking particles. With respect to the mechanism of sedimentation, a unique behaviour is noticed for the refractory elements Co, Fe, Mn, Ti and V, which were found to correlate with the vertical transport of Al (clay). The ‘excess’ fluxes of Cu, Ni and Zn are linearly related to Corg, whereas the overall relation of Cd to P fluxes exhibits a molar Cd/P ratio of 2.0×10-4, which is close to the ratio in the dissolved fractions in the northeast Atlantic.  相似文献   

This study provides new information about the composition, diversity and zoogeography of abyssal polychaetes in the little-studied South Eastern Atlantic (Angola Basin). During the austral winter of 2000, twenty-five box core samples (total area sampled 6 m2) were taken along a 500-km transect in five work areas at depths exceeding 5000 m. A total of 1047 individuals representing 86 species belonging to 32 families was collected. Well over half the polychaetes (58 species; 67%) appear to be new to science, with the highest number of new species among the Cirratulidae, Paraonidae, Phyllodocidae, Ampharetidae, Opheliidae, and Spionidae. Eight of these new species were among the 16 dominant species in the deep Angola Basin whereas, 32 species (37%) were considered to be rare with only 1–2 individuals collected. Species accumulation curves did not level off at a fixed number of species, indicating that diversity would increase with additional sampling. Polychaete community assemblages among box core samples were highly variable. Ten of the known species are biogeographically widespread outside the Angola Basin whereas five appear to be restricted to the deep Atlantic. Two species have only been recorded in the Southern Ocean, and one in the southern hemisphere. Twenty (35%) of the species considered to be new to science were also found in samples from the deep Southern Ocean, whereas eight of the known species found in the Angola Basin have not been reported from the Southern Ocean to date. Surface deposit feeders and carnivores were the dominant functional groups both in terms of number of individuals and number of species. Necessary steps to further our knowledge of the little-known abyssal ecosystem are discussed.  相似文献   

Living (Rose Bengal stained) benthic foraminifera were investigated at 18 deep-sea stations sampled in the Whittard Canyon area (NE Atlantic). The stations were positioned along 4 bathymetric transects ranging from 300 to 3000 m depth: two along the main canyon axes (Western and Eastern branches) and two along adjacent open slopes (Western and Eastern slopes). The aim of this study was to assess changes of foraminiferal standing stock, composition and microhabitat in relation to the physico-chemical conditions prevailing at and below the sediment-water interface in various canyon and open-slope environments. Minimal oxygen penetration depths and maximal diffusive oxygen uptakes were recorded at upper canyon stations, suggesting a high mineralisation rate. This is confirmed by the high phytopigment concentrations measured in the sediment of the upper canyon axes. Foraminiferal abundance was positively correlated with diffusive oxygen uptake and phytopigment concentration in the sediment. This suggests a control of organic matter fluxes on the foraminiferal communities. Foraminiferal abundance was generally higher along the canyon axis compared to open-slope sites at comparable water depths. The species composition varied with water depth along all four transects, but was also different between canyon branches and adjacent slopes. The silty/sandy intercalations at many of the deeper canyon stations may have been rapidly deposited by fairly recent gravity flows. At station 51WB (3002 m), the faunal characteristics (strong dominance, shallow infaunal microhabitats) suggest that the foraminiferal community is in an early state of ecosystem colonisation after these recent sedimentation events, which would have supplied the important amounts of phytopigments.  相似文献   

The seismicity of the northeastern part of the Indian Ocean in connection with the general structural peculiarities of the main tectonic structures of the bottom is presented. The three main ranges of higher seismic activity at the depths of 0–17, 20–27, and 32–35 km divided by aseismic layers are revealed. The seismic activity at depths of more than 35 km is almost not detected both for the ocean and for the Indian peninsula. The nature of the distribution of the seismicity as such in the lithosphere is discussed. Using the results of anomalous au]gravitational field transformations, the prolongation of the East Indian Ridge structure is revealed to 19 degrees north, while the relationship of the Afanasy Nikitin Rise and the 85th Degree Ridge is not reflected at the tranforms. In the Cocos Basin, the mutually perpendicular disturbance zones of northeastern and northwestern strike, as well as the point of their crossing, where the maximal number of earthquake foci are concentrated, are distinguished. A conclusion concerning the substantial disturbance of the strength properties of the lithosphere in this zone as a consequence of the geodynamical processes, which are accompanied by fracture tectonics, is reached.  相似文献   

Mooring time series, CTD data, and Argo float data were analysed to investigate some aspects of the circulation at the southern entrance to the Rockall Trough during 2003–2004. The in situ data are used to describe the distribution at intermediate levels of Sub-Arctic Intermediate Water (SAIW) and Mediterranean Water (MW), as well as the temporal variability in the presence of these two water masses. Salty, MW-influenced water was found in the southeastern part of the study area, near the continental slope as far north as Porcupine Bank, consistent with earlier reports. Apart from the main tongue, the distribution of MW is patchy, and MW parcels were found not only adjacent to the slope but also offshore. Further north and west, water at intermediate depths was influenced by the fresher SAIW. Unlike in some earlier studies, SAIW did not extend as far east as the continental shelf. The year-long hydrographic and current time series from a mooring on the western slope of the entrance, at the southern end of Feni Ridge, showed pulses of SAIW influenced water throughout winter and spring. In late spring, the fresh pulses almost completely ceased; throughout summer only a few weak and shortlived fresh anomalies appeared. The weakening of the SAIW signal did not seem to be caused by winter convection, which did not extend to sufficient depth that winter. The relatively weak SAIW presence during most of the study period may be linked to the near neutral state of the NAO index. The warm and saline conditions observed at the southern entrance to Rockall Trough were in agreement with the rising temperatures and salinities found over large parts of the subpolar North Atlantic in the late 1990s and early 2000s.  相似文献   

During ‘Meteor’ expedition ‘DIVA 2’ in 2005 the abyssal macro- and megafauna communities were studied in the northern Cape Basin, in the northern Angola Basin and in the eastern and western Guinea Basin. Water depths varied between 5040 and 5670 m.Surface deposit feeding or predatory ophiuroids dominated the megafaunal community in the northern Cape Basin, sponges, sipunculids and fish in the northern Angola Basin, and asteroids, crustaceans and fish in the eastern Guinea Basin, while in the western Guinea Basin sipunculids dominated.In the northern Cape Basin, peracarid crustaceans were the dominant macrofaunal group, followed by polychaetes and bivalves. In the Guinea Basin, polychaetes, peracarid crustaceans and bivalves dominated, although omnivorous or predatory free-living nematodes of macrofaunal size (>0.5 mm) made up 40–60% of the total abundance, with maxima in the western basin.The chlorophyll a content of sediments was lower in the northern Cape and Angola Basins than in the Guinea Basin, which was consistent with the differences in water masses, primary production and flux rate of organic matter in the three basins of the South-East Atlantic. The differences in structure and function of the macro- and megafauna communities in the three basins correlated with the differences in the amount of food reaching the seafloor in tropical and subtropical settings.  相似文献   

In the framework of the German contribution to the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS), deep-water fluxes of particle-associated trace elements were measured in the northeast Atlantic Ocean. The sinking particles were collected almost continuously from 1992 to 1996 at three time-series stations, L1 (33°N/22°W), L2 (47°N/20°W), and L3 (54°N/21°W), using sediment traps. The focus of the present study is the temporal variability of the particle-associated elemental fluxes of Al, Ca, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, P, Pb, Ti, V, and Zn at a depth of 2000 m.A clear seasonality of the fluxes that persisted for several years was documented for the southernmost station (L1) at stable oligotrophic conditions in the area of the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre East (NASTE). At L2 and L3, an episodic nature of the elemental fluxes was determined. Mesoscale eddies are known to frequently cause temporal and spatial variability in the flux of biogenic components in that area. These events modified the simple seasonal pattern controlled by the annual cycle at L2, in the North Atlantic Drift Region (NADR), and at L3, which was influenced by the Atlantic Arctic province (ARCT). All stations were characterized by an additional episodic lithogenic atmospheric supply reaching the deep sea.The integrated annual fluxes during the multi-year study revealed similar flux magnitudes for lithogenic elements (Al, Co, Fe, Ti, and V) at L2 and L3 and roughly twofold fluxes at L1. Biogenic elements (Cd, P, and Zn) showed the opposite trend, i.e., two to fourfold higher values at L2 and L3 than at L1. For Mn, Ni, and Cu, the spatial differences were smaller, perhaps because of the intermediate behavior, between lithogenic and biogenic, of these elements. Similarly, among the three study sites, there were no noticeable differences in the total annual flux of Pb.The respective lithogenic fractions of the deep-sea fluxes of Cd, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, V, and Zn were subtracted based on the amount of Al, with the average composition of the continental crust as reference. This procedure allowed estimation of the labile trace element fraction (TEexc) of the particles, i.e., TE taken up or scavenged during particle production and sedimentation. The ratios of TEexc/P clearly demonstrated an enrichment of TE over labile P from biogenic surface material to the deep sea for Zn (factor 4–6), Mn (12–27), Ni (3–5), and Cu (9–25); an intermediate status for Co (0.5–2.2); and depletion for Cd vs. P (0.2–0.4). Surprisingly, the recycling behavior of excess Co was found to be similar to that of P. Hence, Coexc behaved like a biogenic element; this is in contrast to total Co, which is dominated by the refractory lithogenic fraction.Moreover, it is argued that these excess elemental fluxes caused a loss of the dissolved elements in upper waters, since their transport reaches the deep-sea waters at 2000 m, a depth far below of deep-winter mixing and upwelling. The annual amount of excess TE exported from surface waters was estimated to be 1.3×109 mol Zn y?1, 4.4×109 mol Mn y?1, 4.9×108 mol Ni y?1, 2.2×107 mol Cd y?1, 7.4×108 mol Cu y?1, and 2.7×107 mol Co y?1 for the whole North Atlantic Ocean. Important primary sources that could replenish these losses are the aeolian and fluvial supply processes.  相似文献   

Using seismic and Chirp sonar profiles, this paper tests the hypothesis that hyperpycnal flows are the main factor controlling the formation and maintenance of the meandering Kaoping submarine canyon off SW Taiwan. Cross-section geometries, and erosional as well as depositional features vary along the canyon course. In the proximal, sinuous part of the canyon, down-cutting into the shelf strata has created a relief of 340 m. The cause of this intense erosion of the seafloor is suggested to be the frequent development of hyperpycnal flows. A seismic section across a meander in the distal part of the canyon shows levees formed by overspilled sediments at the outer bend, and a terrace characterized by relatively flat stratified facies at the inner bend. The geological setting and climatic conditions in SW Taiwan (e.g. earthquakes, typhoons, floods), as well as major river–canyon connections (for example, direct input of highly concentrated suspended sediment) would all promote hyperpycnal flow generation. This causes axial incision, canyon wall slumping, and the formation of levees by spill-over deposition in the upper reach of the Kaoping Canyon.  相似文献   

《Marine Chemistry》2001,76(3):211-231
Small- and large-size particles were collected in January and August 1989 throughout the water column (50–3000 m) in a northeastern Atlantic area where deep Mediterranean waters outflowing through the Strait of Gibraltar are incorporated at mid-depth into Atlantic waters. Particles collected by water filtration (0.7 μm pore size) and by vertical hauls of a plankton net (50 μm mesh size) were analysed for their organic carbon and lipid composition, namely fatty acids, hydrocarbons, aliphatic and alicyclic alcohols and ketones, and pigments. Small-size particles exhibited POC concentrations two to three orders of magnitude higher (5–50 μg/l) than large particles (0.01–0.32 μg/l). Strong spatial and temporal variations were also observed. Surface small particles collected in January accounted for 15–50 μg/l of POC, whereas in August, these represented only 5–15 μg/l following the seasonal variability of primary production. Concurrently, the variety of lipid components was larger in January.The lipid components of large-size particles were dominated by zooplankton markers, whereas small particles showed evidence of a mixed algal composition (mainly of haptophytes and moderately of diatoms, prasinophytes, chrysophytes and dinoflagellates) with a bacterial contribution. The vertical profiles of the different lipid classes showed a general decrease with depth, particularly significant in the upper 200 m, consistently with the POC contents. Compositional changes were more evident in small particles and included the loss of unsaturated compounds and the increase of diagenetic and bacterial markers. Unusual increases were observed at mid-depths indicating additional particle inputs, either by in situ formation or by advective transport from the Mediterranean. The latter was recognized because small particles in Mediterranean waters entrained large quantities of continental detritic materials that were also found in the Mediterranean water lenses in the Atlantic. From these observations, it was inferred that the outflow of the Mediterranean deep-lying particulate organic matter might still preserve its signature in the mid-depth northeastern Atlantic waters.  相似文献   

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