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The distribution of pH and alkalinity has been used to calculate the distribution of total inorganic carbon (TC) and fugacity of carbon dioxide (fCO2) in the upper 200 m of the water column in coastal upwelling areas off northern Chile (23–24°S, near Antofagasta) and central Chile (30–31°S, near Coquimbo) during austral summer 1997. In these upwelling areas, colder surface waters were oxygen poor and strongly CO2 supersaturated (100% near Antofagasta and 200% near Coquimbo), although below the pycnocline the CO2 supersaturation invariably exceeded 200% in both areas. The larger surface CO2 supersaturation and outgassing at 30°S were associated with stronger winds that promoted the upwelling of denser water (richer in CO2) as well as a higher air–sea CO2 transfer velocity. The consistent decrease in intensity of the southerly winds (as derived from NSCAT scatterometer data) from 30–31°S to 23–24°S suggests a corresponding decline in the intensity of the CO2 outgassing due to upwelling. Additionally, we suggest here that the intensity of the local upwelling forcing (i.e. alongshore–equatorward winds) plays a role in determining the water mass composition and phytoplankton biomass of the coastal waters. Thus, while deep upwelling of salty and cold water resulted in high fCO2 (up to 1000 μatm) and very low phytoplankton biomass (chlorophyll a concentration lower than 0.5 mg m−3), the shallow upwelling of less salty (e.g. salinity <34.5) and less CO2-supersaturated water resulted in a higher phytoplankton biomass, which further reduced surface water fCO2 by photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Continuous CTD data from a series of recent cruises show that the distribution of the water mass characteristics in the central Benguela region from the Orange River mouth (28°38'S) to alvis Bay (22°57'S) is discontinuous in the central and intermediate waters at about the latitude of Lüderitz (26°40'S), Namibia. The central and intermediate water masses at the shelf edge and shelf break north of the Lüderitz upwelling cell have a high salinity relative to the potential temperature compared to similar waters south of the upwelling cell. It is shown that the feed waters for the wind-induced upwelling on the shelf to the north and south of the Lüderitz discontinuity are different in character and source. The distribution of the water masses shows that the shelf-edge poleward undercurrent provides low-oxygen water from different regions in the Atlantic Ocean to be upwelled onto the shelf. North of th Lüderitz upwelling cell, the central and intermediate waters come from the oxygen-depleted Angola Basin, whereas south of the discontinuity those waters are from the interior of the adjacent Cape Basin, which is less oxygen-deficient. This has implications for the dispersion of low-oxygen water and the triggering of anoxic events, and consequences for the biota on the shelf, including commercially important fish species.  相似文献   

Heat fluxes are estimated across transatlantic sections made at 4°30′S and 7°30′N in January–March 1993, following Hall and Bryden (1982. Deep-Sea Research 29, 339–359). Particular care is given to the computation of Ekman volume and heat fluxes, which are assessed both (a) from the windstress data for the period of the cruise and (b) from the comparison between geostrophic and Vessel Mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (VM-ADCP) velocities. In contrast with previous studies, the two estimates for Ekman fluxes do not converge for either section: (a) (11.5±0.5 Sv; 1.01±0.05 PW) across 7°30′N and (−9.3±1.2 Sv; −0.85±0.12 PW) across 4°30′S when windstress data at the date of the hydrographic stations are used; (b) (6.3±1.1 Sv; 0.56±0.09 PW) across 7°30′N and (−3.4±3.0 Sv; −0.35±0.24 PW) across 4°30′N when the ageostrophic transport above the thermocline is used. The divergence would have been even greater at 4°30′S if the strong ageostrophic signal beneath the thermocline, which brings a transport of (8.4 Sv; 0.82 PW), had been considered. The corresponding total meridional heat fluxes are: (a) 1.40±0.16 PW and (b) 0.95±0.20 PW across 7°30′N, (a) 1.05±0.12 PW and (b) 1.67±0.14 PW (2.39±0.14 PW when the subthermocline ageostrophic transport is taken into account) across 4°30′S.The estimates based on windstress data are compared with the results from an inverse model (Lux and Mercier, 1999) to show the importance of the heat flux due to the deviation of the local depth-averaged potential temperature from its average over the section, which is neglected in the Hall and Bryden (1982. Deep-Sea Research 29, 339–359) method but is not negligible in our computation in which we do not isolate the transport of the western boundary current east of the 200 m isobath; this corrective flux amounts here to −0.19 PW across 7°30′N and 0.33 PW across 4°30′S.The seasonal variability of the meridional heat flux across 7°30′N is studied through the hydrographic data collected during the ETAMBOT 1–2 cruises, which repeated the 7°30′N section west of 35°W in September 1995 and April 1996. When the section is completed east of 35°W with CITHER 1 data and when windstress data are used for the computation of the Ekman transport, the estimates for the meridional heat fluxes are 0.20±0.14 PW in September 1995 and 1.69±0.27 PW in April 1996. The estimates fit well with results from numerical models.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1999,22(1):57-66
Observations made during a “La Niña” situation (April–May 1996) in the equatorial Pacific upwelling, between 165° E and 150° W, show the classic deepening of hydrological isolines from east to west, resulting in zonal gradients for surface temperature and macronutrients. However, contrasting with such a gradient, no clear zonal variation could be seen for integrated planktonic biomasses and carbon fluxes, namely: chlorophyll a, bacterial abundances, particulate organic phosphorus, mesozooplankton ash-free dry weight, primary production, and the sinking flux of particulate organic carbon (POC). Moreover, mean values of these parameters along the zonal equatorial transect, are not significantly different from those of a 7-day-long time series station made at 0°, 150° W in October 1994 during an El Niño period. Such a steady zonal distribution of planktonic parameters seems to be characteristic of equatorial Pacific upwelling west of the Galapagos Islands so that the spatial distributions of nutrient concentrations and planktonic biomass appear to be uncoupled. This is consistent with the High Nutrient-Low Chlorophyll (HNLC) concept, in which primary production is not controlled directly by macronutrient concentrations. The lack of zonal gradient also suggests that carbon budget of the equatorial Pacific is primarily controlled by oscillations in the zonal and meridian extension of the HNLC area, rather than by values of planktonic biomasses and carbon fluxes within the upwelled water, which are quite constant.  相似文献   

A 3D coupled biogeochemical–hydrodynamic model (MIRO-CO2&CO) is implemented in the English Channel (ECH) and the Southern Bight of the North Sea (SBNS) to estimate the present-day spatio-temporal distribution of air–sea CO2 fluxes, surface water partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) and other components of the carbonate system (pH, saturation state of calcite (Ωca) and of aragonite (Ωar)), and the main drivers of their variability. Over the 1994–2004 period, air–sea CO2 fluxes show significant inter-annual variability, with oscillations between net annual CO2 sinks and sources. The inter-annual variability of air–sea CO2 fluxes simulated in the SBNS is controlled primarily by river loads and changes of biological activities (net autotrophy in spring and early summer, and net heterotrophy in winter and autumn), while in areas less influenced by river inputs such as the ECH, the inter-annual variations of air–sea CO2 fluxes are mainly due to changes in sea surface temperature and in near-surface wind strength and direction. In the ECH, the decrease of pH, of Ωca and of Ωar follows the one expected from the increase of atmospheric CO2 (ocean acidification), but the decrease of these quantities in the SBNS during the considered time period is faster than the one expected from ocean acidification alone. This seems to be related to a general pattern of decreasing nutrient river loads and net ecosystem production (NEP) in the SBNS. Annually, the combined effect of carbon and nutrient loads leads to an increase of the sink of CO2 in the ECH and the SBNS, but the impact of the river loads varies spatially and is stronger in river plumes and nearshore waters than in offshore waters. The impact of organic and inorganic carbon (C) inputs is mainly confined to the coast and generates a source of CO2 to the atmosphere and low pH, of Ωca and of Ωar values in estuarine plumes, while the impact of nutrient loads, highest than the effect of C inputs in coastal nearshore waters, also propagates offshore and, by stimulating primary production, drives a sink of atmospheric CO2 and higher values of pH, of Ωca and of Ωar.  相似文献   

The morphological characteristics of the segmentation of the Central Indian Ridge (CIR) from the Indian Ocean Triple Junction (25°30S) to the Egeria Transform Fault system (20°30S) are analyzed. The compilation of Sea Beam data from R/VSonne cruises SO43 and SO52, and R/VCharcot cruises Rodriguez 1 and 2 provides an almost continuous bathymetric coverage of a 450-km-long section of the ridge axis. The bathymetric data are combined with a GLORIA side-scan sonar swath to visualize the fabric of the ridge and complement the coverage in some areas. This section of the CIR has a full spreading rate of about 50 mm yr–1, increasing slightly from north to south. The morphology of the CIR is generally similar to that of a slow-spreading center, despite an intermediate spreading rate at these latitudes. The axis is marked by an axial valley 5–35 km wide and 500–1800 m deep, sometimes exhibiting a 100–600 m-high neovolcanic ridge. It is offset by only one 40km offset transform fault (at 22°40S), and by nine second-order discontinuities, with offsets varying from 4 to 21 km, separating segments 28 to 85 km long. The bathymetry analysis and an empirical orthogonal function analysis performed on across-axis profiles reveal morphologic variations in the axis and the second-order discontinuities. The ridge axis deepens and the relief across the axial valley increases from north to south. The discontinuities observed south of 22°S all have morphologies similar to those of the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge. North of 22°S, two discontinuities have map geometries that have not been observed previously on slow-spreading ridges. The axial valleys overlap, and their tips curve toward the adjacent segment. The overlap distance is 2 to 4 times greater than the offset. Based on these characteristics, these discontinuities resemble overlapping spreading centers (OSCs) described on the fast-spreading EPR. The evolution of one such discontinuity appears to decapitate a nearby segment, as observed for the evolution of some OSCs on the EPR. These morphological variations of the CIR axis may be explained by an increase in the crustal thickness in the north of the study area relative to the Triple Junction area. Variations in crustal thickness could be related to a broad bathymetric anomaly centered at 19°S, 65°E, which probably reflects the effect of the nearby Réunion hotspot, or an anomaly in the composition of the mantle beneath the ridge near 19°S. Other explanations for the morphological variations include the termination of the CIR at the Rodriguez Triple Junction or the kinematic evolution of the triple junction and its resultant lengthening of the CIR. These latter effects are more likely to account for the axial morphology near the Triple Junction than for the long-wavelength morphological variation.  相似文献   

Sediment traps were deployed for almost 1 yr at two sites near 178°40′E in 1996–1997 on Chatham Rise (New Zealand). These sites were either side of the Subtropical Front (STF), which is a biologically productive zone, characterised by moderate atmospheric CO2 uptake. At each site, PARFLUX sediment traps (Mk 7G–21) were deployed at 300 and 1000 m in 1500 m water depth. At 42°42′S, north of the STF, approximately 80% of the integrated total mass, POC and biogenic silica flux at 300 m occurred in a 7-day pulse in austral mid-spring (1064, 141 and 6 mg m−2 d−1, respectively, in early October). This pulse was recorded a week later in the 1000 m trap, indicating a particle sinking rate of 100 m d−1. In contrast, at 44°37′S, south of the STF, the main flux of total mass and biogenic silica occurred 3 weeks later in late spring (289 and 3 mg m−2 d−1, respectively, in early November). Organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus fluxes were persistently high over spring at the southern site, although total POC flux integrated over 3 months was only 60 mg m−2 d−1. Thus, up to 2–3 times more material was exported north of the STF, compared with fluxes measured <200 km away to the south. As an integrated proportion of the annual total mass flux, however, more organic carbon was exported south of the STF (17% cf. 5–14%). Furthermore, organic material exported in spring from southern waters was labile and protein-rich (C : N — 8–16, C : P — 200–450, N : P — 13–36), compared to the more refractory, diatom-dominated material sinking out north of the STF in spring (C : N 9–22, C : P 50–230, N : P 5–19). These observations are consistent with anomalously high benthic biomass and diversity observed on south Chatham Rise. Resuspension and differential particle settling are probable causes for depth increases in particulate flux. Estimated particle source areas may be up to 120 km away due to high levels of mesoscale activity and mean flow in the STF region.  相似文献   

Many infaunal sandy-bottom communities in shallow waters of the Peruvian upwelling system are inhabited by large coexisting populations of the surf clams Mesodesma donacium and Donax peruvianus as well as by the anomuran mole crab Emerita analoga. Under normal conditions, equilibrium states are possible with any one of these species dominating. A Mesodesma community south of Lima in Peru was investigated over 2,5 years, covering periods prior to, during and after the El Niño (EN) of 1982–83. It was revisited several times later. Growth, recruitment and mortality and, therefore, production of Mesodesma and Donax varied to some extent before EN. However, during the event Mesodesma became locally extinct and had not recolonized the area by July 1986, three years after the return of normal temperatures. Donax, which took over immediately after EN, never reached the densities of the former dominant Mesodesma. Emerita remained a rare species as well, whereas spionid polychaetes increased in importance. The medium-term effect of the exceptionally strong EN of 1982–83 appears to have been very marked on Peruvian sandy beaches. A comparison is made with other shallow-water communities of the upwelling system, and the importance of EN in terms of oscillations of clam stocks off Peru and Chile is discussed.  相似文献   

We investigate an overlooked mechanism—coastal upwelling—for sea surface temperature (SST) cooling in the western side of the mean location of the Pacific warm pool (WSWP: 5°S–5°N, 140°E–150°E) prior to El Niño onset. We analyze various observed data such as the TRIangle Trans-Ocean buoy Network (TRITON) moored buoy data, Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) data, satellite data and a hindcast experiment output by a high-resolution ocean general circulation model (OGCM). We focus on the precondition of the 2002/03 El Niño event, for which many datasets are available. Relatively cool water upwelled along the north coast of Papua New Guinea (PNG) during December 2001, prior to the onset of the 2002/03 El Niño event, and then spread out over a wider area to the northeast. Simultaneously, strong west-northerly surface winds occur along the north coast. Heat budget analysis of TRITON buoy data in the WSWP reveals that negative zonal heat advection due to eastward current is the main factor for cooling the mixed layer in the WSWP in contrast to the warming effect of the surface heat flux during the period. This cooling requires a source of colder water to the west. Similar analysis of OGCM outputs also suggests that the upwelled relatively cool water along the PNG north coast, and its northeastward extension to the equatorial region, contributes to cooling of the surface water over the WSWP mainly via negative zonal heat advection. Similar mechanisms are confirmed also for the 1982/83 and 1997/98 El Niño events by analyses of OGCM outputs and historical SST data. The low SST in the WSWP generated a positive zonal SST gradient together with high SST east of the WSWP. It may contribute to enhancement of the westerly surface wind in this region, leading to the onset of the 2002/03 El Niño event.  相似文献   

The distribution of the fugacity of CO2 ( $ f_{{{\text{CO}}_{ 2} }} $ ) and air–sea CO2 exchange were comprehensively investigated in the outer estuary to offshore shallow water region (lying adjacent to the Sundarban mangrove forest) covering an area of ~2,000 km2 in the northern Bay of Bengal during the winter. A total of ten sampling surveys were conducted between 1 December, 2011 and 21 February, 2012. Physico-chemical variables like sea surface temperature (SST), salinity, pH, total alkalinity (TAlk), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and in vivo chlorophyll-a along with atmospheric variables were measured in order to study their role in controlling the CO2 flux. Surface water $ f_{{{\text{CO}}_{ 2} }} $ ranged between 111 and 459 μatm which correlated significantly with the SST (r = 0.71, p < 0.001, n = 62). Neither DIC nor TAlk showed any linear relationship with varying salinity in the estuarine mixing zone, demonstrating the significant presence of non-carbonate alkalinity. An overall net biological control on the surface $ f_{{{\text{CO}}_{ 2} }} $ distribution was established during the study, although no significant correlation was found between chlorophyll-a and $ f_{{{\text{CO}}_{ 2} }} $ (water). The shallow water region studied was mostly under-saturated with CO2 and acted as a sink for atmospheric CO2. The difference between surface water and atmospheric $ f_{{{\text{CO}}_{ 2} }} $ ( $ \Updelta f_{{{\text{CO}}_{ 2} }} $ ) ranged from ?274 to 69 μatm, with an average seaward flux of ?10.5 ± 12.6 μmol m?2 h?1. The $ \Updelta f_{{{\text{CO}}_{ 2} }} $ and hence the air–sea CO2 exchange was primarily regulated by the variation in sea surface $ f_{{{\text{CO}}_{ 2} }} $ , since atmospheric $ f_{{{\text{CO}}_{ 2} }} $ varied over a comparatively narrow range of 361.23–399.05 μatm.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1999,22(3):249-263
Mean conditions, seasonal, and ENSO-related (El Niño Southern Oscillation) variability in the vicinity of Wallis, Futuna, and Samoa islands (13°–15° S, 180°–170° W) over the 1973–1995 period are analysed for wind pseudo-stress, satellite-derived and in situ precipitation, sea surface temperature (SST) and salinity (SSS), sea level, and 0–450 m temperature and geostrophic current. The mean local conditions reflect the presence of the large scale features such as the western Pacific warm pool, the South Pacific Convergence Zone (SPCZ), and the South Pacific anticyclonic gyre. The seasonal changes are closely related to the meridional migrations of the SPCZ, which passes twice a year over the region of study. During the warm phase of ENSO (El Niño), we generally observe saltier-than-average SSS (of the order of 0.4), consistent with a rainfall deficit (0.4 m yr−1), a hint of colder-than-average surface temperature is also identified in subsurface (0.3°C), a weak tendency for westward geostrophic current anomalies (2 cm s−1 at the surface), a sea level decrease (5–10 cm), together with easterly (5 m2s−2) and well marked southerly (10 m2s−2) wind pseudo-stress anomalies. Anomalies of similar magnitude, but of opposite sign, are detected during the cold phase of ENSO (La Niña). While these ENSO-related changes apply prior to the 1990s, they were not observed during the 1991–1994 period, which appears atypical.  相似文献   

An intra-annual investigation of the fugacity of CO2 (fCO2) has been conducted in surface waters of the north-eastern shelf of the Gulf of Cádiz (SW Iberian Peninsula) in four cruises made in 2006 and 2007. Intra-annual variability of fCO2 was assessed and is discussed in terms of mixing, temperature and biology. In the study area of the shelf, thermodynamic control over fCO2 predominates from early May to late November, and this is opposite and similar in magnitude to the net biological effect. However, biological control over fCO2 predominates during winter. The results suggest that surface waters in the coastal area are under-saturated with respect to atmospheric CO2 during most of the year; therefore they represent a sink for atmospheric CO2 between November and May (? 1.0 mmol m? 2 day? 1), but a weak source in June (1.3 mmol m? 2 day? 1). In contrast, the coastal ecosystems studied (the lower estuary of Guadalquivir Estuary and Bay of Cádiz) acted as a weak sink for atmospheric CO2 during February (? 1.3 mmol m? 2 day? 1) and as a source between May and November (2.6 mmol m? 2 day? 1). The resulting mean annual CO2 flux in the north-eastern shelf of the Gulf of Cádiz was ? 0.07 mol m? 2 year? 1 (? 0.2 mmol m? 2 day? 1), indicating that the area acts as a net sink on an annual basis.  相似文献   

Partial pressure of CO2 in surface sea water (pCO2) was measured continuously off Sanriku in May, 1997 by a new pCO2 measurement system. We have examined the relation of pCO2 to physical factors such as temperature, salinity and density, chemical and biological factors such as nutrients and carbonate system and chlorophylla. In the Kuroshio region pCO2 was not correlated to physical, chemical and biological factors in the range of 260 to 290 μatom. In transition water (Tr1) between Kuroshio and the Oyashio second branch, pCO2 was weakly correlated to physical factors and strongly correlated to nutrients. In transition water (Tr2) between the Oyashio first and second branches, pCO2 was highly correlated to temperature (SD: 10.9 μatom) and salinity (SD: 8.6 μatom) and also to nutrients. In transition water (Tr1+Tr2), pCO2 was highly multivariately correlated to temperature (T), salinity (S), chlorophylla (CH) (or nitrate+nitrite (N)) as follows, pCO2(μatom)= 10.8×T(°C)+27.7×S+2.57CH(μg/1) −769, R2= 0.86, SD = 20.9, or pCO2(μatom)= 3.9×T(°C)+25.5×S+16.0NO3(μM) −686, R2= 0.99, SD = 6.4. Moreover, pCO2 was predicted by only two factors, one physical (S) and the other chemical/biological (N) as follows: pCO2 (μatom)=32.8×S+19.4N−908, R2=0.97, SD=8.4. The pH measured at 25°C was well correlated with normalized pCO2 at a fixed temperature. In the Oyashio region pCO2 was decreased to 160 μatom, probably because of spring bloom, but was not correlated linearly to chlorophylla. The results obtained showed the possibility of estimating pCO2 of the Oyashio and transition regions in May by satellite remote sensing of SST, but the problem of estimation of pCO2 in Kuroshio water remains to be solved.  相似文献   

Multichannel seismic reflection data recorded between Arauco Gulf (37°S) and Valdivia (40°S), on the Chilean continental margin, were processed and modeled to obtain seismic images and sub-surface models, in order to characterize the variability of the bottom-simulating reflector (BSR), which is a geophysical marker for the presence of gas hydrates. The BSR is discontinuous and interrupted by submarine valleys, canyons, as well as by faults or fractures. The BSR occurrence is more common south of Mocha Island due to moderate slopes and greater organic matter contribution by rivers in that area. Tectonic uplift and structural instability change the stability gas hydrate zone and consequently the BSR position, creating in some cases missing or double BSRs. Our modeling supports the presence of gas hydrate above the BSR and free gas below it. Higher BSR amplitudes support higher hydrate or free gas concentrations. In the study area, gas hydrate concentration is low (an average of 3.5%) suggesting disseminated gas hydrate distribution within the sediments. Also higher BSR amplitudes are associated with thrust faults in the accretionary prism, which serve as conduits for gas flow from deeper levels. This extra gas supply produces a wider thickness of gas hydrates or free gas.  相似文献   

Cold filaments associated with Eastern Boundary Currents are typically narrower than 100 km but can be several hundred kilometers long, extending from the coast to the open ocean in upwelling areas. One such structure, observed off Penı&#x0301;nsula de Mejillones (23°S, Chile), was studied with both satellite images and two 5-days hydrographic cruises carried out during January 1997. The study used a coastal grid of 31 stations in an area of 165 ×155 km2, approximately. The spatial distribution of the filament and its change between cruises are described from the horizontal distributions of dynamic height, temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen. The filament was a shallow feature (thickness <100 m) and extended at least 165 km toward the open ocean. A meandering northward current flowed at the borders of the filament, separating oceanic and coastal waters of different physical properties. Comparisons of cross sections of the filament near the coast and in the oceanic zone show the ascent of the shallow salinity minimum (SSM), and its extension toward the ocean, bound to the filament. It is concluded that Subantarctic Water ((SAAW) distinguish by low salinity, high dissolved oxygen) and Equatorial Subsurface Water ((ESSW) high salinity, low dissolved oxygen, high nutrient content) form this filament, and that their relative proportions depend on the strength of the coastal upwelling. Thus, the knowledge of the dynamics of these structures is fundamental to better understanding of the spatial distribution of important biological variables, such as nutrients and chlorophyll, in the coastal ecosystem.  相似文献   

1Introduction DuringtheTOGA COARE,extensivejointin ternationaloceanicobservationswerecarriedoutin thewesternequatorialPacificOceanandavasta mountofvaluabledatawereobtained.Themaindata usedhereincludethedatafromasinglemooringin strumentarrayat1°45′S,156°E,deployedbythe WoodsHoleOceanographicInstitution(WHOI)and theCTD(profilerofconductivity-temperature-depth)datacollectedbytheChineseRVXiangy anghongNo.5.Fangetal.(2000)described brieflytheseobservationdataandanalyzedthedis persion…  相似文献   

By analyzing a data set collected using a moored instrument array and CTD during TOGA-COARE, it is found that there exist remarkable internal tides in the western equatorial Pacific Ocean around 1°45′S,156°E, whose horizontal wavenumber (wavelength), vertical wavenumber, h 156° orizontal propagation speed and vertical propagation speed are 3.3×10-2km-1(210 km),-1.6×10-3m, 2.0 m/s and -3.8 cm/s, respectively, that is, the waveform propagates downwards slantingly. Moreover, the propagating direction rotates statistically clockwise as the depth increases and its cause is unclear.  相似文献   

Settling particles collected at 1550 m water depth off the São Francisco River, Brazil, between January and May 1995 showed peak fluxes of amino acids, hexosamines, and carbohydrates, which formed the onset of a three-week period of high organic matter (OM) flux, coinciding with the high discharge period of the river. Two phases of OM deposition exist: (1) the fluvial input of nutrients triggering a bloom of non biomineralizing plankton, and (2) suspended sediment mainly derived from shelf erosion increasing the fluxes of refractory OM. This indicates the importance of seasonally varying hydrodynamic conditions and nutrient input from the continent for the production and sedimentation of OM to the continental margin of eastern Brazil.  相似文献   

Aerobic NH4+ oxidation rates were measured along the strong oxygen gradient associated with the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) of the eastern tropical South Pacific off northern Chile (∼20°S) during 2000, 2003, and 2004. This process was examined by comparing NH4+ rates of change during dark incubations, with and without the addition of allylthiourea, a classical inhibitor of the ammonia monooxygenase enzyme of ammonium-oxidizing bacteria. The contribution of aerobic NH4+ oxidation in dark carbon fixation and NO2 rates of change were also explored. Thirteen samples were retrieved from the oxycline (252 to ⩽5 μM O2; 15 to ∼65 m depth) and three from the oxygen minimum core (⩽5 μM O2; 100–200 m depth). Aerobic NH4+ oxidation rates were mainly detected in the upper part (15–30 m depth) of the oxycline, with rates ranging from 0.16 to 0.79 μM d−1, but not towards the oxycline base (40–65 m depth). In the oxygen minimum core, aerobic NH4+ oxidation was in the upper range and higher than in the upper part of the oxycline (0.70 and 1.0 μM d−1). Carbon fixation rates through aerobic NH4+ oxidation ranged from 0.18 to 0.43 μg C L−1 d−1 and contributed between 33% and 57% of the total dark carbon fixation, mainly towards the oxycline base and, in a single experiment, in the upper part of the oxycline. NO2 consumption was high (up to 10 μM d−1) towards the oxycline base and OMZ core, but was significantly reduced in experiments amended with allylthiourea, indicating that aerobic NH4+ oxidation could contribute between 8% and 76% of NO2 production, which in turn could be available for denitrifiers. Overall, these results support the important role of aerobic NH4+ oxidizers in the nitrogen and carbon cycling in the OMZ and at its upper boundary.  相似文献   

Swath MR1 data from the remnant Colville and active Kermadec arc margins, south of 33°30 S (SW Pacific), record the structural morphology and evolution of the rifted, and now separate portions, of the proto-Colville–Kermadec arc flanking the actively widening southern Havre Trough back-arc basin associated with Pacific-Australian plate convergence. Both the remnant Colville and active Kermadec arc margins comprise opposing, asymmetric, partially basement exposed, segmented ridges. Differences in morphology between the two ridges are, however, observed. The single, near linear, border fault system, with relief of 1000 m, along the western edge of the Kermadec margin is interpreted to be the exposed fault escarpment of a major, west-dipping, detachment fault. In contrast, two major zig-zag border fault systems along the eastern edge of the Colville Ridge, bounding a back-tilted ridge flank terrace, are interpreted as major antithetic faults between the remnant arc and back-arc region. This contrast in structural morphology coincides with, respectively, lesser and greater degrees of both active tectonism and channel-canyon erosion, on the remnant Colville and active Kermadec margins. These differences are interpreted to reflect the progressive trenchward collapse and associated greater rift flank uplift and incisive erosion of the Kermadec foot-wall contrasting with the non-collapse and relatively lesser rift flank uplift and ridge erosion of the Colville hanging-wall. The data provide further constraints on the early evolution of the Havre Trough in particular, and back-arc basins in general.  相似文献   

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