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Accessory mineralization of the Late Cretaceous intrusive series in the Far East was investigated on the basis of published data and the author’s original evidence. The composition of accessory minerals from leucogranite, monzonitoid rocks, and Li–F granites has been established. The trend in the evolution of Late Cretaceous granitoids is characterized by an increase in the mineral-forming role of iron and rare elements. Diverse accessory minerals and their typomorphic assemblages have been identified for Li–F granites and ongonites. The regional specificity of accessory mineralization in rare-metal granites consists in the leading role of the minerals W, Ta, Nb, Bi, Y, REE, and As. The uniformity of mineral species and mineral assemblages and the typomorphism and evolution of accessory minerals are inherent to the Far East belt of Li–F granites.  相似文献   

The increased demand for indium has made it necessary to revise prospects of In-bearing tin ore deposits in the Russian Far East on the basis of geological data and results of recent analytical methods (X-ray fluorescence with synchrotron radiation, atomic absorption, and ICP-MS). The average In contents in ores of the Tigrinoe and Pravourmiiskoe deposits vary from 55 to 70 ppm, which allows tin ore deposits with Sn?sulfide mineralization to be considered as quite promising with respect to In production from ores of Russian deposits. By their estimated In reserves, the Tigrinoe and Pravourmiiskoe deposits may be attributed to large ore objects.  相似文献   

Data are presented on chromitites from the northern and southern sheets of the Il’chir ophiolite complex (Ospa–Kitoi and Khara-Nur (Kharanur) massifs). The new and published data are used to consider similarities and differences between ore chrome-spinel from the chromitites of the northern and southern ophiolite sheets as well as the species diversity of PGE minerals and the evolution of PGE mineralization. Previously unknown PGE minerals have been found in the studied chromitites.Ore chrome-spinel in the chromitites from the northern sheet occurs in medium- and low-alumina forms, whereas the chromitites from the southern sheet contain only medium-alumina chrome-spinel. The PGE minerals in the chromitites from the southern sheet are Os–Ir–Ru solid solutions as well as sulfides and sulfoarsenides of these metals. The chromitites from the northern sheet contain the same PGE minerals and diverse Rh–Pt–Pd mineralization: Pt–Ir–Ru–Os and isoferroplatinum with Ir and Os–Ir–Ru lamellae. Areas of altered chromitites contain a wide variety of low-temperature secondary PGE minerals: Pt–Cu, Pt–Pd–Cu, PdHg, Rh2SnCu, RhNiAs, PtAs2, and PtSb2. The speciation of the PGE minerals is described along with multiphase intergrowths. The relations of Os–Ir–Ru solid solutions with laurite and irarsite are considered along with the microstructure of irarsite–osarsite–ruarsite solid solutions. Zoned Os–Ir–Ru crystals have been found. Zone Os82–99 in these crystals contains Ni3S2 inclusions, which mark off crystal growth zones. Different sources of PGE mineralization are presumed for the chromitites from the northern and southern sheets.The stages of PGE mineralization have been defined for the chromitites from the Il’chir ophiolite belt. The Pt–Ir–Ru–Os and (Os, Ru)S2 inclusions in Os–Ir–Ru solid solutions might be relics of primitive-mantle PGE minerals. During the partial melting of the upper mantle, Os–Ir–Ru and Pt–Fe solid solutions formed syngenetically with the chromitites. During the late-magmatic stage, Os–Ir–Ru solid solutions were replaced by sulfides and sulfarsenides of these metals. Mantle metasomatism under the effect of reduced mantle fluids was accompanied by PGE remobilization and redeposition with the formation of the following assemblage: garutiite (Ni,Fe,Ir), zaccariniite (RhNiAs), (Ir,Ni,Cu)S3, Pt–Cu, Pt–Cu–Fe–Ni, Cu–Pt–Pd, and Rh–Cu–Sn–Sb. The zoned Os–Ir–Ru crystals in the chromitites from the northern sheet suggest dissolution and redeposition of Os–Ir–Ru primary-mantle solid solutions by bisulfide complexes. Most likely, the PGE remobilization took place during early serpentinization at 450–600 ºC and 13–16 kbar.During the crustal metamorphic stage, tectonic movements (obduction) and a change from reducing to oxidizing conditions were accompanied by the successive transformation of chrome-spinel into ferrichromite–chrome-magnetite with the active participation of a metamorphic fluid enriched in crustal components. The orcelite–maucherite–ferrichromite–sperrylite assemblage formed in epidote-amphibolitic facies settings during this stage.The PGE mineral assemblage reflects different stages in the formation of the chromitites and dunite-harzburgite host rocks and their transformation from primitive mantle to crustal metamorphic processes.  相似文献   

The study of base-metal massive sulfide and tin–sulfide deposits in Siberia and the Russian Far East has revealed that the indium content in ores exceeding the average statistical value at similar deposits worldwide could be economically important. Sphalerite and chalcopyrite and chalcopyrite, bornite, and sphalerite are the major indium carriers in the base-metal massive sulfide and tin–sulfide ores, respectively. In addition, base-metal massive sulfide ores have high Cd, Ag, and Te contents, whereas tin–sulfide ores have elevated Ge, Ga, and Nb contents. This has stimulated the investment attractiveness of these deposits.  相似文献   

I. N. Kigai 《Petrology》2011,19(3):303-321
Considering the history and current state of the problem of the so-called metallogenic specialization of magmatic rocks, the paper places emphasis onto various aspects of the genesis of ore mineralization depending on the redox state of magmas (as a logical continuation of S. Ishihara’s works), fluids, and host rocks. These problems were inadequately poorly explored and discussed by researchers dealing with ore deposits. Various possible variants of ore-forming redox processes for different types of mineral deposits, with ore mineralization affiliated to granites (Ta, Sn, W, Mo, and Be) and mafic magmas (Au, Ag, U, Cu, Zn, Pb, As, Sb, and Hg) and, accordingly, to crustal and mantle origin, are discussed. On the basis of analyzed geological data, including those published over the past three decades, it is shown that the redox state of ore-producing magmas commonly significantly impacted not only the ore potential of magmatic complexes but also the genetic type of the ore mineralization. The redox state of the fluids predetermined the transport and precipitation speciation of metals. Influence mechanisms of hydrocarbons from sedimentary country rocks and gaseous products of their pyrolysis on ore deposition of various metals are considered. Understanding these mechanisms can be helpful for predicting the possible precipitation sites of ore mineralization of noble, radioactive, and chalcophile metals.  相似文献   

Spectra of the REE distribution in the Quaternary–Recent peat bog ore of southern Karelia and Leningrad region are characterized by LaN/YbN < 1.0, presence of positive Eu and negative Ce anomalies, and higher Y enrichment (relative to Ho and Dy) because of the REE sorption by Fe-bearing minerals in acid boggy waters. The 87Sr/86Sr ratio is 0.7175 in iron oxyhydroxides of the Somino deposit (Leningrad region) and 0.7283 in the Polovinkino ore (southern Karelia). The 143Nd/144Nd ratio in them is 0.511844 and 0.511617, respectively.  相似文献   

Mariupolite, aegirine-albite nepheline syenite, outcropping only in the Oktiabrski massif in south-eastern Ukraine, is a potential resource of Nb, Zr and REE for future exploration and development. Some types of this rock can be also used in ceramics, glass and building industry and jewellery. Mariupolite is composed of (1) magmatic and (2) subsolidus and hydrothermal components. The magmatic assemblage includes zircon, aegirine, nepheline, albite, K-feldspar, pyrochlore, fluorapatite, fluorbritholite-(Ce) and magnetite. Alkaline-carbonate-chloride-rich fluids exsolved very early in the history of the rock, in a late stage of, or directly after, its consolidation, induced intensive high-temperature alteration of the primary mariupolite components resulted in formation of cancrinite, calcite, fluorite, REE-bearing minerals such as monazite, parasite-(Ce), bastnäsite-(Ce), as well as sodalite, natrolite and hematite. The genesis of this peculiar mineralization seems to be associated with multistage magmatic and tectonic activity of the Ukrainian Shield and fluids mediated metasomatic processes.  相似文献   


The paper presents a new interpretation of the surface structure of the crystal basement of the Kazan–Kazhim aulacogen based on geological–geophysical data and reprocessed regional seismic profiles. It is shown that the formation of the Vyatka uplift is related to deep reverse thrusts and that tangential stresses were a major factor in the formation of the aulacogen. The presence of a large left-lateral strike-slip fault is established, which cuts the Kazan–Kazhim aulacogen from west to east. Our data confirm wide-spread horizontal movements occurred in the crust in the eastern part of the East European Platform and help to optimize hydrocarbon exploration in the region.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(10):1222-1243

Neoproterozoic I-type granites could provide vital insights into the crust–mantle interaction and the crustal evolution along the western Yangtze Block, South China. This paper presents new zircon U–Pb ages, bulk-rock geochemistry, and in situ zircon Lu–Hf isotope on the Dalu I-type granites from the southwestern Yangtze Block. Zircon U–Pb dating show the crystallization ages of 781.1 ± 2.8 Ma for granodiorites and 779.8 ± 2.0 Ma for granites, respectively. The Dalu granodiorites are Na-rich, calc-alkaline, metaluminous to slightly peraluminous (A/CNK = 0.94–1.08). Zircons from granodiorite have positive εHf(t) values (+2.16 to +7.39) with crustal model ages of 1.21–1.54 Ga, indicating juvenile mafic lower crust source. The Dalu granites are high-K calc-alkaline, peraluminous rocks. They have variable zircon εHf(t) values (?4.65 to +5.80) with crustal model ages of 1.31–1.97 Ga, suggesting that they were derived from the mature metasediment-derived melts by the mixing of newly formed mafic lower crust-derived melts. The geochemical variations in Dalu pluton is dominated not only by the different source rocks but also by the different melting temperatures. Combining with the geochemistry and isotopic compositions of I-type granitoids and tectonic setting in the western Yangtze Block, we propose that the Dalu I-type granodiorites–granites associations are the magmatic response from different crustal levels, which were induced by the heat anomaly due to the asthenosphere upwelling in the subduction-related setting.  相似文献   

The role of siderite in Phanerozoic and Precambrian iron formations is discussed. Various types of iron formations are characterized, and their place in the evolution of sedimentary iron ore deposition is outlined. In Precambrian iron ore deposition, siderite is a primary mineral, whereas in Phanerozoic iron formations it becomes a secondary mineral and is commonly related to diagenetic and catagenetic processes.  相似文献   

The petrology and ore potential of the Talazhin massif located in northwestern East Sayan are studied. The internal structure of the intrusion, the petrographic composition of its rocks, and their metallogenic, petrostructural, and petrogeochemical features are considered. The probable temperature and chemical composition of the parental magma of the pluton were computed using the KOMAGMAT-3.52 program on the modeling of equilibrium crystallization. The obtained data indicate that the Talazhin massif is a rhythmically layered plagiodunite–troctolite– anorthosite–gabbro intrusion formed from low-Ti high-alumina olivine–basalt melt. It is promising for Cu–Ni–PGE mineralization.  相似文献   

High-silica (SiO2 > 70 wt.%) granites (HSGs) are the main source of W, Sn, and rare metals. However, abundant HSGs, temporally, spatially, and genetically associated with Pb–Zn mineralization, in the Lhasa terrane (LT), provided an ideal opportunity to study the key factors responsible for Pb–Zn enrichment, instead of W–Sn enrichment. Here we contribute to this topic through U-Pb dating of zircon and garnet, and whole-rock and Sr–Nd–Hf isotopic geochemistry of ore-related quartz porphyries in the Bangbule deposit and compared these results with published data from large and giant Pb–Zn and W deposits in the LT. The magmatism-alteration-mineralization event in the Bangbule deposit was recorded by robust zircon U–Pb ages of 77.3 ± 0.9 Ma and hydrothermal garnet U–Pb ages of 75.7 ± 4.8 Ma, which is 10–15 Ma earlier than the main Paleocene metallogenic event and the first record of late Cretaceous Pb–Zn polymetallic mineralization in the LT. The late Cretaceous-Paleocene magmatism and mineralization events are a response to the subduction of Neotethyan oceanic lithosphere, which occurred as a result of the collision of the Indian and Asian plates. These HSGs related to Pb–Zn mineralization, with high total-alkalis and low magnesian contents, are enriched in Ba, Th, and Rb, but depleted in Ti, Eu, Sr, and P. They belong to either the S-type, or I-type granites. The Sr–Nd–Hf isotopic compositions of the Pb–Zn mineralized granites demonstrate that they were generated by the partial melting of Proterozoic basement with or without mantle-derived melt input. This was consistent with the postulated source of W enrichment in the LT. The Pb–Zn and W related granites have similar zircon-Ti-saturation temperatures, comparable low whole-rock Fe2O3/FeO ratios, and zircon oxygen fugacity. This indicated that the Pb–Zn–W enrichment in the high-silica magma system could be attributed to a relatively reduced magma. The Pb–Zn related HSGs, abundant quartz and feldspar phenocrysts, and weak fractionation of twin-elements in whole-rock analysis, can be used to reconstruct a model of the magma reservoir. We postulate that these features could be reproduced by silica-rich crystal accumulation in a magma reservoir, with a loss of magmatic fluids. The magma associated with W mineralization exhibited a higher level of differentiation compared to the Pb–Zn related magma; however, different groups of zircon texture with varying rare earth elements and concomitance of rare earth elements tetrad effect and high fractionation of twin-elements in whole-rock are formed by a magmatic-hydrothermal transition in highly evolved system. As the source and oxygen fugacities of the Pb–Zn and W related magmas are similar, the absence of a giant W–Sn deposit in the LT may indicate that parent magmas with a low degree of evolution and magmatic-hydrothermal transition are not conducive to their formation. This implies that the rocks that originated as highly evolved silicate-rich parent magmas, with a high degree of magmatic-hydrothermal alteration, would need to be targeted for W–Sn mineral exploration in the LT. In summary, our results emphasize that variations in chemical differentiation and the evolution of high-silica magmatic-hydrothermal systems can lead to differences in Pb–Zn and W enrichment. This has implications for the evaluation of the mineral potential of high-silica granites and hence their attractiveness as targets for mineral exploration.  相似文献   

The Kiselyovka–Manoma accretionary complex formed at the end of the Early Cretaceous during subduction of the Pacific oceanic plate underneath the Khingan–Okhotsk active continental margin along the east of Eurasia. It is composed of Jurassic–Early Cretaceous oceanic chert, siliceous mudstone, and limestone that include a significant amount of basic volcanic rocks. The known and newly obtained data on the petrogeochemistry of the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous basalt from various parts of the accretionary complex are systemized in the paper. Based on the comprehensive analysis of these data, the possible geodynamic settings of the basalt are considered. The petrogeochemical characteristics provide evidence for the formation of basalt in different parts of the oceanic floor within the spreading ridge, as well as on oceanic islands far from the ridge. The basalts of oceanic islands are mostly preserved in the accretionary complex. The compositional variations of the basalts may be controlled by the different thickness of the oceanic lithosphere on which they formed. This is explained by the varying distances of the lithosphere from the spreading zone.  相似文献   

Geology of Ore Deposits - The typomorphic features and origin of the ferrokësterite and kësterite sulfostannates from Li–F granite-related greisen ore deposits of the Russian Far...  相似文献   

Lithology and Mineral Resources - Signs of extensive migration of gas-bearing fluids from the sedimentary cover into the water column were identified in the northern Barents Sea during Cruises 25...  相似文献   

The data on the structure, geodynamics, and metallogeny of the Khakandzha ore district in northwestern Okhotsk region are analyzed and the two main factors responsible for the localization of ore deposits are defined. The magmatic factor controls the confinement of the ore district to the tectono-magmatic structure of the central type (source of ore matter), which determines the concentric zoning patterns in the distribution of ore mineralization. The tectonic factor determines the confinement of the ore districts, deposits, and ore occurrences of the region to the meridional left-lateral shear structure, which controls the magma and fluid distribution. Local extension (transtension) in this structure against the background of general lateral compression (transpression) provided tectonic environments most favorable for ore accumulation.  相似文献   

The Lanping basin is a significant Pb–Zn–Cu–Ag mineralization belt in the Sanjiang Tethyan metallogenic province. A series of sediment-hosted Himalayan Cu–Ag–Pb–Zn polymetallic deposits have been discovered in the western part of the basin, controlled by a thrust–nappe system. In the thrust–nappe system, the Cu orebodies mainly occur in the western and relatively deep part of the mineralization system (the root zone), whereas the Pb–Zn–Ag (± Cu) orebodies occur in the eastern and relatively shallow part of the system (the front zone), both as vein-type mineralization.In this paper we present new data, combined with existing data on fluid inclusions, isotopes and geologic characteristics of representative deposits, to provide the first study that contrasts mineralizing fluids in the Cu–Ag (Mo) and Pb–Zn–Ag (Cu) polymetallic deposits.Fluid inclusion and isotope studies show that the Cu–Ag (Mo) mineralization in the root zone formed predominantly from deep crustal fluids, with the participation of basinal brines. The deep crustal fluids are marked by high CO2 content, relatively high temperatures (280 to 340 °C) and low salinities (1 to 4 wt.% NaCl equivalent), whereas the basinal brine shows relatively low temperatures (160 °C to 220 °C) and high salinities (12 to 22 wt.% NaCl equivalent), containing almost no CO2. In comparison, hydrothermal activity associated with the Pb–Zn–Ag (± Cu) deposits in the front zone is characterized by basinal brine, with relatively low temperatures (130 °C to 180 °C), high salinities (9 to 24 wt.% NaCl equivalent), and low CO2 concentrations. Although evolved meteoric waters have predominantly been proposed as the source for deep crustal fluids, magmatic and metamorphic components cannot be completely excluded. The basinal brine was predominantly derived from meteoric water.The δ34S values of sulfides from the Cu–Ag (Mo) deposits and Pb–Zn–Ag (± Cu) deposits range from − 17.9 to 16.3‰ and from 2.5 to 11.2‰, respectively. These ranges may relate to variations in physicochemical conditions or compositional variation of the sources. Lead isotope compositions indicate that the ore-forming metals were predominantly derived from sedimentary rocks of the Lanping basin.  相似文献   

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